
Henderson Lions Club

Mailing Address
PO Box 842
Henderson, KY 42419


Meeting Location:
Every Tuesday at 12:00 pm
Henderson County Public Library
Pittsburg Tank and Tower Event Suite
101 South Main Street
Henderson, Ky 42420

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram



If you are interested in visiting or joining Henderson Lions Club, please contact us by email at

Submit your completed application to us in person or by emailing it to us at

To donate your used eyeglasses, take them to the main office at the Henderson Salvation Army. We'll take it from there and put them to good use!


To inquire about receiving eyecare assistance, please stop by the Henderson Salvation Army to complete an application. 

The Henderson Lions Club meet each Tuesday at 11:30am at the Henderson County Public Library on the second floor in the Pittsburg Tank and Tower Event Suite located at 101 South Main Street in Henderson, Kentucky.

Click map below to get directions to our weekly meeting


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