2024/2025 OFICERS --- MD27-C2
District Governor - Lion Kerrie Molter Mellen
1st Vice District Governor - Lion Anne Madison Iron River
2nd Vice District Governor - Lion Scott D Martin Tomahawk
Distict Cabinet Secretary - Lion Patty Krug Whitlesey Lions Club
District Cabinet Treasurer - Lion Scott D Martin Tomahawk Lions Club
Immediate Past President - Lion Don Meeder Three Lakes Lions Club
417 E Lincoln St
Tomahawk, WI 54487
C2 has a web site which is located at https://www.e-district.org/sites/27c2/index.php

Our emblem consists of a gold letter "L" on a circular blue field. Bordering this is a circular gold area with two lion profiles facing away from the center. The word "Lions" appears at the top and the word "International" appears at the bottom. The Lions are meant to face both a proud past and confident future.
"We Serve," our motto is the basis and foremost description of what we do.
"Liberty, Intelligence, Our Nation's Safety" is our slogan. The first letter of each word spells LIONS.
Our official colors are blue and gold. Blue for loyalty and integrity and gold for sincerity, liberty, purity, and generosity.
Lions Club Officers and Duties
The officers of the Club are President, Immediate Past President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, Tail Twister, Membership Director, Treasurer, Lion Tamer, and four elected Directors. The offices of Secretary and Treasurer may be held concurrently by the a Club Member.
No person is installed in office unless they are an Active Member in good standing in the Club.
Officers receive no compensation for service performed for the Club in their official capacity, except the Secretary who may be compensated in an amount fixed by the Board of Directors.
Duties of Officers
PRESIDENT: The President is Chief Executive Officer of the Club and presides at all meetings of the Club and Board of Directors, issues the call for regular and special meetings of the Membership and Board of Directors; appoints the standing and special committees and cooperates with chairpersons to effect regular functioning and reporting of the committees; calls regular elections and delivers notices of them; cooperates with and is an active member of, the District Governor's Advisory Committee, the Club’s Zone and attends District Zone and President’s and Secretary’s Council meetings.
IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT: The Immediate Past President is available to assist the President when asked and leads the other Past Presidents as official greeters of members and guests at Club meetings. They are instrumental in forming Leos and Lions Clubs extension.
VICE-PRESIDENTS: Vice Presidents perform the duties of President when the President is unable to perform the duties. The vice president next in rank shall occupy the President ‘s position and perform the duties of President.
The First Vice President assists the President by arranging informative programs about Lions and neighborhood needs for each Club meeting.
The Second Vice President assists the President by supervising and arranging Club activities (Service and Fund-Raising) for the Club.
Each vice president, under the direction of the President, oversees the functioning of such committees of the Club as the President may designate.
SECRETARY: The Secretary, under the supervision and direction of the President and Board of Directors acts as liaison LION between the Club, District 2-S2, Multiple District 2 and International. In fulfillment of the office the Secretary:
· Submits monthly Membership and Meeting Reports "MMR" to International with information requested by the Board of Directors of International.
· Submits to the District Governor's Cabinet such reports as it may require including the Monthly Activities Reports and copies of regular Membership Meetings and Activities Reports.
· Cooperates with and is an active member of the District Governor's Advisory Committee of the Zone and attends the District Zone and President’s and Secretary’s Council meetings.
· Has custody and keeps and maintains general records of the Club, including records of minutes of Club and Board meetings; Meeting attendance; committee appointments; elections; classifications (if any); addresses and telephone numbers of members, and member’s Club accounts.
· Issues quarterly or semi-annual statements to each member for dues and other financial obligations owed to the Club, collects and delivers all funds to the Club Treasurer, and issues Club Membership Cards.
· Gives bond for the faithful discharge of in such sum and with such surety as determined by the Board of Directors.
TREASURER: The Treasurer under the supervision of the Secretary:
· Receives all monies, from the Secretary and others and deposits the same in a bank or banks authorized by the Finance Committee and approved by the Board of Directors.
· Pays out monies in satisfaction of Club obligations when authorized by the Board of Directors. All checks and vouchers are signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by one other Club officer authorized by the Board of Directors.
· Has custody and keeps and maintains genera! records of Club receipts and disbursements.
· Prepares and submits monthly and semi-annual financial reports to International and the Board of Directors of the Club.
· Gives bond for the faithful discharge of the office in such sum and with such sureties as determined by the Board of Directors.
LION TAMER: The Lion Tamer has charge of and is responsible for the property and paraphernalia of the Club, including flags, banners, gong books, gavel, song books, and button boards. Lion Tamer carries and places each in its proper place before each meetings and returns the same to the proper storage area after each meeting. Lion Tamer acts as sergeant-at-arms at meetings, sees that those present are properly seated and distributes programs, bulletins, favors and literature as required at Club and Board meetings. This Lion assures that every new member sits with different Lions at each meeting so they become acquainted.
TAIL TWISTER: The Tail Twister promotes harmony, good fellowship, liveliness, and enthusiasm in the meetings through appropriate stunts and games and judiciously imposes fines on Club members. There is no ruling from the decision to impose a fine, however, no fine shall exceed an amount fixed by the Board of Directors. No member is fined more than twice at any one meeting. The Tail Twister may not be fined except by the unanimous vote of all members present. All monies collected by the Tail Twister is immediately delivered to the Treasurer and a receipt is given. SPIZZERINKTER: The Spizzinkter (Assistant Tail Twister) may be elected when the office is created by the Board of Directors. The Spizzerinkter serves as Tail Twister in the absence of the elected Tail Twister. Should both be absent, an ACTING TAIL TWISTER may be appointed by the President with the same authority and responsibilities.
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR: The Membership Director is chair of the Membership Committee. The responsibilities for this position are:
· Developing of a growth program specifically for the Club and present it to the Board of Directors for approval.
· Regular encouragement at Club at meeting to sponsor quality members.
· Ensuring proper recruitment procedures.
· Preparing and implementing orientation and leadership training sessions.
· Reporting to the Board of Directors ways to reduce resignations of members in the Club.
· Meeting with members who have unexcused absences; illness, hardship or other needs and recommends helpful actions to the Board.
· Coordinating with other Club committees in fulfilling these responsibilities
· Serving as a member of the Zone membership committee.
· Encouraging the Club to sponsor Leos and New Lions Clubs.
Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf (Leader of Gulf War # 1)
Advised Lions at an International Convention:
[An officer should] "Always follow rules 13 and 14.
Rule 13, when are chosen to lead, lead.
Rule 14, do the right thing for the right reasons."