Lake Oswego Lions Club and VisionEnvoy Club Branch
Lakewood Center for the Arts in Lake Oswego is our meeting place.
The Lake Oswego Lions Club is in a neighboring community to Portland, Oregon. Lake Oswego is located on the west bank of the Willamette River. The club was chartered in October of 1946. Our membership has 50 active members with a healthy cross-section of both age and gender.
"Changing the World WE SERVE"
Help us do more in 2024 and thrive in 2025!
Please consider making a tax-deductible donation directly using the QR Code or Donate Button or make checks payable to Lake Oswego Lions Charities and mail to PO Box 163, Lake Oswego, OR 97034.
Please consider donating used glasses, hearing aids, and cell phones to the Oregon Lions Sight and Hearing Foundation. The Oregon Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation (OLSHF) administers the Lions Eyeglasses Recycling Program (LERC) for the State of Oregon. OLSHF manages one of 18 LERCs worldwide. Over 75,000 eyeglasses are collected every year from communities across the state, mostly thanks to the efforts of Lions Clubs who collect the eyeglasses.
The Lake Oswego Lions Club and VisionEnvoy Club Branch again are collecting NEW warm coats, hats, gloves, mittens, scarves, socks, and even earmuffs for children and youth (adult sizes are important in this age group). Bethlehem House of Bread in Tigard will distribute the clothing to those in need. Collections boxes will be in place November 15th through December 10th at these four locations:
Lake Oswego Adult Community Center, 505 G Avenue
Lake Oswego Fire Department, 300 B Avenue
Lake Oswego Library, 706 4th Street
Lake Oswego United Methodist Church. 1855 South Shore Boulevard
Any and all donations of new clothing will be appreciated.
VisionEnvoy Lion Ophilia says, "Help us spread the word!"
The 75th Lake Oswego Lions Club 4th of July Pancake Breakfast
Come One and All to the 75th Annual Lake Oswego Lions Club 4th of July Pancake Breakfast! It's time to celebrate! This is Lake Oswego Lions Club's biggest, family-friendly fun(d)raising event of the year! By participating you will support the efforts of LOLC and our VisionEnvoy Club Branch to help provide vision and hearing assistance to neighbors who can't afford exams, glasses, or hearing aids and support local food pantries and various other charities. We'll be collecting donations of used eyeglasses for the Oregon Lions Sight and Hearing Foundation as par of our Keep the Promise Days at the pancake breakfast.
It's the "Doing More in 2024 and Changing the World WE SERVE" event everybody is waiting for! Lake Oswego Lions Club and Vision Envoy Club Branch is proud to present once again, our annual 4th of July Pancake Breakfast! Please bring your family and friends and celebrate this 75-year tradition together with us at George Rogers Park, 611 S State Street in Lake Oswego on that 1st Thursday in July. Enjoy all the pancakes and sausage you can eat for only $10 ($7 for children under 12). From 8 to 11 AM, enjoy your delicious pancakes and sausage, hot coffee and cold milk, and orange juice with all of your neighbors including, (drum roll please) “Rae Gordon"! This multi-award-winning singer and her band will be serving up rollicking patriotic selections in a potent stew of gritty blues and heartfelt soul!
Blessings as together we are Changing the World WE SERVE!
Lion Bonnie
If you are thinking of volunteering, the schedule looks like this.
July 03, 2023, Pancake Breakfast - Begin Setup
9:00 a.m. We be getting the rented trucks, tables and chairs in the morning and towing in the trailers for the 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. set up at George Rogers Park
- All Hands on Deck! Many hands make light work!
July 04, 2023, Pancake Breakfast - Finish Setup
5:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. - Setting out chairs and canopies, covering tables, preparing coffee and food at George Rogers Park - Rise and Roar! Happy 4th of July!
- All Hands on Deck! Many hands make light work!
July 04, 2023, Pancake Breakfast - WE (cook and) SERVE!
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. George Rogers Park - SMILE and make this the best place to be on the 4th of July!
- All Hands on Deck! Many hands make light work!
July 04, 2023, Pancake Breakfast - Takedown
11:00 a.m. 'til DONE! George Rogers Park - Keep smiling! What an awesome event! Great job everybody! This really is the place to be on the 4th of July!
- All Hands on Deck! Many hands make light work! Together we can!
Just, let me know who wants to be involved, and when they will be available. and what they would like to do!
Lion Bonnie Roeder, LOLC Volunteer Coordinator
h 503.655.1538 c 503.729.3335
It's time to celebrate! We hope you will join us with one or more table and chairs sponsorships this year! This will be our 75th LOLC 4th of July Pancake Breakfast - the Lake Oswego Lions Club's biggest, family-friendly fun(d)raising event of the year! By participating you will support the efforts of LOLC to help provide vision and hearing assistance to neighbors who can't afford exams, glasses, or hearing aids and support local food pantries and various other charities.See the details in the table and chairs sponsorship invoice/flier. Feel free to use your free breakfast vouchers for yourselves or pass them along to friends!
'Kancer Kickers Wag-a thon'
Thank you, Lake Oswego Lions Club Teams for presenting Flags for First Graders at all seven of our elementary schools in Lake Oswego!
We're changing the World WE SERVE, one little flag at a time.

