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2024 Presentation Evening | 2024 Lions on the Green | 2024 Sponsored Walk |
2024 Charity Golf Day | 2024 Sports Coaching Weekend | 2024 Marie Curie |
2020 Xmas Message | 2020 Christmas Collections | 2020 Window display |
2020 Christmas Activities | 2020 Charity Golf Day | |
2020 Lions Den | Virtual Presentation Evening 2020 | Swimathon 2020 |
MAY FAIR 2014 | LIONS' DEN 2014 |
Lions on the Green - Sunday 09 June 2024 This year's LIONS on the GREEN CLASSIC VEHICLE and FAMILY FUN DAY RAISED £6,500! A great big THANK YOU to everyone who attended and supported this year's Lions on the Green event whether as an exhibitor, stall-holder or simply enjoying the event. Your generosity will enable Devizes Lions to continue to provide support to where it is needed in our community and beyond. To find out more head over to our Lions on the Green webpage. |
Sponsored Walk Sunday 12 May 2024
About 50 walkers took part in this year's Sponsored Walk, following a circular route from the Guide Hall on Coate Road, to Stert and back through our lovely Wiltshire countryside. They raised a magnificent £3,942 in total to benefit their individual causes. A big THANK YOU to all the participants and volunteers that helped make it happen! Here are some pictures taken on the day: |
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Come and join us to raise money for your favourite cause, club or charity on our sponsored walk around our beautiful Wiltshire countryside. Starting from the Guide Hut, Coate Road Devizes SN10 3LU at 9:30am with registration from 9:00am. The route is approximately 8 miles long and we will do all the organising - all you need to do is get your sponsors. For further details and to get your sponsor forms please e-mail: |
Charity Golf Day at North Wilts Golf Club on Thursday 09 May 2024
The annual Charity Golf Day run by Devizes Lions and Devizes Rotary took place on Thursday May 9th at North Wilts Golf Club.
The sun shone brightly on the teams taking part in this year's Charity Golf Day.
Thank you to all the teams that took part and all the volunteers that made it happen. This year's Golf Day has been the best ever, showing an amazing net profit of £3900 to benefit Canon’s House in Devizes.
Here is a selection of photos taken on the day.
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Devizes Lions and Devizes Rotary are pleased to be running their Joint Charity Golf Day again this year on Thursday May 9th at North Wilts Golf Club. All monies raised will be donated to Canons House in Devizes. They offer short break care to children and young people with profound learning difficulties and complex health and care needs.
Last year the weather was kind, there were lots of teams participating and the event raised £3500 for the Devizes Lions' and Devizes Rotary's Charities.
Full details of the event and how to apply can be found on the Application Form which can be downloaded here: 2024 Golf Day Application Form.
If you have any queries, please e-mail:
Our next Charity Golf Day will be on Thursday 08 May 2025.
Watch this space for further updates.
Sports Coaching Weekend 2024
Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th April 2024 Our Sports Coaching Weekend is over for another year. Our next Sports Coaching Weekend will be on 05 and 06 April 2025 - Make a note of the date. In 2024 over 340 children took part and to see the smiles on their faces when they finished their sessions made all the months of hard work worthwhile. Lions would like to thank all those who have helped in any way to make this year's event so successful. Here are a few of the comments that have been left on our Facebook page: Emma Clark - Used to love this as a child , very successful and such a good experience for the children, good to see it’s still going ! Darren Nichols - Thank you Devizes Lions. All of my daughters have enjoyed this weekend over the years. Rachel Henly - Thank you so much, my son absolutely loved fencing and came home full of enthusiasm both days [😊] Lucy Self - Thankyou Oliver absolutely loved archery and it's great he was able to attend [🥰] Emma Stalham - Thank you! Char really loved the fencing on both days. The opportunities the children get to try something new is amazing [😁] thank you again. Rachel Henly - Emma Stalham no way, Wilf did fencing too! Kerry Lewis - Thank you for all the effort you put into these sessions. Our boys love trying something new each year! Vicki Grew - Thanks again - my daughter had a brilliant time and loved every minute of it. Liz Dennis - I just wanted to say a big thank you to you and all your lions for organising a great sports coaching weekend again this year. My son, Joseph thoroughly enjoyed the canoeing and I am sure will be keen to take part again next year. Many thanks to you all Best wishes
You can download a copy of the poster here that you can print and pin on your wall: 2024 Sports Coaching poster. Here are the activities on offer and their venues. Click on an activity to access more details about it.
What happens next? A Devizes Lion will be coming to your school between 8th and 19th January to tell you all about the weekend. All information is contained in the application forms which will be available from your school or on line after we have made our presentations. We are asking for a contribution of £10 per child - the same as last year. There will be two ways to pay: either by cash (no cheques, please) through the school or online using TicketSource. Parents can either return their completed application form with cash in a sealed envelope to schools as in previous years or they can pay using TicketSource and email the application form to Devizes Lions at The strict deadline for both will be Wednesday 7th February. Lions will collect envelopes from schools on the 8th or 9th February and notify the children of the activity they have been offered by post by the 16th March. If you miss the presentation, you can download a copy of the PowerPoint presentation from here to view at home: APPLICATION FORMS will be available from your school after we have made our presentation in January or you can download a copy.
Devizes Lions reserve the right to cancel any sport due to insufficient numbers or other unforeseen circumstances. The Club would like to thank SCC Self Storage Ltd for supporting this year's Sports Coaching Weekend. |
Marie Curie Great Daffodil Appeal
Thursday 07 March 2024 in Morrisons
Devizes Lions were out supporting the Marie Curie Great Daffodil Appeal by manning the collection in Morrisons all day. Thanks to all for giving so generously and helping us raise £448 for Marie Curie Cancer Care. |
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Santa's sleigh 01 - 21 December 2023
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A BIG THANK YOU from Devizes Lions to all of you that supported us by making donations as we toured the town with Santa and his sleigh, at our Christmas collections at Lidl, in the Brittox and at Morrisons. |
Counting, which included 14,367 coins, has been completed and we can now reveal that the gross takings are nearly £7,000 which is a magnificent result. | ![]() |
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Devizes Lions will be out touring the town from Friday 1st to Thursday 21st December with a cheery Santa, lights and music. We will be starting at 5:30pm each evening and finish by 7:45pm at the latest.
Here are the routes.........
Click on the text to view or download a copy >>>>>>>>> |
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You will be able to follow Santa's route each evening in real time from our Facebook Page.
Santa's Sleigh will be at the Lidl supermarket on Saturday 2nd December and at Morrisons' supermarket on Saturday 16th December. Devizes Lions will also have a Christmas collection in The Brittox on Thursday 14th December.
Please Note:
The float will normally wait at the entrance to cul-de-sacs and Santa’s helpers will tell people where he is waiting to greet the children
The float will start at 5.30 each evening and finish no later than 7:45
Devizes Lions cannot guarantee that they will be able to adhere to the published programme due to inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances.
Here are some of this year's pictures:
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During November, Devizes Lions had been very busy helping Santa get his sleigh ready for his tour of the town in December with his merry band of helpers, clowns and elves, bringing lights, music and a cheery wave to the children.
Keep watching this space for details of routes, dates and times, which will be published during November.
