President |
Wade Holtzman |
Vice President | Mike Jackovitz |
Treasurer | Russell Shappy |
Secretary | Mary Jo Boynton/Chris Ryan |
Being a Lion | Make a Difference | Serve & Socialize | FAQ | How to Join | How to Donate |
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We’re currently 60+ members strong and growing, representing a diverse group including people just like you. We believe that by working together we can accomplish far more than would be possible as individuals. We’re patriotic citizens dedicated to making our community a better place to live.
Some of us have a lot of time to give to the club and some much less. Some are retired but the large majority is still working. Some are active in many community groups while some limit their involvement to just the Lions. And while members come from a wide range of professions and careers, all bring an ability to contribute through their desire to help others and to make a difference.
Membership provides a range of opportunities for the kind of volunteer experience you desire and the amount of time you have to give. You can simply work on projects that interest you or lend a helping hand when needed; choose to pursue a leadership role or engage in both. We enjoy the opportunity to work together, meet new people, socialize and have fun in what we do.
The Harvard Lions meet on the second and fourth Thursday of the month, from September through June. (Although Lions never rest) Join us, email for time and place to conduct business, have dinner and socialize. Frequently we’ll have a guest speaker with a fascinating experience or story to share. Many of these meetings are open to spouses/significant others as it’s also a great opportunity for them to socialize, meet new people and enjoy a mid-week out.
Individual event/program teams, such as the Fall Festival, will also have regular planning meetings at a member’s home. These too are part business and part social; work gets done but a good time is had by all.
Throughout the year we also have several social gatherings, including spouses/significant others, such as at Christmas time, summer BBQ, Fall Festival kick-off and new member welcoming parties.
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Are you interested in helping others? Meeting new people? Making an impact? Harvard Lions use their time and talents to provide hands-on assistance to help others and to enhance their communities. Through these experiences members become more a part of the community, cultivate lasting friendships and learn about themselves in the process.
Do you want to pursue a leadership role or simply lend a helping hand when needed? The Harvard Lions Club offers opportunities for the kind of volunteer experience you desire. You have the option to work on projects that interest you, get on the leadership track, or engage in both, all while helping those in need. There are even opportunities to work with other Lions to develop new programs that interest you.
Seeking greater fulfillment? When was the last time you did something for yourself? Something that made you feel wonderful…helped a family in need…benefited your community …or made the world around you a better place? Volunteering your time not only helps others, but also gives you a sense of pride and accomplishment that comes from deep within. Nothing can match that feeling!
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The Harvard Lions Club is a service’organization focused on serving the needs of Harvard and the broader community but it is also much more. It is a social organization made up of men and women who enjoy meeting new people, working together and having a good time in the process.
Whether attending one of our regular business dinner meetings, working an event or having a social get together to welcome new members, Harvard Lions thoroughly enjoy themselves. Mixing business with pleasure is a core part of our culture and a main attraction for joining the club.
And as a Lion you will meet new friends in town and become part of a Lion network you can always rely upon should you ever have a need assistance yourself. Lions help Lions!
Spouses and significant others also play an important part in all aspects of the cCub. Not only do they help at our events but they’re also included in business dinner meetings when we have interesting speakers and of course at our frequent social gatherings. We also welcome spouses/significant others to become members!
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Q: What do the Lions do?
A: In two words, we serve. For example, our fundraising activities allow us to help neighbors experiencing hardship, local schools in providing vision and hearing screenings, disabled kids and wounded veterans to have ‘assistance dogs’, youngsters with diabetes to attend special summer camps and researchers seeking cures for diabetes, glaucoma, and other diseases that rob people of sight.
Q: Does being a member involve a lot of time?
A: How much time you give is entirely up to you. Some members give a lot of time but many have demanding jobs and young families and do not have as much time to give.
Q: Are members free to participate only in activities in which they have an interest?
A: Yes. You decide, for example, which fund raisers or programs you want to participate in and to what extent. It is also largely up to you whether you want to take on a leadership role or just help as needed.
Q: Is the club mainly made up of retired persons?
A: Not at all; 80% of our members are not retired and find that membership in an organization such as the Harvard Lions provides balance to their lives and opportunities to use their occupational talents to help others.
Q: Can women be Lions?
A: Absolutely! The Harvard Lions currently benefit from the active contributions of several women members, and we’re always seeking to grow.
Q: Is there a ‘social’ aspect to being a Harvard Lion?
A: An ingrained culture within our club is to always mix business with having fun. We are very much a social organization and even when we’re working we enjoy the camaraderie. Our meetings are designed to get things accomplished but to also have fun doing so. If you have ever noticed lions working at our annual Fall Festival, selling fruit in the middle of winter or preparing and serving food at the July 4th celebration you will see that even while working we’re having a great time doing so. The club is a great way to meet new people and make new friends.
Q: Where and when do you meet?
A: The Harvard Lions meet on the second and fourth Thursday of the month, from September through June. (Lions rest in the heat of summer.) Join us currently at Markoh's Restaurant (Ayer) at 6:00 PM for food and fellowship, and learn how you as a Lion can have a direct and positive effect on the lives of the people in your community.
Q: Are meetings mandatory?
A: No. We understand that members have personal and professional interests and obligations that will mean missing a meeting now and then.
Q: Are there ways I can contribute that don’t involve membership?
A: The best way to contribute to the club is to participate as a member, but there are other ways you can help such as serving as a volunteer at our fundraising events and of course anytime with a financial contribution to Harvard Lions.
Q: Are there dues?
A: Yes, the Club has semi-annual dues of $100. However, a portion of this goes towards paying part of the cost of our dinner meetings. If you have any other questions please feel free to contact any of our members or our president, at
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Are you interested in helping others? Meeting new people? Making an impact? Harvard Lions use their time and talents to provide hands-on assistance to help others and to enhance their communities. Through these experiences members become more a part of the community, cultivate lasting friendships and learn about themselves in the process.
There are no tests, no initiation rituals or secret handshakes. There are no requirements at all beyond having a desire to put your time and talents to work helping people in Harvard and around the world. If helping others while meeting new people and enjoying yourself in the process sounds interesting, we’re interested in meeting you!
The first step is to give one of our officers or other members a call and they will be happy to share with you what it’s like to be a member. They will invite you to join us as a guest at one of our regular dinner meetings or prospective new member social gathering to have the opportunity to get a feel for us first hand and learn more about who we are and what we do. There is absolutely no obligation other than to check us out and enjoy the evening. Dinner meetings start at 6:00 PM and typically last until 8:30 PM or so. Join us as our guest! This is a great opportunity to learn more about the club. We're always happy to pull up another chair. Contact any one of our members or our membership chairperson, email
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To make a donation please make out the check to the Harvard Lions Club and mail to:
Harvard Lions Foundation
P.O. Box 268
Harvard, MA 01451