Thank you, Lion Gretchen Olson for a bounty of hats delivered deliver to Clackamas Women's Services.
Where there is a need, there's a Lion!
Changing the World WE SERVE, one hat at a time.

Many thanks to all who participated in our February Food Drive!
Lion Carol Higgins kicked off Lake Oswego Lions Club's food drive efforts.by collecting and delivering to Hunger Fighters the donations that came in from members attending our meeting on Feb. 6th at the Lakewood Center for the Arts,
Hunger Fighters has several easy drop off points around town where you can easily drop off your non-perishable, non-expired donations including
- Outside at the pantry
- Lake Oswego Public Library
- Deno's Pizzeria
- PDX Fitness
- Mt. Park Recreation Center

Many thanks to all who participated in our 2023 Christmas projects, The Winter Clothing Drive, Fill a Stocking Fill a Heart, Toy Drive Distribution, Adopt a Christmas Family. Many were blessed to receive because of your kindness and generosity.
Together we are Changing the World WE SERVE!
Blessings always,
2023 Winter Clothing Drive

Please share this flier with everyone you know! Let's have the Best Winter Clothing Drive EVER! The Lake Oswego Lions Club and its Vision Envoy Club Branch again are collecting NEW socks, and new & gently used warm coats, hats, gloves, mittens and scarves for children, youth (adult sizes important in this age group) & families. The need for warm clothing is great this year. The clothing will be distributed by Bethlehem House of Bread in Tigard to those whom it serves. Collection boxes will be in place November 3rd through December 8th at 6 locations: The Lake Oswego Adult Community Center, 505 G AV; the Lake Oswego Fire Department Stations at 300 B AV, 4900 Melrose ST & 4555 Jean RD; the Lake Oswego Library,706 4th ST and the Lake Oswego United Methodist Church, 1855 South Shore Blvd.

