Welcome to the Eugene Downtown Lions!
Chartered in 1924, the Eugene Downtown (EDT) Lions Club is 63 members strong, making it one of the largest Lions Clubs in Oregon. The EDT Lions meet on the first and third Wednesday at noon at the Eugene Mission to hear the latest reports on Club activities and to learn from an interesting array of speakers or enjoy performances by local musicians.
See any Eugene Downtown Lion for tickets.
Another Successful Pancake Breakfast with Santa & Mrs. Claus
Eugene Downtown Lions Club’s 15th annual Pancake Breakfast with Santa and Mrs. Claus was held Saturday, December 14th from 9 am until noon at the Heartfelt House 116 St. Joseph Place, Springfield. Volunteers served a breakfast of pancakes, sausage, eggs, cocoa, and coffee. Holiday items were available for sale, four kid's bikes with helmets were raffled off along with a mini trike.
The attending families and guests obviously had fun. Besides the meal, there were things for the youngsters to do. There was cookie decorating and balloon maker, Mark Bickley. Each youngster got to choose a stuffed animal donated to Heartfelt House by PetSmart. The raffle winners are: Jade Alvarado, Al Kinoos, Ashley Chandler, Sarah, and Lion Dale Bachman, who gave his prize to one of the youngsters.
Santa and Mrs. Claus were big hits with the kids and their parents as they took family pictures. The youngest children were especially cute meeting Santa and Mrs. Claus. Now we get down to the financial outcome. Ticket sales totaled over $1,000 with raffle ticket sales near $500. The raffle ticket sales profit was donated to Heartfelt House. The rest of the profits go to the Club’s Activity Fund.
Special thanks to all of our sponsors and in-kind sponsors: Ronald McDonald House Charities of Oregon and Southwest Washington, Cris Dental, QCS, Eugene Mission, Engage Health Clinic, Parties to Go, Bi-Mart, and Lane Forest Products Thanks, of course, to all the individuals and families who attended the event and our volunteers.
14 January 2025
Tim Chuey, Publicity Chairman, Eugene Downtown Lions Club
Great Weather for our Annual Pat & Annie Picnic “To Serve” our Visually Impaired Neighbors
There was plenty of sunshine and just enough clouds for some shade with comfortably warm temperatures for the Eugene Downtown Lions Club’s Annual Pat and Annie Picnic for the visually impaired on Saturday, August 3rd from noon until 2 pm. The picnic is in conjunction with the Oregon Commission for the Blind. The picnic’s guests numbered about 50 and 21 volunteers were in attendance. Guests who needed transportation were driven to the park and a return trip home by Lions volunteers. Guide and Service dogs were also in attendance.
Emerald Park is the perfect place to have the picnic each year because the pavilions have plenty of table space and shade needed for the event. Lion President Jim Origliosso welcomed everyone. Lion Kat Chinn’s family maned one of the serving tables. The food tables contained Fried Chicken, Macaroni Salad, Potato Salad, Cole Slaw, Fresh Vegetables, Fresh Fruit, Hot Dogs, Cookies, Water, and sodas.
The guests were assisted in filling up their plates and returning to their table by volunteers.
It was a great time for the guests to meet old friends and to make new ones. We were even visited by a reporter and photographer from KVAL-TV who interviewed Lions Kat Ching and Susan Pfanner who explained what the Lions organization does for our local community. The story was then broadcast on KEZI-TV’s newscast.
Also in attendance was a representative of the NWABA The Northwest Association of Blind Athletes who explained the various kinds of athletics that are available for the blind. Mike Thomas from the Oregon Commission for the Blind also spoke. He has been a regular attendee of the picnic for years.
Thanks to everyone involved in this great event and special thanks to Lion Past President Susan Pfanner for organizing the picnic. Many of the guests said they really look forward to this picnic each summer because for many it is the only time they are able to get together and have an enjoyable time. We’re all looking forward to next year’s Pat and Annie Picnic,
22 September 2024
Tim Chuey
Publicity Chairman
Eugene Downtown
Lions Club
The Eugene Downtown Lions held their annual Installation Dinner on June 28th at the ARC Park. Click here to read the full story.
A Historical Celebration to be Remembered
The Eugene Downtown Lions Club celebrated its 100th Anniversary with a Gala on February 24, 2024, at the Eugene Country Club. To honor this great achievement Eugene Mayor Lucy Vinis issued a Proclamation honoring the Club’s 100th Anniversary. There were special guests and shared memories of the 100 years of service by the club members.
The Gala began with a Social hour. Lion Judith Grosenick introduced herself as Mistress of Ceremonies and gave the podium to Lion President Jimmy Koch who officially welcomed everyone to this monumental event.
Lion Past International Director Ed Gear introduced the many Special Guests who were in attendance. They included Leah Malcolm, Ex. Sec.; Linda Stent, PDG; Phyllis Carlin, CC& DG; Ed Gear, PID, PDG, CC; Lynn Coon, DG: Chuck Blanchard, PDG; David O’Kelley, PDG; Mary Lee Turner, PDG; Doug Thompson, C.E.O OLSHF; Bob Chaney, PCC; Diane Bash, Dist. 36R Cabinet Secretary and Vincent Bishop, PDG, CC, 36R ExAdmin.
