
Havre Lions

February 20, 2025

Lion President Dan Korb

Thanks for Lion Jerry Dinner

Invocation Lion Jerry Kuhn

J and V is the company doing exhaust hoods

Minutes: Lion Steve Mclain moved to accept. Lion Brandon Brostrom second. Passed

Old Business: Flag Bases Built about 200 delivered 163

Cooking for NALSF April 4, have enough cooking Lion Scott Doney

Splash park: all the material is here. When the weather gets better will get game plan

Booth: Not ready to cook in it yet. Lion Steve Mclain  said waiting on design man to know what to do

Lion Russ large check will get it finalized tomorrow

Flags For 1st graders: Lion Scott Doney Passed around thank you cards from 1st graders that got flags

Anyone interested in attending leadership by invitation will be Friday & Saturday not sure of dates or locations

Giest Speaker Bill Tucker from VFW. Past commander of VFW hosting state convention

Primary soliciting small advertisement in convention book. If their club would be interested in Lions to put add in convention book. Vets do the same things lions do.

Do what they can to help out community

Cost Will leave information $250 to $750

Add in brochure ¼ page $250

Quarter Page moved Lion Scott Doney. Second Lion Bob Patera

 Response by 1st of May

Bill Tucker: Need all the help we can get, and community organizations need to work together more. Have a network where we can all get together to work together.

New Business

Elections coming up think about what offices you can do

Jane Murphy 3 years old 5  o’clock at  4 H

Lions’ Kids Bingo night Start earlier 17 of April

Letter from chamber of commerce to work with bear paw marathon Water Station and sponsors. June 7

Lion Becky Contacted by Lion Keith Ball who moved to Texas. Sent all his pins. Lion Becky will bring the next meeting.

Meal Prices: Raise prices of Meal Prices need to look at said Lion Jim R. If we want anyone to cater for 10 it is not going to get it done. Would it deter people from coming if we raise it. Meal was based on VFW women cooking.  Lion Wanda moved to leave as is. Lion Jim R. second passed.

Lion Becky cooking

Health and welfare Lion Ron Cots not doing well with health

Frank Benjamin Back in Hospital

April 11-12 is a convention in Medicine Hat

Correspondence: MSUN asking for Scholarship Presenter: Lion Becky will present Lions Scholarship Awards.

Drawing - all Lions Meal  Leonard Deppmeier,  Jim Bennett   Doug Larson Won

Drink: Curt Lineweraver.  Wanda Meredith won

50/50 Dana Roe   Fine Free Steve McClain


Board Meeting:

Board Meeting:

$250 add and give. $500 to VFW for add in convention pamphlet

Motion Lion Amos made motion. Lion Russ second.



Havre Lions

February 6, 2025

Lion President Dan Korb

Meredith Hanson Guest of Lion Wanda Meredith

23 members 1 guest

Minutes: Lion Scott Doney moved to accept minutes. Lion Ray Toth second minutes accepted

Treasurer Lion Treasure Jerry  Kuhn. Report approved. 

Old business: Lion Steve Mclain tabled Portable until booth remodeled.

Lion Treasurer Jerry: $170 and $75 dollars paid to Big Sandy Metal Large metal cut out for and $35 for Senior Center Storage Shed built by Lions.

 Splash Park Shed: all material is here for it: anyone can start when they want when the weather is better

Booth: Lion Ron and Lion Russ began demolition for remodel.

J and B Restaurant Supply is working on Two 7 ft hoods mechanical inspector meeting with him. Insulation would donated for anything we want. The electrician said let him know when we need him. Lion Russ and Lion Ron Maynard began demolition

Lion Russ large check nothing. Lion Jerry said Hill County Printing can do it no estimate of cost. Dry erase board

Campgrounds: date: August 16 steak fry

Eye Testing Dates; passed around for sign and sent out. Contact Lion Dan Korb 390-2422 text.  Why test: We go around with Education Co-op screening 6 Mo to 7 yrs old, at Child Find at Different Schools along hi-line. One of best things tells whether child should see eye dr. or not.

Mike Zook: President of Optimist club: Beginning of April employees would take part in national earth week: Redo back stop at Optimist Park: Asked for volunteers with Northwestern Energy 10 to 15 employees North Western give donation of time and labor.

This year national service week before Easter; dying eggs need manpower community oriented that employees could step up to help for North Western Energy. Common core between civic org 1500 to 3k on eggs probably switching to plastic eggs. Can think outside city something that would go along with national service week.  Mike Zook April 14 – 18 to support North Western Energy employees


New Business: Presidents Day: Drop off and handout flags and stands by teachers. Lion Scott will look and see what we have for flags and stands. If need will order flags and call a work party for stands. Lion Jim R. has brand for bases.

NLASF – 24 years raising scholar ship money for students donate to all sports

Every year have spring fling and fall pheasant hunt. April 4 is spring fling: College can’t cook. Woolery will cook pitchfork fondu. Also are asking Lions to help cook shrimp, help shuttle food Don’t expect to do for free cook for 500 people 2500 shrimp. Hour and half cooking 16 in a bag

Food line then auction off pkgs to raise money. Will donate 500 to 1000 to help out financially. Asking to use trailer and kegs to cook shrimp starts at 5 to 5:30

Just cook shrimp – and shuttling food. Looking for help – only 11 or twelve in NLASF – set up at gym north side. Motion Lion Gary to help out. Lion Max second. Passed

Lion Becky member of dist. 37 training weekend. Let Lion Becky know if you want to know more about Lions. Friday night, all day Sat. a great learning opportunity. Date and location not picked yet. Meeting with other people from the state. Leadership retreat

Cooking Next Meeting Feb. 20th Lion Jerry K

Pronto pups at triple dog: They want to do again (Mark R) do on Saturday start earlier so can go all day. Lion Russ will talk to him and find out more possibly purchase another fryer so we can keep up.

Health and welfare: Lion Scotts mother has fallen and hurt back tough time getting around just need to let heal’ doing better

Lion Frank Benjamin got out of hospital now out had pancreatic problems


Nalsf Have 11 to sign up for NLASF should be able to take in spring fling also, will feed everyone that works

New Member: Meredith Hanson: Lion Wanda said she is back in community. Not working now. Will be a great member, being she wants to be involved.

Lion Ray moved Lion Jerry second. Unanimous vote for new member

Drawings: all Lions; Meal M. Kuhn, Becky Toth 50/50 Fine free Lion Brostrom sold to Lion John Perrodin for $1.00 Meal Charlie Mack Drink Jake Myers



Havre Lions

Lion President Dan Korb

January 16, 2025

Invocation Lion Ray Toth

Tom and Karen Brown guest of Lion Jake Myers

Melanie Skoyen speaker MSU  Northern Alumni Foundation

Capital Campaign for residence hall: They want to get more students need to get dorms to look more inviting. Common area first to be worked on. Looking for sponsors of rooms. Met with important people for all to be on same page. Current students have ideas. Estimate to do dorm room $16k. Allow pledge over 3  year plan. Donors will get recognition on room. Anyone who comes will see donor wall at morgan. Students would like to have laundry matt setting have games. Kitchen space. North wing not needed with present enrollment. They want a more homy atmosphere. Kids do murals in building. Everyone working has to be licensed to do work. Rooms really need to have a lot of tlc.

Golden grads said dorms were just like when they were there

Considering updating the heating and cooling

They have met a goal for amount of money to start

We Love Northern Ball will support 21 $1k scholarships

Need to know by Monday Plowed Under band

Minutes: Lion Russ moved to approve. Lion Wanda second. Passed


Lion Ray Toth 30 years

Lion Steve Jamruszka 30 years

Lion Jim Bennett 10 years

Old business:

Christmas party good time fun – Lion Russ – deposited 2410 dollars

Lion Nate Korb won 50/50 2 baskets donated 50/50 back at Christmas party

Splash Park ordered siding, metal, soffits Lions Dan Korb and Steve Mclain

Booth: Drawing done by J & B Restaurant Supply, Too hard to do fire suppression with layout we have

Met with state mechanical and was approved said he would work with us works well with fire marshal.

Mark Rowlatt - need to turn fair committee loose and let them go

Outlets need to move

J & B will make local may install

Backroom could be remodeled by us

Signs at booth need to be redone. Brenda from hill county printing redo signs $1240 dollars maybe Coke or Pepsi may sponsor

Larson Moved to have booth committee go for it second Brandon second Passed

Large check model for donations no report.

Camp site dates called August 16, Labor and Memorial Day, $648 cost for the weekend ‘

Memorial Day is a work party. Lions Max and Tony will check on the week after Labor Day so we don’t have to pay

Eye checking

New business:

January 21 MSUN community nonprofit organization set up table for kids on campus 12 to 5 on a Tuesday Lions  Larson and Roe.

New business

In Big Sandy Central Machine cut out Lions emblem steel sheet $85 a piece. Came down from what they were. May have some powder coat

Lion Russ made motion to pay for 2 Lion signs cut out. Second Lion Dana Roe. Passed.

Booth Lions Bob Patera, Russ Stinnett, Mark Rowlatt, Brandon Brostrom, Ron Maynard, Dan Korb & Amos Mclain.

Second meeting for Charlie Mack and James Smith Lion J. Rowlatt

                 Lion Steve M moved to have them join. Lion Mark R second. Passed.

Meal February 6 Lion Steve Mclain

Health and Welfare

Former Havre Lion Frank Benjamin pancreas exploded airlifted 3 wk induced comal

Drawings: All Lions

Drink  Doney

50/50 tony donated back

Fine free lion mark Rowlatt

Board meeting

Lion Max moved Stremcha second to approve metal cut out signs.

Lion Mark will check out more signs



January 2, 2025 No Meeting



Havre Lions

Lion President Dan Korb

December 19, 2024

18 members

Invocation: Lion Jerry Kuhn

Guests: Lion Jim Rowlatt guests Charlie Mack and James Smith

Minutes: Lion Jerry moved to approve. Lion Dana Roe second. Passed.

Treasurer report: We should be giving out more because we have it, Lion Treasurer Jerry Kuhn. Treasurer Report accepted.

Old Business:

Booth: Lion Steve Mclain: JMG will send a person up to look at booth for suppression, they will give us options.

            More Freezer space – big standup About 2k

            Locke electric to move panels $4500. If inside will reuse 2 panels. We have $2500 to wire hood

About $7k on electrical for all

Jim r has air conditioner for booth

Motion to have Locke do electrical Lion John Periidon moved. Lion Max second. Passed $4500

Splash park building papered and Door in

Christmas party Jan 11 at bowling alley. Prime rib and smoked salmon. 38 last count. Email Lion Russ with name and count. Will give Jennies kitchen a count at 4 Friday 20th

Start at 5:30     Dinner at 7:00   Olympics afterwards

Ticket sales bring cash for an enjoyable evening

Be an exciting night surprise experience for everyone

Skip Jan 2nd meeting

Lions bell ringing Lions collected $2,912.08

Lion Max moved to match what we earned Lion Russ second. Passed

Large check for pictures and donations will be checked on by Lion Russ

Eye test schedule We will ask if dates are correct and will make it work

            Driving Mileage: Lion driving will be paid mileage.

New Business

Campground dates: Memorial Day and Labor day Lion Dan Korb will coordinate

Lionisim award Lion Brostrom for bringing in 2 or more members

Chevron awards:  All Lions:      Jim Bennett 10 yr,  Jacob Lorang 15, Jerry Kuhn 15, Wayne Bolken 20 Yr, Ray Toth  30 yr. Mark Rowlatt 30 years, Lion Darin Boss 30 years,

Meal was provided by Dylian’s Pizza $199.50

Cooking coordinator January 16 Lion Dana Roe will coordinate

Health and welfare:  Brush with death Steve Mclain flipped a trailer over because of wind.

Stake fry august 16 2025

Drawings: All Lions

Drink Jim Heavey, Meal Roger Meredith. 50/50 Lion Roger Meredith donated back, Mark Rowlatt fine free,

Board Meeting:

Salvation army donation passed $2912.08




Havre Lions

November 21, 2024

Lion Vice President Russ Stinnett

21 members

Speaker Melanie Skoyen MSU Northern Alumni Director of Development. Melanie has been Director for 2.5 years. Raising funds for dorms / students see dorms as a shortcoming and need to be updated to recruit more students

Some Alumni will donate if funds don’t go to athletics.

Will help with recruiting students

Cost of education and living in Havre is way better than most schools in state

Have hoops to jump through

Sponsoring a room refurbishing should cost $16k and your name would go on room

$130,00 has come in in first week many people want to support

Have a large common area in Morgan Hall – want a space to meet up with friends

Need to determine what is more cost effective in remodeling

North wing will be the start

There are some grants. Once they have money, they will be able to apply for grant

Will keep funds for what donor wants

Dan Korb will be at a meeting to get a plan, and they will get rolling right away.

No assistance from the state/ project doesn’t deal with education so no state funds

Auxiliary funds must support themselves; student fees are not very much at all at Northern

60 rooms in Morgan give Morgan a face lift/ McKinzie has been done not as bad as Morgan

Northern has enough rooms and buildings on campus, just need to update rooms

We Love Northern Ball January 25, 2025, in sub ball room

Buy table for $900

The meal will be catered and there will be bar & band. Come as you feel  for a theme.

Can be assured with donations coming in something will be done.

Fine free $30 Lion Jason Greenwood purchased

Minutes: Lion Amos moved to approve, and Lion Wanda second

Treasure Report: Lion Treasurer Jerry Kuhn approved.

Old business: splash park: We need to put paper on roof the first week in December

Cook tailer: budgetary idea for trailer: $25,446.77 break down for major costs

+1500 incidentals

Motion to approve and Lion Ron Maynard  

Trailer just for transport

Black tank and clean tank

Everything we need for off-site cooking would be in the trailer

Motion to table trailer until booth is fixed by Lion Steve Mclain & Lion Brandeon Brostrom second. Passed with three opposed

Can sheds. Havre Day Activity Center requested to move the one at old IGA to Havre Day. They will be tearing down the block building within the next two weeks. Lion Doug Larson moved to make that move, when they are ready for it. Lion Becky Toth seconded. Passed.

Can Buildings need some TLC and fixing

Lion Dana Roe suggested tin on outside ends lion. Lion Dana moved to establish can collector. Lion Steve Jamruska second. passed

Booth update – lion Russ has looked into it fast extinguishers

Lion Russ will make more calls on hoods for booth table until we get the s suppression 

Lion Becky will talk to her suppression person for McDonald’s

Get a contractor out that knows what they are talking about

Christmas party will be Jan. 11 at bowling alley. Signup sheet at next meeting to determine cost

                Something to do at party bowling eat, white elephant, Christmas Olympics Bowling available

Bell ringing IGA and N 40 December 14. Lion Steve j. will hydrate bell ringers

Issued check to town pump $1000 to food bank and wrestling $500

Lion Becky options for meals – Dyllan’s Pizza will cook for us for $200 a meal

Lion Jerry will volunteer for meal to work with Dyllan’s making a meal

Elks business: the 2 meetings they have are the best 2 days of the month

Need to have a cleaning come in and clean once a year for Elks in appreciation of us. Lion Russ. Lion Amos agreed . Lion Russ we should come in and clean without spending money

Health and Welfare: Lion Ray Toth still alive and cooking after treatments

Correspondence thank you Lions for cooking at pheasant jamboree.

Lion Becky moved to  raise drinks to $5  passed

Lion Bob drinks Lion Steve M.  meal.  50/50 Gary Stremcha $11. Fine free lion Jim Rowlat



Havre Lions

November 7, 2024

Lion Dan Korb

Invocation Lion Jerry Kuhn

Auction off fine free $14 Lion Amos McLain

23 members

Lion Russ dinner Tuna Cassaro

Minutes: Lion Wanda Meredithmoved and Lion Roger Meredith Second Passed

Treasurer  Report  accepted Lion Treasurer Jerry Kuhn

Taxes due 15 November 7, 2024

Old Business

Splash Park – Lions Rowlatt, patera, Larson Meredith, Gus Kiwanis built trusses

Work Party Monday at 3:00 pm 11 November

Booth Update – updates next meeting

Progress in getting Lions Cut Outs for trailers

Can Booths

Gary has approved for us to put booth other places

Motion to move Lion Russ and lion Max second

Christmas Party: January 11, At Bowling Alley – 40 below back building – 40 below if bowling alley doesn’t work

Next meeting:

Ringing of bell 14th December
Doug Larson will contact and send out email/ text if we are doing it then

New Business:

Get someone to go to Park Board Meeting 1st Monday of every month Lion Russ will try to make it 5;30

Cook for November 21 cook Lion Steve McLain

Health and Welfare – Lion Ray

Lion Les Knudson is doing well

Lion Ray Toth two weeks of chemo for throat cancer preventative

Did give Havre wrestling club $500 Lion Max moved Lion Depmier Second to go to

Not extraordinary being done before (Lion Max)  to board with club voting yes

Lion Leonard No automatic payments

Everything that goes to the committee for donation has to go through the board

If there are special and not the usual request, we should ask for them to come and ask and explain what the money is for and how it will be a benefit to the community.

Lion Mark $1000 and Lion Ron Maynard second to food bank passed. Will go to board

Lion Becky moved and Lion Russ second northern alumni come and talk to us about dorm renovation

Stampede softball Becky moved Amos McLain second – have them come and talk to us about

50/50 $11 Mark Rowlatt

Dinner Jake Myers

Drink Jake Myers

Fine Free Kelly Jones

Adjourned 7:43


Board Meeting:

Havre Wrestling max moved Lion Ron Maynard second $500 passed

Food Bank: Max moved Ron M second passed $1000

Northern Alumni will come and talk to them about remodeling dorms

Stampede contact for them to come and request




Havre Lions

Lion Dan Korb

October 17, 2024


Meeting Held at Disel Dr. after picking ditches

Steve has wood for building pump house at splash park

Cut to 8 ft 

Work wall for work party

Then roof we can build at Lion Korbs shop


Pheasant Hunt

Burrito cooking good

Some didn’t get shrimp cook went well


Becky volunteered to take twister for Lion Frank being he is moving to Washington.


Christmas Party after Christmas 


Bell ringing 14th December


Campground – Problems with old pavilion being undercut by flood waters.      Maybe New pavilion?


Barbecue buy what we need for utensils plan around storage then build new barbeque (old rusted out)


Offsite cooking:

Buy an enclosed trailer put in ever thing we need for offsite cooking 

3rd portable frier 

Lion Russ will put something together 4 trailer for next meeting 


$2400 profit for festival days


Fire suppression get someone from by falls 

Closes west window and first on south

Lions Becky moved Doug second get great falls to tell us next meeting




Havre Lions

October 3, 2024

Lion President Dan Korb

Invocation Lion Jerry Kuhn

Guests: Julie Bartos from Ennis Mt. Traveling with Dist. Gov.

District gov. Corinna Christensen

Lions Make your mark for all lions

Wants all Lions to get stronger through the help on International

Encouraging you to take next step in leadership

Make a difference in the world. Your club in you way international is there to support us.

Thanks for our donation to sight and hearing in the past

International foundation – grants small or large

Lions Mike Tobin and Larry Garison can help with grants. They will take your grant application and tweak it

Hoping to gain members and not stay flat

Last time positive growth in us 45 years ago

1511 members and 58 & clubs in Montana

Have fun and blow your own horn

Go to Montana .org and share your

R and D - Rip off and duplicate what other clubs have done

Lion Jerry we need to take advantage of grants from international

Havre Lions club has been very generous to national

Everyone has access to Lions portal report service

District convention – May 2 – 3 in Helena

USA and Canada forum 

International convention Orlando 7-12 to 16

Let district knowhow to help your club

Lion Deppmeier how to get more young people into cub – we work with a lot of young people and they know about Lions

Create a new club – takes 20 people to make a new club. Virtual, first responder with club brand 5 members

Minutes: Lions Russ Stinnett moved to approve. Lion Scott Doney second approved

Old business:

Splash Park – wait for Lion Steve Mclain. Lion Scott Doney said could use his shop to build splash park shed

Festival Days, -Grossed $3800 before dogs and oil about $2800 net

Bag Pipers $2000.  Went around Friday night. Big deal came through Elks and favorite part of festival days for a lot is bag pipers

Right amount of candy banners looked good

Pheasant Hunt:            Burritos making 6:45 octobe3r 9th at chuck wagon

Sunday Oct. 13 shrimp cookers. 1:30 -2:00 for cooking shrimp behind chuck wagon

Death by Chocolate – Lions Club donated $1000 for summer youth program and  challenged others that night to match or beat. They got $20000 total after matches.

7 lions attended and showed we don’t just give to athletic and support other programs

Can Shed maybe move: from old IGA to north 40

Ditch cleaning – Next Meeting

Booth: Lion Mark revamp lion’s booth – By time somethings are put out to club they are sold.              Get approval of an amount so if there are things that could be  purchased and not lost as an opportunity.

If there is something on internet could purchase, if they have approval for an amount. Could maybe jump on buying things without approval

We will need a hood – need to get a hood in case we may have a new marshal

Lion Jim Rowlatt said we had a fund raiser for hood – better get started. Get someone to build and get it done

If we have a need bring to meeting and decide at meetings

New Business: Cook for October 17 Lion Russ Stinnett

Health and Welfare Lion Les Knudson bypass he is  awake. Lion Steve Mclain’s Brother Mike Passed.

Lions Jerry and Doug will discuss what to do for funerals

Drawings: All Lions Roger Drink, Ray Toth meal, Fine Free Lion Roger  50/50 $11 Russ

Board Meeting:

Lion Russ – get info on hoods. Figure out design and price of hood. One hood or 2 hoods and leave electrical as is

Floor plan Lion Mark has plan. Lion Mark will bring printed floor plan for booth

Booth committee will meet together and plan redesigning booth.


Havre Lions

September 19, 2024

Lion President Dan Korb

Invocation: Lion Jerry Kuhn

20 Lions

2 Guests: Dana Roe, guest of Lion Doug Larson &  Perry Knudsvig guest of Lion Max Vogel

Dinner Lion Becky Toth

Minutes:  Lion Amos moved to approve & Lion Mark Rowlatt seconded.  Passed

New Members: Dana Roe and Perry Knudsvig - - Lion Becky moved we approve both & Lion Ron Maynard second. Unanimous for both to join.

Treasure Report Lion Jerry Kuhn reported. Accepted.

Upcoming expense of bag pipers $2000

Old Business:

                Festival Days 2-11 for selling pronto pups City Square Park. Lions will be at Rods at 9:30  with Lion Jerry Kuhn wearing the Lion  costume to walk in parade.

                Sell water $1

                Have 2 boxes of thawed pups need to buy 8 more boxes of dogs

                Friday: Lions Doug Larson and Ron Maynard will meet in the afternoon to get thing together.

                Lion Bob Patera will make batter, Lions Amos Mclain, Gary Stremcha & Doug Larson, Jake Myers will meet at Park at 9:30 to get set up. 

Lions Bob Patera, Mark Rowlatt, Becky Toth, Ray Toth, Russ Stinnett, Jim Heavy, Jerry will be at parade

Signage: Lion Russ Stinnett: Stacy Mantle – Hill County Printing made signs. Did a rush job. Make sure your thank her, if you see her

Cooking: Lions Mark Rowlatt & Perry Knudsvig

If Participating wear a Lions shirt or something to show you are a  to show we serve.

Lion Russ discussed what shirts he has.

Lion Becky will talk to bobby to see what they need Lions to do Pheasants

Lion Russ will maybe go to 4H appreciation dinner.

Lion Russ Death by chocolate 28 sept by theater, borrow our trailer and know if Havre Lions would like a table for 8 for nothing Speak Easy is theme

Lions Merediths, Rron Maynard,  Frank Benjamin, and Mark Rowlatt will go to Deaht By Chocolate.

Lion Mark Rowlatt will deliver trailer to Death by chocolate

Lion Mark Rowlatt moved to and Lion Russ second:  $750 to summer youth camp for Montana actors 

New business:

Kawanis pancake dinner looking for help at eagle 5AM to Noon

Can booth at old IGA has very few cans.  Havre day Activity suggested moving  booth to Havre day from old IGA

Cook for next Oct 3 Lion Jerry

Health and welfare

Correspondence – Cans 404 Lbs $122.30

Drawings all Lions – Meal – Scott doney, Terry Stoppa, Lion Mckinzie Kuhn, Nate Corb Won

                Drinks: Gary Stremcha, Uriah Mclain, Dan Korb Won

                50/50  - $11 Lion Amos Mclain

                Fine Free Lion Jerry Kuhn

Board Meeting:

                Donate to Kids Program of Montana Actors Theater. Lion Max Bogel moved $1000 & LIon Amos Mclain Second. Passed.




Havre Lions

Lion President Dan Korb

September 5, 2024

Lela Patera of Bullhook Blossoms Garden Club nominated Havre Lions Club for award of excellence. Havre Lion Club was awarded1st place for 2024 award of excellence by Montana Federation of Garden Clubs. Thank you to Lions Club from Bullhook Blossoms.

Minutes:: Lion Wayne minutes Benjamin second passed

Treasurer report: 31k in cds

Donation from 9.89 for cans from pacific

Pay bag pipers $2000

Old Business

Splash park poured slab Lion Steve Mclain will plan

            Brett Patrick thanked us for our work to Jerry at triple dog

Concrete Picnic tables Maybe buy another one. No from park supt.

Festival days sept 21 Sell Pronto Pups same location

Lincoln will be available

Lion Jerry will wear one costume lion

Malcom leader of pipe band very thankful for our donation

Lion Becky and Jerry will go around with also will hand out lions mints to adults

Posters for Lincoln and parade for parade advertise about pronto pups selling

Signs for Lincoln and golf cart purchase at Hill County printing. Lion Becky will talk to them on Monday 4 signs Motion up to $500 for advertising for signage at parades lion Russ moved Steve  Jamruszka seconded

Festival Days Selling: Lion Jerry will be money man. Need someone to run setting up by buffalo, get friers heated up so ready after parade.  Need to buy more hotdogs      

Hot oil containers are in trailer

Fly In Sept 7:  7 am to 11 am fly in cooking will need volunteers. Large number raised hand to volunteer to cook

Advisory committee at beaver creek park – have a Lion on there Lion ray said they will get back to him about having a Lion on it

New business

Oct 13 pheasant hunt will be cooking burritos again Lions will be cooking shrimp for Sunday night dinner at Chuckwagon. Burritos Sunday breakfast

Work Parties: Lion Russ suggested having a rule to wear a clothing or something that shows we are lions when we are doing things like pouring concrete .

Lion Becky go to a darker t shirt if we wore something that represents Lions. Darker doesn’t show dirt.

Set up feather flags to show we are Lions working

There are unsold Lions t shirts

Vice Dist. Gov Corina Christensen would like to come to one of our meetings .Tell  her when our meetings are and let her choose


Montana Actors Theater asking for Lions to purchase a table at Death by Chocolate.

Thank You from Northern Alumni Association thanking Lions for our support

Thank Your from M.S.U. Extension, 4H, for our support and an invite to the 4 H appreciation dinner

Health and welfare  None

Next meeting cook - Lion Becky

Drawings: Meal – Max Vogel

            Drink Toney Dolphay, Jame Bennet, Jim Rowlatt, won

            Fine free – Dan Korb

            50/50 Steve Mclain

Board Meeting:

$500 signage   We serve advertise pronto pup sales Lion Jerry moved to have Lion Russ buy signs. Lion Max second. Passed

Shirts Lion Russ will bring to next meeting Bring at nest meeting

Death by chocolate – Lion Russ will talk to Grant and let us know  Will talk about it later.

Lion Amos moved $1000 for NAMI Havre. Lion Max second passed

Lion Jerry up to $600 for candy Lion Max second  passed



Havre Lions

August 15, 2024

Lion President Dan Korb


Total Attendees at meeting, 14 members present, 1 guest


Meeting started - 6:30 - Lion Dan Korb


Pledge - Lion Dan Korb


Invocation - Lion Jerry Kuhn


Guests - Perry Knudson, Gust of Lion Max Vogel, Perry is from Havre and retired but has lived and worked outside of Havre for many years and has returned.


Dinner - Lion Jerry made Rockies, Buns, Sauerkraut, Onions, Relish, Dill Pickle Salad, Potato Chips, Carrots, Ranch, Oreos Cookies, and Brownies


No Minutes from last meeting available so we didn't approve last meetings (8/1/24) minutes


Treasurer Report - Lion Jerry. We have $132,590.13 in the bank at the moment. $102,590.13 in our club and activities funds, $30,000 in CDs. Report indicated how we have supported the community for past 2 years. Jerry pointed out it appears we didn't pay Leader Dog last year. Fair Summary presented. Fair income was $78,128.32, Fair Expenses were $40,940.10. Net Profit of $37,188.22. Lion Jerry pointed out the need to issue the two main youth organizations that assist their usual payment as appreciation. Close Up club had 155 hours for $2325 and Swim team 44 hours for $660. Lion Stremcha moved to give $2400 and $700, Lion Max -2nd. Motioned passed unanimously. Send to the Board. Lion Steak Fry cost $675 and we made $675, so zero balance. Congrats to Lion Max for job well done.




Lions leadership retreat in Choteau, MT Sept 20th/21st - Lion Becky. Attendance is low (9 signups) and Havre probably wont send anyone due to it being scheduled on our Festival day weekend. Possibly reschedule, more to follow next meeting.


National Night Out - Lions paid for the BBQ to MSU Northern. $1010 per Officer Pierson. August 27th 6pm-8pm. Lion Dan expressed desire to have Lions Members present if possible with canopy, costume, shirts. No firm commitments at this meeting were made. Secretary to send out reminder texts as date approaches.


Splash Park -Lion Brostrom indicated work party Saturday at 9am to do about 2 hours of work to finish forms and rebar. About 6 people showed interest by show of hands. Lion Dan will send text out to remind other members tonight and coordinate with Secretary to send additional message out.


BBQ trailer - Lion Benjamin indicated the BBQ team was trying to correct propane flow issues not understood during initial engineering phase involving little holes versus big holes. Future committee and work party will be considered. Lion Frank also spoke of dream of pursuing new cook trailer at perhaps $11,000 total cost.


Salvation Army Back to School - Lion Jerry made multiple trips to Walmart and purchased just over $500 worth of school supplies and dropped them off at the Salvation Army Office. Salvation was very thankful for the donation. Lots of Glue Sticks.




Additional Concrete Table for new pavilion. - Lion Max made motion to pursue obtaining another $855 concrete table. Lion Craig might be able to pick it up in Great Falls. Lion Steve McLain indicated another table might take up space that campsite renters would want for other things other then a table they couldn't move. Perhaps a dance floor. Lion Amos indicated he always bring his own tables and supplies camping so concrete tables aren't critical to him. Lion Ray said a conversation with Chad Edger might be good to see if tables need to be moved or if more are desired by park board. Discussion led to Lion Max withdrawing his motion. 


Festival days Cooking in Town Square. Club agreed to cook pronto pups. We have plenty of Sticks, Mix, Pronto Pup Bags and Oil at booth for cookers. Lion Jerry indicated more 5 to 7 gallon hot oil containers needed for safe transport after event. Lion Jerry made motion to purchase more oil containers. Lion Max - 2nd, Motion passed unanimously. Head to Board meeting for approval. More to follow next meeting for cooking supplies and plan.


MSUN Scholarships - 3 Recipients awarded today for the Spring 2024 application period due to federal FAFSA complications nationwide.$1000 Legacy: Lion Dylan Kuhn of Havre, $500 Continuing Education: Airianna Vig of Havre, $500 Freshman: Jaxson Dash Parkinson of Power, MT. Lion Roger expressed the scholarships should be raised and wanted to know how many applicants there were. Lion Dan indicated over 10 applicants. Lion Steve Jamruska made motion to raise scholars ships to $1500, $750, $750. Lion Brostrom 2nd. Discussion ensured.  Lion Amos made new motion to raise Scholarships to $2000,$1000,$1000 and the Legacy Scholarship would be available for any Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior as well as the continuing education scholarship would be available for any Sophomore, Junior, or Senior. Lion Max 2nd. Lion Steve Jamruska withdrew his original motion. Lions voted on Lion Amos's motion. Motion passed unanimously. Scholarship award ceremony at MSUN will be Sept 20th. Scholarship committee will work with Secretary and MSUN to update scholarship applications.


Lion Steve McLain will cook for September 5th Meeting.


Lion Ray indicated park board needed someone from lions to be on point for new Lodge being built. Suggested perhaps Lion Korb might possible be at some of the meetings. Lion Korb indicated he would be there.


Lion Becky indicated due to her new living accommodations she wanted to scamper a short distance and clean and organize the Lion trailer very near her current abode. Hearing only positive comments Lion Becky will proceed. She will not discard any old items. She also mentioned obtaining some Lion items from the late Lion Greg Carlson's wife.


Lion Jerry told group that the bagpipers had been in communication via email. We needed to confirm an amount similar to last year which was $1560. After discussion Lion Jerry made motion to raise amount to $1800, Lion Max 2nd, During discussion Lion Amos said why not $2000. Lion Jerry amended motion for $2000. Lion Max again 2nd. Motion passed unanimously. 


Lion Max asked group to support Pilots Association on September 7th from 7am-11am to cook breakfast at hanger at airport. Needs about 5 people. all food is provided already. 3 Lions indicated commitment by show of hands. Group agreed to support. More information and more signups to follow at Sept 5th Lion Meeting.


Lion Jerry brought up our lack of funding of Leader Dog in 2023. Discussion ensured about checks cut at convention during parade of green. No check issued to Leader Dog in 2023. Lion Jerry made motion to give $1000 to Leader Dog. Lion max 2nd. Motion passed unanimously. Send to Board Meeting.


Lion Jerry mentioned all proceeds from tonight's dinner are going back to club. No check or payment required for Lion Jerry's efforts cooking.


Health and Welfare - No Comments


Correspondence - Lion Jerry had thank you notes from 4H (Madlyn Myers) and Bear Paw Marathon committee. Also read letter from Salvation army asking for more money due to economy. Also a Leader Dog letter asking to pledge support for this year with money. 



Drink: Lion John Perrodin (NOT PRESENT), Lion Amos McLain (WINNER) - Donated $ Back

Meal - Lion Frank Benjamin (Lion Frank admitted he hadn't paid his $2 for meal/drink or 50/50 as of the drawing so he donated meal proceeds back due to technicality)

50/50 Ticket 377929 - Lion Jerry Kuhn (Winner) - Donated $8 back to club.

Fine Free: Lion Steve Jamruska. 


Meeting Adjourned





Lion Dan opened board meeting


Bag Pipers: Lion Wanda Made motion to pay them $2000, Lion Amos 2nd - Motion passed.

Leader Dog: $1000 to Leader Dog, Lion Max Made motion, Lion Brandon 2nd- Motion passed

Scholarships $2000=Legacy, $1000=Continuing, $1000=Freshman, Lion Wanda made motion for new amounts, Lion Max 2nd- Motion passed

Oil Jugs : Up to $300 to purchase too jugs at 7gallons, Lion Steve McLain made motion for more jugs, Lion Wanda 2nd - motion passed

Close Up & Swim team payment. $2400(Close Up) and $700(Swim) for Fair help. Lion Jerry made motion, Lion Max 2nd - Motion passed


Board Meeting Adjourned



Havre Lions

August 1, 2024

Lion President Dan Korb

Lions Booth

Minutes approved.


            Netted $36,638

                        Expenses: Fair Board $36,638, Cisco $12,205, Coke  $2,000,

IGA  $6,794(Hot Dogs and Ice) , Lion Korb’s purchase of fries from local $199

33 Extra cases of hot dogs: 2 cases are missing, if you took without paying please pay Lion Jerry Kuhn. Lions grossed more money than ever.

Freezers for fries – this year The Board Room allowed us to use their freezers, being they are not having meals at this time. Next year we will need to make other arrangements. We need to be planning now.

Dues: $72 were due in July. Please pay Lion Treasurer Jerry

Old Business:

Steak Fry – East side of campground is reserved for Lions camping.  5:00 happy hour. Meal $13 and will be catered Baron of Beef – shrimp, Baked potatoes, Cheese cake for dessert.

Splash Park – Lions Brostrom will be heading up placing forms Saturday 9:00 AM

Kids Night Out August 27, could set up table with information about Lions

Campground: Lion Craig Tilleman may have a vehicle going to Great Falls that could haul concrete picnic tables (4).  Old restroom on East Side we should use its tank and redo building.

New Business:

Leadership retreat in September. Lion Jerry says well worth your time. Get a personal feeling of what Lions is doing

Salvation Army request – Requesting assistance for school supplies for low income families. Lion Amos moved to give $500. Lion Rus second. Passed

Correspondence – Thank you from Havre Youth Baseball

Board Meeting:

            Salvation Army request for assistance for low income families school supplies. Lion Ron moved to give $500. Second by Lion Max. Passed.



Havre Lions

July 11, 2024

Lion President Dan Korb

Meeting at the booth

16 Members

Minutes: Lion Steve J. moved to approve. Lion Myers Second. Approved.

Electrical at booth is done.

8/1 next meeting

Steak Fry Saturday August 10. Meal will be catered.  Hapy hour will start at 5 and meal at 6.  9 – 11 of August Campground is reserved for Lions.

Splash Park is ready for us. We will schedule it after fair.

Fair: Lion Jerry will take care of dogs. Freezer for fries – Lion Jerry has lined up board room to store them. Cassie Cuger Manager of Board Room said delivery Monday morning.  65 Cases Monday 60 Wednesday, and 50 Friday. 15 to 20 cases will be stored at St. Judes.

There are old towels to use to clean up oily messes so not to use good Havre Laundry rags.

Prices $6 cheese fries

                $5 Pups

                $$5 Fries

                $1 pop and water                         Donation jars will be marked for administration

                New Business:
                August 27 6 to 8 pm Kids night out. Want donations for food. Police protective ass. Will cover what we don’t.

                Invite Lions to have table to inform people of Lions projects

                Black Hawk helicopter and all law, fire and health groups represented.

                Pavilion tables: Lion Mark Rowlatt proposes 3 table $850 each for inside east pavilion. Lion Jerry moved to buy. Lion Max Second. Passed to board.

                Lion Jerry moved to support National Night out. Lion Max second. Passed to board.

Board Meeting:

                National night out Lion Jerry moved to donate $1,019. Lion Ron Second. Passed

                Lion Max moved to buy 3 concrete tables for the east pavilion. $850 each. Lion Max moved. Lion Gary S. second. Passed



Havre Lions

April 18, 24

Lion President Jerry Kuhn

Invocation: Lion Jerry

Minutes: Lion Jim Bennett moved to approve. Lion Gary Stremcha second. Passed

Old Business:

                Lions’ Field all done but tension wire on bottom.

                Child Find: CJI, Whitewater and Big Sandy left to do.

                Ditch Picking when it warms up.

Splash park:  Eager to construct. Clawson and Sons will start work. Lions will pour slab and build shed 1st 3 weeks of May

Health and Welfare: Lion Russ Stinnett’s son passed away. Lion Jake had a baby Jack Myers

Pint Night at Triple Dog Brewery – Lions will sell Pronto Pups ($5) and Triple Dog will donate $1 from every Pt sold.

Booth: Fire Suppression – State Fire Marshal will not shut us down this year. Need new hood and wiring

Pint Night –

Cooking – Streetery truck, selling under awning, 2 propane cookers along with truck,

                Tip Jar, no drive through, 6 people cooking, start at 3:30 , 9 or 10 people per shift,


                Friday Registration 8 to 5

                Friday Night Eagles Club. Dist. Gov.

                                Lion Becky Toth in charge of cooking pronto pups

                                Scott Doney has silent auction. 6:30 – 8:00

                17 Lions from Havre signed up

                Parade of green 7 to 8


                8 – 8:30 Registration

                Lion Bennett Welcome

                Christy Peterson National Anthem

                Social 6-7



                Clean up Booth and Streetery

                Cabinet meets at Best Western Sunday


Havre Lions

April 4, 2024

Lion President Jerry Kuhn


Invocation: Lion President Jerry

Kids Bingo Night:

Dinner Lion Steve Mclain

Minutes: Triple dog night the 18th before convention

Voting tonight not to have on triple dog night.

Lion Gary moved & Lion Dan second. Minute approved.

Old Business:

Baseball field: Work Party 14 people. 68 feet short of fence

More fence ordered from fence in Great Falls

Child find: 6 in the last 2 weeks.

Wed April 17, 18 and 28th

Officer voting: Tonight.  Lion Dan Korb will tally.

Lion Booth updating: Talked to Curt Johnson fire marshal for state will not shut us down being only open 5 days this year.

Electrical box needs to be moved.

Bear Paw fire got $4k from us so they can buy new fire truck.

107 total

Health and welfare - none

Correspondence none



Havre Lions

March 21, 2024

Lion President Jerry Kuhn

Guests: Brian Gertiser Dist. Gov

Joe Curtis guest of Lion Craig Tilleman

Bear Paw Fire Dept. Sheldon Moneaneu   501 c Donation only for money 215000 acres ordered fire truck Missoula bid have matching grants $30000 have $27 k 4 or 5 k short. They could help at booth at fair have ½ dozen who can work looking for funds new shop. Was great all trucks were inside with water also storing one of Havre trucks in building.

Another year before they get the truck – take Missoula about a11 mo. to put equipment on

Have a truck to sell when this is built.

Don’t send bills for fighting fires depending on donations only.

Always looking for grants and donations to cover operations costs.

Have 25 volunteers on the active roster. 4 dispatchers

Fund raisers – sell raffle tickets.

Invocation: Lion Jerry Kuhn

Minutes: Lion Amos moved Brostrom second Minute approved.

Makala Ferda Plant a Seed: stay and work at home ma Dolly pardon foundation play to learn under that none profit gross motor function interactive birth to 9 years old for those not old enough go to school have raise $21k

Looking for organizations to donate or buy a specific area.

Bare space in their schoolhouse hospital grocery store all hands on main street

Up in the mall where Famous Footwear was.

Fund raising in May. Need help writing grants.

2 months rent free open goal is Jan 2025

Parents have to stick around pay to have child there.

Children are paid for by parents.

Nothing for kids not in school to do.

What is total $16000 ruff construction.

Estimating $40 to 50 K to get started.

Once open have birthday party room.

Trying to work with local contractors.

Lion Brian Gertiser Dist. Gov. Member of Gallatin

Convention basically a gathering of all the clubs of Montana

Have elections for dist. gov.

Changes to bylaw’s

Fellowship basically with all lions.

How do get grants for museums

                Endorsed projects submit for fire LCIF grant.

                Larry Garrison or Mike Tobin for grants

                Presentation of fellow from of British Columbia about dist. history

Have leadership retreats.

New portal coming online so training for that at convention.

Lions is usually first in for disasters – so quick because of all the grass roots workers.

International comes in and helps with funding.

7 areas: Sight, Hearing, Environment, Childhood cancer, Diabetes – camp for kids in Montana

Big push next three years 1.5 to get worldwide membership up to this million.

Asking all clubs to increase 2 or three every year 1.4 million now. Holding even now in Montana

Lost a Great Falls club.

Everybody carry an application for Lions can give to those that you start to talk to

Old business

Lions field need 7 more top piece Jerry bought missing tension bars need 4 for sure.

Lion Amos moved to reimburse Bostrom second passed.

Baseball field: All posts at baseball field are right height thanks to Lions Jerry and Frank

Top rails to install.

Couple of weeks fence building by first week of April.

Kids bingo night next meeting lion will show to get photo op.

Vision screening 4 dates this coming week –  

Lions booth –We will have to install fire suppression in booth, if we are to work this year

Anyone that is frying with oil. Lion Jerry called Great Falls fire marshal. 

Could buy online and install buy our own. Problem we can solve but, will cost money.

$20K to $25 k to install.

Electrical – Lion Korb has not done.

4 month

Bear paw fire – Lion Amos motion to support for final amount $4k get thermal cameras 850 each modify to 5700. Lion Bradden second. Passed with one opposed.

Lion convention 19-21

                16 Lions from Havre. Havre Lions will reimburse any that go

71 total signed up today.

4-8 triple dog pint night – for Lions – do it for an educational thing for the community –

Friday night pronto pups at Eagles

April 4 lion Steve Mclain cooking. Officer nomination and volunteers – vote on April18th meeting

Portable barbeque: List of things to do for trailer cooker - $2500.

Tables metal, utensils and storage make it ready to go and has everything it needs and maybe paint. Lion Ron moved to do $3k for getting started on to board.

April 13 track meet

Ditch pick up before grass grows.

Water park pump house – plan to have working by June

Plan to plant a seed to read: motion to support Kadden. Max second lion. Lion Brandon maybe match fund amend motion to have community’s match.

Give a donation and open up conversation about community to match  up to 3k

Correspondence None

Health and welfare: Lion Stoppa in rehab in Great Falls hopefully short term

Drawings all Lions: Drinks Jamruska, Nate Korb wins  Meal Phil Toldness Bob Johnke Kurt Lineweaver, Rowlatt Jim  won.  50/50 lion Dan Korb 12 fine free Craig Tilleman

Board Meeting

$5700 for volunteer fire department: fire truck and thermal cameras

Fund 4k for now Lion Max Korb second passed. Not 5700

Cooking trailer – for utensils, tables counter, paint and modification of trailer

Motion to spend up to 3k Lion Ron moved lion Ray second. Passed

Plant seed to read – support Childrens’ museum mark Rowlatt 3k with challenge to other clubs to match $3 k now and $2k in January.

Lion Wanda $3 k Mark R second passed.



Havre Lions

February 1, 2024

Lion President Jerry Kuhn

Meal Lion Dan Korb

Minutes Lion Max Vogel moved to accept. Lion Frank Benjamin second. Passed

Lion Mark Rowlatt bids on cookers – same as Chinook

Kids Night March 28 – Bingo


Friday Officer Training

            Friday Night Pronto Pups and Cheese Fries at Eagles Club

            Saturday events MSU Northern

            Tours: Friday MSU Northern Campus Guide provided

                        On Your Own Havre Beneath the Streets, Beaver Creek Golf Course

1/15/24 Cook Steve Mclain

Drawings: All Lions:

Meal – Frank Benjamin

Drink – Brandon Brostrom

50/50 Frank Benjamin

Fine Free Steve Mclain



Havre Lions

January 18, 2024

Lion President Jerry Kuhn

Invocation Lion Jerry Kuhn

19 members

Fine Free: Lion John Perodin paid $9 to have fine free.

Minutes: Lion Max moved & Dan Korb second. Minutes accepted.

Old business:

Christmas Party: 55 people at Christmas party. Lion Russ said  booze basket was great.

Baseball field no progress

Oil cookers Nothing new Cookers are ranging from $400 to 6k. Lion Amos said we agreed to get one like Chinooks for dogs. We have 6 month before the fair. Lion Russ said we need to put a hood up at booth. Outlets below counter so they are not being overheated.

Shirts: Polos and t-shirts to buy from Lion Russ get hold of him. 406-579-8286. Master sports will embroider what you want

Lion Convention April 19=21

            Lion Jim Bennett had zoom meeting and got information not at meeting to report.

Pins for convention: Lion Stremcha need to order soon. Need ideas for pin.

Friday Social hour for convention: Conrad club would like to do a version of cheese burger – Try to appease everyone have Conrad do their version from whoop up days Next meeting will figure out. Jerry will talk to those planning committee.

New business

Feb. 1 cooking Lion Jery

Flags for 1st graders: Lion Doney said have enough bases 2nd week in Feb.  to meet at Lion Doney’s shop

Flags for First graders Lion Phil will talk to Lion Scott

Kids night bingo – 2nd meeting in Feb. or 1st Table to Feb. 1 prob be  march

Spring Sport Sponsorship:

Baseball sponsorship: Brad Walton contact.

Girls fast pitch Tara Verploegon end of February looking for sponsors

Feb.1 1-5 Community Fair Involvement at MSUN. Hoping to get more than students to come to it groups: Lion Russ moved to participate Lion Wanda second Passed.

Lions’ scholarship: Lion Dan Korb and Lion Boss Stoppa on committee. Lion Brostrom volunteered to be on the committee. Appointed by President Jerryy.


Lion Dan Korb will cook at the next meeting.

Health and welfare Stoppa went to Great Falls by ambulance last week for seizure.

Should get home today.

Lion Scott Doney’s dad was in hospital again. Out now but on oxygen. Now planning on going on cruise


Drawings: All Lions

Drinks Jack Benjamin. Roger Meredith won

Meal Tammy Murrie Doug Larson won,

5050 Kelly Jones $11

Fine Free  Roger Meredith


Board meeting:

Lions could donate more to money to salvation army = lion russ donate amount less than $5k Phil second

Board Need to get noticed Meeting =

Lion Russ

Lion doug moved to donate $2000. Lion Max second   passed

Also brought up to put out challenge to meet or beat match up to 5k by end of February.  match u to $3k. Left at discussion.

Adjourned 8:14


Havre Lions

January 4, 2024

Lion Jerry Kuhn

Invocation Lion Jerry

20 Members

January 13th Christmas party Harvest Moons Bowling alley. Social at 5Pm. Dinner at 6 Pm. Prime Rib, shrimp, veggies, Dessert $30 a plate. Bowling afterwards. Rsvp Lion Dan Korb for head count can be established. 406-390-2422

Lion Roger Donated fine free back to auction.

Lion Amos bought $6.00.

Minutes:  Lion Dan moved to approve minutes and commend secretary for spelling this month. Lion Russ seconded. Passed.

Old Business. Lion Korb Christmas Party. 41 people signed up so far.

Will have a raffle or something so bring extra money.

Lion Baseball field. Shorten posts but will need to adjust.

New Oil Cooker: Nothing as of now.

Camping at Beaver Creek: East side new bathrooms. 5 or six campers

Steak fry east side august 10

Labor Day east side

Shirts $25 for both polo and t-shirt Lion Russ. Can order more. Get ahold of Lion Russ if you want one.

If you want anything embroidered Master sports will embroider anything

Lions’ convention 2024: Lion Scott – tonight had a zoom call with district gov.

4 months to go for convention in 12 years. Will be looking for sub committee will be cooking pronto pups Friday night. Lion Bennet and Doney will be getting out more information.

Pins – have shown different things from Havre.

Have had a budget and find out if there is a revolving account for expenses.

Cooking on 18th of January: Lion Russ and Lion Gary S

Correspondences None

Health and Welfare: Lion Becky down with covid

            Lion Jerry down with Influenzas a couple of days


All Lions Steve J. Bob Patera, Amos McLain won.

Meal: Ray Toth

50/50 Wanda

Fine free: McKinzie Kuhn

Meeting Adjourned 7:21

A group of men holding certificates

Description automatically generated

New Members with sponsors

A group of men holding plaques

Description automatically generated

Lion Dour Larson (left) presenting

Melvin Jones Recipients Roger Meredith &

Gary Stremcha Plaques.



Havre Lions

Lion President Jerry Kuhn

December 21, 20323

Invocation: Lion Jerry Kuhn

Minutes: Lion Korb moved Lion Wanda second passed

Crystal Steinmetz Havre School Education Foundation

            Give out 35 to 40 k for senior scholarships: from different people and organizations.

Started in 2005. Fossil festival in 2025 Make it a community all class reunion. Special things for different classes

People who are planning have never been to a fossil festival. Putting again another dinner on New Year’s Eve featuring a chicken and beef entrée (good dishes) fund raising event at boys and girls club. NO auctions, just a meal and talk. Tables $1200 8 $1400 for all drinks.  Want to promote some useful skills so when students graduate and have something to go with after graduation.

Manage a big slate of scholarships. A lot of money goes to some kids they want to spread it out.

Involve our scholarships with foundation so get more recognition for club. If it is helping students, Lions need to be recognized. They do more than scholarships

Have trouble getting students to apply for scholarships. Getting away from GPA.

Invested 20k for 4.9    5.29

90726.30 in all accounts not including CD’s.

127830 total assets

Lion Russ we need to give our money where it does the best and not hoard it. Lion Leonard we need to have 15 to 20 k for next year’s budget.

Lion Leonard we need to do another big project.

Good to have adequate money in our account.

We need to find something in this community that needs our help. If we build up our funds, we can do something meaningful.

Maybe score board at Lions baseball for so can have state contests.

Lion Steve J. put a budget together and go with it. Put a dollar value on all of the categories. Need to get committees and plan. Now a runaway ship. Lion Leonard – board and officers need to look at what we have and see what we need to do.

Explore what has been obligated and see what was spent and board figure out what we need to spend on important things we need to spend on.

Sit down and spend time and budget for the year.

Old Business. – lions field project – framing has been removed.

Post shortening and top rail and attaching metal fabric.

Need to buy 2 gates for the project.

Lion convention 2024

Lion Bob 2017 Lions international silver dollar donated by Gary Vaughn. Melvin Jones on one side and lions on one side. Convention item for auction.

Christmas Party: Signup

Red Kettle: 1396.03 raised n s doors IGA, N 40 $279.12. Gave $2000 check to Salvation army for matching funds.

Banners and flags – waiting on email.

Lion Shirts: Polo and Ts in. polo 1 lg 7 xl 3 2x

T-shirts 1 L  4 xl 1 2xl   $25 each  Talk to Lion Russ

New business:

            Cooking for next meeting: Lion Jerry will cook for Lion Jerry and family.

579 – 8287 Amber Spring thank you for food text only not photos

Reservations for park:

Memorial Day east side, Labor Day west side   Lion Max proposed 10th of August steak fry east side.

Havre Helping Haven Brand new warming oven 36/24/22 asking $2500 sells for $3900.  Lion Max to board. Lion Russ second.

August 17 – 21 fair

Congratulations 10 years chevron award Steve McLain

15 years Jim Heavey

Gary Stremcha 30

40 years Jim Rowlatt

Havre Public School Foundation funding:   

Health and welfare: Lion Boss Amazing, good.

Drawings: Drink Leonard   Meal: Russ 50/50 Russ donated back fine free roger m.


Board Meeting:  Kuhn, Wanda, Gary, Mark R. Max. Korb, Doug,

Warming table: Put money on the fryers.



Havre lions


Lion President Jerry Kuhn


Invocation Jion Jerry

No guests

22 members

Minutes: Lion Max moved Lion Ray seconded. Passed

Baseball field nothing has happened. If you are ambitious, go down and remove stakes from concrete.

Lions’ convention 4/19-21 2024

Dist. gov will meet with committee with zone meeting.

Volunteer for treasurer for convention. Separate bank account for convention

Charge cards were run through Nault plumbing on the last convention.

Lion Russ motion for Lion jerry to be treasurer for convention. Lion Mark Rowlatt second. Passed.


Christmas Party: RSVP lion Korb if attending. It will be at Bowling alley on January 13. 5 drinks 6 meal

Red Kettle 9th of December matching up to $2000 has been. Lion Jerry will make signs saying will match up to 2000.

Lions Steve Jamruszka and Deppmeier will have hot chocolate.

Certificate of deposit: 50% of funds. 20 k for 12 months will go back and see if can do additional funds for higher rate.

Branch club in Chester: Scott hayward has not made much headway on it. Time date will be summer of 24

Lion Toth suggested having Chester help us with the convention.

Lion Jerry will ask Lion Scott Hayward to invite them to Christmas party.

Lion Larson or Korb will invite Chinook Lions to Christmas party.

Signs and banners: Lion Mark Rowlatt and Stinnett Lion Rowlatt at the stage to ok art work will go locally. Lion Russ will go down and tell them to okay plan.

Oil cookers Lions Korb and Rowlatt: waiting to hear back from

New business

Cooking for Dec 21 lion Russ

2024 spring child find: Take a look at schedule see. If there is one you can sign p on. Or take the day off so you can help out.

February flags for 1st grades

School Foundation: Havre Lions club invited Dec 31 Boys and Girls Club. Sarah Manual cooking. Buy a table 1200 or 1400 for the all-inclusive Havre Public Schools Foundation.

Lion Russ suggested just making a $1400 donation, and not take the opportunity for others from the city to buy a table, being there are only so many tables.

Lion Steve said we should not do anything unless a rep comes to a meeting. Lion Amos suggested having them come and talk to us any time of the year. Lion Rowlatt moved that we don’t buy a table. Motion to wait 2 weeks and have someone come and talk Lion Dan Second.

Lion Russ will make contact with rep to come to meeting.

Passed that will have rep come to meeting.

Correspondence Mile High Lions Club of Butte Dec 16 invited Lions to Party

Health and welfare: Lion Becky Toth is doing well.

Obituary for Lion Woods  passed on our last meeting. Lion Stev Mclaine is a great grandpa.

Drawings All Lions: Drink Russ Stinnett, Meal Scott Doney, 50/50 Russ donated back,

Fine free Mark Rowlatt


Havre Lions

November 16, 2023

Lion President Jerry Kuhn

Guests: Jack Benjamin guest of Lion Frank Benjamin

Invocation: Lion Greenwood

Meal by Lion Jerry Kuhn

Minutes: Lion Amos moved Lion Mark Rowlatt second passed

Old Business:

Base Ball field: erect fabric. Lion Bob Patera took most of stakes off. If someone wants to finish, they can. Short Posts need to be done.

Put a mass broadcast out if we are going to do anything to finish this fall. Otherwise, we will finish in the spring.

Convention: Lion Jim Bennett. secured Eagles, college, convention hotel, Peggy Tilleman from Sunburst who will be the treasurer for the convention. Will set up a bank account specifically for convention. Lion Bennet will check to see if we need to furnish.

35 rooms at best western $100 / night/ board room and other to use. All the stuff is reserved.

Lion Becky said to talk to district gov about speaker.

Would be nice if had 4 activities for people to do.

Saturday convention at Northern and Sat. night at Northern banquet

Bus back and forth to Northern

Cheese fries and pronto pups for Friday night meal.