2023 Fun Day at Guide Dogs for the Blind

How do we describe a perfect Guide Dogs for the Blind Fun Day!? That's what we had in Boring on Saturday, July 22nd! The event brings guide dog puppy raisers together to thank them for all their hard work. The theme, this year, was “Sa-fur-i,” and featured best-dressed guide dogs in a safari-style party. “Our puppy raisers take our puppies at about eight weeks of age,” said Guide Dogs for the Blind CEO Christine Benninger. “They raise them until they are about 16 months and during that time, their role is to train our dogs on all their house skills, how to walk on a leash, how to settle for two hours, as well as exposing them to the world.”
"Paws for Service" - Lake Oswego Lions Club and VisionEnvoy Club Branch were there cooking a pancakes and sausage breakfast for the 120 GDB staff and volunteers setting things up and then our famous Lion-burgers for all the participants! Because of all their wonderful service through the past year, our VisionEnvoy Club Branch earned the Vision & Fellowship Award and a check in the amount of $500 which was presented to Guide Dogs for the Blind! Now that's what we call the crowning moment of a FUN DAY!
We're gearing up for the event of the summer - Our 74th Annual
4th of July Pancake Breakfast!! Let me know if you'd like to help!
As the Lake Oswego Lions Club Events Chair 2021-22 and Club
President 2022-23, I want to say thank you to everyone who helped
make our 73rd LOLC 4th of July Pancake Breakfast a success!
You went above and beyond on that day! Thank you so much!
Wasn't it great that so many local businesses helped to cover our
cost of renting tables and chairs? Wasn't it wonderful to see all the
volunteers who pitched in to "be the difference"? And, what a
blessing to have absolutely perfect weather! Because of all of this,
we had a very successful day! We were able to serve more than
1,400 participants and raise funds to support many worthy causes
in our community, thus serving many more in significant ways!
As this year's LOLC President and Events Volunteer Coordinator,
I am hoping you will be willing and able to help us out at this event
and others as we serve together raising funds for great causes
and awareness of our Lake Oswego Lions Club and VisionEnvoy
Club Branch. It always takes a good number of volunteers to pull
these events off successfully! Can we add you to that number?
Just let me know if you'd like to volunteer!
Thanks again, as together WE SERVE!
Lion Bonnie Roeder, LOLC President,
and Volunteer Coordinator 2022-23
Thank you for supporting
Lake Oswego Lions Club's
2023 Spring Plant Sale!
Many thanks to all who ordered during our Spring Plant Sale and to Lions Sharon Rollins and Dale Rollins for organizing and processing this great fundraising event! Thinking of the beautiful colors and the future tomatoes is a real positive after all these crazy gray and wet days! Your beautiful plants will be available for pick-up on Friday, April 21st from 11:30 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. at the Lakewood Center for the Arts (rear parking lot), 368 South State Street, Lake Oswego, OR 97034. Happy Spring!
Thank you for supporting Lake Oswego Lions Club's efforts to raise funds for helping with the needs of our community!
If you missed the sale or you're just not into gardening you can still help! Consider making a donation directly. Make checks payable to Lake Oswego Lions Charities and mail them to PO Box 163, Lake Oswego, OR 97034, or use Donate button above.
Our Lake Oswego Lions Club
Christmas Around the World Potluck
and Ugly Sweater Party was GREAT!
Many thanks to all who participated! If you took pictures please share them!
Pauline Dutton and her mom, Lion Marlene enjoyed the Lake Oswego Lions Club's annual Christmas party and won an Ugly Sweater prize! LOVE these smiles!  
It was my pleasure to present certificates of Achievement and $50 cash prizes to our Lake Oswego Jr High School artists who submitted this year's winning peace posters. Lake Oswego Lions Club sponsored Mrs. Debora Owen's 2D Art (Periods 1 and 5) Classes in the 2022-23 LCI Peace Poster Contest. "Lead with Compassion" These winning posters will go on to be judged at the district level and possibly beyond. Congratulations Nivedya and Hudson and thank you, Mrs. Debora Owen! May you always be blessed and continue to "Lead With Compassion"
Together we can!
Lion Bonnie Carol Roeder
But wait! There's more! Winning posters at the club level are submitted for competition at the next level and these were forwarded to the District 36-O Cabinet Meeting on November 5th, judged at the district level. And, the district-level winner was (drum-roll please) the poster created by Hudson Michael! After that, the original was delivered by our District Governor, Kerith Vance for submission to the multi-district level of competition.
Congratulations again, Hudson!
Hudson and his parents are invited to attend our District Convention in Portland on February 25, 2023, to be recognized and accept his additional $100 cash award. We will be notified if his poster is a Multi-district or international winning entry by February 1, 2023.
Kicked off by a Food and Clothing Drive on Sunday, November 6th, the Lake Oswego Lions Club and Vision Envoy Club Branch again is collecting NEW socks and new and gently used warm coats, hats, gloves, mittens, and scarves for children and adults. The clothing will be distributed by Bethlehem House of Bread in Tigard to those in need. Collections boxes have been placed at 4 locations: The Lake Oswego Adult Community Center, 505 G Ave., the Lake Oswego Fire Department Station, 300 B Ave, the Lake Oswego United Methodist Church, 1855 South Shore Blvd., and at the Lake Oswego Library, 706 4th St. and will be there until December 13th.
to All!
And many thanks to all who ordered our beautiful Christmas wreaths and greenery again this year! You have helped us raise funds to assist with needed community services. Our friends at Teufel Holly Farm in the SW hills have worked to create your wonderful handcrafted items which will be delivered to you on or soon after Wednesday, November 30th!
Thank you for your support!

