April 3, 2024 at 6:30 pm | Meeting called to order by President Jill Freeland
In Attendance: Jill Freeland, Ron Garman, Nancy Hockenberry, Charlie and Sue Holtry, Scott and Tina Leidigh, Gary Peters, Lisa Shade and Rich and Robin Walker. Guests: Levi Stewart, Beth and Drew Stewart.
Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Lion President Jill Freeland. Lion Ron Garman led the singing of “My Country Tis of Thee”, and Lion President Freeland led the Pledge of Allegiance. Lion Charlie Holtry presented the Invocation and led the Lion Roar.
After the meal, the meeting was recalled at 7:06 pm. The Just for Fun segment was presented by Lion Tina Leidigh. The minutes of the March 5th meeting were approved as printed. The club had no correspondence. The financial report was approved as printed.
STUDENT OF THE MONTH: See STUDENT OF THE MONTH tab for information on honored student.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1) Eye Glasses – Gary Peters reported that we will be turning in 252 eyeglasses at the District Convention. 2) May Sandwich Sales – Our last fundraiser of the Lions year is the May Sandwich Sales. Forms for sandwiches were distributed at the meeting; forms are in different format than previous forms. Forms should be returned at the May 1st meeting. Sandwiches will be made on May 16th, starting at 10:00 am at St Matthews Lutheran Church. 3) Nominating – On a motion by Ron Garman, seconded by Tina Leidigh, it was moved to add the position of Historian to the list of officers and to add Scott Leidigh’s name to that office. MOTION PASSED. The second reading of the slate of officers for the 2024 – 2025 Plainfield Lions Club was read by Lion Ron Garman, including the Historian. 4) Easter Egg Hunt – The Easter Egg Hunt was delayed one week and held on March 30, 2024, starting at 11:00 am. There were 44 children in the 5 areas hunting eggs. The Big Spring Tempus Leo club sent 6 members that did face painting and a Big Spring middle school student served as the Easter Bunny. Thank you to all that helped with the event.
OLD BUSINESS: 1) Lion Tina Leidigh announced that the Adopt-A-Highway trash pickup will be on Saturday, April 20th, 2024, starting at 9:00 am. We will meet at the firehouse and divide the 2 miles among those that are present. 2) Eye screening for kindergarten children enrolling in the Carlisle School District will be held at Lamberton Middle School on Friday, April 19th, 2024, from 9 am until 4 pm. Anyone willing to help should arrive at Lamberton by 8:45 am. 3) Anyone interested in attending the District 14C Convention on April 20th in York should see Charlie Holtry for information. Lion Nancy Hockenberry will be attending as she is the new District 14C Secretary. Thank you for serving Lion Nancy.
NEW BUSINESS: 1) The Plainfield Lions Club will be making donations to our local and national projects at the next meeting. Lion Treasurer Charlie Holtry will provide the amounts that were budgeted, and the members will vote on the actual amount to spend. 2) A brief discussion on how meetings will work in the new year was held but no decision has been made as yet.
CLOSING: The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 pm with the Lion Toast and Motto. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, 1 May 2024, at St Matthews Lutheran Church.
March 5, 2024 at 6:30 pm | Meeting called to order by President Jill Freeland
In Attendance: Members - Stanley Dye, Ron Garman, Nancy Hockenberry, Charlie and Sue Holtry, Judy King, Scott and Tina Leidigh, Gary Peters and Rich Walker. Guests: Sarah Slotter, Lariah Slotter, Dylan Slotter.
Meeting was called to order at 6:32 pm by Lion President Jill Freeland. Lion Ron Garman led the singing of “My Country Tis of Thee”, and Lion President Freeland led the Pledge of Allegiance. Lion Charlie Holtry presented the Invocation. Lion Judy King led the Lion Roar.
After the meal, the meeting was recalled at 7:07 pm. The Just for Fun segment was presented by Lion Tina Leidigh. The minutes of the February 7th meeting were approved as printed. The club received correspondence from Leader Dogs for the Blind requesting donations and a letter from Lions Club International noting that our club earned the Membership Satisfaction Award. The financial report was approved as printed.