If you need to contact the organisers, please e-mail
In the meantime, here is what we did last year: 2022 Santa's Sleigh
Tuesday 14 November 2023 in the Brittox
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Devizes Lions will be in the Brittox on Tuesday 14 November for World Diabetes Day which is celebrated all over the world every year on that day. |
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This year is particularly special, because it also marks 100 years since scientists Frederick Banting and John Macleod were awarded the 1923 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in recognition of the discovery of insulin. |
Click the image to download the poster |
in 1921, Dr. Frederick Banting, a Canadian surgeon and Charles Best, a medical student, under the directorship of John Macleod successfully isolated the hormone insulin for the first time at the University of Toronto. With the help of James Collip, insulin was purified, making it available for the successful treatment of diabetes. Banting and Macleod earned a Nobel Prize for their work in 1923. Banting split half of his prize money with Charles Best and Macleod split his half with James Collip. Banting's Birthday is 14 November when World Diabetes Day is celebrated the world over. |
Come along to the Brittox on 14 November and find out more about diabetes |
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THE FINAL DATE FOR APPLICATIONS has been extended to TUESDAY 03 OCTOBER If you haven't already applied, there's still time to book your place but to avoid disappointment do it NOW! This is the opportunity for children to have fun, doing something different. Why not give it a try? BOOKING: Apply for a place on-line through TicketSource using this link: TicketSource. DETAILS: On Saturday 14th October 2023 Devizes Lions will be holding an Arts Coaching Day where local primary school children in year groups 4, 5, 6 (ages 8 to 11) are invited to try one of several artistic activities that they might not otherwise have the opportunity to experience. We believe the arts should be accessible to everyone. We would like to offer our local primary school children the chance to try something new – from contemporary dance to drama, felt-making to samba. This is the opportunity for children to have fun, doing something different. You never know, you might find your new favourite hobby! BOOKING: To register your child (children), choose three activities from the following list, from which we will select one, and pay your £10 contribution per child using TicketSource. Here are the activities that will be available this year: Click on an activity to find out more about it:
If you would like to download the PowerPoint slide presentation, click on the link: Booking details: All applications and payments for this year's Arts Coaching Day will be by TicketSource. Follow the link and complete the details to register your child (children), choose three activities (from which we will select one) and pay your £10 contribution per child. Arts Coaching Booking. Please note that TicketSource charges a small admin fee of 48 pence per £10.00. The final application deadline has been extended to Tuesday 03 October. Children will be notified of their allocated activity, venue and time within a few days after that date. If you have any questions, you can contact us on Make a note of the date and watch this page for any further updates. ![]() |
And here's what we did last time:
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Devizes Lions' President 2023/24
Caenhill Countryside Centre is Lion President Andy Trotter's project for his year in office. As Presdent Andy explained at his investiture, "The Centre has had a Porta Cabin donated and installed by a local haulage company and are looking for help to refurbish the inside to provide a lecture/dining area, and a functional kitchen, where children with special needs can prepare and cook the food they have grown and raised. It will require electricity laid on, drainage sorted and work to satisfy various other requirements." On Monday evening 15 August 2022, 24 Lions members were given a tour of the Centre by Chris and Helie Franklin and saw first hand the wonderful work that they do and where our help will be focused. Take a look at these videos and see the fun we had:
![]() Devizes Lions made three tranches of funding for the project - £500 for the installation of the electricity supply to the Portacabin, £2,600 for kitchen units and a further £1,000 for fittings making a total of about £4,000.
By January, electricity had been laid on and the kitchen was now complete.
All funded by Devizes Lions.
![]() Work in progress - President Andy on his knees!
![]() Lions Andy and Rober proudly present their handiwork
![]() The finished kitchen - Well Done The new facility was officially opened at a social gathering on 19 June, a successful and fitting end to President Andy's year in office.
![]() Here are Devizes Lions celebrating the opening of the new kitchen with Lion President Andy Trotter and Vice President Debbie Wilson in the foreground.
Chris Franklin said,
"Thank you to Devizes Lions and their president Andy Trotter who raised funds and installed a kitchen for our students to use. At the presentation of course I had to do a lions rush hour!"
Presentation Evening 14 June 2023
in the Town Hall
At the Devizes Lions’ Presentation Evening held in the Town Hall on 14 June the Mayor CCl John Stevens CBE handed out a total of almost £10300 on behalf of the Lions to nearly 40 local groups that Lions had selected following a thorough evaluation process.
The event marked the approaching end of Lion Andy Trotter’s successful year as Club President.
Lions on the Green Sunday 11 June 2023
This year's LIONS on the GREEN CLASSIC CARS and FAMILY FUN DAY RAISED BETWEEN £4,000 and 4,500. |
A great big THANK YOU to everyone who attended and supported this year's Lions on the Green whether as an exhibitor, stall-holder or simply enjoying the event. Your generosity will enable Devizes Lions to continue to provide support to where it is needed in our community and beyond. To find out more head over to our Lions on the Green page for full details. |
At our first Lions on the Green in 2021, hundreds of people enjoyed the sunshine and came along and see a huge display of about 100 classic cars along with entertainment, food, artizan and charity stalls, all on the Large Green by Devizes School entrance.
The 2022 event was even bigger and better.
Next year's Lions on the Green will be on Sunday 11 June 2023 - Make a note in your diaries!
To find out more head over to our Lions on the Green page for full details.
Joint Charity Golf Day at North Wilts Golf Club
Thursday 11 May 2023
This year's event raised £3,500, split between Devizes Lions and Rotary.
Devizes Lions and Devizes Rotary are delighted to be running their Joint Charity Golf Day again this year.
The main competition will be a four ball Stableford competition off the yellow tees. Teams may be gentlemen, ladies, or mixed. Ladies play off the ladies’ tee and use ladies’ cards.
You can download full details and entry form here: Golf Day 2023
Please watch this space for further updates.
Sponsored Walk Sunday 16 April 2023
The weather was just right for our seven mile sponsored walk around some of the lovely countryside to the east of Devizes. The route started at the Guide Hall on Coate Road, then followed the footpaths and bridle ways to Nursteed Village, then to Sleight, continuing to Stert village, before returning to the Guide Hall via the Wessex Ridgeway.
This year the walkers raised a total of about £1200 for their favourite causes. |
Click on the poster image to download a copy |
Starting from the Guide Hut, Coate Road Devizes SN10 3LU at 9:30am with registration from 9:00am. Come and join us to raise money for your favourite cause, club or charity on our sponsored walk around our beautiful Wiltshire countryside.
Sports Coaching Weekend
Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd April 2023
Sports Coaching Weekend 2023
Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd April 2023
Our Sports Coaching Weekend is over for another year.
Nearly 380 children took part and to see the smiles on their faces when they finished their sessions made all the months of hard work worthwhile.
Here are just a few of the comments we have received:
"Hi, My son Henry took part in the trampolining on 1/2 Apr. Henry has autism and ADHD and doesn’t do a lot of extra-curricular activities outside of school.
He really enjoyed it. It was a really inclusive activity and the instruction was engaging, well paced and enjoyable.
This is the first time that Henry has done one of these activities, and we’ll definitely be signing him up again. In terms of suggestions for any new sports, we would like to try and find some team sports for Henry to take part in such as football.
Thank you for organising, it really makes a difference."
"Hi, My son has just been to the Archery and really enjoyed it.
The location, booking in was faultless.
Many thanks for everything you do."
"Thank you for organising another great Lions weekend. Our daughter had a fantastic morning."
"I wanted to drop you a line to say thank you for providing the wonderful sporting opportunities this weekend. My son Milton and my daughter Violet both participated in Canoeing at Dauntsey's and they both enjoyed the experience and have picked up new skills.
Please send our grateful thanks to the coaches, registrars and all involved to make this happen. My children have been doing this for several years and I overheard a Lion saying his son did it too and he is now 50! Long may this continue.
Best Regards"
Just a quick note to thank you for hosting fantastic canoeing sessions last week. Our daughter, Suki, had a wonderful time and really wants to get into the sport further. She was very lucky to be given such an incredible opportunity, thanks to the work you do."
On Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd April 2023 Devizes Lions will be holding their popular Sports Coaching Weekend where, for just £10, children in school year groups 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 can try one of up to 16 different sports that they might not otherwise have the opportunity to experience, with tuition provided by qualified coaches. |
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You can download a copy of the poster here that you can print and pin on your wall: 2023 Sports Coaching poster.
Our aim is to offer “taster sessions” in sports that children may not have tried before. We will have qualified, insured and DBS checked coaches for all of the activities.