Lale Oswego Lions will be serving lunch at the Down Syndrome Network 2022 Buddy Walk on 9/25. I'm sure you already have plenty of information on this upcoming event but we are excited about Lake Oswego Lions Club and our VisionEnvoy Club Branch's involvement with it this year! Celebrating almost 76 Years of Service from the Heart, we will be volunteering there to serve up our famous hot dogs and “Lion-burgers”. If you'd like to join our Buddy Team or make a donation, Lake Oswego Lions Club Buddy Team can be found at
Don't miss the 2022 Cultural Xchange!
September 18, 2022
12:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Millennium Plaza Park in Lake Oswego
Exciting news, Lake Oswego Lions!
Our VioionEnvoy Club Branch will be representing Lake Oswego Lions Club and the Chinese community as they participate in the 2022 Cultural Xchange on Sunday, September 18, 2022 - from 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm. We are happy for this opportunity to "encourage peace and international understanding" a mission of Lions International. How will we understand if we don't know and how will we know without the help of those who do? Celebrate the cultures of our community and world at our multicultural festival. Channeling the feeling of a bustling market abroad, the event showcases different nations through traditional dance and music performances, artisan vendors, food vendors, nonprofit groups, and more. Festivities take place at Millennium Plaza Park with performances at two stages throughout the day. There will be many unique vendors to peruse and a beer & wine garden too! Share the news with your friends and neighbors, bring your family and enjoy this free event!
Together we can!

We hope you all enjoyed “THE CLASSICS” with
On August 28, 2022, at George Rogers Park in Lake Oswego
We served our Classic Pancakes and Sausage Breakfast 7:00 - 11:00 a.m ($10-Adults / $7 for Children under 12)
From 11:00 a.m to 2:00 p.m. we were grilling our Famous LOLC Lion-burgers ($10-Adults / $7 for Children under 12) or Classic Hotdogs (($8-Adults / $5 for Children under 12)
A big thank you to all who joined us on Sunday, August 28, 2022, for the 21st Annual Oswego Heritage Council’s Collector Car and Classic Boat Show. We enjoyed over 250 collector cars and motorcycles at George Rogers Park and over 25 classic boats at Sundeleaf Park. We'll see you there next year!

Thank you, everyone, for making the 73rd Lake Oswego Lions Club 4th of July Pancake Breakfast a success!
After a 2-year Covid hiatus the Lake Oswego Lions Club's annual 4th of July Pancake Breakfast is back! Bring your family and friends and celebrate this 73-year tradition together with us at George Rogers Park, 611 S State Street in Lake Oswego on the that 1st Monday in July. Enjoy all the pancakes and sausage you can eat for only $10 ($7 for children under 12).
Meet the Guide Dogs for the Blind trainer and their friendly, furry trainee!
Celebrate to the great music of the BK Rogers and KJ Miller Duo.
Learn more about Lake Oswego Lions Club and enjoy this wonderful community reunion!
This is Lake Oswego Lions Club's biggest, family-friendly fun(d)raising event of the year! By participating you will support the efforts of LOLC to help provide vision and hearing assistance to neighbors who can't afford exams, glasses, or hearing aids and support local food pantries and various other charities.

Thank you for participating in the
2022 Lake Oswego Lions Club Spring Plant Sale
In doing so you have supported our efforts to raise funds for helping with the needs of our community!
If you're not into gardening you can still help! Consider making a donation directly. Make checks payable to Lake Oswego Lions Charities and mail to PO Box 163, Lake Oswego, OR 97034 or by clicking on the donate button above.

What a great day we had on Saturday, March 12, 2022! The weather was perfect, the location was awesome, and the results were fantastic thanks to the dedicated time and talents of our “FOOD DRIVE DREAM TEAM” - Jaclyn Li , Lion Alice Yang, Jorie Liang, Lucy Xu, Sonia Zhang, and Sandy Tang. Thank you all for all your great work to research what food items are needed, create posters and flyers for advertising the event, and then running the event to collect and deliver donations. $170 in cash and 600 pounds of items stocked the shelves at Hunger Fighters Oregon and Bethlehem House of Bread.
Lions clubs all over the world serve to improve human flourishing. We see how the global hunger and nutrition crisis bears upon our local communities, and believe true community improvement depends on the thriving of its members. We want to help ensure all community members have access to nutritious foods.
For more information about how you can offer continued support in our local humanitarian efforts visit these websites:
Hunger Fighters Oregon
Bethlehem House of Bread
The Lake Oswego Lions Club online See's Candy Store is closed for now. THANK YOU for participating! (A special thanks to our best customer, Lion Eric Weberg!) May your Easter Day be the sweetest ever! We will be open again to continue to raise funds to support the efforts toward providing vision and hearing exams, eyeglasses, and hearing aids for people who cannot afford them.
If you would like to help, consider making a tax-deductible donation directly. You can use the donate button or QR code above or make checks payable to Lake Oswego Lions Charities and mail them to PO Box 163, Lake Oswego, OR 97034.
We also help screen students (K to 6) for vision problems and collect used eyeglasses and hearing aids for recycling. Among our many other projects are collecting food donations for Hunger Fighters (a local food pantry) and providing scholarships for high school seniors. Let us know if you are interested in becoming a member of this wonderful club that's been providing service from the heart in our community for more than 75 years.

