

SSLLions Officers





President Jeff Wejcman

Home - 414 403 1352
E-mail -

Secretary - Gary Kaphingst

Home - 715-542-2751
E-mail -

Treasurer- Tom Reed

Home - 715-542-3994
E-mail -

A New Kind of Meeting Place


As use of the Internet and club Web sites have become more and more prevalent among Lions, Lion Club International (LCI) is responding and has taken preliminary steps towards making online communication, business, and public relations easier for your Lions club.           


It’s called the e-Clubhouse.

It’s a place for members to meet and access club information.

It’s a place to plan service activities and promote them to the community.

It’s a place for the average internet user to communicate via many avenues.

It’s a place to chat, email and update impending events.

It's a place to post photos, access LCI tools and information and so much   more.

Each e-Clubhouse site will have a pre-designed Web site template

with the basic tools and applications needed to organize and

manage e-Clubhouses and its members. It’s then up to the club to

key in information and determine how it will be used.


Your immediate contact to the Sayner Star Lake Lions Club:

Lion JIm Krieck, President


Directors - Lions Ron, Randy, Jeff, Wayne



 Lions are people just like you!

Become a part of an international community service organization.

To Join a Lions Club, is by Invitation, but applications are encouraged from all members of the community.

Membership is open to men and women over the age of 18 years and
of good moral character and reputation.

Forward to any member of the Sayner-Star Lake Lions Club

Your Email Address:

Full Name:

Phone Number:

Address 1:

Address 2:


State: Postal Code:


True Colors of the Northwood’s - a Picture says a 1000 Words

Kurt’s collection of vivid Wisconsin wildlife has captured our pristine environment we as Lions enjoy in the quest of supporting communities.








Enjoy the Northern Wisconsin wildlife - special courtesy of Kurt Kruger - Editor Vilas County NewsReview -


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