Glendale Lions Club BBQ
October 16, 2021
During the Glendale Crossing Festival October 16, 2021 the Glendale Lions Club will be conducting it's annual BBQ fundraisier from 10:00 am until the BBQ is sold out, located at the Glendale Volunteer Fire Department.
$10.00 a meal, BBQ, Chips and Drink.
Glendale Lions Club Pancake Breakfast
May 19, 2022
During the Glendale Springfest May 19, 2022 the Glendale Lions Club will be conducting it's annual Pancake Breakfast fundraisier from 9:00 am until 12:00 am located at the Glendale Volunteer Fire Department.
Glendale Lions 5K Fun Run/Walk
June 18, 2022
Starting at 8. Go to to register