Many Thanks to all who joined
Lake Oswego Lions Club for our
Virtual 72nd Annual LOLC 4th of July Pancake Breakfast
If you didn't get a chance to do so you can still enjoy the video:
Even though we had to make the difficult decision to not host our traditional breakfast event at George Rogers Park this year we hope you will continue to support us as "WE SERVE" and plan to attend our 73rd Annual LOLC Pancake breakfast on Monday, July 4th, 2022. But before that, become a member, volunteer to help with and/or participate in upcoming fundraising and service activities, LIKE us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/lakeoswegolions, and spread the word about what we are doing! And, of course, we encourage you to please consider making a donation. You can make a check payable to Lake Oswego Lions Club and drop it in the mail to LOLC, PO Box 163, Lake Oswego, OR 97034 or use the link below to make an easy and secure online donation. “WE SERVE” and everyone can help.
The Annual Lake Oswego Lions Club 4th of July Pancake Breakfast is the major fundraiser for the Lake Oswego Lions Club and each year provides donations to many charities. We understand how many lives have been touched by our service projects through the years. This is a great tradition and the Pancake Breakfast is an event we are proud to present each year. It gives our entire community an opportunity to gather and support many worthy causes. This year due to the pandemic, we'll focus on raising funds to support our top causes such as the Oregon Lions Sight and Hearing Foundation, Gales Creek Camp for Diabetic Children, and organizations providing vital food assistance such as the Oregon Food Bank, Bethlehem House of Bread, and Hunger Fighters
We also want to continue our support for the youth of our community through programs such as Flags for First Graders, the Lions Club International Peace Poster Contest, our Ross Memorial Scholarships, and other activities involving youth, to conduct environmental projects as needed, such as road clean-up along our "adopted" section of Highway 43, and to reach out to special needs in our community as they occur, as we did during this past year's COVID-19 crisis with our mask-making project. Lake Oswego Lions Club has continued to serve in our community for almost 75 years. We want to continue to serve for many more years!
We will continue to have fun, and raise awareness and money for those "We Serve". We are grateful to the many who continue to support the Lake Oswego Lions Club and this important fundraising event each year. We look forward to getting together for pancakes again.
Thank you,
Lake Oswego Lions Club
Many thanks to everyone who participated in our 2021 Spring Yard Sale. What a great success!
Enjoy the rest of this sunny weekend with family and friends!
*NEEDED* Donations or Items to Sell *NEEDED*
*NEEDED* Customers *NEEDED*
The Lake Oswego Lions Club Spring Yard Sale will be held on Saturday, May 29th, at the home of Lion Dean and Susan, 6414 Southwest Dawn St., Lake Oswego, OR 97035. Activities will include a RAFFLE of artwork by local Lions/artists and other premium items, a SPIN to WIN Wheel of Fortune, and possibly a SILENT AUCTION! All this in addition to the regular yard sale.
Proceeds will help Lake Oswego Lions Club help the community "WE SERVE".
You can make a cash donation anytime. Make checks payable to Lake Oswego Lions Charities and mail to PO Box 163, Lake Oswego, OR 97034 or by clicking on the donate button below.
Start gathering your no longer needed treasures for this upcoming event! Bring your treasures to Lion dean by Saturday, May 22nd. Volunteer to be a helper! Set up helpers will arrive at 7:00 a.m. Shop and join in on all the fun on Saturday, May 29th. The sale begins and the cash register starts ringing at 8:00 a.m. Activities will include a RAFFLE of artwork by local Lions/artists and other premium items, a SPIN to WIN Wheel of Fortune, and possibly a SILENT AUCTION! All this in addition to the regular yard sale. We will close at 4:00 p.m.
Please contact Lion Dean at 503-968-6604 or 503-201-4165. Email: deanrsurface@aol.com to make donations, volunteer, or with any questions you may have about appropriate donation items. Donations are expected by Saturday, May 22nd to allow time for merchandising, cleaning, and pricing.
Suggested Items
1. Household kitchen goods, such as vintage dishes glassware, and functioning small appliances.
2. Large colorful table books only.
3. CDs and DVDs.
4. Lamps.
5. Hand or power tools.
6. Hats.
7. Furniture.
8. Yard and garden tools.
9. Handbags and small carry-ons.
10. Games and toys.
11. Camping gear.
12. Artwork and decorator items.
13. Exercise equipment.
14. Premium items for the raffle.
Contact Lion Dean 503-968-6604 or 503-201-4165. Email: deanrsurface@aol.com
For those not familiar with us, the Lake Oswego Lions Club is one of 48,000 Lions Clubs in 200 countries. All clubs are groups of volunteers who are interested in serving their communities, particularly in the areas of vision and hearing assistance, hunger relief, diabetes awareness, environment, and childhood cancer.
The LO Lion Club helps provide vision and hearing exams, eyeglasses, and hearing aids for people who cannot afford them, help screen students (K to 6) for vision problems, and collect used eyeglasses and hearing aids for recycling. Among our many other projects are collecting food donations for Hunger Fighters (a local food pantry) and providing scholarships for high school seniors.
You can make a donation anytime. Make checks payable to Lake Oswego Lions Charities and mail to PO Box 163, Lake Oswego, OR 97034 or by clicking on the donate button below.
Story on KGW about our mask project:
Our 2020 Peace Poster Contest winner! "Peace Through Service" has now been delivered to our District Governor, Sheri Young. Congratulations and best wishes for continued success, Haylee!

