Club Projects
Lions Club International founder, Melvin Jones, once said, “You can’t get very far unless you start doing something for somebody else.”
VisionEnvoy and Lake Oswego Lions at the DSNO Buddy Walk
On Sunday, September 24th, the Lake Oswego Lions and the VisionEnvoy Branch arrived at the Millenium Plaza in Downtown Lake Oswego for the annual DSNO (Down Syndrome Network of Oregon) Buddy Walk. The goal of this advocacy event is to raise money for DSNO, while also creating a safe community for those who attend.Our VisionEnvoy and Lions volunteers arrived at Millennium Plaza by 8:30 am and started to set up the grills to cook lunch. They worked for several hours straight, serving hundreds of meals until 1:30 pm. Although it was quite rainy, our volunteers persevered and served towards a great cause. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Submitted by VisionEnvoy Club Branch member Jessie Pan
Pic 1:
Time to start cooking! VisionEnvoy & Lake Oswego Lions volunteers set everything out and go behind the grill. Left to right: Sophia Liu, Senior Lion Gen, Sonia Zhang, Ophilia Lu, Ya Li Jia
Pic 2:
Teamwork! Ophilia Lu and Senior Lion Dave work together to pour the sausages in.
Pic 3:
VisionEnvoy volunteers cook sausages for the event. Left to right: Lucien Lu, Linda Yu, Min Jin
Pic 4:
Ophilia Lu, Lucien Lu, and Senior Lion Dale Rollins serve a variety of drinks while also offering cheese for the visitor’s lunch.
VisionEnvoy Lions Branch at the Y2K Flea Market
On Sunday, August 20th, the VisionEnvoy Lake Oswego Lions Branch arrived in downtown Portland to participate in the Y2K flea market as a non-profit partner. The Portland Y2K flea market is Portland’s first Y2K themed market where the different vendors selling all sorts of vintage items will send shoppers back to the early 2000’s.
At this market, VisionEnvoy was able to host a fundraising booth focusing on ancient Chinese fashion styles. Some of our youth volunteers dressed up in gorgeous hanfus and explained to interested shoppers the history of the piece of the cultural clothing and why it’s special. At our booth we also hosted an interactive game where you could answer trivia questions about Ancient China in exchange for prizes! All in all, the event went smoothly. Thank you to Portland Y2K for hosting VisionEnvoy and giving us this opportunity to share Chinese culture and raise money for our cause.
Submitted by VisionEnvoy Club Branch member Jessie Pan
VE at Y2K Flea Market 8.20.2023 Lucy Xu, Sandy Tang, ShengYao Liu
VE at Y2K Flea Market 8.20.2023 Alice Young and ShengYao Liu introduce the visitors into the world of hanfus!
VE at Y2K Flea Market 8.20.2023 Alice Yang sells one of the many beautiful items on the table.
VisionEnvoy and Lake Oswego Lions at the Guide Dogs For the Blind Adoption Event
On Saturday, July 22nd, the Lake Oswego Lions and VisionEnvoy Club Branch arrived in Boring, OR for the annual cook-out at the Guide Dogs for the Blind Adoption Event. The Guided Dogs For the Blind is a dog school where future guide dogs are trained to help families. The volunteers arrived at 7:15 am and got straight to work cooking breakfast and dinner until 2:00 pm. Everyone worked together, and in the end, the event was a success! The Lions donated $500 to Guide Dogs For the Blind, and everybody had a great time in the nice weather.
Submitted by VisionEnvoy Club Branch member Jessie Pan
Pic 1:
Melissa Mei pets one of the training dogs
Pic 2:
Young Vision Envoy volunteers serve pancakes. Left to right: Kadee Liang, Grace Wang, Amy Liu
Pic 3:
Let’s get cooking! Vision Envoy volunteers cook onions on the stove. Left to right: Grace Wang, Kadee Liang, Melissa Mei, their grandmothers
Pic 4:
Senior Lions Dale & Sharon Rollins serve sausages while enjoying the sunshine.
Pic 5:
Senior Lion Sharon Rollins talks about the event while Vision Envoy volunteers stand on stage. Left to right: Melissa Mei, Di Mei, Grace Wang, Alice Yang, Sharon Rollins
Asian Cultural Festival
April 08, 2023
2 pm - 9:00 pm
Pre-purchase tickets for $5 for the performances
Lake Oswego High School, 2501 Country Club Rd Lake Oswego, OR 97034
Our Lake Oswego Lions Club VisionEnvoy Club Branch will be participating in the Asian Cultural Festival on Saturday, April 8th! The general event (2 pm - 6:15 pm) is free and open to all, purchase tickets online to watch the performances (6:30 - 9 pm)! Get all the details at . . . It's so exciting to see our VisionEnvoy Club Branch making such an impactful contribution to our community!
It's that time of year, again!
Congratulations to all our 2023 high school graduates!