Fine Free auction: $8 Lion Greenwood

Ditch Clean UP; Might not get done depending on weather. Lion Toth not really Bad out there.

Christmas Party: Prime rib, shrimp steamed veggies $30 a plate.

Social at 5, dinner at 6

Mark Your calendar New member

Red Kettle Bell ringing: Sign Up 9th of December at IGA 2 and North 40. All Money raised will get matched every year. Match up to $1500.

One More meeting before bell ringing.

Lion Gary moved to match up to $2000 as last  year. Lion Frank B. Second. To board. HoHoHo passed. To go to board.

2023 Town Pump we will give $1000.   To match

Certificate of Deposit 50% of funds Lion Wanda will talk to them tomorrow.

Branch Club in Chester – Lion Scott Hayward Past Havre Lion. High rolling gov. of Colorado. Heading up rebirth of Chester Lions. Timetable not before summer of 2024.

Lion Banners and Signs – Did not order and will stay local Lion Russ has Quotes.

New Oil Cooker – Fryer JB put in like what we had.

6K 8 lb / hr

3k 60lb/hr

One like Chinooks for cooking pups. Doing research – want to buy the best one for our needs.

2 options: Take to board.

New Business

December 7 lion Greenwood and Son Oran will Cook.

Lion Mark Rowlatt asking for committee to look at getting restaurant to cook for Lions. We were spoiled with Ladies cooking. Committee to look into it talk to Lion Mark R


New Business: New Member: Lion Frank Benjamin proposing to add Jack Benjamin. Just retired, Work with power company

Lion Benet moved lion Toth second. Unanimous.


Thank You

Health and Welfare:

Lion Russ Stinnett Knee Surgery Should be moving without a cane in a week.

Drawings: All Lions

All Lions: Drink; Phil Toldness. Dylan Kuhn, Johnathan Michelson, Lion Jim Heavy Wins, Donated back

Kelly Jones meal.

50/50 Mark Rowlatt $11

Fine Free: Jim Bennett




Havre Lions Club

November 2, 2023

Lion President Jerry Kuhn

Invocation: Lion President Jerry

Guests: Lion Frank Benjamin guest Jack Benjamin 21 members 1 guest

Lion Ray cooked.

Minutes: Lion Dan Korb moved to approve. Llion Max second passed.

Treasurer report: Lion Wanda Meredith. Questions on investing for more interest.

Lion Wanda; Current Budget for Christmas party? Fines and $192 seed money for Christmas party

Lion Dan said move money to a cd for 4 to 5 %. Lion Wanda will check into that. Lion Max moved to move money to a higher rate. Second Lion Bob Patera to board

Old Business 1st vice district vice president goal to increase members get our numbers up.

Lion Field project Oct. 21, poured 5 yds of concrete. Went well. Future work soon. Weather will determine future work. It will be a short-term notice for work. Forms are still up forms are still up and anyone can take forms off Lion Brostrom will take forms and store them.

Lela patera wants to dedicate Gold Plaque during convention. Do it on a Friday afternoon when dignitaries get into town.

Ditch clean up might not get it done this fall, but if it warms up and dries out maybe

Christmas Party, Date January 13 at Harvest Moons Bowling Club. Christmas dinner.

New business:

Bell ringing December IGA and North 40.  2 hr. shifts. Salvations Army single best day of the season. 9th of December.

Town Pump matching food bank donations –

125 thousand pounds of food to the community

1 in 12 people in Montana suffer from food need

Up to 12,500 dollars December 30th deadline.

$750 last year. Lion Max moved to take to board. Lion Dan Korb second. Passed

 Chester Club best way is to have a branch Havre Club to start until they get enough to qualify for one.

Lion Max said to get a couple of Chester people interested in doing it, visit our meeting and talk about it

Lion Jerry will send message to them, saying we are interested and would like some of them to come to our meeting and show us their interest.

 November 16 meal Lion Jerry

Invocation is open to volunteers. Contact Lion Jerry if interested.

Lion Mark Rowlatt - Canopy and flags company is having a sale through tomorrow.

6 ft and 8 ft table front and 2 free standing banners. Lion Max moved to take to board. Lion Dan Korb second. $750 will talk to Hill County Printing. Passed

Lion Steve Mclain 6th Ave Christian church asking us if we would sponsor meal for Friday’s when there is no school. Lion Steve told them they would need to come and talk to us and explain. 30 to 35 kids

Lion Steve Mclain lent his bobcat to work at campground and dump box. Battery for dump box went bad. Lion Steve said don’t worry about it.

Health and Welfare: nothing

Drawings all Lions: Drinks -Terry Stoppa, Jacob Lorang, Doug Larson Won Meal: Tom Klein, Scott Doney, Les Knudson, Russ Stinnett, Uriah McLain, Steve McLain won. 50/50 $11 Steve McLain, Fine free Lion Ray Toth. Meeting Adjourned. 7:40. Board Meeting:

CD’s for deposit: Motion exploring $122 k

Lion Max moved to take %50 and put in laddered so they come due at a different time. Amos Second. Passed

Town Pump matching donations Lion Ron Maynard moved to $1000. Lion Dan K second. Passed.’

Money for table runners and $750. Lion Ron moved to buy 6 and 8 ft runners. Lion Ray Toth second passed. Lion Bob Go with whole thousands. Adjourned 8:17




Havre Lions

October 19, 2023Called to Order 6:35

Lion President Jerry Kuhn

Guests: Lion Raligh Peck First Vice Dist. Gov from Sidney

Invocation: Lion Jerry Kuhn

20 Members

Minutes:  Standing ovation for bringing the gravy back. Lion Amos moved Lion Brostrom second. Passed.

First District Vice President Lion Raligh Peck

            Representing Dr. Patty Hill from Canada Dist. Gov.

            Changing the world Patty Hill’s program

            Mission 1.5 is to raise member number from 1.4 million to 1.5 million.

Eastern Montana west of Ophiem bridge gap between west and east of Montana

Just over 1500 a lot of clubs are upgrading members cutting after covid.


28000 clubs worldwide

Vision 1700 will be Lion Raleigh’s goal when gov. members by end of his term 2 yrs.

Favorite work project. Havre’s            Camp ground, vision screening, splash park, base ball field, cook for 4th , fly in , pheasants

We need to be on same page as international

Last weekend leadership retreat all incoming officers were invited. If you get invited think about going. Focused on what is going on in Lionisim

April State Convention. Plan on lots of people

Invite April 21-25 to be inducted president in Australia

56 members in Havre

Try to go to conventions, it’s a lot of fun. Memorial service for Passing Lions. Need to have a lLion from club to light memorial.

Members and years of awards. All Lions Jim R.35 years John Quilivin 40, Mark R 25, Michael W 50 years

Special Award Successfully open the award to Jerry Kuhn for new members.

started lions in 1917

Lions is promoting your club your way.

Progressive Melvin Jones – donate $1000 to LCIF

Designate your money is going to Melvin Jones

All money donated to LCIF goes to international All LCIF grants come from international.

In the state to help with grants Lion Tobin in Sunburst and Lion Larry Garrison in Billings Need a cosponsor club. Will help your club get a grant. Bozeman got 100k for food bank.

Plus Optix referrals give a card and a letter saying that Lions are available for assistance. For people who need more help go to Montana Sight and Hearing

State web page man will build your own web page.

Watch for scammers with your web page.

Membership engagement chair so everyone gets involved.

Invite people to work parties. If you don’t bring in new members so your club doesn’t die.

Lions are about sight and hearing – older want to hear young people’s vision – what else in town needs to be done that your lions club can work on. there is a training site.

Three challenges

Go to to see what you have in you for donating something.

Lions international are the first on the ground for disasters.

Second think of a quick way to fund raise and then donate into Montana sight and hearing.

Third visitation – visit another club’s meeting.

Sunshine Report – Keep everyone up to date about what is happening in the club.

Lions as a source.

October 12 formed fence to pour.

Saturday this 8 AM Just show up.

Friday 2:30 or 3 to to straighten forms.

Convention 2024 nothing new

Legends for Lights went very well, lots of help, never fell behind.

Lion Doney thank you for helping from NALSF.

Raised 90k for athletic scholarships.

New Amos Trail at park work party. All Lions -Two Rowlatts and Amos Mclain accomplished quite a bit.

Could have another work party in November with two skid steers and dump trailers to help.

The older restroom needs a new roof. Work on redoing some of the exterior would last.

The Park would like us to work on part that is not Lions.

Ditch Clean up Potentially looking at first meeting night or not. Bring up at Nov. 2 meeting

Nov. 2 Lion Ray will be cooking.

Christmas Party Lion Korb is getting closer.

Early Childhood screening April 2 – 5th

Russ – Hill County printing table covers, tear drop flag postage.

6 ft any color 136 8 ft 149

8 ft banner stand $270 each.

Tear drop flag $296.

6 x 3 ft banner $95

Tie dye posters 11 x 17 5 $10/each

Food for thought with conventions coming up.

Bing up at next meeting

Lion Max get aluminum signs that last longer. Alumcore check on price.

Wood Tokens for fair tabled.

Work Party Saturday pouring on 21st. Wheelbarrows and concrete finishing materials.

Correspondence letter from Havre wrestling club looking for sponsor.

Wrestling Tailgate sat Nov 18. Lion Tom moved to make platinum Mark Second $500 – passed will go to board.

Health and welfare. Lion Kelly Jones wife has blood clot in lung. Lion Jim Rowlttt’s wife  Kelly is doing well with gall bladder operation.


Drink; All lions

Tom Klein

Meal: Nate Korb

50/50 Tom Klein $9

Fine Free Amos


Board Meeting:

Moved to Donate $500 to Havre Wrestling Club Platinum

Lion Max moved Lion Russ second. Passed.


Havre lions

September 21, 20232

Lion President Jerry Kuhn

Invocation Lion Jerry Kuhn

Guests: Lion Frank Benjamin

John Paradon and Josh Myers - guests of Lion Brostrom

Motion to Approve minutes - Lion Tony moved to approve. Lion Tom Kline 2nd approved.

Old Business:

370 feet of concrete left. 5 ¾ yds. Into October probably

Festival days – parade – bought far less candy and handed out less

Could use more people during the parade to hand out candy. Lion Jerry put on costume. Need to adjust for participation for next year

2 boxes of rocky mt hot dogs for sale.

Money brought in $4500 and some change expenses not figured in

Down from last year according to Lion Mark Rowlatt

Fryers for booth:  Lion Mark Rowlatt has been studying for buying new fryers

Lions Convention – Lion Bennett getting venues and big things done now – sub is secured Friday night at Eagles – hospitality at best western across from Duck Inn.

Legend October 6, 7, & 8 will be rolling burritos for it NALSF. Will build Burritos Just cooking Dinner on Sunday. Cooking off of our trailer. Just shrimp. They are looking for huntsman with a dog.

Colorado Lion Scott – working on Chester- we might be their sponsor –

Splash Park – Brett foundation finally got permission meeting with city – have no hurdles – pump house will be probably in the spring

New Business

October 5 cooking for meeting Lion Jerry Kuhn at this time

New Business – Death by Chocolate – Saturday 4 open chairs for Lions. Members up to 8. Dinner theater St. Jude’s gym.

Gary Stremcha and Lion Scot Doney, Mark Rowlatt, Tom Kline will be Lions guests. 

                Lion Scott moved not to exceed $1500.

                Lion Steve Why would lions do it. Lion Jim R. No advantage to doing what

Lion Jerry we have donated money. It is very important to the community like the other sports we support – Lion Steve says we are bidding against businesses. Maybe we should just donate money and not bid against businesses. This promotes talents in our community.

Motion to spend up to $1500 Steve. Passed.

Ditch Clean Up – Vaughn to Erickson A1 October 12, Plan for that.

Christmas Party: Korb has ideas brewing.

Work Party this fall at campground – Lion Rowlatt May try to get more soil back where floods have taken away on east side. Lion Ray said Tom Patrick donated gravel and only charged for Fuel and time. Lion Mark Rowlatt said should hold off on gravel until spring. Maybe plan a campout. Maybe for people to camp on first weekend of October.

October 6 and 7th camping and working on campground.

First District Gov will be here October 19th. Talk about new membership. Looking for Havre to sponsor clubs.

Lion Mark ordered feathers and a new canopy.

Lion max moved to use for signage to get our name out Lion Brostrom second. Aprons, signage for parade and booth. Passed.

Jake Myers and John Perodin – Lion Ray moved. Lion Steve Mclain second. Passed


Thank you to Paula and Tom Brady for using Lincoln

Tom Patrick for gravel and Havre ready mix / Havre sand and gravel  

Lion Brostrm will head up baseball field pour

Lion Tony bigger and better plan for next year’s fly in – goal next  year is 2000 people next year – will need all the help they can get – its only going to get better

health and welfare

                Lion Gillen will be leaving for Lewistown. Good luck

Drawings: All lions. Drink Heather Mclean: Cory Labrie, Jamruszka won

Meal – Tom Kline

50/50  Wanda Meredith

Fine Free Steve Jamruszka

Adjourned: 7:56



Havre Lions

Lion President Jerry Kuhn

August 17, 2024 

  • Guest: Chris Conkland guest of Lion Jim Bennett
  • Minutes Approved.
  • Treasurer: Fair accounting – we did very well. Netted around $33,000
  • Old Business
    • Still have 5 yards of concrete to pour at baseball field fence.
    • Steak fry: Hand for Lion Russ and Amber great meal and great time. 66 paying
    • $259 raised for Hawaiian rebuilding fund. Lion Craig made motion to match $259 with
      • Club money. Lion Max seconded the motion. Passed.
    • September 9 fly in cooking from 7 – 11.
    • National night our Lions will pay $900 for food.
    • Festival Days: will be in the parade. Costume needs to be cleaned and zipper fixed.
      • Battery for Cam’s Lincoln. Lion Ray moved and Lion Max Second. Passed.
    • Motion to pay for Bag Pipers’ Hotel rooms. Lion Max moved. Lion Korb Second. Passed.
    • Town Square – music in Town Square. Table to next meeting.
    • Beast Run Tabled.
    • Convention 2024 Jim Bennett Keep at Northern and Hospitality at Murphy’s Hotel.
      • 4/19 to 21 2024
      • Bennett will figure out places.
    • Labor Day Campout West Side
  • Booth – Cookers 2 breakers ordered by Lion Jim R.
    • Lion Amos said need to move wires to outlets away from heat and oil.
  • Lion May cook next meal.
  • August 20th Drool in Pool. Lion Russ moved to cook Pronto Pups 2-5. Lion Russ will set up but need help.
  • Chester Charter No action at this time.
  • Correspondence – none
  • Health and Welfare - None


Havre Lions

July 7, 2023

President Jerry Kuhn

Lions Booth

Invocation: Lion President

Guests: Steve Oberg guest of Lion Jim Rowlatt

Dylan Kuhn Guest of Lion Jerry Kuhn

Nathan Korb Guest of Lion Dan Korb

Baseball Park: June 20th sod removal

4th of July cooking: 400 hamburgers and 600 hot dogs.

Fair: Hot dogs and fries ordered

Sign UP: Swim Team and Close Up have signed up. Lions’ sign up passed around.

Tickets for meal deal printed. Wooden Nickel or plastic card maybe for next year. Next year would be good to go around to businesses and sell.  Rocky Boy has presold this year.

Hoops for a Cause in Billings this year.

Water Park: pump house still in works

New Member: Dylan Kuhn voted in unanimously.

Portable Cookers (fryer and Barbeque): Lion Steve Mclain would like to use Aug. 3. Was approved.

Cookers: Lion Russ Stinnett said should make barbeque more presentable with Lion’s Name one it. Always need to have one Lions member with it.

Correspondence: Lion Scott Hayward would like to start a club in Chester.

Adjourned at 7:30 to continue booth cleaning.




Havre Lions

April 6, 2023

Lion Vice President Jerry Kuhn

Invocation: Lion Jerry Kuhn

21 Members

Minutes: Lion Russ moved to approve. Lion Ray Second: Passed

Bleachers have arrived at Havre Diesel Shop. Thanks to Lion Jerry he got them here.  Will assemble at field.

Brian Jenkins said all fencing material is purchased and in Great Falls

Bingo Night great success. Anyone who would like to take over Bingo Night contact Lion Jerry.

North Star 20 kids.

FYI Dodson only 2 students; Lion Steve sent the eye testing with Susie:

State Convention Glendive 4 people are going

Haley Lions Swim Coach: 54 swimming. Raised $21,000 for new blocks $8000 short. $4200 a block. Custom anchors are being built. Lions donated $1000 for competition pad.

Started funding for blocks last year. School district may have some money for it.

            Trying to raise money for new platforms. Plan to have them in.

Stromberg family have donated money.

Booster club helped with timing counsel.

First Swim Meet will be December 23.

At booth some swim ream volunteers got turned away.

Each family is required to do a shift at Lions’ booth.

Aluminum blocks.

Hands on History at April 29

Armed Forces Day will be on a mission May 20. June 24 moved to. Tony doesn’t  foresee needing help.

Elections Next meeting. Still have an opening for Lion Tamer

Old Business:

Lions Convention Next Year: boss; Lions members from other towns will be disappointed if there are no Pronto Pups.

Lion Becky is still helping organizing. Lions from Bozeman will be here for 24 convention. It doesn’t get any closer than Havre. Make sure you show up.

Club Pays for registration for convention. Must go. Lion Ray suggested we form a committee for pins if we get the convention.

Senior May 15 Cook for Soft Ball Tourney. Want man power and trailer. Ok to use Lion Jerry moved to use trailer. Lion Ron second, passed.

Havre Lions track meet May 6.

Matt Theater Approached before last meeting and asked to cook for Sponge Bob. Lion Mark Rowlatt took cooker and cooked 140 hamburgers,

Spring Ditch Cleanup:  will discuss at next meeting.

Thank You from MSU – Northern Foundations

Havre Youth Baseball: Request for sponsorship of teams in different age groups.

Lion Steve Mclain suggested  give what we gave last year,

Lion Amos moved to support 5 Teams. Lion Korb Seconded. Passed by members will go to board

Thank you from first grade Teachers for flags.

Sharp Kato did taxes for doing taxes: Thank you to them.

Sight and Hearing: Amada Christopherson asking for Prosthetics Eye support. Lion Tony said Lion Gary and he will get hold of Montana Sight and Hearing

If state sight and hearing approve, we will have to give matching funds.

Health and welfare None

Drawings: All Lions. Meal Amos Mclain donated back, drinks  Doug Larson 50/50 Ron Maynard


Board Meeting:

Motion to give money Lion Mark Rowlatt moved to give 1425, Second Lion Amos Mclain. (a team in each league.) Passed

Lion Russ will make calls to see what school board, and booster club donations for swim team

March 2, 2023 

Kids Bingo Night


Havre Lions

March 2, 2023

Lion President Scott Doney

Invocation: Ray Toth

Members present 24

Guest Brandon Brostrom

Guests: Bullhook Blossoms gold star award in honor of fallen heroes, golden is in honor of families of fallen service men remember fallen service men Garden Club Lela Patera, Ruth Carlson, Cathy Jamruszka.

Brandon Guest of Lion Steve Mclain

Guest of Max Vogel

Gold star marker: club has voted town square facing first street. Chamber approved may have to move being concrete needs to be poured. The chamber gave two stipulations, onetime fee of $1000 or maintain long term for perennial.

Marker 1030 dollars asking for this plus pouring concrete.

HI line Bulhook garden club for sign in cooperation with Havre Lions

Asking for our help

A tribute to gold star families that lost their life defending the us.

Looking for labor


Hands on history Lela Patera

For the kids to learn about things done in the olden days

Money maker for museum and buffalo jump

Haven’t had since 2017this year will be at boys and girls 10-2 April 29 looking for bodies and sponsorship doner $100 recognizes in thank you ads. Pays for one event.

Want to have enough sponsors so no one needs to pay

Add a few thing someone demonstrating. Games for kids.

Lion Becky thank you for dinner. Lion ray has work cut out for him to cook.

Minutes: Board Correct Dews to dues

Lion Amos Mclain moved to approve. Lion Dan Korb second passed.

Old business:

Flags 18-`19 members working on flags over 300 made. Gave 137 away. Lion Bennet’s son brought his home and was very excited. Took extra to St. Judes. Need new smaller branding iron. In future, if you have a sponge dampen wood on with sponge it brands better. Lion Russ will get a new brand ordered. Electric brand option for next year.

March 16 kids’ night signup sheet passed around sign up or contact Lion Jerry if coming

Child screening March 15 – 16 at HRDC. Hi-line end of month. Eye testing problem Lion Jamruszka had ministroke and lost sight in one eye – signed up for a lot of eye testing, need members to signup to take his place.

27march to April 3 5 and 11

28 and 29 April convention in Glendive. Quick meeting after meeting for next year’s convention in Havre

Shirts – have several Lions that have not picked up or paid.

Bullhook Garden Club Request: Motion to cover cost of installation and install. Lion Mark Rowlatt moved, Lion Dan Korb second. Passed

Hands on history asked for a donation, $259. Lion Bob Patera moved. Lion Max Vogel second. Passed. End of April asking for volunteers.

Elections: Lion Larson

Brandon  Brostrom, Lion Steve Mclain guest. Lion Darin Boss moved to approve as member. Lion Ray Toth second. Passed unanimously.

Lion Tony:  c 130 landed at airport. May 20 air guard free hot dogs & pop start 10:35 on field c130 Armed Forces Day. Montana air guard chinook and black hawk out of Helena

Order for shirts and t shirts new order Contact Lion Russ Stinnett

Health and welfare: Lion Jamruszka

Lion Becky Toth received Melvin jones award presented by Lion Ray Toth

Drawings all Lions Meal:  Roger Meredith won. Drink Doug Larson, 50/50 Bob Patera. Fine free Mark Rowlatt


Havre Lions 

February 16, 2023

Lions President Scott Doney

Lions meeting was a Work Party at Diesel Dr. to make flag stands for 1st grade flag dispensing. 



Havre Lions

February 2, 2023

Lion President Scott Doney

28 members

Guest: Johnathen Michelson Guest of Lion Doug Larson 

Invocation: Lion Max Vogel

Brandon Brostrom guest of Steve Mclain

Brian Jenkins update on Lions Field

Minutes Lion Ray Toth moved to approved. Lion Ron Maynard Second passed.

Thank You to Lion Becky for cooking dinner.

Program: Brian Jenkins Baseball field. Havre Youth Baseball committed $10k to the project. Bids for fence around $10k the fence and bleachers are covered now so they can go forward with it.

Future plans are to take the outside fence and create more room for city water dispenser, parking and score board. Independence Bank donated to Legion

The field will be able handle Junior, Babe Ruth, and Legion.

Ordering the fence. May first starts with league hope to have March and April to put fence.

Hoping Lions is still committed to labor portion.

Northwest regional will be here. All planned out just need the weather to cooperate to get it done.

Next level would bring to $30k with score board.

Subbing concessions out to student group

Proud of the fields we have.

Will be hosting lots of 12U in the future.

Replace both bleachers. City has bleachers that they can move when need more seating.

Big deal for them is safety. Still looking for money for concrete. $1200 to $1800 concrete

Went through Montana Fence in Great Falls no support locally.

Bigger Bleachers around $3k each

Go with 4 rung bleachers and decide how wide.

Lion Jerry Kuhn thought 21 feet bleachers. Don’t get tip up fasten them so they don’t get moved. Lion Jerry moved to get the 21 feet bleachers motion passed.

Concrete: Lion Scott will check on concrete.

Next meeting will be at Diesel Dr. 6Pm bring palm sander square will be cut Lions Becky and Scott will barbeque

Kids Night: 2nd meeting in March 16th Working budget $75-150 Move to give Lion Jerry $100 for kids night. Passed.

Eye Testing: Signup sheet for eye testing passed around.

            Eye testing machine be here the first meeting of march.

Shirts are in: Polo $25, T shirt, Embroidering master sports.

Will keep the price the same, if you want them embroidered more.

Joe Ross (Cavaliers’) said will give the same price if you want another shirt.

Havre Police Dep. Developing a child education $3 per person looking for people in the community to help cover this.

Lion Steve M. asked if they could come and talk to it.

Lion Scott will see if they will come and talk to us.

Convention State: We have to make a presentation for Havre for 2024

Lion Becky has everything on a file.

Feb. 24 going away for Lion Becky At the Ox.

Take care of first year member ship fees. Motion then we will have a board meeting.

Lion Russ move that all new members Lion Jerry second. Passed by the club. Will go to the board.

 New Member Lion Russ moved to have Jonathen Michaelson as Lion. Lion Ray Toth second. Unanimous.  

Health and Welfare – Lion Gary Stremcha is a grandpa

Drawings all Lions Meal: Jim Rowlatt, Drinks: Russ Stinnett 50/50 Doug Larson

Fine Free Jim Heavey

Board Meeting: All new Lions will have remaining 1st year dews paid by club. Passed.



Havre Lions

January 19, 2023

Lion President Scott Doney

24 members. John Mickelson guest of Lion Larson

Invocation Lion Russ Stinnett

 Minutes: Lion Max moved. Lion Dan second. Passed

Old Business:

            Lion Jerry Kuhn under weather. Lion Jerry did a great job with setting up for the Christmas Party. Lion Patera was the big winner.

Bell Ringing: Lion Steve J. moved to give Salvation Army $2000. Second Lion Amos passed.  

            Lion Ray said went into restaurant when gone where they  had red kettle just to donate into. Might be something to start here.

Feb 16: Diesel Dr to do flags.  Flags are ordered everything is purchased. If have palm sander, bring to sand blocks.

Lion Dusty may have electric to do it.

Lion Jerry lined up bingo night in March

Eye Screening: Child find screening 14-16 in Havre HRDC from 9 to 4:30. Highline March 27 through April 11

Community involvement fair:           If we can get someone to the booth or a work party, they will come. Lions Rowlatt, Maynard, and Larson were there. Not many students. The plan next year is to have it in fall.

Big bud show and Tell

            Havre the home of the big bud

            Toy collection Martin fast toy tractors made toy Big Buds

Health and welfare

            Lion Steve Mclain is hobbling around but doing better –

            Lion Rowlatt  and Lion Larson have wives with arms in slings

Shirts 2 weeks out


            All Lions:  Meal – Jerry Kuhn, Amos Mclain wins donated back

            Drink: Roger Meredith   50/50 Guest John Mickleson $12   Fine free Gary Stremcha

Havre Lions

Lion Scott Doney

January 5, 2022

Invocation: Lion President Scott Doney

Bryce Woods Guest of Lion Ron Maynard

Minutes: Motion Lion Wanda to approve. Lion Amos second. Passed

Christmas party: Pregame: Up to you: Premeeting at the Ox at 4:00

Cocktail at 5:30. Dinner at 6:30. Semi-formal shirt and clean jeans

Lion Max  moved to have club pay for shirts and Members pay club. Second by Lion Steve Jamruszka. One time pay when Embroidery is done.

Recycling: Lions Russ and Jerry were at the same meeting and HRDC will not buy machine. We need to collect plastic but don’t have any place to put it. Lion Tom Klein said we don’t have a population base. Lion Wanda said it’s a lot of work to sort and make sure everything is correct.  We don’t have shredder or bailer so for what we have for population would not work.  Lion Paige said: if all of the corporations in town got together it might work.  Lion Jerry moved to let it die. Lion Max second. Lion Wanda said Walmart has a baler, but has to be pure. Lion Jerry said we have the aluminum recycling so we are recycling. Motion Passed.

Salvation Army Lion Doug will call and see what we made with donations with bell ringing. Lion Steve said don’t forget the hot chocolate man. Hand was given for Lion Steve Jamruszka the hot chocolate man.

Flags for First Graders: Last year delivered 238.  Lion Jerry Kuhn will get a count of first graders.  Lion Jerry cut squares last year. Lion Scott will buy flags. Dates: Feb. 20th is Presidents Day: Drop++

`ped off last year: maybe we can do our thing

Do it the 16th to build flags. Lion Russ will go from a 1 inch to a two inch branding iron. Lion Jim Rowlatt has the bigger branding iron.

Lion Scott will head up. Lion Steve J. said he can cut bords a head of time.

Lion Amos made a motion that club has a supply of hearing aids for deaf Lions


            Lion Doney: what do they want?

            Fence and bleachers do it as of their standards – Lion Jerry should wait until warmer weather to move on with this we need to get a committee formed and get things ordered – Lion Jerry will bring prices of bleachers and fence to next meeting. We need to find out what they want. Pixy dust and it will get done Lion Scott said.

New business Havre child find Feb 28- march 3 9 – 4: during the week have a couple of people a day. Minimum of 2 people could have a training session

Bottom line it takes some commitment.  Sign up at next meeting;  Need to get in contact with Bear Paw Coop. Lion Doug Larson will contact Bear Paw Coop.

Sign up sheet at next meeting

Community Involvement Fair at MSUN: looking for nonprofit clubs started on Martin Luther Day. Lion Russ Stinnett’s wife is heading it up. Want us to show students what we do on the 17th of January

Lions international might have something to hand out.


Lion Scott Swim team will schedule swim team for next meeting

Health and Welfare: Lion Terry Stoppa first Meeting back

Lion Steve Mclain Broke hip 3 screws. He bucked off saw horse.

Lion Wanda thank you for taking care of Lion Roger while she was gone.

Drawings: All Lions Meal: Jason Greenwood meal

Wayne Bolken Leonard Deppmeier Jim Heavey drink

50/50 donated back by Scott Doney


New member: Bryce Woods, Sponsor Ron Maynard said great guy – wanted to go to Lions meeting cooked at festival days a good worker – wants to be here.

His daughter out sell all of Lions on festival days.

Passed unanimously.







Havre Lions

Lion Jerry Kuhn

December 1, 2022

16 members

Guests: Jason Greenwood and Paige Goveia Guests of Lion Jerry Kuhn

Rob Ryan guest of Craig Tilleman

Lion Becky cooked prime rib dinner

Minutes:  Motion to approve Lion Korb. Lion Max Vogel second. Passed

Christmas Party: Cocktails at bar around town at 4:00. Official cocktail hr.  at 5:30 at the sub. Dinner at 6:30

Cover for Barbeque tabled

Committee report

            Clothes: Cavaliers will give them to us for cost shirts are 15 to 35 dollars

T-shirts he can get also.

            Plastic recycling closest is in Great Falls at Albertsons – maybe Nextrex saves up to 500 pounds of plastic. Maybe HRDC could apply for grant for baler

Bell ringing: Dec 3

Havre Youth baseball, agreed to spend $10,000 on Lions field

            $750 fence

            2 new osha bleachers estimate 17000 dollars

            Potentially looking for another $7k

Table because of weather

New Business:

            Might have a guest Scott Hemmer Wildlife Biologist a guest in the future maybe the 15th Dec.

Correspondence: Thank you from Bear Paw volunteer for our support.

Health and welfare:

            Lion Roger Meredith will not get knee until January

            Lion Stoppa doing well

New Members

            Jason Greenwood been in Havre since 2013. He has worked booth and senior day BarBQ.  From Opheim, Montana

Paige Goveia worked with Lion Jerry for 2 years. Naval reserve, now works for lab tech would like to join Lions so wherever she goes she will have a Lions to join.

Lion Max moved to approve new members. Lion Dan Korb second. Passed unanimously.

Bell ringing December 3 at IGA and North 40

Drawings: all Lions: Mike W. absent Meal Max Vogel drink – Ray Toth 

50/50 Max Vogel 8 dollars

Fine Free Lion Wanda Meredith





Havre Lions

November 17, 2022

Lion President Scott Doney

Invocation: Ray Toth

Guest for jerry Kuhn: Paige Goveia

Lion Leonard bought fine free for $13

17 Members

Minutes: Lion Tyler Smith moved to approve. Lion Steve Jamruszka second, passed.

Old Business:

            Campground: 4 people, if didn’t have a machine didn’t need to be there

            Tom Patrick delivered a load of rock, worked with what we had

            It is what it is

            Went quicker than we thought with would, Lion Tom Klein cut a couple of trees 2.5 hours

Christmas party cocktails at 4 and dinner at 5

White elephant party, bring money and get all liquored up and spend money

Bring bodies and money

Lion Jamruszka freezer got moved lion Mark R. has two freezers to move to booth. Lion Jerry and Mark will figure it out.

Lion Dan has 8 cases of water from the fair.

Calendars – Lion Tyler made a motion for Magnets not calendars tabled it

Cover for Barbeque: Lion Ray had made covers for burners. If we find them, we don’t need to get a cover for barbeque. Lion Ray will take care of it.

By next meeting Lion Russ will get samples of hats

Wants t shirt sizes for all members

Lion Secretary will get sizes of Shirts – attach Russ’s email to email

Lion Mark would like to see a standard shirt formal and an informal shirt so we all match for the occasion.

Russ mark, committee

Lion Jerry – Havre Youth baseball will table to spring – they will make contact when spring comes

Bell Ringing: December 3 – Fill UP Slots there will be a Hot Chocolate committee

Start at 10:30 signed up for IGA and North 40. Spouses and kids can participate in it.

Lion Jerry will not be able to be there – 12 people bare minimum for the day. Lion Doug will get a signup sheet signed up. Meeting the 1 of December: Signs we will match for


Lion Mark moved to match up to $2000 for bell ringing passed.


Town Pump Match – Lion Ray moved to donate $500 each between Town Pump and IGA. Motion moved to $750 by lion Mark Rowlatt. Lion Ray Toth second.


Lion Treasurer Wanda will right get check to food bank and Gary and Leo’s IGA.

Lion Russ only one money maker. Selling pronto pups –

Spend some time before next meeting thinking of  fund raising product uses recycled bags after so many pounds of plastic like:  grocery bags, pallet raps, bags raps fry cleaner, zip lock bags, produce bags, toilet paper plastic wrap, bubble wrap. We collect and package they come and get it after so many pounds. The donate a Trex bench for your club you can use. Link recycle to us

Lion President Scott said “we don’t do enough with the money we have. Let’s work with the money we have. What are we going to do with

Lion Steve Mclain – Spend money on things we have our name on – base ball field lions booth and campground

All the conversations are nothing, if we don’t have someone step up and run with it.

Correspondence: HRDC asking for money for food bank

NALSF thanking for cooking

Health and Welfare – Lion Dan Korb eye black from Gate Opener Slapping back.

Lion Aaron Gomke wife going into Labor. Lion Terry Stoppa to undergo another surgery Friday 11/18 to remove blood filter.

Mark Peterson, Craig Tilleman,                     

Winner Steve Mclain meal

Drink Russ Stinnett

50/50 Lin Jim Heavey

Lion Gary Stremcha


Havre Lions

November 8, 2022

Lion President Scott Doney

Invocation Lion Jerry Kuhn


20 members

1 guest Phil Toldness

Minutes: Lion Becky moved Lion Russ Second. Passed

Finance: Lion Wanda a Nurse not an accountant

            Lion Wanda will communicate who needs to be dropped as members

Old Business

            Legends for lightsBurritos on Friday

                        Shrimp cooking on Sunday

                        Raised 80 – 90 k for scholarships, very vital for scholarships, everyone got a hat that helped

                        Really good meal

                        Garrett Hanson noticed Lions’ as cooks for group

            Ditch Clean Up: 14 members cleaning, Pizza by Lion Becky was good, tonight’s meal excellent

Splash Park: Lion Steve Mclain won’t have concrete poured until spring

            Take off of agenda until we here from Patrick

            Everything is payed for

Lion Baseball park: Lion Jerry – were suppose to be at meeting tonight

They canceled this morning

Scott Sidel has miles of chain link fence, if he has any left over we can have it, something to work with

Plan on being at Nov 17 meeting,

Want to put bleachers on back burner

Want to get fence and parking done, so city can put in second water station could move old fence in.

We are doing everything nice just being patient waiting

Work Party for campground – Sunday 13, will have work party

            Lion Tom Klein – get some rock and rip rap in to contain for spring

            Basically do what we did last time(Richard Smith it again)

            Lion Chad has an idea on what we are doing

            Lion Scott will line up some rock from Tom Patrick, wants to trade rock for what we will do at splash park. Pat their back and get a load of rock or two, another load of gravel to fill in behind on corner

Short meeting after main meeting

Christmas party sub Jan 7, pre party cocktails 5:00 6:00 meal,

Don’t worry Prime rib, mash potatoes loaded,

Recycle shed Lions Jery and Lion Doug got the signs up.

New business:

            Steve Jamruszka new freezer 21 Kenmore $100  Lion Mark asked if he could take Lion Steve’s and he would give his.  Lion Becky moved ok. Lion Leonard second. Passed

Order calendars

Lion Russ: been looking at jackets and shirts vests $100 to embroider 5 or more 20% off

Have business jackets silver orange gold

Cover for barbeque – Denny’s upholstery

Fund raisers some of the other clubs do in the state: low in labor  at Helena leadership retreat – lion club international fund raisers 50 clubs in Montana – top funds were around 8k

Discussed goals membership drive 1557 members in Montana visiting other clubs

Winter would be a good time to get plans for next year –

Lion Jerry leadership retreat Kiwanis club spoke – builder program key club 1/3 the members Lion does – The work that they do in younger groups like Key Club doesn’t seem to do anything to get those members to go into Kiwanis as adults.

Need to form committees and get things done:

Correspondence: None

New Member: Phil Toldness – Lion Scott Doney – he is handy, good guy, a lot of good handy man skills a good pick for the club. Lion Max moved lion Becky second. Passed unanimously

Lion Roger Meredith third operation, protheses removed 16 Sept October 25 took all out and put cement in 2 antibiotic no weight on it

Lion Stoppa had a seizure ended up in emergency Falls should be on way home doing better

4/25-28 district Convention in Havre


Drawings all Lions: Meal Lion Becky, Drinks: Steve Mclain, 50/50 Bob Patera Fine free  Becky Toth


Campground committee Work on Lions’ Campground November 13, 9AM. Need to work on bank and prepare for spring runoff.


October 20 No Lions Meeting. Work Party picking ditches


Havre Lions

October 6, 2022

Lion President Scott Doney

Invocation Lion Ray Toth

Minutes: Amos moved to approve Passed Max second passed

Old business Rock Lotto Mark Rowlatt cooled until 6:30 Had all oil and everything cleaned up by 7:15. 2 canopies would look better if had two Lions canopies. Do more to work on presentation

Made around $4400 for Saturday and Sunday

1250 dogs for two days. Started out with 8 cases of dogs added 6 more cases of dogs

Just over 2 cases on Sunday for feed the beast run.

Could run to 9 or 10 at night and people would keep coming. Sold over 1000 dogs

Work on getting some t shirts designed so all have matching shirts when working. Lion President Sott Doney will bring in a couple of designs for people

Lion 6952  1117 photo

Lion Mark has a Pronto Pup in his pickup

Lion Max new uniforms need Hats for booth with venting

Young Lizie sold more pronto pups than any of us could have

If there is a Havre event it’s not Havre unless Lions are there

Fun run was a great success, made around 1300 for food pantry which town pump will match.

Bacon booth, candy booth, infinity bakery donated, some pronto pups left over and some beer left over

Cooked pronto pups at college kitchen

The Lion was a hit for the run compared to the scary ones college kid volunteered and had a great time


Brett Patrick – water park – Natalie Patrick foundation- raise funds annually and put money back into city. On the pursuit of Splash Park – Pump House to run the whole thing. Concrete edginging is constructed and drainage On final drawing for tourism drawing- trying to work back and get more money from grants bnsf 50k two locations local 25k

Pacific all the steel

Pasco all the pumping

Clawson and Sons and Patrick joint work to get done

Hope and goal by next May will be done

Health dept city council, turn over to city


Building for pumping and storage for winter don’t want damage over winter

14 and under can take advantage for 5 to 7 months a year

12 pieces in park

We don’t need to build forms, all the dirt work is set up, could build walls in shop and ship to location single sloped roof

Like to have tin building so everything is maintenance free


Festival Days:

Lion Becky: bag pipes everyone enjoyed. Went to Eagles all the ladies wanted to dance with them. Street dance was not good for them

Lions’ Convention in 24 will be there

Lots of people went up to them and thanked them for coming down. At eagles

We gave $1000 to come down

Cool at the end of parade, bag pipers stopped and played in honor of high school band

Legend for lights NLASF, Kiwanis will cook Saturday

5 PM at Food Service cook breakfast burritos for Sunday morning, everything will be cooked just put to

Shrimp on Sunday, we will start around 2:00.

Dinner starts 430 – 5

Mark will bring barbeque need to have canopy

Work party for campground – get a committee together and see what will work

Lion Scoot will get together with Tom Klein and Chad will be contacted.

New Business:

Lion’s baseball park – Brad Walton – Tuesday will pull sod up where fence

Work party 330 on Tuesday at Lions field bring gloves wheel barrow rake

Bleachers were approved in past $2500 to 1600 maybe 6k for 60 or 70 people. Lion Becky talk to Chris Inman

Ditch clean up next meeting. Meet at Diesel Dr. Bring gloves Lion Ron will get everything. Will meet at 5:30 October 20

Lion Becky will take care of food

Christmas Party – be at sub Jan 7 sit down formal dinner


Lion Becky barrow barbeque for next Thursday 350 to 400 students on campus. Set up by sub 10:00 to start cooking burgers.

Lion Mark asked to send a thank you to Ezzei’s for replacing valve and filled propane fire extinguishers for booth.

Mark guest Dusty Huestis – born and raised in Havre – will be opening up a store – for boot repair – good hand Scott – Lion Becky moved to approve ray second unanimous

Lion Amos guest Cory Labrie – works at cardiac rehab – looking for something to help community. Motion by Lion Steve J. second by Lion Max V. unanimous

Lion Scott Doney moving for more people to join

Lion Russ – Glendive Kiwanis represent swim team from Glendive. Told them insurance – need to be aware of liability for sponsoring swim team – is there a legal counsel that will answer questions?

Lion Becky will look at it from state

Health and welfare:

Lion Roger Meredith is doing better, but has lost 40 pounds. Stop by and help keep his spirits up

Drawings: all Lions meal – Max Vogel drink – Steve Mclain, Darin Boss, (absent) Ray Toth wins

50/50 Steve J. donated back

Fine free lion Ray Toth


Havre Lions

Lion Jerry Kuhn

September 1, 2022

20 members 2 guests

Guests: Lion Tom Klein his wife Stephanie

Lion Mark Rowlatt Dusty Huestis

Minutes: Lion Tom Klein moved to accept. Lion Becky second. Passed.

Old Business:

            National Night Out; Lion Russ Stinnett – Lion Kelly Jones was Lion- Lion Doug Larson Took Pictures– A Rookie officer was in Lion Kuhn’s costume. Bowl of Blue Jolly Ranchers for treats. They served over 650 people. Lion Russ had canopy. Next year a lot needs to change 1 table 2 chairs, application pamphlets, awesome night. Every other table had a raffle item or something to give away.

Next year: raffle items, (make something) Cold bottled water, Table clothes, trinkets, little things for kids, food sign donated by Lions, sign in front of booth for when we meet and where/ Lions pencils for next year to give away, Lion Doney has 8 people on the line to join Lions

Release the Beast run .6 k. Donuts, hot dogs, candy, and beer at the end. Want Lions booth at the end to give pronto pups at the end to participants in race. Money goes to food bank at college, matched by Town Pump.

Mirror of the Large Butt in Missoula 1500 to 2000 people

Started by Mark Peterson and Greg Dolven, according to Craig Tilleman.

Team entry for Lions Club

Costumes encouraged

Starts at tailgate area at foot ball field

Lion Russ will head it up.

Lion Russ moved to have lions provide pronto pups for participants of release the beast – sell to spectators – Lion Kelly second –  Passed

Festival days:

            Lion Becky said bag pipers are coming – Eric head person - $1000 will come up on Friday – want a contact person to go with them on Sat. to bars. Lion Max moved to support. Lion Tom second – Passed from masses.

Festival Days 2 shifts –

            Lion mark would like 2 cans for hauling hot oil. $140 a piece 6 to 8 gallons.

Lion Mark Rowlatt move to purchase one container. Lion Russ second – passed

Lion Ray Toth asked if we need a Lincoln for the parade – a yes – Lion Mark R will have golf cart

Matt Play at Lion’s Campground (Lion Mark R.)  Cooked 200 chicken legs and cooked for MAT theater. 100 people on Friday.  People showed up at 2:00. 650 people out there on Sat.  200 to 300 on Sunday

New business

Legends for Lights asking lions to help 8th and 9th of October cook breakfast and dinner on Sunday. Lion Tom Klein moved to do it Lion Max Vogel second. Passed

Lion Becky said camping over Labor Day: Menu shrimp boil on Sunday. Let Lion Becky know if you will be there, and what you will bring. Camping is on East side 5 people going so far.

Lion Ray said should continue to work on campground

Russ said Lion Doney thought we should get a work party in October to work on downside of creek. Tree removal more loads topsoil

Lion Mark Rowlatt – members of Catholic Church of Big Sandy want to raise money for new swimming pool  - swim club – asking for  a $100 donation – Lion Max moved to make a donation. Lion Russ second – supported by Lions

Bull hook black powder next meeting


Health and welfare: Lion Roger is improving using a cane

Drawings All Lions – Meal: Steve Mclain

Drink – Roger Meredith

Absent : Jacob Lorang, 

50/50 Lion Aaron Gomke $11

Fine Free Steve Mclain

Adjourned 7:52

Board Meeting:

Big Sandy Request for $100 – Lion Max Vogel moved to donate $200 Lion Dan Korb second Passed


Bring bag Pipers Lion Russ moved Korb Second to give $1000 –



Lion Mark Rowlatt to purchase $150 max for oil buckets Lion Russ moved, Lion Dan Korb second. Passed.

Permission Lion Max moved, Lion Russ second for Lion Becky to go up to $550 to purchase candy for festival days.

Adjourned: 8:00

Havre lions

September 15,2022

Lion President Scott Doney

Invocation: Lion Russ Stinnett

Guests: Phil Toldness Guest of Lion Scott Doney

Cory Labrie guest of Lion Amos Mclain

Happy Birthday sung for Lion Becky:

Minutes: Lion Steve Mclain asked why board approved $200 instead of $100. Lion Russ said should have discussed longer during meeting to get to the $200.  More discussion led to $200. Lion President said it was a recommendation not mandatory. The club can give a recommendation but the board makes the final decision.

The board of directors is the only ones that can approve spending. Lion Leonard.

Lion Wayne moved lion Russ Second Passed minutes.

Old Business:

            Festival Days

            Lion Russ will set up 10:00 set up for Run of the Beast. Starts at 11:00 goes to 1:00. 1st heat is the runners, the competitors. The second is a walk 10 to 15 min. 3rd heat strollers 20 minutes for completion. 10 stations with servers – free beer – for participants. Lion Becky, Lion Ron, plan is to cook dogs at Northern Facilities and keep warm in a roaster. Meet at parking lot by football field– all money goes to food closet at college. Matched by Town Pump.

Parade candy is ordered – need walkers – Lion Ray driving car.

Bag pipes will be here Friday night

Cooking – set up at 100 run until 600 – Farmers market ends at noon.

Lion Mark food trucks started at 11:00

Kiwanis is going until noon – Lion Becky said to give them their chance to sell

Shifts 12-3 and 3-6 the community wants us to be there it is expected

Lion Becky – need a couple of people to go along with the bag pipers as they go bar to bar Lion Becky said lets show them a good time

Walk in parade meet at Rod’s at 9:15

Legends for Lights second weekend in October –

New Business:

Splash Park – Brett Patrick submitted their proposal last year and were turned down: This year they had the Chamber do it this year. Lion Scott sent a letter of support for in-kind work. We would be the labor. Next meeting, asked for Brett Patrick to come in and tell us what they want us to do.

Legends’ Hunt Bobby Morris wants Lions to do Breakfast Burritos for hunt. Still doing shrimp on Sunday afternoon.  Put Burritos together Friday at 5:00

Campground work Party: after festival days – spend one day and play in creek a while – need to get a camp committee together to see what we need to do. Lion Ray need to mark trees that need to be cut. Lion Russ said we need more fill

Lion Scott said Chad said we need to line class 3 rip rap on creek before next spring

Lion Russ said his employer would let us use a skidster or backhoe to use

Lion Steve Mclain could we campout and work.


Health and Welfare: Lion Roger Meredith needs to have Knee reworked . Lion Russ said Lion Roger would accept wooden Nickels from Triple Dog.

Drawings All Lions: Meal: Jim Rowlatt

Drink: Russ Stinnett

50/50 $11 Guest – Cory Labrie

Fine Free: Lion Ron Maynard-






Havre Lions

August 18, 2022

Lion Presidyent Scot Done

Invocation: Lion Russ Stinnett

Speaker: Ryan Pearson Havre Police telling about National Night Out

Guest: Kelley Ferguson – guest of Lion Jerry Kuhn, Shaun Rowlatt – guest of Lion Mark Rowlatt

Ryan Pearson- National Night Out – Havre Lions has donated for several years for meal. $900 this year.  Doing it last Tuesday of August so it will get the college students involved. Barbeque - live music- Northwest energy will have bucket truck for rides, helicopter, Bear Paw Fire Department. Could set Lions table up to recruit new members. Feel free to go 6-8 PM Aug 30. Should serve at least 500 people. Ryan said they appreciate Lions donating for food. Set up by 5:30 if setting up.

Minutes Lion Becky moved to approve them. Lion Wanda Second. Passed.

Hoops for a Cause: Lion Becky said they set a record. Coaches appreciated us donating and cooking food. Raised about $15000. $6000 for each cancer athlete.

Steak fry: close to 50 people. Great meal and relaxation.

National Night out – Set up our banner – Lion Becky has card to handout with information on Lions and their projects.  $900 not a great expense to get our name out.

Fun Run (Large Butt Run) day after Festival Days .6K will have energy refueling stations like donuts and sweets.

New Business: Jay Pyette asked Lions to use our Barbeque August 27 at Lions’ Campground for McBeth Play. Passed

Rock Lotto: Lion Wanda move Lion Bob Second to cook at Rock Lotto Sept. 17th. Passed Lion Mark Rowlatt will chair.

Festival Days: Lion Becky Toth will purchase candy to hand out at parade. $500. Bag Pipers – Lion Becky will check on price.

Havre Lions Organization Certificate from the National Lions: Lion Doug Larson moved to put it on loan at Clack Museum. Lion Amos Mclain Second. Passed. Lion President Doney will take it to the Museum

Campground: Lion Ray Toth said we need to go out and work on campground. Use excavator and place rip rap on edge of bank to hold it and keep it from flooding pavilions. Maybe Lions could trade work at Splash Park with Patrick Const. for Rip Rap.

Health and Welfare: Lion Terry Stoppa walks with walker. He is alert and doing better. Lion Bill Woods and his wife have moved into Timber Creek.

Drawings: All Lions: drawn and absent. Jerry Kuhn, Roger Meredith, Dan Korb, Heather Parker

Meal Doug Larson, Drink – Gary Stremcha, fine free Wanda Meredith

Adjourned 8:00

Havre Lions

July 7, 2022

Lion President Scott Doney

Chris Mouat request Lions to cook for 3 on 3 tourney August 6. Lion Becky Toth said she would head it up.

Request to have Lions build a shed for water park 15x25

Chris Inman asking for coupons for 2 pups, fries and drink paid for by city park and reck.  Was accepted.

Campground – thank you to workers,

            Chad has access to fil dirt. Pay semi-truck and driver. Asking for Lions to donate.

            Excavator $450 Passed for paying bill.

National Night Out – Good opportunity for recruitment. Need booth with banner August 30. People need to know what Lions does. We need cards to hand out about Lions. Lion Jerry suggested first years membership would be paid for by Havre Lions.

Work Party for signs on can sheds. Needs to be done.






Havre Lions

May 5, 2022

Lion President Mark Rowlatt

Invocation Lion Becky Toth

19 members 1 guest Cleta Lamb (Lion Darin Boss’s (Mother in law) She cooked.

Minutes: Lion Wayne Bolken moved to approve with corrections. Lion Wanda Meredith seconded. Passed

Treasurer report: Lion Steve Mclain

District convention: 7 representing Havre. Counting Lion Scott Hayward would be 8.

Lion Jerry Friday events at convention:

Went to Montana School of Deaf and Blind. School is attempting to do same curriculum as public school. They want kids to get into regular school system


LCIF: Lions Club worldwide gave money to Lions Club members to help war victims. Gave a little under $1,000,000 with 20 different grants given. More in service time than they are giving in money. Lions’ Clubs are helping people after they get across the border. Helping with all the necessities.

Silent Auction: Lion Mark Rowlatt bought ours.

Lion Jerry bought Hamilton Lions’

Lion Jerry was the last one to leave hospitality room.

Lion Becky Saturday events:

            Nominations for officers for next year.

Glendive put in for convention next year

Lion Becky gave a presentation for 2024 bid for convention. The Lion didn’t show, but made it work with what they had.

Toast master presentation:

Leader dog presentation video

Banquet: Lion Pattie Hill very inspiring for Second Vice President

She is hoping to be in Havre for 2024 convention as international president. She is an amazing woman.

Young Child Checkup last week: Eye Testing report Lion Doug Larson – Lions Doug Larson and Roger Meredith did Tuesday’s exams. Lion Steve Jamruszka did Wednesday and Thursday, having Lion Doug help on Wednesday and Lion Roger on Thursday.

Bear Paw Cooperative 2021 Child Find: Havre Lions Vision Results

                                    Tested            Passed           Referred

Chinook                    30                   28                   2

Big Sandy                  34                   30                   4

Turner                       15                   13                   2

Harlem                      9                      2                     7

Hinsdale                    8                      8                     0

Whitewater                7                        5                   2

Saco                          3                     0                      0

CJI                             17                 16                     1

North Star                30                     26                   4

Gildford                      30                      29                     1

Big Sandy                 36                      36                     0

Chester                      19                                17                    2          2 incomplete

Havre                      102                               85                    10     7 incomplete

8 Days of Testing


Total 187 tested

        13 referrals 

         10 incompletes

Total Miles Driven Approximately 1182

Lion Bob Patera - ramp for Museum: all got together, all we have to do is anchor to concrete

New Business:

            Senior class May 22nd Lion Gillen needs volunteers, 4:30 to 6:30 to cook Hamburgers It would be great to have some help.

Lion Mark R. Instead of giving money give something else

Picking ditches People were picking in Lions area – Lion Doney said they were out there. Lion Jerry next Thursday – Lion Dan Korb will pick up things from highway department.  Meet at 5:30 at Diesel Dr. Thursday 5/12/22

Installation: June 16 Board will determine where.

Fair Booth: Go through fryers and let Gary and Leo’s know what we need of dogs by first of June.

Lion Jerry pre work party before Memorial Day turn over to camping committee


Lion Jerry Kuhn membership key for bringing in new members.

Thank you from scholarships Richard Raheberg. New Scholarship Trenton

Health and Welfare: Lion Lowen went through 10 days of chemo in hospital isolation now hopefully get well enough to go to Spokane for bone marrow transplant

Auctions items went well.

Live auction for cutting board went over 1000 for all of our items.

Lion Darin Boss fine free

Lion Tilleman and Stinnett fine for not bringing in Lion Tilleman can’t find fine free at home


Drawing all Lions: Ray Toth, Wayne Bolken drink

Meal Holly Haas(ab) Jim Heavey

50/50 Steve Mclain




Havre Lions

April 21, 2022

Lion Mark Rowlatt

Invocation Ray TOTH

24 members

Minutes: Lion Tony moved to approve. Lion Roger second. Passed.

Old Business   

            Parade of green Montana youth diabetes Alliance youth day camp on the flat head. $4000 is approved. Lion Becky moved to approve what we have been given in the past as parade of green.

Lion Wayne moved to give $200 to Diabetes youth passed. Bob seconded.  passed.

2 baskets for silent auction

            Cesar basket and meat and cheese – lion Steve Mclain will give two Montana shaped cutting boards

Montana Hamer Knife donated a knife for meat and cheese

Cesar basket: Crawford donated bottle for Cesar basket

Eye Testing: Methodist Church: Young child testing Tuesday 9-4. . Lions Doug and  Roger will test on Tuesday. Lion Steve Jamruska Wednesday and Thursday. Lion Doug will help Lion Steve on Wed. and Lion Roger on Thursday.

Signs for recycle booth are in Lion Steve McLain’s garage. We need to schedule time to put them up.

Ramp at museum – any time after this weekend – 30th Saturday – 9am Lion Wanda will read directions and tell everyone what to do. to assemble ramp

New Business;

            2024 Convention: Need to put on small presentation in coming to Havre for the 2024 Convention – hotel, tourist from chamber, what does Havre have to offer that no one else has. short presentation

Lion Becky said to have Lion Mark Rowlatt talking and being  boring , come in with Lion Jerry in costume and bag pipes. Pronto pups, I’ve had a pronto pup have you, go into talk about next year come to have and you can have a pronto pup also

Lion Tony Annual Montana Pilots June 4 asking if lions will help cooking. They appreciate our help.

Lion Becky miles laird track meet 7th may Havre Track  meet. They are  looking to Lions for help.

Lion Russ water booth for Bear Paw run. Lion President will help out with marathon

Lion Russ will let them know we have a couple of volunteers to work bear paw marathon

Correspondence: $100 donation from Bob and Edna Kuhn. Thanking Lions for getting the PlusOptix Machine and volunteering to test the kids eyes.

Lion Jim Lowen’s wife informed us that Jim  will be going through treatment to do bone marrow transplant

health and welfare – Lion Becky will get in touch with lion holly to see if she will write get well and thank you cards.  

Lion Terry Stoppa is walking with a cane doing good as can be expected

Lion Dan Korb is walking good after knee replacement.