This year we will be offering 15 different sports for you to choose from. These are:
Adventurous Activities … Archery … Artistic Swimming … Athletics … Badminton … Canoeing … Golf … Gymnastics … Judo … Poolside Diving … Skateboarding … Sword Fencing … Table Tennis …Trampolining … Volleyball.
Click on the individual links to find out more or simply scroll through the Activities.
What happens next?
A Devizes Lion will be coming to your school between 9th and 20th January to make a presentation to the children about the weekend.
We are asking for a standard contribution of £10 per child with each application form. There will be two ways of paying: cash through the school or online using TicketSource. All information is contained in the application form.
Parents can either return their printed copy with cash in a sealed envelope to schools as in previous years or they can pay using TicketSource and email the form to Devizes Lions directly. The strict deadline for both will be 8th February.
Lions will collect envelopes from schools as usual on the 9th or 10th February and notify the children of the activity they have been offered by post by the 15th March.
If you miss the presentation, you can download a copy of the PowerPoint presentation from here to view at home:
APPLICATION FORMS will be available from your school after we have made our presentation in January or can be dowloaded.
Devizes Lions reserve the right to cancel any sport due to insufficient numbers or other unforeseen circumstances.
Marie Curie Great Daffodil Appeal
Saturday 04 March 2023 in Morrisons
Devizes Lions were out supporting the Marie Curie Great Daffodil Appeal by manning the collection in Morrisons all day. Thanks to all for giving so generously and helping us raise £371 for Marie Curie Cancer Care. | ![]() |
Fashion Show Saturday 25 February 2023 - 7:00pm at the Devizes & District Conservative Club.
We are pleased to announce that the final net proceeds from the Fashion Show were £1700 which Devizes Lions has shared with Dorothy House.
Here is the organiser, Lion Maggie Gray accompanied by our Zone Chair Richard, President Andy and Treasurer Roger, handing over a cheque for £850 to Dan Varley, the Community and Events Fundraiser on behalf of Dorothy House Hospice Care.
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We thank our hosts, Travelling Trends for staging the event, our “volunteer” models and all of you that bought tickets and came along to enjoy the evening and make it such a success.
Click here to download a copy of the poster for printing:
Fashion show poster.pdf
Santa's Sleigh 01 - 21 December
A BIG THANK YOU from Devizes Lions to all that supported us by making donations as we toured the town with Santa and his sleigh, and at our Christmas collections at Lidl, in the Brittox and at Morrisons. Santa was out touring the town from Thursday 1st to Thursday 22nd December with a cheery Santa, lights and music. We started at 5:00pm each evening and finished by 7:45pm at the latest. People were able to follow Santa's route each evening in real time from our Facebook Page @devizeslions
Please Note: Cul-de-sacs The float will normally wait at the entrance to cul-de-sacs and Lions will tell people where the float is waiting to greet the children. Weather Devizes Lions cannot guarantee that they will be able to adhere to the published programme due to inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances.
Click on the thumbnail image to download or view the routes >>>>>>>>
Ho, Ho, Ho!!! Here we Go!!! |
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THE CORN EXCHANGE on SATURDAY 03 DECEMBER 9:00am to 2:30pm and raised
Set-up started early on the Friday morning and continued until everything was in place for the Saturday sale. Click on the picture to watch the video clip and be amazed! >>>>>>>>> As you can see, Lions are busy people! |
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People started to arrive and queue from about 7:15am and this shows it 08:45 with Santa's sleigh in place and the queue waiting patiently for the doors to open at 09:00. | ![]() |
This is how the Corn Exchange looked before the Fair got underway. As usual we had lots and lots of books to sell. | ![]() |
Devizes Lions were delighted that the town's Mayor and Mayoress, Cllr Peter and Chris Corbett, took time out of their busy schedule to visit the Christmas Fair - pictured here with Lion President Andy Trotter. | ![]() |
And here we are in full swing an hour or so after opening. | ![]() |
It was good to be back again this year. It was a busy day and thanks to the hard work that went into it, the event raised well over £5000 which will help us continue to support the community. Thanks to all who came and supported us and also to the many volunteers and friends of Lions that helped us. |
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BBC Children in Need collection. The Brittox
Thursday 17 November 8:30am to 4:00pm
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Devizes Lions' collection in The Brittox raised over £400 and all the money raised has been credited to the BBC Children in Need Appeal.
BBC Children in Need collection. The Brittox
Thursday 17 November 8:30am to 4:00pm
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Devizes Lions' collection in The Brittox raised over £400 and all the money raised has been credited to the BBC Children in Need Appeal.
Diabetes Screening 10 September 2022
Devizes Lions organised a Diabetes and Blood Pressure Screening Event on 10th September, as part of the Health and Well Being Day on the Small Green. |
Presentation Evening 14 June 2022
in the Town Hall
At the Devizes Lions’ Presentation Evening a total of almost £11000 was handed out on behalf of the Lions to thirty-five local groups by the Mayor, Councillor Peter Corbett. The event marked the approaching end of Lion Jo Sheppard’s year as Club President. Devizes Lions Presentation Evening - June 2022Thirty-five local groups received Lions grants at the Devizes Lions’ Presentation Evening. Councillor Peter Corbett, the Mayor, handed them over and the representatives explained how they would be used. Recipients covered a wide range of organisations from sports and youth to the elderly and disabled. Representatives explained how the Lions’ donations would be used, with references to providing care, transport, essential facilities, meals or entertainment. Lion Debbie Wilson, chair of the Club's Welfare Committee, explained that during the year many other grants had been made to local needy causes and a few overseas such as Ukraine refugees or major disasters. The generosity was made possible by the Club's year-long fund-raising activities culminating in the recent successful Lions on the Green classic car show. |
Lions on the Green - Sunday 12 June 2022
A great big THANK YOU to everyone who attended and supported this year's Lions on the Green event whether as an exhibitor, stall-holder or simply enjoying the event.
There were lots of lovely classic cars, stalls and thigs for the children to enjoy. The weather was kind, the turn-out was fantastic. We think it was a great success and we hope you do too!
Your generosity will enable Devizes Lions to continue to provide support to where it is needed in our community and beyond.
To find out more head over to our Lions on the Green page for details.
Click on the image above to view and download an A4 copy of the flyer.
At our first Lions on the Green in 2021, hundreds of people enjoyed the sunshine and came along and see a huge display of about 100 classic cars along with entertainment, food, artizan and charity stalls, all on the Large Green by Devizes School entrance.
The 2022 event will be bigger and better.
To find out more head over to our Lions on the Green page for full details.
Joint Charity Golf Day at North Wilts Golf Club
Thursday 12 May 2022
Devizes Lions and Devizes Rotary were pleased to be running their Joint Charity Golf Day again this year. The weather was kind, there were lots of teams participating and this year's event raised £3760 for the Devizes Lion's and Devizes Rotary's Charities.
We thank everyone that contibuted to this success whether by participating, donating prizes or organsing the event with special thanks to North Wilts Golf Club for providing the facilities.
To apply for an entry form or to find out more, please e-mail
Watch this space for further updates.