STUDENT OF THE MONTH: See STUDENT OF THE MONTH tab for information on honored student.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1) February Sandwich Sales – Ron Garman reported that we made a profit of $1,093.00 in sandwich sales and another $367.00 in soup sales. He thanked everyone for their help. 2) May Sandwich Sales – Our last fundraiser of the Lions year is the May Sandwich Sales. Forms for sandwiches will be distributed at the April 3rd meeting. Forms should be returned at the May 1st meeting. Sandwiches will be made on May 16th. 3) Nominating – The first reading of the slate of officers for the 2024 – 2025 Plainfield Lions Club was read by Lion Ron Garman. Lion Ron thanked everyone for stepping up and not saying “NO” when asked. 4) Easter Egg Hunt – The Easter Egg Hunt is scheduled for Saturday, March 23, 2024, starting at 11:00 am, while the club will be there around 9:30 am to set up for the hunt. The club will be putting the candy in the eggs on Thursday, March 21, 2024, at St Matthews Lutheran Church, starting at 10:00 am. Lion Tina Leidigh indicated that 3 Tempus Leo members would be available to do face painting. Lion Tina also received the Easter Bunny outfit that daughter Sydney will be wearing. Lion Charlie Holtry noted that Lion Tracy Garman has provided a bullhorn with a working microphone. There was a concern that the Fire Company was holding an Easter Egg hunt on March 30th which is our rain date. Lion Richard Walker will contact the fire company, but he was not aware of the fire company holding any type of Easter egg hunt.
OLD BUSINESS: Lion Tina Leidigh announced that the Adopt-A-Highway trash pickup will be on Saturday, April 20th, 2024, starting at 9:00 am.
NEW BUSINESS: 1) Lion Acting Secretary Charlie Holtry provided the information presented at the recent Zone meeting. 2) On a motion by Lion Ron Garman, seconded by Lion Rich Walker, it was moved to spend $25 for a half-page advertisement in the District 14-C Directory for 2024 – 2025. Lion Treasurer Charlie Holtry noted that in the past when the District Governor-elect was from our Zone, the club normally spent $50 for a full-page ad. This year’s DG-elect is Galen Burkholder from Shippensburg, which is in our zone. After a brief discussion, the motion passed as initially presented.
CLOSING: The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 pm with the Lion Toast and Motto. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, 3 April 2024, at St Matthews Lutheran Church.
February 7, 2024 at 6:30 pm | Meeting called to order by 2nd Vice-President Ron Garman
In Attendance: Hazel and Ron Garman, Tracy Garman, Nancy Hockenberry, Charlie and Sue Holtry, Judy King, Scott and Tina Leidigh, Gary Peters and Lisa Shade. Guests: Blake Wenger and Ryan Wenger.
Lion Hazel Garman led the singing of “My Country Tis of Thee”, and Lion Vice-President Garman led the Pledge of Allegiance. Lion Charlie Holtry presented the Invocation. Lion Judy King led the Lion Roar.
After the meal, the meeting was recalled at 7:00 pm. The Just for Fun segment was presented by Lion Holtry. The minutes of the January 3rd meeting were approved as printed. The club received a nice thank you note for receiving a fruit basket from Emerson and Georgie Boyer. The financial report was approved as printed. WCC report: See report later in these minutes.
STUDENT OF THE MONTH: See STUDENT OF THE MONTH tab for information on honored student.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1) Sandwich Sales – Ron Garman reported that we will be making around 340 sandwiches tomorrow (Thursday, February 8th) morning. We have enough mustard and mayo packs to put one in each sandwich. Risers will be used to lift the tables. Gloves will be available for use. If you can come, your help will be appreciated. 2) Easter Egg Hunt – West Pennsboro Township has been notified that we will be using the park and pavilion #1 for the Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 23, 2024. The hunt will be at 11:00 am, while the club will be there around 9:30 am to set up for the hunt. The club will be putting the candy in the eggs on Thursday, March 21, 2024 at St Matthews Lutheran Church, starting at 10:00 am. There was a question on how much candy to purchase. Lion Lisa Shade suggested that anyone interested in bringing candy do so for the next meeting and then we can see how much candy the club will need to purchase. Last year the candy was purchased by Lions Robin and Rich Walker. Lion President Jill Freeland currently has the notebook for the Easter Egg Hunt that contains a lot of the details. Lion Tina Leidigh indicated that she would talk to Tempus Leo advisor Scott Anderson to see if any of the Tempus Leo members would be interested in face painting any of the children attending. She also informed the club that her daughter Sydney would be home that weekend and would dress up in the bunny costume, much to the relief of Lion Susan Holtry. Lion Charlie Holtry noted that the bullhorn’s siren was working but the microphone did not work. Lion Tracy Garman indicated that she had a bullhorn that did work and would provide it that day. The Holtrys will inventory the current number of stuffed animals to see if any need to be purchased for this year’s hunt. 3) Nominating Committee – This committee consists of the 2nd Vice-President (Ron Garman) and the Immediate Past President (Hazel Garman). The slate of officers for the 2024 – 2025 needs to be completed so the first reading can occur in March, with a second reading in April and the election in May. If anyone is interested in any of the positions, please contact Ron or Hazel after the meeting. 4) Fruitbaskets – Please continue to save shoe boxes. However, Appalachian Running Company will also have shoe boxes available if we let them know to save them.
