Special Events and Happenings with
the Lake Oswego Lions Club
The 2018-19 Lake Oswego Lions Awards and Installation of officers Banquet/Potluck held on Wednesday, June 20th
Dane and Gen
Dane and Sunny
Eric and Dean
Eric, Annabelle, Abby and Ally
Gavel from Dean
Jill Henderson
Sharon and Dale Lions of the Year
Teddy June and Sunny
The 2016-17 Lake Oswego Lions Awards and Installation of officers Banquet/Potluck held on Thursday, June 15th
The 2017 Ross Scott Memorial Scholarships were presented by Lion Gen to the top two of 31 deserving applicants, Lakeridge High School graduate, Mark Yazhari who will be going to Northwestern University in Chicago (studying medicine) and Tigard High School graduate, Dante Friesen who will attend Boise State University (studying engineering).
Kathy and Dane Parreira attended the King City Lions
complimentary spaghetti dinner commemorating their 50th Anniversary. 18 Lions volunteered help prepare and host the meal. An estimated 175-200 community members enjoyed the meal and companionship. PS The desert "birthday cake" ice cream was the perfect way to end the meal.
DG Garry Charbonneau and Dane met to discuss Lions business and Lionism 1/30/17
Pictured L to R;
Lion Dane Parreira, volunteer cooks Mary & Leslee and Lion Fae Lloyd
Fae and I volunteer at the weekly Thursday luncheon "Just Compassion"
provides for the homeless.
Mary and Leslie are on a rotating volunteer list to donate, prepare and deliver lunch for the homeless.
Just Compassion is staffed by volunteers
Anyone interested in volunteering can contact:
Sue Stephens
Ph. 503-313-6423
Dane Parreira, , DG Elect Bert Diamond, and DG Garry Charbonneau met for dinner prior to the meeting in Sherwood. Discussions included: Feb. 18 convention , membership goals, State projects & etc.
A note from Dane:
I volunteered today, on behalf of the Lions club, at the Just Compassion event on Tigard. I am one of 5 Lions members who regularly volunteer for the Thursday event held at The Four Square church located on Pacific Hwy 99. It is available to homeless people who need social services, a warm dry area to relax and enjoy a nice lunch, free clothing and personal hygiene items, or other service required to assist them through their days. Just Compassion supervises the day with the assistance of several volunteers from the community. Doors open at 10A, when you can come in out of the weather to relax, take a nap on the clean mattresses that are provided, eat a shack, or many other activities. Lunch is served at noon and continues until the doors close at 2P.
Other services are provided should the need arise, whether it be here or at another referred agency.
Recent Noon Speaker at our Lions Club
Santa Mike
More pictures from the Christmas dinner 2016 at Special Events
Coat Gathering with Santa's Helpers
Christmas Family Activities.
Lions Dean, Dane, Carol, and Gen helpers
Macey's Parade 2016
Lion Bonnie going with the flow!
--More pictures in Club Projects
Lion Carol Higgin helping distribute used eye glasses in Mexico. Go to Club Projects for more pictures.
Friday, November 25...Macy's Holiday Parade.
Volunteers needed! Contact Lion Raema Manning at H 503-635-8481,
C 503-501-7160 or lion_rj@msn.com for details
Today is a busy day at the Just Compassion open house. The buzz is about the low temp and possible snow tonight.
The jacket and sweatshirt tables are a focus for the guests. People were linden up waiting for the door to open.
A guest, Scott, is wearing his new glasses and a big smile. King City Lions assisted in providing the glasses through Lions Sight and Hearing.
This will be a busy day. Two more guests walking in.
International Director, Harold Hubbard with his wife, Lynn and members from District 36.
It was a pleasure to meet and visit with International Director, Lion Harold Hubbard.
Lion Dane enjoyed a pleasant evening with the Beaverton Lions. Discussions included fund raisers, announcement of officer candidates for the coming year, convention attendance, new member introduction.
Visiting our Neighbor Club in Tualatin:
Second photo L/R; Donating citizen Nate, Tualatin Lion Mark, donating citizen Trudy and Tualatin PDG Lion Brad. These special people showed there concern by donating to the Oregon Food Bank. Donations were less than expected, but the Spirit and dedication of the Tualatin Lions was not suppressed. We tried to inspire the shoppers by showing them "We Serve".
Lake Oswego Lions members at the OLS&H Foundation learning what is new at their site.
Katie, Teddy June and Kathy
Teddy June, Katie, Kathy, Dane and Don
Christmas Potluck Dinner 2016
Lions officiers meeting with the Lake Grove Lions Club
LG lion Pete Hines, OLS & HF Exec. Committee member, Red Rowley, Zone 4 chair, Dane Parreira, GLT Chair Diana Richardson, repeat , DG Garry Charbonneau, 1st Vice DG Bert Diamond
Installation, Appreciation & Awards Potluck
gathering brought out about 40 members and guests on June 15th. The evening events were led off by the Governor 2 Elect leading the Pledge to our flag and followed with Lion Joe. President Lion Dane introduced the guests and emceed the evening events followed with the great food brought to the potluck dinner. The following pictures are an assortment from the many pictures taken by Lions Dane, Sarah, Bill and Dean.