Urchfont Scarecrow Festival Devizes Lions were delighted to have been given the opportunity to collect money to aid refugees from Ukraine at this year's Scarecrow Festival, raising a very worthwhile £800. This money will be used to assist in the provision of emergency help to refugees fleeing Ukraine and will be overseen by Lions on the ground, so you know where your money is going. Thanks to all of you that supported our appeal and thanks to the organisers for allowing us the opportunity. |
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Devizes Lions have made an initial grant of £1,000 to LCIF (Lions Clubs International Foundation) to assist in the provision of emergency help to refugees fleeing Ukraine. |
We are keeping the situation under review and will offer further assistance when needed, whether it be local, national or international. Please help Devizes Lions support the people of Ukraine by making a donation here: Donate |
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The conflict in Ukraine unfortunately continues with millions of people affected in this crisis. Lions Clubs International (LCIF) our foundation, are continuing to support these people through the awarding of grants to Lions Clubs in the areas of need. These grants are to provide the immediate relief needs to those who are desperate for assistance. Through Lions to Lions grants, support is being provided to refugees who have been displaced from their homes. These grants are providing essential resources to address the critical needs of people who remain and who have crossed the borders into other countries. So far, LCIF has awarded grants totalling almost $650,000 supporting an estimated 83,000 people. Of that, $95,000 has been awarded to provide relief for internally displaced persons in Ukraine itself and a further $550,000 for refugee relief outside Ukraine. For a full list of grants awarded visit LCIF - Ukraine A massive thank you to Clubs and individuals who have responded to the call for help. Remember that grants are overseen by Lions on the ground, so we know where your money is going. Here are just a few of the relief efforts Lions are providing: |
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Dr. Igor Hrytsiuk is a Lion with Lviv Lions Club , and at the same time a doctor at the Western Ukraine Specialized Children's Medical Center in Lvów. This is a local medical facility providing specialist medical care. On February 15th, they were so proud that they were opening the most modern Clinic of pediatric oncology and bone spur transplantation in this part of Ukraine - the only one who performed such treatments. They probably didn't allow that in a few weeks, not hypermodern devices for treating children, but generators for power in shelters, window tinting paper during bombing, flashlights and batteries will be the peak of dreams. We support the fight of Ihora Hrytsiuk, Roman Monastirsky, Iwana Festkiva, - our Lion friends, we support all Ukrainians and we are proud to be part of the international wave of help for the brave Ukrainian nation. Proud to be a part of Lions Clubs International.
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Serving from a bomb shelter, the Lions of Ukraine with a LCIF grant are providing food, medicine, and hygiene products for those displaced in Kyiv, the Kyiv region, and Zhytomyr. Your donation to LCIF’s Refugees and Displaced Persons fund will help ensure that Lions are there to help them find the safety and security they desperately need. |
Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine [🇺🇦]
Please help Devizes Lions support the people of Ukraine by making a donation here: Donate |
Sports Coaching Weekend
Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd April 2022
Our Sports Coaching Weekend is over for another year. Over 250 children took part and to see the smiles on their faces when they finished their sessions made all the months of hard work worthwhile.
Here are just a couple of the comments we have received:
Just wanted to say a big thank you to the coaches and volunteers who helped with the sports coaching weekend. My son really loved the athletics. It must have taken a lot of time to organise it all.
Many thanks
Hi, I just wanted to say thank you for the sports coaching weekend. My son is year 6 and it was his first time due to lockdown and then being away last year. He absolutely loved the canoeing. My husband said he had the biggest smile on his face that he has ever seen. My year 4 daughter loved gymnastics and is so pleased that she has managed to learn how to do a handstand against the wall. It was fantastic for both of them so thank you so much for all the effort that must go into organising it.
Thanks to the coaches and volunteers and everyone who supported the event that helped make it such a success.
Thank you all
Head over to our Sports Coaching Page for more details and to download copies of the poster, application form and the PowerPoint presentation.
Rock into Spring - Saturday 19 March 2022
7:30pm at St Mary's Church, Devizes.
Thank you all for your great support and for making the evening such a great success. |
Devizes Lions' annual concert is back! This time supporting Wiltshire Mind with music to suit every age. Join us for a Musical Evening in aid of Wiltshire Mind, featuring Steve Marano from Reading, Andrew Hurst from Devizes and local band Burbank.
Click the image on the right to download a copy of the poster>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
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LAST MINUTE UPDATE Devizes Lions are delighted to be welcoming STEVE MORANO, a singer and songwriter from Reading and ANDREW HURST from Devizes who will be performing for the first half of the concert in place of the Steeple Rocks Choir which has been forced to withdraw due to an unfortunate Covid outbreak affecting members of the choir. Thank you both for stepping in at short notice. |
Local duo Luke Gittins & Ashley Smith, aka Burbank, are touring again with their eclectic catalogue of covers and original material, showing off their great harmonies and song-writing skills "... likened to Lennon & McCartney and Simon & Garfunkel". | ![]() |
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STEVE plays a mix of music that falls somewhere under the labels of Americana, Country & Folk. Here's a sample of his music:
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ANDREW’s varied musicality includes composing and performing music for theatre, presenting solo recitals in a variety of venues – with music including mediaeval and renaissance lutes, archlute, classical guitar, and steel-strung 12 string guitarplays a mix of music that falls somewhere under the labels of Americana, Country & Folk. |
Wiltshire Mind is an independent charity that for almost thirty years has been supporting people in Wiltshire experiencing mental health problems or emotional distress. Their services are accessible for everybody in our community with one-to-one counselling support. During the pandemic, they continued to provide help remotely to those facing isolation and loneliness. Tickets £15 (including a drink) from: |
Marie Curie Great Daffodil Appeal
Friday 04 March in Morrisons
Devizes Lions were out supporting the Marie Curie Great Daffodil Appeal by manning the collection in Morrisons all day. Thanks to all for giving so generously and helping us help Marie Curie Cancer Care. | ![]() |
Santa's Sleigh 01 - 21 December
A BIG THANK YOU from Devizes Lions to all that supported us by making donations as we toured the town with Santa and his sleigh, at our Christmas collections at Lidl, in the Brittox and at Morrisons. The gross takings have exceeded £3,600 which is a magnificent result. THANK YOU ALL. Devizes Lions were out touring the town from Wednesday 1st to Monday 20th December with a cheery Santa, lights and music. We started at 5:30pm each evening and finished by 7:30pm at the latest.
The public was able to follow Santa's route each evening in real time from our Facebook Page @devizeslions
Click here for details of the Routes Ho, Ho, Ho!!! Here we Go!!! |
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Children in Need Street Collection
Thursday 18 November 2021
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Pudsey is very happy that Devizes Lions' street collection in the Brittox for the BBC Children in Need Appeal raised over £300. A really big THANK YOU to everyone who supported us. |
Devizes MS Society Presentation
Friday 29 October 2021
Lion President Jo (standing) visited the Devizes MS Society on Friday 29 October to present them with 15 yoga mats and 15 packs of yoga bands.
They were thrilled!
You can find out more about the MS Sociey in our area here:
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The Autumn Fair at Devizes Corn Exchange on
Saturday 30 October 2021 was CANCELLED
DEVIZES LIONS PAUSE FOR COVID Devizes Lions have spent over a month collecting goods donated for the Autumn Fair due on 30th October but the rising Covid risk has brought us to a halt and we have cancelled the event. |
These are just a few of the toys that you have so kindly donated. |
Our last similar event was the 2019 Christmas Fair. You can find details of that event here: Christmas Fair
Devizes Lions' President 2020/21
Devizes Lions' new President, Jo Sheppard took over from former Lion President Jerry King at a handover celebration on 27 June 2021. Jo has the honour of becoming our first lady President. CONGRATULATIONS!
30 Devizes Lions' members attended a Handover celebration on Sunday 27 June when Lion President Jerry King handed over the chain of office to our incoming President, Lion Jo Sheppard.
This is what she had to say:
I feel really honoured to be the first woman in Devizes Lions Club's history.
When I first joined the lions club , I never thought I would be hold this position.
As I reflect on our fifty year history , we all need to continue to promote what Devizes Lions Club does and can do for the local community.
I’m looking forward to the challenge of the next twelve months and we thank everybody for their continued support of the Club."
Enormous thanks are due to Jerry for a successful but challenging year and our Best Wishes go to Jo for her term of office. |
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Nick's LEJOG
02 to 25 June 2021
The Melvin Jones Fellowship (MJF) Award is named after our founder and is the highest recognition from the Lions Clubs International Foundation given to members who have rendered outstanding community services.
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But it wasn't all over on 25 June.....
.... 01 July and another milestone achieved! £5,000
and more publicity too.......
Click on the Gazetteand Herald article to read it.