Lake Oswego Lions Club - Together for Others - We Serve
When caring people join together, roll up their sleeves, and take action to make their community better, it’s a beautiful thing—and an incredible feeling for everyone involved. That’s Lake Oswego Lion Club. Being a Lion is about leading by example, building relationships, and improving the world through kindness. It’s caring men and women who have formed unique friendships and meaningful connections that can last a lifetime, serving together so they can make a lasting impact and change lives.
Founded October 16, 1946, the Lake Oswego Lions Club is dedicated to serving and meeting the needs of our local community as well as working on worldwide causes through civic projects, youth programs, and scholarships for high school graduates, serving those who are hearing or visually impaired who need but cannot afford eyeglasses or hearing aids, and much, much more.
We serve to reduce the prevalence of diabetes and improve the quality of life for those diagnosed. We serve to prevent avoidable blindness and improve the quality of life for people who are blind and visually impaired. We serve to ensure all community members have access to nutritious foods. We serve to sustainably protect and restore our environment to improve the well-being of all communities. We serve to help those affected by childhood cancer survive and thrive.
Every journey begins with a single step. One act of service, one encouraging word, one gift of generosity is often all it takes to bring hope where it’s needed most. To help us take another step in this beautiful journey of kindness please support us by joining us as together, we serve. And, if you can, make a donation today.
Tax-deductible donations can be made payable to Lake Oswego Lions Charities and mailed to Lake Oswego Lion Club, PO Box 163, Lake Oswego, OR 97034.
For information about volunteering to help or becoming a member of Lake Oswego Lions Club, contact any member!
And now the 2020 Virtual Car and Boat Show
Click Here!
If you would like to donate click the button below
You can also send donations to
Lake Oswego Lions Club
P.0. Box 163
Lake Oswego, OR 97034
The first ever 2020 Virtual Pancake Breakfast
Click Here!
If you would like to donate click the button below
70th annual Pancake Breakfast
Photos from the Pacers Baseball Kickoff


LO Lions Fae Lloyd and Dane Parreira attended the Portland Hollywood lions fund raiser at the Brick House pizza parlor.
Approximately 23 Lions from 5 different Clubs attended.
The group had a great time visiting and eating pizza together.
Zone 6 Chairman, Lion Bill Stout, who helped, organize the event, did an excellent job of making everything comfortable and happy.
Veteran's Day Groudbreaking & Tribute
11/11/2018 (Centenary or WWI Armistice)
Memorial Supported by the Lions
Master of Ceremonies Captain Jonathan Puskas

Keynote by Major Alex Runyan (USMC)

Graphic of finished memorial

Buddy Walk 2018

Guide Dogs for The Blind Fun day 2018

Lion Dane poses with Princess Kash' Imani Thomas of Jefferson High at the 2018 Greater Portland Area Lions Clubs Rose Festival Luncheon. Thursday, May 31st, 2018.

