
Club Projects

School Supplies – Oklahoma Road and Sykesville Middle Schools have requested the following school supplies: pencil pouches, dividers, binders 2 & 3 inch, pencils, fidgets, Kleenex, Clorox wipes, paper towels, sweatpants & shirts sizes M-XL, underwear and socks.  Contact Lion Diane DeAtley for more information at 240-841-8728.

  • Provide college scholarship to two seniors - one at Liberty High School and one at Century High School
  • Provide a Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas dinner and Christmas gifts for families in need as well as support to the local community
  • Provide funds to purchase Christmas presents for residents at Springfield Hospital
  • Provide a campership for a diabetic child to attend summer camp
  • Provide homemade Christmas cookies to needy families and local agencies
  • Provide funds to needy school children for field trips and to purchase school supplies through our P.A.L. Program (Pupil Aid through Lionism) at three local elementary schools
  • Collect and donate used greeting cards for The ARC of Carroll County
  • Provide eye exams and glasses to those who can't afford them
  • Support the "Lions Saving Kids Sight" Program
  • Provide toys, games and stuffed animals for childhood cancer patients
  • Conduct food drives to support the South Carroll Food Pantry in Sykesville
  • Make blankets for "Project Linus" for use by local hospitals and first responders
  • Hold environmental Shred Events twice a year
  • Collect new and gently used Sneakers for recycling and for childhood cancer support
  • Support Shepherd's Staff with socks, coats, hats, scarves and Easter baskets
  • Send Christmas cards to the troops through Operation Gratitude
  • Send Thank You notes to Veterans for Veterans Day
  • Co-hosts the annual Region IV Zone III Golf Tournament in May to raise funds for the Lions Vision Research Foundation (LVRF), American Diabetes Association (ADA) and Abby's Carts of Courage (childhood cancer)
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