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On 25 June Nick completed his epic journey to John O'Groats! And raised lots of money for Lions.
Congratulations on achieving your ambitious goal.
Well done!
... and on 17 June
... and on 11 June:
On 02 June
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75 year old Devizes Lion Nick Seager said:
"I am cycling from Land’s End to John O’Groats because I'm nuts and I want to!
At 75 perhaps I should be thinking about taking it easy. Right?
I'm an active member of Devizes Lions, a vibrant local charity that raises funds to help support both needy individuals and local charities.
Fund raising for charities has been a massive challenge for over a year now. I feel that I can help by raising money through this challenge.
Please donate whatever you can. 100% of the money
raised (including gift aid) will be used to support local charities. I shall personally cover all my ride expenses.
Originally planned for May 2020 I'm now scheduled for a June 2nd start from Land’s End arriving in John O’Groats on June 25th. I will mostly be cycling on my own and be self-supporting because of the times in which we’re living. I'm OK for that challenge but your charitable contributions would definitely give me a boost!
Here's the planned route - 998 miles and 52,572 feet of climbing. That's kill or cure isn't it?!"
To view an interactive version, click on the map or click here:
interactive map
Or you can follow Nick's journey via the Strava app. here:
Nick's Journey
And you’ll be able to follow Nick's ride on his JustGiving page where there will be daily map updates together with photos and comments.
Please donate whatever you can.
Thank you for your support.
Here's Nick's new poster promoting his epic adventure. Click on the image to download a copy to print:
Go to: to support his mighty fundraising effort for Devizes Lions.
Thanks, Nick - you're a STAR!
Lions on the Green Sunday 13th June
10:00am to 4:00pm
Devizes Lions Club (CIO) is a Registered Charity No.1185977
Please support Devizes Lions |
Lions on the Green
Sunday 13th June 10:00am to 4:00pm
On June 13th, Devizes Lions held a brand new fund raising event: Lions on the Green.
This was for all the family as well as anyone with an interest in Classic Cars. On the day there were about 100 classic cars to admire as well as about 40 craft, artisan and charity stalls. And the weather was fantastic!
And it raised in excess of £4500! A magnificent result that will all be used to support worthwhile causes primarily in and around Devizes. Thank you all for your support.
Here is a message from our Presdident, Lion Jerry King:
Thanks from the Lions for the comments and pictures posted on Facebook. You have it spot on. It was fantastic to create an event that would let local people get out for a change and enjoy something new. Thanks go to the Lions members and friends that made it happen (and especially Lion Roger Stratton who dreamed the whole thing up in the depths of lockdown!), to TV and film stars Clive Mantle and his wife Carla Mendoca who opened the show, to our sponsors who made much possible, to the car owners and stallholders, and especially the visitors who uninvited gave to Lions funds so we can continue our charitable work locally. Thank you one and all. Jerry King, Devizes Lions Club President 2020-2021.
Here are just a few of the pictures we took during the event:
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Our thanks to Clive Mantle and his wife Carla Mendoca both stars of TV and film who came and opened the event.
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and his wife
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And this is some of the feedback we've received:
"I just wanted to thank you and the team for such a fantastic event yesterday. I thoroughly enjoyed it, met so many lovely people and also raised £100 for Springboard Nursery in Chippenham (Nursery for children with additional needs).
From the very beginning it welcoming and organised, the plots were great and very well thought out and again the marshals couldn't have been more helpful on exiting. We certainly needed something like this and what a great start to enjoying our community now the restrictions are lessening.
Please can you pass on my thanks, looking forward to next year 🙂
Anna (Little Feather Art)"
"Just a very quick thank you for allowing the Museum space on the Green. It was a fantastic day, helped by the weather, and we were able to see a lot of ‘real’ people again.
The amount of time that all of you must have put into organising and running the even must have been phenomenal. Thank you so much for doing it.
Doug Roseaman (Wiltshire Museum)"
"Well done Roger for all your organising- it was a great day all round and people really needed this to bring a little normality back into their lives. The powers that be certainly brought us the best weather and I hope all the Lions could get back on track with their fund raising.
A good day out
Love Su x"
"Hello Roger
Great to put a face to a name today.
What a marvellous job you and your team did, especially considering, as you said, you haven't organised a car show previously.
Please pass on our thanks, on behalf of my "Wiltshire Jaguar owners", to everyone one involved for a most enjoyable day out.
Roll on next year.
Don Westcott Chairman Wiltshire Region JEC"
Thank you.
This event was made possible by the generous support of Grist Environmental | ![]() |
Sponsors: Devizes Lions are really grateful to all the sponsors who have helped to make this event possible. Click on their logos to find out more about them.
You can contact us at:
Please support Devizes Lions |
Devizes Lions Club (CIO) is a Registered Charity No.1185977 | ![]() ![]() |
Sports Coaching weekend
05 and 06 June 2021
This Year's Sports Coaching Weekend was held on Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th June 2021.
Once again, the weekend has provided special experiences for 250 local children who could each could try an activity that they might not normally encounter. This year the event was slimmed down to take account of Covid restrictions, but the children aged eight to eleven could still choose between golf, volleyball, athletics, canoeing, archery, adventurous activities, poolside diving, and synchronised swimming.
Some of the archery children with their medals presented by the Devizes Bowmen at the end of their session. All of the children at Braeside Education Centre were able to face the challenge of the thirty-foot climbing wall. |
The high ropes at Braeside Education Centre were probably the most adventurous of the Adventurous Activities. |
The Lions have been running these events for over thirty years, and they have always been popular. In some cases this year the children's parents had themselves enjoyed Lions Sports Coaching sessions when young. Often children have gone on to develop a long-lasting love of their new sports, sometimes competing at county and national level, and in at least one case at the Paralympics.These are just some of the comments we have received:
Hi Devizes Lions & Braeside Team
I quick email to say thank you for arranging the sport coaching sessions over the weekend. My daughter attended the Adventurous Activities at Braeside on Saturday and thoroughly enjoyed it. A big THANK YOU to everyone who gave up their time and put in so much hard work to make put on the great sessions for the children. It is very much appreciated. Please pass on our thanks to everyone involved.
Many thanks, Andy
Hi Jerry,
Ciaran had an amazing time and loved every minute of the experience, so much so we are in process of joining the Archery Club
Thanks again for your hard work in organising the weekend, it’s lovely to think we are going back to some normality.
Kind regards
Hi thanks very much for Abigail Kelly's synchronised swimming session on Sunday. She absolutely loved it, and hasn't stopped talking about it since! Thanks to all of you for such a well organised activity, we were really impressed.
Best regards
Thank you, and for a wonderful experience for the children.
It’s been a difficult year, these events are always very welcome and a great opportunity, this year more than ever. A big thing I have found is children overcoming the fear of seeing people/new faces, and feeling ok again around larger groups. Of course the other key aspects of courage, confidence building, team work etc are still relevant but some new aspects taken a hopefully temporary priority this year.
Thank you again, very much appreciated the work, commitment and positivity you put into these events
Hilary (Adventurous Activities, from Pewsey)
From a coach
Please pass our thanks to everyone who helps run these days., and a massive thanks to you for all your organising. As usual you have given so many opportunities to so many children.
From Parents
My daughter, Millie attended the Athletics coaching this morning at Devizes School. She had a great morning and would like to come along to the Athletics Club the coach mentioned. All she can remember is that it's on a Wednesday evening, please could you give me some more information?
Thank you so much for today, my daughter had a wonderful time. Thank you to everyone who put the effort in to arrange this, it is much appreciated.
Dear “All Lions” involved today,
Just a short email to say a very big thank you to you all for giving your time today and helping our children sample some fun activities.
My daughters were involved in the canoeing and adventurous activities and both absolutely loved it. We’re so lucky to have this opportunity for our children, it’s hugely appreciated. We didn’t thank everyone as we left, so please could you pass on our grateful thanks?
