

March 2025 - Participated in the Woodstock Adopt-A-Road cleanup project with the assistance of the RIver Ridge HS ROTC cadets.  Volunteered at the Foundation for Hospital Art.  Participated in the Canton YMCA "Spring into Wellness" Health Fair & conducted Vision Screening.

Feburary 2025 - Particapated in Georgia Lions' Youth Exchange Fundraiser.  Participated in Council of Governors meeting.  Volunteered at St. Michael's Food Pantry.  Conduct Vision Screening for 9th Graders at Woodstock HS.  Served Lunch through the CURE' Childhood Cancer Foundation at the new Arthur Blank Children's Hospital; Fly the Flag for Presidents Day.

January 2025 - Served Lunch through the CURE' Childhood Cancer Foundation at the new Arthur Blank Children's Hospital on 1/31; Fly the Flag for MLK Day.

December 2024 - Served Lunch and Dinner through the CURE' Childhood Cancer Foundation at the new Arthur Blank Children's Hospital on two different dates.  Adopt-A-Road Clean-up Day.  Vision screened at Hope for Vision Screening event in Paulding County.

November 2024 - Conducted vision screening for Veterans at "We Care Health Fair" at the Cobb County Civic Center; worked at St. Michael's Food Pantry; Fly the Flag for Veterans Day and Patriots Day.

October 2024 - Second Annual Pickleball Jamboree. Contributed to Lions District 18L's collection drive for GA Hurricane victims. Conducted a month-long canned food drive to benifit Never Alone and St. Michael's Food Pantries.  Completed Preschool vision screening at Johnston Elementary School.  

September 2024 - Adopt-A-Road cleanup project; Serve Dinner at Scottish Rite Childens Cancer hospital through the CURE' Childhood Cancer Foundation; Fly the Flag for Labor Day.

August 2024 - Contributed supplies and helped build Book Bags for under priviledge children needing school supplies; Garthered and donated $400 worth of Food and Personal items to the Woodstock High School Pantry.

July 2024 - Paul & Sandy Smith hosted three Lions International Youth Exchange Students; Vision Sceening at the Give-A-Kid A Chance event; Vision Screening at Community Fair at Charlie Ferguson Community Center; Vision Screening at Carmel Baptist Church back-to-school event; Fly the Flag for Fourth of July.

June 2024 -  Adopt-a-Road cleanup project;  Serve lunch at Scottish Rite Childens Cancer hospital through the CURE' Childhood Cancer Foundation; Inducted new Club Officers for Lions Year July 2023-June 2024 at our Annual Club Picnic; Fly the Flag for Flag Day.

May 2024 - Conduct Vision Screening for 9th Graders at River Ridge HS in Woodstock, GA;  Conducted a Diabetes Screening Fair at Action Church;  donated money and worked the Blind Goalball event in Smyrna; Fly the Flag for Memorial Day.

April 2024 - Sponsored a City of Woodstock Employee Appreciation Breakfast for 150 City of Woodstock employees to thank employees for their service to the great City of Woodstock, GA. 

March 2024 - Adopt-a-Road cleanup project;  Serve lunch at Eggleston's Childens Cancer hospital through the CURE' Childhood Cancer Foundation;  Serve dinner at Scottish Rite Childrens Cancer hospital through the CURE' Childhood Cancer Foundation; Cherokee County Service Fair -Table at Fair to discuss the mission of the Woodstock Lions Club.

February 2024 - Sort and Clean donated eye glasses at the Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation;  Participated in Lions Day at the Georgia State Capitol; Fly the Flag for Presidents Day.

January 2024 - Fly the Flag for MLK Day;  Gathered food donations to deliver to Cherokee County High School Pantries

December 2023Adopt-a-Road cleanup project;  Senior Health Fair Vision Screening; Gathered food donations to deliver to Cherokee County High School Pantries;  Gathered donatons of personal items to donate to the Cherokee Family Violence Center

November 2023 - Diabetes Screening Project at Canton YMCA through the Abundant Living Foundation;  Fly the Flag for Veterans Day;  Gather food donations to deliver to Cherokee County High School Pantries;  Made Boredom Bags for children with cancer to have during hospital stays

October 2023 - Elevance Health Vegetable give-a-way at St. Michael's Food Pantry; Garage Sale to raise money

September 2023  ~  Adopt-a-Road cleanup project;  1st Annual Pickleball Jamboree;  Fly the Flag for Labor Day    

August 2023 - Gather food donations to deliver to Cherokee County High School Pantries;  Assisted with Special Needs Day at the Lake

July 2023  ~ Fly the Flag for Independence Day                                                                                                                             Vision Screening Event   

June 2023  ~ St. Michaels Food Pantry; Fly the Flag for Flag Day;  Adopt-A-Road cleanup project; work  Blind Goal ball event                                                                                                   