Lion Tim Chuey gave the invocation and then the dinner was served. Two special cakes were prepared for the occasion. They were delicious!
Two tables were set up with photos of the many Past Presidents who guided the Club during their time as President and two poster boards displayed the events and publicity the club garnered over the years.
The formal program began at 6:30 pm with a spotlight video by Lion Jeff Musgrove who was still at his residence in Hawaii.
The following speakers gave two-minute reminiscences about their Eugene Downtown Lions Club experiences: Lions Yvonne Hamson, Roger Smith, Jim Mueller, Karen Norton, and Mary Lee Turner.
A special spotlight video wrapped up the program as Lion Gold Fabian, who wasn’t able to attend in person, congratulated the Club on its hundredth Anniversary as she just celebrated her 100th birthday. A very stirring presentation I might add.
Social Hour music was provided by three members of the Eugene-Springfield Youth Orchestra.
This article could have been written in very flowery prose, but it is better to let the emotion of the event speak for itself.
9 May 2024
Tim Chuey
Publicity Chairman Eugene Downtown Lions Club
The Eugene Downtown Lions Club is celebrating 100 years of service to our community this year. Mayor Vinis presented a Proclamation recognizing the club's outstanding service.
Patriotism is Alive and Well in First Grade
After the long-lasting Pandemic protocols prevented my contact with the local schools, I finally was able to give out "Flags For First Graders” this Spring. The first of the three schools where I gave out the flags was Howard Elementary School. The 4 first grade classes were separately given an explanation of the words in the "Pledge of Allegiance" and a brief history of the American Flag. Each student received a flag, a wooden block stand, and a brochure with the details that were explained to them.
Next was Awbrey Park Elementary School where I went from one classroom to the next to give the presentation to 4 classrooms of youngsters.
The final school was O’Hara Catholic School and this time all of the first graders were assembled in the cafeteria.
A total of 209 flag sets were distributed to the eager first graders.
Special thanks to all of the first-grade teachers and in particular my teacher contacts Jessica Anderson from Howard Elementary, Christina Powell from Awbrey Park, and Heidi Kendall from O’Hara.
The “Pledge” at Howard Elementary.
Awbrey Park students display their flags on their desks.
All of the first graders from O’Hara displaying their flags.
Spaghetti Dinner, Live Auction, Dessert Auction, and Silent Online Auction were fun and successful.
The Eugene Downtown Lions Club held a Spaghetti Dinner and Dessert Auction on Wednesday, April 26th. The event was well attended by Club members, their families, and friends. the menu was salad, spaghetti with red or white sauce, and bread. Special thanks to the Delta Gamma Sorority members who served the meal to the hungry attendees. Following the meal Super Auctioneer Sid Voorhees auctioned off selected items that earned $657.00, then 13 delicious deserts that club members provided were auctioned off one at a time and brought in a total of $ 1,143.00 and ticket sales totaled $1,194.00. The Club’s Silent Online Auction “Here Comes the Sun” was promoted at the dinner since it had already begun Monday, April 24th, and continued through Saturday, April 29th. There were many items up for bids that were put together as packages. There weren’t as many online bidders as expected this time around, but they did help us raise $ 4,893.00. The profits from the online auction, the live auction, and the dessert auction go into the Club’s Activity fund, while the Spaghetti Dinner ticket sales profits go to the Club’s Administrative Fund.
Special thanks go to the Auction Sponsors, Lions, and other volunteers who assisted with the spaghetti dinner, the Lions and friends who donated items for the auction, and of course all of those who bid on the auction items.
You can donate online by clicking here.
Would you like to receive emails for our events? Just email us at eugenedowntownlions@gmail.com with your name, address, and email. We will be happy to add you to our list.
Heartfelt House
Heartfelt House, the patient family guest house on the PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Medical Center at Riverbend campus, provides a tranquil, no-cost "home away from home" for out-of-town families while their loved ones are being cared for at Sacred Heart Medical Center at Riverbend or University District.
The Eugene Downtown Lions donated towards the building of the Heartfelt House and continue to support the guests with monthly donations to the pantry, library, or other specific needs. We provide funds for larger items through the EDLC's Elaine Gear Memorial Fund. We also have members that volunteer regularly.
We recently held our Breakfast with Santa and Mrs. Claus at the Heartfelt House. It was a beautifully decorated venue that added a festive touch to the event. The kitchen was every pancake maker's dream! Our thanks to Lion Robin Yozzo, the Heartfelt House Director, for making it happen.
Each year we provide three $1000.00 scholarships to Lane Community College students that are enrolled in a health-related program. Lane Community College selects the recipients. One of those scholarships is the EDLC's Faye Bowers Memorial Scholarship. It was originally funded by Lion Don Bowers in memory of his wife and continues to be funded by the family.
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.