OLD BUSINESS: Lion Tina Leidigh asked whether the club would prefer picking up trash on Saturday, April 20th or Sunday, April 21st. After a brief discussion, a date will be solidified at the next meeting.
NEW BUSINESS: 1) Gary Peters reported that 252 eye glasses and 40 cases will be turned in at the District 14C Cabinet meeting on February 17th. 2) Lion Secretary Charlie Holtry read some of the tributes that were received for Peck Freeland, who passed away in late January 2024. He also had a brief reading on what Peck did for the Plainfield club.
CLOSING: The meeting was adjourned at 7:43 pm with the Lion Toast and Motto. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, 5 March 2024 at St Matthews Lutheran Church.
WCC REPORT: Financial Information: Balance, 2/8/2024: $30,347.37. During the month, there was a dividend received of $1.29 and expenses of $33.91 for administrative office supplies.
Golf outing: Another review was made of the flyer and the registration form. The cost is $80 this year with the date of June 22, 2024. The Lion’s logo was corrected. A discussion was held on how to honor Peck Freeland, who started this event as a fundraiser for the WCC. Various ideas were presented. Lion Pete will contact Lion Jill for her input as well. We will need to start soliciting golfers and sponsors in March. The WCC will provide a current list of sponsors to each club to help obtain contributions and golfers for the outing.
There were no requests for Fund Assistance. We need to let our club members know that the WCC is there for any assistance with big ticket requests and that if they hear of anyone needing help, please see that this information gets to the WCC.
Next meeting is Thursday, March 7th, 2024 at St Matthews Lutheran Church in Plainfield, starting at 7:00 pm.
January 3, 2024 at 6:29 pm | Meeting called to order by President Jill Freeland
In Attendance: Members: Stanley Dye, Peck and Jill Freeland, Hugh Gallagher, Hazel and Ron Garman, Charlie and Sue Holtry, Judy King, Scott and Tina Leidigh, Gary Peters and Lisa Shade. Guests: Nancy Hockenberry, Katelynn Mattern, Traci and Travis Barnhart, Nevaeh, Alexis, and Braydon Barnhart.
Shirley Weston addressed the club thanking us for the fruit baskets given to each of the servers and cooks. Meeting was called to order at 6:29 pm by Lion President Jill Freeland. Lion Hazel Garman led the singing of “My Country Tis of Thee”, and Lion President Freeland led the Pledge of Allegiance. Lion Charlie Holtry presented the Invocation. Lion Judy King led the Lion Roar.
After the meal, the meeting was recalled at 7:05 pm. The Just for Fun segment was presented by Lion Holtry. The minutes of the December 6th meeting were approved as printed. There was no correspondence. The financial report was approved as printed. WCC report: The WCC did not meet during November or December 2023. Next meeting is either January 10th or 17th at St Matthews Lutheran Church. The secretary will send out a notice of the meeting date when it is received.