Drawings All Lions

50/50 - 13 dollars Russ Stinnett

meal – Darin Boss

drink- Mark Rowlatt

Fine Free – Russell Stinnett donated back to club

lion Becky picture of Havre lions club to show at convention after meeting


Election of Officers: President: All Lions: Scot Doney, 1st VP Jerry Kuhn, 2nd VP Dan Korb, 3rd VP Russ Stinnett, Secretary Doug Larson, Treasurer Wanda Meredith, 1 year Directors: Mark Peterson, Jim Bennett, Aaron Gomke, 2 Year Director: Becky Toth, Roger Meredith, Max Vogel, Lion Tamers Kelley Jones and Ray Toth, Tail Twister Jim Heavey and Jim Rowlatt. Membership Team:  Jim Heavey Chair, Jim Bennett, Becky Toth, Mark Rowlatt


Havre Lions

April 7, 2022

Lion President Mark Rowlatt


Cathy Huston brought in 1959 Lions picture album

Havre High Senior Class of 2022 asked for donations and volunteers to help out.

Havre High School Track (Miles Laird) -Asking for volunteers at track meet and wanted to know what Lions Clubs involvement and roll in the past was for Havre Lions Track Meet. (9:30) events start at 10:00


20 members 5 guests

Northern football coaches: Jerome Soueros – 1986 first in Montana left in 1997 retired at Southern University coming back tom Montana was big. 1986 stood out to him Havre was a great community everything has changed except Havre is the same everyone looks out for everyone else.

Here to run a football program want to make a difference in kids.

All here to make a difference. 150 years of experience in coaching staff. Embrace this challenge to make a difference in the community

Football program – a transformation program work hard, loyalty, all the qualities of Lions, they are trying to instill in players

Provide as a member of the community. Want to teach to give back

Want them to be great roll models – Spiritual –Communicating, learning how to communicate, all the things we need to. Work butts off and will represent Havre to the best.  Want 80% of players from local highline area. Looking forward to the challenge of this year for the right reason and way

Lion Jim Rowlatt welcomed coaches to Havre. Need to recruit 30 to 40 athletes.

Transfers nontraditional recruits. Hoping for than 50% of Montana kids which will help build the team for the years to come.

Lion Becky said it’s a 100% turnaround from what was there before, as to what happened before.

Minutes: Lion Ray moved to approve. Lion Jerry seconded passed

Treasurer report: Expenses coming:  Parade of Green, Youth diabetes camp new

Old Business:

April 29 to 30 Convention:   Parade of Green- need to approve

Two Giveaway baskets together. Lion Steve Mclain will donate two Montana shaped cutting boards.

Everything is at holiday inn

Tour of Deaf and Blind School, the dam and Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center

Lion Becky turned in bid for 2024 convention to be in Havre

Second reading of nominations:

Eyes screen Eye Screening in Havre April 27-29 Lion Steve J. will be there. Methodist church

Havre Youth Baseball Donations asking for $300 Lion Tom Klein moved to donate to donate $300. Lion Jim Rowlatt second. passed

Lion Steve Mclain said made teams way smaller more sponsors than they need, Take to board.

New Business: MSU Northern Scholarship donation volunteer to present Lion’s scholarship.  Lion Becky Toth will be there. 4 scholarships given. Legacy Scholarship ($1000) out of our area to Lion Terry Stoppa’s granddaughter.  Mattiah Murillo. A great and very complete application. Three $500 scholarships to Trenton Maloughney, Cecelia Reid, and Richard Ratzburs.

Sweet Grass Society looking for donations all filled tabled.

Havre Girls fast Pitch 4 age groups $250. We give more to boys than girls upped the amount of donations board meeting.          

Senior Class: looking for volunteers to work weekend before Memorial Day on Sunday at softball field. Lion Gillen to head up.  Lion Gilllen will find out what they have and will let us know what they need.

Park Board Meeting Lion Ray Toth – get together with Chad to figure out what to do at Memorial Day.  Other things at park: Trail from pavilion to upper lake. Hagner campground make a loop road to get in and out

Camping: Lion Ray will contact Park Bord


Health and welfare – Lion Dan Korb had knee replaced

Lion Brent Peterson had Heart work

Terry Stoppa is doing better. Doing well with a walker

Drawings all Lions $21 50/50 Scott Doney donated back

Fine free Mark Peterson

Meal – Ray Toth

Drink- Jim Bennett, Becky Toth won


Board Meeting:

            Mark Rowlatt, Steve Mclain, Doug Larson, Mark Peterson, Scott Doney, Jim Heavey, Tom Klein Ray Toth, Jerry Kuhn, Becky Toth

Havre girls fast pitch: Lion Mark Peterson. moved to donate $1000. Lion Becky Toth second. Passed

$300 to Havre Youth Base Ball – needs more gear for more people at the same time – hacky sacks, whiffle balls and bats one time donation. Lion Tom Klein moved to approve. Lion Jerry Kuhn second. It is a onetime donation, not a reoccurring expense. Passed.






March      17, 2022

Lion President Mark Rowlatt         

Kids night with Bingo and Heads and Tails Games                                     



March 3, 2022

Lion Mark Rowlatt

18 members 3 guests

Guests Heather Maclean and Heather Parker of lion Jerry Kuhn

Lion Jerry Kuhn invocation


Brett Patrick Natalie Patrick foundation: 50x50 park

            Looking to do a larger project proposing a community splash park.

            Located at St Judes side of swimming pool. It’s for 14 and under. Build and turn over to city. The city will be responsible for maintaining.  

$350000 Break ground on Brett’s Sister’s (Natalie Patrick) birthday end of month. Ribbon cutting on June 17 at Natalie Patrick golf tournament.

Clausen concrete, Patrick dirt Havre Ready Mix concrete shine electric hopefully bring all together to get done.

Asking Lions to join in to help

            Options:  pump house 15x25 pump house anyway you can help will appreciate

Asking for our support and letting Lions know what is going on.     

2 companies in use that will plan doing mechanical. $190k recommend 12x 12 minimum header pipe ditch for pipes. All parts come apart for winter and can taken apart for winter.

Clausen, if pouring on a day will take any help that will volunteer

Fence will stay up, fenced in area, city plan is to put several concrete picknick tables there.

Splash park will be able to be fenced off in winter or all year

Will be a cost $4500 a year. Majority of council wanted use for free, but may charge to help pay for maintenance. 

Minutes: Approved wrong meeting were printed.

Treasurer down $2171 from last month.

Big donation was $2k to bear paw fire dept.

State convention asking for a couple of baskets for the auction. People attending will plan on determining what will be donated. Board will determine how much to donate Lion Steve Mclain will get Montana cutting board for each basket.

Flags: Lion Scott Doney passed them off to first grade teacher

Child find need more volunteers




Havre Lions

February 3, 2022

Lion President Mark Rowlatt

15 members

Lion Larson invocation

Bear Paw Volunteer – They receive their grant and told what they need help with. Josh Beebee & Robert Kurtz,

Received $40,000 - $17000 donations $14,000 raffle $5000 CHS $1000 from guild mortgage. They are asking for grant from Blue Cross and Blue Shield. $5k. They are $55k short, waiting on Hill County Electric.

Jimmy Albertson will donate labor. Need to pay for concrete and rebar have rebar stockpiled at lower price. Overhead doors are ordered 7 months out. Building is 60x80 and should be able to house everything they have along with room for meetings. Northwest energy and might grant to run natural gas.

Lion Bob Patera said hit up BNSF because they start enough fires.

Ideas for another fund raiser – trying do different things will have another big fund raiser this summer

17.6 door height

Looking for additional funding now. Want to purchase before it gets out of hand/ doors rebar, insulation increased $5k

Have always got along with Havre Fire Department

Rural 1 has nothing to do with them

Always do fill boot together

Did college night out with them

Will do little bit of in kind and hired labor

Will have Clausen stand the building being they know how to do it.

Dirt work Patrick brought in gravel

Certain things need to let the pro’s do

Help out where they can, to save money

Minutes: Lion Jerry Kuhn moved to approve Lion Ray second passed

Treasurer: Christmas party lost another $200 today, but there is enough in tip jar to cover this.

Old Business:

            Can sheds” all boils down to how much we spend: Lion Max Vogel moved Lion Jerry Kuhn second to go for the $1040 signs 4 signs curved printing. Passed.

District convention 3 tours on Friday The dam, Lewis and Clark , School for Deaf and Blind all at the same time and pick one,

Kids night is St Patrick’s Day. Kids night Bingo someone will dress in Lion’s costume.

Scholarships: Lion Steve Mclain will wait to send check

Lion Scott Doney -flags for

            St Judes cant go into building

            Lion Scott Doney will take the flags

Northern Volunteering presentation at college – had a fair turn out Lion Jerry asked if he could do the prayer – have them meet here and or do program for Christian college fellowship campus ministry.

New business

Child find sign up going around

Feed my sheep is looking for volunteers. Last meeting hunger grant program. Lion Doug Larson suggested possibility that change lights out to led at soup kitchen.

Bear Paw Firefighting – Table until we find out more about their grants

Grants from Lion’s international; Lion Max Vogel moved to sponsor one of their garage doors. Lion Jerry Kuhn moved to donate $2k for Bear Paw Volunteer Fire. Lion Jim Rowlatt second.  Passed

Correspondence none

Health and Welfare Lion Terry Stoppa out of quarantine. Alert in Great Falls doing rehab. Still in hospital or rehab. Really enjoys getting mail. Lion Becky Toth will get Lion Larson Terry’s address. Terry wants mail. : Terry Stoppa’s address send out to everyone

drawings: All Lions: Steve Jamruszka, Jerad Gillen, Tony Dolphay, Dan Korb, Roger Meredith Absent. Steve Mclain won meal, drinks Jim Heavy

Tom Allen 50/50 $9, Fine free Craig Tilleman

Lion Becky Toth will cook the meals from now on


Havre Lions

January 20, 2022

Lion President Mark Rowlatt

16 members

Invocation – Lion President

Thanks to Lion Jerry Kuhn for cooking the meal.

Minutes: Lion Jim Bennet moved to approve. Lion Jerry Kuhn second to approve.  minutes passed

Christmas party Lion Scott Doney – bus ride down chilly. All in all everybody had a good time, good pizza and bowling, Vienna sausage were breath taking. Jody Korb did not get her prime rib – $825 for bus – $261 at peps – Lion Max donated 50/50 back / couple $100 short of paying for night.

Signs for can collection: a couple more designs – if we want to small $525 big $1000 Lion Mark Rowlatt: maybe we attach vinyl to board or something our self will that be cheaper. Lion Steve Mclain- why go cheap and not go with something that will last. Don’t wait cost is going up

LCIF   feeding programs for food banks, school projects. Can’t go to food long term – we should talk to schools or food bank to see if there is anything they need. Lion Jerry Kuhn said maybe boys and girls for food program. Need to come up with some ideas

District Convention April 29 – 30th Three tours Friday: Rainbow Dam, Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center, and School for Deaf and Blind. Let Lion Mark Rowlatt know if you are interested in going.

Flags for students – Lion Becky Toth will talk to Lion Holly Haas. Lion Dan Korb’s shop will be where we make flag stands. Have we heard from schools to see if we can go in – contact – talk to Lion Holly. Flags need to be ordered. Lion Jerry Kuhn moved to buy flags for this year. Lion Wanda Meredith second. Passed

Kids night – Lion Jerry Kuhn will chair – second meeting in March

New business

Northern is putting on a Community Involvement Fair wants service clubs from 10 am to 2 pm the 24th.  Lion Larson will help Lion Becky. Lion Becky has a RA that will help out. He is a member of Scobey Lions Club. Lion Jerry will be able to wear the costume.

Lion Jerry Kuhn’s Mackenzie is playing hockey for Havre and Havre is hosting the state tournament.  9 other teams coming in for tournament wants to know if Lions would like to pay for a ¼ page or ½ page in program.  Lion Jim Rowlatt moved and Lion Max Vogel second. Passed ½ page $50.

Lion Jerry Kuhn sat in on training class we are supposed to have our board meetings before. Lion Jim Bennett – what is the motivation for coming to meeting – programs interesting to come – next meeting is coming back to request money or in kind, new football coach, would help if we had a program Lion Jim volunteer for programs. We need to improve our manners while a guest is talking – be polite

Lion Jerry Kuhn – if we don’t have a program – put a slide show on about past members and pass on the history to the club – like watching history channel. Make it more fun and entertaining. Commemorate people that were in the club in the past – Lion Wanda – know some information for the club –

Convention is an eye opening. We don’t touch a lot of what Lions international does.

Correspondence: Thank you to from Montana School of deaf and blind.

Lions Scott Doney and Wanda Meredith 10 year Chevron presentation.

Health and Welfare: Lion Terry Stoppa – has covid – will go back to therapy more of a stroke problem

Drawings - All Lions - meal Jim Heavey, drink Gary Stremcha,  50/50 $7.50 Gary Stremcha, fine free Doug Larson

Lion Becky will cook for next meeting

Adjourned 7:48





Havre Lions

January 6, 2022

Lion Jerry Kuhn


Invocation Lion Ray Toth

Lion Becky cooked

Minutes: Lion Korb moved to approve roger second. Passed

Treasurer report: last 2 months: $5600 back to the community the last two months. Check 1500 to salvation army. Motion to approve Lion Wanda Meredith.  Lion Ray Toth second. Passed

Pronto pup booth committee: go through old fryers and order new: no progress since 2 months ago. Table for now. Leave on next agenda

Old Business: Meet at Ox at 5:00 and leave at 5:30 to Big Sandy. Drinks and hors D’oeuvre at the Mint. Then dinner and bowling at Pep’s.  $30 for bus and meal. Open bar on the bus. Sign up passed around:

Signs for can collection: Lion Jerry Kuhn has not done anything since last meeting. He will come up with more ideas and plans.

Salvation Army $1703.45 we will match $1500. Mackenzie Kuhn put the Lions Costume on for couple hours. Lion Ray Toth said we should pat ourselves on the back. Lion Steve Mclain said we should raise it to $2000 next year.

Mark Peterson: (Excerpts from past park board meetings) campgrounds: Park board 8/3/1981 Lions Cam Worstell and Ken Stevens board thought whole bottom would be Lion’s Campground.

10/5/81 Lion Ray Barsotti and Cameron Worstell: tanks for outhouses had been set club. Planned outing for.

12/7 1981 Jim Sleeter(who Constructed Beaver Creek Lodge) said needed to  jack lodge to level.

Dean Hanson letter to Board Lion Larson will send to all to read


Lion Becky Toth: scholarship apps have been tweaked – will be going out soon – we can choose students and give to students instead of going through college save money

New Business

Hearing aid application:  Montana sight and hearing asks us to pay for $200 or a percentage whichever is more. Approve last meeting. New app. State will take the ap. And send us the bill Lion Gary Stremcha moved to approve, and Lion Max Vogel seconded. Total cost is $4000. Hearing aid. We will pay $200 or %10 which is approved. Lion Gary will take care of it.

LCIF hunger Pilot Grant Program: Grant program to expand school food bank, construction, Request over $10,000 and under $100,000 can’t be a single club project. Lion Jerry table until Lion President Mark is back. Think of what is needed for Food Bank or Soup Kitchen.

Flags for Students: 1st graders – We have extra bases – Lion Holly Haas was in charge – Lion Becky will talk to Lion Holly. We will need to build more bases and burn. 2 more meetings Feb. 21st Will discuss at next meeting.

Kids night – second meeting in March.

Correspondence – nothing

Lion Terry Stoppa – back at Columbus/Benefis for filters in to catch clots –

Kathy Huston Elk’s Manager is in Hospital

Cooking for meal next. Lion Becky - Chicken fried steak


Drawings: All Lions beverage Max Vogel, Meal – Jerry Kuhn,  Kelly Jones 50/50 fine free Wanda Meredith

Adjourned 7:40



Lion President Mark Rowlatt

November 4, 2021


Invocation Lion Ray Toth

Dinner a Thank you from Bobbi Morse of NLASF

22 members present

Minutes: Lion Roger Meredith moved to approve. Lion Terry Stoppa second. Motion passed.

Treasurer report: A thank you to Lion Steve Jamruszka for doing a 1099 report.

Inflow and out flow of cash had extra dollar. Bank counted wrong or Lion Treasurer Steve Mclain counted wrong.

Attendance: Membership committee – Lion Becky and recent past presidents have not had a time to meet. Maybe bring new members to Christmas party to help build our club.

Insignia of shirts – Lion Amos Mclain will have samples for next meeting. He talked to Angela Pratt, Lion Becky will get another name for Lion Amos.

Booth cleanup – 6 members showed up, wrapped fryers, cleaned up attic –

Revamping booth, Lion Mark) – possible change of layout for sales – holly why are we redoing the booth, cheese problems – solved – doing it diff3erent with roasters –

Can’t itemize what everything is to determine where we make or lose money, said Lion Steve Mclain

Lion Max Vogel said we can quantify how much staff there is – should be covering a minimum wage for what we made. Lion Steve did quick calculation on hours worked and money brought in and said we were doing well.

Lion Ray Toth said at the end of the day we have enough money to dole out to the community so leave it as is

Campground: Lion Ray Toth – Park Board wants us to prioritize what we want to do at campground. – 3 pages down to one page

            Create 2 camp spots in low spot between

            Install a drive through gate at pavilion

            Install counter and shelves in old pavilion

            New bathroom at south end by horseshoe pits, that would provide a restroom for south end

            Handful of trees that need to be cut down (Chad Has marked more trees)

            Chad thought power company should prune trees under power line

            Handicapped approach by new pavilion

            Divide A and B – a Doesn’t have many camp sites – we can carve more out

The big thing else is that times have changed – lions only has 7 campers 3 at labor day no way we can hog the whole campground

Holly can we reserve it and if we realize we don’t need the whole campground release some of it

South end cannot reserve, maybe put signs up saying done by Lions.

Lion Gary Stremcha: maybe pick a different weekend than Memorial and Labor Day

It would be good to have a group go out now and get a plan

Lion Jerry Kuhn put two side walks one on each side of camper for handicap, so they can get to pavilion or can.

Iron gate with lions on it

Handicap – Lion Bob Patera said could get money from Lions grants –

Old business – Lion’s Baseball Park (Jim Lowen) – ran into a dead end no one calls back table till spring

Doney absent – Christmas party

Signs on can buildings: Craig no update. Lion Larson – work party to determine how to attach signs to buildings. What needs to be done at the booths –

            Lions Jerry Kuhn, Lion Jim Rowlatt, Craig Tilleman and Doug Larson on booth committee.

Mark Peterson – booth -fire marshal – came in – limited to 99 people to be in building – unless have sprinkler system – interesting fact 155 degrees to kick water on with automatic sprinklers – want to get chuck wagon done – adequate exits with push bars. All doors have to have push bars to get out.

Correspondence – Christmas hayride: died lack of interest

Health and welfare     Lion Jerad Gillon birthday - 50 today -not present at meeting

Lion Becky Toth will talk to Grant Olson (MAT) about what they want us to do to help with their play at Lions Campground

Drawings All Lions Mark Peterson meal, Drinks – Mike W.(AB), Gary Stremcha won. 50/50 Lion Roger Meredith donated back, Fine Free – Aaron Gomke  

Meal for next meeting –

Lion Ray Toth moved to make flat fee of $200 to cooks of meal for a Lion’s meeting. Lion Holly Haas second. Cooker gets free meal – if you cook passed


Lion Jerry Kuhn will cook at next meal






Havre Lions

October 7, 2021

Lion President Mark Rowlatt


Invocation Lion Becky Toth

Fine free auction Lion Kaden Keto $2

Treasurer Report: Tip jar saved and used for steak fry.

Program: Bear Paw Volunteer Fire Department, Josh Beebee and Brad Gregwire – Dept. wants to build a fire hall. They run completely on donations. Giles Gregwire left money to start building fund. Patrick donated some dirt work. Building is ordered from Clawson. Nice to have fire hall in winter so can leave water in trucks to stop freeze up. Also a meeting place. Nice Place to work on trucks. 8 trucks now. No tax dollars. $75 donation request from people in area covered. Cards sent out to people in area for donation. Clyde R Thomas donated land for Hall close to town. No free gas so propane for heat. They may use help on concrete work. Need money.


Dinner – Lion Jerry Kuhn and his twins: Spaghetti, 2 veggies, garlic bread.


Minutes: Motion to approve Lion Becky Toth. Second Lion Kaden Keto.


Attendance - Lion Becky reported some discussion on ideas.


Lion President fined for not following agenda.


Campground: Lion Ray Toth went to Park Board meeting. They want a priority list of projects to do. Lion Jerry Kuhn will get copies of some of work projects as was discussed with Supt. Chad Edgar.


Uriah Mclain presented about shirts. $18 Tee Shirt, $19 XXL, light blue and yellow. Pollo Yellow and blue XXL $26. Plan to take orders.


Pronto Pup Booth Lion Bob Patera drained water tank and shut water off. Oct. 14 6:00PM booth clean up. Lion Jerry Kuhn will head it up.


Lion’s Baseball Field – no report.


Christmas party – no Lion Scott Doney. Pep’s in Big Sandy a possibility.


No report on Can Collection Signs.


Legends: 5:30 Friday October 8. Lions will be making breakfast burritos at MSUN Lion Becky’s food service kitchen. Saturday pancakes in morning. They don’t need Lions. Sunday afternoon: Lions will be cooking shrimp starting between 1:30 and 2:00 at chuckwagon.


Momma Mia – was great.


Death by Chocolate drawing – Lions Becky Toth, Doug Larson, Steve Mclain and Mark Rowlatt will be guests of MATT at a table for 8.


Correspondence: Load Star donated $100 to Lions in honor of Russ Getten’s brother Merv.


Birthdays – Lions Leonard Deppmeier, Wanda Meredith, and Wayne Bolken


Drawings: All Lions – meal Ray Toth, Drinks Jerry Kuhn 50/50 Mark Rowlatt, Fine Free Bob Patera.

Lion Becky Toth meal for next meeting.


Board Meeting – Donation to Bear Paw Fire discussed. Lion Becky Toth moved to table. Lion Steve Mclain Second. Tabled to see what grants bring in.

Acting Secretary Lion Ray Toth




Havre Lions

September 16, 2021

Lion President Mark Rowlatt


Invocation Lion President Mark

22 Members

Guest: Lion District Gov. Mike Tobin

Mark Peterson impressed gratitude for Lion Jerry Kuhn for cooking meal.

Dist. Gov. Tobin;

            Fun thing to do is gets to visit clubs.

Upcoming convention Great Falls end of April. Patty Hill will be main speaker.

 $38,000 LCIF giving last year. Wants things for auction.

Trainings at convention. Not like a tag game where you are it for officers.

US /Canada forums good to go to. Learn a lot.

Where to get grants: 8 different categories of grants.

United in service on Governor’s pin. Service brings us together. Need to market ourselves better. (Lions) Everyone needs to know what we as Lions do.

Look outside the box of how to serve community. New members bring in new ideas.

Our website is Gov. pet project. gets you everywhere. Oct 19 cabinet meeting. Gov wants ideas to improve thins on website etc.

Minutes: Motion to approve Lion Wayne Bolken. 2nd Lion Becky Toth. Approved.

Old Business:

            Lion Becky Toth reported bleachers ordered for Lion’s Ball Park. From Chris Inman. No communication to Lion Jim Lowen from baseball group.

Christmas party at Peps in Big Sandy under discussion.

Fair booth cleanup: No chair on committee. Lion Jerry Kuhn volunteered – next Thursday.    Signs for can collection. Lion President asked for volunteers. Lion Craig will do.

Festival Days:

            Parade Lincoln

            Music by Lion Jerry Kuhn

            Candy $350 ordered

            Lion President has Pronto Pup for golf cart.

Lion Jerry challenged Lion President to be a walker in parade.

Labor Day – Campout

Only 3 campers

Meeting with Chad Successful

New Business:

            Jay Pyette wants to recognize Lions. Free seating at Mamma Mia for 20 Lions at 8:00 Thursday

Pheasant Hunt October 7 – 10. Pancake sausage Sat. Sunday breakfast burritos. Lion Jerry bought shrimp basket for cooking shrimp.


Lion Dist. Gov – Says scholarships help bring in members. Kids provide service not just for straight A’s. Kids do fund raisers for scholarships – High School.


Correspondence: Havre Activity

Health and Welfare – Lion Kelly Jones Retired

Lion Jim Rowlatt said Eagles Club is hurting for help for Kiwanis cooking Pancakes on Festival Days.

Drawings: All Lions

Meal Leonard Deppmeier

Drink Steve Mclain

50/50 Jerry Kuhn

Fine Free Amos Mclain

Cook Lion Jerry Kuhn               


Havre Lions

August 19, 2021

Lion President Mark Rowlatt

Lion Ray Toth invocation

One Guest Aaron Gomke, guest of Lion President Mark Rowlatt

Minutes: Thanks to Lions Jerry Kuhn and Doug Larson for cooking meal

Minutes: Lion Wayne Bolken moved to approve. Lion Kelly Jones second; passed

Committees: after meetings committees will meet and report at next meeting:

            Way to get things done

Membership: need to get new members. Maybe a contest to get more member


Insignia enhancement: shirts matching two styles one for work and one for formal

Another canopy or feather flag

Offsite pronto pup sales putting a trailer together, have propane for off site sales, make a list and have a trailer with all the necessary things

Pronto pup booth –

Work party – work projects other than those we know about

Old business

Lion Treasurer Steve Mclain Fair: grossed like 59,000 net around 40k

We are committed to 25 to 30 k we need to figure out how to spend this, hopefully we will spend some on the ball park

Ran out of cheese eliminate bags and go to cans of cheese, with 3 warmers and a dipper that give a consistent amount of cheese

Restroom at town park – another group is proposing the restroom, have all the money to do it. Looking for a single stall on bear paw door facing east chamber will do maintenance

Festival days: not cooking being, nothing going on down town one other food vendor; 4 confirmed food trucks at rock lotto at college

Craft vender at mall on

Bill patera will be doing car show

Bag pipers will not come to Havre for festival days will plan on coming next year

Parade for festival days:

Need to do parade: Lion Jerry Kuhn will take care of music Lion Becky Toth will order candy

Lion ray said we need a good showing of Lions walking in the parade

Northern meeting for first football game, need 30 volunteers, concessions etc. Let Lion Becky know if you want to volunteer

Lion Jim Lowen asked is there a list of committees? List was passed around to sign up.

Baseball park: no communication from Brian Jenkins. 900 kids that played baseball and softball in Havre

Lion Jim Lowen will talk to Brian Jenkins. This fall would be a good time to move fence and work on Lions Ball Park.

Jerry 51 paying guests at steak fry. Thanks to Lion Ray, Travis, and Lion Mark’s cousin Aaron Gomke for helping cook.

Christmas party – Lion Scott Doney – suggestions – pick a date and avoid first week in December, cowboy Christmas 11th Lion Scott will pick a date and make an executive decision

Fair Booth clean up. Clean out rafters and old stuff that is not useful

Old things that won’t work for anything, then maybe come up with different layout that would work better

Lion Jim Rowlatt made a motion to pay Lion Mark Rowlatt for going to Great Falls for cheese for the fair. Lion Gary Stremcha seconded. Passed

Lion Becky: Montana actors theater: looking for a beverage cooler to replace their beer cooler: $4,000 dollars to replace asking for monetary help. Any help would be appreciated. To the board

Lion Jerry said it’s like the pirate code. If someone needs beer, help them out.

Lion Wayne Bolken moved to have board look at and helping. Lion Max Vogel second. Passed Up to $4000 for mat theater, approved and board will make decision

Correspondence: Nami of Havre asking for donation and asked for support in NAMI WALK on September 19, 2021

Got donation of 25 gallons water from IGA

Ezzie’s donated propane

Motion to send a bronze lion and thankyou to these two. Passed


Health and welfare

Lion Amos Mclain two stints in great falls, ended back int the hospital in great falls and is out just before the meeting. Stress test in Missoula

Lion Mark Rowlatt got married on their hike to the Bob Marshal.


New member Aaron Gomke. Lion Becky moved for Aaron’s membership. Lion Jerry second. unanimous

Drawings: All Lions drinks Kelly Jones, Meal Jerry Kuhn, 50/50 Steve Mclain 9.50

Fine free: Ray Toth

Board meeting:


Lions Korb, Stoppa, Becky Toth, Ray Toth, Wanda Meredith, Scott Doney, Mark Rowlatt, Doug Larson, Steve Mclain. Lion Becky moved to give up to $4k to Montana Actors Theater, (could use to give help at booth, adults), second by Lion Jerry Kuhn. passed.

Adjourned 8;12


Havre Lions

Lion 1st VP Scott Doney

August 5, 2021

Invocation Lion Ray Toth

Old Business:


Lion Doney thanks to everyone who participated at the booth, especially those that put in long and many shifts.

Need to be focused on the fair, being it is our main money maker.

                Next year should have 1 person per day to organize things

                We ran low on supplies but got through the fair.

How to improve fair.

                Lion Jerry Kuhn – Raise prices, other booths were priced higher for comparative items.

                                $5 for cheese fries, $4 for Fries and Pronto pups.

Lion Becky Toth said we need to think about raising prices on potatoes being their prices have gone up

Lion Past President Becky Toth presented with plaque of appreciation for her service as president for the year 2020 – 2021

New Business:

                Committee signup for the year passed around.

                Chinook is having fair from 12- 15 for August

                Our booth we should have a cleanup of what is there and doesn’t work

Steak Fry:

                $10 with 12 and under free

                Supply everything but alcohol drinks. Steaks, shrimp, corn on cob.  Happy hour at 5.

                Camping will be on west side of creek.

                Need to look at barbeque, it needs work.

Labor Day will camp on east side of creek.

Rest Room on Town Square – Lion Becky Toth- Bathrooms have been turned over to downtown committee. Have decide what they will do. ADA approved. Looking for funding.

Festival Days:

                Rock Lotto will be at NMC celebrating brining back KNMC 20th anniversary. There will be 4 vendors at Rock Lotto.  No information on downtown events.

                If Border is open the bag pipers will be coming down.

Lion Scot Doney: We should narrow our projects ant get something done.


Lion Ray Toth: Worstell reunion – Lion Ray cooked Pronto Pups. Met at old Town House 75 pronto pups were cooked and were appreciated by the Worstells.


MSUN is looking for volunteers August 28 to work Foot Ball Game. 1st home game. Need 30 volunteers. Need to be there 10:00 AM

Health and Welfare: Lion Wanda Meredith’s Mother passed away.

                Lion Roger Meredith’s Mother’s Funeral will be August 14th 2 PM at First Lutheran Church.

                Past couple of weeks Lions Ray Toth and Bob Patera celebrated 50th wedding anniversary.

Lion Becky Toth is new zone Chair. Went to Turner for Rocky Mt Oyster feed.

                Turner Lions would like to have a day at the Lions Booth at the Blain County Fair.

Chinook is looking for help at their booth.

Drawings: All Lions

50/50 Craig Tilleman donated back.

Craig Tilleman Drinks

Gary Stremcha Dinner

Fine Free Max Vogel


Lion 2nd VP Scott Doney thanked everyone for coming. We need to get people back to meetings.


Havre Lions

July 8, 2021

Lion President Mark Rowlatt


Old Business

            Signup Sheet for Fair Workers

            Couple of youth groups are helping

            Need to get dues in $72.00

New Business

Will work of making committees work. Will have board meeting then committee meetings after board meeting.

Booth Committee: Work on booth, pricing, new fryers and changes to booth.

            Shirts – work and night shirts and vests

            Off Site Sales:

Feather flag,

trailer, how to equip

National Night out 8/31 MSUN

Prices at Fair: Dogs and Cheese fries $4. Plain fries - $3, pop and water $1

Correspondence: 4H sales, refer to board

Tuesday night before fair: 6:00 meet at back deck of MUN Cafeteria to haul supplies to booth.

Health and Welfare – none

Concert 6:00 – midnight

Board meeting:

            Will open booth Friday and Saturday July 9 & 10. Sell  water and Pups. 6 Cases of Dogs, 6 bags of ice.

4H – Lion Scott Doney moved to give 4H foundation $1000, Second by Lion Uriah Mclain. Motion passed.

Night Out – Lion Steve Mclain moved to give $900 for meal. Lion Scott Doney 2nd. Motion passed. Aug. 31 at sub.

Meeting adjourned 7:44





Havre Lions

Lion Becky Toth

May 6, 2021

Invocation Lion Jim Lowen

26 members

Lion Wayne Bolken moved to approve minutes. Lion Ray Toth seconded. Motion passed.

Spring Drive through Pronto Pup Sale

Swim team – 6 people that can help.

One day and pronto pups only and water 11am 7 pm

If you want to stay later to catch concert goers, you can.

Sign up list for sale passed around.

Next Thursday meet at 5:30 at booth to clean up.

Pricing – for pronto pups – lion jerry k.

                        $3.00 to 4.00 Lion Amos Mclain moved to raise price from $3 to $4. Lion Steve Mclain second. Passed with 4 opposed.

Bear Paw marathon – Lion President signed club up for water station provide tent June 5th

            Free t-shirt if you volunteer.

            Beginning and ed of race, first aid certified, watching blocked roads and directing traffic.

Beginning 5am done by 1:00 pm.

Meeting every Monday at community center

Pub crawl the night before: There is no information on that

Convention: Lions Becky Toth and Doug Larson reported: Humorist at convention- very good Mike Gard

Roses and candles for Lions Ray Carlson, Mike Tilleman and Jim Ward


                        Convention in Great Falls next year  

                        Then Billings

                        Havre hosting in 3 years

                                    Lion jerry will be president then.

                        Learned about USS Montana submarine

                        Parade of green we were third for amount donated.

                        Raffle – cutting board – Lion Steve Mclain – made $95.

                                    Growlers - $85 kept the refills and will raffle off at a Havre event.

                                    $85 for snacks

Bottle of crown went high –

Last year of the train

Work party at the soup kitchen is done –

Soup kitchen got $5900 donation in kind for Lions’ Labor.

Thanks to Lions Steve Mclain and Dan Korb for ramrodding and supplying equipment and tools.

Lion Jerry Kuhn got lesson and will need to pay for learning how to float.

Campground: Lion Wanda Meredith: Park board meeting – establish boundaries for Lions’ Campground.

            Park board has determined that south part is part of but is not the reservable part of Lions’ Campground.  Chad decided that there would be a walk through, and Lion Wanda said make sure there is a lion’s member present.

We worked on south area and will be improving.

Chad said it was his way when he came in 2004.

Wanda had map from 1980’s showing the whole.

Lion Tony Dolphay said maybe should call on Bernie Golie -couple of cabin owners that were there said campground was sign to sign to the hills.

Lion Steve Mclain asked does it really matter to us if we don’t have it.

Not clear signage for campground

We are now waiting for their walk through.

Camping and work party memorial weekend

                        Bring wheelbarrows, shovels, rakes, chain saws etc.

If you are going camping, get ahold of Lion Becky Toth to determine menus.

New business

            Saturday before the fair fund raiser for beaver creek park

                        Corn hole tournament

                        Would we be interested in us cooking pronto pups?

                        Food for concert us to cook pronto pups and cheese fries.

                        For veteran’s memorial campground off to right after coming in park

                        All day on Saturday

                        Lion Wanda Meredith made motion to pursue and see what hours we should be there.

Lion Dan Korb seconded.

Lion Craig Tilleman will get more information.

Girls soft ball - fast pitch registration – sponsoring 1bc and rookie

$150 per team – Lion Gary Stremcha moved Wayne second. Passed

Thank you to Lion Lary Garrison, LCIF Chair for helping raise $20,000 at convention.

Thank you from Shantel Cronk Northern Alumni Foundations for $2,500 scholarships donation.  

Lion Dan Korb for 15 years award

Health and welfare

            Lion Leonard Deppmeier –Past Lion Hugo Anderson was at Keith Maristuen’s funeral has cancer. He was president first meeting Lion Leonard went to was addressing and got hit between eyes from Lion Ray Patrick with bun. Lion Leonard knew he wanted to belong to this club.

Drawings: All Lions -Drinks Leonard Deppmeier, Meal Becky Toth, 50/50 13$ Ray Toth, Fine free Jim Rowlatt

Magnetic signs for cars available

Posters for drive through to put up.


Havre Lions

Lion Becky Toth

April 15, 2021

Invocation Lion Terry Stoppa

Guests: Kathee Kalhoff and Scott Thackeray

Lion Jerry Kuhn dinner

Lion Becky will do next meeting dinner.

Minutes: Motion to approve Lion Gary Stremcha and Lion Uriah Mclain second. Motion passed.

Spring drive through May 15 & 16  

            Lion Becky went to fair board approval: ½ resigned never got put on calendar.

            Also, at fairgrounds that weekend: Tribute band, western trailers will be selling, pine wood derby,

            11-7 on Saturday & 11-4 Sunday

Lion Jacob Lorang moved to keep as is for date:

            Lion Russ Stinnett second keep 15th and 16.Th  Passed

            Russ scheduled with fair board: their problem can we do walk ups?

Meet after meeting to discuss how we will set up with all the other things happening.  

High school age or adults from swim teams 12 and older for condiments

            Close up group is willing to help us.

Sign up for Saturday and Sunday for cooking Lion Jerry Kuhn will be in costume. Lon Kelly Jones can’t make it.

Cookers needing work

Track meet 4 workers

Bear paw marathon: no contact

Convention; next weekend 3 members going, Lions Tom Allen, Becky Toth, and Doug Larson

Raffle: Lion Steve Mclain will make cutting board

Parade of green clubs that donate to different funds: Sight and hearing, leader dog. Present checks on parade of green. We were usually the biggest club donations along with Gallatin Lions.  

Lion Steve will give checks and Lion Becky will present.

Treasurer report: budget items we give 22k a year without other things that come up

This year is all goofed up because of covid we didn’t give away.

Finance meeting: things we might want to do.

Lions baseball field and booth were main things. Lion Jim Lowen: booth make better electricity and a better flow area where cooking and preparing.

Phone call from Wally Gator portable Lion Doug Larson and Lion Jim Lowen looked at it not worth taking.

Hi-way clean up 17 members.

Lion Ray Toth moved to approve Finance report. Lion Amos Mclain, second. Motion passed.

Picking Ditches: Lion Steve Mclain cleaned up in front of Mclain’s cabinets, where some bags were left by a Lion. Then it blew up allover when the wind picked up

Lion Becky Toth dreamed that she found a dead body picking up.

Overwhelmed the ox after picking ditches.  


Lions’ Baseball Field: Lion Jim Lowen, baseball field big name sake in town – lot of projects that need to be done

            Chain link $2200

            Concrete footing under whole fence $1650 

            Old wooden bleachers replace with 9 foot aluminum $1300 to $1700

            City does not have person-power or money

            They would like Lions to serve July 29 to Aug 2 baseball tournament.

Time frame Is now: for fence.

            Lion Steve Mclain made motion for fence and concrete $4k Bleachers repair or spend memorial money to buy new Lion Max Vogel second: will move to board:

 Lot of activity at that field

Lion Wanda: Monday May 3rd at 5:30 will talk to park board on understanding of Lions’ campground and our map. More people there the better. Meeting is at the community building at fairgrounds. Lion Wanda will send email.

Soup Kitchen: 4:00 work party Friday and Saturday

Concrete early on Saturday. Will know when we are done Friday.

Judy Ward donated two jackets to club on does have Jim on it. One is very small, was Judy’s.

Company that made those jackets went out of business.

New members: Lion Jerry took out.  

Scott & Kathee want to get involved. Her dad was a Lion. Lion Wanda Meredith moved for membership. Lion Ray Toth second. Unanimous. Welcome Lions Kathee and Scott!


Thank you from Katlyn of MDT for adopting a hi-way for 2 years.

Lion Jim will take to Jody Bachini and discuss the 2 years. We have done it many years. 

Health and welfare

            Vaccinated: Fully 16, 1 with one, 1 with no shots


            Griz fans 6 paid $1

            Bobcat fan $1

Montana State University Northern $2500 scholarships

            All Lions:50/50 13$ Wanda, meal Steve Mclain, Scott Thackeray

Fine free Jerry Kuhn


Board meeting:

            Motion to donate in-kind and $4k for fence and work. Trying to bring up to Lion Steve Mclain Lion Max Vogel second. Passed

Buy them two bleachers 1500 to 1700 and use memorial money for that Ward and Carlson and other names on it, up to $3k to bleachers lion Steve if higher from memorial for 2. Lion Kaden Keto second – passed.


Lion Mark Rowlatt moved to buy another canopy – Lion Steve moved to put on hold. No action.



Havre Lions

April 1, 2021

Lion President Becky Toth

Lion Ray Toth invocation

Lion sRay Toth and Wanda Meredith did meal

Cooking for April 15 Lion Jerry Kuhn

Minutes: Lion Holly moved to approve.  Lion Jim Bennet second. Passed

Spring drive through Pronto Pup sale a go

Signup sheet: will be coming: close up group

       Swim team runners need to be old enough to handle it

       Northern request next meeting

       Eye testing discussed signing up

       Bear paw marathon June 5th

                   Pub crawl is on night before              

Lion Mark Rowlatt good time to use our canopies – to get our name out

       Have organizer come and talk about it

       They will bring in a company to put marathon on

       How many people it takes at a water station


Convention 23-25 – will discuss next meeting about voting

       Lion Tom Allen two growlers carriers, Lion Becky Toth snacks, Lion Mark

Rowlatt suggested a Havre made knife from Holt the knife maker.


       Lion gary st. moved to accept the ballot

       Lion jim Rowlatt second

       1 nay

Highway clean up 5:30 meet at diesel doctor, Lion Doug Larson will get kit from highway dept Thursday the 8th

Dinner afterwards

Baseball  bleachers replace boards. Lion Becky Toth will get ahold of Brian Jenkins and determine when it needs to be done and schedule a date

Work party for soup kitchen

Highschool track meet Saturday April 10 signup

       Set up gazebo maybe if we have enough volunteers and give away bottle water to athletes


       Highway dept clean up: 384-385

       Lion Ray Toth

Highway pick up     Lion Larson moved to keep what we have for mile markers. Lion Gary Stremcha. second Motion passed.


Health and welfare – Lion Bob Patera’s wife had shoulder surgery, Lion Bob is a practicing CNA

Drawing, all Lions: Doug Larson 




Havre lions

Lion President Becky Toth


Invocation: Lion Jerry Kuhn

Thanks to Lions Jim Rowlatt, Mark Rowlatt, and Russ for cooking

Lion Ray Toth will cook next meal.

Minutes: Lion Bob Patera moved to approve. Lion Mark Rowlatt second. Minutes approved.

Old Business

Lion Max Vogel moved have Pronto Pup sale on 15 and 16 May. Jerry Kuhn second. Passed.

MSU Northern request: Shantel: $1000 a year fir 5 years, $5k.

She requested 2k a year for 5 years. $10K

Lion Mark Rowlatt moved to have finance and have them report to board. Lion Dan Korb second. Passed.

Lion Jim Ward: donations: Judy Ward said if there is something out in the mountains that would be good, or whatever we thought we should. Lion Bob Patera suggested horseshoe pit by old pavilion. Concrete table(s) might be another thing.

Put 2 tables on grass side of new pavilion: Camping committee will work on it. Lion Rorvig map of campground: before we have a work party in May we will know what area is Lions.

Lion Doug Larson read nominations for next year’s officers. All Lions: President- Mark Rowlatt, V1st VP-Scott Doney, 2nd VP-Jerry Kuhn, 3rd VP-Dan Korb, Secretary – Doug Larson, Treasurer – Steve Mclain, Directors 1 Yr. hold over: Laura Gomez, James Lowen, Wanda Meredith, Directors 2 Yr. elected(3) – Kaden Keto, Mark Peterson, Jim Bennett, Lion Tamer(2) Amos Mclain, Uriah Mclain, Kelly Jones, Lion, Tail Twister (2) Russ Stinnett

Other things to work on:  Ditch picking, Ball field, Soup Kitchen: Lion Steve Mclain waiting for it to get nice to work on concrete at soup kitchen. Dog park waiting for better weather. Recycling sheds to redo.

Lions baseball field Brian Jenkins will be at next meeting:

launching beautification for all baseball fields will have state tourney here.

                        Want to install permanent outfield fence/ parking/ remove mound and have a portable mound/ bull pin / on both sides/ back stop needs work/ score board permanent will be at next meeting to discuss/

Bear Paw Marathon: looking for volunteers for water stations and a pub crawl marathon. Bigger towns do it/ Lion Jerry Kuhn thought it would be a great thing for the Lion costume/ 5th of June marathon/ they are looking for groups like Lions to help.

Lion Becky will get more information for next meeting.

 April 23 – 25 Lion’s convention/ early bird needs to be in by April 1. $50   $75. Need to put a basket together for auction.

New Business

            Hockey club – 2 signs: one is life time and one that renews $1500 3 years. Permanent on Lions

Youth base ball sponsor ship/ 1 team in 5 groups $1425 total

Scholarship: $2500 set aside asking to raise to $3 k for 5 . legacy $1000 others $500


Lions International awards:

Centennial celebration Lion Jim Heavey Dimond centennial award.

            Lion Mark Rowlatt for enrolment advancement award.

Health and Welfare:

            Ruby Worstell. In billings hospital being treated for aggressive leukemia.


Drawing: All Lions

Meal: Bob Patera

Drink: Uriah/ ab Tm Klein won

50/50Lion Holly $11 donated back

Fine free Lion Roger Meredith.


7:49 meeting adjourned.

Board Meeting: Members: all Lions: Scott Doney, Jerry Kuhn, Becky Toth, Ray Toth,   Steve Mclain, Amos Mclain Wanda Meredith, Holly Haas, Tom Klein, Roger Meredith, Dan Korb, Kaden Keto, Russ Stinnett, Max Vogel, Jim Lowen, Craig Tilleman.

Hocky board> $1500 for 3 years. Lion Jim Bennett moved, Lion Jerry Kuhn second. Passed

Baseball> $1425 Lion Jerry Kuhn moved, Lion Tom Klein second. Passed.


Havre Lions

February 18, 2021

Lion President Becky Toth


20 Members

2 Guests: Speaker Shantell Cronk MSUN Foundation

                             Roy Mayer guest of Lion Mark Rowlatt

Speaker Shantell Cronk: Football Field the main topic

             She said she looks at it as a great draw for students and aids in retention.  It will also bring people on campus.

                             The next projects will be Security(fencing), Lights, and Bathrooms

                             Consider giving a gift as a club or individual or a club. They celebrate every gift no matter how small.

                                             The Bronze level is a total of $5000, donated all at once or $1000 a year for 5 years.

                                             The Silver is minimum of $25,000 donated all at once or $5,000 a year for 5 years. 

Thanks to Lion Steve Mclain and Wife Marilynn for cooking meal.


Minutes: Lion Tom Allen moved to accept Lion Wanda Meredith second. Motion passed.

Old Business:

             Lion Russell Stinnett thought might work to shirt-tail with college.

             Next meeting will decide when we will have spring sale.

             Nomination meeting of past presidents 2/25 7PM elks

Finance Committee: Lions Steve Mclain, Steve Jamruszka, Wanda Meredith, Roger Meredith and Mark     Peterson

Possible Work Parties: Baseball field fence repair, Highway Cleanup

Tail Twister Max: Asked guest Roy Mayer to pick favorite colors said red and orange. All Lions with Red and Orang fined $1

Thanks to Lion Jim Rowlatt for the use of his garage and tools in making bases for flags.

Thanks to Lion Jerry Kuhn for making video for distribution of flags.

New Business

             Scholarship: 9 applications all 3 criteria are covered

             Child Find March 12 – April 7 Plus-optix. Lion Steve Jamruszka has taxes at Senior Center may not be able to help much. Lion Tom Allen moved to do Child Finds. Lion Roger second. Passed. We will do eye testing.

Convention: April 23-25 in Kalispell. April First early registration $50.

Meals: Lion Steve Mclain motion: Lions cooking meals will buy food. The cooks get the money paid for the meal, up to $200. Can’t go in hole Lion Jerry Kuhn second. Motion passed. Lions Rowlatts will do next meal.

Possible project to build bathrooms at city park on Third Ave. First street. That way people traveling through town would have a place to stop. Problems might be who would take care of them.

                Lion Jim Wards memorial has brought in $2000. Lion Jim Rowlatt will talk to Judy Ward to see what she thinks Lion Jim’s   Memorial should go to.

Health and Welfare:

             10 members present have had 2 shots. 2 have had 1, leaving 8 with no shots.

Drawings: All Lions Darin Boss 50/50 Boss, $10. Meal Dan Korb, Drink Roger Meredith

Meeting adjourned: 7:59


Havre Lions

February 4, 2021

Lion President Becky Toth


Invocation Lion Jim Lowen

  1. Minutes: Lion Wanda Meredith moved to accept. Lion Amos Mclain second. Motion passed.
  2. Meal Price: Was discussed as tp what we should be charging for meals. If it should be same if a Lion cooks, as when PJ’s. Lion Mark Rowlatt moved to charge $10 for every meeting meal. Uriah 2nd. Motion passed.
  3. Thank you to Lion Jerry Kuhn for cooking dinner.
    1. Next meeting meal will be cooked by Lion Steve Mclain.
  4. Drive through Pronto Pup Sale March or April. Shoot for April.
  5. Elections: Past Presidents (election committee) meeting for elections February 25th 7 PM at the Elks.            Anyone who would like to volunteer for an office contact Lion Darrin Boss (390-6115) or Lion Doug Larson (945-2180). Those on committee should be thinking about who would be good at different offices.
    1. Lion Darrin said it’s past presidents and all members job to raise up the next New President to have a great year.
  6. Finance: Lion Steve Mclain would like to have a finance meeting to discuss how to spend our money. He said no service club needs to have as much money in the bank as we do.
    1. Lion Holly Haas suggested that all members come up with some ideas as to where we should spend our money.
    2. Lion Jim Lowen asked for a history of where our money has been spent in the past. Lion Steve Mclain will make a list of any donation over $5k.
    3. Lion’s bell ringing match was given, and picture of Lion President donating to Salvation Army was in the paper.       
    4. Lion Darrin Boss said we need a structured plan to spend money.
    5. Lions Mark Rowlatt and Holly Haas said we should get state matching funds to make our donation go further.
    6. Lion Craig Tilleman suggested building a wading and splash pool.
    7. Lion Roger Meredith suggested Lions could fund 1 day a week for 52 weeks a year a free day of swimming.
  7. Flags:
    1. Lion Jerry Kuhn plans on making a video for Flag Presentations for St. Judes. Lion Jerry has enough flags to take care of St. Judes.
    2. We need to make flag bases this weekend. Lion Jim Rowlatt said Jason Tanner will have Lions 4” brand Saturday.
    3. Flag handout usually  We will put flags in one box and bases in another. Lion Secretary Larson will send out email for flag work party, as to where and time. We have been doing flags for over 40 years.
  8. Lions’ Scholarships for northern students: We have 2 applications. Students have until March 10. 3 scholarships: $500 incoming Freshman next fall. $500 for continuing student. $1000 legacy is for a student sponsored by a Lion. This is for students form Chester-Big Sandy-Malta. Have to go to Northern. Can’t award 2 scholarships to continuing student. Scholarship committee will take care of it.
  9. Possible Work Parties: Base Ball Field cleaning trash, when nice.
  10. Proposal: Lion Steve Jamruszka requesting 6 computer screens for tax prepares at Senior Center. Has funding for connections. Will keep them and use every year. $129.99 per monitor. They save $250-300 for each person they do taxes for. Lion Jim Rowlatt says it is a good project for the number of people helped.
  11. Correspondence: Lion Steve Mclain said we have been getting lots of memorial money coming in for Lion Jim Ward.
  12. Drawings: All Lions: Jim Lowen-Drink, Gary Stremcha-Meal, 50/50 Darrin Boss Donated to Lion Jim Ward’s Memorial.
  13. Meeting adjourned: 8:25
  14. Board Meeting: Proposal for 6 Monitors @129.99 for Senior Center tax preparation. Lion Mark Rowlatt moved to approve. Lion Kaden Keto second. Motion passed

Secretary Lion Doug Larson



Havre Lions

Lion President Becky Toth

January 21, 2021



Invocation: Lion Jerry Kuhn invocation, prayer for Lion Jim Ward and a toast in his memory.

Minutes: Lion Holly Haas moved to approve. Seconded by Lion Tom Allen. Motion passed.

Old business:

            Lion President Becky presented a matching funds check to Salvation Army for $1500 on 2/20/21. Picture was in 2/21/21 Havre Daily Paper. Lions raised $2296.04 at the red kettle bell ringing. A record for Lions.

            Drive through Pronto Pup Sale. Lion President ahs talked to  fair board and told them Lions is planning on a spring sale. Date to be determined later.

            Fair is scheduled for July 14-18.

            August 14 Steak Fry

            Meeting Meals: Not enough members attending for PJ’s to serve. We guarantee 25 meals. We have had 20 or less members at meetings.

February 4 next meeting. Lin Jerry will cook if no one else wants to cook.

Lion Treasurer Steve Mclain wants to have a finance committee meeting to decide on how to spend money.

Lions needs to schedule cleanup at Ball park. We need to pick a day with good weather.

Health and Welfare: Lion Jim Ward passed away January 13, from Covid-19.

 Past Havre Lions member Dan Weidinger’s wife Carol passed away from Covid-19

Flags for First Graders. Lion Jim Lowen has obtained flags from VFW. for first graders. We will need to cut and drill bases for them. Use 2x4 stock.  

Drawings: All Lions: Meal Ray Toth, Drinks Gary Stremcha, 50/50 ($10) Jim Heavey, Fine Free Jim Lowen

Meeting adjourned 7:38



Havre Lions

Lion President Becky Toth

January 7, 2021

Invocation Lion Ray Toth

Lion Jerry Kuhn and Son cooked spaghetti, vegetable, French bread, salad, and Ice cream

17 Members

  1. Minutes: Lion Max Vogel moved to approve. Lion Kaden Keto second. Moton passed.
  2. Old Business:
    1. Lion President said a thank you to Lion Jerry Kuhn and Son Dillon for cooking, serving and taking care of Christmas party.
    2. Salvation Army said Lions set a record day of donations: $2296.04. Lion Becky will get Havre Lions donation of $1500 match to Trina Crawford of the Salvation Army.
    3. Campground is reserved for weekends of  Memorial Day, Aug. 14, and Labor Day.
  3. New Business:
    1. Lion President: Meetings- we are averaging 15-20 membe3rs. We will continue as we have been doing with us planning dinners instead of having PJ’s. We need to guarantee 25 for them.
    2. Lion Kaden Keto will do next meal, with Lion Steve Jamruszka’s Help.
    3. Drive through Pronto Pup Sale for spring. Lion Jerry Kuhn said we should plan to do it, but not decide the date until we can see what the forecast will be for a specific weekend.
    4. Lion President Becky asked to reserve barbecue for July 3, for Lion Ray’s 50th wedding anniversary celebration. Lion Jim Rowlatt moved to do it. Lin Jerry Kuhn second. Motion passed.
    5. Flags for 1st Graders: Being Covid-19 we will not be able to present to classes. Lion Holly will check with Schools. We will need to get flags and pamphlets, if we do anything. Lion Ray Toth moved to do Flags somehow. Lion Wanda Meredith Second. Lion Jerry  is planning on doing a video for the St. Judes students. He said we could do it for the Highland Park students too.
    6. Health and Welfare: Lion Jim Ward is in Hospital with Covid-19. He is doing better.
    7. Doug Hollingshead is out of hospital, but still needs oxygen at times.
  4. Correspondence: Lions Club International award for Membership Satisfaction Award Patch.
    1. Thank you from the Tilleman Family for our help at the pheasant hunts, setting up for Lion Mike’s funeral and the donation to Lion Mike’s Memorial .
  5. Thank you from NLASF for helping making burritos, cooking shrimp at the Pheasant Jamboree and the donation in memory of Mike Tilleman.
  6. Happy Holidays from NLASF and MSU-Northern Foundation Team
  7. Thank you from the Montana Actors’ Theatre Havre for our patience and generosity.

All Lions: Names absent: Gary Stremcha, Tom Allen, Jim Ward, Laura Gomez

Drink: Jim Heavey

Meal: Kaden Keto

50/50 $9 Russ Stinnett Fine Free Jim Lowen


Havre Lions

December 3, 2020

Lion President Becky Toth

Invocation Lion Ray Toth

14 members all Lions: Darin Boss, Jim Rowlatt. Russ Stinnett, Bob Patera, Leonard Deppmeier, Jim Lowen, Jerry Kuhn, Ray Toth, Amos Mclain, Gary Stremcha, Jim  Heavey, Craig Tilleman

Guest of Lion Amos Mclain, his son Uriah.

Minutes: Lion Leonard Deppmeier moved to accept.  Lion Darin Boss second.  Minutes passed

Correspondence: Thank you from HRDC and Food Bank for $1000 Donation to food bank. Lion Larson discussed doing before end of November so it would be matched by Town Pump. He talked to HRDC and they said that they had $6500 donated so far and Town Pump would match up to $10,000. So with our donation would make around $7,500 with only 6 days left to donate.

Bell ringing Lions will match up to $1500 of the donations taken in while we are ringing bells.

Lion Jerry Kuhn said he may have a sign on him with Lions costume to say lions will match up to $1500

Lion Ray brought up Highway dept road picking. No action.

Health and welfare

            Lion Roger Meredith has tested positive for Covid-19

            Lion Mark Peterson’s house burned. Nothing left but basement and ashes. He will move into town, two doors down from Lion Becky Toth

New Lion’s Member application: Uriah Mclain: Sponsor Amos Mclain said he would really like to join: Motion to accept by Lion Ray Toth. Second Lion Jim Rowlatt.  Unanimous vote to accept. Welcome Lion Uriah Mclain.

Fund Raiser: Maybe have raffles. Is so will do at steak fry or maybe we will be able to have a gathering around Valentine’s Day.

