
History of the
South Carroll Lioness-Lions Club

The South Carroll Lioness-Lions Club was formerly the Freedom District Lioness Club which was certified on November 25, 1985 by the Freedom District Lions Club. On that date, 38 certification members took on the mantle of community service: Fran Allen, Sandy Barnowski, Sandy Boller, Glenna Boller, Janet Boyd, Vicky Bushman, Judy Champ, Mary Ciarapica, Joyce Clark, Evelyn Conaway, Doris Dalton, Betty Lea Duncan, Linda Duncan, Rosetta Dungan, Lynda East, Kay Field, Charlotte Gardner, Mary Eleanor Grauel, Grace Glaser, Audrey Haney, Mary Hartmann, Hilda Haugh, Debbie Hild, Georgia Howes, Evelyn Howsden, Ginny Hunsberger, Sue Miller, Rose Schneider, Leona Stonesifer, Juanita Wetzel, Leona Wetzel, Eva Whiteman, Ellen Wickham, Mary Dell Wickham, and Fran Wisniewski.

Under the stewardship of PDG G. Wilbur Boller, Lioness Liaison, the Freedom District Lioness Club grew rapidly to over 40 members with a budget and record of community service to rival their sponsoring club. The Freedom District Lioness members were proud to be an active force in Lionism and a beacon of help in their community.

On October 5, 2011, the club was officially chartered as the South Carroll Lioness-Lions Club with 45 charter members and 2 associate charter members. The club was sponsored by the GMT of District 22W:  PDG Margarito Ochoa, Lion Cartha Johnson and PDG Andy DeMario Sr. Our Guiding Lion was PDG Andy DeMario Sr. from the Lineboro-Manchester Lions Club.

The original charter members were Marion Anderson, Glenna Boller, Susan Bonura, Janet Boyd, Suzanne Bradshaw, Barbara Brimigion, Mary K. Bunting, Ruby Castle, Judy Champ, Doris Dalton, Wilma Davis, Barbara Drought, Rosetta Dungan, Liz Eitemiller, Kay Field, Diane Fischer, Judy Flynn, Mary Eleanor Grauel, Mary Hartmann, Barbara Hudgins, Ruth Howsden, Pat Hasenei, Diane Kirk, Marilyn McCamant, Janice McDonald, Amanda Miller, Anita Sue Miller, PDG Robert Miller, Ellen O'Malley, Terri Parkent, Viki Peltier, Joyce Reckard, Pat Sanzone, Vince Sanzone, Ursula Shackelford, Doris Smith, Linda Smith, Christy Spain, Kay Spain, Pauline Tracey, Linda Voyce, Betty Wallace, Eva Whiteman, Fran Wisniewski, Mary Dell Wickham, Robert Wickham, Linda Willis.

The Presidents of the South Carroll Lioness Lions Club have been PDG Barbara Brimigion, Martin Bonura, PDG Susan Bonura, Barbara Drought, Kay Field, Ellen O'Malley, PDG Robert (Bob) Miller, Terri Parkent, Pauline Rosier and Linda Smith. 

As of Ocober 2024, the club has 36 members.


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