Lake Oswego does a Field Trip to the Tucker Maxon School
Pictures by Lion Sarah
This Sections will be used for archived articles and pictures, mostly previously published on Home Page of the web site.
A Great Gathering of a Great Group of Roaring Lions
The January 21 meeting in Lake Grove had over twenty members, guests and Hoda attended the dinner meeting at the Szechuan Kitchen. To be installed new member Dean Surface and spouse were introduced to the attending club members. Lot of good food and activities were the agenda for the night. Lion Kat sang the lyrics sent in by members to the tune of the Flintstones. The winner, Lion Sarah won the contest and Lion Kat's husband provided the evening's meal. Various ideas and thoughts were shared and are found in the minutes section of the web site. Pictures by Lion Sarah.
Take us out to the Pickles Baseball game
Grandson Zane, Lions Kathy and Dane last Saturday.
photo by Lion Bonnie
Lion District Governor II Installs the Officers for the LOLC 2016-17.
More pictures in Special Events section.
Lion President Dane with Ifan smf Marisa who were the
2016 Ross Scott Scholarship winners
Lion King President Dane with Rose Festival Princess Ariana.
Photo taken by Lion Carol
Lions Mike, Eric, Dean and Gretchen at Hallinan Elementary School with the First Grade after a presentation. The Lions have featured this program for many years in our schools nationwide. More pictures with this service project @ CLUB PROJECTS
For Key Sites, please hit the highlighted blue INFO button or the Contact Us button. Scroll to the section which has the highlighted e-mail and web sites for a quick "look it up" guide to the various Key links.
Newly Inducted L.O. Lions Club Members
Lion Greg Olson pinned by wife Lion Gretch and Dean Surface sponsed by Lion King Dane Parreira at the MD-O Conference in Gresham February 20th.
(Member Page for more conference pictures by Lion Sarah.)
2015 Buddy Walk
The following pictures are taken by Lion Sarah:
Classic Boat & Car Show Results:
Early in morning of August 23rd a sizeable number of Lake Oswego Lions Club members and friends completed a successful fund raising event. Those who arrived about sunrise time witnessed a beautiful red colored sun which unfortunately served as a reminder that much of the Northwest was being hurt by the numerous damaging forest fires. The pictures below capture some of these Lions and friends at various tasks and taken by Lions Sarah and Bill.
Great shot of what the smoke in the air looks like early in the morning.
Lion Pat enjoying coffee before the task of sharing what we do as Lions in the world.
Lions Melita and Hal ready for business.
Lion Kat thinks it is "batter up!"
Lion Sandy waiting for thirsty coffee people.
Onion Run with Lion Jan hitching a ride.
Lakeridge cheer leader also hitching a ride.
Another car hop in action waiting to receive an order from a car driver.
Luke loves to help the Lions. He indicated likely seven years helping our club.
Lions Kat, Eric and Dale doing their thing!
When you see President Dane, ask him the name of the special hamburger meal
he tried to have Luke test it for taste value.
Lion Dane asking those in attendance how they were enjoying the day! That is better than to say "Cheese!"
Lion Gretchen on the grill with Abigail making sure the mix is ready.
Batter up and it is a hit for a lot of hunger folks.
Guess who?
They sure make this small size hat a bit too big!
Lion Barbara giving instructions about the eye glass cloth.
Lions Kat, Jan and Kirk catching their breathe before the next batch.
It really is a simple recipe to have great pancakes.
Lion Tom is happy to see the end of the line.
May I have one too?
Lion Barbara, "Love It!"
Lion Marlene happy with her luck.
Many prizes already won.
Lion Joe, the caller all ready for another round!
On the twelve of December the Lake Oswego Lion met in their familiar gathering place, the Heritage House which was decorated by Lions Sally and Bonnie. Lions Mike and Dane helped with arrangements of the room which accomodated the guests of nearly 40. The following pictures were provided by Lion Bob.On the twelve of December the Lake Oswego Lion met in their familiar gathering place, the Heritage House which was decorated by Lions Sally and Bonnie. Lions Mike and Dane helped with arrangements of the room which accomodated the guests of nearly 40. The following pictures were provided by Lions Bob & Mikes:
Happy Smiles from Micheal, Megan, Santa and Paula
Renee, Levi, Santa & Bruce
Kirk Santa and Lynnie
Santa and Mrs. Santa
Santa and Barbara
Darrel Santa and Jan
Denise, Bob and Santa
Bonnie Santa & Eric
Lake Oswego Lions Club Birthday
Lions Gather at the Fords on the Last Day before the First Day of Fall 2014
The third weekend of May, our club was represented at the MD 36 yearly convention. Lions, Jim Vincent, Raema Manning, Sarah DeMerritt, and Jan Scott attended the convention. Lion Sarah took the following pictures:

The Lake Oswego Lions is scheduled a number of times a year to work at the Tigard Good Neighborhood Center. This center houses and provides lunch to families who are down and are need of immediate support. The following pictures are of a recent helping event. The pictures are provided by Lion Sarah.