I just wanted to say how much my daughter enjoyed archery on Saturday morning.
Thank you very much to all concerned, we really do appreciate it!
I am the mother of Finley, he attended archery this morning and thoroughly enjoyed himself. We are making enquires with the Devizes Bowman's to sign Finley up to the club. Thank you for organising this event.
Thank you for organising the event today, it was fantastic and Nathaniel really enjoyed it!
My daughters were involved in the canoeing and adventurous activities and both absolutely loved it. We’re so lucky to have this opportunity for our children.
Another wrote, .... had an amazing time and loved every minute of the experience, so much so that we are in process of joining the Club. It’s lovely to think we are going back to some normality.
We are very sorry that Devizes Lions decided to cancel Sports Coaching weekend on the 4th and 5th April 2020 and postpone the 2021 event to June as a result of the coronavirus outbreak.
We know that the children expecting to participate were disappointed and we can only say how sorry we are to have had to make this decision.
Our main concern is and remains for the health and wellbeing of the participants, their parents, their families, the coaches, helpers and indeed ourselves, many of whom fall into the group who are 'most at risk' from this illness. Having considered these factors, we reached the conclusion that we had no alternative but to cancel the event.
But Here's the Good News:
Things are brightening, and we now think that we should be able to offer children a reduced programme on Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th June where venues permit and the sports coaches are happy to participate. Making greater use of electronic methods will reduce our physical contact with schools and families during the preparation.
On this occasion this popular weekend will be open to children in school year groups 4, 5 and 6 only who will be invited to try one of several different sports that they might not otherwise have the opportunity to experience. Tuition will be provided by qualified coaches.
There was a reduced number of activities on offer this year. These were:
On Saturday 5th June:
Adventurous Activities; Archery; Athletics; Canoeing; Golf; Sword Fencing and Volleyball.
On Sunday 6th June:
Poolside Diving and Synchronised Swimming.
Click on each event to find out more or simply browse the Background to the Activities.
Devizes Lions acknowledge the generous support given by the Devizes Area Board of Wiltshire Council towards this event.

Books and Bits Sale There is an interesting article about the Lions Books and Bits Sale we held in St Mary’s Church in the on line edition of the Gazette and Herald: Devizes Lions host fundraiser in historic church The sale was a successful event, raising a much-needed £380 for our charitable work in the community. A big Thank You to all of you that supported the event. There were about 2,000 books to choose from – all fiction titles are sorted by author, A to Z, and non-fiction sorted by topic, just as done in the past at the Lion’s Christmas Fair. All the recent books are in good condition, plus a number of collectables. The Bits element included the classic bric-a-brac items donated to Lions over the last months, together with children’s toys and games including a child’s pull along cart and trailer, a Subbuteo game and many more. It was well timed to get your reading matter ready for the summer holiday and support your local Lions Club at the same time. THANK YOU
Click on the image to download a flyer
100 Years Serving the Community
Two members of DEVIZES LIONS Club have together amassed over 100 years of voluntary service to the local community. This milestone has been reached during the year in which the Club marks the 50th anniversary of its founding.
Soon after the Club formed in 1970 David Bousfield joined, and John Hurley did so a few months later. Over the years they have helped to organise many Lions’ events, including assisting individuals and groups in need of practical or financial help as well as organising large scale events such as Gymkhanas and the May and Christmas Fayres.
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David was President of the Club in 1984 and again in 2014. Like many of the Lions, David is well known in other fields. He is a solicitor with Wansbroughs in Devizes and has lived in Potterne for many years, he is a former trustee of the Wiltshire Community Foundation and governor of Devizes School. A keen sportsman, he was previously a county hockey player and remains a keen golfer.
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John was President of the Club in 1977, and now lives in New Park Street. He was Engineer & Surveyor to the former Devizes Rural District Council and then Kennet District Council. With his late wife Beryl he was active in the establishment of the Wharf Theatre and they were also leading figures in the Wiltshire family history scene, transcribing and publishing many records and giving talks over much of the country.
Both John and David remain active Club members preparing for the restart of the Club’s public activities and its next 50 years helping local individuals, families and groups in need of support.
Thanks to Lions in Devizes, Melksham and Chippenham almost 30 devices were delivered to Wiltshire Digital Drive at their Priority IT HQ in Westbury.
Within a working week, they will be wiped clean, the memories destroyed and replaced, reconfigured, and distributed to needy schoolchildren in the county.
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A BIG THANK YOU from Devizes Lions to all that supported us by making donations at our Christmas collections in the Brittox and at Morrisons where we safely accepted donations to support local Charities and those people and organisations that need our help.
Thank you all for your support during this difficult year.
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Shop window display
Come and have a look at our Christmas Window Display in the Brittox cheering up an empty shop front.
Thanks to Devizes Town Council for letting us make use of the premises and to the Lions who set up the display.
It looks wonderful!
Happy Christmas!
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Christmas message from Devizes Lions' president
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Oh dear! Sorry everybody.
We were so looking forward taking Santa round Devizes on our sleigh so that he could wave to the girls and boys before Christmas. We have just heard that he feels that for everybody's safety that is not going to be possible.
He is really sorry and so are all the Lions, but he says it's the right thing to do.
If we hear from Santa again before Christmas, I'll let you know what he says.
Meanwhile he wants you to stay happy and safe.
Jerry King, Lions Club President
And here is a MESSAGE FROM SANTA TO ALL YOU GIRLS AND BOYS in and around Devizes.
Click on the picture to view his message:
Lions and Rotary Joint Charity Golf Day
Wednesday 07 October 2020
Devizes Lions and Devizes Rotary postponed this year's Charity Golf Day as a result of the coronavirus outbreak until 07 October when almost £4000 was raised for Canon's House.
The Charity Golf Day organised jointly by Devizes Lions and Devizes Rotary was rescheduled to take place at North Wilts Golf Club on Wednesday 7th October 2020.
A fantastic result in the current circumstances.
Very many thanks to the organisers from Lions, Rotary and the North Wilts Golf Club for their hard work that enabled this event to happen - safely!
And even more thanks to the teams of golfers who enjoyed the day whilst at the same time helping Canons House. (Registered Charity No: 1076352)
Canons House is a Respite care home offering short breaks away from home for children and young people with severe learning difficulties and who may also have physical disabilities.
Here's a letter from the organiser, Lions NIck Seager:
Lions' Den
Wednesday 9th September 2020
There was nothing to fear and everything to gain in The Devizes Lions’ Den!
The 2020 Devizes Lions’ Den was held in the Town Hall Assembly Rooms on Wednesday 9th September by courtesy of the Devizes Town Council. This, the third Den run by Devizes Lions, had been postponed from its original Spring date due to the lock down restrictions then in place.
Seating was carefully arranged by Town Hall staff to allow all the participants to follow the appropriate COVID-19 social distancing guidelines. For the first time at a Den event, one presenter gave their pitch using Zoom.
The six judges had a hard time deciding between the merits of the four Den finalists before agreeing that the £2,000 on offer would make the most difference to the Little Bears Pre-school project.
Den Judging panel – left to right; Lions Peter Blockley; Debbie Wilson; Jerry King; independent judges Nigel Grist and Richard Fry; Lion Jo Sheppard.
The top award to Little Bears pre-school project in Brickley Lane, Devizes, provides half of what they need to complete the regeneration project for their well used dedicated play area.
From the left: Elizabeth March-Henry; Ginette Peach from Little Bears, Lion President Jerry king
Ginette Peach of Little Bears Pre-School said:
“This will enable us to achieve our goal benefitting children in the early years’ foundation stage for years to come. The equipment provides a rich learning environment covering all the curriculum areas, for example; The Chalkboard: mark making outdoors, creative expressive, fine and gross motor skills. The sand pit: can be used to promote many areas for example maths, understanding the world, creative arts and design, physical development. Planters: understanding the world ,digging and planting, developing fine motor skill and sensory experience. The Shelter and Seating: to encourage children who would not normally choose to be outdoors to get involved. The Stage: dance, imaginative play, creative and expressive, building self esteem.”
