Holt Lions Club
Delhi Township Fire Department
Halloween In The Park
October 27, 2024
The Holt Lions Club in coordination with the Delhi Township Fire Department and the assistance of the Delhi Parks & Recreation Department have been doing a Halloween In The Park celebration in the Veterans Memorial Park the Sunday before Halloween since October, 2012. The school children of the Holt/Delhi Township area are invited to come join in celebrating the best of the Halloween Season. They are invited to come in costume and "Treat or Treat" at the booths that that set up in the park by area businesses, churches, governmental groups and services clubs. We started in 2012 with about 15-18 groups spread out around the park offering candy and treats for the kids. That first event we estimated about 300 kids with their parents, friends and lots of family attended. This last year there were about thirty booths a special "Selfie Station" and a count of over 800 children coming in the gate with parent, grandparent and family friend that couldn't be counted. The attendance has been great, the kids and families and all the vendors enjoyed themselves.
Halloween in the Park starts at 2:00 PM and ends at 4:00 PM, but the preparation for it starts months in advance every year.
Enjoy some of our 2017 Halloween In The Park highlights.
Halloween In The Park requires planning, organizing, recruiting and preparation by many different groups and businesses. The start of the event is months before the Sunday afternoon.
Here are some members of the Holt Lions Club working on the Selfie Station. It's a very popular place to take pictures of the kids in costume with an appropriate background. It replaced the cardboard freezer box that was set upth prevoius year.
It's said that the early bird gets the worm, so to does the first family in line get the candy. Like many others this family was an hour early.
It's not just kids that dress up! Some of the best costumes are worn by slightly older "Kids"
At 2:00 PM the line started moving and the first booth on the ciruit was the Holt Lions Club then followed by at least 28 other groups handing out candy and treats.
After 2:00 PM even with the line moving in front it kept getting longer and longer.
Here are more of the booths.
The Co-Sponsors and some of the hard working Firemen of
the Delhi Township Fire Department
Now Kids getting Candy and showing off their Halloween costumes.
At the end of the trail, after the Selfie Station photo, the Lansing Board of Water & Light (BWL) served coffee, cider and donuts to everyone (free). They did a great job and fed a lot of hungary and thirsty people.
Still more kids in line, it was just 4:00 PM when the last family got in line at the starting point.
The Holt Lions and the Delhi Township Fire Department wish to thanks all the sponsors, vendor and supported for making this another successful community event in Holt/Delhi Township.
All the hard work, time spent planning and preparing made it a great day. We envite you back again next year.
Below some of the Holt Lions Club members who attended, worked and had fun are standing in front of theClubs booth. The theme for the Lions club was
"Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!!!!"
With a borrowed Dorthy from another booth we got the perfect picture for our theme.