Melvin Jones Fellows
Lions Clubs International recognizes outstanding individuals by bestowing on them an award that is named for its founder, Melvin Jones. This Fellowship Award is the highest form of recognition and embodies humanitarian ideas consistent with the nature and purpose of Lionism.
Marion Anderson
Marie Baldwin*
Glenna Boller*
Janet Boyd%
Susan BonuraPMJF
Martin BonuraPMJF
Suzanne Bradshaw
Doris Brandenburg%
Barbara Brimigion+PMJF
MK Bunting
Ruby Castle*
Judy Champ
Doris Dalton*
Betty Das*
Peggy Dagley%
Karen Davis%
Wilma Davis
Barbara Drought
Rosetta DunganPMJF
Kay FieldPMJF
Diane FischerPMJF
Judy FlynnPMJF
Pauline Fredritz
Mary Eleanor Grauel%
Mary HartmannPMJF
Hilda Haugh*
Ruth Howsden+PMJF
Barbara Hudgins%
Richard Jennings%
Paula Justice*
Marilyn McCamant%
Amanda Miller%
Sue MillerPMJF
PDG Robert MillerPMJF*
Sue Mykulyn%
Ellen O’Malley
Nadine Norton*
Terri ParkentPMJF
Pauline Rosier+PMJF
Pat Sanzone+
Vince Sanzone*
Ursula Shackelford*
Doris Smith*
Linda SmithPMJF
Christy Spain
Kay Spain
Leona Stonesifer*
Joan Tighe%
Pauline Tracey*
Polly Vealey%
Betty Wallace
Juanita “Nita” Wetzel*
Eva Whiteman
Mary Dell Wickham*
Robert Wickham*
Linda Willis%
Fran Wisniewski+
Eldersburg Library
Satori Family
* Deceased
% No longer a Lion
+ In another Lions club
PMJF – Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow