
February 5, 2025, at 6:30 pm | Meeting called to order by President Ron Garman

January 8, 2025, at 6:30 pm | Meeting called to order by President Ron Garman

Members: Stanley Dye, Ron Garman, Jill Freeland, Nancy Hockenberry, Charlie and Sue Holtry, Scott and Tina Leidigh, and Lisa Shade.  Guests: Maslynn Enck, Chad and Sarah Enck, Caylin Enck.

Meeting was called to order by Lion President Ron Garman.  Lion President Garman led the singing of “My Country Tis of Thee”, and the Pledge of Allegiance.  Lion Charlie Holtry delivered the Invocation.   Lion Lisa Shade led the Lion Roar. 

After consuming some light snacks, the meeting was recalled at 6:55 pm.  The Just for Fun segment was covered by Tina Leidigh.  The minutes of the December 4th meeting were approved as printed.  Correspondence consisted of 2 “Thank You” cards for receiving fruit baskets.  Mary Farlling sent one of the cards while the other card was from the former cooks and servers.  The financial report was approved as printed.  The Treasurer covered the transactions that occurred during the maturation of the Certificate of Deposit, which occurred in December.

STUDENT OF THE MONTH:  See the Student of the Month Section on this website for information on our January student.

COMMITTEE REPORTS:  1) February Sandwich Committee – Lion President Garman passed out sandwich forms to the members.  Sandwich orders must be sent to Ron by January 29th so he can order the meat on Thursday the 30th.  Because there are 65 quarts of soup remaining, we will run our Soup and Sandwich special again.  When you sell the soup, let Ron know so that we don’t sell more than 65 quarts.  2) Fruit Baskets – We prepared and delivered 48 fruit baskets and 6 bags of fruit on this project.  Thanks to all who helped.  3) Christmas Party – Hopefully everyone that attended had a good time.  4) District Newsletter - Lion Second Vice President Lisa Shade covered the highlights from the District 14C Newsletter.  5) WCCLP Committee - Lion Acting Secretary Charlie Holtry covered the highlights from the latest WCC meeting.  6) Fundraising Committee - Lion Lisa Shade recommended changing the May Fundraiser from a sandwich sale to the selling of a planter.  The cost is $12 with the club selling them for $20.  This sale will be held around Mother’s Day in May.  7)  Community Service Committee – Lion Tina Leidigh had 2 dates for the spring Adopt-A-Highway program for PA Route 641 near Plainfield.  The date of Saturday, April 26th, 2025 was the best date for everyone.  Cleanup will begin at 9:00 am.

OLD BUSINESS: The Acting Secretary/Treasurer forgot to bring the microphone with him.  It should be available for the next meeting.        

NEW BUSINESS: Discussion on the recommendation to change the May Fundraiser resulted in a motion by Tina Leidigh to sell the planters.  It was seconded by Stanley Dye.  MOTION PASSED.

CLOSING: The meeting was adjourned at 7:52 pm with the Lion Toast and Motto.  The next meeting will be on 5 February 2025 at 6:30 pm at St Matthews Lutheran Church.

December 4, 2024, at 6:30 pm | Meeting called to order by President Ron Garman

Members: Hazel and Ron Garman, Nancy Hockenberry, Charlie Holtry, Judy King, Scott and Tina Leidigh, and Lisa Shade.  Guests: Courtney Willinsky, Cathy Willinsky, 1 other.

Meeting was called to order by Lion President Ron Garman.  Lion President Garman led the singing of “My Country Tis of Thee”, and the Pledge of Allegiance.  Lion Charlie Holtry delivered the Invocation.   Lion Judy King led the Lion Roar. 

After consuming some light snacks, the meeting was recalled at 6:56 pm.  The Just for Fun segment was covered by Tina Leidigh.  The minutes of the November 6th meeting were approved as printed.  The only correspondence was from Ortrun Gates, who requested that she be dropped from the Plainfield Lions Club.  The financial report was approved as printed. 

STUDENT OF THE MONTH:  See the Student of the Month Section on this website for information on our December student.

