
What Is In It For You . . .


Lions is a Service organization. 
Our motto is simple, but it says it all.


Becoming a member of this global organization opens the doors to serve your fellow man as well as develop skills and friendshipsthat will last a lifetime. 
There are many advantages to becoming a Lion and joining
the millions of Lions world-wide.

Become Involved.  Become a Lion



The Opportunity to Make a Difference
As part of a group - both large and small - you can achieve so much more than as an individual - in your community - in your country - in the world.

There are many opportunities for a Lion to learn and practice leadership skills - locally and nationally.  A Lion can become involved in leadership training sessions as well as learn from watching other Lions.

Lions clubs give the opportunity to make life-long friendships. Global friendships can be established by attending conferences, workshops, and conventions as well as making connections via the world wide web.

Get To Know Your Community
Each Lions Club works within its community to source out needs in the areas of the blind, the deaf, the disadvantaged, elders, youth, and the sick.  Programs are established each year to address these needs in the immediate community as well as address those that arise nationally and internationally.  The club also devises activities that involve those living in the surrounding area so that they may understand the goals of the club and how it can help those in need.

Education and Entertainment
Clubs regularly bring in speakers to their meetings not only to entertain but also provide education and information on a wide range of topics.  The meetings are a source of growth and provide inspiration for club programs and activities.
Personal Growth
Lions International provides a unique opportunity for personal growth through conferences, seminars and workshops. These opportunities are open to all Lions through their home club.

The Opportunity to Serve
Lions Clubs, from the local level to the global arena, have the opportunity to provide incredible service to our fellow man. By making connections on all levels, the deep satisfaction that comes from helping others is unmatched.
To ask about Membership in the
Calgary North Hill Lions Club
Lion David Saxby, Membership Chair
Lions Clubs International News
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