Bell Repair
Parts after extracting broken bolt from center post

Handle with broken bolt cut off, drilled and tapped (threaded)
Ready to assemble (made stud to match center post & handle)


"We can rebuild him..." (Badge Box)

A brief summary of our hamburger feed at the 150th Iron Jubilee yesterday afternoon and evening — We served about 85 meals between 3:00 and 7:30. We took in in gross proceeds and in additional donations. Per our decision at the last board meeting, the net proceeds (including donations) will go to the Cascade Locks Lions Club to help with relief from the Eagle Creek fire.
LO Lions Club Secretary
Buddy Walk
A few photos from the USA- Canada Forum

Detail of the sign

68th Annual Lake Oswego Lions Pancake Breakfast

Leading to..
All overseen by...

Lion Dane helping at the Mt. Hood Lions pancake breakfast.

Wednesday, June 15 ..Lions rally at the SB187 hearing in the Ways and Means Education Subcommittee
Lake Oswego Lion, PDG Sharon Rollins represented Lake Oswego Lions at the recent SB 187 hearing in the Ways and Means Education Subcommittee. Lions filled the Hearing Room and an additional room that was equipped with Closed Circuit TVs. Our testimony was well-received and there appears to be no resistance to public funding for vision screening for Oregon schools.
We now wait for a Work Session to be scheduled for SB 187. The outlook is very good, so please continue to think positively.
Thanks to all the Lions that showed up in Salem at the State Capitol on short notice, to staff who testified expertly and also the two parents who spoke eloquently! The turnout was important and sent a positive message to legislators that there is strong support for this Bill.
Thank you!
Oregon Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation
Flags for 1st Graders April 2017
Lake Oswego Lions, Sarah, Dean, Carol, Don, Teddy June and Gen presented Flags for First Graders at 3 schools including Westridge, River Grove and Our Lady of the Lake. All who participated were happy for the experience of serving on this wonderful Centennial Challenge Services for Youth Project. All agreed that it is a very rewarding and as evidenced by all the big smiles and "thank you" cards from the students it is well received and appreciated.

Lion Hal turns over the Lake Oswego Lions Club Webmaster job to Lion Greg on May 26, 2017. Lion Hal has been the webmaster since about 2005. Recent new member Lion Greg has offered to follow the role as the Webmaster. Please send information or articles to Lion Greg at gjo59@yahoo.com.
LOLC Representatives at Lions Day at the Capital May 2017
LOLC Members Dean, Gen, Carol, Sharon and Dale attended Lions day at the Capitol! They made lobby efforts with Senators Sherrie Sprenger, Lew Frederick,
Duane Stark, Jackie Winters, Alan DeBoer, Betsy Johnson, staff for Sen. Ginny Burdick, Richard Devlin, Mark Hass and Representatives Margaret Doherty and
Nancy Nathanson (Eugene Rep). Lion Sharon reported, "The day was incredibly full and it was most interesting to hear the versions of the status of the state’s
budget woes from so many legislators who are attempting to find answers."
We have confirmed that there is significant support for SB 187 among those with influence: "We can't afford NOT to fund vision screening for our kids" was a
common theme. Bills with appropriations are moving slowly, may not know the outcome until the very end of the session...please stay tuned.
Lion Dane and Lion Carol visiting the OLS&HF facilities and it was an Eye Opening experience.

L to R. OLSHF, Tifanny, lions Dane and Carol and OLSHF, Katie
In Seatle enjoying a Starbuck's! Kathy, Dane, Jim & Raema

Application Download Here
PDG Sharon Rollins inducted Lion David Platt
Lion Dean receiving instructions as being Lion David's sponsor.
Canine Services Chair, Lion Diane Mead was happy to announce to all who did not already hear it at the convention that the efforts spearheaded by Lion Wes King to raise the $42,500 matching funds for grant in the amount of $85,000 for training dogs to serve children with autism has succeeded in record time! She also wanted to report that she successfully presented a program to the Rockaway Lions about Dogs for the Deaf and Canine4 Companions for Independence at the Rockaway Club. Although she did not "steal their gavel she did have her picture taken with it!
Updated May 26, 2017
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world. |
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