
Glendale Lions Club History

The Glendale Lions Club was formed in 1946 when the need for community integrity was envisioned.  Over the years, we have spearheaded numerous projects that display our committment to the community.  Below are some of our accomplishments:


- Paving of the town streets

- Development of the town street lights

- Organization of the Glendale Fire Department

- Formed the Summer Recreation Program in 1976

- Organized the Glendale Crossing Festival with the assistance of the community churches and East Hardin Middle School

- Purchased property for the development of the Glendale community park and the Fire house in 1979

- Awarded over 30 scholarships for the youths in our community

- Played an instrumental role in getting the first water treatment plant for Hardin County District # 2


Help us continue the tradition of making our community a great place to work and live!  Feel free to attend any of our meetings for more information.

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