- Vision Screening contact us for more information
- Certificates for those who need assistance.
- Eye exams for those without insurance.
- Assistance for uninsured persons needing eye surgeries through Georgia Lighthouse. Click the link below to find out more about The Lighthouse and apply for services. https://lionslighthouse.org
- Recycling~ hearing aid and cell phones.
- Adopt-A-Mile ~ Quarterly pick up liter on a mile stretch of Trickum Rd.
- White Cane Day ~This is the day set aside each year to raise funds for the Georgia Lions Lighthouse. Approximately one-third of the budget for Georgia Lions Lighthouse will be earned during White Cane Day.
- Fly the Flag ~ Woodstock Lions ask local businesses to participate in showing their patriotism by flying the American Flag on eight national holidays each year. The Lions will provide a bracket on your building or ground stand, pole, flag, hang the flag, and store it for your business. The costs $50.00 annually. If you would be interested in participating, please call Woodstock Lions at (770) 906-2958.
- January ~ Martin Luther King Day
- February ~ President's Day
- May ~ Memorial Day
- June ~ Flag Day
- July ~ Independence Day
- September ~ Labor Day and Patriot's Day
- November ~ Veteran's Day
- Eyeglass Recycling ~ The eyeglasses secured through donation boxes at the following locations are sent to Georgia Lighthouse for refurbishing and distribution in Third World Countries:
If Woodstock Lions Club may be of any service to you, or your business would like to participate with one of our projects, then please call Ed Cook at 770-906-2958.