Lion Jim Rowlatt thanked Lion President Becky Toth for keeping us together, during this trying period.

Lion Craig thanked everyone for helping at his dad’s funeral and the pheasant hunt.


Havre Lions

December 3, 2020

Lion President Becky Toth

Invocation Lion Ray Toth

14 members all Lions: Darin Boss, Jim Rowlatt. Russ Stinnett, Bob Patera, Leonard Deppmeier, Jim Lowen, Jerry Kuhn, Ray Toth, Amos Mclain, Gary Stremcha, Jim  Heavey, Craig Tilleman

Guest of Lion Amos Mclain, his son Uriah.

Minutes: Lion Leonard Deppmeier moved to accept.  Lion Darin Boss second.  Minutes passed

Correspondence: Thank you from HRDC and Food Bank for $1000 Donation to food bank. Lion Larson discussed doing before end of November so it would be matched by Town Pump. He talked to HRDC and they said that they had $6500 donated so far and Town Pump would match up to $10,000. So with our donation would make around $7,500 with only 6 days left to donate.

Bell ringing Lions will match up to $1500 of the donations taken in while we are ringing bells.

Lion Jerry Kuhn said he may have a sign on him with Lions costume to say lions will match up to $1500

Lion Ray brought up Highway dept road picking. No action.

Health and welfare

            Lion Roger Meredith has tested positive for Covid-19

            Lion Mark Peterson’s house burned. Nothing left but basement and ashes. He will move into town, two doors down from Lion Becky Toth

New Lion’s Member application: Uriah Mclain: Sponsor Amos Mclain said he would really like to join: Motion to accept by Lion Ray Toth. Second Lion Jim Rowlatt.  Unanimous vote to accept. Welcome Lion Uriah Mclain.

Fund Raiser: Maybe have raffles. Is so will do at steak fry or maybe we will be able to have a gathering around Valentine’s Day.

Lion Jim Rowlatt thanked Lion President Becky Toth for keeping us together, during this trying period.

Lion Craig thanked everyone for helping at his dad’s funeral and the pheasant hunt.


Havre Lions

November 19, 2020

Lion President Becky Toth


Minutes: Lion Wanda Meredith moved and Lion Jerry Kuhn second to approve minutes. Motion passed.

Lion Becky Toth sent notice to fair board Lions Is planning on a spring sale.

Christmas party: Postponed at this time. It Lion Russell Stinnett suggested we use the money set aside for Christmas party to furnish meals for some people in need. Lion Doug Larson stated that we did that in the past, and decided it would benefit more people, if we donated money to IGA for food baskets for the Food Bank. Lion Larson suggested we should make a donation to the Food Bank before the end of November, to get our donation matched by Town Pump. It was decided that we should donate our money to help the community, instead of individuals.

Bell Ringing: December 12th 10:30 to 6:30 at IGA and 10:45 to 6:45 at North 40. There will be two kettles at IGA and one at North 40. Lion Jerry Kuhn will wear the Lion costume all day at IGA.

Election: Lion Darin Boss said he would head up this year, to help someone else to get into the process. He will not head it up next year. Lion Doug Larson said he would help Lion Boss.

Campground reservations: Memorial Day, Labor Day and steak fry August 14.

Lion’s Baseball field: Lion Max Vogel asked about maintaining the field. He stated that the fence is in need of repairs along with other things. Lion Larson stated that our can recycle booths need paint also. It was decided we should plan on working on both in the spring.


Board Meeting:

It was discussed and decided that our donation would go farther if we donated it to the food bank before the end of November. That would be if Town Pump will match the donation. Lion Larson will check with food bank and see if it would be matched by Town Pump. Lion Jerry Kuhn moved to donate $1,000. The money planned for IGA and money set aside for Christmas. Lion Wanda Meredith second. Motion passed.



Havre Lions

November 5, 2020

Lion President Becky Toth

Because of Covid-19 restrictions, Havre Lions had an informal meeting with 10 members in attendance.

New Business:

            Eagles Manor has asked if Lions would paint their dining room. Lion President Becky has emailed to get more information but has not heard back. She will contact them and report.

            Campground: Possible work party to cut trees that are marked for cutting. We would leave them, and hope campers would cut them up for firewood.

            Electricity at Campground: Lion Mark Peterson has mentioned but no details. It was discussed and thought that we could wire it to hook to generator or maybe hook to HCE. If connected to HCE we would not want to pay. It is thought that the park pays for the other campgrounds that have it, and charge extra to those that use it for camping.

            Cookers at booth: The problems that we had at drive through were caused by oil building up on plugins. Thought that if we got weatherproof plugins it would help.

            Discussed possible drive through sales in the future:

                        If we do it, we should split lines for more than 20 and less than 20.

                        Lion Becky discussed questions from Lion’s Swim Team as to not having them help. She said that Lindsey Ratliff contacted her as soon as she saw in paper report on us asking fair board. Also, they are all in high school and most swim team are younger. Lion Russ said if we do it again, we should find a way to incorporate them in our plan. Maybe they could set up to have people sign up to have swim team put a flag up at their residence or place of business on flag holidays.

            Need to find ways to keep club more active.

            Bell ringing: Lion Becky will contact Salvation Army and request December 12. It was also agreed that we need to get information out early on us matching up to $1500.

            Christmas Party will be later in the spring, because of restrictions with Covid-19.

            Highway cleanup: Lion Ray Toth suggested that we should do it. He said that we would probably only have to do on top of the hill by Diesel Dr. The rest looks good.


Havre Lions

October 15, 2020

No Meeting, Canceled because of growning cases of COVID-19


Havre Lions

Havre Lion’s Pronto Pup Booth

September 17, 2020

Lion President Becky Toth

23 Members

Cleaning of booth for Pronto Pup Drive through sale.

Planning for Drive through sale:

            Lion Ray Toth has a reader board will use at entrance of sale.  Will enter at south gate by jail and progress to booth. They will exit through the west entrance of grounds.

            There will be no walkup orders because of Covid-19

Ones selling will have slip with items to be sold on it. They will put number of each item and tape to window of car.

Havre High Close Up group will do the running from car to cooks with orders.

Lions will be the only booth selling on the fair grounds.

Everyone needs to wear masks.

There will be no hanging out at booth. If you are not working you need to leave.

Need to write down when you start working and when you leave, so if someone comes down with covid-19 the health department can contact trace.

New Business: Lion Jim Bennett said that the Eagles Manor needs some one to strip wallpaper.

Meeting adjourned to finish cleaning the booth.






Lions Meeting

September 3, 2020

Lion President Becky Toth

Invocation Lion Terry Stoppa

All the way from Alaska    Lion Judy Onslow guest of Lion Wanda Meredith

Darin Roen guest of Lion Jerry Kuhn

Lion Tony Dolphay moved to approve minutes. Lion Max Vogel second. Minutes approved.

Meal by PJ’s:  Meat Loaf, bun, mashed potatoes, and corn and cookies.

            Thank Lion Leonard Deppmeier for arranging dinner from PJ’s

            Proposal Kesey Baily; She would cook at elks; told her 10 dollars and guarantee 25 sent proposal 700 dollars a month

Were guaranteeing $200 a meal before with VFW ladies.

Lion Terry Stoppa moved and Lion Ray Toth second for first meeting in October we have PJ’s cater the meal. Lion President Becky Toth will check on the price to make sure it is $10 or less before ordering.

Pronto Pups 18th and 19th, at fair grounds.

            Plan for health department

            Fair board will not charge us

            Bobby chair of fair board: may be asked to help with a project later on

            Downtown group will keep theirs downtown because the Fair Board will charge them.

            Rest rooms at campgrounds will be opened

            Kyle Leeds will do advertising for us cooking at the fairgrounds.

            Lion Jerry Kuhn said two Lions in costumes to go downtown and advertise

Times will be: Saturday 11-8, Sunday 11-6.

Time arrived and left need to for health dept.

Can’t hang out at booth if not working

9 am set up each day

Not a drive through but a walk through

            Some will take money and


Lion Becky will turn into to health dept.

Motion to have Lion Becky send to health made by Lion Max Vogel and Lion Wanda Meredith second.

Lion Becky will take to fair board

Recycling booths:  Lion Jim Rowlatt or Lion Steve Mclain: Lion Steve will check out can booths for redoing.

Lion Mark Rowlatt is looking for ideas with programs: contact Lion Mark with your ideas

New member: Darin Roen: dad is from Rudyard; coworker with Lion Jerry Kuhn

Been in Havre long time: He has been in Masons really wants to give back to community

Lion Max moved Lion Mark Rowlatt second that we welcome Darin Roen into club. Vote was unanimous

Greenwood: Lion Russ Stinnett will make soft approach:

Health and welfare

Lion Terry Stoppa’s brother passed away couple a weeks ago.

Lion Becky Toth talked to Lion Mike Tilleman. Craig Tilleman Anniversary tonight

Health welfare: Lion Amos Mclain is quarantined


Drawings all Lions:

Drink: Gary Stremcha, Wanda Meredith won

17 members

50/50 Lion Ray Toth 9.50

Lion Max Vogel wins fine free

Next meeting September 17 at the booth

Adjourned 7:46





Havre Lions

August 20, 2020

Lion President Becky Toth

20 members and one guest Darin Rowin guest of Lion Jerry Kuhn. Chancellor Greg Kegel MSU Northern program.

Cooking Lion Ray Toth Baked Beans,  

Program: Greg Kegel Chancellor MSU Northern

Working with Ron Harmon to donate 125 acers for equine education

Study on enrolment: northern has 32 million annual budget

Northern is important to everybody in the community

Graduates are 100% best of Montana, Northern is 15th in nation

Industry partners keep growing every year to hire Northern grads

Raised 5 million and 5 million on state money and got diesel building built

Football all money was raised locally

Drive enrollment

Building around student life

One brick at a time

Proud of team we have up there

Turned enrollment enrolment up last 2 ears

Greg was home quarantined form covid-19

Put every class online this spring.

Closed every building to public

Turned to ghost town

Cancelled 45 events

This summer safety of student faculty

Quality of class

Every class went to go remote

Near a nightmare

Going face to face this fall

Spent the entire summer planning on students coming back will get what they came for

Have to go through all the scenarios of what might happen

Students are coming from all over the us

All will be wearing masks

All kinds of sanitation

At the point where they have to play through it

Want the kids to get what they paid for

Shantel director of foundation absent

Holly asked about faculty? Greg sat at risk teachers he is working with individually

Have come a long ways being able to on line or in person

Football Stadium:

Wants the atmosphere of having a football field on campus

Home turf northern needed that

Next stage will be the larges t convention site in the state

Planning on second stage

Hope to expand on degrees related to sports nursing, training etc

Equine project; fastest growing projects on campuses

Do it because of interest add on elective

Across north west grew in enrollment because of that

Bring in classes which will coordinate with Northern Ag Station

Try to capitalize on what we can do in Great Falls

Getting kids from all over the US. Need to get them from all over the US on all classes

Student Facilities:

Working on Morgan hall totally gutted

Model dorm rooms really nice

Help Northern get 1500 students will get me more revenue for hi tech dorms

First year he was there Morgan was sound but wondered  do you want to put the money into it to, will probably redo Morgan

You would be surprised to see how nice Northern is

All season football field

Kids come to school to have fun

Want to have something for kid to do

Added hockey last year

Try to spread kids out as much as possible

How can we double up with covid-19

It’s going to be different

Down 63 this year, no dual enrollment from high school

Our goal is to be less than 10%

Lion Wanda Meredith said trying to keep student together and not mix them

Lion Ray Toth cooked baked beans. Thank you to Lion Ray!

Minutes: Lion Wayne Bolken moved to approve.  Lion Mark Peterson second. Motion passed

Steak fry: 38 paid 43 with kids

Lion 2nd VP Scott Doney did great job heading up. Thank you Lion Scott!

Lion Jerry Kuhn will be cooking next year

Old business:

Lion Leonard Dep: meeting place

                Beaver creek golf course: fairly practical arrangement; they are interested but Covid-19 comes into play; his mother Sharon Gomke would be cook. They are interested but not now, because Sharon is worried about Covid-19

Andy’s she will not have private room so wouldn’t work

Didn’t get to proposal

Duck inn difficult but an option

Uncle joes           Lion Holly Haas said awful slow. She would not recommend  them because of being slow.

Lion Holly Haas suggested picking pick up meal at pj’s

Murphy’s Pub did not get back to them

Beaver Creek Golf course, maybe PJ’S or we are down to trying to hire a cook.

Lion Becky Toth contacted Laura Martin. Maybe she would get into cooking for us.

Lion Ray Toth contacted younger cooks, and they will maybe want to cook

Some of them want to cook

Lion Jerry recommended going to PJ’s.  

Lion Leonard Deppmeier will go to PJ’s   to see in Styrofoam containers. Lion Mark Rowlatt said up to $10. We could have count by Tuesday before do whatever she is comfortable with. Lion Wanda Meredith Second.  second

One nay from lion Leonard Deppmeier.

IGA Pronto Pups nothing so far Lion Mark Rowlatt said.

New business:

Pronto pup stand: no festival days: we should open booth on 19th and 20th of September and sell ok in terms of covid-19 with

                Nothing to draw people up there: Lion Becky Is on board.

Tera Verploegen wants to do vender thing that Saturday.

Every weekend there is rodeo every weekend

Lion jerry everything we sell will be better than nothing will save 1500 not paying

Lion Holly Haas said should do fries and Pronto ups                                                                          Need someone with a phone people can call to place orders

Lion Jerry Kuhn made motion to sell Pronto Pups and cheese fries at booth on 19th and 20th of Sept. Motion Passed

Lion Ray Toth will talk to Coke about canned coke.  

Sept 17 meeting at booth to clean and get ready

Lion Leonard will check with

Thank you for $ 20.07 for cans at recycling from Havre Day Activity Center.

Lion President will ask Lion Jim Rowlatt or Lion Steve Mclain to look at can booths, to see what would be best to do with painting.

Lion Jim Heavey would like cooling unit back from storage unit he donated. Club said that would work. Lion Jim, if needs help should contact Lions members.

Health and welfare:

                Lion Mike Tilleman is back home

                Sidney Lion Ray Carlson (Late Lion Gregg Carlson’s Son) is in Havre with his mother. He suffered a brain bleed. He will be heading back to Sidney soon

Lion Jim Rowlatt 53 Anniversary, 

Lion Russ Stinnett birthday today.  Lion Mark Rowlatt said needs to have fine for not showing

Drawing: All Lions   Drink Gary Stremcha,   Dinner Mark Rowlatt,  50’5011 dollars Jim Ward

Fine Free: Lion Holly Haas


Check presentation to 4-H.  Lion Tom Allan and Lion President Becky Toth will present check $500 and get picture.



Havre Lions

Lion Vice President Mark Rowlatt

August 6, 2020

Invocation Lion Steve Mclain

Dinner Lion Russell Stinnett

Minutes: Lion Leonard moved to approve. Lion Jerry Kuhn second. Motion passed.

Old Business:

            Meals at Elks: Elks will not cook for us.

            Lion Leonard Deppmeier report on possible places to meet. Good news and bad news.

                        All have bar and restaurant or did not pursue

                        Duck Inn: Trudy: Sit in Vineyard, order off the menu. No additional staff to help out. She was not all in but could work with her.

Beaver Creek golf: Robby Gomke: Sharon his mother – she would be the cook – kind of interesting could have in Vine 19 to meet in. They have full liquor license – ground floor and looked useable – Lion Leonard thought would be useable.

Told all what we have now. We were guaranteeing 8dollars for 25 people

Uncle Joes; doors were locked did not pursue: Service is slow Leonard thought did not go back.

Box cars is not interested can do bar but do not have food

Gal at PJ’s sounded very receptive

Murphy’s doesn’t have room in their facility – could meet at motel and they would carry food over

Guadalajara: not a big enough of room:

Lion Leonard will go back and ask questions. He will see what they will offer us.

Lion Russell said could go to Andy’s and Lion Leonard will go to Andy’s

Lion Russell Stinnett said thank you to Lion Leonard for his Work.  Lion Holly Haas was asking, if there would be enough gravy and would not coagulate

Lion Jerry Kuhn thought we could work with two restaurants

Lion Leonard” Gal thought out of the box and might work on it

Lion Leonard will go back and talk to Andy’s do not have a separate room but might cater

Andy’s, PJ’s and golf course Lion Steve Mclain have them write a proposal for us. Lion Steve Mclain will go with Lion Leonard Deppmeier.

IGA pronto pup no more news about that

Lion Leonard” drive through at pronto pup booth:

            Lion Russell supported idea: Taco Johns building: on 5th Ave. If we clean we can use one weekend a month.

If we rent two weeks a month she would be making money at least 2 weekends  a month

Lion Jim Lowen and Lion Russell Stinnett will go and talk to Greenwoods

Lion Bob Patera: Lion Tony Dolphay is looking to get rid of all the Lions things at his building. Lion Steve Mclain said he thought we could use a spot at his son’s shop, Mclain’s Cabinets

Work party Sunday around 1:00 at Tony’s shop. Bring empty pickups and Lion Scott Dony will bring a service truck

Steak fry: Lion Scott Doney: Pitch Fork Fondue , potatoes and salad  sign up

Lion President went to fair board brought up drive through

Down town vender is still thinking about that; will go is spurts;

            Lion Leonard Deppmeier said food market at holiday mall on Thursday nights that runs from 5 to 8. We could possibly sell there.

Lion Steve McLain hot dogs: what will we do for hot dogs: Lion Mark Rowlatt said we will need to get them from IGA.

Correspondence: Ruth Carlson sent a thank you to Lions “Lions was always a big part of Gregg’s life. We salute all of you for your patience with him, making him feel included and for being his best friends.”

NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Health requested support for their virtual walk. Died for lack of motion

Health and Welfare

Lion Stremcha 38 wedding anniversary

Lion Craig Tilleman is under quarantine with his wife. 

Lion Amos Mclain lost his wife.

Drawings: All Lions

Drink: Gary Stremcha

Meal: drawn Tony Dolphay and Jim Ward (absent)  Darin Boss won

50/50 Kaden Keto donated back to pot

Fine free Darin Boss

Adjourned 7:57



Havre Lions

July 16, 2020

Lion President Becky Toth

Invocation: Lion Jerry Kuhn

Minutes: Lion Leonard did not Lion Wayne moved lion Mark Peterson second motion passed.

Treasurer: Lion Wayne Bolken moved to approve Lion Ray Toth second  to approve treasurer report.

The account we use all the time is $42000, to operate fair $27000.

Commitments $14K last year

Finance meeting give money to what we are all about: sight and hearing

Eliminate baseball,

Back in the day: when we were making more money at fair: They made more fund accounts: 

We pay $1000 a year for Melvin Jones: every year we get a credit: We have $20,000 credit in our Melvin Jones fund

Members thought that we should budget $1000 a year for Melvin Jones: A budget item that is pre approved:

Lion Leonard Deppmeier said every penny should go before the board when we pay.

We give 4k to Lions International and State:


Montana Leader Dog 1k

What we are suppose to do is have a Melvin Jones recipient   each year.

Lion Leonard Deppmeier:   There is never any reason to send money to Melvin Jones unless we award it. There is lots of people that we could give Melvin Jones award to someone every year. Exceptional Lion that deserves an award. Shirley Johnsrude did our history book and received the Melvin Jones Award. It does not have to go to a Lions Club member.

Lion Wanda Meredith said let’s move on and discuss later

Old business

          Cooks – any volunteers

          Lion Leonard Deppmeier said we should go back to traditional and go to a restaurant and go to a place we can help out.

Elks have shown interest in cooking if they wanted to have them cook

Lion Leonard suggested something like the Duck Inn

Lion Russell Stinnett said their union is trying but having difficulty finding a spot

Lion Jim Rowlatt said let’s talk to Elks

We loose money on having a meal with the guarantee of 25 that we had with the cooks.

Lion President Becky Toth will talk to elks about a meal

Lion Jerry Kuhn said We have a good place now. RSVP cold get a closer on numbers.

Lion Steve Mclain: Put all lions members in a hat. Draw 4 members and they are responsible for the next meal.

Lion Becky will contact elks about meal

Lion Leonard Deppmeier will check into a restaurant and see what the options are

Soup Kitchen: Lion Steve Mclain, window at soup is ordered

IGA cooking: We hope to do in August

Lion Russell Stinnett asked if can we sell Pronto Pups at Dodson?

Thursday night vendor: and also one on Saturday

Lion Ray Toth: Drive through event at fair grounds: Lion Mark Peterson agreed is something we could do.

Lion Scott Doney could take phone orders and it would be a great turn out

Lion Scott Doney: We need to get some committees formed

Northern foundation has a portable credit card we might be able to use

Lion Wanda Meredith: Ice cream truck need to piggy back

Lion Steve Mclain heard a rumor that IGA is taking over rocky mountain hot dogs. Lion Steve said we should take over rocky mountain hot dogs Why couldn’t we own it?


Committee list:

New business: 4 H auction:

          Lion Steve Mclain recommends doing the same as we have in the past and a limit of $1k

Lion Mark Peterson is going to buy a hog. He will give Lions name so Lions gets credit; He doesn’t need recognition

4H Foundation is looking for money Scott Doney

Lion Jim Rowlatt: 4 H sale has always bothered him. Why give money to one person; should give to foundation. Lion mark Peterson. we are better to give money to foundation.  Give check presentation at their awards.

Lion Steve Mclain moved to give $500 to Hill County 4H Foundation Lion Jim Rowlatt second. Passed.

Steak Fry: Lion Scott Doney: steak fry: second vp

Lion Scott wants a feeling on how the steak fry would work – rsvp for steak fry. Lion Becky Toth will send out a rsvp email to members and get feed back on steak fry. Camping will still be available, if no steak fry.

Lion Scott said if we don’t do things this year, the next year is going to be hard to get it going again.

All in agreement

Lion’s equipment in storage: Lion Mark Peterson said Lion Tony Dolphay said all the Lion’s stuff at Lion Toney’s needs to be moved out. Trailer, barbeque, fryers,

Health and welfare

Lion Steve Mclain will be grandpa again. His Daughter Amy

Drawings: All Lions

Drinks Leonard Deppmeier  

Absent and drawn: Darin Boss & Jim Bennett

Meal: Roger Meredith

50/50 8 dollars Jim Heavey

Lion Rodger Meredith fine free, donated to Lion Doug Larson for next meeting



Havre Lions 

June 18, 2020

Lion 1st VP Becky Toth

Lion Steve Mclains House

Officer Instalation:(all Lions) President Becky Toth, 1st Vp Mark Rowlatt, 2nd Vp Scott Doney, 3rd Vp Jerry Kuhn, Secretary Doug Larson, Treasurer Steve Mcalin, Directors: Kelly Jones, Mark Peterson, Gary Stremcha, Laura Gomez, JamesLowen, Wanda Meredith, Tamers: Steve Jamruszka and Kaden Keto, Tail Twisters Holly Haas and Max Vogel, Membership: Chair Craig Tilleman, Holly Haas, JIm Heavey, Past President: Jim Bennett

Melvin Jones Award presented to Lion Jim Ward presented by Lion JIm Rowlatt

Lion Jim Rowlatt brought up that IGA wanted LIons to cook pronto pups on July 17 and 18 in their parking lot. Also Lion Doug Larson brought up that the Soup Kitchen would like Lions to  install a couple of windows in their building. No decissions on either. 

Pictured Lion Jim Ward (Melvin Jones Award), wife Judy and Lion JIm Rowlatt






Havre Lions

Lion President Jim Bennett

June 4, 2020


Invocation: Lion Jerry Kuhn

Program: Havre Youth Hockey approaching Lions for monetary help.

Cory Engebretsen, and Shawn and Dominique Preputin

Compressors are going down. They are not reliable.

New unit would be large enough to run a separate sheet for curling

Efficiency – will save money

Looking at $220,000 to do this

Bought a new Zamboni last year and have to pay for that. If they knew the compressor problem was going to arise, they would have waited.

110 to 130 kids every year. 70 are 8 and under. Ice for 6 months. Public skating average 80 to 100. NMC will be starting hockey team. Hope the crowd will follow NMC hockey. Havre Youth Hockey will get concessions at their games. Northern is struggling so they don’t have money at this time to contribute. Hope to have answer by June 15.

College will want to start hockey in September.

Board meeting is 14th of June. Company for compressors is carrier. Units are built in Texas.

They are working with a Carrier company in Utah.

Anything, Havre Lions could do, would be helpful and appreciated.

Ice rink is listed as a morg for emergencies for Hill County.

Kids and families of HYH will work at fair. If they have pledges could go to banker.

Any way they look at it they are going to go after it.

Jim Lowen said BNSF has many grants for things like this.

23 members

1 guest Amos Mclain guest of Steve Mclain

Memorial Day report:  Lion Mark Rowlatt: Cut down 34 trees on Saturday, Sunday Monday party.

Fair canceled:

            Lion Tyler Smith asked if Lions wanted to have fair. Main events canceled so not worth having fair.

Next meeting: think about what we can do to raise money. Everyone needs to think about a way to raise money.

4 H will be having sales and streaming: Shows on Friday and Saturday will be on face book live.

If we were to have any Pronto Pup sales, everything would have to be individually packaged.

Lion jerry heard they were thinking about opening up fair grounds for fire works and letting service clubs sell.

Lion Becky Toth and Jim Bennett said should be respectful of restaurants around town because they are hurting also.

Lion Holly Haas we need to do something

Festival days may still be going on

4th in park is canceled

Anything, we do, is going to be scrutinized by Health Dept. Lion Russell Stinnett, if we do food we can’t cut corners need to do it correct.

Communicate with other clubs and see what we can do that they do.

June 18th installation of officers: plan to be at Elks                           

New business:

Lion Gregg Carlson: passing: Lion Becky Toth along with Lion Jim Rowlatt is working on a way to honor and carry on his legacy. They will announce it at installation of officers on the 18th .

            His memorial is to Montana Sight and Hearing, H Earl museum and Methodist church

Lion Terry Stoppa also added that Past Lion Chuck Klunder passed: need to send a card from lions.

Cooking for meetings will be us until first meeting in August. If you want to cook let Lion President know.

Lion Steve Mclain brought Amos Mclain. His oldest nephew. His goal was to live in the 4 biggest states. He decided to come back to Havre and wants to be involved. He worked at Festival Days. Was on the bus for Christmas party. Worked the Memorial Day clean up.

Unanimous acceptance. Welcome Lion Amos Mclain.


            Girls fast pitch received $400 from us for season. They want to know, if they should shred, return, or let them have the money. Lion Terry Stoppa moved to let them keep it. Older girls are doing softball.

Lion Wanda Meredith said let them keep but apply it for something like equipment. Everyone was in agreement.

Health and welfare: Lion Steve Mclain, will be grandpa again. Not until Thanksgiving. 

Drawing: All Lions;

Drinks: Jim Lowen

Meal; Jim Heavy

12 $ 50/50 Jerry Kuhn

Fine free Ray Toth

Meeting adjourned 8:15

Lion Amos Mclain with Sponsor, his uncle Lion Steve Mclain


Havre Lions

April 16, 2020

Online Zoom Meeting

Lion President Jim Bennett


18 Members: Including Past Lion Norton Pease

Minutes: Lion Terry Stoppa moved to approve. Lion Wanda Meredith second. Motion passed.

Election Committee:

                Senior Weekend: Rebecca Reno, Jessica Chvilicek, and Katie Wirtzberger requesting support from Lions. With COVID-19 they will try to come up with something creative and memorable.

                Lion Mark Rowlatt wants to have a committee to plan a trailer for off sight cooking. Lion Doug Larson and Lion Holly Haas will work with Lion Mark.

                Lion Carlson will do count on ballots

                Highline Rod Run Cookout is still a go. Planned for June 13th at fair grounds. Lion Kuhn said IGA has lots of Rocky Mt. Hot Dogs. Will discuss first meeting in May.

                Correspondence: Thank you from Lions Sight and Hearing for our contributions from 2001 – 2019. Havre Lions was 3rd in amount of donations.

                Health and Welfare: Norton Pease had Basal Cell Carcinoma removed.

                                Lion Mike Tilleman is hoping to get out of hospital soon. Seems to be alright now.

Round of applause for Lion Becky Toth and the great meal she delivered to each Lion that ordered.

Swim Team request – Maybe could get LCIF grant.

Lion President Jim Bennet will talk to Jack Solomon about fairgrounds work.


Meeting adjourned.7:05


Board Meeting:

Senior Class of 2020: Lion Stoppa moved to donate $750. Lion Doug Larson Second. Motion passed.

Fort Assiniboine Preservation Project: Officer’s Club has leaking roof. Want Lions to contribute $1000 to go for matching funds.

Lion Max Vogel moved to donate $1000. Lion Holly Haas Second. They need $15000.



Havre Lions

Lion President Jim Bennett

April 2, 2020

On ZOOM Online

19 Members

Election Committee

            Lion Secretary Doug Larson will send ballot to all members.

            Lion Holly Haas reported with COVID-19 we will not have any more nominations from the floor. Voting is open from April 1 – 15th.  Send to Lion Gregg Carlson by text 406-390-6520, email or by USPS 953 Boulevard Ave, Havre, Mt. 59501


Lion President Jim Bennett said the canopy   has arrived. Corner busted, has been replaced.

Child Screening in Hinsdale and Havre’s Young Child’s Check Ups at Methodist Church were completed before COVID-19. Thanks to all that participated.

LCiF Grants; Are due by June 30th

            Lion Steve Mclain invited Hockey to a meeting to talk about their needs. With COVID-19 and not knowing when we will have a real meeting, so Lion Steve will contact Hockey and see what they need.

            Other things might be the Fair Grounds

What service things can we do with COVID-19 Social Distancing.

            Pick Ditches

            Walk around town with our Lions Vests, Jackets or something to identify us as Lions.

            Maybe will come up with something to do on our meeting date April 16.

Rod Run

            Lion Jim Bennett will talk to Lion Jim Rowlatt to see if still on and what we need to do.


            Montana Actors Theater: They will not be having the play we sponsored.

Health and Welfare:

            Lion Mike Tilleman is in the Hospital in Spokane. He has an infection – no one can visit. No sports on TV. Going stir crazy.

            Lion Steve Mclain in Grandpa again baby boy in Sidney. # 18.

Lion President Jim: Needs to figure out who would have been delegates to convention. They will send ballots to those that are chosen to vote on thing which were to be brought up at the convention.


Havre Lions

March 5, 2020

Lion President Jim Bennett

Invocation Jerry Kuhn

Members: 24

Guests:Aaron Mclain and Nate Courtnage guests of Lion Steve Mclain

Katie Wirtzberger from Senior Class requesting donations for Senor weekend:

for activities after graduation prizes. They graduate in May. Asked us to let the mothers know what we want to donate. 109 participating

  1. Old business

    1. Canopy has arrived, side walls are white and blue, top is not here yet

    2. Flag day: thanks to Lion Holly Haas and Jerry Kuhn for organizing. Flags showed up at noon the day to hand out to the kids

    3. Kids night lots of fun> thanks to Lion Jerry Kuhn for organizing.

    4. Child find:

      1. Lion Steve Monday March 9 Hinsdale - Tuesday – Friday 10-14 Havre Young Child Check Ups

      2. looking for people to participate

      3. if you need to be trained contact Lion Steve Jamruszka.

  2. Grants applications are due by June 30th

    1. Lion mark Peterson: fabric cover for grand stands, lion Jim we want to help, give us a project you want us to do, may not be a project this year, not enough time, need a specific project may have to do it for next year.

    2. Lion Steve Mclain: an new compressor for hockey.

    3. Can apply any time but there is a lot of competition.

    4. Lion Mark Peterson: we need to get plans so we know cost and what it is

      1. Fair Board needs to figure out what they want and come to us.

      2. Draft a letter to hockey and fair board telling them that we may get a grant to help with financing. Fair and hockey should come and talk to us. Curling also.

    5. Lion Jim Becky Toth and Lion Doug Larson will come up with a letter to hockey and fair board about having a possible grant.

  3. Face book: Administrator: are trying to post something everyday

  4. State convention:

    1. leave Saturday morning:

    2. early bird April 1 club reimburses registration

  5. Swim Team is asking for money: Do we need to help: haven't given anything extra since 2009; Nate Courtnage: 40 kids this year: new program intro to swim team: started today: Have a coach who has coached before: list is what we need: Grant worthy: Starting blocks at swimming pool were at first when pool was built new are wider at others names on blocks when sponsored 6 lanes, long term project, letter to swim team also. HS would buy one Swim Team one 4 needed: $55 a year for flags that they put up. Is there anything in grant program that would (mark P)involve health and welfare:

  6. July 4th in park: Simonsons want to know if we will help with 4 of July pick nick in the park. Lion Jerry said we should be able to help.

  7. H-line car cruisers: 13 of June car show looking for noon lunch. Do as a fund raiser for Lions: Open to public for all that are there looking at someone to cook for them. 11 – 2 2:30 135 cars and lots from town. Open to Lions club if we want to do it. Only do for lunch. Barbeque burgers would be best as a lunch. Car Club needs to know. Vote was to do cooking for car club.

  8. Pronto Pups Both Swallows are having stock. Lion Steve McClain: maybe should try different hot dogs.

  9. Training in Fort Benton.

    1. Don't need to show up on Friday, can show up on Saturday only.

    2. Car pool just go down on Saturday.

    3. Friday welcome social dinner stay at Grand Union. Starts at 5:30 should be done by 8:30

    4. Leader training not just officer

    5. Becky teaching on member ship and leadership

  10. All class reunion: invited us to sell pronto pups 5-8 on Friday all costs and proceeds will go to Lions club, but would like a donation to Education Foundation

    1. lots of people are coming

    2. They need to know yes or no to put us on the poster

    3. at bigger better barn

    4. Lion Jerry made motion to do. Lion Jim second. Passed

    5. Labor day weekend the 4th of September

  11. First call for nominations: all are Lions

    1. thank from Lion Tony for past presidents work.

    2. pretty full ballot:

    3. Ballot is attached

  12. Election April 2.

  13. New business: Request March 28 for Ski Hill at mall fund raiser old north 40 building. Barbeque is at Lion Tony's shop.

  14. Get together after meeting for eye testing:

  15. Lion Darin Boss will get back to Lion Becky Toth about scholarships

    1. Awards last Friday of March letters are going out week after spring break

  16. Correspondence:

    1. Salvation army thank you for $1500 donation

  17. Health and welfare: Student at northern last weekend had stroke lost use of left side of her body 20 yeas old. Life flighted to Great Falls. She is from Lewistown keep in prayers.

  18. Lion Steve had jacket from Lion Norm Gorder's daughter

drawings drink all Lions

Drink Steve McClain

meal Doug Larson

50/50 Amos Mclain $14

fine free Lion Steve Jamruszka

Havre Lions

Lions President Jim Bennett

February 20, 2020


Lions Kids Night


15 Children as guests.


Program: Havre Lion's Swim Team thanking Havre Lions for our support.

Also asking for financial support for the following:

Computer software upgrade $209.00


Kick boards: Team needs 50 at approximately $20.00 per board


6 Starting Blocks at $2500.00 – 2800.00 Ultimate goal to have 6 new blocks.

Want at least one so kids can practice on them before they go to other pools that have them.

Meeting ended with Bingo following.




Havre Lions

February 6, 2020

Lion President Jim Bennett


Invocation Lion Mark Peterson:

22 Members – One guest - Jay Pyette MATT

MATT -28 years here

Founded in 1991 Eugene Or.

Meal: Rod's Ugly Berger and Fries

Invocation: Mark Peterson


  1. Minutes: Motion to pass Lion Ray Toth. Lion Kelly Jones second. Passed

  2. Treasurer Report Lion Steve Mclain

    1. 7-1 till 2-1

      1. fun money: money brought in by gift and fines etc

    2. Havre youth baseball sponsor $1,4280. $1525 if sponsor one in each group this year

  3. Correspondence: Scholarship apps turned over to committee

  4. Flags For 1st graders St. Jude's Feb 13 and Highland Park Feb 14

  5. Child find: vision screening sign up

  6. Campground:

    1. LCIF Grant: Lion President Bennett talked to state coordinator for handicap sites at campground. Worth thinking about. Pull some dollars out of LCIF

  7. Lion Mark Peterson: Lion Mark can put plan together. Need to get caps on fence, do some work on gates, and come up with solid plan,

  8. Lion Tom Allen: chuck wagon needs side walk patio with guard rail, good project for us. Looking for Lions for labor, see how much money 4H has.

    1. Lion Holly said would rather have us work on Bathrooms instead of chuck wagon

    2. match for how much money and labor we put into it

    3. Holly – some of the other clubs got lots of money – maybe we could we could come up with match with other local clubs

    4. last estimate for chuck wagon: $70,000

    5. Lion Mark Peterson – If we could pair with fair – we could probably get bathrooms going. Should have someone from lions go to board and talk and see what we can get going Lion Tom said just that Lions is looking for projects, that's why he thought Chuck Wagon

    6. Everyone continue to think about projects like Chuck Wagon and other improvements on fair board

    7. Lion Max Vogel said should put seal coat on asphalt around booth

    8. We are thankful to Lion Jerry for putting up plastic jugs at fair for donations.

  9. Membership: Lion Jerad Gillen: membership: - Lion Mark – we need to keep trying maybe wrong time of day, one meeting a month

    1. someone calling them and get them a buddy table. Lion Jerry Kuhn sat with Lion Norton Pease and got to know, need to form a click for them to sit with

    2. In the past when we had a bar and new members were bartenders, and got to meet everybody

    3. Lion Wanda: proclamation: what happened 20 years ago – need to figure what to do what to do today and make that work for membership

    4. Lion Jerry Kuhn said we still have around 50% showing up to meetings

    5. Lion Doug Larson said in the past we had projects which called people together to accomplish something

    6. Our members are contributing – it takes all kinds

    7. When we get new members try to get them involved with other members,

  10. Lion Mark Rowlatt need to get Face Book for Havre Lions. Lions Jerry Kuhn, Doug Larson, Becky Toth, and Jim Bennett volunteered to work on it. If you have anything you want to share send to one of the four on the committee

  11. Next meeting kids night need a count for kids night

  12. Next meeting lions club swim team will be here thanking

  13. Lion Kelly Jones would ask if he would dress in Lion costume

  14. Canopies: 10x10 with 3 side walls which are removable – with Lions insignia – Lion Mark Rowlatt talked to couple of vendors 900 – 1000 dollars sturdy and durable take to board meeting. Was suggested to get 4 side walls so we had an extra. Dark Blue, include correct logo

    1. Lion Mark talked to Holden's and buying a banner they will take care of us and give us a good price

  15. Lion ray flag for rodeo – If we want for fair – they will pay for ½ it will be in our possession and they will use to ride around on horse in arena with it

  16. Health and Welfare: Lion Bob Patera sick flue. Lion Jim Bennett's dad has flue

  17. Awards: Lion for key award for inviting 2 or more lions.

    1. Lion Roger Meredith welcome to Lion Jim Lowen for new membership

    2. Lion Becky Toth for Lion Laura Gomez and Lion Stacy Badlwin

    3. Year of Membership Pins: Lions Ray Toth 25, Jerry Kuhn10 years, Gary Stremcha 25, Jim Bennett 5

Drawings: All Lions

Drawn but Absent: Tom Kline, Leonard Deppmeier

drink: Dan Korb

meal; Jim Rowlatt

50/50 11$ Lion Holly Haas

fine free; lion Mark Rowlatt

Lion Mark Rowlatt paid $20 for fine free earlier


adjourned 8:35


Board meeting


Lions present:Gary Stremcha, Holly Haas, Max Vogel, Becky Toth, Ray Toth, Kelly Jones, Mark Rowlatt, Roger Meredith, Jim Lowen, Doug Larson, Steve Mclain, Jim Bennett


Lion Max Vogel moved to buy 2 with 4 sides

Lion Holly Haas second

Lion Jim Lowen asked if best value for money. Lion Ray Toth and Lion Holly Haas suggested only one. Lion Becky Toth agreed with Lion Holly unless there is discount if do multiple.

Lion Max said we ultimately will need 2 but maybe need one to see quality

Lion Mark Rowlatt amend motion to 1, Lion Max accepted motion

One tent 4 sides 1000 dollars


base ball sponsor ship

1 team in every group Lion Becky Toth's Motion. Lion Max Vogel second motion passed.

Lion Steve need to say all get hats

$1525.00 passed


Lion Max motion to make sure new members get a packet and hat Lion Holly second. Motion Passed


Flag for rodeo: $125 to $150 Lion Ray Toth and Lion Becky Toth will take care of design passed for one flag.


Eye Screening:

9th Hinsdale 10-noon

10th Whitewater 10 – noon

17th CJI 9 – noon

19th North Star (Elem) 9 – noon

20th Big Sandy (Elem) 9 – noon

30th Saco/Dodson 10-noon/ 1:30-3:30


Eye Screening:

7th Turner/Harlem(Elem) 9:30 – 11:30/ 1:30-3:30

8th Chinook (High School) 9-2

24th – 25th District 37 Lions Convention


District 37 Regional Club Officer Training

April 3rd and 4th Fort Benton.




Havre Lions

January 16, 2020

The Honorable Lion President Jim Bennett


Dinner: Chicken and Mashed Potatoes

21 Lions: Meeting start time 6:30


Invocation: Lion Kelly Jones


  1. Minutes: Lion Wayne Bolken moved to approve. Lion Gregg Carlson Second. Motion Passed.

  2. Thank you to Lions Becky Toth and Mark Rowlatt on Christmas Party. 38 people

  3. Old Business

    1. Lion Holly – Flags ordered

      1. Highland Park's numbers up. 180 ordered

      2. Looking at 14th of Feb Highland Park 2:00 PM

      3. St. Jude's Feb 13 2:30 PM

      4. Sign up sheet at next meeting

    2. Lion Jerry Kuhn had to buy back his hat to cover his bald spot

    3. Membership rejuvenation – meeting on committee to check on members. Will bring up at next meeting.

    4. State Convention: April 24-25 in Glendive. Email sent out for convention. President Jim Bennett plans on going.

    5. Lion Gregg printed off new sheet with update of member information.

    6. Press release in paper on $1500 match check to Salvation Army

    7. Lion Foundation supporting Australia in service and help for effected areas from fire.

      1. LCIF Grant Program: Laurel, Ennis, Great Falls, Hogeland all received grants. Larry Garrison is encouraging all clubs to apply for grants, if we feel necessary.

    8. Lion Steve Jamruszka gave us a sheet for Child Find. Put out in minutes and looking for volunteers. Lions Meredith, Rowlatt, Bolken, Lowen, Stoppa, and Carlson can help with some expertise. Sign up sheet for next meeting to help with child find dates.

    9. Tax Prep available for people thru Senior Citizen's – contact Lion Steve Jamruszka

    10. Lion Bennett: Be looking for service projects. These may bring out new members.

    11. Lion Mark Rowlatt suggested a matching Fund Grant for handicap access possibilities for Lion's Campground. Lion Bennett will check with Lion Garrison.

  4. Correspondence: Got thank you from Havre Closeup on Tamale Fund Drive

  5. Lions Are complaining on Lion Doug Larson Giving Lion Bob Patera possession of Fine Free to Lion Bob Patera(acting Secretary) to wear. TS!!!

  6. Health and Welfare: None

  7. Drawings: All Lions

    1. Drink: Ray Toth

    2. Meal: Kaden Keto

    3. 50/50 Lion Jim Bennett $10.00

    4. Fine Free: Ray Toth

Adjourned 7:42

Board meeting: Lion Jim Bennett brought up Lion Larry Garrison requesting donation $140 for LCIF birthday. Lion Tom Kline moved to donate $141. Lion Terry Stoppa Second. Motion passed.

Shawn Cushman – optometrist from different area, wants support for trip to Cambodia. Voted down



Havre Lions

January 2, 2020

Lion President Jim Bennett


Invocation Lion Ray Toth

  1. Minutes: Lion Bolken moved and mark Peterson second passed

  2. Lion Ray Toth “Lion's international had float in Rose Bowel Parade”

  3. Old Business:

    1. Christmas Party:

        1. remember to bring an unwrapped coffee cup

      1. Lion Stremcha requested that Lion Boss does not wear yoga pants

    2. Flags for first graders Feb 14. Lion Holly Haas is heading it up. Lion Jerry Kuhn will coordinate with St. Jude's

      1. next meeting will have sign up

    3. Calling members that don't come reach out and see why some don't come, have some volunteers to call

      1. Lion Jerry Kuhn said we could have some of our Lions call on the night of a meeting and see why some have not been able to make meeting

  4. Lion President Jim Bennett lost bell: it was behind on table and lost gavel too.

  5. New business:

    1. April 24 and 25 Glendive state meeting

    2. steak fry august 15

    3. memorial day and labor day camp outs

    4. kids night: 20th of February

    5. Labor day weekend fossil days Friday night cooking on labor day. Anyone that graduated from Havre high

  6. Correspondence:

    1. Lion Steve Mclain: letter from past Lion Eric Bartow

      1. 10 year member

      2. gift of $250 for swim team

      3. hat to auction off for lions

      4. Havre Lion's Swim Team opened door for his son Evan. He will never forget Lion's Swim Team. He is swimming for university of main.

    2. Hat donated by Eric to auction off will auction off at Christmas Party.

  7. health and welfare

    1. Lion Heavey's birthday. Happy birthday sung for Lion Jim Heavey

    2. Lion Jim Bennett has first niece

  8. Thanks to lion Gregg Carlson for updating information

  9. Lion Wanda showed plaque in Denver eye clinic supported by international lions her mother was being treated at this clinic

drawings: all Lions

meal: Tom Allen

drinks: Gregg Carlson

50/50 10.50 Jim Lowen

fine free: Lion Jerry Kuhn won auctioned off. Lion Larson paid $7 on auction.







Havre Lions

December 19, 2019

Lion First VP Becky Toth


23 members no guests


Invocation: Lion Jerry Kuhn


  1. Minutes: Lion Wayne Bolken moved and Lion Tom Allen second. Minutes approved.

  2. Old business

    1. Christmas party: sign up sheet

      1. leave from Elks at 4:30

      2. Mint Bar first for appetizers

      3. Peps for pizza bread sticks full bar bowling bring an unwrapped coffee mug or cup

      4. need to know how many so we can get the buses ordered

      5. Lion Treasurer Steve McClain is taking money for dinner

  3. new business

    1. Presidents day flags: Lion Holly has taken it over: Lion Becky Toth will talk to Lion Holly and get organized.

    2. Members: some people do not show up for meetings but do show up for work parties

      1. Every member on list has paid dews

    3. Closeup: 160 dozen tamales made. Lion Craig Tilleman and Lion Becky Toth helped. . Closeup group. Sold them $24/ doz

  4. Correspondence: Merry Christmas wishes from northern lights athletic scholarship foundation

  5. Lion Steve Mclain: not many members come to meetings: Maybe, Lion Brain thought, first meeting regular and next at lunch or breakfast

    1. might get a mix up and some more might show up

    2. send out an email and see how many would make at a different time

    3. Lion Becky said she went to meetings in morning in Missoula. had to cut off meetings to go to work

    4. Take a role and every 6 months check and see if there should be a change

    5. Lion Bob Patera said we do have different people showing up every month.

    6. Lion Jerry Kuhn said that there are only 10 members that do not show up so do we need to change the whole club just of those few.

    7. Lion Steve Mclain has a bag of Lion's pins that are not members, why not just get their dues.

    8. Lion Leonard: some of these people just need a little coaxing to get back in the club.

    9. Have someone call and say you are important to us.

    10. Lion Becky: have a social out in the bar invite anyone with appetizers

    11. Lion Russ Stinnett have a pot luck and invite old members

  6. Correspondence: Warm wishes and thank you from Northern Lights Athletic Scholarship Foundation.

Drawings; All Lions

Drinks: Jim Ward, Holly Haas: Bob Patera won

Meal: Tony Dolphay, Doug Larson won

50/50 11.50 Terry Stoppa

Russ Stinnett won fine free



Havre Lions

November 21, 2019

Lion President Jim Bennett

Members: 22

Guests: 3

Stacy Baldwin/ Lion Becky Toth. Scott Durward/ Lion Roger Meredith, Russell Stinnett,/ Lion Mark Rowlatt, Joe Dooling/ Lion Tyler Smith

Invocation: Lion Mark Rowlatt

Joe Dooling: Went to China with Tyler – Grew up in Dillon went to Bozeman, running for congress. He sees light at end of tunnel 1/3 of legislatures are retiring/ takes a lot of money to run. Congress has to get back to regular business

  1. Minutes: Lion Max Vogel moved to approve. Lion Holly Haas second. Motion passed

  2. New Business:

    1. Salvation army bell ringing DEC: 7 IGA and North 40

      1. Matching funds: Board meeting will decide on amount.

    2. Former Lion Dick Nault's wife donated lion

    3. Christmas Party: Havre Lions after Christmas at Peps bar in Big Sandy.

      1. Bus ride to Big Sandy. Trying to have more fun.

      2. Bus leaves Havre Elks Club at 4:30pm- 9:30

      3. $20 per person

      4. RSVP Lion VP Becky Toth by Thursday Dec. 19

      5. Every Person attending please bring an unwrapped coffee cup/mug for exchange

      6. not a lot of gifts from club; 50/50 and more laid back

  3. Old business:

    1. Montana sight and hearing raffle: If need more tickets, we can get you more. Make sure you are selling your tickets

    2. Close Up group at the High School is making tamales at Havre Middle School as a fund raiser. They need trained people, who have safe serve certification to help.

    3. Fossil Festival Labor Day 2020 – would love to have Pronto Pups and Nalivka's Pizza

    4. Lion Leonard Deppmeier – don't let another fund raiser steel our fund raiser – run it like any other fund raiser and man it with Lions; last one did very well – would be great to discuss how Lions would like to run the Pronto Pup sales.

      1. Lion Becky Toth – Lion would like to do it like Rock Lotto and decide how much we will donate back They will ask us to donate something back to Fossil Festival Committee

      2. we will sell the Friday of the Fossil Festival

      3. Information for this we will decide later and look for volunteers

      4. We will talk more and plam, when we get request from fossil festival

  4. New Members

    1. Stacy Baldwin – Lion Becky Toth Recommends – would be a very good asset for club – very involved in the community Motion by Lion Max Vogel, second by Lion Holly Haas

    2. Russell Stinnett: works at BNSF as a welder. Russ helped at festival days lion, as many hours as Lion Mark Rowlatt. He helped with moving Senior Center shed. Lion Ray Toth, moved to approve. Lion Becky Toth second.

      1. both were unanimous to accept as New Lions

  5. Health and welfare:

    1. Lion Kelly Jones mother passed

    2. Lion Jerry Kuhn became an uncle for the 4 time

    3. Lion Jim Bennett became uncle for first time.

Drawings: all lions

Laura Gomez absent

Max Vogel dinner

Drink: Wanda Meredith

50/50 Lion Mark Peterson $12

Fine Free Jim Heavey

fine free Lion Jim decided to auction and donate to Lions: Lion Secretary Larson bought fine free for $6


board meeting:

Lion Holly motion to donate up to $1200 matching. Lion Becky Toth second. Motion passed

Havre Swim Team – their next swim meet is Dec 7 is invited us to hang our banner and will have our logo on program. Lion Holly Haas moved to donate $1200 to swim team. Lion Max Vogel Hope to have our banner and our logo.Llion President will try to get swim team to come to meeting.

We are short Board members. Tail twister and one year director. Lion President will ask for volunteers next meeting.


No more politicians to be speakers






Havre Lions

November 7,

Lion President Jim Bennett

Lion Becky Toth invocation

21 members 1 guest

Guest: Nick Siebrasse – 4 H Foundation

4 H has 129 members 4 home schooled. The majority are grades 5 – 7. Goes through high school

Robotics to sewing anything a kid wants to learn about

71 leaders in Hill County

There are project specific leaders such as men leaders good welders and teach and help grow

Nick is on foundation board

family focused event

kids are all out self efficient

His daughter credited 4 H to be able to go out and sell things and do well in the real world

Cultural exchanges

He is enthused about what it does for kids

4 h counsel make decisions for rules and regulations

foundation 4 officers 5 directors 3 kids that come to the council

when a 4 h student wants to go on an exchange stay 4 or 5 days and bring back and give presentation to foundation and tell what they learned on the exchange

state congress and national congress

premiums now are paid by 4 H Foundation Foundation raises money to help kids do what they want

Kids always needs to make presentation to foundation to tell how they did and what they did.

Some times people buy animals and donate back to foundation

6 years ago started plan to Create a better Chuck Wagon. 1940 original chuck wagon: Member wanted to modernize and make it available to public, Don't want to interfere with businesses, and they are not going to under cut costs $500-600 a month to keep doors open.

They would like to do landscaping around building

4 H is a proponent of Great Northern Fair. Making it better will be good for whole area.

They need to raise $17500 dollars and are going to have a country western concert at barn November 9. Band for Seattle, Shot Gun Betty, Plowed Under. $5000 for stage. Why don't we have concerts in Havre come out and support.

  1. Minutes: Approved: Correction Lion Jim Ward had a stint. Lion Holly Haas moved to accept, Lion Gary Stremcha second. Motion Passed.

  2. First VP Lion Becky Toth: January 4 Christmas dinner at the Elks. Trying to make it different than the past more info to come. If you want to help talk to Lion Becky Toth 399-4096 or

  3. State Lions Sight and hearing – any raffle tickets go to support sight and hearing. Lion Tony Dolphay “Them bastards don't float” Drawing is April 5th $20 a piece

  4. New business:

    1. Salvation Army bell ringing: Trina Crawford, December 7th there are 4 locations mall, IGA, North 40 and Walmart. Walmart pushes us outside and that is why we don't do it there. Lion Jerry Kuhn will not be here so someone else will have to use costume

    2. December 7 will be the date and Lions will do IGA and North 40.

  5. April 24 and 25 district 37 convention

  6. Lion Kelly Jones said Lions extra candy from parade went to care center for Halloween. It went very well. The people were really appreciative to get the candy to hand out.

  7. Health and Welfare:

    1. Lion Tom Klein had to put dog down and kids are having a tough time

  8. Lion Tony Dolphay: last weekend Air Force squadron looking at bringing in a C 140.

  9. New Member Drive: tickets: for bringing new person to meeting Becky Toth wan Salted Caramel Crown Royal for bringing in a guest during membership drive.

Drawing: All Lions

meal: Drawn but absent: Mark Rowlatt, Jim Rowlatt, Darin Boss. Gregg Carlson won meal

Tony Dolphay won drink

10:50 to Lion Heavey: all donated back

Fine Free: Lion Wanda Meredith

Meeting Adjourned Lion Terry Stoppa moved and Lion Stremcha second.




Havre Lions

Lion President Jim Bennett

October 17, 2019


1 Guest: Kaden Keto guest of Lion Steve Jamruszka.

Minutes: Lion Wayne Bolken moved to approve. Lion Bob Patera Second. Minutes approved with hearing valve replaced by heart valve.

Lion Tony Dolphay led in singing "The More We Get Together" late Lion Richard Smith's favorite Lions song.

Lion Becky Toth reported on conference. Havre Lions had the best fund raiser with our Pronto Pup Booth.

Senior Shed: Lion Steve Jamruszka reported, our work is complete. He finished putting shelves in. Don Kenny will be contacting Lions to have a thank you lunch and will have Havre Daily present to cover.


Health and Welfare: Lion Jim Ward had stints put in heart.


New Member: Lion Steve Jamruszka presented Kaden Keto to be inducted as a new member. Vote was unanimous to have him join.



Havre Lions

October 5, 1019

Lion VP Becky Toth


6:35 PM Late waiting on Treasurer

21 members 6 guests

Kids from Closeup talk first so could leave. 4 kids were asked what part of helping at booth they liked best. 2 liked pumping cheese on fries. 1 liked meeting all the people at fair. 1Guy liked he got to eat some of great food. Raising money for trip to DC Jan. 2021. 17 total members. Fund raisers: Bake sales, concessions at games, sell Tamales in December, $24/ doz plus sauce. Cost of ingredients $1500. Asking for help buying ingredients.


  1. Minutes: Lion Max moved to approve. Lion Wayne 2nd . Approved.

  2. Dinner 6:50 Nalivka's Pizza Yummy. Lion Becky Toth brought dessert plates and napkins.

  3. Old Business

    1. Lion Steve Senior Center Shed: Shed is done. Need to move to center, maybe Sunday. He p from Lion Mike Wickerwork. Need pictures for paper. Lion Leonard Deppmeier suggested gather enough people to carry shed. Shed to be used for storage.

    2. Parade went well.

    3. Pronto pup sales grossed $3675.06

      1. Acknowledged Mark Rowlatt for heading up.

    4. Discussion on cooking for legends. Saturday morning help cook breakfast with Kiwanis. Sunday morning we head up cooking breakfast. Sunday afternoon dinner we will cook shrimp. All events take place at Chuck Wagon.

    5. Lion's sight and hearing /raffle

  4. New Business:

    1. Christian Missions in Ethiopia – Lion Greg Carlson's daughter Heather went. Getting help with stuff to take. Changing constitution to include Africa.

    2. New Member Challenge: bottle of Crown to person bringing most guests: members confusion on details maybe new members should get bottle, Lion Max Vogel brought up.

    3. Discussion on calendars 50 is enough.

    4. Talked about banners – flags – canopy Clint Solomon offered Rodeo committee would pay ½ for banner they buy $225 to $250 total. Lion Bob Patera wants Lion's Emblem on Senior Citizens Shed. Chuck Terry's name brought up as having Lions Logo on disc.

    5. Lion Becky Toth got help to clean – organize closet at elks.

    6. Lion Steve Jamruszka reported tax shit filed.

    7. Vision Testing done at Rocky Boy

      1. 1 class no show.

