


 Serving Our Community

Community Service in Action

The Community Grants for 2024-2025 were awarded to:

The School Garden Program…..$500

The Relief Nursery……………….$500

The Candle Lighters……………..$500

In addition to our annual Community Service Grants, we provide grants when the need arises.

EDT Lions Club Community Service Committee Grants Presented 2024

At the March 6th meeting of the Eugene Downtown Lions Club Lion President Jimmy Koch presented a check for $1,000 to Terry Spencer for Lane Senior Support Coalition. This is just one of the many grants the Club gives each year. Terry was our guest speaker for the meeting and she explained what the organization does and who it serves and thanked the Club for the grant. For more information concerning Lane Senior Support Coalition go to their webpage at:


At the April 3rd meeting Lion President Jimmy presented a check for $1,000 to Teresa Bauer Executive Director of Lane County Diaper Bank, which is the beneficiary of a grant from the Club's Community Service Committee. Teresa was our guest speaker and gave a great presentation as our guest speaker detailing what the Diaper Bank is all about. Check out their webpage at:

At the April 17th meeting Lion President Jimmy Koch presented Mary Lou Bradley a check for $1,200 for The Candlelighters For Children With Cancer. For information about this great organization go to their website at Mary Lou gave a wonderful presentation as our guest speaker.

10 May 2024

Lion Tim Chuey

Publicity Chairman

Eugene Downtown Lions Club 



Used Eyeglasses, Sunglasses, Hearing Aids and Cell Phones Get Recycled

The Eugene Downtown Lions Club has six members who have specific drop-off locations from which to collect used eyeglasses, sunglasses, hearing aids, and cell phones. They are sorted, then boxed up and shipped to the Lions LEAP (Lions Eyeglass Assistance Program lab in the Portland area. Each Lion has been packing up the collections on an individual basis and delivering them to Albertsons/Safeway stores and the store puts the boxes on one of their trucks that is headed for Portland. 

Fairly recently the Club started a once-a-month sorting party after one of the Clubs meetings at the Eugene Mission. On February 21st KEZI-TV sent a photojournalist to cover one of the sorting parties. They ran a story a few days later on their "Recycle Reuse" segment about the Eugene Downtown Lions Eyeglass Collection program. They showed the Eyeglass Sorting party held after the February 7th Club meeting. They interviewed Lion Past President Susan Pfanner who explained that we collect used eyeglasses, sunglasses, hearing aids, and cell phones. Lion Susan did a great job explaining the process. Thank you KEZI for spreading the word. It is a privilege for me to be one of the collectors. 

Many people don’t realize that eyeglasses are distributed all over the world to those in need. To them getting the glasses or hearing aids can be as impactful as those who receive organ transplants. It can be a life-changing experience. 

10 May 2024

Lion Tim Chuey

Publicity Chairman

Eugene Downtown Lions Club



Lion Chuck Blanchard with the "Spot" ready to screen a student's vision.  Lion Chuck coordinates all of the vision screenings for EDLC.


Lions Karen, Ted, and Chuck screening students.

We all love to celebrate birthdays and this time is no exception. Three (3), that’s right, three years old. The Ronald McDonald Heartfelt house celebrated its third birthday with an open house BBQ on Friday, September 9th. 
According to Robin Yozzo, Guest Services Director of Heartfelt House, despite the menacing sky and ashy air throughout the evening, she felt that everyone who attended had a great time.
Lion Kat Chinn and her son-in-law Josh along with Robin Yozzo’s husband Carlo did all of the bar-b-queuing. Lion Kat even returned the next day, the actual 3rd birthday itself, to serve a scrumptious brunch for the Heartfelt House guests.  
Blondie, the Riverbed Horse, was a special guest who celebrated by eating carrot treats. Visitors had their pictures taken with Blondie, had their faces painted, and were entertained by a very cool balloon guy. 
The Eugene Downtown Lions Club helped to spearhead the effort to bring the family side of Heartfelt house to fruition while the Ronald McDonald Charities was in charge of the children’s side. It’s been quite a journey from construction to a successful operation.
26 September 2022
Tim Chuey
Publicity Chairman
Eugene Downtown
Lions Club
                     Lion Kat Chinn Serves the food.                               
Downtown Lions came to celebrate Front to back, L- Lion PP Sharon Newton, Lion President Jim Newton, R - Lion Marie Badagnani, Lion Robin Yozzo, Joe Clark Friday House Host Volunteer.
Guest feeds Blondie a carrot, as Julie holds Blondie’s bridle.
The Heartfelt House


Be There or Be Square
                                                                              Lion Darlene Tomasec

On the second Tuesday of each month, a group of EDT Lions meet at Food for Lane County. The needs change every month and members may be asked to repackage prepared foods for a family of four, inspect and package frozen meat, fill bags with Yogi tea or label hundreds of loaves of bread. It's a great evening of socializing while working for the good of our community.



August 2022

L-R Lion Ted Fox, Ted’s Daughter Carrie and granddaughter Claire, Lion Jimmy Koch and son Ian, District Governor Lynn Coon, Lion Liz Roberts, Lion Leah Hawes and friend Gary.

Lion District Governor Lynn Coon and Lion Liz Roberts at work repackaging the food.



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