STUDENT OF THE MONTH: See STUDENT OF THE MONTH tab for information on honored student.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1) Fruit Baskets – Ron Garman reported that 38 baskets and 37 quarts of soup were prepared and distributed. He heard nothing but good things about the fruit. He very much appreciated all the help as we were finished in an hour. Please start saving shoe boxes for next year. 2) Christmas Party – Lion Peck announced that event seemed to be well received. The guests seemed to enjoy the auction. 3) Sandwich Sale – Lion Ron Garman passed out the forms for the sale of ham/cheese and/or turkey/cheese sandwiches. They are available on regular rolls ($6) or pretzel rolls ($6.50). There is a limited quantity of soup available with the 2 sandwiches, 2 soups for $25 special in effect. He needs to know how many sandwiches were sold by February 1st. Help is needed on February 8th to make the sandwiches. If you sell any soup, please let Ron know immediately so we don’t sell more soup than we have. 4) Easter Egg Hunt – Just a reminder that the Easter Egg hunt is scheduled for March 23rd – more details will follow at the next meeting.
OLD BUSINESS: Lion Tina Leidigh has not set a date for the first trash pickup along PA Route 641 in Plainfield but believes it will be in April 2024.
NEW BUSINESS: Nancy Hockenberry was introduced to the club. Nancy is a current member of the Newville Lions Club but would like to transfer to the Plainfield Lions Club. Nancy is very active with the WCC serving as its secretary. We welcome Nancy to our club with open arms.
CLOSING: The meeting was adjourned at 7:22 pm with the Lion Toast and Motto. The next meeting will be on 7 February 2024 at St Matthews Lutheran Church.
December 6, 2023 at 6:30 pm | Meeting called to order by 1st Vice-President Peck Freeland
In Attendance: Members: Stanley Dye, Peck Freeland, Hugh Gallagher, Hazel and Ron Garman, Charlie and Sue Holtry, Judy King, Scott and Tina Leidigh, Gary Peters and Lisa Shade. Guests: Mackenzie, Nicole, Andrew, Ryleigh and Carson Flickinger.
Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Lion 1st Vice-President Freeland. Lion Hazel Garman led the singing of “My Country Tis of Thee”, and Lion 1VP Peck led the Pledge of Allegiance. Lion Charlie Holtry presented the Invocation. Lion Judy King led the Lion Roar.
After the meal, the meeting was recalled at 7:08 pm. The Just for Fun segment was presented by Lion 1VP Peck. The minutes of the November 1st meeting were approved as printed. There was no correspondence. The financial report was approved as printed. District and Zone meetings: 1) Zone Blood Drive on December 29th at Newburg, PA; 2) Our club received a “Club Excellence” award for 2022 – 2023; and 3) Zone Social tentatively scheduled for June 13th, 2024 at Letort Park in Carlisle. WCC report: Current checking balance is $31,240.82. Most recent donation to Bethany House for $5,865.87 to replace a heat pump. Next meeting is either January 10th or 17th at St Matthews Lutheran Church.
STUDENT OF THE MONTH: See STUDENT OF THE MONTH tab for information on honored student.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1) Fruit Baskets – Form is going around for names of those to receive fruit baskets. Preparation will begin promptly at 10:00 am on December 18th. Tissue paper (red and green) for the boxes will be needed. If you have any bows, please bring them as well. Currently need to prepare over 30 baskets. 2) Christmas Party – Lion Peck announced that 75 people have signed up. There are plenty of gifts available. He plans to start setting up around 3:00 pm on the 14th – any help will be appreciated. 3) Audit – Lion Treasurer Holtry announced that the 2022 – 2023 financial records have yet to be audited. The committee may want to set up a time to audit the records from last year.
OLD BUSINESS: 1) No Old Business.
NEW BUSINESS: 1) Lion Tina Leidigh has contacted PennDOT to have the Plainfield Lions Club participate in the Adopt-A-Highway program for PA Route 641 for the 2 miles starting in Plainfield and heading east. The club agreed to pick up litter at least 2 times per year. This had been a club project by Plainfield Lion John Day years ago but was dropped following the passing of Mr. Day. On a motion from Lion Ron Garman, seconded by Lion Scott Leidigh, it was moved to for our club to support this program in all manners. MOTION PASSED.
CLOSING: The meeting was adjourned at 7:48 pm with the Lion Toast and Motto. The next meeting will be on 3 January 2024 at St Matthews Lutheran Church.
November 1, 2023 at 6:30 pm | Meeting called to order by President Jill Freeland
In Attendance: Members: Stanley Dye, Peck and Jill Freeland, Hugh Gallagher, Hazel and Ron Garman, HI and Ortrun Gates, Charlie and Sue Holtry, Scott and Tina Leidigh, Gary Peters and Richard and Robin Walker. Guests: Leah, Allison, Heather and Jacob Bear, Lisa Shade, Harold and Janet Walker.
