Community service, fellowship and fun. We are always looking for new members - please contact Cheryl at to be our guest at a meeting.
Sept 26 2024, Laguna Niguel Lions are proud to donate 9 dresses for the upcoming US Marine Corp Ball, Camp Pendleton CA
Sept 18, 2024: Laguna Niguel Lions served lunch to 50 senior citizens at the Laguna Niguel senior center.
August 23-25, 2024, LN Lions booth at Laguna Niguel Sea County festival. Lions gave away reader glasses, letter openers, pretzels and candy to visitors.
August 7 2024 School supplies and backpack donation
2024-5 new Laguna Niguel Lions officers including incoming president Cheryl Zozaya
April 17, 2024. Donation two SUVs full of dress clothes to Working Wardrobes OC who help less fortunate prepare for job interviews.
April 3, 2024: Diaper and baby wipes donation to Family Assistance Ministries of Laguna Niguel
February 21, 2024 Laguna Niguel Lions Speaker contestants. Congratulations to winner Sanvi Shah of Aliso Niguel HS (far right)
Jan 13 2024 Laguna Niguel Lions free vision event Santa Ana senior center. Saw 218 patients and distributed 175 eyeglasses.
January 2024 Laguna Niguel donation to District 4 food drive
YTD January 16 2024, 3,896 glasses and 1,074 cases
Free vision screening and eye glass clinics
Locally, we also financially support through our fundraising efforts the following charities:
California Lions Friends in Sight collects eyeglasses, provides visionscreenings, distributes recycled eyeglass prescriptions to thoseunable to afford exams and glasses, Beyond Blindness children’s educational center in Santa Ana, Family Assistance Ministries food and housing support for needy families Orange County Puppy Raisers Guide Dogs for the Blind, South County Outreach a food bank, training center,emergency housing, Support to Local Military Families: Christmas Soldier back packs, familyholiday gifts Lions Club International Foundation: funding for large scale humanitarian projects after a disaster, cataract surgeries in third world countries, and many other international charitable activities
Lions share a core belief – to serve their community. We were founded in 1917 as a international non political non religous community service organization. At the request of Helen Keller we took up the challenge of fighting blindness in 1925. We also volunteer for many other service projects to aid the less fortunate, seniors and the disabled.
For more about Lions Clubs, go to
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.