COMMITTEE REPORTS:  1) Chicken Corn Soup Committee – Lion President Garman reported that soup will be given to recipients of fruit baskets in December if they are not in nursing homes.  2) Fruit Baskets – We will be preparing around 45 fruit baskets on December 16th at St Matthews Lutheran Church at 10:00 am.  A signup sheet was distributed with club members listing the names of those to receive baskets.  Those club members who are writing down a name for a fruit basket is responsible for the delivery of those fruit baskets.  The club purchased red and green tissue paper as well as cellophane to wrap the baskets.  3) Christmas Party – The last day to sign up to attend this year’s Christmas Party at the Bongiorno Conference Center on December 19th is Thursday, December 5th.  The cost of the banquet is $30.  It was noted that the social hour/meal on the agenda was incorrect; the social hour is from 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm, with the meal starting at 6:30 pm.  The club will also need to wrap approximately 50 gifts for the Christmas Party.  After discussion, it was decided to wrap those presents on December 16th after the preparation of the Fruit Baskets.  This seemed to fit easier into everyone’s schedule.  4) Student of the Month – Acting Secretary Charlie Holtry apologized to Courtney for not having her certificate and her check with him.  He indicated that the events of the evening caused him to miss bringing those items.  He will have Lion President Ron sign the certificate at the WCC meeting on Thursday night, then bring the certificate and check to Lion Tina.  Lion Tina will then make sure that Courtney receives the items.  There will be a self-addressed, stamped envelope included so that Courtney can mail the information sheet back to the Acting Secretary. 

OLD BUSINESS: 1) The new microphone is being used this evening; the cost of the microphone was $47.99.  There seemed to be some problem with “Echoing” which will be worked on as we use it in the future.  2) Lion Lisa Shade reported that Hadley Barrick has started chemo treatments.  The family was very appreciative of the gift cards they received from our club.  Future requests will be turned over to the WCC.  3) Lion Tina Leidigh updated the club on Mercedes; there are still problems with this family, but they are trying to work through them.  Lion Nancy Hockenberry will email the funding request form from the WCC to Lion Tina to see if the WCC can help them in any possible way.  It sounds like the trailer that the family lives in needs some major repairs.  4) Lion Treasurer reminded the club of the Certificate of Deposit (CD) that was maturing on Saturday, December 7, 2024.  If the club did not do anything, it would automatically renew at 18 months at 1.02%.  The Lion Treasurer completed the paperwork to move it to savings until it was decided what to do with the money.  On a motion by Lion Tina Leidigh, seconded by Lion Lisa Shade, it was moved to re-invest half of the CD into an 11-month CD as it offered the highest return on investment (currently at just over 4% while all the others were just above 1%).  MOTION PASSED.        

NEW BUSINESS: 1) Lion President Garman announced that the Plainfield Club again qualified for a Club Excellence award from Lions Club International.  2) Lion Mike Nericcio was recognized for his 10 years of service to Lionism.  Lion Charlie Holtry was recognized for his 25 years of service to Lionism.  Both received letters and pins from Lions Club International.

CLOSING:  The meeting was adjourned at 7:43 pm with the Lion Toast and Motto.  The next meeting will be on 8 January 2025 at 6:30 pm at St Matthews Lutheran Church.

November 6, 2024, at 6:30 pm | Meeting called to order by President Ron Garman

Members:  Jill Freeland, Hazel and Ron Garman, Nancy Hockenberry, Charlie and Sue Holtry, Judy King, Scott and Tina Leidigh, Gary Peters, Lisa Shade, and Richard and Robin Walker.  Guests:  Erica Diep, Thai Diep, Christine Diep, Evan Diep.

Meeting was called to order by Lion President Ron Garman.  Lion President Garman led the singing of “My Country Tis of Thee”, and the Pledge of Allegiance.  Lion Charlie Holtry delivered the Invocation.   Lion Judy King led the Lion Roar.  

After consuming some light snacks, the meeting was recalled at 7:01 pm.  The Just for Fun segment was covered by Tina Leidigh.  The minutes of the October 16th meeting were approved as printed.  There were “Thank You” notes from Mercy House Chambersburg (in memory of HI Gates) and Pennsylvania Lions Beacon Lodge Camp for donations to each.  The financial report was approved as printed. 