Meeting was called to order at 6:31 pm by Lion President Jill Freeland. Lion Hazel Garman led the singing of “My Country Tis of Thee”, and Lion President Jill led the Pledge of Allegiance. Lion Charlie Holtry presented the Invocation. Lion President Jill Freeland led the Lion Roar.
After the meal, the meeting was recalled at 7:05 pm. The Just for Fun segment was presented by Lion Peck Freeland. The guests were introduced by the person who made the invitation. The minutes of the October 18th meeting were approved as printed. The only correspondence was a “Thank You” card from District Governor Marty Zimmerman. The financial report was approved as printed. Noted was that the Country Butcher Shop was paid in full for the soup and that name tags were purchased for the new members. The Lion Secretary also noted to the new members that Lions Club International was founded in 1917 by Melvin Jones as a service organization by Chicago businessmen to improve the lives of the less fortunate. He also reviewed the 8 global causes of Lions: 1) Disaster Relief, 2 Diabetes, 3) Hunger, 4) Youth, 5) Environment, 6) Vision, 7) Humanitarian and 8) Childhood Cancer.
STUDENT OF THE MONTH: See STUDENT OF THE MONTH tab for information on honored student.
OLD BUSINESS: 1) No Old Business.
NEW BUSINESS: 1) Next Western Cumberland County Lions Project Fund meeting will be held Wednesday, November 29th, 2023, at 7:00 pm at St Matthews Lutheran Church. All are welcome to attend. 2) Visitor Lisa Shade turned in an application for membership into the Plainfield club. It will be acted upon at the December meeting.
CLOSING: The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm with the Lion Toast and Motto. The next meeting will be on 6 December 2023 at St Matthews Lutheran Church.
October 18, 2023 at 6:30 pm | Meeting called to order by President Jill Freeland
In Attendance: Members: Stanley Dye, Peck and Jill Freeland, Hugh Gallagher, Hazel and Ron Garman, Charlie Holtry, Scott and Tina Leidigh, and Suzi Rowe. Guests: District Governor Marty Zimmerman, 1st Vice-District Governor Galen Burkholder, Zone Chairman Ray Highlands and Lion Pete Shultzabarger.
Meeting was called to order by Lion President Jill Freeland. Lion Hazel Garman led the singing of “My Country Tis of Thee”, and Lion President Jill led the Pledge of Allegiance. Lion Charlie Holtry led the Invocation. Lion Judy King led the Lion Roar.
After the meal, the meeting was recalled at 7:06 pm. The Just for Fun segment was presented by Lion Peck Freeland. The minutes of the October 4th meeting were approved as printed. There was no correspondence. The financial report was approved as printed. Lion Treasurer Holtry noted the $288 received from broom sales, which are sold at Whimsical Poppy in Mt Holly Springs. Lion Treasurer also recognized Lion Pete Shultzabarger from the Newville Lions Club as the Treasurer of the Western Cumberland County (WCC) Project Fund.
President Jill Freeland introduced Zone Chairman Ray Highlands of the Carlisle Lions Club, who noted that his club will be celebrating their 90th anniversary in November 2023. There were wooden coins for everyone signifying the anniversary. He then introduced 1st Vice-District Governor Galen Burkholder from the Shippensburg Lions Club. The 1st VDG then introduced District Governor Marty Zimmerman from the Stewartstown Lions Club. The DG had a brief presentation on Lionism in our district, state, and world. The DG commended our club on our participation with the WCC. He passed out some door prizes to members of the Plainfield club, as well as a Grinch pillow to Lion Peck Freeland.
There was no business transacted during the DG Visitation, which follows the protocol for the DG’s visit.
CLOSING: The meeting was adjourned at 7:54 pm with the Lion Toast and Motto. The next meeting will be on 1 November 2023 at St Matthews Lutheran Church.
October 4, 2023 at 6:30 pm | Meeting called to order by President Jill Freeland
In Attendance: Members: Stanley Dye, Peck and Jill Freeland, Hugh Gallagher, Hazel and Ron Garman, Tracy Garman, HI and Ortrun Gates, Charlie and Sue Holtry, Scott and Tina Leidigh, and Gary Peters. Guests: Johnathan, Paul and Kim Gleed.
