The Bair Island Cyber Lions Club is the 2nd Cyber Lions Club in District 4-C4 supporting both general community service projects and those of Lions Club International. Lions Clubs are an association of non-religious and non-political service clubs currently serving over 200 countries around the world. (LionsClubs.org)
The Bair Island Cyber Lions Club is on a path to determine its own service focus as it matures and grows. Other projects such as eyeglass recycling, vision screening, diabetes testing, hearing programs and others yet to be identified will be considered by the Bair Island Cyber Lions Club.
Join us and do projects in your community! We focus on projects and not meetings and awards.
Contact us if you're interested by sending an email to : bairislandcyberlc@gmail.com
2023-2024 Club Officers
President - Ofa Veimau
Vice President - Ruby Kaho Montano
2nd Vice President - Koli Tau
Secretary - Tolifili Fa
Admin Treasurer - Sophia Huyunh
Charities Treasurer - Melite Wood
Service Chair - Jimmy Ness
LCIF Coordinator - Jim Traceski
Membership Chair / BBQ Guy - Moe Veimau
Marketing Communications Chair - Rob Carballer
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