Club Projects & Activities
There are many activities and services that the Calgary North Hill Lions Club performs on a regular basis. These include service activities that are of value to our community in NW Calgary as well as nationally. The members of North Hill Lions are an active group always willing to contribute their time and ideas for the benefit of others. These projects and activities include:
Make A Child's Dream Come True
Minus 1 Bartending - Youth Exchange - Youth Leadership Camp - Lions Youth Camp (Cremona) - CLERC- Festival of Lights - Meals On Wheels - Salvation Army Kettles - Christmas Hampers - International Twin Club - Disabled Sailing Association Alberta - Toasty Toes Campaign - Lions Cavalcade - Peace Poster Contest - Tab Collection - John Panton Award - Veterans Association Food Bank -
(Click on the blue underlined project above to take you
directly to the description below. Saves scrolling!)
directly to the description below. Saves scrolling!)
Each year during the Christmas season, the club provides 5-6 gift hampers for needy families of children who have suffered trauma. This program is done through the EvenStart for Children Foundation in Calgary. EvenStart provides the names of the families and club members who have volunteered to do the shopping, under the direction of the club program coordinator, are provided with $500 and a list of appropriate gifts. The shoppers wrap the gifts and have them ready for pick up on the date arranged by EvenStart.

The gifts always include a $100 gift certificate for groceries as well as basic household and personal items. For more information contact Lion Denise Axenty, the program go-ordinator, at For EvenStart go to their website at
Five teams have been organized to deliver meals to those unable to leave their homes or look after meal requirements on their own. Each team delivers meals once a week for three consecutive weeks which is repeated 3-4 times per year. Each delivery day usually goes from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm. The club co-ordinator for this program is Lion Marg Atchison and can be reached at Calgary Meals on Wheels is a not-for-profit organization established on November 15, 1965. It promotes health and independence by providing quality, nutritious and affordable meals. (
International Twin Club
The North Hill Lions have been supporting the DSAA since 2009 through volunteering and annual funding. And each year, the Sailing Association thanks the members of the clulb by providing an evening BBQ and opportunity to sail. It also gives the club an opportunity to invite prospective members to experience the relationship that has formed between the two organizations. The DSAA's objective is "to relieve condirtions associated with disability by providing specially adapted sail boats, sailing programs, and facilities for people with various disabilities". More information can be found on their website at

CNH Lions Club's international twin is the Toronto Lions Club of New South Wales, Australia and has been for the past 12 years.
It was an itiative of Lion Blain Robinson while he was on vacation in Newcastle in 2007. Since that time visits of club members in both directions have taken place always bringing news to each club of their activities, initiatives, and projects. The two clubs also exchange newsletters which are posted on their websites. "The International Club Twinning program's purpose is to create and foster a spirit of understanding among peoples of the world". (Lions Club International). The latest Bulletin from the Toronto club is on the Home page. For previous issues, click on the month below. If you click on the twins, you will be taken to the Toronto club's website. For more information on the Twinning program, contact Lion Blaine at
2021 | January |
The Lions Youth Camp provides facilities primarily for youth groups to enjoy the
outdoors and does so at a minimum cost to the participants. The camp is supported by the rental revenue as well as donations and volunteer help. Our club not only provides annual funding for the camp but also club members regularly volunteer for specific camp maintenance as well as occupying positions on the Board of Directors. The YouthCamp has a very informative website which you can find by clicking on the green title above. For more information on volunteer opportunities, contact Lion Dennis Stevenson at

Calgary North Hill Lions have established a scholarship fund in the name of Lion John Panton, one of the founders of STARS. Each year, the John Panton award is given to a deserving graduating student from the STARS Critical Care and Transport Medicine Academy. In 2019, Mitchell Dawley of Red Deer was the winner of this award. The STARS Academy certificate course is a 20-week course given through the University of Calgary's Continuing Medical Education Department.
The Canadian Eyeglass Recycling Centre is a major initiative of all Lions clubs in Alberta. Members of the North hill Club regularly volunteer to assist in the collecting, sorting, grading, and packaging of donated glasses. These glasses make their way around the world to provide those in need with a better life and standard of living. The video below explains the mission and success of CLERC - the success due mainly to the involvement of Lions.
Every 2nd Saturday club members provide bartending duties for the Minus 1 Dance Club @ St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Cultural Centre (404 Meredith
Road NE Calgary AB). This was an initiative by Lions Tony & Fran who initially looked after bartending for another dance club at the Southview Community Association on behalf of the club. Upon it folding, Calgary North Hill Lions was asked to bartend for the Minus 1 Dance Club. It is a great opportunity to promote our club and provide funds for the club to serve our community. The dance members help our CLERC project by donating glasses and collect can tabs to support Juvenile Diabetes. To volunteer please contact Lion Tony @