Photo Gallery
To honor the Mettowee Seniors 50th anniversary, the Granville Lions Club donated $500 to the organization. L-R are Mettowee Seniors President Carol McGivern, Granville Lions Foundation Treasurer Phil Weaver, & Lions Secretary Michael Angiolillo.
KL Linda Presenting Gavel to KL Roger
Lion Ron Barrett (left) presented Granville Lion Michael Angiolillo with the Melvin Jones award for humanitarian service at the club's installation dinner on June 14. Congratulations Mike for this well-deserved honor!
Paul Garrone (L) was the community recipient of the Melvin Jones Fellow Award for 2023. Paul was presented with this honor on Oct. 3, 2023 by King Lion Phil Weaver.
Lion Phil Presenting Slate Valley Museum Donation to Lion Molly
Kl Linda Presenting MJF to Kathy Juckett
Lions donate to Granville Fire Dept
King Lion Phil Weaver presents a check for $500 for Vermont District Charities to District Governor Kathy Dorman.