      2. 104 Screened, early head start. 6 months to 5 years.

      3. 41 passed

      4. 51 referred

      5. 11 could not test

      6. 1 uncooperative

        Lion Steve Jamruszka explained camera tester. Lion Steve bullshitted about people doing training must drink Coors Lite

    8. Lion Becky Toth going to Leadership Training next weekend. Hopes to be back in time to cook shrimp.

    9. Correspondence: Leader Dog sent patch Leader dog team signed letter.

    10. Lion Steve Mclain was in Leavenworth, Washington. Watched parade. Lions had 1 guy in a motor cart with banner. Our parade input much better.

  5. Health and Welfare: Lion Holly Haas to quit Northern. Lion Mike Tillman had heat valve, back to work. Lion Stoppa driving to Michigan


50/50 Kevin Ruby Lion Kuhn's Guest $20

Drink Lion Wayne Bolken

Meal Lion Ray Toth

Fine Free Dustin Ratliff- Lion Craig Tillman's Guest: Auctioned for $5 to Lion Jerad Gillen


Meeting adjourned.


Board meeting:

All Lions:Becky Toth, Ray Toth, Steve Mclain, Mark Rowlatt, Max Vogel, Bob Patera, Jim Lowen, Jerry Kuhn, Greg Carlson, Steve Jamruszka, Jerad Gillen, Jim Heavey

Closeup had like 25 work slots. Discussion. Lion Ray Toth motioned to give $1500. Lion Max Vogel second. Passed.




Havre Lions

September 19, 2019

Lion President Jim Bennett


Lion Stoppa invocation.

Minutes: Lion Bob Patera moved to approve. Lion Wayne Bolken second. Motion passed.

  1. Lion Steve Jamruszka said screening at rocky boy head start Wednesday. Lions Steve Jamruszka, Gregg Carlson, Jim Heavey, and Jim Ward will do it. Need to be their at 9 am leave at 8:00

  2. Festival Days sign up sheet passed around.

    1. Kiwanis Pancakes request help from Lions. Lions Jim Ward and Steve Jamruszka have signed up.

    2. Pronoto Pups:Lion Mark Rowlatt will start setting up behind Elks 11 to 3 in front of Flynn Reality.

      1. Cooking will be behind elks the entire day

      2. Cookers and cardboard down. Propane: Lions Tony Dolphay and Gary Stremcha will donate bottles for cookers.

      3. couple of canopies and canopy at Flynn then move over to Elks when we need to :

      4. Lion Mark Rowlatt and Lion President Bennett will have everything ready. Street fair starts at 11.

      5. Hope to get a supply of Pups built up for noon to 2. Then move over to Elks.

      6. There will be another food truck

      7. Will not have access to Elks on Saturday.

      8. 15 cases of dogs, and hopefully we sell out

      9. Please sign up so we know who will be there. Sign up and be organized.

      10. Lion Secretary Doug Larson will send out email so everyone knows.

      11. Lion Mark Rowlatt maybe sticking dogs on Friday night Might set up in parking lot instead of right behind the Elks

  3. Legends for Lights October 10 – 13

    1. Kiwanis help on Saturday October 12

    2. Lions will cook on Sunday morning and afternoon October 13.

  4. new business: Date and venue for Lions Club Christmas party. Send ideas to lion Jim Bennett or Becky

  5. Next meeting will have plan for Christmas party

  6. Banners – Lion Craig Tillman said we should put everything we sponsor on a banner.

    1. Lions Mark Rowlatt, Ray Toth, Jim Bennett start a committee to get banner and flag for Lions, call Lion President, if you want to help,

  7. Month of October try to bring a new person: 1st meeting and second meeting bring a new or same

  8. Health and Welfare:

    1. Lion Darin boss Father passed away last Saturday.

    2. Lion Steve Jamruszka's grandson passed bar exam

    3. Lion Terry Stoppa doing well with pace maker

    4. Lion Jim Bennett hurt neck playing dodge ball

      Drawings: All Lions

      Dinner Scott Doney ab. Tony Dolphay

      Drink Wanda Meredith

      50/50 Darin Boss 12.50 donated back

      Fine free Steve Jamruszka


    Board Meeting:

    Lions Steve McClain, Jim Bennett, Doug Larson, Holly Haas, Becky Toth, Mark Peterson, Max Vogel, Roger Meredith, Ray Toth Jerry Kuhn, Gary Stremcha and Jim Heavey,


    Lion Becky Toth went to Death by Chocolate, Sponsor for a show for one night committed Lions $300 for putting on show Saturday night

    Lion Max Vogel moved and Lion Holly Haas second – motion passed.


Meeting adjourned 7:52



Havre Lion's Club

September 5, 2019

Lion Jim Bennett


  • Guest Speaker: 1st Lieutenant Governor Mike Collins gradated 1972 Havre High School,

  • from Kalispell.

    • International President message: Lions are unique as the people they serve 48k clubs and all are different. 1.4 million members all different. With talents together we are stronger, and only together we can change the world.

    • Governor Verna Love said Havre is doing great. Montana is pilot district to see how to grow our clubs – ask how we are doing it

      • USA lions leadership in Spokane this year applications

      • Montana forum 27-28 Sept training Saturday night learning on Saturday

      • Glendive Last weekend of April usually for next year Montana's

      • greatest way to have a great club is to have good projects

      • LCIF nonprofit arm of lions disaster to local grants

      • campaign 100 to raise money over 3 years and individuals give 100 dollars a year for three years

      • Montana gets more money from LCIF than Montana donates

        • Great Falls low vision readers

      • Turner generator for grocery store

    • Get on line and donate on line


22 members 1 guest Mike Collins 1st liutenant gov


  1. Lions Jacob Lorang and Kurt Lineweaver were looking for credit for working at work party Saturday, but did not do anything. According to Lion Steve Mclain

  2. Minutes: - Correction: Lion Becky Toth to spend $50 more than last year $370 this year for candy for parade.

    1. Motion from Wanda Meredith move approve with correction. Lion Ray Toth second. Minutes approved.

  3. Old business:

  4. Lion Steve Jamruszka – Senior Center shed: Everything is ordered. Will check and see what is here. We will have work party, when materials gets here.

  5. Sign up list for festival day: cook set up at elks around 2:30 to get started. 5 people have signed up so far for cooking. Reach out to Lion Jim Bennett, if you want to work.

  6. Lion Becky: National night out almost 780 people ate. Talked to officer Huston. He thanked Lions for donating. Lion's donation almost covered everything. Next year do do the same thing.

  7. New business: Request from Kiwanis Club to help at their pancake breakfast Saturday for festival days September 12

  8. Sunday October 12 for pheasant hunt, we are asked to help cook breakfast and shrimp for dinner. We may also need to help Kiwanis on Saturday.

  9. Correspondence

    1. Montana sight and hearing raffle tickets for side by side

    2. Web sight and face book. Talk to friends

    3. Put Havre Club name on back of tickets if you sell. We will get a kick back to our club, if you sell them.

  10. Lion Brian Olson: 100 year celebration for membership continuation Award.

  11. Heath and welfare update

    1. Peggy Hanson Lion Steve Mclain's sister is coming home on Monday made cookies and remembered recipe. She has improved greatly from motor cycle accident.

    2. Steve will be grand parent again number 17

  12. Lion President thank you for those that worked at park work party Sunday

Drawings All Lions:

50/50 Bob Patera 12

meal: Steve Jamruszka

Drink: Scott Doney

Fine Free: Brian Olson

Auction: of Train Pin

Lion Brian Olson $20 for pin in auction.






Havre Lions

August 15, 2019

1st V-P Lion Becky Toth



Jody Olson Chamber talked about festival days: Asking for $1000 for pipe band

Lion Jerry Kuhn would like to have someone take his place at bars with pipe band: he needs to go to work early next day:

Vender 11 to 3 then Rock Lotto

Lions Becky Toth and Jim Bennett will talk Kyle Leeds to set up to cook Pronto Pups behind Elks.

Lion Becky said we could use viking booth if we need

Streetery one will be at rock lotto: Lion Bennett our food is cost effective for people drinking beer compared to other booths.

Street dance out of Old Station Brewery

Let Jody Olson know what we want to do

Jody also talked about Biz and brews: 5 different drink stops: $15 Merchants had good days went over quite well.

Saturday market ends at festival days:

Chamber board meeting: Kurt Leinweaver had ordered Pronto Pups from the booth. Had the best attendance for a chamber meeting.



  1. Minutes: Motion to approve Lion Wayne Bolken. Lion Tom Allen second. Minutes approved.

  2. Treasurer Report Lion Steve Mclain:

    1. Steak Fry 63 paid

    2. Fair booth:

      1. Thank you to Lion Becky for taking care of ordering food and storing potatoes in her freezer

      2. Around $3300 ahead of last year on fair

      3. Thanks to everyone who volunteered at fair. We all nee dot work together

  3. Steak Fry: Lion Mark Rowlatt: Went well: Had extra food we sold

    Lion Steve Mclain: We probably lost couple hundred dollars

      1. Lions Jim Rowlatt, Wayne Bolken, Tom Cline,Mark Rowlatt, Darrin Boss, Peggy Lamb, and Ron Kotes helped cook.

      2. It was a pleasant evening at park

  4. Lion Steve Jamruszka Senior Center shed – August 19th at Lions Tony Dolphay's shop. Lion Doug Larson will sent out reminder and time when the day

  5. National Night Out: we are sponsor of meal: August 27

  6. Are we doing a table there: We should have a table telling about Lions

    1. Lion Bennett will approach and see if we can

  7. Lion Mark Rowlatt – canopy with lions emblem for Festival Days

  8. Festival Days: Candy Lion Becky will order candy Spend up $50 more than last year., $370.. Lion Steve Mclain will see how much was spent last year.

    1. Walking at parade: Lions Becky Toth and Jerry Kuhn

    2. Selling Pronto Pups: Lion Becky: food appropriate water source : Hand washing source: Bleach and water

      1. Lion Laura Gomez moved to set up at Elks and Lion Wanda Meredith second set up Elks for sure and at first if have the help will set up at end of parade.

      2. Will send out 3-8 and noon to 3 for working and and cooking at festival days

      3. Be at elks for sure: rock lotto

  9. New Business

    1. Lieutenant Governor Mike Collins will be here for first meeting in September

  10. Correspondence:

    1. Thank you for from Doug Kallinberger you for sponsorship of Ag Appreciation Dinner at the NARC Field Days.

  11. Health and Welfare:

    1. Lion Terry Stoppa had pace maker installed

    2. Pint night for Peggy Hanson (Steve Mclain's sister) at Triple Dog 21 August

    3. Lion Norton Pease hopes all are doing well

Drawings All Lions:

$9 50/50 Jim Heavey

Dinner:Bob Johnke: ab Kelly Jones ab Steve Mclain won

Drink: Steve Jamruszka. ab Mark Rowlatt won

Fine free: Jim Bennett









Havre Lions

Lion Jim Bennett

Lions Booth

July 11, 2019


Need everyone to sign up for fair!

Ice and Water: Lion Wayne Bolken will take care of it Wednesday and Thursday. Lions Roger and Wanda Meredith Friday and Saturday. Lion Jim Bennett Sunday.

Steak Fry August 3, 6:30, $15 adults, 10 and under free. Bring Friends it's a good time to get people interested in Lions.


Park and Rec gift certificate accept: 2 pronto pups, fries and beverage. 15 coupons paid full price.



Thank you to those that helped at Fly Inn. From North Central Hangar Montana Pilots Association.

Thank you for donations of cans for Havre Day Activity Center. $187.50 raised from September 2018 – June 2019

Thank you from Leader Dog for donation of $1000 May 13, 2019.


Lion Steve Jamruszka: Final Year to Date Financial reports accepted.


Senior Center Shed Project: Plans submitted to County and Senior Center: 10 x 20 Shed. Work on shed will hopefully start right after the fair. All will have chance to participate. Funding by Senior Center, work by Lions.


Lion Tony Dolphay: Work party for Barbeque at Pepin Park July 4. Thanks to Lions Cooking.

Health and Welfare: Lion Mark Peterson is working with Cardiologist.


Fair Booth Clean Up Monday July 22nd . 6 PM




Havre Lions

June 20, 2019 6:00 PM

Lion's Booth

Lion President Jim Bennett


Havre Lion's Swim Team came and discussed there wishes and concerns. Word has it Helena doesn't think it is right to have Lions Club to Sponsor Havre Swim Team. It should be just Havre Swim Team. Suggests was to have just a Lions Emblem on the sleeve. Swim Team took a sign up sheet with them to fill out and get parents signed up.


Lion Tony Dolphay is looking for helpers for Fly In on June 27th 6:15 AM – 11-45 AM for breakfast helpers. Sign up sheet was made up.


R. Pearson of Havre Police force showed up. Looking for a donation of $1200, if possible for National Night Out with an agenda of:

Drug Prevention, Crime Prevention

Drug & Crime Awareness

Search and Rescue

Services provided by Law Enforcement


Pearson suggested Lions information booth & any food left over would be donated to Food Bank or Soup Kitchen. Lion President Bennett for help at booth for fair from Enforcement members.


Steve Jamruszka suggested to Pearson to also look for other organization or people to donate to cause instead of Lion's paying the whole bill each time.


Ex Havre Lion Brian Simonson's wife Shari is heading up 4th of July Cook Out in Pepin Park again this year. She is looking for helpers. A sign up sheet was started for 10:30 to 2:00. She also would like to use the Lion's Barbeque.


Lion Mark Peterson gave short report on the Lion's Campground.

120 feet of fence section put up

80 feet fence section put up

still need to build gates

invested approximately $1200, so far.

He will bring list of helpers who were there


Health & Welfare – Lion Holly Haas had surgery and was doing well


Next meeting will be work party at fair booth July 11th.


Lion Becky Toth provided meal. Sloppy Joes, Chips and Ice Cream Bars


Meeting adjourned around 7:00



June 6, 2019

Fort Assiniboine

President Lion Jim Heavey

Meeting called to order 6:30

Lion Tom Allen Installed new officers.


Upcoming meetings:

June 20 will be at the booth. Regular time and we will clean.

July 4, first Thursday of July we will not meet. Meeting will be July 11 at the booth for final clean up.


Meeting adjourned followed by tour of Fort by Lion Tom Allen




Havre Lions

Lion President Jim Heavey

May 16, 2019


Invocation Lion Ray Toth

24 Lions and one guest: Laura Gomez – guest of Lion Becky Toth

  1. Minutes: Lion Secretary Doug Larson fined for errors. Minutes were approved with corrections.

  2. Laura Gomez grew up in Havre and now an instructor at MSU Northern recommended as a member by Lion Becky Toth. Unanimously approved. Welcome Lion Laura.

  3. Lion Mark Peterson passed around sign up for work party at Campground Memorial Day Weekend. If you have questions and would like to contact Lion Mark call or text:262-4777

    1. He said they would be working on the fence around the pavilions. They will have the material to work with. All help would be appreciated.

  4. Lion Gregg Carlson brought patch saying Havre Lions placed 5th with total contributions at District 37 District Convention to Montana Lions Sight and Hearing Foundation.

  5. Lion Doug Larson brought up prices for approval at fair. It was decided to keep all prices the same as 2018, but add Lions Mints for $0.50 each or 3/$1.00. Lion Larson was also delegated to sign contract and turn it in. Lion Larson was also asked to send out a copy of the Fair contract to membership so they knew what all it said.

  6. Health and Welfare: Lion Dietz and wife heather have new boy: Garrick Wesley Dietz. He was born May 13 at 3:50

  7. Next Meeting will be officer installation at the Fort. Lions Mark Rowlatt and Steve Mclain will be in charge of cooking. They will be trying out new propane cookers. A-K Salads and L-Z Dessert.






Havre Lions

May 2, 2019

Lion VP Becky Toth


  1. Girl Scouts: Presentation Megan Boyle; Birds are dieing in out houses, they get in vents thinking they are hallow tree trunks and can't get out.

    There are 31 outhouses that need grates. The grates are simple and cost $35 not covering private. They should last from 15 to 25 years

    Teton Raptor was the first study that showed they were dieing. College community service and girl scouts will instal.

    Looking for volunteers call the number on the brochure

    Have enough to by covers but are looking to buy lunch for volunteers 8 more.

    Lion Mark Peterson said the girls did a remarkable job and would like to support their project.

    Two outhouses in Lions Campground need them

    June 22 is when they will install.

    Have not ordered, hoping to find less expensive. Will order from Teton raptors soon if they don't find a better buy.

      1. Lions Max Vogel suggested donating $100 for their lunches and gas for volunteers

    15 Lions

    Guest Lara Gomez – Guest of Lion Becky Toth

Invocation Lion Ray Toth

  1. Minutes: Lion Wayne moved to approve. Lion Wanda Meredith Second. Minutes approved

  2. Lion Club international congrats for Melvin Jones recipient with flag patch.

  3. Old Business:

    1. Fair: Lion Bob Patera checked on hot dogs, and they will be the same, $4 per pound

      1. Lion Becky Toth said french fries the same

      2. Lion Becky said she would talk to Lion Doug Hollingshead and order condiments for fair. Lion Mark Peterson moved Lion Tom Allen second passed that Lion Becky Toth will do Lion Doug Hollingshead's job for fair, getting condiments.

    2. Campground: Lion Mark Peterson: measurements for fence about 200 ft will be out of pipe. The committee trying to come up with plans, Lions Mark Peterson, Tony Dolphay, Ray Toth and Doug Hollingshead.

      1. The committee is looking for ideas and thoughts

      2. Lion Mark Peterson will approach Pacific and American Pipe to see if they will work with us.

      3. They are looking at starting Memorial Day weekend. This is the number one project for Memorial Day work party.

      4. campgrounds lion ray Toth has 4 horse shoe stakes

  4. New business:

    1. State Convention: Lion Becky Toth

    2. Lion Gregg's comments: we should travel farther than our club like state and national so we understand the whole picture of Lions.

      1. New district gov: Lion Verna Love and next will be Mike Collins.

      2. Voted to support PCC Lion Ben Apeland as international director.

    3. Next year the state convention will be hosted by Glendive Lions: voted on by voting districts

      1. Havre Lions was the second largest club there. Our baskets brought in $95 for the Caesar and $90 beer basket and cowboy hat.

      2. For the parade of green we gave $4462.66.

      3. Leader dog presentation, a blind man with his second dog. He told how he learned to work with dog and how things worked at the training school.

    4. Vision machine for students for magnifying and showing work on the board was thought by us and many clubs to be a great fall's project but it was state project. Machines will go back to library, when student graduates. We got clarification and there are 14 students in Hill County that need one.

    5. Lion Ray Carlson was presented with Melvin Jones

    6. Tour of sugar plant Lion Ray Toth works at.

    7. Golfing Lions Becky Toth, Jerry Kuhn, Mark Rowlatt, and Steve Mclain.

    8. Lion Becky Toth was asked to attend leadership retreat meeting in October at Big Sky Lion Becky thanked Lion Tom Allen for recommending here. Lion Bob Patera thanks her for accepting.

    9. Lion Tom Allen: Our district received a grant to figure out how to build up membership. Only 9 districts selected and we were one in planning stage now. Our district has maintained our membership

  5. Correspondence: Haley Coursey emailed Lion Larson asking what she she needed to do to get Lion's Swim Team ready to help at our booth. Lion Larson was instructed to invite Haley to meeting to explain what they need for lions swim team and discuss what we expect of them.

    1. Lion Max Vogel explained what happens for swim membership volunteers. We need from them what their expectations are from us.

    2. Lion Doug Larson received a phone call asking for help with hearing aids. Lion Larson will contact person and tell how and where to apply.

    3. Thank you from Havre Public Schools for helping at Preschool screening and Kindergarten registration.

    4. Thank you from H. Earl Clack Museum Foundation for supporting Museum and Buffalo Jump.

  6. Installation June 6 at Ag Station. Lion Tom Allen said we are good their. Meeting starts at 6:30. Bring your own drinks.

    1. food – Lion Max said we should test out our new cookers. Lion Rowlatts have them. The one donated to us needs to be cleaned up. Lion Mark Rowlatt will plan a work party. Lion Steve Mclain said he would help Lion Mark Rowlatt,

  7. Lion Becky Toth had call from Jay Pyette to see if we would cook food on campus for beer home brew, small Renaissance fair. Too short of notice and don't have enough people to do or facility.

  8. Fly in June 29th. Lions have been requested to help with breakfast, Lion Max Vogel said cooking starts at 5:30 AM

  9. Memorial weekend: we will have both sides of the campground being we will be working on both sides of creek

    1. Lion Doug Hollingshead asked for clarification of a and b. Lion Mark Rowlatt said needs to be brought up at park board meeting for clarification

  10. Lion Becky Toth would like to clean up our closet at Elks. She would like someone who knows what to save and throw away help.

  11. Lion Becky: Talking on way back from convention would like to put in bid for 2021 convention in Havre. Lion Mark Rowlatt, Becky and Jerry Kuhn thought they would like to pursue this. There theme would be “I have had a pronto pup have you?”

    1. Interview several people from Havre and have them ask at end of each “I have had a pronto pup have you?”

    2. Becky has a rough draft of what went on and what should go on

    3. district reimburses for most of your expenses

    4. Serve Bloody Mary's out of a toilet as they did in the past.

    5. At the convention there was no mascot. Lion Jerry Kuhn thought that should have been there.

    6. Tonight just throwing out, will vote on in a couple of months and then form a committee

  12. Health and Welfare: Lion Steve Mclain's birthday. Lion Doug Hollingshead will be moving to Helena.

    Drawings: All Lions: Jim Bennett, Jim Rowlatt

    Bob Patera meal

    Ray Toth drink

    50/50 Bob Patera $8

    Ray Toth fine free

    Meeting adjourned 8:15


    Director meeting: girl scouts: Lion Holly Haas moved to donate $200. Second Max Vogel. passed




Havre Lions


April 4, 2019


27 Lions

Invocation: Lion Jerry Kuhn

Minutes: Motion to approve Lion Roger Meredith. Second Lion Jim Bennett. Minutes approved.

Correspondence: none

Montana Lions Convention get together auction: Live auction Friday night at convention: Lion tom Allen will take care of Havre Lions donation: Lion Darin Boss suggested empty growlers with gift certificate. Will do and turn bill into Lion

Eye Testing:

Steve Jamruszka.

3 screenings left; Big Sandy, North Star and Chester

952 eyes

Elections: third reading: Nominations closed and ballots passed out and collected.

All Lions: President Jim Bennett, 1st VP Becky Toth, 2nd VP Mark Rowlatt, 3rd VP Scott Doney, Secretary Doug Larson, Treasurer Steve Mclain, Directors 1 yr hold over: Tome Klein, Max Vogel, 2 yr Kelly Jones, Mark Peterson, Gary Stremcha, Lion Tamer Bob Patera and Jim Rowlatt, Tail Twister Doug Hollingshead and Jerry Kuhn, Membership Jerad Gillen Chair, Craig Tilleman, and Holly Haas, Past President Jim Heavey. Lion Darrin Boss moved to destroy ballots. Lion tom Allen second ballots destroyed

Hands on History; April 13 15 – 20 exhibits sign up

Girl Scout work on outhouse vents: nothing

Lion Bob Patera will check on price of hot dogs for fair. According to lion Steve Jamruszka, we may need to raise price of pups depending on price of dogs.

Kids night next meeting: hot dogs and mac and cheese: Contact Lion Jerry Kuhn if you have not signed up with number of kids and ages 399-3849.

Lion Becky Toth needs to borrow barbecue for Skills USA on Tuesday starting at 330 goes from 4 to 6. She will need volunteers. Lion Becky will head up Tuseday April 9th in front of new building.

Lion Doug Hollingshead would like us to purchase another bag of grass seed for Lion's Camp Ground



Health and welfare; Lion Jacob Lorang is bringing back name tags. He is still alive according to Lion Jerry Kuhn.


Highway clean up: next Thursday night 5:30 meet at bowling alley: Lion Becky wants to know if


Drawings: all Lions

Drinks: Becky Toth

Dinner : Ray Toth

50?50/50 $14 lion Tom Allen

Fine free: Dan Korb


Directors' meeting:

All Lions: Steve Jamruszka Jim Heavey, Doug Larson Doug Hollingshead, Ray Toth, Becky Toth, Jim Bennett, Tom Klein, Max Vogel, Roger Meredith, Steve Mclain, Holly Haas, Mark Rowlatt, Terry Stoppa, Mark Peterson, Gary Stremcha,


Hearing Place in great falls: Lion Steve came up with form. Change to documentation provided with application. Must accompany: underline household income on request

sight and hearing committee will make decision. They will look at request if we approve hearing place will screen to see if they approve.


Lion Steve Jamruszka: Montana Independent Living project: works with schools and are paid for by school district. welcome to come and talk to us. Lion Steve Mclain Moved to disapprove of this request. Lion Holly Second passed.

Lion Becky Toth moved to buy bag of grass seed for campground. Lion Tom Klein second. Passed.



Havre Lions

Lion Mark Rowlatt 3rd VP

March 21, 2019

19 members

Invocation: Lion Jerry Kuhn

  1. Correspondence: None

  2. Lion Steve: Hearing place – we are set up to receive information on applicants

  3. Montana Independent living Melody Bush – no contact. Tabled

  4. Testing results: Child find: 387 tested 294 no issues 74 referred 2 incomplete year to date

    1. percent referred

    2. 8 Lions have participate

    3. Update training for those interested in screening: Monday and Tuesday: 9 am at Lion Jim Rowlatt's

    4. Hindsdale in Monday truck will leave around 730 AM

    5. White Water, Saco and Dodson: Lion Steve will drive 1:30 – 3:30

  5. Treasurer report:: approved:

  6. Minutes: Lion Terry Stoppa: Lion Tony Dolphay's dad was in great falls Approves with changes.

  7. Correspondence: none

  8. Lion Steve Jamruszka elections: no more nominations for any positions

  9. New Business

    1. Clack Museum: Lion Bob Patera for Lion Gregg Carlson museum board member and Lela Patera is chair

    2. Hands on history looking for help for museum and jump April 13, digging deal 100's of kids come out can work with actual equipment 11-3 lunch for volunteers, if we sponsor $100 would appreciate. $250 donation and name will be displayed at events

  10. Cleaning ditches; Lion Ray will check for next meeting:

  11. Lions Track Meet:Not sure when but doesn't sound like it is called Lion's Track meet any longer.

  12. Kids night: Need head count of those going

  13. Health and Welfare: none


Drawings: All are Lions

meal: Ray Toth

drinks: Darin Boss Jerry Kuhn wins

50/50 Bob Patera $10

fine free Jim Lowen;

meeting adjourned 7:41

Board meeting:

All Lions:Mark Rowlatt, Terry Stoppa, Ray Toth Steve Mclain Steve Jamruszka, Holly Haas, Roger Meredith

special on caps:

embroider Havre Lions on for free

Lion Steve suggested giving a hat to to new members – give visible means of belonging

Steve propose to buy 12 for new members

order: blue hats 15

Clack Museum needs help more than money:

Lion Holly Haas made motion to donate $100, Lion Mark Rowland Passed.




Havre Lions Club

Lion President Jim Heavey

March 7, 2019

25 members

Guest: Kasey Dietz guest of Lion Gregg Carlson

  1. Invocation: Lion Ray Toth

  2. Minutes approved

  3. Correspondence

    1. Hearing Place Great Falls wanting us to work with them on hearing aids for people in need in Havre area. Referred to board.

    2. Montana Independent Living Project asking for contributions. Referred to Board.

  4. Old Business:

    1. Eye Testing

      1. Child find Methodist church Havre: March 12- 14

        1. Lions Roger Meredith and Carlson have volunteered could use more help

      2. Went to Gildford 2 students out of 92 needed referrals

    2. Van body: Lion Tony Dolphay – called by Lion Hollingshead

    3. State Convention Sidney

      1. Havre Lions will refund registration fee if you attend

    4. Nominations of officers – Lion Steve Jamruszka : Ask for nominations from the floor: Lion Wanda Meredith nominated Lion Steve Mclain for Treasurer. Contested election Lion Holly Haas and Lion Steve Mclain for Treasurer

    5. Kids night – second meeting in April. Need to call if coming and how many guests you will have. No age limit or number limit.

  5. New Business

    1. Lion Dan Korb requested use of Lion's Barbecue by ski patrol. Lion Gary Stremcha moved for to allow. Lion Tom Klein second. Motion passed.

    2. New Member: Lion Jim Rowlatt read Lion Gregg Carlson's recommendation for making Kasey Dietz a Lions Member. Vote was unanimous. Welcome Lion Kasey Dietz.

  6. Health and Welfare

    1. Lion Tony Dolphay's dad had heart attack. In Billings had 2 stints put in but had to redo and had a stroke. He is doing OK now.

    2. Lion Darin Boss's dad lives in Ohio. He has dementia and had a fall. He broke his pelvis. Darin went back to help out.


Drawings: All Lions

Absent: Brian Robertson, Craig Tilleman

Meal Jim Rowlatt

Drink: Max Vogel

50/50 Jim Rowlatt


Board Meeting:

Members: all Lions: Stoppa, R. Toth, Hollingshead, Klein, Jamruszka, Larson, M. Rowlatt

Montana Independent Living: tabled until Lion Steve Jamruszka finds out more.

Hearing Place: Pay forward on hearing aids through Sight and Hearing.







Havre Lions

Lion President Jim Heavey

February 21, 2019

First Invocation request turned down by Lion Holly.

Invocation Lion Ray Toth

  1. Minutes: Lion Wanda moved to approve. Lion Holly second. Minutes approved.


    Program: Clint Solomon: rodeo

    Thanks for all the Lions support they have given rodeo in the past.

    They have changed $750 to a full event now, instead of ½ event. Asking Lions for continued support of $750 as in the past.

    Fair board was paying out $20 k before rodeo group took over. Then paid rodeo group $10 k for first year, and nothing now.

    Rodeo has not been paying any money to fair. All there money has been going into improvements of rodeo grounds. Now they will give fair 15% and fair will take care of maintenance.

    They have put lot of money back into grounds, now the fair will take care of all that

    1. barrel racing Friday morning

      breakaway roping Thursday morning

      They have nothing to do with relay races.

      Lions Doug Hollingshead and Jim Bennett said rodeo has been doing a good job. Appreciate what they do to get more people for us. 4 events, bull break away barrel

  2. Old Business:

    1. Last meeting in April kids night.

      1. Lion Steve Mclain will bring all 16 grand kids

  3. Lion Holly: old business: thank everybody with flags: Lion holly got standing ovation for for ironing flags. Handed out around 138 flags

  4. Lion Jim Rowlatt thought that lion Kuhn was exceptionally tall and Lion Doug Larson was exceptionally fat for pictures of flag workers on Lion's minutes.

    1. Lions handing out flags at Highland Park School were Lions Dan Korb, Ray Toth, Becky Toth, Holly Haas, Steve Jamruszka, Kelly Jones and Doug Larson.

    2. Lions handing out flags at St. Jude's were Lion Jerry Kuhn and Doug Larson

  5. Lion Steve Jamruszka's treasurer report: accepted

  6. Sight and Hearing

    1. February 28 first eye testing Gildford 1:00 pm the more Lions trained the better it is and easier to get the testing done.

      1. Any testing that is on Monday or Tuesday Lion Steve Jamruszka cannot work. We need volunteers to learn how and fill his spot.

  7. Past presidents meet Thursday February 28, 7 PM at Elks

  8. health and welfare nothing

  9. Correspondence: None

    food for tonight's dinner is from Pizza Hut for supporting Elks fundraiser.


Elks wanted everyone to know that on March 9th they would be having a 1980's party

Drawings: All Lions

Drawn but absent:Tom Allen, Jerry Kuhn, Jim Ward, Vic Velk, Kelly Jones

meal: Becky Toth

drink: Wanda Meredith

fine free Doug Hollingshead

50/50 $11.00 Dan Korb

Board meeting:

Lions present: Steve Jamruszka, Becky Toth, Holly Haas, Jim Heavey, Jim Bennett Ray Toth

Roger Meredith, Steve Mclain, Max Vogel, and Doug Larson

Lion Holly Haas made motion to donate $750 to rodeo, second, Lion Jim Bennett second. Motion Passed.




Havre Lions

Lion President Jim Heavey

February 21, 2019

First Invocation request turned down by Lion Holly.

Invocation Lion Ray Toth

  1. Minutes: Lion Wanda moved to approve. Lion Holly second. Minutes approved.


    Program: Clint Solomon: rodeo

    Thanks for all the Lions support they have given rodeo in the past.

    They have changed $750 to a full event now, instead of ½ event. Asking Lions for continued support of $750 as in the past.

    Fair board was paying out $20 k before rodeo group took over. Then paid rodeo group $10 k for first year, and nothing now.

    Rodeo has not been paying any money to fair. All there money has been going into improvements of rodeo grounds. Now they will give fair 15% and fair will take care of maintenance.

    They have put lot of money back into grounds, now the fair will take care of all that

    1. barrel racing Friday morning

      breakaway roping Thursday morning

      They have nothing to do with relay races.

      Lions Doug Hollingshead and Jim Bennett said rodeo has been doing a good job. Appreciate what they do to get more people for us. 4 events, bull break away barrel

  2. Old Business:

    1. Last meeting in April kids night.

      1. Lion Steve Mclain will bring all 16 grand kids

  3. Lion Holly: old business: thank everybody with flags: Lion holly got standing ovation for for ironing flags. Handed out around 138 flags

  4. Lion Jim Rowlatt thought that lion Kuhn was exceptionally tall and Lion Doug Larson was exceptionally fat for pictures of flag workers on Lion's minutes.

    1. Lions handing out flags at Highland Park School were Lions Dan Korb, Ray Toth, Becky Toth, Holly Haas, Steve Jamruszka, Kelly Jones and Doug Larson.

    2. Lions handing out flags at St. Jude's were Lion Jerry Kuhn and Doug Larson

  5. Lion Steve Jamruszka's treasurer report: accepted

  6. Sight and Hearing

    1. February 28 first eye testing Gildford 1:00 pm the more Lions trained the better it is and easier to get the testing done.

      1. Any testing that is on Monday or Tuesday Lion Steve Jamruszka cannot work. We need volunteers to learn how and fill his spot.

  7. Past presidents meet Thursday February 28, 7 PM at Elks

  8. health and welfare nothing

  9. Correspondence: None

    food for tonight's dinner is from Pizza Hut for supporting Elks fundraiser.


Elks wanted everyone to know that on March 9th they would be having a 1980's party

Drawings: All Lions

Drawn but absent:Tom Allen, Jerry Kuhn, Jim Ward, Vic Velk, Kelly Jones

meal: Becky Toth

drink: Wanda Meredith

fine free Doug Hollingshead

50/50 $11.00 Dan Korb

Board meeting:

Lions present: Steve Jamruszka, Becky Toth, Holly Haas, Jim Heavey, Jim Bennett Ray Toth

Roger Meredith, Steve Mclain, Max Vogel, and Doug Larson

Lion Holly Haas made motion to donate $750 to rodeo, second, Lion Jim Bennett second. Motion Passed.





Havre Lions

February 7, 2019

Lion Vice President Becky Toth

16 members

Invocation: Lion Ray Toth

  1. Minutes: Lion Roger Meredith moved to approve. Second by Lion Jerry Kuhn to approve. Minutes approved.

  2. Correspondence:

    1. Salvation army thanking Lions for ringing bells and $1500 match.

    2. Highway department adopt-a-highway letter sent out. Lion Secretary Doug Larson will contact highway dept.

  3. Old Business

    1. Friday Feb. 15 2 PM Highland Park School

    2. Tuesday Feb 19 2:30 at St. Judes

    3. Portable booth: Nothing as of yet.

    4. kids night 2nd meeting in April 18 lion Steve will contact ladies we will have kids night

    5. Feb 28 meeting for nominations elks at 7 pm for all past presidents

    6. fence around new pavilion: campground committee is working on it

    7. last weekend in April state convention

      1. 26 & 27 Sidney. Lion Steve said club will reimburse for registration after the convention

      2. Lion Gregg Carlson has sent out different things to do about convention.

  4. Sight and Hearing:

    1. child find last October Rocky Boy

    2. expect to get numbers in near future

    3. scheduled eye tests – child find -

      1. need a minimum of 2 for testing

      2. need volunteers for Mondays and Tuesdays for eye testing, Lion Steve will be volunteering at Senior Center doing income tax returns.

      3. a real rewarding activity – they think about shots when getting tested

        1. commit next meeting!!!

      4. age group anywhere from 6 months to 99 years

      5. Dr. Erica farmer does most of Havre and works with Lions at Child Find at Methodist Church

  5. Lion Becky will be 1st VP next year and wants ideas of programs for next year

    1. Lions Jim Bennett and Becky Toth would like to have a mixer and invited people to see what lions is all about

      1. More info on it in future

  6. Health and welfare

      1. Lion Steve Jamruszka has a blown out hearing aid and can't hear.

      2. Lion mark Peterson retired

      3. Lion Jim Rowlatt had surgery

drawings all Lions

50/50 $8 Mark Peterson

absent Gary Stremcha Jim Bennett, Brian Olson, Scott Doney, Jim Heavey, Bill Woods, ,

meal Roger Meredith

drink Bob Patera

fine free – Mark Rowlatt






Havre Lions

Lion President Jim Heavey

January 17, 2019

Invocation: Lion Ray Toth


Minutes: Lion Wanda Meredith moved to approve with spelling corrections. Lion Becky Toth second. Motion passed.

No correspondence

Treasurer: Report Lion Steve Jamruszka accepted

Steak Fry: Lions Mark Rowlatt and Mark Peterson are is going to head up steak fry. The Steak Fry will be the weekend of August 3.


Lion Jerry Kuhn suggested that we get mikes for everyone. What?

Portable booth: Lion Max Vogel: van body - had meeting and discussed prices. Will check to see the cost of converting van or buying one already set up. Lion Vogel will keep track of Craig's list to see about vans for sale


Presidents' Day Flag distribution. Lion Holly Haas will organize flags: It will be 2 Pm Feb. 15. There are 7 classrooms of 1st graders, 135 students, about

150 flags coming. They will have 2 classrooms together so we will need at least 8 volunteers. 2 per group.

Lion Holly will print labels for flags saying Havre Lions on Labels.

Lion Jerry Kuhn will distribute flags Tuesday February 19th, 2:45 at St. Judes.

New Business: Valentine day anything to plan


Lion Jerry Kuhn: Kids night 2nd meeting in April, the 18th .


Elections: Feb 28 Nomination committee meeting of all past presidents. Meetings: March 7 1st call for nominations from the floor. March21 2nd call for nomination from the floor. April 4 3rd call for nominations and election. meeting at elks.



Last weekend in April is state convention: It will be in Sidney. Lion Gregg Carlson's son, Lion Ray, is president of Sidney Lions, and is heading it up.


Campground: Lion Mark Rowlatt: fence by new pavilion – Lion Mark Peterson has quite a bit of pipe for things. Need a small committee to design and figure our what we need – need to put a chunk of fence by old pavilion to block it off so no one drives through it. Committee – campground committee – will work on it


Lion Mark Peterson has portable welder said will get it done


health and welfare: Lion Holly's son is potty training – pooped on the toilet(What??) 17 days for daughter Lion Darin Boss said boys have more to think about. They stand up and sit down unlike girls who just sit. (What???)


Date for installation: First Thursday in June; 6th of June at the Ag Station.

Drawings: All Lions

Doug Hollingshead 10 dollars

meal: Wanda Meredith

drinks: Steve Jamruszka

fine free: Max Vogel




Havre Lions

Lion Jim Heavey

January 3, 2019


Invocation Lion Stoppa

20 Lions no guests

  1. Minutes: Lion Wayne Bolken moved to accept minutes. Lion Roger Meredith second. Motion passed

  2. Correspondence: Northern Alumni Foundation invitation to Northern Beach Ball February 16, 2019

  3. Old Business

    1. Assistance form: a more formal process to request work projects and funding: Lion Steve Jamruszka is hoping this will stimulate more for projects and funding. Also showing a time limit for presentation for funding.

    2. Christmas Party: 56 people.

      1. 2 of the Ladies who cook for us.

      2. 51 Lions,

      3. 3 guests: Honorary Lion Ron Coats Medicine Hat and Richard and Paulette Cronk of the Chinook Lions.

      4. Christmas Party netted a gain of $1054. 22

      5. Bar takes what they make

    3. Campground is reserved. August 2nd to 4th for the steak fry, Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends.

  4. Flags for first graders: Lion Holly Haas will head up and Lion Jerry Kuhn will organize St. Judes presentation.

  5. New business:

    1. Lion Gregg elections in February

  6. Health and Welfare: Lion

    Jeanie who help prepare our dinners had bad slip 3 wks ago. Still may need surgery


Drawings: All Lions:

Drink: Leonard Deppmeier ab. Terry Stoppa

Dinner: Doug Hollingshead

50/50: Doug Larson $10

FINE FREE: Gregg Carlson






Havre Lions Club

Lion President Jim Heavey

December 20, 1918


Invocation Lion Mark Peterson

Guest: Lions Scott and Penny Hayward

19 members present and 2 guests


  1. Minutes: Motion to approve Lion Wanda Meredith. Second Lion Becky Toth. Motion passed.

  2. Salvation Army Bell ringing: Lions raised $1815.82 + $1500 match. $500 was donated to IGA food drive.

  3. Correspondence: Christmas card from Northern Alumni Foundation

  4. Christmas Party: Lion Becky Toth said:

    1. MATT Theater needs 8 Hr of Labor in return for the skit presented at party.

    2. 2 Chinook Lions members attended ours and 7 Havre Lions attended theirs.

    3. Flags for 1st graders:

      1. Lion Holly Haas will do Flags. Those volunteering to help: Lions Becky Toth, Jim Heavey, Ray Toth, Steve Jamruszka, Jerry Kuhn.

  5. Elks Club is giving dictionaries to kids.

  6. Lion Steve Jamruszka:

    1. Draft for Lions Club assistance. Request wants feed back on draft. Passed out copies of draft. Lion Holly wants 15 minute presentation high lighted.

      1. Lion Guest Hayward said they give 20 minutes end of meeting. Lion Wanda Meredith suggested 10 to 15 Minutes. Lion Wanda suggested having form on website that can be downloaded. Lion Leonard Deppmeier suggested some how doing an app on phones.

      2. Lion Max Vogel: more project ideas on form example – informative. Present or request on top of sheet not always wanting donations.

  7. Lion's Campgrounds reserving: Memorial Day, Labor Day and Steak Fry Aug 2-4. Lion Tony Dolphay will reserve.

  8. Health and welfare: Lion Doug Hollingshead doing OK with shoulder. Lion Steve Mclain grandfather again. Makes 16-17 or 18

    Drawings: All Lions

    Meal Becky Toth,

    Drinks: Alec Mackay, Dan Korb, Winning Brent Peterson,

    50/50 Bob Patera

    Fine Free: Wanda Meredith

    Message from Elks Secretary to put Banners and Name tags away. Lion Leonard wants to be new Lion Tamer.

No Board meeting.

Lion Ray Toth acting secretary.(DBL)


Havre Lions

Lion President Jim Heavey

November 15, 2018


Lion Stoppa invocation

meeting invocation

  1. Minutes: Passed

  2. Correspondence:

    1. Thank you from salvation army and asking for our continued support.

  3. New Business:

    1. Discussion on Guests:

      1. Two types of guests

      2. Solicitors and real guests need to tell time limit.

      3. Solicitors should have a shorter time limit

      4. Finance meeting will meet tonight to build form to have people asking for money. Could have on form with a time limit and our mission, Lion Max Vogel said could go longer, if we have questions being asked.

      5. presentation 15 to 20 minutes to present.

      6. A training for how to control your guests and end speaker time.

      7. Presenters get a Lion but not solicitors.

      8. Lion Wanda, If people do not have our expectations, they don't know how long to talk. We need to tell them what we expect..

      9. When contacted, they should get form previous to meeting;

    2. Salvation Army bell ringing: starts 10:30 at North Forty and 10 15 at IGA

      1. bell ringing match: $1500 or up to what we raise.

      2. KOJM: Ask them to announce that lions will match up to $1500 on what we take in on that Saturday

    3. One of the things we support is IGA food baskets:

      1. $500 in past purchased by donations and matches by IGA

        1. Food Bank and Salvation Army distributes. We will do.

  4. Possible mixer for spouses: Christmas Caroling.

  5. Lion Holly Great Falls looking for readers to donate to vision screening:

  6. Christmas party a go.

  7. Health and welfare:

Drawings: All Lions

Meal: Tyler Smith: Kelly Jones, Mike Tilleman, winner Mark Rowlatt


Drinks: Doug Hollingshead


$10 Lion Holly Haas


meeting adjourned 7:3


Lion Doug Hollingshead won fine free sold to highest bidder Lion Doug Larson $5.00


Havre Lions

November 1, 2018

Lion President Jim Heavey

Invocation: Lion Ray Toth

Speaker: Lorraine Verplogen:

Asking for money:


Plant a seed read:

Started with united way

Dolly Parton – instituted:

Many children entering schools did not have the vocabulary they needed

from birth to 5 85 % of a child's learning is done then.

Social Emotional: very important

Umbrella program so sponsor b

Get books once a month

talking about listening and reading

Everything you do in front of a child you give them an example

The best thing you can do to your child is to read to them

Depend on community members to pay for registration for Seed To Read

Question from Lion: How do you know the parents are reading: by taking to some.

Theory of Dolly: She wanted every child to have their own books, so when they are parents they have a selection of books to read to their children

5 age groups:

each age group gets a selection of 12 books a year.

People can do with the books as they want. Have a need. There are 993 kids that need books.

All children are eligible

All children are in need

Current results 493. 562 kids still involved.

Single sponsor is $30 for one year

Prefer to get them in when new born

How do they decide who get books when donation is made


Could be a waiting list: everyone is a volunteer.

Majority of money goes to kids.

$30 gets them 12 books


Have serviced over 1000 kids from start

They are quality books in content and structure

Kids learn by exploring in first 5 years

Over 1400 kid in Hill County

When you are reading you are bonding; which is very necessary

“I can” attitude will help them in future

Life long learners

cost effective:

Literacy and learning drives success

30 slots need sponsorship during the 5 years -

allocations: Ask if there is someone in family who will sponsor a child.

If not, Lorraine will go out and seek a sponsorship

Graduate 4 to 5 children a month

What is Lorraine's hope from Lions tonight: Wants to have us give what we can if we believe in project.

a lot donate in memory of people

Lion Mark Rowlatt suggested donate for 5 kids for 5 years


  1. Minutes approved:

  2. correspondence:

    1. Thank you from Havre Beneath the Streets for our donation in honor of Eunice DeRosa.

    2. Thank you from the family of Eunice DeRosa in honor of her to Havre Beneath the Streets.

  3. Finance: Treasurer report approved, year to date

    finance committee to work on standard budget.

      1. Lion Gary Stremcha said money we set aside for glasses and thing has dropped to almost zero. We need to reevaluate how much we set aside in budget.

      2. many accounts have money but no designation

      3. By December, Lion Steve Jamruszka said will have things set up as continuing budget.

      4. Will not be adopted by committee. The club will decide on final budget

      5. Lions Holly Haas, Mark Peterson, Mark Rowlatt, and Steve Jamruszka will be working on this.

  4. Lion Mark Rowlatt: Cooker: Lion Steve Jamruszka picked up new used cooker in Butte. It is 900k BTU, needs cleaned up, stored inside now. Lion Mark Rowlatt said we should try out both cookers in Saturday night get together.

    1. Cooks ask for one of December meetings off. We could use that to test fryers.

    2. The one given to us is commercial propane floor model

      1. 2010 or 2011 unit, well worth picking up, we have 4 extra baskets, which we did not have to pay for

  5. Portable Booth committee – van body no results. Lion Brian Olson said should have more of the people building food booth. Lion Doug Larson said should check with Sanitarian to make sure we are OK with rules. Sadie Johnson is official sanitarian

  6. Lion Jim Heavey said will have bell ringing at North 40 and IGA December 8

      1. Lion Steve Jamruszka said should have a board telling what we have done for the past year. People would see Lions Club is supporter of things in the community. Do and get forgiveness instead of getting permission. Lion Steve Jamruszka will be out delivering hot chocolate

      2. Lion Jerry k. said should have two Lions in costume. Lion Kelly Jones will do one need another.

        1. bell ringing sign up passed around

  7. state lions conference December 7 & 8 conference in Butte

  8. Next week will meet for Melvin Jones Thursday at 7 Elks for MJF award

  9. Health and Welfare: Lion Tom Allen had his shoulder worked on.

      1. Lion Mark Peterson is great grandfather



All Lions:

$12 50/50 Jerry Kuhn won donated back

Fine free Jim Heavey

meal: Mark Rowlatt

drink: Tom Allen

meeting adjourned: 8:24

Directors meeting:

Lions: Mark Rowlatt, Becky, Steve Mclain, Steve Jamruszka, Brian Olson, Jim Heavey, Jerry Kuhn, Max Vogel,, Mark Peterson


Lion Mark Rowlatt made motion to sponsor 8 kids from beginning to end: 8 x $150

Was discussed and decided we need to come up with a form telling us what they want from us and put an application process:

It was decided to combine everyone's thoughts and table:

We need to have a form that they fill out so we know what we are doing

Lion Vogel second: Moved to table until we get a program. Lion Max moved to table. Lion Jerry moved to second. Motion approved to table. Two opposed.






Havre Lions

October 18, 2018

Lion President Jim Heavey


Invocation Lion Mark Peterson

Program: Lion Tyler Smith and Scott Doney

  1. Health and Welfare:

    1. Lion Gregg Carlson has a bad cold. Lion Larson volunteered to take him some fluids(O'Douls)

    Meeting Called to Order: 707

  2. Correspondence:

    Bob and Edna Kuhn thanking Lions for bringing bag pipe in for parade. They donated $100 to help support bringing them in. Said they were great.

  3. Old Business:

    1. Cooking for Legends:

      1. Lion Doug H. pheasants: 3 went sat to help Kiwanis: ward, Dolphay, Hollingshead

      2. Sunday: morning and afternoon, both had good Lions turn out.

      3. Everything went well: Anything different: couple issues getting into building. Everything else was good.

      4. Lon Bill Woods: Glasses: haven't counted how lots of glasses: Usually take to Great Falls: Got Oodles of glasses. Lion Larson told him to call if he needs help.

    2. Lion Ray Toth: Festival Days 1 and ½ sheet from Steve

  4. Lions Doney and Smith the Situation the fair:

    1. Chairman of fair board: Lion Tyler Smith

      1. Wants to know how can we make our fair better:

        1. couple of questions: Lion Max Vogel: lunch crowd was cut down: Lion Tyler said next year would start later and run later, stay when it cools down, and more people were coming out.

      2. $28 k off of parking

      3. Chuck wagon up over 10k

      4. This year was a handy cap with charging. Next year most will be ready to pay, and it won't be a problem Lion Jim Rowlatt stated.

      5. A hundred people that gave 20- for just one day as a donation

      6. Next year have groups wanting to donate time or for money

      7. Absentee ballot asking for up to 4 mills in ballot to help fund fair. This year got $3100 for fair. If 4 mills passes would give $140k per year for the fair. They are looking to the future and trying to do things that will keep people coming. Take about a year for money to reach them.

        1. A new grandstand behind chuck wagon facing in a different direction for better use.

        2. continued work in barn roof, bathrooms

        3. Rodeo Grounds: Surface to handle rain so does not look like a mud run

        4. mill leave y 75% for capital improvement

        5. get full time management in place

          • need someone as a contracted employment

          • not hourly employees, that doesn't work

        6. do you want improvement at fair grounds or not. Fair takes care of itself. In the black for first time this year not for 40 years.

        7. parking and not having a manager – money according to Lion Scott Doney for capital improvement

        8. he fair is dieing. As it is. We need to change.

        9. here is an event every weekend there are other things above the fair

      8. Other fairs receive more money to put on their fairs: Examples

        1. Blain $40k

        2. Dodson $70k

        3. Choteau $110k

        4. Toole $120k

      9. Our fair is at bottom of food chain

      10. park and fair grounds need to be self sufficient

      11. Moving fair to August- carnival has us over a barrel , 2 carnival providers

      12. Lion Leonard worked fossil festival how and knows how hard a volunteer board can work – Personally think for be so good to the community

      13. having the board volunteering helped at gate

      14. important to talk to neighbors that the board is doing a good job.

      15. People need to know how much the fair is being used

      16. Last two years have been getting 5 k college rodeo 3 k from HS rodeo

      17. 4 H will not have free ride any more

      18. taking a percentage off of livestock sale

      19. Once a month Lion Leonard reads about museum. The fair needs to have something about what is going on at fair. Return of investments on money spent is important

      20. new grandstands may bee convention center in future long term plan

      21. carnival made fair 10k. 10 yr ago 20k

      22. we are only fair that dos not pay anything for carnival to come

      23. Chinook pays 15 to 18k

      24. not bringing a game big rides

      25. “The fair board accomplished a lot, and hope everyone supports them” Said Lion Mark Peterson .

      26. Will still have a fair and life will go on if mil goes down.

      27. Does the 4 H pay same amount as lions – waved fees for 5 years and money would go to chuck wagon - there contract will end in April

      28. new grand stands will face east

      29. carnival open time hard line. Wants flexibility but need a hard time/ no other providers

      30. if we come together as a community we would be way better off -

  5. New Business:

    1. December 7 and 8th Montana forum

    2. Salvation army bell ringing ; “We notified them last year in September and still got a shitty day:“ Lion Holly. Haas

      1. Will try for December 8th.

    3. Christmas party December 15. Will have lots of fun and good time. Lions Jim Bennett and Becky Toth are coming up with some good things

  6. Camp Ground: Lion Hollingshead: update at campground tree is down. Chad will work on getting it cut up and will plant grass

  7. Health and Welfare: Lion Gregg Carlson bad cold needed fluids. Lion larson called and volunteered to take some fluids. (O'Douls)

Drawings: All Lions: Drinks Darrin Boss, Meal Brian Olson, Fine Free Jim Heavey, Brian Olson 50/50 $11. Meeting adjourned 8;:29




Havre Lions

Lion Jim Heavey

October 4, 2018

20 members 2 guests

Invocation Lion Ray Toth

Guest: of Lion Roger Meredith: Jim Lowen

Guest of Lion Becky Toth: Marielle Simonson

Meeting called to order 7:07

  1. Old Business:

    1. Festival days: good group walking with Lincoln: All Lions President Jim Heavey, Becky Toth, Gregg Carlson, Bob Patera. In Lion costumes – Jerry Kuhn and Kelly Jones.

      1. Lion Ray Toth: need new signs and banners for parade

      2. Thank you card to Worstell's for the use of the Lincoln

      3. Lion Jerry Kelly and Becky had a blast with bag pipers. Walked in costume a head of pipers. Bag pipers want us to make a flag to fasten to bag pipe.

      4. Lion Jim Rowlatt said investment for Bag Pipers was a good investment, and having Lion Jerry and Kelly walking with bag pipers let everyone know we sponsored.

      5. Lion Becky will be in charge of getting a flag for bag pipe saying lions

    2. Pronto Pup sales:

      1. 2 cases of dogs for sale

      2. deposited $2200 change of $500

      3. Expenses IGA $381

      4. Lion Jim Heavey has a van body that is all aluminum if the club wants to use. Has a generator refrigerator. Lion Jim will give it to lions. 24 foot long. Will need a trailer with two axles.

        1. Committee to work on trailer:

          • All Lions: Gregg Carlson. Ray Toth, Mark Rowlatt, Doug Larson Max Vogel, along with work committee

    3. NALSF

      1. at chuck wagon

      2. Sunday morning around 5:45

      3. afternoon 3:00

      4. sign up for NALSF passed around

      5. Lion Doug Hollingshead and Tony Dolphay will help Kiwanis on sat.

    4. Christmas party: all taken care of by lion Becky

  2. Vision: Lions Steve Jamruszka and Tom Allen: vision test at rocky boy

    1. all were head starters and child find: high referral incidents. Probably did more than 150 with a referral rate of 30 to 40 per cent

  3. Lion Holly Haas: Lady from St Judes wants to know if we would have Pronto Pup Booth at their pumpkin patch. The date October 19 and 20 from 3 to 7

    1. Veto: no go. Not set up to do it.

  4. Correspondence

    1. Community foundation grant

    2. Thank yous from: Red Cross, Senior Center, Northern Alumni weekend

  5. Health and welfare:

    1. Lion Leonard was suppose to be here for his 70th birth day

    2. Past Lion Cliff Jacobson funeral today

    3. Birthday card passed around to have signed for honorary Lion Member Ron Kotes

  6. Montana sight and hearing foundation 21 guns

drinks Jim Rowlatt

dinner Holly Haas

tom Klein 50/ 50

fine free Jim Rowlatt


new fryer was on display during meeting






SEPTEMBER 20, 2018


Invocation: Lion Ray Toth

Guest: District Vice Governor. Verona Love from Dillon

Lion since 2011

When came here tonight this is what she was told: This (Havre) is what Lions is about.

1st vice distinct gov.

one of the largest area distinct in division 1

New Jersey has 3 districts

Our District has 66 clubs 1673 members. It has 3 sections. The central section she takes care of.

Lions is a matter of service

Gudrun Bjort Yngvadottir new international president. First woman president

emphasizing service

encouraging increasing membership

support LCIF

increase more women

our distinct governor 37 support Lions Club International

Montana Lions are unique

every Lions Club is unique

support each other in Montana

on second century of service

issue is membership

how do we support each other and Lions International and support our community

Lion Dennis wants to add 5 members to each club

Lion Verona Love will be gov. in 2020 and wants to have 2020 Lions in Montana

Lion Love was Attracted to Lions by service

Maybe some of the projects we do don't serve the community

Make sure what you are doing is working.