Lions Jeanine and Jim are asking the young folks if they are ready for lunch.
Lions Carol and Gretchen in the pantry.
Lions Jeanine and Carol telling Lion Jim that he is mixing that salad just like a real pro.
What is Lion Jim waiting for? It might be a sample of the pie if any is left over after serving the folks.
Lion Kat straining the bean while Lion Carol is waiting to start serving.
Lions Jim and Kat both agree that the fixins are ready to be pulled out of the oven.
Looks like the pies are about ready to be divided and served.
Lions attending District 36-O Mid Year Conference: "Growing Together Through Service."
Bag Pipe Player
Farmer Brad King and Gov. Sharon Rollins sharing "How we will grow!"
Highlights of the conference shared by I.D.Jim Pettis
Lion Sara displayed the pictures representing the district for the Photo Contest.
At the Spaggetti Factory for Dinner
Lions Carol and Mike taking the Christmas gifts to the designated Christmas Family. This included gifts such and groceries that was collected by the Lake Oswego Lions members. Photos by Lion Bob Gordon.
FRIDAY 13 was the day chosen to have Santa Claus appear with the Lake Oswego Lions Club. In spite of the predicted possible snow, we had a nice group who enjoyed the evening Potluck Dinner and followed by a spirited auction which helped the Administrative Fund. There was a rumor that Lion Mike was a standin and Lion Sally another standin for Mrs. Claus. The following pictures were taken by Lion Sarah.
Lion Marlene "Yes there is a Santa!"
Lion Patti with Santa and Lion Roger left out! Burrrr!
Abbagail and Annabelle say, "Yes we have been good Dad and we also told Santa!"
Lions Jan and Lynnie enjoying the evening with good food and Santa.
Lion Tom and Santa sneaking up on Eli as he is thinking what items he wants to bid on.
Lions Sarah and Patti saying Cheese!
Auctioneer Col. Eric and Santa as now the Helper looking for the highest bid. Lions Sandy, Joe and Martha enjoying all the great items being bid on and sold.
Lion Marlene wearing Lion Kat's knitted hat. Lions Denise and Bob are thinking of making another bid.
Sorry I did not get a story line on this picture showing Lion Tom.
Eli tells Santa "my parents said it was OK to bid!"
Lions Mike and Sally sharing thanks for the wonderful cooperation from all the helpers and how much fun it was to share in this Christmas Season by serving to others. The folks in attendance were thrilled seeing the young folks taking in this festive event. Megan showed her skills by doing a warm up a of Tae Kwan Do drill.
The Buddy Walk was started one week later because of the heavy down pour predicted on Sept. 22nd. Lions were providing the lunch for the folks who attended this annual event. The following pictures are depicting some activities and some of the members at their assigned tasks:
Lions finishing of the tail end of summer at the Tigard Good Neighbor Center.
Judy Castle and Lion Kat are mixing it up for the Good Neighbor Center!
Lion Marlene taking a break after an interesting time of serving.
King Lion Jim helping with the serving line.
Lake Oswego Lions Club helping Halinon School with a Back to School BBQ on Friday 9/6/13.
Pictures by Lions Mike and Jan.
Lion Dane At the Beginning of this Event!
Burgers on Deck!
This is great to see everyone enjoying a great get together for another great school year.
More the same!
Lion Sally, Jan, Kathy and Kat on the grill.
Nothing beats Hot Dogs at a picnic!
Dane ready for the heavy duty job.
What is behind the yellow tape?
Lion Jan catching something!
Winding down -Lions Kathy, Sally and Kat.
"Let me hide in this picture!" says Lion Sally.
And it is Lion Dane at the End of the Event.
The following pictures of the Oswego Heritage Classic Car Show 2013 were taken by Lion Sarah.
Photos below by Lion Bob
The following pictures were taken by Lion Sarah. This day was dedicated to the birthdays of members of our club and who are visiting from their home in Fountain Hills, AZ. The day brought back many memories of both Lions Melanie and Dave George. Both gave many years of service to our community and club. They each were president and heavily involved with vision and hearing, environmental activities and of course the fund raising events.
Who's DAT?
Lions Dave, DAT & Jan
Lion Tux grieving the loss of Mary. Lion Patrick's dog.
Lions Barbara, Kat, Dave and Melanie waiting for those winning tickets.
Lion Kat reminding David of the time he won a contest on a Cruise and won a LegAward!
Artist William doodling away while eating Melanie & Dave's Birthday Bundt Cake!