Meeting was called to order by Lion President Jill Freeland. Lion Hazel Garman led the singing of “My Country Tis of Thee”, and Lion President Jill led the Pledge of Allegiance. Lion Charlie Holtry led the Invocation. Lion Judy King led the Lion Roar.
After the meal, the meeting was recalled at 7:06 pm. The Just for Fun segment was presented by Lion Peck Freeland. The minutes of the September 6th meeting were approved as printed. The only correspondence was a notice of the 90th Anniversary celebration of the Carlisle Lions. The financial report was approved as printed. Lion Treasurer Holtry noted the payment of $650 to Beacon Lodge for Tara Garman to attend camp and the new interest rate on the CD purchased will be 5.25%.
STUDENT OF THE MONTH: See STUDENT OF THE MONTH tab for information on honored student.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1) WCC Lions Project – WCC updates were included with the minutes. 2) Soup Sales – The firehouse was not available on October 27th and 28th, so the committee moved the dates forward one week to October 20th and 21st. Forms were distributed for members to sell soup. If the members collect the money and the purchasers come to the firehouse to get the soup, the committee needs to know so they have the soup available. Help is needed on Friday, October 20th from 3 – 6 pm, and on Saturday, October 21st from 8 am – noon. 3) Christmas Party – Lion Peck reminded everyone about the Christmas party on Thursday, December 14th, 2023, at the Bongiorno Conference Center.
OLD BUSINESS: 1) Our missing banner is in Peck’s car.
NEW BUSINESS: 1) Eye screening will be held on October 12th and 13th at Bethal Academy on the Holly Pike, starting at 9 am. Any help will be appreciated. 2) Lion Acting Secretary Charlie Holtry noted that he received an application for membership from Tracy Garman. On a motion by Hazel Garman, seconded by Ron Garman, it was moved to accept the application. She will be inducted by the District Governor at our meeting on October 18th. MOTION PASSED 3) Lion Hugh Gallagher informed the club of the situation at Beacon Lodge Camp. If nothing happens in the next few years, the camp may be forced to close due to lack of funding in 2025.
CLOSING: The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 pm with the Lion Toast and Motto. The next meeting will be on 18 October 2023 at St Matthews Lutheran Church with visitation by the District Governor.
September 6, 2023 at 6:30 pm | Meeting called to order by Second Vice-President Ron Garman
In Attendance: Members: Eric BeMiller, Stanley Dye, Hugh Gallagher, Hazel and Ron Garman, Ortrun Gates, Charlie and Sue Holtry, Lee and Shirley Myers, Diana Oiler, Gary Peters and Suzi Rowe. Guests: Scott and Tina Leidigh, Tracy Garman.
Meeting was called to order by Lion 2nd Vice-President Ron Garman. Immediate Past Club President Hazel Garman led the singing of “My Country Tis of Thee”, and 2VP Garman led the Pledge of Allegiance. Lion Charlie Holtry led the Invocation. Lion Gary Peters led the Lion Roar.
After the meal, the meeting was recalled at 7:04 pm. The Just for Fun segment had an update on the health condition of Lion Peck Freeland from Lion Susan Holtry and Lion Ortrun Gates. Lion Eric BeMiller and guests Scott Leidigh, Tina Leidigh and Tracy Garman were also noted as being in attendance. The minutes of the June 7th meeting were approved as printed. The following correspondence was read: 1) a “Thank You” from Beacon Lodge for support of the 500 Club program in the amount of $100, 2) a letter from Leader Dogs for the Blind requesting a donation, and 3) a “Thank You” from Hugh and Margaret Gallagher for the “fun time” at the club’s picnic in August. The financial report was approved as printed.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1) WCC Lions Project – Lion Gary Peters reported on the last WCC meeting held in August. The WCC has a balance of $39,150.44 in the bank. Six families have been helped this year to the tune of $8,884.01. The WCC approved a request from the Office of the Aging to help a Newville mobile home resident repair the toilet and floor in their bathroom, totaling $2000. Next meeting is at St Matthews Church on Wednesday, September 20th, starting at 7:00 pm. 2) Program Committee – Lion Acting Secretary Charlie Holtry passed out folders that contained Schedule of Events, Plainfield Club Directory, Committees and Board of Directors, and Chart showing structure of Lions Clubs. 3) Budget and Finance Committee – The Budget for the upcoming year was presented to the club. 4) Community Service Committee – Lion Peters reported on the number of eyeglasses and cases that were turned in at the District at the Cabinet meeting. Hearing aids are also being collected. Lion Holtry noted that prescription containers are also being collected by the Hanover Lions Club.