STUDENT OF THE MONTH:  See the Student of the Month Section on this website for information on our November student.

COMMITTEE REPORTS:  1) Chicken Corn Soup Committee – Lion President Garman reported that 146 quarts of soup were sold and that around 100 quarts remain.  Soup will be given to recipients of fruit baskets in December.  2) Community Service Committee – The Adopt-A-Highway trash pickup picked up 15 bags of trash on Saturday morning.  Five club members worked approximately 1.5 hours over the 2-mile stretch east of Plainfield.  Thank you to all that helped.  3) Fruit Baskets – We will be preparing around 50 fruit baskets on December 16th at St Matthews Lutheran Church at 10:00 am.  Please come to the next meeting with the names of those to receive baskets.  Any shoe boxes that you have will be appreciated.  The club may need to purchase red and green tissue paper, as well as cellophane to wrap the baskets.  4) Christmas Party – Forms are available for members to attend this year’s Christmas Party at the Bongiorno Conference Center on December 19th.  The forms must be turned in by November 27th.  5) District Newsletter – Second Vice President Lisa Shade reported on the highlights in the District newsletter.

OLD BUSINESS: 1) Lion Treasurer Charlie Holtry noted that the current Certificate of Deposit with Members 1st Credit Union will mature on December 6, 2024.  The club will need to decide what to do with the money at the next meeting.       

NEW BUSINESS: 1) On a motion by Lisa Shade, seconded by Nancy Hockenberry, it was moved to donate $50 worth of gifts to the Zone for the upcoming Christmas Party.  MOTION PASSED.  2) On a motion by Lisa Shade, seconded by Tina Leidigh, it was moved to spend up to $70 for a microphone.  MOTION PASSED.  3) On a motion by Hazel Garman, seconded by Nancy Hockenberry, it was moved to donate $100 to District 14C for food and other Disaster Relief materials to those in North Carolina devastated by Hurricane Helene.  MOTION PASSED.  Note – the money was already sent (it had to be in the District’s fund by October 25th so this was just a formality to okay the spending of the money).  4) On a motion by Robin Walker, seconded by Lisa Shade, it was moved to donate $250 to the family of Josh and Heather Barrick for gas and food cards to help the family with their numerous trips to Hershey for their daughter Hadley, who is being treated for bone marrow cancer.  There was a discussion on why this request was different than one made earlier in the year for a Big Spring senior who was in a car accident.  It was noted that in this case, the WCC, which would normally handle these types of requests, is not meeting again until December 5th and the funds are needed now.  Lion Nancy Hockenberry will provide Lion Lisa with the WCC Request for Donation form at our next meeting.  MOTION PASSED.

CLOSING:  The meeting was adjourned at 7:53 pm with the Lion Toast and Motto.  The next meeting will be on 4 December 2024 at 6:30 pm at St Matthews Lutheran Church.

October 2, 2024, at 6:30 pm | Meeting called to order by President Ron Garman

Members:  Jill Freeland, Hazel and Ron Garman, Nancy Hockenberry, Charlie and Sue Holtry, Scott and Tina Leidigh and Lisa Shade.  Guests:  Jaden Best, Heather Best, Chris Best

Meeting was called to order by Lion President Ron Garman.  Lion President Garman led the singing of “My Country Tis of Thee”, and the Pledge of Allegiance.  Lion Charlie Holtry delivered the Invocation.   Lion Lisa Shade led the Lion Roar. 

After consuming some light snacks, the meeting was recalled at 6:58 pm.  The Just for Fun segment was covered by Tina Leidigh.  The minutes of the September 4th meeting were approved as printed. There was no correspondence.  The financial report was approved as printed. 

STUDENT OF THE MONTH:  See the Student of the Month Section on this website for information on our October student.

