
Student Speaker Contest 2024


“For a Better World - What Would You Change?”

2024 Laguna Niguel contestants


• To provide an opportunity for competitive public speaking among students on a subject of vital interest to the contestants and to the American people as a whole.         

• To stimulate self-expression and independent thinking.

• To present to the public through the student speakers contests the problems surrounding themaintenance of this commonwealth as a free nation.          

• To consider the means at our disposal of meeting the present and future world problems. 



Students entering the contest shall prepare a talk to be as close as possible to, but not over ten minutes, nor less than five minutes in length.


  • Club Contest on or before Monday, February 26, 2024
  • Zone Contest on or before Monday, March 18, 2024
  • Region Contest on or before Monday April 15, 2024
  • District Contest on or before Monday May 06, 2024 (Note: April 13-14, 2024  CHSSA)
  • Area Contest on or before Monday, May 20, 2024,
  • MD4 Final Contest Joint Council of Governors mtg. Saturday, June 15, 2024


Originality (Thought Content)

Originality                                           10 Points Maximum

Adherence to Subject Title                 10 Points Maximum

Main Points Supported                      10 Points Maximum

Conclusion Clearly Supported            10 Points Maximum


Emphasis, voice control                      10 Points Maximum

Enunciation, pronunciation                10 Points Maximum

Sincerity, enthusiasm                         10 Points Maximum

Overall Effectiveness

Well Rounded, cohesive                     10 Points Maximum

Logical, organized                               10 Points Maximum

Persuasive                                          10 Points Maximum

TOTAL Max.Score                  100 Points Max.



Club  Level Contest                                                          $100.00 to the winner

Zone Level Contest                                                            $150.00 to the winner only.

Regional     Contest                                                            $250.00 to the Winner only.

District Contest   Fourteen winners                               $4,500.00 scholarship each.

Area Contests      Four winners                                      $6,500.00 scholarship each.

Final Contest       Winner  receives                                $10,000.00 scholarship.


     "Speech Contest participation DIFFERENTIATES leaders from other college applicants."


For Official Contest Rules go to the website;

To learn more contact

2024 Laguna Niguel Lions Student Speaker Contest

1.    A late contestant shall not compete if arrival time is after the draw of the                              
 speaker order for that contest.

 2.   No one may enter or leave the room while a contestant is speaking.  (Call upon Guards to man the doors.) Entry or departure to the room can be made during the intermissions.

3.   No smoking, food or beverages are allowed during the contest, except beverages during
       intermissions, with the exception, the speakers may drink water during their speech.
4.    Do not applaud the speakers until after the judges’ worksheets have been collected.
5.    Each speaker will speak for no less than five minutes and no more than ten minutes or   
       penalty/scoring deductions will be applied; no warning signals shall be given.
6.   There will be a quiet three-minute intermission between and after speakers, and as much
       time as needed after the final speaker, to allow judges to complete scoring. There shall
       be no conferring with judges during the contest.

7.   No photography, video or audio taping will be allowed during the contest. Only an MD4
       video representative will be authorized to record the FINAL CONTEST.

8.   All noise-emitting electronic devices such as phones, etc. must be turned off until the
      contest is completed.

9.   Any protest relative to the contest must be made to the Chairperson before the winner is

10. The contest Chairperson shall review and verify the Tellers’ worksheets before announcing
       the results.


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