
Lions Club International and all local Lions clubs share a common motto, "We Serve".

To serve the world and the communities it is part of, Lions must raise money.  That money buys the goods and services used to fund our projects and  support the community.   The Lions have a unique fund raising philosophy.  All monies raised from the public go back to the public.  That means that no funds raised by the Lions from the general public or through donations from some outside sources can go into Lions Club administration.

Lions Club administration expenses are paid for by Lions Club dues and other internal events.

The Holt Lions Foundation is a 501c3, tax exempt organization

You can make immediatele donations on-line by clicking on the following line and filling in the amount you wish to donate and your required card information.

Holt Lions Foundation

Or donations checks should be made out to the "Holt Lions Foundation" and sent to: 

Holt Lions Foundation, 5308 Sunrose Ave, Lansing, MI 48911

a receipt for tax purposes can be provided.

Some annual and some one time fund raisers are:

Candy Days, in the fall of the year Holt Lions solicit donations from the general at selected area locations, a Lions will be asking for donations and giving the public a roll of Lions Mints back.

Lions Mints Sales, Lions Mints specially made for Lions International are on sale on counters tops at many local retailers.  Drop your money in the collection slot and take a roll from the display.  Remember that your local retailer is giving up valuable merchandising area to assist the Lions.

White Cane Sales, during the last weekend of April and first weekend of May the Holt Lions participates in the nationwide White Cane sale.  Lions throughout the area solicit donations from the public while using the "White Cane collection bucket".  This is one of the most recognized fund collections efforts and one of the most successful.

This Easter Flower Project and the Hanging Flower Backet Project are currently on hold!

Due to problems with supplies from growers we are currently waiting to see if  or when we can restart.  Stayed tuned for updates on the great projects.

Lions Clubs International News
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