COMMITTEE REPORTS:  1) WCC Lions Project – Lion Treasurer/Acting Secretary Charlie Holtry covered the highlights of the last WCC meeting shown on the back of the minutes.  Lion President Ron Garman covered the proposed changes to the WCC organizationally and why they were necessary.  The next WCC meeting is Wednesday, October 9th at Lion Jill Freeland’s house.  2) Chicken Corn Soup Committee – Lion President Garman reminded everyone of the Chicken Corn Soup Sale coming up at the end of the month.  A sign-up sheet for members to appear at the soup sale was distributed.  Additional copies of the poster were available for members to distribute.  3) Community Service Committee – The Adopt-A-Highway trash pickup will be at 9:00 am on November 9, 2024.  We will meet at the West Pennsboro Fire Company before heading out.  All help will be appreciated.  4) District Newsletter – Second Vice President Lisa Shade reported on the highlights in the District newsletter.

OLD BUSINESS:  1) There was a sign-up sheet for those interested in bringing the snacks.  When bringing the snacks, please give Treasurer Holtry the receipts so he can re-imburse you for the purchase.  2) Lion VP Lisa listed 4 meals to select for the District Governor’s visit on October 16th.  After discussion, it was moved by Lisa to have pot roast, mashed potatoes with gravy and the vegetable of the day for the dinner.  Lion Jill Freeland seconded the motion.  MOTION PASSED.  Lion Nancy Hockenberry will bring cupcakes for dessert.     

NEW BUSINESS:  There was no new business to discuss.       

CLOSING:  The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 pm with the Lion Toast and Motto.  The next meeting will be on 16 October 2024 at St Matthews Lutheran Church with District Governor Galen Burkholder at the meeting.

September 4, 2024, at 6:30 pm | Meeting called to order by President Ron Garman

Members:  Stanley Dye, Jill Freeland, Hazel and Ron Garman, Nancy Hockenberry, Charlie and Sue Holtry, Judy King, Scott and Tina Leidigh, Gary Peters and Lisa Shade.

Meeting was called to order by Lion President Ron Garman.  Lion Hazel Garman led the singing of “My Country Tis of Thee”, and Lion President Garman led the Pledge of Allegiance.  Lion Charlie Holtry led the Invocation.   Lion Judy King led the Lion Roar. 

After consuming some light snacks, the meeting was recalled at 7:00 pm.  The Just for Fun segment was covered by Tina Leidigh.  The minutes of the June 5th meeting were approved as printed, along with the notes from the August 7th picnic.  The following correspondence was read:  1) an update on the WCC Bake Sale held the Saturday of Labor Day weekend, 2) a note regarding the Pajama Drive being held by Lions Clubs of Pennsylvania, and 3) a request for help from the Leader Dogs for the Blind.  The financial report was approved as printed. 

Information folders were distributed to those club members in attendance.  Folders contained information on what our club accomplished in the 2023 – 2024 Lion Year.  The folder also had a list of the current club members, the Board of Directors of the Plainfield Club, the schedule for the upcoming 2024 – 2025 Lion Year, the list of committees for the upcoming year, the budget for the Administration and Project accounts within Plainfield and a chart showing the different levels of Lions organization of which Plainfield Lions is a part.

COMMITTEE REPORTS:  1) WCC Lions Project – Lion President Ron Garman covered the WCC information from the August meeting.  2) Budget and Finance Committee – Lion Acting Secretary Charlie Holtry passed out folders that contained Schedule of Events, Plainfield Club Directory, Committees and Board of Directors, and Chart showing structure of Lions Clubs.  3) Budget and Finance Committee – The Budget for the upcoming year was discussed during the coverage of the informational folders.  4) Community Service Committee – Lion Peters reported on the number of eyeglasses and cases that were turned in at the District at the Cabinet meeting.  5) Soup Sales Committee – Forms and informational posters were distributed to the club members for the upcoming soup and sandwich sale.  This is one of our major fundraising efforts so please try to sale as much as possible.  Posters were also available to inform others of the sale.

OLD BUSINESS:  There was no old business to discuss.   

NEW BUSINESS:  There was no new business to discuss.       

CLOSING:  The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm with the Lion Toast and Motto.  The next meeting will be on 2 October 2023 at St Matthews Lutheran Church.

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