

Glendale Kentucky Lions Club - Proudly serving our community since 1946!


Glendale is located along the Interstate 65 corridor and is in central Kentucky and Hardin County, Exit 86.

Our beautiful community is now recognized for its Antique shops and wonderful restaurants in its Historic District.

Glendale is an unincorporated town and the Lions Club acts as its "unofficial" government in providing services for the community.  To learn more about our community, click below:

Visit Glendale Kentucky today!


Club Meetings in Glendale, KY

If you (or your friends or family members) would like to become involved in an upcoming project, or join our Lions Club, feel free to attend our meetings.

Meetings are held the 1st & 3rd Thursday of every month beginning at 6:00 PM

1st Thursday Meeting is held at Tony Yorks on Main & the 3rd Thursday - Meeting is held at Glendale Christian Church, Oak Room 119 E. Main Street


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