Lions Clubs Eyeglass Recycling
The East Windsor Lions are a part of District 23B which covers Hartford and Litchfield Counties. The used eyeglasses we collect are dropped off at the District's regional breakfast events each year.
The glasses are shipped to the New Britain Lions Club, which in turn disposes of broken frames, sunglasses, cases and other non-essential items. The glasses are then sent to the Lions Clubs International Recycling Center operated by the New Jersey Lions Clubs which have a contract with the N.J. Dept. of Corrections.
The inmates of a prison in Avonel, N.J. clean the glasses, which they sort according to the optometric scale using equipment that detects the power of the lenses.
After being packed and labeled with medical or optometric classification, the glasses are then sent to third world countries or disaster relief areas. They are sent to Lions Clubs where needed for distribution, but never sent directly to overseas governments or their agencies.
The East Windsor Lions recycling boxes are located at the following locations:
Broad Brook Post Office
Warehouse Point Post Office
Broad Brook Library
Warehouse Point Library
Geisslers East Windsor
Walmart Optical Store, East Windsor
Kelly Family Eye Care, North Road, East Windsor
Park Hill Housing Complex