OLD BUSINESS: 1) At our last meeting in June, it was decided to roll-over the Certificate of Deposit when it came matured in August. However, upon the maturity date, Lion Treasurer Holtry moved it into a savings account fund as the budget showed a shortfall in the Project account. After discussion, it was moved by Hugh Gallagher, seconded by Stanley Dye, to re-invest the origin $5000 into a CD at Members 1st for 15 months at 5% interest and to move $650 to the Project fund. MOTION PASSED. The Treasurer indicated that he would open the CD the next day, which occurred and the club will receive an interest rate of 5.25% over 15 months.
NEW BUSINESS: 1) On a motion from Ortrun Gates, seconded by Hugh Gallagher, it was moved to accept the Budget as printed in the folder. MOTION PASSED. 2) Lions Lee and Shirley Myers have decided to resign from the club. The club thanked them for their years of service to the Plainfield area. They will be sorely missed. 3) The club accepted the applications from Scott and Tina Leidigh and they are now members of the club. They will be inducted at the October 18th meeting by the District Governor.
CLOSING: The meeting was adjourned at 7:57 pm with the Lion Toast and Motto. The next meeting will be on 4 October 2023 at St Matthews Lutheran Church.
June 7, 2023 at 6:30 pm | Meeting called to order by President Hazel Garman
In Attendance: Members: Jill & Peck Freeland, Hazel & Ron Garman, Ortrun and HI Gates, Susan & Charles Holtry, Diana Oiler, Gary Peters, and Suzi Rowe. Guests: Zone Chairman Ray Highlands, Rylee Piper, Kim and Joe Piper.
Meeting was called to order by Lion President Hazel Garman, who also led the singing of “My Country Tis of Thee” and the Pledge of Allegiance. Lion Charlie Holtry led the Invocation and the Lion Roar.
After the meal, the meeting was recalled at 7:04 pm. The minutes of the May 3rd meeting were approved as printed. The financial report was approved as printed. The following correspondence was read: 1) a “Thank You” from Project Share for support of the Summer Feeding program, 2) a letter from Lions Clubs International informing the club that we earned a Membership Satisfaction Award, 3) a request for help at the Blood Drive being held in Newburg on 30 June 2023, and 4) a reminder on the Zone Social being held on 15 June 2023 at Letort Park in Carlisle.
STUDENT OF THE MONTH: See the Student of the Month section on this website for information on Rylee Piper.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1) WCC Lions Project – Next meeting is at the church on Thursday, June 8th, starting at 6:30 pm with the Golf Committee and the regular meeting at 7:00 pm. Golf Tournament is on Saturday, June 24th at Eagles Crossing. 2) Sandwich Committee – There were 362 sandwiches sold which resulted in a profit of $1494. Ron Garman thanked everyone for their help. 3) Club Picnic – Picnic will be held on Wednesday, 9 August 2023 at West Pennsboro Park. Lion Richard Walker will contact West Pennsboro Township to verify the use of one of the pavilions.
OLD BUSINESS: No Old Business.
NEW BUSINESS: Zone Chairman Ray Highlands was on hand to do the following: 1) Presented longevity awards of 15 years to Ortrun Gates, HI Gates and Susan Holtry, and 40 years to Gary Peters; 2) Presented the Plainfield Lion of the Year Award to Ortrun Gates, and 3) installed the new officers for the 2023 – 2024 Lion Club year (see list at the end of these minutes). The ceremonial exchange of the gavel was completed.
CLOSING: The meeting was adjourned at 7:52 pm with the Lion Toast and Motto. Next meeting is the club picnic on Wednesday, 9 August, 2023, at West Pennsboro Park. The next meeting where business will be conducted will be on 6 September 2023 at St Matthews Lutheran Church.