LIons Clubs International Foundation (LCIF)
- Our Programs: Learn about our four main areas of service – restoring Sight, providing Disaster relief, supporting Youth and addressing other Humanitarian needs such as health and disability.
Wisaconsin Lions Foundation (WLF)
- We Serve by reaching, touching and improving lives
The Wisconsin Lions Foundation, Inc. (WLF) is a charitable non-profit Wisconsin Corporation organized and maintained by the Lions of Wisconsin and is in charge of all statewide service and fund-raising activities. The Foundation began in 1956 as the administrative arm to the Wisconsin Lions Camp. The Foundation now has a total of six statewide projects; The Wisconsin Lions Camp, the Eyeglass Recycling Center, Diabetes Awearness, the Hearing Project, and Vision Screening. The Foundation has grown to be the pride and joy of the Lions, and Leos of Wisconsin. It is also the envy of the Lions throughout the Country and very much appreciated by the people whose lives have been, or are being, changed by its projects. This was all made possible because Clubs and individuals believe in what the Foundation has to offer and because of the watchful administration of the Board of Directors. The operation of the Foundation is directed by 21 Directors, two from each of the ten districts, one from the Council of Governors.
Lions Club of Sayner-Star Lake
Events, Accomplishments, Contributions, & Projects
Under Construction
International ---
Lions Clubs International - Committee // Lion Roger L Weber
State ---
Wisconsin Lions Eye Glass Recycling Center - Committee // Lion Jerry H.
Lions Pride - Committee // Lion Rick
Leader Dog for the Blind - Committee // Lion Brian
Restoring Hope House - Committee // Lion Dave Olmsted
Wisconsin Lions Camp - Committee // Lion Andrew McKay
Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin - Committee // Lion Scot
District ---
Hearing Aid Program - Committee // Lion Randy Smith
Screening - Committee // Lion Jeff Wejcman
Diabetes Awareness - Committee // Lion Clint
Wisconsin Lions Mission - Committee // Lion James Thomas
Youth Exchange - Committee // Lion Dan Butts
Community ---
Lions Joint Meeting, Saint Germain/Sayner-Star Lake - Committee // Lion Jim K.
Lions Christmas Gathering - Committee // Lion Gary, Roger
Boulder Junction Shooting Range - Committee // Lion Tom T.
Lakeland Food Pantry - Committee // Lion Ron Capacio
Vilas Food Pantry - Committee // Lion Ron Capacio
Kids Soccer, Baseball, Scouts - Committee // Lion Jim M.
Ronald MacDonald House, Madison - Committee // Lion Roger Weber
Big Brothers-Big Sisters Bowling Event, Eagle River-Minocqua Committee //
Independence Day Fireworks, Sayner - Committee // Club
Student Honor Roll Pizza Party, Northland Pines School District - Committee // Lion Ron Capacio/James Krieck
Bobber River Race, Plum Creek - Committee // Tom Reed
Plum Lake Public Pier Refurbishment - Committee // Lions William Maines, Doug McKay
Lions Educational Scholarship - Committee // Lions Roger, Jim, Wayne
Cabin Fever Bikini Race - Committee // Lion William Maines
Lions Roses in April - Committee // Lion Gary Kaphingst
Lions Ice Jamboree - Committee // Club Tom Tameling
Wisconsin Lions Camp Rosholt
The Wisconsin Lions Camp is dedicated to providing a quality camping experience free-of-charge to Wisconsin residents with disabilities. In addition, the Retreat and Conference Center programs provide an opportunity for all to experience the Wisconsin Lions Camp while benefiting our summer camp programs
Razorback Ridges Clubhouse Construction
The Lions Razorback Clubhouse was constructed in 2001. The building now provides cover for the trail grooming equipment, a warming house for the many winter activities, restrooms, and a meeting place for Lions and other organizations.
Committee - Maintenance // Lions Tom Reed/Gary Kaphingst
Committee - Building // Lions Charles Figer, Jim Thomas, Richard Brooker, Bud Burns, Bernie Van Acker
Dedication - Planning - Hard work - Cooperation - Sayner/Star Lions are up for the task
Lions Ski and Bike
Razorback Ridges Ski Trail and Mountain Bike Trails are located two miles west of Sayner. The Sayner-Star Lake Lions have developed over 15 miles of ski trails and 30 miles of mountain bike trails. Half the ski trails are groomed for classic stride only, while half are groomed only for skating. The bike trails are a blend of ski trails and single track loops suitable for everyone from beginner to expert. The Lions welcome all trail users and invite you to make use of the warming building and skating rink at the trail head.
Committee /Lion William Maines
Lions Community Supports Trails
Razorback Ridges Trail Map Brochure assists with ads to supplement the expenses incurred in maintenance of the many trails. Committee // Lion Will
Lions Sayner Playground Skating Rink
The Bernie VanAcker Memorial Ice Skating Rink has provide visitors with outdoor enjoyment in the Wisconsin winter. The Lions are in the process of constructing a pavilion over the rink.