Service work attracts membership

Montana lottery retreat invitation only

can take 2 in Butte for this two days and give you a shot in the arm

forum; We don't need outsiders: we need to use the people we have.

December 7th and 8th , $50 registration $70 a night hotel

Good leadership is necessary. What are you doing to retain members?

Are you happy in this club. What could we do to make you more involved.

Want to suggest: if you need new projects: We Serve always

first things we do is sight and hearing

more people are dieing from diabetes #1 issue for lions. Diabetes awareness.

Lions does things for the environment, hunger, vision (plus opt-ix),

pediatric cancer

Zone Chair: State has a money for grants. Our district is doing well financially. Next years convention is in Sidney.

lions clubs make better communities.

How many people are not asked to be lions.

Hundreds of Lions at hurricane. They were with Trump working

Lions were the first on the ground in Puerto Rico.

Montana Sight and hearing. We want you to be proud of your district.

When you do things only in your community, you area is small. Need to be involved with more than just your community.


  1. Correspondence Thank you from Jody Olson for supporting south Alberta pipe band.

  2. Minutes: Lion Wayne Bolken moved to accept minutes. Lion Bob Patera second. Motion passed.

  3. Old Business:

    1. Lion Bill Woods is planning on riding in Lincoln.

    2. Kiwanis is starting at 7 serving and would appreciate help.

    3. Lion Becky Toth: Lion Jerry Kuhn will and lion Jim Bennett will accompany bag pipers in Lions costumes. Lion Becky Toth and group will go around with bag pipers so everyone knows that Lions is the club that sponsored them

    4. Christmas Party December 15 NMC ballroom

      1. Do Italian for food. Will have something for those that are lactose intolerant. Contact lion Becky if you have dietary restriction.

    5. Legends pheasant Breakfast and dinner:

      1. moved to chuck wagon

    6. Ideas for more community involvement

    7. Kiwanis needs help with pancake breakfast on Saturday of Festival Days.

  4. New Business

    1. Red Cross blood drawing: Lions Wayne Bolken, Doug Larson, Vic Velk , Steve Jamruszka, and Lion Gregg Carlson made sandwiches and served blood donors.

    2. Lion Mark Rowlatt fryer: If it works out we could buy a double for Fries. Lion Ray Toth said a lot of time went into picking the propane fryer.

  5. Lion Verona said had a propane fryer in Butte for us, if we want to come down an pick up. Lion Jim Rowlatt said we would take it.

  6. Health and welfare:
    Lion Leonard Deppmeier's mother in law passed away.

Past Lion cliff Jacobson is too weak to get out.

Drawings: All Lions: Leonard Deppmeier drawn, Steve McClain wins

Meal: Wayne Bolken

fine free: Jim Heavey

50/50 Doug Hollingshead donated back


Meeting adjourned.,



Havre Lions

September 6, 2018

Lion Vice President Jim Bennett


Invocation Lion Leonard Deppmeier

  1. Old Business:
  2. Cooking at Festival Days: Sun shade and propane cooker to cook Pronto Pups. Will discuss buying cooker at board meeting.


  1. Lion Becky Christmas party:
    1. December 15 at MSU Northern
    2. it will be fun
    3. different than the past
    4. no strippers
    5. Menu:
    6.             lasagna, alfredo
      1. stuffed mushrooms and other things
    7. Megan will be the bartender for the Elks
    8. entertainment


  1. Shrimp boil: Lion Becky Toth shrimp boil great
  1. New Business
    1. Wouldn’t it be great to have everyone wear vest to meetings?
      1. Lion Steve Jamruszka said could have fines if not wearing vest
    2. Lion Jim Rowlatt ; Has vest of   Lion Dick Nault could auction at Christmas party
    3. Red Cross:  Time 11 – 5:30 at St. Judes Parish Center. Senior center puts together and we pay. $125  Lion Steve Jamruszka will check with senior center if they will make sandwiches
    4. Pheasant hunt October 7 Sunday: signup sheet next meeting need for breakfast and dinner
    5. Committee signup sheet passed around.
      1. Some committees fell off radar
      2. lion Steve new committee to add - vision screening:
    6. Soup Kitchen: need someone for Monday to pick up food from IGA
    7. Signup for air show: 6:45 Saturday
    8. next weekend homecoming for MSU Northern
      1. Sept 14 borrow barbeque 5-6 
    9. Lion Becky Toth will be in charge of committees
  2. Jody Olson needs more people to be on the parade route
    1. parade route has change
    2. Can’t park on 3rd Ave between 2nd and 4th St.
    3. 2 quilt shows
    4. many people said they would love if we have pronto pups


  1. Lion Becky Toth  thanked Jody for all her help and sharing on face book about lions sponsoring bag pipers
  1. Health and welfare: Lions Becky Toth and Jerry Kuhn are turning 40, celebration Saturday 7:00 pm at the Elks.
    1. Lion Tony Dolphay a grandfather
    2. Lion Steve McLain grandfather again. Total of 16
  2. Campground: update – horse shoe pits installed
    1. Lion Korb brought out skidster and equipment
    2. Next project push to put up iron around pavilion on Memorial  weekend 2019
  3.  Lion Ray Toth: glasses from Evans

Drawings; All Lions

50/50 Ray Toth $10

Fine free Becky Toth

Drink Doug Larson

Dinner Gary Stremcha


Board Meeting:

Decided to sell Pronto Pups during Festival Days

Also Lions Becky Toth and Mark Rowlatt will purchase a propane fryer. Limit around $500 with discretion.




Havre Lions

August 16, 2018

Lion President Jim Heavey


Meeting called to order: 6:32

Invocation Lion Terry Stoppa

Minutes: Minutes approved as read.

Treasurer report: Fair 2018 net 19,508.78 2017 18019.94

2017 bought 3 cookers and 2 freezer.

Significant decrease in income.

Correspondence thank you from Shylea Wingard of Montana State University Extension for buying a lamb.

Steak Fry:

3 kettles for cooking: $10.00 Cornbread with honey butter, coleslaw, Jeff Holsapple donating corn. Everything but beverages is included. Cookies for desert.

Festival Days: Bag Pipe wants more money: Deferred to board meeting:

Sight and hearing foundation: National police officers night out: had donation for sight and hearing: Lion Becky will check and see how much was donated.

Upcoming events:

Festival Days: Lion ray Toth: will have Lincoln and people to hand out candy. Lion Becky will purchase candy. Chamber 220 power for cooking: Lion

Lion Larson brought up 3 on 3 basket ball tourney for festival days and next year at fair. There was no response, was dropped.

Lion Becky Saturday 15 of December for Lions Christmas Party. Cowboy Christmas December 1. Chancellor meeting Dec 8 so the 15th for the Christmas party.

health and welfare: None


All Lions

Drink Jim Heavey

dinner Ray Toth

50/50 Gregg Carlson $10

Fine Free Ray Toth

meeting adjourned: 7:24


Directors Meeting:

Members present: All Lions:Mark Rowlatt, Roger Meredith, Tom Klein, Becky Toth, Jim Bennett, Ray Toth, Max Vogel, President Jim Heavey, Doug Larson, Steve Jamruszka , Jacob Lorang, Mark Peterson, Jerry Kuhn, Gregg Carlson,

Bag Pipe Pipers:

Lion Wayne Bolken moved to give the bag pipers $1000. Second Lion Becky

Lions Becky and Mark Rowlatt said should go around with pipers to show that we sponsored them,

Lion Max Vogel; What good does it do for Lions: go around all the day and, and we go around with a bucket for donations; will donate $1000 for the bag pipers.

Lions Becky and Mark Rowlatt, and Jerry Kuhn want to go around with them to market and get donations for us sponsoring.


Meeting adjourned : 7:39



Havre Lions

August 2, 2018

Lion President Jim Heavey


Meeting called to order without bell

Invocation:Lion Ray Toth

24 members 2 guests & Jody Olson Havre Chamber speaker

Guests: Lion Mark Peterson Guests: Brooke And Baily Ross guests

Lion Brian Olson introduced wife Jody Olson executive director of Havre Chamber

  1. Minutes: Lion Wayne Bolken moved to accept minutes from email motion passed. Will present at next meeting.

  2. Treasurer report Lion Steve Jamruszka

    1. all accounts 52k +

    2. June 30 treasurer report 53109.50 in all accounts

    3. Fair Partial report:

      1. coke and Sysco not paid

    4. Income down 22.5%

    5. use to whole income around 50,000 this year around 38000

      1. sold 108 cases of fries usually 150 cases

      2. Last year had expenses buying equipment: Fryers and freezers

  3. Correspondence:

    1. Thank you from Lion Jim Bennett for helping at Ag appreciation Banquet at the Northern Ag Resource station annual field day 328 plates served

    2. Senior Citizens request help on building a shed 16/X 10 feet. Lion Steve will help figure cost of material and will be a board decision

      1. Senior citizens has always donated bingo balls for kids night

  4. Upcoming

    1. 18th Aug steak fry calling committee volunteers

  5. Salvation army short of funds: Lion Wayne should we consider donating more to this. Local request for donating – Lion Steve will contact Trina Crawford and maybe see what we can do.

  6. Lion Steve Jamruszka wants to get a committee together to plan for expenses for the year and see what we should do.

  7. Lion Mark Peterson and Lion Doug Larson volunteered with Lion Ray Toth for calling for steak fry

    1. Lion Doug Larson will send out an email to see if they will be going to steak fry and those that are not put a zero or tell that they will not go

  8. Festival Days Jody Olson – September 21-23

    1. new parade route – 5th and west on 3rd st

    2. Trying to get it a down town venders will be down there and block of 3rd ave 2nd - 4th st

    3. if weather is bad can go into atrium

    4. taking nominations for grand marshal for parade

    5. Can use the whole atrium parking lot can set up for pronto pups or games for kids

    6. rock lotto starts at 3

    7. look for schedule of events

    8. South Alberta pipe band: email – asking for 12 members asking if Lions could afford more money. $1650 is what they pay or their expenses $1000 from lions would really help.

    9. Jody Olson will check if there is power for us to hook up for cooking pronto pups

    10. Festival days: Lion Ray Toth Lincoln is down

  9. Christmas party: Scheduling date left up to vice presidents: expect a report at next meeting:

  10. Health and welfare – Alice Ineze Bennett was born Monday morning

  11. Police night out lions will be paying for the meal

  12. Lion President lost bell at beginning of meeting. Lion Bill Woods had the bell??

Drawings: all Lions

Wanda Meredith 50/50 $12

Drinks Bob Patera

Meal Leonard Deppmeier donated back

fine free – Leonard Deppmeier

meeting adjourned 7:46

Meeting 7/23/18 
Lion Jim Heavey
Pronto Pup Booth
The booth was cleaned and everything stored away. 
It was brought up by Lion Doug Larson that a possible way to make money and get more people involved with the fair was to sponsor a 3 on 3 basketball tournament. Also some thought that a tug a war competition may also work. Ideas will be discussed at next meeting. 
The 3 on 3 tourney was suggested to Lion Larson by Robbie Gomke. 




Havre Lions

June 21, 2018

Lion President Jim Heavey


Invocation Lion Terry Stoppa


  1. Lion Kelly Jones moved to accept minutes. Lion Ray Toth Second. Motion Passed.

  2. Dues are $72.00 . Need to pay by end of June

  3. Correspondence:

    1. Highway dept thank you for picking ditches.

    2. Lion Holly correspondence Two team pictures from Lions softball teams: Lion Becky said we should put baseball pictures at booth.

  4. Special election results: 3rd VP Mark Rowlatt and Lion Jerry Kuhn tail twister:

  5. Senior Citizen org: would like us to sponsor a shed for a shed at senior Center. They need it to store things for their garage sale.

  6. Booth Clean Up: 9th and 16th Start at 5:00 or when you can get there. Eat at 6:00

    1. Lion President Jim H. will bring power washer: Bring cleaning rags and things to clean up.

    2. Lion Steve Jamruszka will pick up cleaning fluids.

      1. Supplies for booth. - Northern has switched to Cisco ordered 60 cases

      2. last year we did 154 cases: we should order 150 cases.

      3. Lion Becky will store 50 on Monday order, Wednesday, and Friday

    3. Lion Doug Hollingshead will take care of condiments

    4. Lion Bob Patera ordered 1500 pounds of hot dogs

    5. Lions: Chinook and Cut Bank we will have enough flour for them and our fair.

    6. Water: 150 cases from IGA. Lion Wayne will take care of it at IGA

    7. 56 bags of ice total 15 a day

    8. Prices: Lion Bob and Lion Steve Same as last year. Move as last year. Passed.

  7. Entrance Fee: $5.00 per car.

  8. Lion Steve Jamruszka fair board is mot going to charge enforcing until 11:00 am. – rides won't happen until 2:00 but advertising shouldn't say fair because food booths will be open at noon.

  9. Lion Steve J. Lion said Lion Mark Peterson will have side by side to haul things in.

    1. Two or three members to stand out where there charging fee for parking.

      1. Look at pronto pup fries and drink. Offer a dollar discount – Think about it then will discuss next meetings.

  10. Lion Steve Jamruszka: Erika Farmer – project doing a discover food truck event down town – would pay our fee being we are non profit –by 305 Building: would need power – Lion Holly Haas made motion to not participate June 30. Lion Tom Klein second. Motion passed. Will not participate.

  11. Upcoming events

    1. Fair July 18

    2. Stake fry

    3. Sept 1-3rd camp out

      1. South end of campground can not be reserved: Lion Wanda said – Lions A and B Included Lion Wanda they just can't make up shit.

Drawings: All Lions:

meal: Mark Benjamin: Terry Stoppa won Drink: Doug Hollingshead, Mark Rowlatt, Jim Rowlatt won. 50/50 Bob Patera $9.00. Fine Free: Stoppa





Havre Lions

May 3, 2018

Lion Holly Haas President

Invocation Lion Ray Toth

  1. Northern Rodeo Program: Kyle Mikuski, and Gilbert Ekra talked about the Great Northern Ram Rodeo and Cody Four Colors Memorial Sponsorship.

    1. Cody Four Colors memorial bull riding July 20th

    2. Youth are invited to participate

    3. Hope to improve attendance at fair

    4. Cody Four Colors Memorial

    5. Sponsorship:

      1. Main event is $1500

      2. Grateful to old sponsorship, but look forward to new sponsorship

    6. Slack(extra contestants) holds other entries in morning to keep things rolling in evening.

    7. Cody Four Colors was Bull rider in the hi-line and a lot of people know him. From Rocky Boy. Got in accident with a bull lost his life.

    8. Hi-line rodeo team will be having kids rodeo

  2. Old Business:

    1. Northern's metals is making Lions emblem for barbeque. They are having trouble making it. Working on it with old technology. Metal is being donated by Chuck Terry metals instructor from MSUN. . Should have it painted to last longer.

    2. Installation dinner will be at Fort first Thursday of June, 6/7/2018.

    3. Lions Jim Ward and Steve Jamruszka worked at Americorp brush clean up

      1. Americorp sent a thank you card for their help.

  3. New Business:

    1. 4-H contacted Lion Jim Bennett about Chuck Wagon work: Starting Sheet rock 9-2 on Saturday. Asking for help. Want to have it completed this weekend. No sign up sheet. 50 4x12 sheets were unloaded tonight.

      1. Lion Mark Peterson said Wally Duchscher donated $100k. To completed Chuck Wagon.

    2. Ditch Cleaning: First mile is not adoptable. The ditches are horrible. Permit 1075.

      1. Lion Ray: muddy in bottom of ditches:

      2. Next Thursday Meet new E-One which is Old Halliburton.

        1. Lion Secretary will notify next Thursday if it is too wet. 6:00 pm

    3. Campground clean up Lion Mark Rowlatt said lots of branches down was trying to get head of start of camping. Next Cleanup is scheduled over Memorial Day

    4. Lion Simonson requesting barbeque and lions to cook for 4th of July at Pepin Park. Sign up at installation.

    5. Fair Clean Up: First meeting is 5th of July. Question Do we want to move to 2nd or the 9th Will decide at the installation

    6. Sight and hearing in Great Falls supplies hearing aids to low income. Takes 5 to 9 months to get hearing aid. Great Falls Lions Club has application: Lions club pays $200 person pays 100. fitted to person's ear.

  4. Recently had a Havre referral and she was referred to us. Lion Tony Dolphay is contact. Lion Tony will get in contact with Lion Holly and will take care of situation.

  5. Financial Report: Given by Lion Steve Jamruszka. Expenditures will not be as high as we thought.

  6. Eye testing

    1. Gave away pencils with Havre Lions Club printed on it.

    2. Lions pins with paw print on it. Went over very well. Went through last supply of paw print pins. Had ordered 100.

    3. Lion Ray asked if water flooding created a problem. Lion Steve said no problem getting to screening with flooding.

  7. Vision Screening final report.

    1. 470 Heads screened.

    2. 310 passed

    3. 146 referred

    4. Lion Holly referred to several daycare for sight and hearing.

    5. Lion Falcon in Kalispell – every 2 years kids need to be screened. Not getting referrals in Havre being Dr. Farmer is doing most of Havre. Talked to Chinook Principal and will do full elementary next year.

    6. Lion Holly will take to Day Care Group meeting.

    7. Lion Wanda will talk to Havre School nurse and tell what we can do.

  8. Membership Dues: Lion Steve Jamruszka: Our roster needs to be finalized by July 1, or we can loose money and will not get a refund from national, if someone does not renew and we had paid for them.

  9. Health and welfare: None

  10. Correspondence: Thank you from Havre Public schools for eye testing

Drawing: All Lions

Meal: Mike Wojtowick absent. Brian Simonson won

Drink Holly Haas

50/50 Brian Robertson 13.00

Fine Free: Wanda Meredith


Meeting adjourned: 7:57


Board Meeting:

Members Present:All Lions: Holy Haas, Steve Jamruszka, Doug Larson

Craig Tilleman, Wayne Bolken, Mark Peterson, Doug Hollingshead, Ray Toth, Brian Simonson

Lion Steve asking for OK for his reimbursement: He needs to make a payment to national with credit card, and $138 for gas for eye testing. Lion Mark Peterson made motion. Lion Wayne Bolken made second. Motion passed.


A young lady has earned distinguished shooting award: We will invite to meeting, and present a coat, plaque. Lion Brian Simonson moved Lion Mark Peterson second. Motion Passed.


$750 for rodeo already in budget. No change.




Havre Lions Club

April 5, 2018 26 members

Lion President Holly Haas

Guest Pam Veis Hill County Community Foundation: arts and culture, community beautification1995 Ken and Karen Myers were challenged to start with other distributors community foundations, Endowment is just over $50k. All money is for Hill county. There have been funds that have been distributed outside Havre to smaller communities. Have had some that could not finance.

Spring for art fund raiser this spring. Looking for long term investment.

April 21 community beautification and arts and culture at old post office:

6 – 11. Wine in 48 post office boxes and buy box and be surprised

Marge Holt playing

silent auction different packages

tickets $45 per person Table sponsor $300 for 6 400 for 8

all a volunteer board

Charge 1% annually



get a lot of stuff

The foundations is a heck of deal for county. Fund and dollars are being managed very well.

Maybe in future do 501 3 c, now they operate under state 501 3 c. Donations are deductible.

If anyone would like to be on Community Foundation, let Jim Bennett know

Guest; Dale Hurd Northern Montana Hospital: Talk on first aid class, stop the bleed.

Started after Sandy Hook shooting

Simple measures the average person can do to save people

provided at no cost to train everyone in America to stop the bleed save someone

put on 19 classes for 1 hour. Have all the equipment to train you sponsored by Northern Montana Hospital,

Come to class: Can buy bleed equipment to take care of uncontrolled bleed

Perfect class for the high-line, where we are far from hospitals.

Taking this class may enable you to stop bleeding and save you, family member or friend

everyone should do it. Is good for hockey, girl scouts, boy scouts, etc. It is not a hard class do. Do not have to sign up, just show up.

Invocation: Lion Terry Stoppa

Members present. 26 and 2 guests

  1. Minutes: Lion Jim Bennett – Too many spelling errors and grammatical errors

    1. Lion Craig Tilleman moved accept with Lion Wanda Meredith with corrections in spelling.

  2. Nomination: Lion Bob Patera read nominations and asked for nominations from the floor. No other nominations

    Ballots were distributed

  3. Old Business:

    1. Update on service organization signs shops

      1. Lion Terry Stoppa did research on putting signs at edge of town. Lion Stoppa said we need permission. It can not be on highway right of way. Have to go through highway department and pay advertising fee.

      2. Question on how wide is right of way. Matt Ladenberg from Havre MDT said it varies.

      3. Lion Holly found signs on Lions Supply: 30 inch sign with times and dates where they meet

      4. Lion Tyler Smith has idea for large signs at fair grounds (Lion Mark Peterson said) May be able to put Lions sign on top of it

        1. Lion Jacob Lorang supports this.

    2. Lion Doug Larson: Festival days: The path of parade will end by 305 building, Reason is they are trying to get people to gather there. This is where most of the venders will be located. Lions should think about setting up to sell Pronto Pups.

      1. Lion Steve festival days convertible – get more mileage out of this, if we have more Lions. Flat bed with members and sign board telling what we do might be something to think about.

        1. Incorporate car with flat bed behind

        2. Lion Mark Peterson has a flat bed to use.

    3. Voting Results: All Lions - President: Jim Heavey, 1st VP: Jim Bennett, 2nd VP: Brian Simonson, 3rd VP: Becky Toth, Secretary: Doug Larson, Treasurer: Steve Jamruszka, directors 1 year hold over: Mark Peterson, Tyler Smith, Ray Toth, 2 year elected: Tom Klein, Steve Mclain, Max Vogel, Lion Tamers: Brian Olson and Gary Stremcha, Tail Twisters: Tony Dolphay and Norton Pease, Membership: Norton Pease – Chair, Jerad Gillen, and Craig Tilleman. Past President – Holly Haas.

      1. Lion Tom Allen moved to destroy ballots and Lion Bob Patera second. Take it serious. Step up and take a position.

      2. Getting tougher and tougher to find people to take offices.

    4. Lion Brian Olson: fish fry makes more money than Lions does at the fair. Suggested a fund raiser of a fish fry during fishing tournament. He said it is a pot of gold to do fish fry during fishing tournament

    5. Lion Ray Toth - track meet canceled – won't be asking for help – might be just going to other events

    6. Walleye Fish fry. Only need 8 people sign up sheet going around

    7. Memorial day camp out

    8. Ski Patrol borrowed barbeque. Thank you from Lion Dan Korb. barbeque needs some maintenance

      1. Lion Jacob will plan a work party to work on it, when it warms up.

    9. Officer installation: If at Fort, it can not be second meeting in June. Need to plan.

    10. Table Calendar: Thank you to Lion Steve Jamruszka for table top signs with calendar

    11. Eye testing : sign up sheet passed around - if you want to get involve do it.

      Testing is April 10 – 13 Methodist Church

    12. Next meeting program: Andrew Rowin – he is MSU Northern head football coach

      1. He wants to go around to different groups and is looking forward meeting people of the community.

  4. Financial report: Lion Steve Jamruszka was accepted.

    1. Lion Brian how did these accounts get established; Was done before Lion Steve Jamruszka took over. He is trying to maintain funds for what we want to do

    2. budget spending would be voted on by the board

    3. Lions field and campground – sponsorship but not ownership. We have taken on area to improve.

      1. Lion Steve Jamruszka said: Will maintain budget until told to do different. What we sponsored in past, we have decided to continue until voted on by board to change.

        1. If we want to adjust, we can through the board.

      2. Lion Brian Olson – nothing changes. Lion Steve Jamruszka: When we want to deviate, we need to go through board. If you want to change bring it forward

        1. We will talk about budget in June

      3. We need to get someone from youth baseball to see what we needs to do at Lions Field.

        1. money for baseball goes to sponsoring teams for baseball and softball

      4. We get coverage in paper for sponsoring teams. We always have Lions teams in finals, giving us recognition.

      5. Lion Brian Olson: People in this room don't know what we do. The community doesn't know

      6. Lion Steve Jamruszka wants a process to ask Lions what we should do and what we want to do.

      7. Lion Doug Hollingshead – we should make the Lion's Field the best field around, but we need to get directions from baseball.

    4. Committees – need to update – volunteer to the committee you want to be on. Lion Steve Jamruszka said we will do this when new officers take office.

      1. Lion Ray Toth - There is always the opportunity to go to board meeting and voice your opinion

  5. Health care: Lion Gary Stremcha – laws have been change so maybe we need to change how we help people with glasses and eye tests.

  6. health and welfare:

        1. Lions Doug Hollingshead and Brian Olson said Lion Mike Tilleman had work done on heart, but was back in town.

          • He is back to work

        2. Lion Steve McClain's mother in law passed

  7. correspondence none

drawings: All Lions

drink: Mark Peterson

dinner: Steve Jamruszka

50/50: Ray Toth $14

fine free: Becky Toth

meeting adjourned 8:39 DBL



Havre Lions

February 1, 2018

Lion President Holly Haas


6:34 Meeting called to order.


Pledge Lion President

Invocation Lion Brian Simonson


22 Members

Meal – Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, beans


  1. Minutes: Lion Tony Dolphay moved to accept lion Ray Toth second. 20 yes. 1 no.

  2. Speaker – MSUN football coach couldn't commit.

  3. Old Business – Flag Presentation – 2 sign up sheets passed out.

    1. St. Jude's 2 volunteers needed.

    2. Highland park 2 volunteers needed.

    3. Lion Gillen and Lion Lorang took Uber in Havre.

      1. $7.50 to Tip It and $7.50 back. Dick Fusless was driver. All off phone App.

    4. Lion Jim Bennett went to Turner by himself. 25 Hogland – Turner members. Pork Spareribs – good meal. New Years Dance canceled. Invite there members to our next meeting.

    5. Donation for High School Graduation – Senior Class:

      1. Last year missed donation .

      2. Lion Roger check book and found receipt for $350 donation to Class of 2018.

  4. New Business:

    1. District 37 Convention coming up in Butte: April 27th and 28th. Applications available.

    2. International Convention Las Vegas June 29th – July 3rd , if anybody is interested.

    3. News Letter (asking for Centennial Project – Legacy Project. Community Visibility, Community Gift, Community Impact.

      1. Suggestions:

        1. Murals on Buildings

        2. Get signs for Clubs backup that were taken down by Radiator Shop and Lee's Bar

      2. 50 yrs – celebrating on Lions – Check App. For Applications.

        1. Undergraduate research – Oklahoma.

          • From Northern Lion Brian Olson's Daughter / Lion Brian Robertson's wife selected. Possibly home then for program and donation for travel.

  5. Health and Welfare:

    1. Lion Brian Back

    2. Lin Doug Larson mother in law funeral

    3. Lion Norton Pease wife Christi has broken leg (both bones)

    4. Lion Gregg Carlson is back and his wife is doing well.

    Drawings: all Lions

    Drink Jerad Gillen

    Meal Matt Vogel

    50/50 Brian Olson

Fine free Mark Peterson

Meeting Adjourned 7:35

Lion Bob Patera acting Secretary




Havre Lions

January 18, 201

President Lion Holly Haas


Guest: Brent Peterson: Guest of Lion Steve Jamruszka in place of Lion Jim Heavey who is gone South.

Invocation Lion Ray Toth


  1. Minutes: Lion Tom Klein moved to accept with corrections and Lion Terry Stoppa second. Motion passed. Minutes accepted.

  2. Old business none:

  3. New Business:

    1. The guy looks super creepy.

    2. Lion Brian Simonson: Flags presentation happening February 16. Sign up sheet next meetings. Times and dates will be finalized later. Should be on a Friday.

  4. New Business

    1. Meeting in Turner: Jan 31 will be meeting: Lion Bennett is invited and will be driving. If you would like to ride along call Lion Jim Bennett.

  5. Health and Welfare: Brian Olson in hospital with flu

  6. Correspondence:

    1. Class of 2018 looking for money or prizes for graduation weekend Table to next year.

    2. We Love Northern ball Save the date: Feb. 10 2018

  7. Brent Peterson Unanimously accepted as a Lion


Drawings All Lions:
Dinner: Jerad Gillen

Drink: Ray Toth

50/50: Lion Becky $10

Fine Free Steve Jamruszka


Meeting Adjourned.7:47





Havre Lions

Lion President Holly Haas

January 4 , 2018

Invocation: Lion Norton Pease

24 members

Fine free auctioned off for $7 Lion Doug Larson bought.


  1. Treasurer Report: Accepted.

  2. Minutes: Motion to Approve Lion Wanda Meredith. Second Lion Norton Pease. Motion passed

  3. Old Business:

    1. Angel Flight: Lion Tony: If we donate: Not for profit corporation: several levels” we are Angel Flight West

    2. Private pilots donating flight for people, who need flight and can't pay

    3. It is supported by LCIF: Said Lion Tom Allen

    4. Basically all donated by pilots.

    5. Lion Tony did 2 all expenses out of his pocket.

    6. Don't see a lot of them.

    7. Have a boy in area, blind in one eye. Glaucoma in other

    8. no expense to patient or family

    9. Usually need a couple of weeks to plan.

    10. Lion Tony Dolphay took nephew from Glasgow to Great Falls to meet another flight

    11. The December request did not happen here. Canceled but flight took another and flew right over the top of us.

    12. 4113 flights by Angel Flight West. Goal for next year 8000.

  4. New Business:

  5. Lions club international 50 years

  6. Contest

  7. Chance to win a ticket to National Convention.

  8. Lions and Bill Gates has donated 30 million through year.

  9. Lion Larson will forward all form and emails from National Lions.

  10. Health and Welfare: Lion Stoppa's grandchildren, twins made it home for Christmas. Both boys. In Spokane for 40 days in ICU

  11. Correspondence none



Drawings: All Lions

Dinner: Jim Rowlatt

Drinks: Mark Rowlatt,:Jerry Kuhn: Jim Heavey drawn: Lion Wanda Meredith won.

50/50 50/50 $11.00

Fine Free Lion Larson


Meeting Adjourned 7:33








Havre Lions Club

November 2 2017

Lion Holly Haas

20 members


1 guest Jody Olson Havre Chamber


Invocation Lion Brian Simonson


Jody Olson: executive director of Chamber

Ambassadors go out when there is a new business

kids baskets


Ag committees

field day committees

executive committees

board 15 members

tourism board for

shoulder season to promote people to come to Havre for different events

Business development: round table

Wild Horse business committees: trying to get boarder open 24 hrs

ice tournament: walleyes unlimited and 3 chamber Jan 27-28 first lake if bad ice to Fresno, lots of prizes

Athletic committees 9C basketball tournament and football calendars

leadership high school

festival days parade and other things

Thanks to lions for sponsoring pipe band

Living history day

Sounds on square

Saturday market

Christmas cash

gift certificates

goals membership recruitment

communication: web and face book

category for non profit like Lions, 115 dollars membership



  1. Minutes: moved by lion Becky Toth. Second by Lion Rowlatt

  2. Christmas party: December 16 call lion Holly Haas to reserve spot need to call by Dec 5

    1. Lion Holly will be there this year

  3. Lions branch clean up crew Lion Jerry Kuhn, Lion Jim Bennett and Lion Norton Pease. 2-3 hours cleaning up cleaned up 25 year old good looking girls yard said thought it was an old lady.

  4. Dist gov will be here Nov 16 will talk and will keep short, might want to speak to some people after meeting would like a good showing at the meeting

  5. Bell ringing: Lion Holly will call and a ask for December 2nd or 9th

  6. Dirt got moved on campground: thank Lee Farmer for moving and dirt got moved last Sunday. Lee did not charge. If you see him make sure you thank him.

    1. Lion Bob Patera suggested inviting him to inviting him to Christmas party

  7. health and welfare: Lion Wayne had nerve transposed for bottom to top of arm

  8. Correspondence

    1. thank you from NLASF

Drawings all Lions

Meal: Scott Doney donated back

Drink: Terry Stoppa(Ab), Becky Toth won

50/50 Lion Brian $10

fine free Steve Mclain

meeting adjourned 7:59




Havre Lions

October 19, 2017

Havre Elks Club

Lion 1st VP Jim Heavey

Lion – 20

Guest/Program Scott Hemmer wildlife biologist


Invocation: Lion Ray Toth


  1. Old Business:

    1. Pheasant hunt went well

    2. Eye Screening: Lion Steve Jamruszka

      1. Rocky Boy Screening

        1. Lion Steve and Gregg Carlson: 6 mo to year – only one could not get a reading

        2. 1-3 year high number of screening: Strictly pass or fail;

        3. September 30 Rocky Boy purchased own machine: had similar numbers

        4. October 12 child find and mop up o f other 32 tested

      2. Seasonally next testing will be March or April in Havre

      3. Lion Jim Rowlatt said we should get some publicity about this. Lion Gregg and Steve will put heads together to make something for paper. Lion Bill talked to nurse the other day said need publicity

  2. Lion Gregg Carlson said cooks should get some publicity about $10,000 donated to scholarships at Northern

  3. Financial Report: Lion Steve: Net for pronto pup down a little bit

      1. suggested balance end of June 2018: $7600

      2. Budget on Christmas Party:$2500 last year.

  4. Health and Welfare:

    1. Lion Steve colon endoscopy tomorrow

  5. Lion Jim Bennett maybe get group to pick up branches on Saturday:

  6. Lion Hollingshead: Chad has located more dirt to get moved from first lake to Lions old pavilion. Get leveled out so we can get grass growing;

Lion Ray: Lions Barbeque will be inside at hanger at airport.

Drawings: All Lions

Drink: Gary Stremcha

meal: Drawn, Bob Johnke, Brian Simonson, winning Jim Bennett

50/50 Lion Doug Larson won 50/50 donated back to pay for lack of minutes.

Lion Wanda Meredith Fine Free




Havre Lions

October 5 2017

Lion President Holly Haas


22 members

Invocation Lion Becky Toth


  1. Rocky Boy screening: Rocky boy purchased machine which is somewhat like ours. Lions Steve Jamruszka, Jim Ward, and Roger Meredith were at screening screened 200 kids in 2 hours with their help. Referrals were high. Will get numbers next meeting.

    1. Child find October 12 looking for help at rocky boy: Screening and child find screening: only head start child find anyone that want to bring child in. Child find is to screen as many variables as you can hearing and other things.

      1. They do 5 months and older at child find.

      2. When working with them, if could not get reading would swap off.

  2. Financial Report:

    1. fair 2017 – net was $18019 after expenses. Sales were down

    2. Steak fry 41 eaters:

      1. income $1224

      2. 2014 profit

      3. Festival days: $1289.05 expenses $396 rocky mt. Rethink next year. Lower sales result of lousy weather and moving. Sales inside St Judes were lower. Only people tha came to Rock Lotto. Last year had people passing by.

        1. Bottom line $683 2017

      4. Bought many items for booth. Fryers 3 and 1 refrigerator for fair.

    3. Lion Wayne donate money back to rock lotto being they had to pay $500 for money to rock lotto group. Discuss at board meeting.

  3. Christmas party December 15

  4. Lion Treasurer Steve Jamruszka report::August and September financial next meeting

  5. Health and welfare: Lion Darrin Boss doing well. Has not done anything to back yet.

  6. Correspondence: Levi Houston memorial thank you for $100 donation to Boys and Girls Club

  7. Lion Bob Patera: Branches down at lions baseball park. Next Thursday clean up at Lions Baseball Park. 6:30 Clean up broken branches.

  8. Lion Jim Rowlatt: Thank you to Lion Steve Jamruszka for presentation last meeting: 49 people here to listen to him. Lion Rowlatt stated Lion Steve was ¼ turn off on Eclipse picture. .

  9. Drawing: All Lions Jerry Kuhn 5050

Jerry Kuhn drink

Jerad Gillen ab Jim Ward meal

Fine free Lion Bolken

Board meeting:

Lion Steve: Had funds to cover: How much did they go above cost of Rock Lotto:

Ask Dave Martin to come and talk about how rock lotto went. Lion Jim Bennett could tell us how it went. Table til next time

Lion Holly will talk to Jim Bennett to get report from Dave or Jim




Havre Lions

Lion President Holly Haas

September 21, 2017


Invocation: Lion Ray Toth

  1. The Ladies of the Auxiliary have donated $10,000 for an endowment at Northern. It is for disabled veterans, axillary and decedents of veterans. The money was raised from years of cooking for Lions.

  2. Minutes: Lion Max Vogel moved to approve, and Lion Wanda Meredith second. Motion passed.

  3. Eye Testing

    1. Steve Tuesday 26th training and 27th Rocky Boy Screen Head Start

  4. Legends for Lights breakfast and dinner Sunday October 8th. Sign up sheet passed around. Saturday Kiwanis will need help also.

  5. December 16th Xmas party Beaver Creek Golf Course.

  6. Lions campground looks great. Fire was on other side of road.

  7. Lion Ray: Highway needs to be picked but let's wait until snakes go to sleep.

  8. Thanks to Lions Norton Pease and Jerry Kuhn for doing parade in Lions costume. Great hit for all kids around.

  9. Rock Lotto: Went well Lion Steve will have a financial report next meeting.

    1. Lion Wayne Bolken suggested we donate some of our money to Rock Lotto Group, being they had to move inside and rent gym for $500. Lion Wayne said would bring up at next meeting.

  10. Health and welfare:

    1. Lion Darrin Boss neck was operated on. 7 hrs on table. Got home 20th and is doing fine.

  11. Drawings All Lions

    1. Meal ( Craig Tilleman Absent) Tom Allen

    2. Drink;(Jim Bennett absent) Gary Stremcha

    3. 50/50 Roger Meredith $24 donated back

    4. Fine Free Jim Heavey

Meeting adjourned and Lion Steve Jamruszka presented astronomy program for Lions and their guests.  




Havre Lions

Lions Sept 7 2016

Lion President Holly Haas


Invocation: Lion Kelly Jones


Minutes: Lion Jim Bennett moved to accept minutes. Lion Roger Meredith second: Motion passed


Dave Martins: Rock Lotto Requesting Lions to cook Pronto Pups Start 3:00 Lion Jim Bennett said Elks said it was OK for Lions to cook on back patio. Tyler said we could use his generator. Elks bar will be open.

  1. Old Business:

    1. Jackets: contact Lion Becky

    2. Rock Lotto:

      1. Starts at 3:00 gather at 2 for Rock Lotto:

        1. Holly, Jim ray , will need someone to take care of money: Lion Steve will be gone

        2. Last year cookers were at elks building: Sold at table in middle of square. Took food to sellers from elks.

        3. Don't spill oil.

        4. Sign up sheet for rock lotto.

        5. Had cheese fries and pronto pups

        6. Oil is at booth Lion Becky will take care of cashier

        7. hot dogs – Lion Bob will check on dogs

      2. Breakfast sign up for Kiwanis passed around

      3. Parade Sign up passed around: Line up at 9:30

      4. Bag Pipers and car for Lions. Lion Becky Toth will have candy

      5. Lion Jerry will wear first costume need another to sign up to wear second costume

      6. Lion Norton will wear second costume

    3. Cleaned Lions Park last week: Lions: Velk, Patera, Larson, Jamruszka,
      Vogel, Stremcha, first time this year. Thanks to everyone that helped.

      1. Lion Gary Stremcha said we should challenge Rotary to do their park.

    4. Legends for Lights – 5-8 of October breakfast and dinner on 8th is ours. Two sign up sheets passed Serve breakfast by 6:30, Lions need to be there before 6:00 AM

        1. Kiwanis needs help on Saturday for pheasants hunt cooking pancakes.

    5. Christmas party December 16 at Beaver creek Golf Course.

    6. Fire at Beaver Creek

      1. Loins campground is safe

      2. Kept fire on east side of road. Everything is contained: Will be out there for a while. Doug Hollingshead ; everyone in and out of town were great

    7. Next meeting Lion Steve J will give program on astronomy: Invite wives - need a good head count – Presentation of 30 slides of things Steve took:

      1. Lion Steve will contact members to know numbers coming.

    8. Lion Greg Carlson: District 37 forum Sept 30 Helena. Ways to make club stronger. At red Lion Hotel. Havre Lions take care of registration

    9. Lion Gregg Carlson passed around a sheet with how much money donated to different charities is sent to help the people it is intended to help. It is 100% for Lions

  2. Lions Sight testing at Rocky boy Sept 25. Rocky Boy bought their own machine and would like Lions Club to lend a hand. 2 – 3 people a minimum. Lion Larson will send info out.

  3. Health and Welfare –

    1. Lion Jim Heavey broke wrist on one side and elbow on other side. 4 hours of surgery – inch below elbow and other places. He needs to be more careful.

      1. Lion Jim & Kelly Rowlatt celebrated 50th wedding anniversary on the day of eclipse 21 of August in Oregon. It was August 20th.

      2. August 27 Lions: Ray Toth, Gregg Carlson, and Doug Larson birthday

  4. Lion Jerry Kuhn suggested passing out information about Lions at parade

  5. Correspondence:

    1. Leader dog thank you

  6. Drawings: All Lions

    Drink Jim Ward

    meal Toth Ray

    50/50 Leonard Deppmeier $13

    fine free Roger Meredith


Adjourned 7:41


Board meeting:

Holly, Steve, Larson, Norton, V elk, Doney, Bolken, Olson, Hollingshead


Lion Steve: equipment: $15,000 at fair ground:

Lion Vic: quote: Liberty national: replacement $500 a year for equipment covers vandals, theft, fire, Lion Wayne moved to purchase: Lion Brian Olson passed.








Havre Lion

August 17, 2017

Lion President Holly Haas


Lion Ray Toth invocation


  1. Minutes: Correct sue instead of sew on minutes:

    1. Lion Rayh moved lion wayne second motion approved:

    2. Steak Fry: ½ report

      1. 41 payed 35 adults 2 kids

      2. $740

      3. 4 payed for membership

      4. $1155 total money, expenses will be higher

      5. attendance down

    3. Next year need to adjust. Call ahead next year lock down on numbers next year earlier. All the shrimp has been taken. Lion Tony Dolphay told Lion Larson.

      1. Part of problem is decline in membership. At 57 membership now. Will probably be down to 50 to 55 members.

      2. One other thing might be to consider date change. Date is set in January so need to plan early.

    4. Lion Steve Jamruszka coments: If we run short on money to pay for things like this the funds we have comes from fines.

      1. We are ok on finances but, like tonight, we needed to pay for 4 more people than ate. Came out of our fine fund. We guarantee to pay for 25 meals.

      2. 3 or 4 times we have had to pay for extra last year. This year it has been more.

      3. Work parties have not charged for food. May need to start.

  2. Need to get more members:

    1. Lion Jerry Kuhn, maybe pass out list of members and ask people to come.

    2. Lion Larson and Lion Tom Allen: retention is projects. People join to help community

    3. Recruiting: asked more than once.

    4. Lion Tilleman: maybe build a water park as a project: People from Havre go to Chinook and Big Sandy to swim. Their pool is outside. No little pool for little kids here.

    5. Lion Steve Jamruszka: Project to build pick nick chairs for fair. Project.

    6. One of these meetings we need to look at what we are doing and come up with a project.

    7. Pay everything out of main account: There is money in other accounts: special projects, campground. $9,000 was spent for pavilion. Mints is $1000 a year income.

    8. Lion Jacob: need to have more programs;

    9. Lion Steve As an organization we need to sit down and think of what we did and what we need to do. Expectations, visions planning

    10. Schedule at coming meeting for discussion on how to make things better for club.

    11. Lion Norton and Tilleman need to get face book page for Havre Lions.

    12. Second meeting in September Lion Steve Jamruszka will do a program on stars.

    13. Havre trails is also wanting to do program.

    14. Lion Wayne Bolken: Do planning in September.,

  3. If you would like a jacket, contact Lion Becky Toth: or call 399-4096

  4. Festival days parade:

    1. Lion Jerry Kuhn: To benefit Lions we need to buy a second lions costume, Lion Jerry likes the costume, but thinks we need a second. One to walk on each side of street. One to be at each bell ringing. Lion made an appearance at steak fry. Lion Jerry needs to make a proposal and submit to board.

    2. Lion Becky Toth will get candy: was planning on ordering more.

  5. Pancake breakfast: Kiwanis: Do they need our help. Will wait for them to contact us.

  6. Rock Lotto: Cooked pronto pups. Need to talk to Elks and Lion Tyler if we are doing it.

  7. Lions Norton Pease, Holly Haas and Ray Toth in favor of it.

  8. New Business:

    1. Legends for lights October 5 to 8th cook breakfast and shrimp fry on Sunday.

      1. Lion Craig official request for help: 5:30-600 AM to 8:00AM morning and around 3 in afternoon. Sign up next meeting.

    2. Lion Ray Toth Barbeque need to have Bottles filled after they are used. If someone borrows barbeque the need to fill tanks after using.

      1. Lion Ray Toth: bottles are not full now.

  9. Christmas party: Dec 9th Cowboy Christmas. Lion Terry Stoppa: Motion to have it at golf course. Lion Holly Haas will see what is open. And schedule.

  10. Adopt a park: On face book. Parks in city: Clean twice a month. Contact person and when we will clean. Lion's park is still open. Lion Steve Put Up or Shut Up. We said we need to do projects. This is a project.

    1. Odd Thursdays to pick parks: Larson Doug Larson made motion Lion Steve Jamruszka second. Will pick up Lions Baseball park at 6:30 on off Thursdays.

  11. Health and Welfare:

    1. Two a Saturdays ago lost Lion Levi Huston in a car wreck. Club made donation of $100 to Boys and Girls Club.

  12. Lion Jim's Heavey's hand is mending.

  13. Correspondence:

    1. Thank you from Shylea Wingard Hill County xtension Agent for Lions support of 4H.

    2. Thank you and Banana Bread and picture from Angelina Toth for buying her lamb and donating it to the 4H foundation.

Drawings: All Lions

Brian Simmonson: Absent

dinner Terry Stoppa

drinks Gary Stremcha

50/50 Lion Kelly Jones

Fine free Steve McLain

Adjourned 8:01

Board Meeting:

Lion Jerry Kuhn proposal for second Lion Costume


Hearing aids: Montana Sight and Hearing want local to pay 10% of hearing aid cost. We will pay up to $200. Always look for individual to help himself. We could ask him to do %10 of our $200 cost.

Board: Lion Tom Allen moved to give $200, Lion Wayne Bolken second passed.


Lion Norton Pease: moved to buy a second costume: Lion Craig Tilleman second. $110 on Passed. Will increase passed. New state 37 Lion Tom's wife will make vest to go over lion.

Will have planning meeting after coming meetings at board meeting.






Havre Lions Club

Pronto Pup Booth

July 6 and 13

Lion President Holly Haas


July 6 Booth Clean UP


National Night Out request for $900 in funds from Lions to help support. Lion Ray Toth moved to approve. Lion Jerry Kuhn second. Motion passed.


Steak Fry: Discussion was made to change format of steak fry to Pig Roast. After discussion and no volunteers to change. Lion Doug Larson moved to keep same, steak and shrimp. Lion Jerry Kuhn second. Motion passed.


It was decided to to charge $20 per person and everything is furnished except drinks. Lion Mark Peterson reminded that the fire threat is great and to be careful.


Lion Jim Bennett thank you to Lions that helped at Ice Dome for fight night.


Meeting adjourned and continued cleaning.  



Havre Lions Club

June 1, 2017

1st VP Lion Acting President Leonard Deppmeier


Invocation: Lion Ray Toth

  1. New Member approved Brian Robertson Sponsored by Lion Brian Olson Unanimous approved.

  2. Approval of Minutes:

  3. Report on Camp ground. Work party 15 campers cleaned up work around creek hauled in 50 yd of top soil

    1. Chad will continue working on getting grass growing

    2. old pavilion stripped. Thanks to Lion Steve McClain

    3. Lion Dan Korb was checking on singles Lion Steve McClain ordered

    4. go out one evening to shingle and get installed

    5. need to figure on time frame and get it done

    6. Lion Steve Mclain shingles will be here tomorrow

    7. mowed areas for motor homes

    8. after roofs will do horse shoe pits between road and high way

      Lion Dan Korb said will have nail guns for shingles

  4. Minutes: Lion Stoppa moved to accept. Lion Wayne Bolken second. Passed

  5. Installation of officers at fort next meeting

  6. a k salads l z desert

    1. food not figured

    2. installation of officers Lion Tony Dolphy will be in charge of

  7. Old Business

    1. Fair Booth

      1. Lion Becky called and get a hold of woman 3 fryers to order

        1. formalize at board meeting

        2. need two for sure, Lion Steve Jamruszka should have extra on hand 3

        3. Lion Steve McClain should talk to bear paw development for assistance

        4. flower is at Tillman with sticks 45 bags should last 3 years

        5. Lion Bob Patera 1400 pounds of dogs ordered.

      2. Price of food: at fair needs to be sent with contract, Lion Steve Jamruszka:

        1. price for dogs will be same as last year 3.95

      3. Lion Doug Hollingshead few bucks more with food service

      4. Lion Becky Toth fries should be about the same

      5. last year no price increase

        1. 1 for drink

        2. 3 for dog

        3. 3 for cheese fries

        4. Prices discussion fort this year: takes quarters to go off even dollars

          • increase keep at minimum

          • 350 dogs and cheese fries

          • 3 for fries

      6. Lion Leonard Deppmier, we are here for the community, but we raise money to do things for the community do projects

      7. Lion Becky Toth no ice in drink Lion Jerry Kuhn have ice and bigger cup

      8. Lion Gregg Carlson pronto pups are not ugly burgers

      9. Lion Wayne Bolken volume is better than increasing price

      10. Lion Scott Doney Fair will have entertainment 5 days should be full 5 days lion Doney

      11. Lion Deppmeier Lion Doney great for being on fair board

    2. Blue Star Monument, Lions Brian Olson, Bob Patera and Jim Ward got hole dug for memorial at park for flower club

    3. Docks at Fresno -

      1. Lion Brian Olson could not be here working Walleye tournament

        1. docks wants $6k from us

          • launch boat and go out and around

            • Lion Jacob Lorang against raising money for other clubs

              • Lion Wayne Bolken they have more money than us

              • Lion Leonard agrees with lion Jacob

                • $6 k is a heavy burden a terrible hit on us

              • Lion Gregg Carlson – handicap design could get money from national

              • Lion Leonard not what we want to do community sight and hearing. Lion Terry Stoppa we work at banquet and help out there.

              • general show of hands:

                • in favor or not. Club decided against it.

    4. Fly In: Lion Max Vogel graciously thank us for our help.

      1. over 100 rides 300 served food win win great day

      2. served over 100 more this year than last


Drawings: All Lions

drinks Bob Patera

meal: not here Jim Bennett & Dan Korb,, Steve mclain won

50/50 donated back Mike Mikuski donated back

fine free fine free


Board meeting 7:57

Lion Wayne fries 3.00 cheese / 4.00 / pronto pup 300

pop 1.00 Was approved.

No money for docks.

Lion Becky Toth will coordinate for food installation

shingles will buy approved at meeting

Move to adjourn Lion Wayne Bolken second. Lion Steve Jamruszka second.  




Havre Lions

Lion 2nd VP Holly Haas

May 18, 2017

  1. 28 members 1 guest Brian Robertson guest of Brian Olson

Invocation: Lion Norton Pease

  1. Minutes: Lion Wayne Bolken moved to accept minutes. Lion Jim Bennett second. Motion passed.

  2. Old Business:

    1. Fly In: Lion Tony Dolphay requesting help from Lions to cook breakfast at Havre Hill County Airport. Cooking will start at 6:30 to 7:00 AM

    2. Lion Jim Bennett requested help cooking for MMA Fight. Will be cooking hamburgers and hot dogs. MMA Fight and Cooking will take place at Havre Ice Dome June 24 from 6:00 to 9:00 PM. Just needs cooks. Sign up will be at next meeting.

    3. Campground: Lion

      1. Work party and camp out on Memorial Day Weekend. Campground is reserved for Lions. Bring shovels, rakes weed eaters and anything else that can be used for cleaning and making campsites.

      2. Roof on pavilion: Lion Hollingshead said Lion Korb is planning on having a couple of evening work parties. Will tear shingles off one night and replace another.

  3. New Business

    1. Lion Brian Olson Walleyes would like our help with docks at Fresno.

      1. docks at Fresno handicap all.

        1. Year ago kid ran off dock with wheel chair.

      2. Lion Brian is asking for guidance. After listening to District Gov. say there is money out there for things like the boat dock, if it is handicapped accessible.

      3. Docks are being built for $6,000. Lion Brian would ask for $1500 for handicap part from Lions International, and $2500 from Havre Lions Club. Lion Treasurer Steve is asking to see a proposal of costs and what will be done. Lion Steve said he will work with Lion Brian. Lion Brian thinks that Lions needs to show a presence at Fresno.

        1. Lion Steve we will figure how to do this.

        2. asking for $3k from us and $1500 from Lions Foundation

      4. Lion Brian: June 9-11 wondering, if Lions would help out with cooking at Fresno walleye pavilion asking to use Lions cooker 4:30 to 7 o'clock Friday night. Lions cooker – will be Lion present – Lion Ray Toth has cooker at his shop. He will be gone but Lion Becky Toth will have key to get it for Lion Brian.

    2. installation June 15 at Fort Assiniboine : voice message to Lion Darin Boss, fine lion Darin for going to golf instead of meeting.

      1. Lion Gregg says its his building so its OK for Lions to meet at for installation.

  4. Old Business:

    1. Update on vision screening: completed screening early childhood bear paw coop excludes Havre

      1. totals 543 did referrals 61 11%

        1. did everyone from Chester to Hinsdale, Big Sandy to White Water Lion Jim Ward Lion Gregg Carlson and Lion Steve Jamruszka to rocky boy

        it was worth it

      2. Lion Holly Haas asked if day care could contact and we would still test them. Lion Steve Jamruszka said yes.

        1. Main business is going to be child find birth to preschool. They have 6 stations and parents will know if kids need to be looked at in different areas along with eyes.

  5. Health and welfare -

    1. Lion Scot Doney and new baby has two girls and a boy

    2. Lion Allan Roush 80th birthday card: If my body was a car every time I sneeze or cough my radiator leaks and my car back fires

    3. Lion Norton Pease said he had lacerated kidney.

    4. Lion Kuhn won jewelry Mother's day drawing at JM Donovan

  6. Correspondence : Salvation army asking for donation for camp

  7. Lion Bob Patera Read nominations

    1. Lion Becky nominated Lion Norton tail twister

      1. Lion Holly said all he wants to do is give her a bad time as president.

  8. Fair: Lion Steve Jamruszka:

    1. Northern fair concessions sign up: Contract: proof of liability: drink cups and price need to do that Wanted to know where our proceeds will go. To Havre Lion's club will be the answer.

  9. Lion Jerry Kuhn lead in song Old McDonald


  11. Lion Toth: Someone needs to talk to fries and dogs ordering


Norton drink

Jamruszka dinner

15 50/50 lion Jim Bennett

fine free: Lion Leonard Deppmeier


installation of officers: meal: salads a-k deserts l-z


Election Results : All Lions President: Holly Haas, 1st VP Jim Heavey, 2nd VP Jim Bennett, 3rd VP Brian Simonson, Secretary Doug Larson, Treasurer Steve Jamruszka, Directors: 1st Year Hold Over Wayne Bolken, Brian Olson, Norton Pease, 2 Yr. Mark Peterson, Tyler Smith, Ray Toth, Lion Tamer: Tom Allen, Gregg Carlson, Tail Twister Bob Johnke, Wanda Meredith, Membership Darin Miller, Chair, Norton Pease, Jerad Gillen. Past President Craig Tilleman

Motion to destroy ballots Lion Wayne Bolken. Second Lion Ray Toth Motion passed

meeting adjourned 8;03


Board Meeting:

Request for campers from salvation army. Died for lack of motion


Reimbursement for vision screening: To Lion Steve Jamruszka.

Window covering: Drapes $19.98

Fuel: 34.25


129.09 total

Lion Becky Toth made motion to pay. Lion Wayne Bolken Second. Passed Fryers Lion Wayne moves to committee and let them make decision. Lion Wwayn e moved was seconded: Motion passed

Lion Becky will get fries.

Lion Doug Hollingshead will have Lion Tony call Swallows on dogs.

Lion Becky said we need to keep boats of fries consistent Filled!





Havre Lions

Lion President Craig Tilleman

May 4, 2017


Invocation: Lion Allan Roush

  1. Minutes: Lion Wayne Bolken moved to approve. Lion Bob Patera second. Minute approved.

  2. Treasurer: Lion Steve Jamruszka financial

    1. bills for membership June

  3. Sign up for child find:

    1. Big Sandy Friday

    2. Monday Harlem & Turner

    3. Tuesday Chinook

    4. 448 individuals seen 896 eyes

    5. 51 referred

    6. changed setting for sensitivity

      1. recommend setting 4 at conference

  4. Old Business

    1. Walleye Cooking went well.

    2. Lion Larson and Lion Mark Rowlatt will work on fryers and bring price and type back to next meeting.

  5. Convention

    1. Lion Gregg Carlson and Lion Tom Allen went to convention voting on reduce dues went down.

      1. They were going to hire man to go around to help clubs with membership but did not work out. Decision was keep 5$ on dues and spend on people going around to help

      2. Trying to get Lewistown going again

      3. Lions club hand book for presidents brief case and new guide for recruiting: Just ask people will get lots to join.

      4. Friday night: auction for Lions Sight and Hearing and two growlers from Triple Dog $40 each raised $1400

      5. Lion Gregg: Have attended many conferences this was one of the best along with the one at Bozeman. Next year forum is in Helena April convention in Butte

      6. Sidney and Great Falls will be next couple of years state convention . Lion Gregg recommends all of us to attend one of these.