Now is the time to apply for the
2023 Lake Oswego Lions Club $1000 Ross Scott Memorial Scholarship!
Deadline: April 24, 2023
Download your application at
May is “Walk to Kick Childhood Cancer” Month
Let’s support programs to help kids challenged by cancer. Plan a fun walk with your family and friends in the park or location and on the day and time of your choice. Wear your t-shirt! (link to order form below) Have a picnic! Your donation of support can be made directly to one or both of these organizations: Camp UKANDU provides a joyful outdoor experience for kids and their families impacted by childhood and adolescent cancer. It’s a time for each camper to enjoy a respite from the challenges that they face daily in their fight.
Donate at:
The Kiwanis Doernbecher Children’s Cancer Program raises funds to empower some of the best and brightest doctors in a fellowship program at Doernbecher who do amazing research in the fight for a future without children’s cancer.
Donate at:
Order your T-Shirt today!
022423030400Kick_Childhood_Cance.pdf (
T-Shirt orders must be received by Monday, April 17. Please make checks payable to: Lake Oswego Lions Club. Mail order form and check to:
Lion Sharon Rollins
13205 SW Genesis Loop
Tigard, Or 97223
For more information, contact Lion Sharon or 503-702-5917
Thank you for your donations, generous and kindhearted people of Lake Oswego, and thank you Bethlehem House of Bread for getting the donated items to the people who need them!
The Winter Clothing Drive was a huge success!
Kicked off by a Food and Clothing Drive on Sunday, November 6th, the Lake Oswego Lions Club and Vision Envoy Club Branch again is collecting NEW socks and new and gently used warm coats, hats, gloves, mittens, and scarves for children and adults. The clothing will be distributed by Bethlehem House of Bread in Tigard to those in need. Collections boxes have been placed at 4 locations: The Lake Oswego Adult Community Center, 505 G Ave., the Lake Oswego Fire Department Station, 300 B Ave, the Lake Oswego United Methodist Church, 1855 South Shore Blvd., and at the Lake Oswego Library, 706 4th St. and will be there until December 13th.
Celebrating almost 76 Years of Service from the Heart, Lake Oswego Lions Club continues to love and support the Downs Syndrome Network of Oregon and we will be back to serve up our famous hot dogs and “Lions-burgers” at the 2022 Buddy Walk on Sunday, September 25th! Please contact Volunteer Coordinator, Lion Bonnie, at or 503-655-1538 to let us know if you would like to volunteer to help. Together we can!
For more information see › buddy-walk Share this flier and invite others to participate! If you'd like to join our Buddy Team or make a donation, Lake Oswego Lions Club Buddy Team can be found at
Don't miss the 2022 Cultural Xchange this Sunday!
September 18, 2022
12:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Millennium Plaza Park in Lake Oswego
Exciting news, Lake Oswego Lions!
Our VioionEnvoy Club Branch will be representing Lake Oswego Lions Club and the Chinese community as they participate in the 2022 Cultural Xchange on Sunday, September 18, 2022 - from 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm. We are happy for this opportunity to "encourage peace and international understanding" a mission of Lions International. How will we understand if we don't know and how will we know without the help of those who do? Celebrate the cultures of our community and world at our multicultural festival. Channeling the feeling of a bustling market abroad, the event showcases different nations through traditional dance and music performances, artisan vendors, food vendors, nonprofit groups, and more. Festivities take place at Millennium Plaza Park with performances at two stages throughout the day. There will be many unique vendors to peruse and a beer & wine garden too! Share the news with your friends and neighbors and bring your family and enjoy this free event!
Together we can!

As we hoped, you are helping us raise funds for our community service and no-one was disappointed with their purchases! (A BIG THANK YOU to Lions Dale Rollins and Sharon Rollins for their hard work to organize this event!) lion Dale reports: The Lake Oswego Lions Club just completed its most successful holiday wreath sale ever! We sold over 160 wreaths, swags, garlands, and centerpieces -- about double what we did last year. The first picture shows what our supplier, Teufel Holly Farms, delivered to our driveway. Then Sharon and I unpacked everything and grouped the items for each club member to deliver to their customers. The second picture shows our garage as members came to get their orders (some had already been picked up). Everyone had a good time, and we raised some money that our club will use to provide eyeglasses and hearing aids for people who can't afford them, scholarships for high school seniors, and donations to other organizations we support.

Many thanks to everyone who helped us celebrate
Lake Oswego Lion Club's 75th Anniversary
of Service from the Heart
at Lakewood Center for the Arts, 368 S. State Street, Lake Oswego, OR 97034 on Saturday, October 16, 2021, 11:30 AM – 2:30 PM. with a lunch buffet, Lions information and entertainment, a Silent Auction, and a Wine Raffle!

YUM-Raising with See's Candy Store
Lions clubs all over the world serve to improve human flourishing. We see how the global hunger and nutrition crisis bears upon our local communities, and believe true community improvement depends on the thriving of its members. We want to help ensure all community members have access to nutritious foods.