Elizabeth March-Henry and Ginette Peach from Little Bears make their presentation
The three runners up also received a donation from the Lions in recognition of their success in making the final four.
Rachael Demery of Carer Support Wiltshire, who attended the evening via Zoom, said
“I wanted to thank members of Devizes Lions Club for their support and generous donation to Carer Support Wiltshire, which will go towards our Time for Carers Appeal and will give unpaid carers in Devizes vital breaks to reconnect with friends and family, pursue their hobbies and interests, grow in confidence, develop skills and keep themselves well and able to carry on caring.
“Breaks are vital for carers to be able to deal with the physical and emotional strain of providing care, and to be able to continue in their caring role.
“Financial strain is one of the key reasons why carers can’t take a break. The Time for Carers Appeal removes this barrier and provides equal opportunities for carers from all economic backgrounds to get the breaks they need; whether that’s going swimming, taking the kids to a football match or going to an art class with friends.
“This donation will give carers the gift of time – so they feel happier, healthier and more in control of their lives. Most importantly, they will feel part of a wider community that recognises, values and appreciates the incredible work that they do, and their enormous contribution to society.”
Rachael Demery of Carer Support Wiltshire on screen with judges Jerry King. Nigel Grist and Richard Fry
The Zoom presentation by Rachael Demery
Albert Wooldridge, Chairman of Devizes Men’s Shed added-
Albert Wooldridge of Devizes Men’s Shed giving his presentation
“Due to the coronavirus the shed must remain closed because it is within the grounds of a care home. We still meet in a park or open space just to have a chat and to discuss how we can go forward. The committee are still waiting for information regarding the new workshop, but this has also been held up by coronavirus. The committee would like to thank the Lions Den for the award as this will help us to pay the bills even when we are closed.”
Albert Wooldridge of Devizes Men’s Shed receiving the cheque from Lion President Jerry King
Kath Saunders, Deputy Co-ordinator of the Devizes Child Contact Centre said:
“This donation makes such a difference to our future confidence. DCCC offers a safe, neutral, confidential space where a child or children can spend positive time with their non-resident parent, twice monthly, for up to two hours. Our venue is warm, welcoming, well-equipped with toys, games and activities for all ages and cheap - the one-off fee is £30. Each Session is overseen by trained, friendly Volunteers or our paid Co-ordinator. Any parent wishing to apply to use this service should contact her on 07522 730 833 or email: We hope to resume Sessions in January. In the meantime we are recruiting Volunteers to join the Team running the Saturday Sessions, we would also welcome new members onto the Management Committee. DBS checks will be organised and Training and Skill Polishing provided! ”
Kath Saunders of the Devizes Child Contact Centre making her presentation
Kath Saunders of the Devizes Child Contact Centre receiving a cheque from Lion President Jerry King
All the brave winners with their cheques
May 2020
Donations amounting to £6850 are being donated to 23 organisations.
Use this link to read or download a copy of the circular newsletter: Presentation Evening Newsletter
Because we see the Coronavirus pandemic having a very significant impact on our fundraising activities for some months to come, we decided to restrict donations this year to those that will make an immediate beneficial impact locally. We have also decided to defer making decisions on the many groups and organisations that we normally support but are currently inactive, until life returns to some form of normality and the effects of the lock down on these organisations can be seen. We decided that the Presentation Evening this year would be a “virtual" event with BACS payments instead of the normal formal presentation of cheques in envelopes by the town’s Mayor. We think one of the important aspects of past presentation evenings has been learning what different groups are doing in and around Devizes. As recipients will not be there in person to tell us about their work this year, we asked for a paragraph or two informing us about what the organisation or Charity does and how the donation will help. All those that have responded have agreed that we may share that information between the beneficiaries and on our social media platforms. |
The aim of the Swimathon is to make it simple for people to raise money for their own favourite charity or worthy cause.
Devizes Lions held their annual Sponsored Swimathon on Saturday the 29th February at Devizes Leisure Centre.
The Club was delighted that 21 teams took part in Swimathon2020 on Saturday afternoon and evening. The volunteer counters totalled up 1,660 lengths – that’s 41.5 km or 26 miles - of the pool achieved by swimmers of all ages. The total on the sponsorship cards amounted to £4,289 that goes to the groups and charities who entered. The swimmers from 2nd Devizes Guides accumulated 116 lengths in their 50 minutes session, the best total for any team in the event.
The Club is grateful for the willing assistance provided by the staff at the Leisure Centre.
Lion President Chris Ellis said,
“ I would like to give my thanks to all who took part in the Swimathon
on Saturday. It was great that we were able to run this event again
this year”.
Can your Fund Raising Team swim for an hour between 4pm and 10pm on Saturday 29 February at Devizes Leisure Centre Pool? The Lions Club provide all the facilities and the forms for your own charity, organisation or group to get sponsorship and claim any possible Gift Aid. Teams of 4 to 8 swimmers can enter, with only one swimmer in the water at any time. Children, parents, teachers etc can all enter and we won’t charge you. For entry forms or more details, please contact Lion Andy Sheppard on 0345 833 6749 You can download your own copy of the poster here: swimathon 2020 poster
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Devizes Corn Exchange 9:00am to 2:30pm
A BIG, BIG THANK YOU to all who came along and supported the Lions Christmas fair on Saturday and helped us raise nearly £9,000 that will all be used for charitable purposes.
Thank you also to the many friends and volunteers who helped us make the event such a success, and to those who donated items for us to sell.
Here are some photos of the event in progress:
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You can download your own copy of the poster here: Christmas Fair Poster
Last year Devizes Lions Christmas Fair raised over £9000 after expenses that has been used to help local charitable good causes.
BBC Children in need collection Devizes Lions was out in the Brittox with their buckets and dressed in their familiar clowns outfits encouraging people to donate generously to the BBC Children in Need appeal. The collection raised £452. A big THANK YOU to all who supported us. |
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There's an interesting article about the day in the Gazette and Herald:
Knitting |
Metal embossing |
Clay tile making |
Knitting |
Crochet |
Crochet |
Samba drumming |
Metal embossing |
We believe the arts should be accessible to everyone. We would like to offer our local primary school children the chance to try something new – from contemporary dance to drama, felt-making to samba. This is the opportunity for children to have fun, doing something different.
You never know, you might find your new favourite hobby!
Lions will be visiting your school in June to tell you more about it.
Make a note of the date and watch this page for further updates.