        1. Lion Ray Carlson was presented award. Board of directors for sight and hearing foundation. Appreciation award from international.

        2. Good convention. 84 people registered – use to be 200. we need more Lions at convention.

  6. New Business

    1. Northern foundation: mixed martial art fight. They wants us to cook at June 24 Ice Dome. Canvas own people then come to us.

    2. Lion Max Vogel May 20 fly in break fast. Flying Association warmly welcomes any help cooking or serving. Want to get people to the air port and kids in the air. Fun day weather permitting. Be there by 7:00 am

  7. health and welfare

    1. Lion Scott Doney's wife have baby:

    2. Lion Norton Pease: blood around around kidney sequin and outfit for figure skating are ripped

    3. Lion Jerry Kuhn said Lion Gary Stremcha mowed his own lawn

  8. Memorial day camp out: Lion Doug Hollingshead What will be the work to do talk. Lio Steve said need to work on roof of old pavilion .

  9. Correspondence: Havre chamber Havre Pride town wide May 15-20

  10. Lion Tom: canes in stock at state.

  11. Lion Toth rifle people no reply from Laura Martin to Lion Steve Jamruszka..

  12. Nominations: Lion Bob Patera Nominations 3 calls: no nominations


Drawings: All Lions

Absent: Jim Heavey, Brian Olson, Steve Mclain, Tony Dolphay


Meal Lion Mark Benjamin: Bozeman Lion

50/50 $12 Lion Wayne Bolken

drinks Lion Gregg Carlson

lion Jerry Kuhn fine free

record number of fines tonight




Havre Lions Club

Lion Vice President Jim Bennett

April 22, 2017


Invocation Lion Ray Toth.

24 members 3 guests


Brian Robertson guest of Brian Olson

Judy and Larry Garrison Acting District Gov.

Larry Garrison: Acting Dist Gov. Program

Election next weekend in Kalispell

Challenge today to find new members. We are getting older. Many of us will not be here in 20 years. We need to get more younger members

Diabetes is spreading so fast around the world. Lions will start working on diabetes this summer. Also will start working on childhood cancer.

100 years ago focus was on orphans. 1925 Invited Helen Keller talked about blindness and deafness. Went from orphans and widows to sight and hearing.

Years later Helen was asked if

Lions had done what she expected. She said they did way more than what she expected.

Next 100 years develop: Lions serve 58 million a year. In 5 years hope to serve 200 million a year.

Improve our visibility

When great catastrophe Lions go, but we don't have publicity to promote us.

When you have time – publicize what you do with web, plaque, when we meet


Training for officers:

Encourage membership and improve membership value and reach out to new market.

Need more Lions and need to focus on the value of being a Lion

We need to work together with other groups

Lion Larry would like us to put on another convention. Was a time when could count on Havre and Lewistown because they were center of state.


What can the district and international do for us.

Baker – if lions asked could have got 10k for them in three days, after tornado.

3 years ago emergency recovery grant $20k to help on recovery for

It is not maybe money. It is there. All we need to prove the need.

Now trying to get a grant for generator for shelter at Baker, because it did not have last year when needed at shelter.

Grants: Fort Benton raising money for hospital for heating and cooling – Larry sent information in and it will take a while – but should get 80 to 100 k dollars for it

When you as a club are looking for needs of a community, the last thing to look at is cost. Need to look at what it needs and then get a hold of dist gov. Can't guarantee, but if you don't ask, you won't get anything. You need to ask.


All kinds of grans out there for us . We need to ask and apply.


  1. Minutes: Lion Terry Stoppa moved to approve with corrections. Second Lion Jerry Kuhn. Passed

  2. Old Business:

    1. Thank you for those that helped at track meet. Lions: Doug Larson, Bob Patera, Gregg Carlson, Brian Simonson, and Jim Heavey


    1. Ditch Picking:

      1. Thank you for those who picked ditches Lion Ray Toth needs to thank Lion Jim Rowlatt for organizing and getting signs and materials from highway department. Lions picking: Jim Rowlatt, Jim Ward, Gregg Carlson, Bob Patera, Ray Toth, Kelly Jones, Terry Stoppa, Wayne Bolken, Jim Heavey, Roger Meredith, Wanda Meredith, Steve Mclain, Becky Toth,Jerry Kuhan and son, Doug Larson, Holly Haas

      2. Ran out of bags we picked a lot of ditch. There was more help than we have had in a long time.

    2. Lion Steve Jamruszka – Lion Steve had his share of wafers tonight

    3. Eye Testing:

      1. Next eyes tests Hinsdale, 4 24, 4 26 Saco

      2. Have tested 398 with 39 referrals

      3. 9.8 percent need glasses

    4. District convention in Kalispell next week end.

  3. New Business

    1. Walleye s:

      1. Thank you to Lion Doug Larson for helping get cookers for walleyes.

      2. Lion Brian Olson asking for help work on docks at Fresno.

      3. $8200 bid for two docks – Lions does not have presence at lake – asking us to share the expense of docks $4100 if we were to do half.

      4. The plan would be build new ramps. Two on outside. Would allow for more access.

      5. Fresno is number 2 to go to outside of Fort Peck. Lion Steve Jamruszka:, “How do we stop traffic.” Save it for people in Havre.

      6. Would like Lions to think about putting in a dock. Have nice plaque on it. Say we are Lions. Everything is handicap accessible. Have to propose right way.

      7. Time line is yesterday – waiting for go ahead – Dusty is building them -

      8. By tournament hope to have all in place by 1st or second week in June. Wants to open up more access for everyone.

      9. Lion Larry District Gov. hinted that this may be something we could get a grant for. Grants might work for this – but it takes a while for this type of grant

      10. Lion Brian Warriors for fishing (veterans and handicap) would help secure grant.

      11. Lion Steve fishing docks – instead of boating docks – Put in dock first then ask for forgiveness. Lion Brain would entertain any ideas. On May 12 400 kids for fishing day – handicap and all-

      12. Host kids tournament also.

    2. Lion Brian Bennett: Mixed martial arts show at Ice Dome. Would the Lions Club be interested in cooking concessions June 24. Borrow barbeque – offer hamburgers hot dogs and will do sign up sheet next meeting. Lion Tyler knows of someone with a generator if we need power. Sign up sheet next meeting.


  4. Nominations: Lion Bob Patera – For Lion Gregg: Lion Bob said, “Lion Gregg does all the work.”


      President: Lion Holly Haas

      1st vp. Lion Jim Heavey

      2nd vp Lion Jim Bennett

      3rd vp Lion Dan Korb and Lion Brian Simonson

      Secretary Lion Doug Larson

      Treasurer Lion Steve Jamruszka


      1 Year Hold Over

      Lion Wayne Bolken

      Lion Brian Olson

      Lion Norton Pease

      2 Year Elected (Vote for 3)

      Lion Mark Peterson

      Lion Tyler Smith

      Lion Ray Toth

      Lion Tamer

      Lion Tom Allen

      Lion Gregg Carlson

      Tail Twister:

      Lion Bob Johnke

      Lion Wanda Meredith

      Membership: No Vote Required

      Lion Darin Miller , Chair

      Lion Norton Pease

      Lion Jerad Gillen

      Past President (No Vote) Lion Craig Tilleman 

      4-20 first reading
  5. Health and welfare. Lion Gary said he made it back from Billings and Heart Surgery. Lion Gary thanks all that helped with his yard.

  6. Correspondence: Bullhook Blossoms Garden Club Invitation to Blue Star Memorial Dedication Wednesday, June 14, 2017 2:00 PM at Memorial Park on the 1100 Block of 5th Ave. Refreshments following the ceremony. RSVP by 10th of June for beer consumption. Lion Bob Patera will need some help before Dedication to put metal pole up.

  7. Lion Jim Ward 40 year award.

Drawing: All Lions:

Terry Stoppa drink

Tom Allen absent. Roger Meredith meal

50/50 $16 Lion Jim Bennett

Fine free Lion Gary Stremcha


Recycle booths thank you to tom Keller, Lion Doug larson will talk to him. Lion Steve will send receipt for cost for his taxes

Lion Bob moved to adjourn. Lion Jerry Kuhn second

Second shed – Lion Jacob has 8 pkg of shingles.






Havre Lions

April 6, 2017

Lion VP Holly Haas



25 members

Guest: Kelly Jones guest of Terry Stoppa

  1. Pavilion: Lion Mark Peterson stated that the bill would be $18,000. The bill would be split between Park and Lions. Lions will be responsible for $9,000. Lion Steve will deliver check tomorrow.

  2. Sign up sheet for track meet Saturday April 8 passed around. John Ita requesting workers for broad jump at 10:30 and triple jump at 1:30. Need 3 or 4 workers for each event.

    Fresno Chapter of Walleyes Unlimited banquet 4/22/17 5:30 sign up to work passed around.

  3. Lion Steve Jamruszka: Today finished 3 days of eye testing for preschool screening: April 4 - 6 tested 169 kids with 14 referrals. Parents are aware of needs.

    1. Lions working the testing were Lions Steve Jamruszka, Gregg Carlson, Roger Meredith 3 days and Lion Larson 1.5 hrs.

      1. One kid came in when having cookies. Give kids suckers after getting eyes tested. He wanted cookie so bad an hour later came back for cookie.

    2. This is the 3rd year of eye testing. This year we will be testing from Hinsdale to Chester to Big Sandy and Hays Lodge Pole

    3. There are software upgrades but no cost. Machine is more sensitive and first machine was loaned,

  4. Hi-way clean up: 1 mile now: Do off Thursday at 6:30 Lion Ray Toth: start at old Kmart and go other side of Halliburton; Lion Rowlatt will meet at 5:30. Changed plan to clean up, Wed 12th Lion Rowlatt will pick up signs. Lion Steve said Lions will supply meal and refreshments for picking.

  5. Tom Keller is redoing recycle bin at Gary and Leos'

    1. need to figure way to put signs and shingle. Tom furnished singles

  6. Blood drive: sandwiches: we pay senior center makes sandwiches

  7. Shooters award: Plaque and jacket: Izhanna Erickson highest shooting award:

    1. Lion Mark Peterson: We need to send a letter:

    2. Another shooter between her and Leilple. Something we have done for quite a while. Lion Steve: we need to back track and talk to other shooter and do what we have done before: Lion Steve need to coordinate with shooting group. (Martin) Lion Gregg said we bought a rifle. Lion Steve Jamruszka said more than on e rifle. Discuss at board meeting:

  8. Old Business: Flower group plaque: June 14 will be put up at Memorial Park across from old Taco Johns: They are looking for approval at court house, on lawn. A letter of support from Lions would be good.

  9. Health and Welfare: Lion Steve Mclain: Lion Gary Stremcha: open heart surgery had pig valve put in. Out of ICU and doing great.

    1. Lion Steve Mclain Lion Gary doing well but will not be able to do yard work. Does anyone want to meet Friday night 5:00 to do lawn work for Lion Gary

    2. Lion Gary should be in hospital 7 days

  10. Lion Steve Jamruszka: Lion Norton Pease was involved with figure skating accident and hurt himself. He lost footing and put in hospital with lacerated kidney – Lion Vogel – said knocked piss out of him.

  11. Lion Holly Haas: Barbeque and new pavilion need file to metal cut out of Lions emblem. Chuck Berry at college will cut out but Lions will need to pay for metal. He has different ideas for how it mounts on barbeque. Could take off or spin.

  12. New member: Kelly Jones – originally from Froid. RN at care center. He camps, fishes, and hunts. He has helped at booth and work parties.

    1. move to approve as member by Lion Tony Dolphay. Lion Mark Peterson second. unanimous approval

  13. Drawings:

    1. Drink:Lion Depmier drawn but absent. Lion Bob Patera

    2. Dinner Lion Holly Haas

    3. Lion Steve Jamruszka fine free

    4. 50/50 $12 Lion Tony Dolphay donated back

  14. Nomination Committee will be April 13  7:00 PM at Elks. Past Presidents are all on nomination committee.


  1. Board Meeting::

  2. Jacket and plaque for shooters

  3. Lion Becky Toth moved to approve expenditures up to $500 total for shooters jacket and plaque. Lion Brian second: Motion passed. Lion Steve will contact Laura and Randy Martin.




Havre Lions Club

March 16, 2017

Lion 1st Vice President Holly Haas


Invocation: Lion Ray Toth


21 members


  1. Minutes: Lions in back closet. Lion Wanda Meredith moved to approve. Lion Ray Toth second motion approved.

  2. Walleye banquet: sheet passed around. April 22. to help work.

  3. Knights of Columbus: found their fryers at Lions Both.

    1. Lion Hollingshead and Tilleman found them in booth and got them back to them.

  4. Vision Testing: Sign up sheet passed around. Several options of time.

    1. April 4-6 8 AM to 5 PM Havre.

    2. Chester whitewater big sandy and

  5. District convention

  6. Lion Doug Larson reported on fryers for booth. Lion Mark Rowlatt talked to Lisa Seaberg and said we could order through them.

  7. Havre Lions track meet. Lion Holly will contact coaches and see what help they need.

  8. Road cleanup. : - Set a date; - Lion Hollingshead made motion to have Lion Ray Toth check it out. Lion Ray thinks only 1 mile.

  9. Bear Paw Ski Patrol is borrowing barbeque to use at ice dome, for brew festival March 23.

  10. Financial: lion Steve Jamruszka:

  11. Pavilion bill will be coming

  12. Memorial account has 1600

  13. All accounts sitting on $68,458.09

  14. Sleeter funds are in amount but need to order shingles to get started. Sleeter fund is done.


  16. Scholarship meeting after board.: Lion Norton Pease volunteered to present by Lion's scholarship by Lion Steve Jamruszka. Motion moved by Lion Tony Dolphay and second Lion Bob Patera. Approved.

  17. Lion Brian Simonson flag report: Flags: Feb 17, Highland Park, 150 kids 8 classes. Enough Lions but could have used more. Very successful.



50/50 Lion Alan Roush $15

Fine Free: Lion Doug Larson

Drink: Lion Doug Larson




Girls state:

Girls state $25 more two people: two sponsorship $600 total

Lion Jerad Gillen made motion. Lion Jim Heavey second. Motion passed.




Havre Lions

March 2, 2017

Lion President Craig Tilleman

20 members 2 guests

Invocation: Lion Bob Johnke

Guest: Kelly Jones Guest of Lion Terry Stoppa

Speaker: Clint Solomon, professional bull rider.

Rodeo Promoter, rodeo stock contractor, member of Great Northern Rodeo committee. Passed around pictures of some of his bulls bucking.

Review last years rodeo. Did OK, will use different stock contractor and announcer this year.

This year 1 day open rodeo Thursday. 1 Day just bulls, Friday.

Will connect with Shelby fair – their bull riding on Thursday rodeo on Friday opposite of ours.

Continue with history idea, like long horn cattle drive into arena. Maybe some new fun ideas.


  1. Minutes: Lion Tom Allen moved to approve. Lion Ray Toth second.

  2. Lion Paper Weights? Need more?

  3. Menu: Breaded pork chop, corn spuds(Yum Yum)

  4. Flag Day: Lion Kuhn reported on St. Judes passed around thank you & pictures. Will ask for Flag Day report from Lion Simonson next meeting.

  5. April 22 Walleyes need help. Will pass sign up sheet at future meetings.

  6. Knights of Columbus think we borrowed fryers during fair, and did not have them returned. Nobody at meeting thinks we borrowed from them. One name mentioned from Knights has connection to Optimists, so maybe they have fryers. We cannot let them be stranded.

  7. Kids Bingo was good.

  8. Vision testing sheet passed. 4 signed up.

  9. Montana Independent living project board request. Will discuss at board meeting.

  10. Lion Mark Rowlatt to head up steak fry.

  11. Correspondence:

    1. Leader Dog

    2. Boys and Girls Club

  12. Lion Tom Allen Convention

    1. April 28-30 Kalispell

    2. Officer Training offered

    3. Update eye machines

  13. Moved cabinet for cooks so Elks can do work on floor. (coat room)

  14. Track meet: No one knows anything

  15. Drawings: All Lions

    1. meal Doug Hollingshead

    2. Drink: Steve Jamruszka

    3. 50/50 Mark Rowlatt

    4. Fine Free Scott Doney

  16. Board:

    1. Mt. Independent Living project: Person needs special visual impaired cane. Request $50. We will buy cane and give to person not give money to buy cane to person. Motion Lion Holly Second Lion Steve.

    2. Rodeo Committee: Motion Lion Becky give $750. Second Lion Jim H. Motion Passed.

      Lion Ray Toth Acting secretary

Elks asked to have cabinets moved so they could work on floor. Cabinets got moved.

Some mud on floor middle of room not ours. Some plastic silver ware on floor also.  




Havre Lions Club

February 16, 2017

Lion President Craig Tilleman


Lion's Jerry Kuhn and Brian Simonson did sign up for Flags for first graders. Lion Jerry will do St. Judes and will meet at 10:30 to hand out flags.

Lion Brian will meet at 12:30 at Highland Park. 

Lions introduced their guest. There wer 15 Lions and 20 kids. Lion Jerry Kuhn headed it up and called numbers with Lion Ray Toth helping. As Lion Jerry said: "This is America, everyone wins!"


Lion Jacob Lorrang's  Little Lion on Left                                                                                     
























Havre Lions

February 2, 2017

Lion President Craig Tilleman


Guest Levi Huston: Guest of Lion Tony Dolphay & Jim Heavey

Bozeman Lion Frank Benjamin guest of Lion Mark Benjamin


Invocation Lion Stoppa


  1. Minutes: Lion Norton Pease moved to accept. Lion Terry Stoppa second. Motion passed.

  2. Old Business:

    1. Elks club: Very appreciative of us to meet at Elks. All organizations can meet free. Patronize bar. If you use kitchen there is a $35 fee, which is a$10 increase. Includes lodge room and kitchen accessories. Supply cleaning materials for us. Ask of our organization to follow kitchen rules. Lion Becky will be liaison between kitchen and Lions.

      1. The fee is not to discourage but to offset costs.

      2. Refer to board.

  3. Lion Mark Rowlatt is heading up steak fry: If interested in helping with planning contact Lion Mark.

  4. Kid's night on 16th. Bingo, hot dogs, mac and cheese. Need head count of kids so tell Lion Jerry Kuhn.

  5. Treasurer report: Treasurer report: 3059 check: Check that cleared for salvation army was 200 short. Will make up. Lion Bob wanted to know if Lion Steve had checked his eyes. Treasurer report was accepted.

  6. New business:

    1. Lion Ray and Lion Leonard: July 28 class 1998 will have 20th anniversary : want Lions dads to cook pronto pups for them. Lions Ray Toth and Leonard Deppmeier will do it. Lion Becky is asking to be able to buy mix and hot dogs left over from fair. Was OK.

  7. New Member. Motion to accept Levi Huston as member. Motion passed unanimously.


  1. Health and welfare:

    1. Lion Jerry Kuhn hurt back. Doing OK now.

    2. Lion Brian Simonson is 50 tomorrow.

    3. Lion Doug Hollingshead's mother-in-law passed.

  2. Correspondence: None at this time. Havre Youth Base Ball will be brought up at next meeting.


Board Meeting:

Members: All Lions: Stoppa, Bolken, Bennett, R. Meredith, B. Toth, Heavey, Olson, McClain, Gillen, Dolphay, Tilleman, Jamruszka, Larson, Kuhn: Lion Bolken moved to accept Elks proposal.

Lion Steve Jamruszka would like to see a commitment for 12 months. That way everyone can plan on change. $35 as of tonight.

Second Lion Jerry Kuhn. Motion passed.


$8.00 for meal all goes to VFW women cooking.  





Havre Lions Club

January 19, 2017

`Lion President Craig Tilleman

Invocation Lion Jerry Kuhn

Guest: Lion Jerad Gillen

  1. Minutes: Approved.

  2. Old Business:

    1. Elks price increase:

      1. Meeting with Elks: Brandy from Elks was suppose to be here tonight

        1. good meeting, but nothing was decided

          • $25 until resolved

        2. For all purposes: everyone has expenses;

        3. Elks: we want to work out: Lion Steve and Brandy Kirtz are the spokes persons for each group.

        4. Lion Becky: we asked in writing what the expect of us. Whole lot of things on both sides that have never been expressed. Double price for both meetings with no other benefits. Floyd Witt was going to pay for $25 to keep us at the Elks.

        5. They said: Facility is real old: Trying to update:

        6. On our side: Need to look beyond $25 a meeting. Need to consider money spent at bar. Lion Steve's calculations: $10,000 a year considering bar. For 25$ you are risking $10,000

        7. They want us to stay. All comes together in an agreement

      2. Want to charge $25 for room and $25 for kitchen.

      3. There is and inconsistency. Want to be treated like everyone else.

      4. VFW also does cooking to donate to others. All the money is out of our individual pockets into the club for meetings. They don't realize that.

      5. Lion Jacob: Eagles has invited us back. $7 a meeting. On the main floor.

        1. Didn't want to burn bridges.

      6. Lion Darin we don't want anyone to lose money. We don't want to be gouged.

      7. General consensus - Against doubling, but not against spending more.

      8. $25 for using room and $25 for kitchen. For us to commit for meeting 12 months, Increase $10 a month for those that will commit to meet 12 months a year.

      9. /Lion boss. Don't want to get in a pissing match.

        1. Lion Becky: Need to know what they expect of us.

  3. New business:

    1. Kids night: Lion Jerry Kuhn: will head. Lion Larson will send out email informing all for kids night: simple meal:

    2. Lion Gregg Carlson: Melvin Jones: Rowlatt:

    3. Committee for steak fry: Lion Mark Rowlatt Need to talk to him. Wants to change up this year and get a committee working on it. It will be 1st weekend in August.

      1. If want to be on committee call Lion Mark Rowlatt. (406-945-8084)

    4. Flag presentation: Sign up need 8 Lions for Highland Park and at least 2 more for St. Judes

      1. 17th of February

      2. Sign up sheet: Fun facts on clip board. Pass out flags.

Drawings: All Lions:

Drinks: Wayne Bolken drawn Absent, Becky Toth won

Meal: Jerry Kuhn Donated back

50/50 Brian Simonson Fine Free: Jacob Lorang





Melvin Jones Fellows: Darrin Boss, Gregg Carlson, Ray Toth, Leonard Deppmeier, Steve Jamruszka, Doug Hollingshead, Tony Dolphay, Jim Rowlatt (Dec. 17, 2016)



Havre Lions Club

January 5, 2017

Lion President Craig Tilleman


Invocation: Lion Terry Stoppa

Guest Levi Huston Guest of Lion Jim Heavey. Levi was DJ for Lions Christmas party




  1. Minutes: Lion Tony Dolphay moved to accept. Second by Lion Terry Stoppa. Minutes approved.

  2. Old Business:

    1. Elks club will have meeting on Tuesday the 10th and Elks will discuss fee for our meetings. 7 :00 Pm. Lion Larson will send email to remind Lions member that is interested in attending. Lion Larson will send reminder. The 9th

    2. Treasurer Report: Lion Steve Jamruszka gave report. Projected balance for 06/30/2017 $15,595.99 Was accepted.

    3. Christmas Party: good time -

      1. Income:

        1. 56 people paid. $1680 amount for plates paid.

        2. Raffles $1071.00

        3. Bottles of wine $540.75

          • Total Income: 3291.75

      2. Expenses

        1. IGA raffles/gifts 183.93

        2. DJ 200.00

        3. Bottles 281.92

        4. Black Butte 2184.00

          • Total Expenses 2849.85

          • Difference: 441.90

          • 50/50 donated back except $50 investment. Lion Lorang won 50/50

    4. Salvation Army Lions group were the stellar team that got the most money for time period ringing.

    5. Lion Treasure Steve Jamruszka said Lions will be receiving a bill for campground work. It is money we have set aside for the second pavilion to be built.

  3. New Business

    1. Kids night February 16 second meeting. Bring your kids or grand kids or someone elses. Lion Lion Jerry Kuhn will chair.

    2. Lion Jim Bennett s thank you to the ladies of VFW, they gave a $5,000 donation to NMC Students that are veterans or direct descendents for scholarships. Big Lions Roar!! led by Lion Tony

    3. Lion Jim Bennett informed us of the Northern Alumni Ball Feb 11. The theme is Kentucky derby. Price is $100 per person or $1000 a table with your drinks paid for.

    4. Lion Tony Dolphay gave congratulations to Lion Ray Toth and Lion Steve Jamruszka, Melvin Jones award recipients at Christmas party. Awarded at meeting Lion Secretary Doug Larson. Lion Larson Speechless, but said would do an auction.

      Lion Tony said that Lions do not do things to receive awards. Lions motto is “We Serve” not for our gain but for others. . Made History Christmas Night: Lion Gregg Carlson put many hours into figuring who should get award. Havre Lions need to thank Lion Gregg for all his work.

      1. Lion Jacob Lorang

  4. Correspondence:

    1. Seasons greetings from all of the Northern Lights Athletic and scholarship foundation.

    2. Thank you from Havre Day Activity. They collected 1334 pounds of aluminum for $333.50.

      1. It was asked who is resposnible for emptying the overfilled buildings. They are Lions buildings, but Havre Day is responsible for emptying them.

      2. Lion Jacob Lorang said weneed to redo can booths. They need to be cleaned up.

      3. Lion Doug Hollingshead said a person said would volunteer to do roofs, but will probably have to wait to warm weather of spring.

    3. Lion Tony Monday night: Aubry from Beaver Creek Park. 5:30 meeting at courthouse. Do we want it split into an A & B.

      1. Representation Monday night wondering if we want it to have A & B or not.

      2. Lion Bob P. We will have a and b because we are there for a work club.

      3. For smaller groups they want it to be an A & B

      4. Creek would separate

      5. Lion Wanda Meredith: Is there a question where the Lions campground begins or stops. Lion Tony There is not. There is just a misconception by the public. Dillon's Bottom is Lions Campground. We are slowly getting over it.

      6. Will leave it to be an a and b up to park board




Lion Jim Heavey drinks

Lion Craig Tilleman dinner

Lion Darren Boss 50/50

Lion Jacob Lorang fine free.


Lions Steve Jamruszka and Ray Toth awarded Melvin Jones Awards at Christmas Party



Havre Lions

December 15 2016

Lion President Craig Tilleman


Invocation: Lion Wayne Bolken

25 members

Called to order 6:37


Minutes: Motion to accept Lion Tony Dolphay. Second Lion Bob Patera


Lion Wayne Bolken moved to accept treasurer report. Lion Darrin Boss second. Motion approved

Old Business:

Lion Steve Jamruszka will meet at Elks to discuss price increase. Lion Tony and Steve will attend meeting to discuss price increase.

Christmas Party 5:30 happy hour. 2:00 lion Gary will stop.

Health and welfare: Lion Holly Haas had baby boy, Thursday December 8. Bodie Allen Neifert 12:30 December 8, 6 Lb.

Lion Jim Bennett has bought wine and liquor for party. Lion Becky said Lion Holly Haas has bought gifts already.

Bell Ringing: Havre Lions matched $1254.43

New Business:

Kids night Lion Jerry Kuhn will chair February 16 meeting.


Happy Holidays from Northern Alumni Foundation

Thank you from Great Northern Area Special Olympics for our support.

Invite to We Love Northern Ball February 11, 2017 at Northern.

Drawing: All Lions

Drinks (Tyler Smith ab.) Gregg Carlson won

Dinner: Wayne Bolken

50 50 Craig Tilleman $12.50

Fine Free: Steve Jamruszka


Board meeting:

All Lions: Becky Toth, Jim Heavey, Steve Mclain, Brian Olson, Craig Tilleman, Steve Jamruszka, Leonard Deppmeier, Wayne Bolken,


Lion Becky Toth moved to give $500 for IGA grocery donation. Lion Jim Heavey second. Motion passed.



Lion Jim Heavey will donate #50 of hamburger for raffle or something







Havre Lions
November 17, 2016

Lion President Craig Tilleman


  • Call to order: 6:30

  • Pledge Lion Norton Pease

  • Invocation: Lion President Craig Tilleman( Forgot briefcase used pan and spoon.)

  • Guests: HHS Alumni Basketball December 26th. Grayson Windsor 680-2323

  • Looking for Pronto Pup Sales – Money to be raised for Havre Education Foundation. It will be held at middle school or High School. One night event. Possibly boys and girls games. It will be advertised on Face Book and paper.

  1. Minutes: Motion to approve Lion Norton Pease. Second Lion Wanda Meredith

  2. Correspondence:

    1. Thank you cards received from Lion Rowlatt Family and Lion Hollingshead Family for Donations to memorials. Boys and Girls Club and 5th Ave. Christian Church, blankets.

    2. Chinook Lions invited us to their Christmas Party Tuesday December 13 at 6:30 at the Chinook Eagles Club. Cost is $25 per person. They need a head count of those going.

  3. Dec. 17th Christmas party and Bell ringing sheets sent around for sign up and count.

  4. Old Business

    1. Paying more for use of Elks brought. Tabled until committee can meet with Elks and talk.

    2. Christmas Party – Vice President Holly Haas told to do what she wants to do for the party, gifts or prizes.

  5. New Business:

    1. Alumni Basket Ball games: Lion Norton said it is small draw. It is more for the contestants than people watching. Club decided no on Pronto Pups.

    2. $5,000 available for park maintenance for Lions Campground. Shingles for old pavilion need to be brown or green for park regulations.

    3. Lion Jacob brought idea of testing children at day cares.

    4. Health and welfare: Question on Lion Klunder in Big Sandy Rest Home – no information.


Drawings: All Lions

Drinks: Ray Toth

Meal: Terry Stoppa

50/50: Max Vogel $14

Fine Free: Lion Roger Meredith

New News: Lion Bell showed up. Lion President paid $5.00 fine.

Meeting Adjourned: 7:35




Havre Lions

November 3, 2016

Lion Craig Tilleman


Trina Crawford: Salvation Army

Appreciates Lions that step up and help with bell ringing.

Reminder bell ringing is to raise funds for emergency services: power, eviction and variety of other things. Lodging: police department holds her vouchers to give to people after hours so they don't freeze to death.

gas vouchers with reason for emergency and medical

actively trying to get a job or get to work

help people be sufficient in themselves

  1. last year noticed a great need for those with felony or on parole. It is a viscous cycle. Salvation Army has worked with detention center and work with them on an accountability to break cycle.

Want to raise $36 k this year. Last year $26k

If they have volunteers they don't have to pay a salary and make more.

They work with family with youth, when there is a youth in need.

They can only get food every other month at food bank

They are trying to keep back pack program at schools going

Bell ringing starts day after Thanksgiving and ends Christmas Eve

The Salvation Army appreciates all we do and our matching check

If you are interested Salvation Army is open to see what she does stop by and check. 328 third street next to Thrift Store is office.

Some people have felonies. They cant' get a job and is a problem.

Tries to work with all people. Tries to get them on their feet so they are productive in society.

Lion Jim Ward asked to give blessing. He deferred to Lion Gregg Carlson. Lion Hollingshead did blessing.

They divide red kettle amount in 12 and that is budget for month.

They own soup kitchen building and pay utility for soup kitchen

We see Clients getting job, getting housing, getting ahead, hopefully they are not just trying to uses the system.

if they don't want to help themselves they are dropped

Trina said can't give my donor's money to help you, if you are not trying to help yourself


28 members present.

  1. Minutes: Lion Wanda Meredith moved to accept Minutes and lion Holly Haas second. Motion passed.

  2. .Treasurer report: Lion Steve Jamruszka

    1. Three deposits: festival days bills, Convention: have three checks to get to convention;

    $14,440 projected balance

    Have $73,764.57 but most is earmarked for.

    Have Sleeter fund that we have been awarded: need to keep that in mind and work on pavilion.

    1. Currently have 58 members

  3. Correspondence: Thank you from Bullhook Blossoms for our donation.

  4. Old Business:

    1. Christmas party:

      1. cost: $150 if we cook

      2. Lion Becky Toth does not want too cook this year and said we should let them cook.

      3. The committee wants to know all our options

      4. Prime rib, regular potato with shrimp was agreed on for dinner. Should be $30. . Entertainment not sure of. Christmas committee will get together

      5. Lion Holly will need a head count by 1st meeting in December.

      6. Lion President suggested phone call.

      7. Lion Jacob Lorang checked with Eagles. They would love to have us, but we would need to walk down the stairs Thursday night.

      8. Lion Doug Larson talked to VFW ladies(our regular cooks) and they would really appreciate us keeping them. This is their only fund raiser

      9. Lion Steve said we need to consider and check options. We need to see where our strengths are. Lion Steve will keep paying $25 a meeting to Elks.

      10. Lion Leonard have been in 5 or 6 places. Can't find anything that has not made this a good place. Lion Jim Rowlatt said he is with Lion Leonard. This is best place we have been.

      11. The question some have is “ Would really like to know what we are paying for. The cooks do not pay to use kitchen, but do have to clean it many times before they start cooking.

      12. Bells: 10th and3rd are open, see what works. Hot chocolate committee will go to one flavor

  5. Lion Jim Rowlatt got presentation from Lion Secretary Larson in appreciation for him to always take a look at something to see how he could help. Lion Jim had to put his hand in the box to get his award. Was worried something would bite his hand.

  6. The Beer, Pop, and water left in the cooler at the booth was auctioned off by Lion Secretary Larson. Lion Jerad bid $13 out bidding Lion Jim Rowlatt and Lion Doug Larson.


Steve Jamruszka meal

drink Brian Simonson drink

50/50 Steve Mclain $14





Havre Lions Club

Lion President Craig Tilleman

October 20, 2016


Invocation lion Hollingshead

Guests: Bull Hook Blossoms

Lela Patera, Judy Ward, Jody Olson, Kathy Jamruszka, and Gloria Tilleman

Judy head of Blossoms. Gloria vice presidents

Lela was here to talk to dandelions.

Requesting money for The Blue Star Memorial Highway Program. This program began in 1945 to honor those that served in World War II. 17 highways have been designated in Montana. Malta and Chester have one. Great Falls has two. Ours would be number 18 in state.

Cost would be $1520. Would have Lions and Blossoms on sign. Want to have done by this summer. Asking for $750 from Lions. Need to choose a sight and get approval from national. Court house, buffalo jump, or possibly Town Square. Blossoms have talked to VFW, National Guard, Mark Peterson, Gary and Leo' s all said they are interested in being part of it.

Has to be mounted 7 foot high. Lions could install. Lion Jim Rowlatt and Tony Dolphay (challenging each other) said they would do it.

Lion Bob Patera. said to do it closer to town so is not vandalized by shooters. Will have very nice dedication for it, and the National guard are for that.

Bloomers have 28 members. Men are welcome. One Lion stated they are growing like weeds and as Lion Tony Dolphay would say spreading fertilizer.

Jody Olson wished Happy 37th anniversary to her Favorite Lion.


  1. Treasurer Report: Lion Steve Jamruszka gave report.

    1. Projected Bank Balance for 06/30/2017 $16,101.23

    2. Melvin Jones, Lion Leonard – donate $4000 each year,

      1. Lion Tom Allen make donation entitled to a fellow. Lion Leonard Deppmieier, when we send a $1000 we should attach a Lions members name to it. There is a ton of deserving members here.

      2. Lion Steve Jamruszka said there has been a gap, but the committee that makes this motion is trying to get caught up.

      3. If we send $4k we can do 4.

      4. It is designate each year – the board should reconsider how it is used for appointments

      5. Lion Gregg Carlson(by Lion Leonard): Money goes to foundation intentional and goes world wide there is usually only one Lion for Melvin Jones.

  2. Correspondence: thank you from Deb Vandeberg, Chamber for sponsoring bag pipers

  3. Lion Mark Peterson on Hill County Levis.

    1. 10 mill levy for election for infrastructure and technology in county

      1. timing is right first time since 1985

      2. commissioners need to come to public for vote. Short of funds and jail bond levy is 0 in 2017. It will go away, and it will replaced with this levy if voted in. There will but no more taxes next fall because one goes away and start another This is the only 10 mill levy.

      3. not weed,

        1. Should be editorial for this in Havre daily

        2. total mills is

        3. weeds 4 mills

        4. library 3

        5. cemetery 4 mills

  4. Old Business

    1. Lion Craig thank you for helping at pheasant hunt

      1. Sunday morning breakfast and Sunday afternoon dinner:

      2. Raised over $80 k for college

  5. New Business:

    1. Membership cards next meeting

    2. Calendars: 50 magnetic

  6. Health and welfare: Lion Tony: Ea magazine says has gone west is deceased, uligy was read at last meeting


    1. Have Pills for everyone:

      Drinks: Lion Jim Rowlatt

Meal Lion Max Vogel

50/50 Lion Mark Peterson

Fine Free: Lion Ray Toth (alias Lion Dad, Lion Becky Toth)


Discussion on Elks billing Lions. They have been charging $25 a meeting and want to charge us $50. a meeting; Lion Craig said could make it a car deal and offer $67.50

Lion Steve said we should have our own bar. We will pay, but have our own bar.

Lion Rowlatt and others would like to see energy charge, if that is their problem.


We Pay 50 a month and would move to 100 a month.


Lion Steve: Another thought – had ass chewed for not cleaning up. Should ask what they expect of us

General concessions Is we need a committee to study and look at options.

Committee to meet with Elks

Lions: Steve Jamruszka, Tony Dolphay, Jacob Lorang, Gregg, Carlson, Norton Pease, Becky Toth and Jim Heavey


Hands for those that think we should give money to bloomers:




Board Meeting:



Bloomers: request for ½ of money needed. Lion Steve Jamruszka: Last year we did not have bill from boys and girls state. Money was donated to rodeo but wen to different cause instead of rodeo.

Lion Becky moved to pay full amount $1520. Lion Brian Olson second. They need to get their project approved nationally. Motion passed









Havre Lions Club

October 6, 2016

Lion First Vice President Holly Haas

Invocation Lion Ray Toth

24 Lions 2 guest

Guest s: Mike Mikuski: guest of Lion Jim Heavey

David Brewer Chair of Havre Review Commission for City Government.

Wanted to keep it simple

2 years and a lot of time in to this

The question is: Are you for the change or for what we have now

We hire a manager from somewhere else. He would be like a superintendent of school. Educated for the job and not just a person elected off of the street.

David recommends we go to the new. He feels this will make Havre grow. He was not for it in beginning, but now is for it.


  1. Minutes: Motion Lion Darrin Boss. Second Lion Darin Miller. Minutes approved.

  2. Treasurer Report: Lion Roger Meredith on Festival Days: $1513.68 net total.

  3. Lion Leonard Deppmeier moved to fine Lion Secretary Larson for corruption. Lion Larson agreed, but need to fine Lion Leonard for trying to impersonate Lion Larson. $1 fine paid by each.

  4. Old Business

    1. Jackets: Lion Becky Toth said jackets would cost up to $125

    2. Sign up sheet for Legends Pheasants Hunt going around. Cooking on Sunday morning 5:30 AM and Sunday afternoon 2:30PM. Lion Dophay and Lion Hollingshead will be cooking on sat with Kiwanis. If you want to help out with them show up on Saturday at 5:30- 6:00 AM.

    3. Christmas Party at Beaver Creek Golf Course upstairs on December 17.

      1. Do we cook or do they cater, Lion Holly can check what our options are with them

      2. Lion Holly will ask what our options are and get back to us

    4. Lion Ray Toth: Chinook Lions borrowed our signs some are getting ratty we should get newer ones

    5. Pavilion and BBQ Lion Signs: Lion Holly will talk to welding at college to see if they can cut metal ones.

    6. Lion Allan Roush said we should talk to Jeff Ralph of McDonald's to see if he would print banners.

    7. Parade: Scary clowns can not walk with Lion, Lion Brian Simonson said. Scares little kids.

      1. Lion Ray Toth: Complimented all those that walked in parade

      2. had perfect amount of candy

    8. Cooking at Festival Days: Thank you note from Lions to Elks member Bob Neuinhause:

      1. Lion Larson questioned, if we should donate something for them. Lion Darin said we should but there was no motion.

  5. Correspondence

    1. Northern Montana Stand Down occurred today. There was a request for help by Lions both monetarily and members helping. Lions Brian Olson and Doug Larson helped set up at 6:00 Am Dave Brewer who worked it said 93 vets went through by 5:00. Only two stations left set up at that time. Some hick ups, but as whole went well, ecstatic about how it went. One big thing that happened today. One person was in crisis. Bullying at college, but he was helped. They gave him plan and phone number. Lots of vets do suicide

      Lion Leonard Deppmeier said we need some younger people in honor guard”

  6. Mike Mikuski for membership: From California, he helped at Festival Days. Lion Darin Miller moved to approve Lion Holly second, Unanimous.



Drink Lion Becky Toth

Meal: Lion Gregg Carlson

50/50 $13 Lion Jim Heavey

Fine Free: Lion Mike Mikuski.  



Havre Lions

September 15, 2016

Lion President Craig Tilleman


Invocation: Lion Ray Toth

Guest: Mike Mikuski, guest of Lion Jim Heavey


  1. Lion Holly, fine for Lion President for not having agenda for last meeting.

  2. Minutes: Lion Terry Stoppa moved to accept minutes. Lion Wanda Meredith second minutes approved.

  3. Treasurer report:. Lion Steve Jamruszka reported. Report was accepted. $812.54 from Beaver Creek Foundation came in.

  4. Old Business:

    1. Festival Days

      1. Lion Ray Toth will have the Lincoln for the parade. Sign up passed around

      2. Kiwanis pancake needs helps: need help 7-1 at the Eagles. Need 3 or more extra people. Several said would stop by and help.

          • Lion Steve Jamruszka, Lion Scott Doney and Lion Jim Ward help at pancake breakfast.

      3. cooking Pronto Pups and Fries for Rock Lotto: Lion Becky Toth will head cooking:

    2. Christmas party December 17.

      1. Golf course location for party. Lion Holly Haas will contact

    3. Bear Paw run: Lions Mark Rowlatt, Wanda & Roger Meredith, Jim Bennet & Frank Benjamin cooked. ,

  5. New business

  6. Barbeque and new pavilion need Lion: marking or symbol Lion Holly Haas will take to college to see what they can get done

  7. Health and Welfare: Lion Mike Tilleman had stints doing well


50/50 $13

Drink: Lion roger

Lion Ron Miller dinner

Lion Lion Jim Heavy

Fine free: Lion Wanda


Meeting adjourned 7:30


Committee Rock Lotto met after meeting: 





Havre Lions

August 4 2016

Lion President Craig Tilleman


Meal Sheppard's pie

Lion Stremcha Tail Twister

Meeting called to order 6:30


Invocation – Lion Jerry Kuhn

Attendance 28


Program: no speaker




Meeting adjourned: 7:38



Drink - Lion Jerry Kuhn – Donated back

Meal – Lion Craig Tilleman – Donated Back

50/50 Lion Wayne – donated back

Fine Free: Lion Terry Stoppa

  1. Last minutes: Move to approve as corrected by Lion Wayne Bolken. 2nd Lion Holly Haas

  2. New Member Lion Paul Rainey

  3. Correspondence:

    1. Lion Gregg Carlson – brought information on 100 Aniversary of Lions 2017.

    2. Invitation from MSUN – Alumni Foundation – Golden Honoree Weekend Friday 21st and Sat 22nd – Invitation – Preseason Basketball Bames and awards Saturday

    3. Thank you from Boys and Girls Club – Hotdogs, Cheese and condiments.

  4. Treasure Report:   Approved

    1. Lion BeMembership $72.00 for year just a reminder.

  5. Old Business:

  6. Lion Becky Toth has no price at moment. Approximatley 25 jackets will get price

    1. Thank Lion Tony for Steak Fry – Lion Ray Toth

    2. Sign up sheet passed around for Beaver Dash September 11th.

  7. New Business

    1. Lion Craig asking for people to get ready to sign up for legends for Lights

    2. Rock. Lottto – Dave Martens wants to know, 5 would do possible food – Pronto Pups 3:00 to 6:00 Saturday 17th of september. Lion Holly will check into possibility for speaking next meeting.

    3. Christmas Party – on schedule possibly 10th or 17th. New owners at bowling alley - 17th most likely by show of hands.

    4. Festival day Parade: Lion Ray Toth question if we want Lincoln in parade. We are sponsoring bag pipes.








Havre Lions

August 4, 2016

Lion President Craig Tilleman


Meeting Called to order at 6:33

Invocation Lion Terry Stoppa

27 lions 4 guests




Paul Rainey Jerad Gillen Guest

& Gary Philips guest of Craig Tillman

Becka Stone ant Erin Bradshaw Havre Trails” Hosting event: Beaver Dash Sept 11 family fun run and bike run race food, beer and music fun Sunday event and enjoy park, would like Lions to come out and support and help


If interested in helping out Sign up passed around:


Fine Lion Jacob Lorang $5.00 for passing out bad tickets.


  1. Minutes: Correction: Roger: person with Lion Tony on Angel Flight was Roger Lincoln

    1. Minutes approve.

  2. Treasurer report: Lion Steve

    1. Fair Gross $46,600.75

    2. Down 3925.85

    3. Fair board 7000.16

  3. Budget is 4 k over and will need cuts

  4. all the dogs were sold: People with dogs need to pick them up before electricity is turned off.

    1. Price of things left at fair:

      1. cheese $15

      2. mustard

      3. catchup

      4. if you want something: contact lion Patera Or Lion Larson

      5. can't return: cheese

      6. What is not sold will be donated to soup kitchen.

    2. Minutes Moved to approve lion Roger Lincoln with
      Angel Flight

  5. Health and welfare: lion Mike Tilleman is in for heart work

  6. Steak fry 65 attending

  7. Old business:

    1. Jackets: Lion Becky will bring sign up sheet next meeting and will get idea of number and sizes

  8. New business:

    1. Pronto pup booth will be discussed at board meeting

    2. Lion Dan Korb donated his dump truck and and bob cat hours thank you to him.

  9. Lion Mark Rowlatt jumped across the creek in Debbie duke of hazard pants

  10. Lion Jim Rowlatt we need to send thank you for clubs that helped us out:

    1. Had more helpers than Lions for many shifts.

  11. Honorary Ron Kotes thank you

  12. Give Lion Mark Peterson thank you for bringing bob cat out two times.

  13. Correspondence:

    1. Thank you from Lion Darin Boss (NARC) and Lion Max Vogel (Agri-Business Committee Chamber) for our donation to the Annual Field Days Ag Appreciation.

    2. Thank you from Mona Cooper for helping her get new hearing aids.

  14. Drinks roger Meredith

  15. dinner ray Toth

  16. 50 50 15 Mark Rowlatt. Lion Rowlatt was given money without having opportunity to donate to club.

  17. Lion Gregg Carlson: fine free


  18. Lion Jerad Gillen Nominated Lion Steve made motion to accept Lion Gary Stremcha second:

    Passed: accepted: Paul is member:

    Meeting adjourned: 7:30


Board meeting


Lion Craig paid $8 for bell return.


Festival days committee: They have Bag Pipers want us to sponsor: Lion Becky made motion to sponsor. Lion Holly second for $500. Motion Passed. Festival Days are Sept 16 – 18

Parade: Lion costume: Lion Jerry Kuhn will wear and follow Bag Pipers around all day.

Scholarship committee meeting was called for after board meeting.: Also need to register if we will be in parade.




better cheese for next year. Nacho not jalapeno


Lion Becky: get It through her and Food service of America does for Vikings and Skones. Lion Brian Simonson said Lion Becky could do it. Can do better with prices


have two weeks to return bought 29 cases back


need to go through Becky and have lion Hollingshead figure out what we need to order


Social media Commented on Rocky Mountain Hot Dogs. Many people thought they were bad. Need to revisit at later time.


Lions Doug Larson and Lion Mark Rowlatt will check on price of cookers:


Commend Lion Jim Rowlatt for his dedication in keeping all the electrical working.



Havre Lions

July 7 2016

Lion President Craig Tilleman

Havre Lions Booth


Cleaning work party.

It was decided to get a new freezer for the booth. Lions Steve Jamruszka, Doug Hollingshead, and Tony Dolphay will get what we need. It was agreed that what ever it takes would be the amount to spend.


Treasurer report Lion Steve:

Went over end of year budget and next years 2016-2017 proposed budget. Added to the budget was $1500 for Angel Flight. We will vote on the budget proposal and the next meeting, 7-14-16 at the booth.

Sleeter fund is ready to use. New roof on old pavilion.



Steak Fry: Week after fair. 7/30/16 at Lions Campground

Menu: Steak and Shrimp

Price $15 each

Lions Tony and Doug will need help bringing things (BBQ and food) out on Saturday of the steak fry.


Fries for Fair: Ruhkamp was unable to supply for us, so went through Lion Becky.



Thank you for scholarship: Lion Benjamin?

Thank you from Montana Association for the Blind for donation.   


Havre Lions

June 2, 2016

1st VP Craig Tilleman


Call to order 6:32

Pledge and invocation Lion Ray Toth


Guests: Marilyn Mclain, guest oh Lion Steve Mclain

Speaker: Havre City County Library: Sondra, Rachel and Jessica, brought by Lion Tony Dolphay


Library budget short by $30 K

Looking for 2 mil levy: $2.70 r $100k house

Looking for improvements – Senior outreach Program

Temporary part time employee cut

Should be on general election

Currently 10 computers in use

Usage is up, but hoping for more

Library Foundation takes charitable contributions.


  1. Minutes approval: Lion Tony Dolphay moved to approve. Lion Wayne Bolken 2nd. Motion passed.

  2. Treasurer report: Lion Steve Jamruszka - $9K left for fair. Lion Wanda Meredith called Lion Steve on report date 2015? Total of $47,801.

  3. Correspondence: None

  4. Old Business:

    1. Work party at campground: Lion Mark Peterson: Started stabilizing banks Monday

      1. Tuesday 1.5 inches of rain to test work.

      2. Lion Roush supplied Bob Cat and truck.

      3. Lion Dan Korb hauled dirt with his truck

      4. Lion Mark Peterson brought his Bob Cat

      5. Increased campsites from 3 to 9

      6. Big rocks around new pavilion

      7. Pictures passed around on new damage, but as a whole stood up well

    2. Highway cleanup changed by 1 mile. Old Kmart to Halliburton (1 mile total)

    3. Sleeter Fund money approved:

      1. Cost of park project not yet known.

      2. Horse shoe pits & additional apron on new pavilion still need to be done

      3. Roof on old pavilion still needs to be done

      4. Possible cattle control needs to be addressed.

      5. Soil will need to be increased.

    4. 4th of July -Pepin Park- Need more help. Lion Tony Dolphay only Lion signed up to help.

  5. New Business

    1. Angel Flight – Lion Tony Dolphay & Lion Roger Meredith helped get people out to Seattle by buying $340 of fuel for small child with eye problems. Flew out to Seattle.

      1. Reimbursement from club asked for but not necessary. Lion Tony Dolphay

    2. Lion Bill Woods said glasses can't be taken to Kmart anymore.

    3. Next meeting June 16 Installation of officers for 2016-2017. It will be at the Fort – no charge

    4. July 7th and 14th will be cleanup at the booth.

    5. Lion Secretary Larson should send out schedule of events to members. Installation, work parties, steak fry. Dates, times, deserts or salads

    6. Big thank you for Lion Tony on Angel Flight, improves our club's image.


50/50 BOB PATERA $11








Havre Lions

May 19, 2016

Lion President Jerad Gillen

20 lions no guests


Lion Hollingshead Invocation


  1. Correspondence:

    1. Lion Mark Benjamin thank you for scholarship

    2. Thank you from Salvation army for $1500 donated in December.

    3. Approval letter from Montana Lions Sight and Hearing for approval of Mona Cooper Hearing aids.

    4. Montana Dept. of transportation for approval of picking ditches Change of 1 mile starting at old KMART and going to Halliburton.

  2. Minutes Lion Wanda Meredith moved to approve. Lion Wayne Bolken second: motion passed

  3. Picking ditches: Dates: Odd Thursday from meetings was general concensious not on a weekend.

  4. Health and welfare: Lion Norton: Hockey puck to the face; Lion Norton is getting married this weekend.

  5. Old Business:

    1. Lions Camp Ground

      1. Campground passed. C an d C Construction is done

      2. Memorial Weekend work party:

        1. have creek work to do and stabilize banks

        2. fun time , bring campers and swim suits will need some to get into creek

          • Need to move some rocks to help control flow

      3. Sleeter Fund; We have $5k from that we will match.

    2. Food Handlers:

      1. Lions Roger Meredith, Doug Larson, Ray Toth, Becky Toth, Steve Jamruszka passed and got certificates.

  6. New Business

    1. 4th of July barbeque: Lion Tony Dolphay is only one signed up. Sign up sheet was passed again.

    2. Officer Installation at Fort

      1. Food: Half bring Salads: and Half Deserts; a – k salads l to z deserts

        1. Lion Tony will cook hamburgers and hot dogs

          • Installation Lion Tom Allen:

          • If Weather is nice we will be outside.

    3. Coats: for lions: Lion Steve Mclain: get price from 5 heads for 1 coat: Lion Larson will do.

    4. Lion Tony date for Steak fry: week after fair:

    5. Lion Ray wants to take barbeque for special ed picnic: motion approved.

    6. Lion Jim Rowlatt wanted to have it noted that Brian Simonson's dress did not impress him. Suite and tie.

    7. Lion Mark Peterson would like to invite FEMA representatives, Great West Engineering , and C and C Construction to steak fry, with Lions sponsoring and no charge to them.

      1. FEMA group came up with $11k for helping to reduce what Lions paid for second pavilion

      2. Great West was very helpful.

      3. C and C donated concrete side walk from pavilion to out house.

        1. Lion Steve Jamruszka made motion to invite their spouses and kids to steak fry. Motion passed.

    8. Clean up will be 7th and 14th July at booth.

Meal : Lion Jim Ward

Drink – Lion Jerry Kuhn

50/50 Lion Craig Tilleman

fine free Lion Lion Jerry Kuhn

Meeting Adjourned: 7:37



Havre Lions

May 5, 2016

Lion Vice President Holly Haas


24 members one guest

Lion Ray Toth Invocation:


Guest: Mark Peterson guest of Lion Gregg Carlson


  1. Minutes: Lion Tony Dolphay moved to approve minutes: Lion Terry Stoppa second: Motion Passed.

  2. Correspondence: None

  3. Committee report:

    1. Lion Steve Jamruszka: Screening has tested 517 students with 178 referrals by the machine.

      1. 178 students 34% referral rate

      2. Highest rate 8 of 18

      3. tested from 6 months to 6 grade

      4. younger the child the more important it is.

      5. Tested from Turner to Rudyard and Big Sandy south

      6. Well worth the investment.

      7. We think we no what we are doing now so will invite more. We wanted to make sure we would be able to do it and not look like fools.

      8. Lion Jacob Lorang asked if we did Havre Schools. Lion Wanda Meredith said 2nd to 7th Dr. Erika Farmer did them.

      9. We did child finds Chinook, Turner, Big Sandy Havre, and Rudyard

      10. We test the most sensitive setting to make sure we don't miss anyone.

      11. Lion Tony Dolphay said anyone that has insurance is covered for children

      12. We are open to more people working: We will be doing a lot more next year and will need more help.

      13. Lion Steve said the parent is getting a print out of diagnosis. Some things we could use: printer and USB sticks and leave sticks on sight rather not take with us because of privacy, mouse and key board. Lion Doug Larson suggested that we give Lion Steve permission to buy the printer we need and other things. Will discuss at board meeting.

      14. Lion Doug Hollingshead think we are doing a great job. Lion Tom Allen said Lions are testing all over the state.

      15. Lion Jim Rowlatt Said we need to give a thank you to those that have been involved and had worked with testing. Everyone agreed with a hand applause.

  4. financial report:

    1. Checking: $25973.06

      1. 3 deposits shown. One of $107 bad check Credit Bureau collected money and did not charge us.

      2. still have one outstanding

      3. Lion Jim Rowlatt got reimbursed for money he spent on cheese pumper.

      4. Dept. of Commerce: can't do electronic - Lion Steve paid bill with his credit card. Check paid to Lion Steve for credit card reimbursement.

        Treasurer's report was accepted.


  1. Health and welfare:

    1. Application for pair of Hearing Aids: agreement with Northwest Lions pair is $400. Lion Sight and Hearing will pick up bill but patient will pay $50.

    2. Old business:

      1. Campground pictures: by lion Mark Rowlatt

      2. Highway clean up? Do we want to renew: return prior to 5/1 good through 2017..

        1. Do we want to pick ditches? Lion Gregg made motion to pick 1 mile of ditches. Lion Terry Stoppa second. Motion passed. Everybody is picking ditches. Start at Kmart for one mile. Lion Jim Rowlatt said to get the names of those that voted for it to make sure they show up to help.

  2. Campground:

    1. Mark Peterson: camp ground final walk through Wednesday 9 am.

    2. Side walk from pavilion to rest room - donation by C and C Construction,

    3. Roof is done on new pavilion,

    4. Mark Peterson asked Lion Gregg Carlson if he will sponsor him for Lions. Lion Gregg agreed.

  3. Old Business

    1. Hats for sale.

    2. Coats for sale with embroidered need to determine how many we want and sizes before he will give a price. If ordering will need to go to 5 Heads and order your own. 7 people want jackets here tonight.

    3. Couple of meetings ago, Judy Neely was here talking about Montana Sight and Hearing. Should we sponsor here with some money: Lion Tony Dolphay said she hits right in the heart of what Lions does: As we get older, people with poor eye sight need to develop skills. It is a month long clinic. Lion bob said they pay $90k a year. They had endowments before, but with low interest rates can't keep up with expenses. Lion Wayne? Is lions sight hearing involved? $250 scholarship would be helpful.