See for details.


This scholarship competition is open to seniors currently attending
high school.
Submit completed application to:
Lake Oswego Lions Club
PO Box 163
Lake Oswego, OR 97034
The Lake Oswego Lions Club is dedicated to
serving and meeting the needs of our local
community as well as working on world wide
causes serving the blind and visually impaired.
We are also dedicated to youth programs and
helping youth worldwide. This scholarship
provides one avenue to assist our young people.
All enrolled high school seniors who plan to
continue their education at the post-secondary
level are eligible. The Lake Oswego Lions Club
awards scholarships without regard to race,
religion, gender, disability, or any other legally
protected status.
Lion Patt (co founder of Tools4Troops) would like to report that will be featured on channel 8 (KGW) Wednesday (12/21) at noon. The interview with Laurissa tomorrow will be "live" and about 5 minutes.
Laurissa, a veteran who is visually impaired, will be featured and she will talk about how she benefited from the donation of the Enhancer/Magnifier. She and her husband are driving Springfield today.
Tools4Troops changes lives, one tool at a time. We have donated over $175,000 in tools to veterans from donations we have received.
Some pictures that include L O Lions members at the Macy's Parade 2016
Macy's Holiday Parade
Lion Raema did such a great job of organizing all the volunteer/Float Marshalls for the November, 25, 2016 Macy's Holiday Parade! Along with Lions form all over the district including our DG Garry Charbonneau, Lake Oswego Lions who served included Raema Manning, Dane Parreira, Eric Thurman, Bonnie Roeder and her friend, Mary Hagle and Associate member Diana Richardson. Our Thanks for the experience goes to Lion Raema! It was "just duckie"!! And... so much fun to see the "Dane-ish Pastries"
At $20 per volunteer, it is estimated we raised $600 for sight and hearing in our district.
Number of Lions 4
Number of Lion Hours 20
Number of People Served 4
Funds Donated (USD) 600
Funds Raised (USD) 600
Lion Raema with three other Float Marshals
How many faces do you recognize?
Lion Carol Higgins along with other volunteers from our area helping distribute used eye glasses in Mexico.
DG Garry Charbonneau and Dane met to discuss Lions business and Lionism 1/30/17
Pictured L to R;
Lion Dane Parreira, volunteer cooks Mary & Leslee and Lion Fae Lloyd
Fae and I volunteer at the weekly Thursday luncheon "Just Compassion"
provides for the homeless.
Mary and Leslie are on a rotating volunteer list to donate, prepare and deliver lunch for the homeless.
Just Compassion is staffed by volunteers
Anyone interested in volunteering can contact:
Sue Stephens
Ph. 503-313-6423
Dane Parreira, , DG Elect Bert Diamond, and DG Garry Charbonneau met for dinner prior to the meeting in Sherwood. Discussions included: Feb. 18 convention , membership goals, State projects & etc.
A note from Dane:
I volunteered today, on behalf of the Lions club, at the Just Compassion event on Tigard. I am one of 5 Lions members who regularly volunteer for the Thursday event held at The Four Square church located on Pacific Hwy 99. It is available to homeless people who need social services, a warm dry area to relax and enjoy a nice lunch, free clothing and personal hygiene items, or other service required to assist them through their days. Just Compassion supervises the day with the assistance of several volunteers from the community. Doors open at 10A, when you can come in out of the weather to relax, take a nap on the clean mattresses that are provided, eat a shack, or many other activities. Lunch is served at noon and continues until the doors close at 2P.
Other services are provided should the need arise, whether it be here or at another referred agency.
Recent Noon Speaker at our Lions Club
Santa Mike
More pictures from the Christmas dinner 2016 at Special Events
Perfect Day for having a ice cream social at the Tucker Maxon School Friday 9th of September.
Lions Eric and Kat ready to serve the ice cream.
A friend with Lion Dean and Lion Gen all agree that Vanella is the best!
Happy Family
Great Day at the School
Lions Dale, Dane, Red, Sharon showing how to advertise for used eye glasses and hearing aids by using an old USPS collection mail box.
Heritage Council's Collector Car & Classic Boat Show
Keith and Jim V
The Past, Present & Future (presidents)
VP Lion Dean can't believe how great of a day for the Classic Car Show.
Luke & Kathy
Lions Dane and Jim V
Lions Dane, Gretchen, Eric, Kat & Marlene
Lions Gretchen, Eric and Luke
Friend & President Gen Ford
Dane, Susan, Gretchen, Eric, Luke, Kathy, Diane, Diana
Lion Marlene with the Onion Slicer
"A well deserved rest says Lion Kirk!"
Susan and Kat
Keith & Jim V.
The New Life Volunteers
67th Annual July 4th Breakfast
Lion Sally teaching about the American flag.
Lions Sally, Darrell and Carol on break between the various sessions.