May 2023  ~ Fly the Flag for Memorial Day                

March 2023  Adopt-a-Road cleanup project   

February 2023  ~  Fly the Flag for Presidents Day

January 2023 - Fly the Flag for MLK Day  

November 2022  ~ Cherokee County Violence Center Collection Drive                                                                                                         Fly the Flag for Veterans Day                                                                                                                                      St. Michaels Food Pantry       

October 2022  ~ Vision Screening Event                                                                                                                                                 Etowah High School Vegetable Garden  

September 2022  ~  Adopt-a-Road cleanup project                                                                                                                                              Fly the Flag for Labor Day

July 2022  ~ Fly the Flag for Independence Day                                                                                                                             Vision Screening Event   

June 2022  ~ St. Michaels Food Pantry                                                                                                                                              Fly the Flag for Flag Day                                                                                                                                              Adopt-a-Road cleanup project

May 2022  ~ Etowah High School Vegetable Garden                                                                                                                              Fly the Flag for Memorial Day

April 2022  High School Senior Scholarship                                                                                                                                            Vision Screening Event

March 2022  ~ Cherokee County Homeless Veterans Collection Drive                                                                                               Adopt-a-Road cleanup project

February 2022  ~  Fly the Flag for Presidents Day                                                                                                                                   Refugees Food Collection Drive

December 2021  ~ River Ridge H.S AFJROTC Mural Project                                                                                                                    Adopt-a-Road cleanup project

November 2021  ~ Cherokee County Violence Center Collection Drive                                                                                                    One Warm Coat Drive

October 2021  ~ Woodstock Lions Club 60 yr. Anniversary

September 2021  ~ Woodstock and River Ridge H.S Food Drive                                                                                                               Etowah High School Vegetable Garden                                                                                                                       Adopt-a-Road cleanup project

August 2021  ~ Monarch Waystation

July 2021  ~ Vision Screening Event                                                                                                                                               Fly the Flag for Independence Day


June 2021  Adopt-a-Road cleanup project                                                                                                                                               Community Yard Sale

May 2021  ~ Cherokee County Homeless Veterans Collection Drive                                                                                                Etowah High School Vegetable Garden                                                                                                                      St. Michaels Food Pantry

April 2021  ~  Community Yard Sale

March 2021  ~ Sneaker Drive with Got Sneakers

February 2021  ~ St. Michaels Food Pantry Grant, Fly the Flag for Presidents Day

December 2020  ~ Warm Coat Drive

November 2020  ~   Cherokee County Violence Center Collection Drive                                                                                                    St. Michael Food Pantry Volunteer Event

October 2020  ~  Sock Drive for Homeless Veterans

September 2020  ~  Food Distribution Event

July 2020  ~  Food Distribution Event

June 2020  ~  Food Distribution Event

May 2020  ~ Feed First Responders at Northside Cherokee Hospital and Food Distribution Event

April 2020  ~ Food Drive benefiting Never Alone Food Pantry

February 2020  ~ Fly the Flag for Presidents Day

January 2020 ~ Food Drive benefiting Never Alone Food Pantry

December 2019 ~ Winter Coat Drive

November 2019 ~ Collection Drive - Papa's Pantry

September 2019 ~ Vision Screenings at Kids R Kids

August 2019 ~ North Metro Lions Golf Classic at Bridgemill Athletic Club

July 2019 Give a Kid a Chance: Lions participated by offering eye exams for all the students in attendance.

June 2019 ~ Act of kindness for another Lion.

May 2019 ~ Random acts of kindness and Adopt-a-Road cleanup project.

April 2019 ~ High School senior scholarship.

March 2019 ~ Adopt-a-Road cleanup project.

December 2018 ~ Winter Coat Drive.

August 2018 ~ Cherokee Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting Ceremony.

July 2018 Give a Kid a Chance: Lions participated by offering eye exams for all the students in attendance.

April 2018 ~ Spring Festival.

December 2017 ~ Winter Coat Drive.

November 2017 ~ Collection Drive – Books and board games for children in care at Egleston Hospital.

August 2017 ~ Volunteer event and Woodstock Wolverines Football game.

May 2017 ~ Job Fair, Golf Tournament and State Convention.

April 2017 ~ Fundraising event at Reel Seafood – Proceeds helped to purchase a vision screening machine.

January 2017 ~ Lunch and Learn at Woodstock Senior Center.

December 2016 ~ Winter Coat Drive.

October 2016 ~ Fall Festival.

July 2016 Give a Kid a Chance: Lions participated by offering eye exams for all the students in attendance.

May 2016 ~ Vision screenings at The Copper Coin coffee shop.

April 2016 ~ Garage Sale, proceeds benefited citizens of Cherokee County.

March 2016 ~ Open house and free vision screenings at Woodstock public library.

December 2015 ~ Winter Coat Drive.

November 2015 ~ Sponsor a Senior for Christmas.

October 2015 ~ Food Drive to benefit Papa’s Pantry and Fall Festival



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