
The Lions Clubs International Foundation is Lions helping Lions serve the world. Donations provide funding in the form of grants to financially assist Lions districts with large-scale humanitarian projects that are too extensive for Lions to finance on their own. The Foundation aids Lions in making a greater impact in their local communities, as well as around the world. Through LCIF, Lions ease pain and suffering and bring healing and hope to people worldwide. Grants provide both immediate assistance following natural disasters and long-term disaster relief for reconstruction efforts. Grants help preserve sight, combat disability, promote health or serve youth.


Our 2014-16 CARE project is an effort to is to improve the quality of life for poor families living in rural communities in Guatemala’s western highlands by facilitating equitable access to water and basic sanitation services. 

According to recent data, more than 54 percent of the Guatemalan population lives in rural areas. Less than 60 percent of these rural households have access to clean water supply sources, and only 46 percent have access to basic sanitation services. These conditions undermine the country’s 2 development by keeping children, especially girls, out of school1 , having a negative impact on their future livelihoods, and denying many people a healthy and productive life. Problems created by lack of access to proper water and sanitation are exacerbated by other situations that perpetuate poverty, such as gender inequality and social exclusion. The responsibility of supplying households with water rests disproportionately on the shoulders of women and girls, limiting their participation in family income generation, decision-making, community leadership and ability to go to school. Family incomes are further affected by poor water and sanitation services, as the costs associated with purchasing water are high, as are the costs of treatment and medicine for treating water-related illnesses.

Expected outcomes

  • Improved quantity, quality and continuity of access to water, fit for human consumption, for 2,500 residents of four communities in the municipalities of Tacaná and Tajumulco, San Marcos department;
  • Improved water quality fit for human consumption in priority communities; and
  • Improved health and hygiene for 2,500 women, men and children in four communities in the municipalities of Tacaná and Tajumulco. 


Today, Leader Dogs for the Blind is proud to have assisted over 13,000 people in achieving the freedom of safe and independent travel. Graduating approximately 300 teams a year, the school serves individuals from all areas of the globe. Leader Dog is one of only two schools in the world to offer dog guides to persons who are both deaf and blind. Certainly Schuur, Nutting, and Dodge would be very proud of their dream and the opportunity it has offered to so many.


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