Committee // Lion James Thomas,
Lions Razorback Ridges Trail Grooming
Committee /Lion William Maines/ Ron Capacio
Volunteer Lions spend countless hours grooming the trails in the winter and summer. Equipment needed to groom, brush and provide the warming facilities at the club house are funded through Lions fund raisers.
Lions Eye Bank & Transport

Committee // Lion Scot Thompson
Lions/Kids Christmas Gathering, Sayner Town Hall
Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony - Lions & Lioness have a Christmas present for all. Caroling, refreshments, sleigh rides and a visit by Santa, of course.
Committee // Plum Lake Lions Club
Lions Sayner Ice Palace
Each winter, Lions volunteers put in more than 100 “man-hours” to cut nearly 200, 12-inch-thick ice blocks from a local lake, haul them to downtown Sayner, Wisconsin, and build a huge ice palace.
The ice palace has become a popular attraction for motorists, snowmobilers, locals and visitors, as dozens of people stop each day to photograph the 10-foot high structure along Highway 155.
The ice castle has been appearing in Sayner on and off since the late 1960s. It is now built annually, weather permitting, on the weekend closest to New Years.
Below is a photo of the 2011 Ice Castle constructed in Eagle River WI
“It’s a wonderful project,” comments Weber. “We take pride in our community - and we do the ice castle for the same reasons we’re volunteer Lions - to serve the community and the people of the area.”
First, the ice is scored and cut on Crystal or Plum Lake. Then, over 200 blocks of ice, each measuring 10 x 10 x 20 inches and weighing 60-70 pounds, are removed from the lake. The ice blocks are trucked to the site, and the construction work begins. All done by hand! And although the number of blocks of varies with the structure, up to 200 are used each year.
Depending on weather, the Ice Castle normally stands until late February, when the remains are taken down.
These old photos show how the ice harvest is still done today
Committee /Charter Lion Dick Brooker
Wisconsin Leader Dog
Our Lions have supported the Leader Dog program for many years. A local Lions community member has trained and sent puppies to the Center in Michigan in recent years.

Leader Dogs provide independent travel for thousands of people across the globe. As friends, family and coworkers of these people, we must respect the role the dog guide plays in their life. Leader Dog owners realize that their dogs create unique social situations. However, there is more to the person than just the dog. To help fulfill each person’s potential, we also must remember to engage the individual as you would anyone else – sighted or not.
Lions Golf Outing, Plum Lake Golf Club
Committee // Lion James Krieck
Lions Bernie Van Acker Memorial Golf Tournament
Committee // Lion Roger Weber
In memory of Bernie Thank You Cheri - Cheri Anderson owner of Sister's Saloon in Sayner/St. Germain, presented a check for $3,000 to Sayner - Star Lake Lions Club. The money was raised at the ninth annual Bernie VanAcker Memorial Golf Outing at the Plum Lake Golf Course. More than 60 golfers helped raise the money in memory of VanAcker who died of a heart attack in 2000 just two weeks before the first golf outing that he and Anderson were setting up as an annual Lions event. VanAcker was a member of the Sayner/Star Lake Lions. Anderson has raised more than $21,000 for the Lions in the past nine years. The Lions Club uses the money for items such as new Christmas lights, playground equipment, Fourth of July fireworks, and trail Maintenance of the Razorback Ridge bike and ski trails in Sayner. In 2002 the Lions Club had constructed an ice skating rink in Lion Bernie’s name. In 2010 completion of a pavilion over the rink will be a major project taken on with the proceeds from this years golf tournament.
Plum Lake Library Large Print Books
Committee // Lion Gary Kaphingst
Plum Lake Library School Transportation, Library Day
Due to budget restraints with-in our local school district, the bus service from the Saint Germain Elementary school to the Plum Lake Library was cut. Our Lions turn a page in that chapter and supported with funds to provide transportation for all the students.
Committee // Lion Roger L Weber
Wisconsin Lions Foundation
The Birch-Sturm Fellowship is a way for districts, clubs, or individuals to honor a person who displays dedication and commitment to Lionism. In order to become a Birch-Sturm Fellow, a district, club, or individual must donate $1,000 to the Wisconsin Lions Foundation. The $1,000 may be made in one payment or in installments. If you have any questions, please call the Wisconsin Lions Foundation Office, toll-free at 877-463-6953.
Lions Ice Fishing Jamboree, Plum Lake
The winter fundraiser has attracted many fisherman and families for fun on the ice.
Committee / all Lions
Plum Lake Ice Fishing Tournament in February, 2011
Hours: 6 am to 4 pm
Registration Fee $25.00
Register fish at South Plum Lake Public Boat Landing
Fish to be judged on length. Any ties broken by 1st registered.
$700.00 in Cash prizes for fishing tournament.
Registration Ticket Prizes include: 3 power augers, 2 shelters, 2 TV’s, 2 sleds, Vexilar fish locater (need not be present to win these prizes)Many other door prizes given at the 5pm award ceremony at the Sayner Community Building.
An additional raffle at the Community Building Award Ceremony will include: auger, shelter, TV-VCR-DVD combo, under water camera, sled and more.