    4. Lion Work party at Kiwanis: 6 lions on sat. Lion Wanda and Roger Meredith were out on Sunday, cabins are looking good. Lion Simonson daughter will come back later and give a program.

    5. Sleeter fund: Lion Jim Bennett: had little more than 14 k and had 40k in application. Have not made final decision. About $5k will come to Lions. If we gave you a smaller amount than what you requested, would you be able to finish. Lions would. To all clubs requesting this was a question asked.

    6. Lion Becky Toth: Food handler class: $5 last for 5 years. Can turn in the day of Thursday May 12th 9 to 12 food handler class.

    7. Lion Brian Olson: Lions did not over do their bar bill at fish cooking. Everything is good.

    8. Lion Centennial: Lion Allen: Forum: one day deal: best thing have been to for several years: Membership, how to have successful club. Lion Ray Carlson of Sidney(Lion Gregg's son) was there. They tried to cover all that was there. They will do another one in Billings in fall, Leo convention , want to make it family friendly October 8. They put this on and no one showed up. 1.4 million Lions in world. World is growing with U.S. Is dropping. Gained on member in our district.

      1. One presentation: High I am new member bye I am leaving; Lions emblem is the 8th in recognition in world.

      2. Lion Steve McClain: was here for year and did not know what lions did for at least a year. His Daughter (a teacher who observed Lions checking eyes in Chinook) told Lion Roger Roger Meredith she thought all Lions did was sell Pronto Pups and drink beer.

      3. The number one reason people leave lions there is no service, they join to serve and if clubs don't have projects they leave.

    9. Lion Earth Angels associated with Angels Flight: don't have people to drive. Angel Flight is there for anyone. Angel flight Lion Tony Dolphay is involved – flying people that are in need of transportation for medical.

    10. Mark Peterson: veterans are in need of drivers, could volunteer for that

    11. 13 zones in Montana we are being rezoned Sweet Grass, Conrad, Cut Bank, Havre, Turner/ Hogland and Chinook

    12. 4th of July barbeque sign up sheet for helping cook was passed around.

  4. Meetings coming up:

    1. Park: will be work party Memorial Day.

    2. June 16 installation of officers will be at Fort Assiniboine

    3. July clean up: 7 and 14 at fair grounds.

  5. Mark Peterson for Lions membership: Unanimous for Lion Mark Peterson, welcome.

All Lions

50/50 - Mark Rowlatt

Meal Wanda Meredith

Drink Becky Toth

Fine Free Brian Simonson

Meeting adjourned 8:21


Board meeting:

Judy Neely: Lion Becky moved to donate $300. Lion Jim Bennett second motion passed.

Contribution in her name, Montana Association of Blind.

We will need to come up with donation of 8k for 5 k for Sleeter fund.



Havre Lions

April 21, 2016

Lion President Jerad Gillen


28 lions and 2 guests


Guests: Andy Matakis, Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks, and Karla Geda: Havre Schools Child Find to Identify children that are pre school and having trouble with different areas.


Invocation: Lion Terry Stoppa


Guest: Karla Geda child find: thanking Lions for their help with vision testing. Lions Roger and Wanda Meredith and Doug Larson participated for 3 days of child find. The tested 142 students with 23 referrals and 119 passing.


Andy Metakus fish wild life and parks:

Captured 25 deer, tagged and tracked north of Chinook. CWD infection killing in Canada. Trying to track to see if deer are mingling between Canada and US. CWD (chronic waste disease)

Don't have CWD yet in Montana

Tagged mule they travel farther than they thought.

Water Craft:

More check stations: mussels and things like that trying to keep from coming to Montana

Drain, dry clean boat to keep from transferring

Paddle Fish 750 tags 6 weeks of fishing.

Also can buy catch and release tag

eliminate the craziness with open season to catch

FWP donations for Decoys . Person doing decoy is local. $1500 each.

Trying to curb spotlighting of game animals. Have 1300 for decoys want 7500 more to get everything done

Decoy: 33 % success rate.


  1. Minutes: Lion Wanda moved Lion Jerry Kuhn second. passed

  2. Correspondence: DR. Erica Farmer thank you for Lions Lions Roger and Wanda Meredith and Doug Larson participated for 3 days of child find. Tested 142 children with 23 referrals. 16.2% failed.

  3. Health and welfare:

    1. Lion Steve Jamruszka had foot operated on for “carpel tunnel” of foot. Doing well.

  4. Old Business:

    1. Lion Steve is gathering data for the application from Tony for Sleeter Fund.

    2. Working at track: Lions Tom Brady, Gregg Carlson, Steve Jamruszka, Jim Bennett and Doug Larson

    3. Lion Brian Olson: Thank you for Lions help at walleye feed. Lions working: Doug Larson, Craig Tilleman, Tony Dolphay, Jim Ward, Mark Rowlatt, Jim Rowlatt, Jim Heavey, Doug Hollingshead.

    4. Kiwanis Cabin renovation: 9:00 Saturday at Camp Kiwanis: get as many people out to help as possible. Siding going up on inside. Bring hammers nail bags and calking guns. Will do lunch and have beer on ice. Sign up sheet passed around:

    5. Help out blind? Lions Tony: Being in Helena for month will need some assistance: we should help: Need some support. Give it some thought.

    6. Lions campground committee: Tuesday went out as group: Walked through discussed: got phone call after being out: Chad was in area helping put roof on Hagner pavilion. Apologized for not making meeting.

    7. Lions Centennial: Bring up at next meeting: What they want us do do for

  5. New Business

  6. Lion Becky Toth: Clay Vincent: May 12th food handler class open to 50. 27 from college signed up. Would like someone there for walk through. Wants someone every shift to be at Pronto Pup Booth.

    1. $5 for 5 years. May 12 9-noon.

    2. Need to know by 27th of April; Lions will pay if you volunteer to be at booth:

    3. Catherine from Hill County is teacher of food.

    4. Lion Brian Olson certified manager

Drawings: All Lions

Bob Patera drinks

50/50 Roger Meredith 13 dollars

meal Craig Tillman

fine free Tony Dolphay


Meeting adjourned; 8:03


Havre Lions

April 7, 2016

Lion President Jerad Gillen

Invocation: Lion President Gillen

Pledge: Lion President Gillen

Guests: Emily Simonson, daughter of Brian Simonson.

Emily Simonson working on gold award: highest award for Girl Scouts. Renovating cabins at Kiwanis Camp. Would like us to help with labor. Saturday the 23 of April. 8:00 am. Will be putting T 1 11 siding: 4 walls 2 cabin 36 sheets per cabin. Already primed. Another have been approved by Kiwanis to have plaques on inside of cabin.

Sherry Simonson: request for barbeque from Lions for 4th of July. And support. Couple of people at least 4 is good number. For serving.

Minutes: Lion Tony moved to approve. Lion Dave Bowker Second. Minutes approved

Brendon: Business professionals club: MSUNMC

4 students and adviser Wilke going to Boston

Had a $7725 deficit

$3300 deficit at this time. Did Pizza Hut money, hands on history, parking spots at football,

sponsor families for thanks giving and Christmas, recycle hi-line, main profit is skone at fair.

BPA personal competitions; open events; financial managements video production, medical processing tests and other things of this nature

First year of BPA. Business Professionals of America


  1. Correspondence:

    1. Thank you from LeaderDogs for donation of $200.

    2. Thank you from LCIF Donor Services of installments of club members.

    3. Request for funds for groomer for Havre Softball Association

  2. Treasurer report:

    1. Checks outstanding:

    2. 2 other accounts in number campground, special and savings 48,815.97

  3. Health and Welfare:

    1. Lion Steve Mclean will be grandpa again next month and again later this summer.

    2. Lion Tony looking for hearing aids for person. Looking for help. Tony asking if club would help. Wants backing of our club to get support for this to send on to Lions Sight and Hearing.

  4. Old business: Sleeter Fund:

    1. Bathrooms at Fair Ground: Lion Doney passed out drawing of bathrooms. Looking for rough idea $160k at what is here. Fair foundation has not met. Sitting on 80 to 90 k. Just getting going. Want to create a family area by bathrooms. Will probably not work for Sleeter fund:

      1. Lion Steve Mclain: Tyler and Doney are co chairs.

    2. Lion Steve: Groomer for baseball – Men's softball.

    3. Lions Campground also: Lions Hollingshead replace last outhouse that is wood.

      1. Lion Hollingshead wants to get together with Chad and people on committee will get call to meet.

    4. Lions Track meet: long jump and triple jump Saturday 4/9/2016. Sign up sheet went around.

    5. Drawing: All Lions

        1. Dinner: Wayne Bolken

        2. Drink Craig Tillman

        3. 50/50 $15 Tom Brady

        4. fine free: Tony Dolphay


Walleye time 5:00. Saturday April 16. Sign up sheet went around.


Board Meeting:

Groomer for Havre Softball Ass.; no motion

Heavey, Klein, B. Toth, Wanda Meredith, Roger Meredith, Jerad, Steve J, Doney

Hearing aids: Lion Tony: award on quarterly will be after July. Motion to go in and then we can find some true costs. Lion Becky motion to donate 500 dollars Wanda second.


BPA support: Died from lack of motion.



At park. Concrete outhouses and roof for old pavilion.

Will put in for 1st and second priority: Outhouse and campground roof. First priority campground. Roof on old pavilion Lions Steve, Tony and Becky: Motion made for donation of Sleeter fund for maximum of $10 k Lion Wanda Meredith second, passed.  




Havre Lions

March 17, 2016

Lion President Gillen

Invocation Lion Stoppa

Guest: Paul Rainy guest of Lion President Gillen


Chancellor Greg Kegel

Judy Neely Montana Association of Blind

29 members

Judy Neely: Montana Association Of Blind: Legally blind: less than 2200. If you can see less 2200 feet away. She can see about 10 ft. on bicycle goes faster than eyes adjusts. Not all doom and gloom: They work with national group. Main goal is put on school at Carol College for those losing vision. If loosing vision eyes can't keep up. Teach adults how to adjust. The white cane hits something ahead of you. Sound tells what you are bumping into. Talk to them about guide dogs along with canes.

Dogs won't take you where you want to go without you telling them. Good for people with low vision. Dog takes care of you. 3 yr of school before assigned. At school teach about all the equipment available. Can be independent at home. Close circuit TV. Computer classes. Use computers like a seeing person. Come into school like kindergarten and afraid. Month of school feeling much better.

Some of the classes : Braille, cooking, wood working and how our life has changed, Use electric magnifier. Electronic magnify even more. Veterans: have programs for them

Montana association for the blind lend money for equipment


Chancellor: Kegel:

Northern is important: Greg started Northern in 1972 and has been in Havre and Northern ever since.

Economic important to Havre and area.

Good programs will sell themselves.

44 companies showed up for job fair.

Working with hi-line superintendents to get students to come to Northern

Northern Fits a niche:

Have to sustain themselves.

Diesel center building: Area big enough to pull Caterpillar in.

Area where kids will want to come in and study. Will help to recruit kids.

To get students to come to Northern it needs to be a area, which is better than where they came from.

  1. For new building: million from state. Raised 3.9 million. Last session Kris Hansen finagle more money for project.

Yesterday got another 250,000 in match. Project is in good shape. It is in the bank.

Looking to increase enrollment from 1250 to 1500 students.

New Stadium:

Blue pony stadium does not allow college to do what they need to do. Want their own. What if we build a stadium? Looking at what the investment is and what will they get back.

Rodeo Program: Horse operations south of town. Dillon is larger than northern. Equine program has increased it. Would increase 50 students in barrel racing: for rodeo club.

Sustainable agricultural.

Donaldson Hall: abandoned. Sound. Stuck 300k in 2 years ago. Need to figure out what to do with Donaldson hall. Maybe change into vet center. Interest in this.


Looking at doing things for Native American students. 12 percent of population of college is native. Received grant to help with retention of native American students. Need to feel like they belong. Need to make Northern help them feel like they belong.

Greg Kegel is more than just a diesel chancellor. Likes fine arts. Is looking at what is best for Northern.

Have partnership with dean in Great Falls. 2 classes of graduating seniors. Will try to build on that. 500 students will be checking out Northern end of April.

Skills America will be here in 2 wks. This all works to get more students here. They will see what there is at Northern. Hope to get many to come to school at Northern.

Enrollment is up 25 students this semester. Almost 2 faculty members.

Will be breaking ground on diesel building. Bid letting is first of July. Contact awarded end of July.

Housing? 200K improvements to bathrooms at Morgan hall. North wing has been vacant since 1986. Need masks to enter anymore. Brought in team to eliminate asbestos. Completely clean. Room for 120 students there. They need to take care of buildings. Can't just shut door and walk away.

$200k is set aside to redo Ag building for auto.


  1. Club Elections:

    1. 3rd call for candidates. There were no nominations for any of the offices.

    2. Appreciate effort of Lion Gregg Carlson doing all the work on the elections.

  2. Minutes: Stoppa: Lion Jerry Kuhn second passed.

  3. Correspondence. None

  4. health and welfare: None

  5. Sleeter fund: Possible projects: Bathroom at fair grounds & soccer April 29th deadline;

    1. Lion Scott Doney has Joe Getty from Heberly making drawings and will work on cost for bathrooms at fair grounds

    2. $14250 in funds for all projects.

  6. Cooking at Brew Fest for Bear Paw Ski.

    1. If we cook and sell we need a caters license. Need someone with food service handling not doing brew fest. We will not be doing brew fest.

  7. Scholarships: 3 of them. 1 continuing, 1 incoming, legacy one sponsored by Lion member.

  8. Havre trails: working on way to get permit for nature trail. Next year

  9. New Business:

    1. Lions campground: committee meeting at campground on a Saturday

      1. will plan in future

  10. News on lions track meet

    1. When Mark West was head of it. Engraved as Lions track meet on medals. New coaches don't know it is Lions. Medals don't cost much should look into it. Lion Wayne Bolken suggested.

  11. Lion Doug Larson reported on screening at North Star Elementary: Tested around 39 students. Had a referral rate around 15%.

  12. Election Results:

    1. All Lions: President: Craig Tilleman, 1st Vice President: Holly Haas, Second Vice President: Jim Heavey, 3rd Vice President: Jim Bennett, Secretary: Doug Larson, Treasurer: Steve Jamruszka, Directors 1 yr. Hold Over: Scott Doney, Steve McLain, Becky Toth, 2 yr Elected Directors: Wayne Bolken, Brian Olson, Norton Pease. Lion Tamer Frank Benjamin & Jerry Kuhn. Tail Twister: Tim Klein & Gary Stremcha. Membership: Wayne Bolken (Chair), Darin Miller, Norton Pease. Past President: Jerad Gillen.

    2. Motion was made and seconded to destroy ballots. Ballots were destroyed.

Fines for those not wearing green



Drink: Steve Jamruszka

Meals: Wayne Bolken

Fine Free: Jim Rowlatt

Lion Jim Bennett



Havre Lions

March 4, 2016

Lion President Jerad Gillen


Lions present: 28

Call to order: 6:40


Meal Baked Chicken, mixed vegetables, potatoes and gravy

Pledge Lion President Gillen

Invocation: Lion Allan Roush

Guests: Steve Chivilicek, Walleyes Unlimited & Dave Martens Jr. Brew Fest for Ski Bowl



Steve Chivilicek, Walleyes Unlimited:

Asking for help again on Walleye Banquet, Fresno Chapter. Last year was best banquet. Will donate help for fair at booth. April 16, 216 at Ice Dome. Set up Fryers at Friday night – same as before. Lions Pease complained on Bingo Rules. Will need oil and fryers.


Dave Martens Jr. Snow Dance Ski Assoc. - Bear Paw Bowl:

Starting Brew Festival Havre Central Gym March 19th. Will be 13 Brewerys Live music and catering, St. Judes. Asking for food and volunteers . Possibly Pronto Pups or samples we would sell ourselves.


Soccer Club was coming: No show


  1. Minutes: Motion by Lion Tom Allen to accept with corrections. Second Lion Ray Toth. Motion passed.

  2. Correspondence:

    1. Sleeter Fund Last year. April 29th $14,250 available.

    2. Leader dog for the blind is looking for donations for program. Board meeting

  3. Treasurer Report:

    1. ½ sponsorship for Rodeo for fair

    2. Account:

      1. Checking $8,891 as of July one

      2. All of Account $31,553

      3. Memorial Account $3,300

  4. Health and welfare: Everyone is OK.

  5. New Business:

    1. Lion Jerry Kuhn: We got thank yous and pictures for bringing flags to Firs Graders. (Personal Drawings and notes)

    2. 2nd Call for Nominations from Club – Lion Tom Allen Presiding: 3 calls for nominations – no new nominations from the floor. 3rd and last call and vote next meeting.

    3. Montana Assoc. for Blind – Judy Neely next meeting.

    4. Lion Craig Tilleman honored in Time Magazine for Dealer of the Year.

    5. Pins for Years: Lions:

      1. 10 Yr. Russel Malsam, Dan Korb, & Jerad Gillen

      2. 15 Yr. Darin Miller

      3. 30 Yr Chuck Klunder

      4. 35 Yr. Leonard Deppmeier

  6. New Business

    1. Lion Ray Toth Borrowing barbeque for self April 1st.    




Havre Lions

February 18, 2016

Lion Tom Allen


Lions Present: 29

Guests: All Lions

Turner Lions: B.G. Ammen, Keith Cowan, Johannas Bro

Chinook Lions: Richard Cronk Paulette and Richard Cronk

District Governor Richard Gessling


Invocation: Lion Ray Toth

Lion Holly brought her daughter Paislee Rae




Elections: Nominations from the floor was open.

No more nominations: next meeting will open for nominations again.

  1. Minutes:

  2. New Business: Lion Gerald Wood: the guy with the glasses: took back in December 1600 glasses to Great Falls which go to Spokane; Lions in Great Falls are giving some away locally.

    1. Lion Wood has taken thousands of glasses: he takes care of them: He has time to take care of them and throw away those that are not good: Lions Stremcha and Woods work together on glasses :

    2. Lion Woods wife has lost sight in one eye: the back end of eye: had operation done in Missoula: She regained sight in eye; year ago other eye went. She has sight back, but seeing double: Stremcha Lion Darin thanks to lion bill for doing all his work.

  3. Minutes:

  4. Old Business

    1. Lion Holly paid for Havre Laundry bill for Christmas Party.

    2. Has anyone been certified: as long as there is. Lion Wanda Meredith will check with Clay Vincent on getting certified for cooking at booth.

  5. Flags: Lion Simonson: thanks to all the lions that went to flags for 1st graders

    1. both the 8 to highland park and 3 to St. Judes

  6. Program: district Gov. Richard Gessling

    1. Raised in California moved to Red Lodge 1990. Favorite Lions office was Tail Twister: Lion Tom Allen took him on tour of Havre. Went to Triple Dog and other points of interest including Camp Ground.

    2. Thanked to Lion Zone Chair Tom Allen. Pins to Chinook and to Turner Lions

    3. Awards to Lion Terry Stoppa Chevron 15 years, Lion Doug Larson 30 years, Lion Robert Patera 30 year, Lion Roger Meredith 35 years, Lion Gregg Carlson 40 years. Also thanks to Lion Gregg for having his son be his zone chair in the East.

    4. Quiz for Pin:

      1. What did Helen Keller ask? To be “Knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness.

      2. US president that was a district gov. Jimmy Carter: Lion Tom Allen got pin

      3. Lions Centennial theme: Where there is a need there is a Lion

    5. Lion Richard had State Pins for Sale: Last of Charlie Russell -

    6. Club in Montana that was in last Lions magazine: Townsend Lion Bill Woods answered.

    7. And first pin went to Lion Holly's Daughter.

    8. Redistricting: Severed ties with Canada: need to turn clubs around: have 56 clubs – some with very few members. To have a good family of Lions need to get more closer. Consider starting a club in this area, and state will help. Committed to communicate with all the clubs and member.

    9. Go to blog to write on and communicate or get information out to you.

      1. Things that are important will be emailed out. Easy web site to navigate through

      2. Lion Jerry(from site) will answer any questions you might have

      3. Montana Lions District 37 Face Book

        1. has brochure for new clubs on web page. For your club. You can edit for your club.

      4. 37 s has weak clubs with low membership. Charge $6 more each this year to get help increasing membership. Money is not salary but expenses. Wants to turn district around.

      5. In most communities, Lions Clubs are the only clubs in community

      6. Opportunities for learning: Spring Forum in Bozeman: Sessions on funds; needs of community, how to join, they want to have hands on. Will change forum from fall to spring. Forum April 30 ; 10 different presentations. Work shops 1hr each. Go to web site to see what is offered. Opportunity for you as Lion and will even help in private life. Week before, they will start campus Lions Club at MSU..

      7. October 8th forum in billings: not set up yet

      8. 100 year celebration is coming up

      9. secretaries need to do activities reports on national

      10. Have lost some of our family. We don't go to conventions as we have done in the past. We need to go and learn from other Lions. Party and have fun and support each other. Most important part of serving is having fun.

Havre Lions Presented Lion Richard check to Lions Sight and Hearing 100 dollars. In his name.


Drawing: All Lions

meal: Norton Pease

Drink (Scott Doney(ab) Wayne Bolken

50/50 Lion Jim Rowlatt $14.00

Fine free – Doug Larson

Meeting adjourned: 7:50






Havre Lions

February 4, 2016

Lion President Jerad Gillen



Invocation Lion Bob Johnke

Guest Max Vogel of Lion Tony Dolphay


Program: Lindsey Bennett and Carlee Elke, Havre Trails

Havre Trails is looking for support for trails in the Bear Paw mountains. They are working as a liaison between rocky boy and county. Links to Beaver Creek trail with Rocky Boy and is to go to White buffalo and ski hill. The Trails group is to be responsible for the part from the boundary to the water falls on the reservation.

Rocky Boy counsel is in line with what they want.

Havre Trails is proposing to put in gravel up to water falls. Reservation will take care of rest. Lions Campground is adjacent to trail, so they thought we may be interested in supporting monetarily or with physical help. Havre Trails received grant to work on trails. They have support from Hi-line board of realtors and others.

Lion tony: “Does it include a tribal permit to go to reservation.” It is in early stage this is a question that they need to take to the counsel.

Permit for using Reservation land is$100 per year.

Lion Bob Patera: 5 years ago Lions donated 2500 dollars. Should be some money in there from us. It was for going down the creek.

Lion Toth will sell fine free and money goes to Lions. Lion Jerry Kuhn paid $8.00 for fine free.

Discussion on Nature trail: Do we need to pay to use it? Question that needs to be answered before we commit.

Guest Speaker. Clint Solomon:

Thanks for sponsoring the rodeo in the past.

Change: it will be open rodeo and get more people in, high school, Canadian, ranch bronc riding. They are doing what we can and give kids a chance to get involved in rodeo. No change in sponsorship: Will do rodeo themselves instead of giving to national org.

Lion Tony: Was PRA. Cost will not be any less. All the money will go back into rodeo trying to keep it going and be part of community.

If we want we can sell Pronto Pups in stands.

stock will come from same place

Lion Doug Hollingshead: they have done well keep it up

Rodeo Discussion: Rodeo Club: $750 Lion Bolken: If no rodeo will dip into our profit

What is total cost of full sponsor Lion Terry Stoppa? $1500.




  1. Minutes: Lion Frank move Kuhn second approved

  2. correspondence: Havre Youth Base Ball: Request for support. It is in Budget for youth. No need for Board action.

  3. Treasurer Report

    1. Christmas Party:

      1. Dinner

        1. 61 plates +3 for the cooks. $915

        2. Raffles 1545.50

        3. Total $2560.50

      2. Expenses:

        1. Raffles/gifts 466.54

        2. IGA 793.93

        3. MSU-N Food Service 63.45

        4. Pies 180.00

        5. Band 250.00

        6. Total 1753.92

        7. Havre Laundry still not paid. 115.00

  4. health and welfare:

    1. Lion Darin Boss: partial knee replacement

    2. Lion Steve Jamruszka foot operation: Recovery two weeks ahead of where they thought he would be.

  5. Old Business

    1. Flag day: Sign up sheet went around.

      1. Meeting at Highland Park School 12:20 February 12th. Those signing: Steve Jamruszka, Becky Toth, Tom Klein, Brian Simonson, Ray Toth, Tom Brady, Hans Hanson, Jim Heavey.

      2. St Judes: February 16th @ 10:30

        1. Jerry Kuhn

        2. Max Vogel

  6. New Business: Membership information update. Sheet passed around with basic information for each member to make corrections for Lion Gregg Carlson.

    1. Club elections march 17

    2. Start next meeting with nominations

    3. District Gov. will be at next meeting Lion Tom Allen will contact Chinook and Turner. He will get head count of those coming.

    4. April 30 in Lion's conference in Bozeman: Want one member from each club to attend. Will work on how to keep club active. Past International President will give talk: $60 for registration, which will be covered by club. Lion Tom Allen has registration forms and agenda

    5. Lion Tom Allen: If you have not gone to state Lions web page you should check it out.

      1. 1600 lions in state. 800 active.

    6. Max Vogel: candidate for Lions: Lion Tony spoke for him. Said he has known him for long time. Max has gone through JC's and will be a valuable person to help with lions. Lion Carlson moved for new membership. Lion Ray Toth second. Vote was unanimous for him.

Drawings: All Lions

Wayne Bolken fine free

5050 Steve Jamruszka

Dinner: Tom Klein

Drink Tom Allen

Lion Becky: can we get Rocky Mt. Hot dogs?

Lion Bob Johnke: They changed recipe and are under negotiations.

Lion Tony said he had talked to Swallows and he will be heading down to Billings to pick up hot dogs.




Havre Lions

January 21

Lion Jerad Gillen

26 members

Lion Ray Toth Invocation

  1. Lion President Gillen: Asked for anyone with ideas for speakers. The following were suggested.

    1. Chad from park

    2. Lion Bennett s wife Lindsey talk about on trails of the high line.

    3. city manager proposal

    4. Lion Ray Toth and Lion Terry Stoppa on spear fishing

    5. Chamber president for speaker

  2. Lion Steve: This is last year for Sleeter Fund: Lion Jim said it is the last year: Lion Steve Jamruszka said lets get ahead of it and make an application early. Question: Lion Steve J. can Sleeter fund work on camp ground? Lion Bennett says should be OK, but it is up to the people in charge of it.

    1. Ideas for Sleeter Fund:

      1. Have wee done anything to baseball: Lion Wayne Bolken: pitching machine and fence taken care of . They have not asked for anything else.

      2. Rest rooms at fair grounds: Lion Steve Jamruszka. Lion Doney said this is where biggest of their complaints come from for the fair. They need to be improved. Lion Doney: Toilets should be blown up. He is trying to get drawing program at college to help design. Could build at college and take up there and slide off on slab. One of the biggest complaints is restrooms need to be updated.

      3. “Shitter”Committee to work on restrooms: Lions Scott Doney, Steve Jamruszka and Tyler Smith.

      4. Anyone else with ideas for Sleeter fund, let Lion President know. Lion Doney will get plan and get organized for bathrooms and bring back to club.

  3. Correspondence:

    1. Salvation Army thanked for our donation of $1667.00. Salvation army said the money we made was because of the signs saying Havre Lions would match the donations for the day. Lion Stoppa and others said we need to set up to $1500 limit. Some how put it up to challenge community and some how make a $1500 limit.

  4. Lion Steve Jamruszka: Christmas party in black for finance. Will have total with treasurer report next meeting

  5. Health and Welfare: Lion Steve Jamruszka had tarsal tunnel surgery. Lion Steve recovery time on back for first week. Things are going well now. No pain.

  6. Old business

    1. calenders are here. Lion Rowlatt: won't stick on his stainless steel frig. Lion Bob says by a cheaper refrigerator.

    2. Lion Steve: Two schools want Lions to screen students for vision.

      1. Chinook, and North Star

      2. Havre would be interested in early March. Lion Wanda said Erica Farmer screens Havre students. She may want our help.

      3. steer to afternoon during tax season or Wednesday, Thursday , or Friday, being Lion Steve is volunteering to do tax preparation at senior center Monday, Tuesday and in mornings the rest of the week.

      4. Diane Mclean Hill County School Superintendent asked if we would help in spring:

      5. $150 for insurance on sight machine. This covers about everything even if it is dropped. Will talk about at board meeting


  7. Lion Tom Allen:

    1. Cabinet meeting: dist 37:

      1. sight and hearing foundation: insurance: optic plus: $150 for us so all machines can be covered: insurance covers neglect: if dropped insurance covers; Bill and Janis Phiefer have done 8000 screenings in Gallatin county. They have picked up 2 with tumors.

      2. School Nurse State Association is going to bring bill to legislature to have eye test for all kids going into school. Need to have someone to carry bill.

      3. Child find in April, Tuesday Wednesday, and Thursday Lion Wanda Meredith: Dr. Erica Farmer will test all. She may want some help.

      4. other things at meeting:

        1. District Governor wants to come up next month and meet with Turner, Havre, and Chinook the third Thursday. Lion Allen said Turner Lions would come.

        2. Need to do something more special for Turner and Chinook for a meal Lions Craig Tilleman Jerad Gillen will be gone. Lion Gillen will be in Hawaii,

  8. Flag Day February 12 Sign up sheet passed around. Flag day: 150 at Highland Park: 8 people preferred. Be there at 12:20 will start at 12:30 12 th February 2 per classroom. Kids have good time easy to do. Lion Jerry Kuhn will coordinate for St. Judes.

  9. Lion Carlson and nomination committee: Nomination committee 7:00 Feb 11. at Elks: past presidents. Lion Tom Allen will help.

Drawings: dinner Lion Wanda Meredith

Drinks: Lion Wayne Bolken

Fine Free: Lion Ray Toth

50/50 Lion Bowker $26.


Meeting adjourned: 7:47


Board meeting:

Insurance for sight machine: $100 takes care of our machine: $150 takes care of all Lion's machines in state: Lion Steve it good idea. Lion Craig Tilleman moved. Lion Becky Toth second. Motion passed.





Havre Lions

January 7, 2015

Lion President Jerad Gillen


Invocation Lion Hollingshead

23 members


  1. Minutes: Lion Tilleman moved to approve Lion Wanda Meredith second: Motion Passed

  2. Correspondence:

    1. Holiday greetings from Northern Alumni Foundation and The Northern Lights Athletic Scholarship Foundation.

    2. We love Northern Ball Hollywood Lights the theme. Feb 6, save the date card

    3. Lion Larson thanked for donation in his mother's name to First Lutheran radio broadcast

  3. Treasurer report: Lion Steve Jamruszka treasurer report: (see attached)

  4. Health and welfare: Lion Jacob Lorang is parent of new baby girl.

  5. Old business:

    1. Christmas Party:

      1. Thank u to Lions: Tony, Holly, Becky and Steve Mclain and all others that helped out.

      2. Thank Lion Leonard Deppmeier for the great leading of the national anthem

  6. New Business:

    1. Calenders: Lion Hollingshead wants calenders

  7. Lions campground:

    1. Lion tony: reserved for Lions Club Memorial Day, last weekend in July for steak fry, and Labor Day

Drawings:All lions:

.Meal (Absent Deppmeier, Jim Heavey, Jerry Kuhn, Dan Korb), Jacob Lorrang

Drinks: (Jim Ward), Steve Jamruszka

Fine free: Roger Meredith $17.00 Donated back:

Fine free? Bob Patera

Meeting adjourned: 7:28














Havre Lions

December 17, 2015

Lion Jerad Gillen

Invocation: Lion Becky Toth

Lion Steve Jamruszka cooked Cornish game hens, green beans and baked potatoes.

29 members

Guest Max Vogel


Minutes: motion to approve Lion Tony, Lion Bolken second: passed


Lion Terry Stoppa good to see Lion Tom Allen back

Head or tails: President Lion Gillen: Lion Deppmeier won. He will lead the national anthem at the Christmas party.

Old business:

Pavilion: walls are standing

Christmas party: 5:30 happy hour. Dinner 6:30 band and public open at 9:00

New business:

Web site: $1,667.12 for Salvation Army. Cap was $1500. Lion Steve Jamruszka wanted to bring up at meeting. Do we want to match full amount.

Lion Jim Rowlatt thanks to Lion Steve for cooking the dinner

Drawings: All Lions:

meal: Brian Olson

Drink: Jacob Lorang

Fine Free: Wayne Bolken

50/50 : Jim Heavey

Meeting adjourned 7:26

Board Meeting: Lion Larson moved to approve Lion Norton second motion passed.

Gary and Leo's project: $500 donation: Lion Becky Toth moved Lion Norton second. Motion passed






Havre Lions

Lion President Gillen

November 5, 2015


Invocation Lion Roush

Members: 22

  1. Minutes: Lion Moved by Lion Wayne Bolken. Lion Holly Haas second. Motion approved.

  2. Lion Jim Bennett: Lions Club donated to restore 3 flags at College Library. Final work is done on last flag. MSU Northern invites all Lions to the College library, Friday Nov.13 3:00 at library conference room. One of the rarest flags in the US. 30 stars. Only a few made. And one other may be only one made of its type with number of stars. Will be on display at library from then on out. Just those that donated money are invited Friday.

  3. Complaints from Lion Bennett for someone who stole the lion. Will filibuster until Lion is returned.

    1. Recipe for chocolate chip cookies

    2. complaint for no call back president

    3. Phone book

  4. Correspondence:

    1. Montana Sight and Hearing Foundations: thank you for donations of

      1. $2000 parade of green

    2. Leader Dog $1000

    3. Lions International:

    4. C & C did $5,700 more work on campground Lion Craig Tilleman said.

  5. Financial: Lion Steve Jamruszka

    1. Bag Pipe money back and Mints money put in.

    2. Projection for end of Year $7700.00, running into expenses will probably drop 6 members. Gained 2

    3. Membership cards will be at next meeting.

  6. Health and welfare:

    1. Lion Doug Hollingshead 2nd grand kid.

    2. Lion Terry Stoppa grandchild # 7 , according to Lion Tony Dolphay that means he is OLD!

    3. Lion Jim Bennett is getting some sleep with his. His breast feeding has failed.

    4. Lion Tom Allen's dad passed away. Lion Tom Allen had blood clot in leg and needs to stay home, and cannot work. Don' t want it moving.

  7. Business:

    1. Lion Tony: question on sight and hearing budget?

      1. Getting inundated being Bull Hook Clinic found out about us. College students app. Don't want to blow our budget. Want to screen. Have not had a youth request for long time. Have an application for one on hearing aids to the State Lions. Lion Gary Stremcha and Lion Tony Dolphay are ones on sight and hearing committee. Will help those that will help themselves. Try to find solution that is equable for those that help themselves.

      2. Lion Wayne Bolken: maybe we need to contact school nurse that we will help those youth that need help.

      3. Lion Leonard Deppmeier: Is Lion Woods picking up glasses. Lion Tony Dolphay will contact Lion Woods.

    2. Christmas party:

      1. Lion Holly Haas on Christmas party: How much for Decoration expenses: feel creative? Lion Tony said.

    3. Lion Gillen complaints that his name was spelled like Sub Way Jerad. Lion Bennett said he should tell someone that cares.


  9. Old Business:

    1. Christmas Party: SwampGoats: Dave Martins, Dave Nystrom old school country.

      1. Invite the cooks.

      2. Menu figured out, and we will determine individual cost.

  10. Hi-way clean up: has been mowed – Lion Wayne said it is too cold.

    1. Lion Doug Larson move to do it at 9:00 this Saturday. Lion Steve second.

      1. Lion Doug Larson will go to highway department for signs and bags. We will meet meet at the old Halliburton shop east of Havre.

    2. Campground:

      1. Lion Doug Hollingshead showed Lion Tony Pictures. Some grass and top soil already placed. There will be stuff for us to do to reestablish as our campground.

    3. Turned in Peace poster contest to Jr. high art and will bring in and send in / lion Gillen. Jr high.

  11. New Business:

    1. Vision Screening at Cotton Wood School. Will do it November 17, both schools. At north school at 9:00 and south at 11:00. Provides diagnostic for 5 different orders.

      1. Checks for Lazy eye.

      2. Have not gone back to St. Judes or out of town.

      3. Web site – two extra pages: one vision screening – intended for schools to download and see what we do.

      4. Second page: school letter to draw down letters to fill out by parents. Lion Holly asked, if it can they be put on social media. Yes.

      5. 2 reports that go to school. Individuals that should pass or be referred.

      6. Last year we had 20% in referral range.

      7. At this point our target area is Chester to Malta.

      8. Hoping to turn into annual event.

      9. Lion Craig Tilleman wanted to know, if any referees were tested.

    2. Lion Holly Haas made motion to ring bells -5th or 12th . Seconded by Lion Tony Dolphay. Motion Passed.

    3. Lion Wayne: Lion Holly's cub was born and no one except the cub won.


Drinks: Lion Terry Stoppa

Dinner: Lion Doug Larson

50/50 10. Lion Becky Toth

Fine free Lion Jerad Gillen.



Havre Lions

October 15, 2015

Lion Vice President  Craig Tilleman


Invocation: Lion Ray Toth:


Mark Benjamin- Guest of Lion Frank Benjamin

Hans Hanson - Guest of Lion Steve McLain

Sally Loftus: Program: High-line Pregnancy:

22 Members

3 guests


Program: Sally Loftus: High-line Pregnancy a non profit

                    abstinence counseling

                    Help them make an informed decision they can live with

                    If they decide to parent they are helped by things donated by the community

  1. Minutes: Motion to approve minute? Lion Wanda Meredith made motion to accept. Lion Frank Benjamin second. Motion passed

  2. Financial Report:

    1. 35,724, balance on checking

    2. 8,9499. projected balance

    3. Motion to approve financial report made by Lion Jerry Kuhn. Lion Ray Toth second. Passed

  3. Correspondence? None

  4. Health and welfare

    1. Jim Bennett had baby boy today

    2. Lion Deppmeier said he is going to be bored and stroked on Monday.

      1. Fun thing is you need to pass and can pass gas.

    3. Lion Larson talked to Lion Klunder: He is still at Big Sandy Rest Home. He is doing physical therapy and dreaming about going back to Alaska.

  5. Old Business:

    1. Waiting for mowing on ditch cleaning

    2. Thanks for everyone that helped with Legends for Lights.

      1. Members for Breakfast: All Lions: Mark Rowlatt, Doug Hollinghshead, Tom Klien, Tony Dolphay, Bob Patera, Doug Larson, Frank Benjamin, Wayne Bolken, John Quinlivin, Jim Heavey, Scott Doney, Steve Jamruszka, Gregg Carlson

      2. Members helping at Shrip Cooking: All Lions: Becky and Ray Toth, Jim Heavey, Les Knutson, Tony Dolphay, Gregg Carlson, Frank Benjamin, John Quinlivin, Mark Rowlatt, Doug Larson.

  6. New business:

    1. Lion Jim Rowlatt on Campground: Bridge is looking great. Water is going under new bridge. Road is back in. Pad is down for pavilion. Really coming along. First part of bridge was wrong but is done now. Next spring will be lot of work for clean up and making more camping sites. Really don't know when we will need to write a check. FEMA will come up and have a walk through.

      1. Park board meeting: All three commissioners were there and they may try to fund ½ of our donation. Will be a two campground deal. They are trying to get a loan to pay for ½ of our commitment. Possibility, but not for sure. Mark Peterson has worked hard for us and will deserve a big thank you from us.

  7. Lion Tony has taken over for Lion Tail Twister. Thanks from Steve

  8. Lion Dugdale will come next meeting for soccer

  9. Anyone interested in helping for Christmas party contact Lion Craig Tillman or Lion Holly Haas

  10. New members:

    1. Lion Benjamin; graduated 2003, he is up at Northern and working on jet program out of Glasgow: served with him on Hockey Board

    2. Hans Hanson: works at Triangle telephone

    3. Lion Deppmeier moved to accept new Lions. Lion Jerry Kuhn second. unanimous

Drawn but not present: Lions Scott Doney, Lion Jerad Gillen,

drinks: Lion Hollingshead

meal: Lion Deppmeier

50/50: Lion Steve McLain

Fine free: Lion Lorang





Havre Lions Club

October 1, 2015

Lion Jerad Gillen


Invocation: Lion Tom Allen

Program: Becki Miller – Down Town Beautification – purpose is to strengthen and preserve historic Down Town. Historic Block: Master Sports block. Most is owned by BNSF. Improvements planed for future: Wraps on utility boxes, enhance welcome signs with lighting, outdoor seating, murals, bike racks. They meet once a month. October 15 is the next meeting. Contact Debbie Vandeberg or Becki Miller, if interested or have questions.

No Tail Twister: Lion Becky filled in.


  1. Correspondence: None

  2. Minutes: Moved to approve by Lion Bob Patera. Second Lion Tom Allen. Approved.

  3. Any Fines accrued by acting secretary will be paid by Real Secretary.

  4. Reports:

    1. Lion Steve Jamruszka:

      1. May be only 50 members 4 next year. Encourage people to come to meetings. Lions has to pay for 25 meals. We are loosing money being we have been having less than 25 eating.

      2. $500 refunded from Chamber for bag pipe no show.

  5. Old Business:

    1. Dec. 19 Christmas Party at Bowling Alley.

    2. Sunday October 11 Lions will be cooking breakfast and dinner for Legends Pheasant Hunt.

      1. Show up at 6:00 AM on Sunday the 11th to help with breakfast. Need 8 or more Lions.

      2. Show up at 3:00 PM on Sunday the 11th to help cook the shrimp. Need 8 or more Lions.

    3. Festival Days Parade: Lion Ray Toth drove Lion Cam's Lincoln. Lion President Gillen rode and dished up candy to hand out. Lions – Jerry Kuhn (in Lion), Doug Larson, Wayne Bolken (In tutu) along with Jack Gillen walked and handed out candy.

  6. Lion President paid $10.00 to get Bell back.

  7. New Business: Peace Poster Contest – Ordered kit. Recent Lions Magazine honored old old – members. Club suggested writing letter about Lion Norm. No new update on Lion Klunder.


Meal: Lion Tom Allen

Drink: Lion Jim Rowlatt

50/50 Lion Scott Doney – donated back.

Fine Free: Lion Jim Heavey




Havre Lions Club

September 17, 2015

Lion President Jerad Gillen



Invocation: Lion Doug Hollingshead

Members Present: 26

Guests: Mark Peterson

Mark Peterson, County commissioner updated us on what is happening at Lion's Campground.


  1. Minutes: Lion Tom Klein moved to accept minutes. Lion Ray Toth second. Motion passed.

  2. Correspondence:

    1. Montana Lions Sight and Hearing Foundation Newsletter

    2. District 37 Newsletter:

      1. Ballot for Constitution changes

    3. Join Us for the Lions Worldwide Week of Service in Sight

    4. Friends of Beaver Creek Park Invite to 4th annual fundraiser on October 10th. Fall In Love With Beaver Creek Park. An evening to celebrate the Park. Doors open at 5 PM. Dinner at 6 PM

    5. Health and Welfare:

      1. Lion Gary Tschache Memorial Sculpture in Bozeman : Lion Tom Allen said he as an excellent Lion.

        1. Picture with sculpture: Bozeman Lion: Lion Gregg Carlson's grandson was in picture with memorial statue of a Lion:

        2. Ballots for Convention

          • Lion Tom Allen Staples in head: minor brain surgery: About sucked enough out to become a Griz fan. Had hematoma. Had helicopter flight to Great Falls. In Thursday and out Friday

    6. Old Business:

      1. Parade: Line up at 9:00 – 9:30

        1. No bag pipers. Canadians could not get enough people together to perform.

        2. Lion President will be in the car. Lion Norm Gorder will also ride in car.

        3. Lion Leonard: The way you can smile all the way through the parade is to put Vaseline on lips.

        4. Lion Kuhn will be in costume:

          • Lions Wayne Bolken, Doug Larson, Jerry Kuhn & Becky Toth will be walking:

          • Lion president will buy candy

      2. MSU Northern legends for lights sign up. Second week in October.

    7. Lions Hats: are here Pick them up and pay: $15 each

  3. New Business:

    1. Kiwanis: is at Eagles: Keith Marisuten said could use help 7-10 and after 1:00.



Lion Wayne Bolken stated in the Lions Magazine it said: Lions Club gives back 84.3 percent of all money taken in. It is second in percent given back to community.

Lion Deppmeier: Pronto Pup ant Fossil Festival Expressed appreciation and the hot dogs were bought from the remains of fair. They made about 1,100 dollars.


Lion Tilleman: Next meeting Will be Urban Blight Busters:


Meeting Adjourned: 7:30.

Meal: Lion Doug

Drinks: Lion Darrin Miller

50/50 Lion Jim Heavey $12.00

Fine Free: Lion Tom Klein


Board Meeting:

Called; Lion Steve: amount of money given to parade of Green at Convention: $1000 to LCIV, $1k to Leader Dog, $2k to Montana Sight and Hearing:

Lion Steve McLain made motion to keep donation the same. Lion Tom Klein second: motion passed:

Lion Tom Allen said Havre Lions Club gives some of the biggest donations for the parade of green.








Havre Lions

September 3, 2015

Lion Gillen


Members 19

Guests: Hans Hanson: guest of Lion Steve Mclain

  1. Correspondence:

    1. Boys and girls club: thank you for $1000 donation

    2. Thirty One Consultant Sponsor a bin $12.00 per bin. Will be filled with Hygienic and comfort items for Domestic violence.

    3. Thank you from Graduation Matters

  2. Minutes: Lion Craig Tilleman moved to approve, and Lion Wanda Meredith second. Motion passed.

  3. Financial Report:

    1. Hats: are here

    2. 2015 fair: Two outstanding bills are in.

    3. Net 23,153.04

    4. lions steak fry 65 paid.

    5. 125 steak sales

    6. $1134 income $734.90 expenses net $394.

    7. August Statement

      1. Projected balance $6,765.07 Best guest for balance June 2016.

      2. We have had 2 meetings where we have not made minimum number of members eating. We guarantee 25 paying dinners.

  4. Health and welfare: None

  5. Old Business:

    1. Lions Christmas party December 19th 5:30.

    2. Labor day camp out is not on. Nothing is reserved.

    3. Hi-way clean up we will do later

    4. Festival Day Parade: Lion Kuhn will walk in costume. Form for parade was turned in for parade. Festival days parade Sept 19th.

      1. Need people to sign up to hand our candy(no one signed up to walk)

      2. Lion President will buy candy for parade

    5. Pheasant hunt will have sign up sheet

    6. Sign up for fossil festival cooking contact Lion Leonard Deppmeier

  6. New Business

    1. urban blight Hi-line pregnancy resource center HPRC

    2. Thank you for Lion Doug Hollingshead & Lion Jim Rowlatt for organizing Shrimp cooking steak fondu.

    3. Lion Doug H. asked how fondu worked? Everyone thought was good

      1. everything was done well/ with different types of cooking

    4. Lion Brady – can buy extra ticket for 50/50

    5. Drawings

      1. Lion Terry Stoppa Drinks

      2. Lion Frank Benjamin meal: Donated back

      3. Lion Lion Jacob Lorang $9.50

      4. Lion Gregg Carlson fine free

Meeting adjourned: 7.29


Board Meeting:

Request for Sponsoring a bin for Stopping the Violence. $12.00 per Bin. Request from Amanda Christofferson

Lion Wanda: Sells 31 bags and will fill. The bin will be for those that go to the shelter, domestic abuse.

Lack of motion, proposal died.  











Havre Lions

Lion President Jerad Gillen


Invocation: Lion Ray Toth

Guests: New extension agent Katrin Finch and friend Eli Kleinsasser, & Mark Peterson

30 members

  1. Correspondence:

    1. Sidney Herald: Sidney Lions Club Experimenting with Plus Optics Eye Scanner, one we had.

    2. - Boys and Girls Club invitation to open house Monday August 24th 5:00-6:00

  2. Minutes Moved to approve Lion Wayne. Lion Stoppa second. Approved

  3. Programs and speakers: Lion Craig Tilleman is in charge of speakers. If you know of a good program or person to put program on tell Lion Craig

  4. Health and Welfare: None

  5. Old Business

    1. steak fry: August 29th at pagers

    2. 6:30 meal, steak and shrimp.

    3. Committee need help for cooking. Anyone who wants to come earlier show up and help. Going to have pitch fork fondu

    4. Send out email for desserts A To L and salads M to Z

    5. $15/00 per plate

    6. Bring your own drinks

  6. Lions Christmas party:

    1. December 5th is booked already at bowling club by someone else.

    2. Lion Steve Mclain: Boys and girls club may be available.

    3. Lion Becky – Cowboy Christmas is on 12 of December.

    4. Lion Ray Toth – could move to January

    5. Question was asked as to who doesn't care. They were the largest group. Lion Gillen will make reservation see what is available and make reservations.

  7. Committees: Lions President went over different committees and asked for Lions to think about being on committee.

  8. Labor day camp out: Upper end of Lions Campground

  9. Highway clean: Will discuss at later meeting but will be after it freezes and ditches are mowed.

  10. Festival day – parade Ruby's Lincoln, Lion Ray will drive, but do need volunteers to walk and hand out candy.

  11. New Business:

  12. MSU Northern Legneds breakfast: Lion Craig Tilleman asked if we will cook on Sunday. Also said Kiwanis will probably need help.

  13. October 10th begins/ weekend before Columbus day

  14. Fossil festival sign up for cooking pronto pups – Lion Leonard – Sponsored by Havre Public Schools Foundation – According to Lion Leonard, a fossil is anyone that pays $30. Trying to make fund raiser for Havre school organization – entertainment on Friday and Saturday night – no meal Saturday night

  15. 560 hot dogs for pronto pups. Will cook from 5-7 and sell. Money goes into HHS Foundation – invite all to come. If you want to come up and help talk to Leonard, sign up sheet,

  16. Lion Leonard Depmier: To register go on line to You can print out registration and mail or put it in and do it on line. There will be wrist bands for those that pay their $30.

  17. Lion Jim Bennett: Library on college campus thanks Lions club for donation of $2000 to restore flag. With money donated from lions another flag was also restored. November 14 will be unveiling of 2 flags reconditioned for MSU Northern Library

  18. Lion Jim Bennett – October 3rd foundation Chinese auction for scholarships. It will start 6pm Saturday

  19. Mark Peterson: Construction started on Tuesday morning in Lion's Campground. We would be amazed at what is done.


Lion Dave Boucher meal

50/50 Lion Darrin Boss $14.00

Lion Frank Benjamin fine free

Lion Gary Stremcha drinks


meeting adjourned 7:29 pm

Lion Secretary Doug Larson


Havre Lions

August 6 2015

Lion Second VP Craig Tilleman


Guest: Mark Peterson, County Commissioner

Health and Welfare

Lion Klunder: Big Sandy home club has taken care of due last year. Are we paying for Life member?

Lion Holly: Lion Holly got all the money for birth board. Name: Paislee Rae Neifert.


Lion Wayne motion to accept minutes. Lion Kuhn second. Motion passed.


Havre Chamber Registration for Festival Days Parade: Lion Larson will take to Chamber.

Thank you from Northern AG Research Center

Note from Toni Hegner thanking Lions for donating money to redo flag. More money has come in from other s to do 2 other flags, being we got it started.

Thank You from Havre High Class of 2015

High-way cleanup: Next month or two, suggested to do it in October. Lion Tony let them mow and freeze put on agenda for September


Committees: next meeting. Any one wanting to be on a certain committee contact Lion President Gillen

Treasurer Report: Lion Treasurer Steve Jamruszka:

Fair Booth: Sysco and Coke bills still need to be paid.

Booth total: $50592.50 down $5600 from last year

Expenses $28,881. $21766 net this year down $3892.19

Lion Steve went through our budget and our encumbrances for the next year. End of fiscal year, should have $4930.00

Lion Leonard: reconsider the non mandatory payments: Leader Dog, Melvin Jones, etc 24,000 for Lions Campground for community, is more important.

Lion Steve: We sent a lot of money to boys and girls club. This year is the last payment. Payed 3 years ahead. Pay a lot of things to club,

Lion Tony, should pull up boot straps and get into it as we did in the past.

Lion Leonard: we should never do free meals: A good example of how to tighten our belts.

Lion Doney: the committee decided to do this and new that other things might suffer, so we need to accept this for this year.

Lion Steve: Sight and hearing is our main thrust: We made the commitment we need to handle it.

Lion Steve did a great analysis: we know where we are and what we need to.

Lions Campground:

Lion Larson: Lions Board met twice, 6/16 to discus and commit $23,882.50 to Lion's Campground. With this commitment we would have 2 pavilions. On 6/29 topic was rediscussed and voted to commit the $23,882.50 to Lion's Campground.

Mark Peterson, County Commissioner: Contract to C and C construction company. 2013 flood, new pavilion, improved project write up needed, tom Banard, hoping to get the start,

Monday morning, 8/17 will meet with C and C to get it started.

New pavilion will be identical to old pavilion

October will be when check will be written


Lion Steak fry:

29th of August:

Lion Hollingshead menu shrimp and will go to IGA and see what can get at good price,

will need help with bringing things out.

Steak fry will be at Pagers. Labor day Lions will be at other end of Lions campground,

bring your own drinks, and salads and desserts, try to keep cost down, stuff left from fair.

If you want to help contact doug Hollingshead

Steak will be the meat

Call committee for steak fry next meeting

Campground is reserved for weekend.


Hot Dogs: 2 cases left


Christmas party:

Bowling ally Lion tony: bowling ally worked out fine, we don't have a lot o f choices. Works out good financially.

Reservations December 5th Saturday for Christmas

Festival Days: Lion ray Toth: Ruby Worstell said we could have Lincoln, if we want.

Lion Jerry has costume

Lion Ray: bag pipers are taken care of

Lion Rowlatt with cheese machine: increased that we sold more cheese fries.




Jerry Kuhn: $11.00 donated back.

Drinks lion Jerry Kuhn

Ron miller meal

Lion Hollingshead fine free – sold to lion Kuhn


Board Meeting:


Request for money from salvation army,

back to school: families are in need of school supplies:

died for lack of motion


Motion to have Lion Steve pay reacquiring bills: Lion Norton made motion, Larson second. Motion passed for things that are reacquiring:  





Havre Lions

May 21, 2015

Lion 3rd Vice President Holly Haas


  1. Correspondence: None

  2. Fines for Lion Norton: Agenda 1 fine for misspelling of pronto: Lion Norton fined for duplicating graduation and graduation matters.

  3. Minutes: Lion Wayne moved to approve. Second Lion Wanda: Motion passed.

  4. Lion Holly: Lion Hollingshead will be fined for going to park and not attending meeting.

  5. Old Business:

    1. Clean up of Lions Camp Ground: Update: Lion Tony: camping starts tonight: Lion Doug Hollingshead is out there. Annual clean up bring shovels, garbage bags, wheel barrows, and chain saws. Everyone is welcome. All campgrounds on east side are reserved. Camping season is on.

    2. Lion Roger Meredith: creek is flowing on both sides of pavilion and all grass is cut by Dixie

Lion Holly pledge

Lion Stoppa invocation:

Lion Rowlatt Mark, guest :Ciara Donovan

    1. 26 lion 1 guestChopper.

  1. Lion Clean up at booth: July 2nd is meeting day:

    1. Lion Bob Patera: floors are clean, don't need to power wash: 1st is out being Ag Day at Fort:

    2. Clean up at booth. Lion Wanda Meredith moved to do it the 25th of June, Lion Stoppa second. Motion passed

  2. Officer induction: Lion Tony: cooking and Lion Becky BBQ. Pulled pork with coleslaw, bring your own drink. Salads first half of alphabet, desserts second half. A to l and m to z

  3. Graduation Counts Run BBQ; got 40 participants, and had purchased 200 hamburgers for run. Rest are held in freezer.

    1. Ezzie's needs thank you for filling propane for our projects.

  4. Lion Becky talked to Elks Club and people that left things not acceptable. This time things were OK. Everything was OK when cooks came in.

  5. Lion Bennett: MSU Northern Skills is looking for scrap metal to have donated to them. They will pick it up or there is an account for Skills USA or call Lion Jim Bennett.

  6. New Business:

    1. Hi-way clean up – Lion Ray Toth it looks OK and was decided to wait until fall to pick.

  7. Lion Bob Patera has all the dog sticks and batter ordered. Lion Hollingshead will be fined for not being there to talk about ordering for fair. Lion Tony Dolphay will talk to Ruhakmps about fries. Lion Norton will contact Havre dist. for ice.

  8. Lion Jerad Gillan: How do we know what to do and when with fair? Wants to know for next year when he is president.

    1. Lion Doug Hollingshead worked for Pennington's and ordered then has ordered ever since.

    2. Need to have on agenda at meeting in May.

  9. Programs for meetings: 1st meeting was business second program: 1st VP is program director.

    1. Lion Craig Tilleman will be in charge next year.

  10. Sleeter match:

    1. Lion Steve Jamruszka said new sight machine was ordered, and will be here soon.

    2. Has not contacted Brett Patrick about the Sleeter fund will contact after meeting.

  11. Lion Darin Boss has Password for website, Lion Steve J. would like to attend meeting next fall to tell them that we have the machine.

  12. Lion Rowlatt said Lion Darin is looking for help at fort for 100th anniversary - keep in mind that he could use your help

  13. Health and Welfare: Fine for Lion Norton not health and wellness.

    1. Lion Tony Dolphay's mother passed away.

    2. Lions Patera and Bolken: are bachelors for week and half. Wives are gone.

    3. Lion Jim Bennett: He and wife is expecting first child. End of October.

    4. Still spots on the board for Lion Holly

    5. Lion Stoppa will be 7th grandchild

    6. Lion Steve graduated grandson



Meal Lion Norm Gorder

Drink Lion Ray Toth

50/50 Lion Jim Rowlatt $13.00

fine free: Lion Brian Olson








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