
Lions Service Projects can benefit individuals and/or the community in many different ways.  Some of the local, national and International project are listed below.

Used Eyeglass Collections - Lions throughout the country and in the Holt/Delhi area collect glasses no longer needed and then recycle them in a unique way.  Used eyeglasses cannot reused in the United States, but Lions collect them, sort them, repair if they can and take them overseas to many different counties where they are distributed free of charge to people who could not otherwise afford them.  Holt Lions have gone on many "Eyeglass Missions" around the world.  The cost of the trip and their expenses are paid by the individual not the Lions Club.  The Holt Lions has even been the sponsor of a series of "Eyeglass Missions" to Latvia.

Eyeglasses - Lions International and local Lions Clubs have been involved in sight issues since Helen Keller challenged them to become "Knight of the Blind" in 1925.  The Holt Lions can assist people from the Delhi township area in getting eye exams and glasses when they meet the needs tests and they may have to pay a small co-pay.  Contact the Eyeglass Chairperson show on the "Contact Us" page of this Website.

Holt Lions Student Athletic Award - At a special awards meeting every first Thursday of June for the past 45 plus years the Holt Lions have had the coach of each sport at Holt High School recognize a graduating senior who exemplifies the best in a student athlete.  Not the top scorer scorer or leading rusher but the student that the coach wants to recognize for hard work, support of the sport and all around efforts to help the team.  This award has been referred to by the Holt Athletic Director as the "highest honor that a coach can award". 

H.O.L.T Scholarships - The Holt Lions club participates in the H.O.L.T. scholarships by making a generous donation to help assist a Holt area student go on from high school to college.

Emergency Aid - In times of emergency the Holt Lions Club can rendered some financial assistance.  Fire victims in a local trailer home park and another home owner suffered totals losses during 2009 and received some money and other items from the Holt Lions.

Delhi Township Brush Drop Off - During the spring and summer months, Holt Lions man a site in Delhi Township where only Delhi residents can drop off yard waste and brush for free.  Lions work at the site once a month, otherwise the Township would not be able to offer the service free of charge or at all.  See the Calendar Page for dates and times.

Food Frenzy asstance at the Holt Farmers Market

The Holt Lions assist the Holt Farmers Market during Food Frenzy nights by cleaing up and bussing  tables.  At the end of the nights they help with putting awythe table and chairs.  Everyone gets to go home earlier with that big tasks by the service provide by the Lions. 

See the Calendar Page for date and time.

Lions partcipate in many events in the community that are not labeled Lions activities.  Examples include support of the Holt Community Food Bank, where six Lions are members of it's Board of Directors and several are volunteers doing the day-to-day work of the Food Bank in additon to funding it donates.











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