The drawing for the additional raffle will take place at 6:30The
Plum Lake Volunteer Fire Department will offer: Food, Beer and Soda for sale at the on the ice and at Sayner Community Building during the Awards Ceremony
Proceeds to benefit area lakes improvement projects.
Call 715-542-3501
Lions Appreciation Dinner, Plum Lake Fire & Emergency Medical Services
Committee // Lion Roger Weber
Volunteers members from the Fire Department and Emergency Medical Services enjoy a specical Dinner in appreciation for their dedication to community safety.
Lions Ball Park Concession Stand
Committee // Lion Douglas McKay
The stand is used for fundraisers during ballgames and special events. Inside is a walkin cooler assembled and purchased by the Lions Club.
Lions Pavilion Construction, Star Lake
Committee // Lion Gary Errington
The joint effort of many local organizations help bring this building project a great addition to the beautiful picnic area.
Lions Ball Park Score Board
Committee // Lion Thomas Reed, Lion Roger Weber
The scoreboard is used by many sports teams from Little League to Mens & Womens Softball.
Plum Lake Bicycle Trail
Committee // Lion James Thomas
The Sayner/Star Lake Chamber of Commerce and Sayner-Star Lake Lions Club are proud of the Plum Lake Bicycle Trail. Part of the "Heart of Vilas Co. Bike and Hike Trail System".
The Plum Lake Trail links the Boulder Junction Bicycle Trail to Sayner and St. Germain. Paved trails extend from McKay's Corner Store winding east on highway N, crosses Plum Creek's charming wooden bridge, and continues into the Sayner. The blacktopped trail then turns onto Froelich Drive and continues south to the Sayner/Star Lake Chamber of Commerce building, where it links to the St. Germain Township boundary trail system.
Wisconsin Department of Transportation awarded the Town of Plum Lake a $280,000 federal grant to extend the existing bicycle trails between Boulder Junction threw Crystal Lake and Muskellunge Lake campgrounds to Sayner.
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Stewardship Fund awarded the Town of Plum Lake a $58,000 grant. The Sayner/Star Lake Chamber of Commerce and Sayner-Star Lake Lions Club generated $68,000 in donations and fund-raising proceeds towards the matching fund grants.
Lions Sayner- Star Lake Eye Glass Collection Drop-off Locations
Sayner Mobil - Sayner Post Office
Committee // Lion James Krieck

Author Unknown
Lions 1st Ever Billboard
Lions joined with noted community groups to sponsor a billboard leading into town. Our efforts dwell on the Razorback Ridges Clubhouse facility. We have, for community use, a warming house, ice skating rink and picnic area. Summer use provides hiking trails and mountain bike trails for the avid biker.
Committee //
Lions Club of Sayner-Star Lake
Events, Accomplishments, Contributions & Projects
Wisconsin Lions Camp / Lions Eye Bank & Transport / Wisconsin Leader Dog / Wisconsin Lions Foundation / Lions International / Lions Camp Rosholt /
Razorback Ridges Clubhouse Construction / Razorback Ridges Skating Rink /
Razorback Ridges Trails & Grooming / Razorback Ridges Ski & Bike Trails /
Razorback Trail Brochure and Map / Razorback Picnic Table Refurbish /
Children's Christmas Gathering / Sayner Ice Palace / Plum Ski ter's Water Ski Show /
Sayner Boy Scouts / Little League / Soccer / Men’s Softball Tournament /
Lakes Association Evasive Species Project / Lakeland Food Pantry /
Vilas Food Pantry / Lions Billboard Community Project / Lions Golf Outing /
Bernie Van Acker Memorial Golf Tournament / Plum Lake Library Large Print Books /
Plum Lake Library School Transportation, Library Day / Lions Play Ground Equipment /
Lions Ice Fishing Jamboree, Plum Lake /
Lions Appreciation Dinner, Plum Lake Fire & Emergency Medical Services /
Lions Ball Park Concession Stand / Lions Pavilion Construction, Star Lake /
Lions Sayner Pavilion Construction / Lions Ball Park Score Board /
Plum Lake Bicycle Trail / Sayner- Star Lake Eye Glass Collection Drop-off Locations /
Independence Day Celebration – Fireworks – Raffle / Boulder Junction Shooting Range /
Ronald McDonald House, Madison / Big Brothers Big Sisters / Bobber River Race /
Cabin Fever Bikini-Snow shoe Race / Lions Blood Drive / Student Honor Roll Pizza Party /
Lions Joint Meeting, Sayner – St Germain / Lion – Lioness Holiday Dinner /
Lions Fundraiser Dinner, Ski’s Restaurant / School Destination Imagination /
Sayner Ice Rink
Lion Roadside signing / Refurbished Lions Charter / Girls Softball / Bicycle Tour /
Crayfish Feed / Hidden Treasures Hunt / Ladysmith Disaster /
Mel & Elmma Long Lions Park / Educational Scholarships /
Roses in April/Scout Expedition / Veterans Honor Flight / Citizen of the Year