Click on this link to download a copy of the poster to pin on your wall: 2019 Arts Coaching poster
Musical Theatre | Easterton Village Hall |
Disney Songs | Easterton Village Hall |
Samba | Easterton Village Hall |
Clay Tile Making | Wiltshire Museum |
Felt Making | Wiltshire Museum |
Metal Embossing | Wiltshire Museum |
Drama | St Andrew's |
Circus Hoops | Devizes Scout Hall |
Contemporary Dance | Devizes Scout Hall |
Street Dance | Devizes Scout Hall |
Cheerleading | Devizes Scout Hall |
Crochet | Devizes Books |
Knitting | Devizes Books |
Musical Theatre
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Do you enjoy singing and performing? Then this is perfect for you! A morning filled with singing and movement to children's favourite musicals! A short performance will be presented to parents at the end of the workshop. Children should come dressed suitably, wearing dance shoes or trainers. |
Disney Songs
If you love Disney and singing then this is for you! Come and enjoy a couple of hours of singing your favourite Disney songs! We will sing a variety of songs, from golden oldies to the latest films. A short performance will be presented to parents at the end of the workshop. |
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OK! Who likes making lots of noise? (Samba has a £5 supplement, payable on the day.) |
Clay Tile Making
Design and make your own decorated clay tiles, based on mediaeval tiles in the Museum's collection, using red and stone coloured air dry clay. You can also look at the carved stone work we have in our mediaeval collections to create gargoyle faces in clay or small figures, or use printing foams and inks to print some of the tile designs you created. |
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Felt Making
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Learn wet felting techniques and gain inspiration from Wiltshire landscapes and wildlife to create a felted book mark and picture. You can also make cards and picture using pre-prepared felt pieces and fabrics. |
Metal Embossing and Wire Work
Discover prehistoric treasures made from gold and bronze in our Museum galleries. Use these designs and patterns to make your own embossed and twisted metal pieces. You can make jewellery or use the embossed metal to decorate pictures frames or other shapes. |
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If you like to act, you will enjoy this creative workshop exploring characterisation and scene development. You will learn different ways to create characters and scenes in a fun way, whilst building confidence and making friends. |
Circus Hoops
More than just Hula Hoops! |
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Contemporary Dance
This is not classical ballet but how to move gracefully with feeling. |
Street Dance
You will find out how Street Dance originated in New York in the 1970s. Evolving on the streets of Manhattan and the Bronx, it was developed as an improvised, social dance form, reacting against traditional, high-art dance styles. Popular with African-Americans and Puerto-Ricans, street dance was used as "an expression of resistance and cultural identity outside of the mainstream" (Kerry Maxwell, 2018). |
Cheerleading is not just about shouting in time with others! It began during the late 18th century. Students at this time rebelled against lecturers' harsh teaching methods by organising their own extracurricular activities. In the 1860s, students from Great Britain began to cheer and chant in unison for their favourite athletes at sporting events. Soon, that gesture of support crossed overseas to the United States. American Cheer learning was originally an all-male activity that started at Princeton University in 1877. lt was not until 1923, at the University of Minnesota, that women were permitted to participate in cheerleading.
Learn how to knit a garter stitch square and find out about all the possible uses for it. You will leave the workshop armed with a starter kit, your first square and a great idea for your first knitting project.
Learn how to crochet using double crochet stitches in the round to make bird bunting. You will leave the workshop armed with a starter kit and your first bird with the knowledge to complete your project at home.
Then ask your school for an application form. They will be available after we have visited your school in June.
Alternatively, you can download a copy here: ApplicationForm.pdf
Remember to return it to your school by Friday 5th July 2019.
Devizes Lions acknowledge the generous support of Wayside Garage who have kindly sponsored this event. | ![]() |
Sponsored Walk
6th October 2019
The aim of the Sponsored Walk is to make it simple for people to raise money for their own favourite charity or worthy cause. The Sunday this year was a bright autumn day, perfect for a walk around Roundway Hill when about £2,000 was raised by our walkers for the various causes they were walking for.
A BIG THANK YOU and WELL DONE to all who walked.
The format was the same as in previous years with a route of about 8 miles that follows the roads and tracks onto Roundway Down. The start and finish was at Devizes Wharf Theatre starting at 9.30 am prompt. Organisations and individuals were invited to take part and raise money for their own charity or other good cause. If you would like your sponsorship money to come to the Lions Club of Devizes for distribution to local charities, that would be most welcome. We provide the sponsorship forms and administration and ask that all money raised comes initially to Devizes Lions Club. All the money raised will be returned to the relevant charities or organisations after the walk. Download a copy of the poster here: sponsored walk 2019 poster.pdf |
Devizes Lions' President 2019/20
OUR PRESIDENT ![]() Devizes Lions' new President, Chris Ellis took over from former Lion President Andy Sheppard at a handover tea party on 30 June 2019.
Lion President Chris Ellis with District 105W Governor Lion Sally Marsh. |
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At the same event Past President Lion Andy Sheppard conferred Melvyn Jones Awards on Michael Gaiger and Nigel Grist for their long and invaluable support and service to Devizes Lions.
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President Chris Ellis' key message for the year is that Devizes Lions should initiate, develop and improve. |
And this is what he has to say to everyone:
It is my pleasure to be President of Devizes Lions in this our 50thyear.
I have lived in the Devizes area for all my life, I am married, I have two children and one grandchild.
I have been a Lion for over twenty years and this is my second term as President. It is again a pleasure to be working with so many experienced Lions who tirelessly give their time ably supported by their partners, raising funds at various events which are always well supported by the town. Most of the funds we raise are distributed locally.
We also carry out such events as the Sports Coaching weekend which last year was attended by over 500 children who learnt many new sporting activities. This year we are holding our inaugural Arts Coaching weekend in the autumn for children, we hope this will become a regular fixture in our calendar.
If you feel being a Lion is for you please contact us, we will be pleased to hear from you."
Presentation Evening 13th June 2019
Lions support for the local community
Cheques for a total of £10,600 were handed out by the Mayor, Councillor Judy Rose, to thirty-two local groups at Devizes Lions' Presentation Evening on 13th June. The amounts were part of the end-of-year package of grants marking Lion Andy Sheppard's year as Club President. An additional £1750 was donated to Lions projects in the UK and overseas. |
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Recipients included these diverse groups:
Age UK - Wiltshire, Alzheimer's Support, Arts Together, Budo Club, Canon's House, Carer Support Wiltshire, CUDS (Clean Up Devizes), Devizes & District Link, Devizes & District PHAB , Devizes Child Contact Centre, Devizes Hospital and Community Radio, Devizes & District Food Bank, Devizes Men's Shed/Devizes Men's Club, Devizes Opendoors, Devizes Over 50's Club, Friends of Erlestoke Prison, Home-Start Kennet, Kennet Gateway Club, KFR, Mid Wiltshire Relate, Monday Club, Nursteed Community Centre, Samaritans, Samaritan's Purse/Operation Christmas Child, First Devizes Scout Group, The Tuesday Club, Victim Support Wiltshire, Waiblingen Way Residents' Association, Wiltshire Mind, Wiltshire Portage Service, Wiltshire Sight and Youth Action Wiltshire.
During the evening representatives explained the magnificent work of the various organisations and charities that were being supported and how the Lions’ donations would be used, with frequent references to tackling loneliness or isolation, providing transport that might not otherwise be affordable or providing facilities, meals and entertainment.
The Lions’ grants were part of the amount raised at various fund-raising events throughout the year that is used to support many local groups, families and individuals.
Picture: Lions Presentation Evening - June 2019
Representatives of the thirty-two local groups that received grants at the Devizes Lions’ Presentation Evening. Kneeling are Club President Lion Andy Sheppard (left) and the Lions Welfare Chairman Jerry King (right) with the Mayor of Devizes Councillor Judy Rose.
Back in December, Devizes Lions contributed £650 to help a local mum to reach the amount needed to order a very special bike. It will allow her to take out her son Jai who is severely limited in what he can do, but is able to enjoy being outside in the countryside. The other day a few of us went to see the bike, and one of our Lions, Speedy "Pedals" Seager wasted no time road testing it. Evidence attached. |
Monday 6th May 2019
Here are some pictures from The Devizes Lions' May Fair.
A great day. Thanks to all who came to help us and to all the good people of Devizes who came along to support the event.
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Devizes Lions held its popular May Fair in Devizes Market Place and Corn Exchange on May 6th 2019.

These are some of the stalls and entertainment we were planning:
- Carousel (Gallopers) like the one seen in Vanity Fair
- Children’s Rides
- Live Entertainment
- Live Jazz with Devizes own Pete Lamb
- The local Pop Soul and Gospel choir
- The Devizes Regency Dancers
- Hot Food & Refreshments
- Pimm’s Stall
- Local beer from Rowde
- Competitions & Games
- Tombola
- Charity Stalls, Trade Stalls
- Bric a Brac et
- Lions Plant stall
- Lions Medical/Diabetes/Blood Pressure testing
And lots more ........
Lions and Rotary Joint Charity Golf Day
8th May 2019
Devizes Lions and Devizes Rotary's joint Charity Golf Day held on the 8th May 2019 raised £4000 after costs, to benefit Dorothy House Hospice Care.
To find out more visit our Charity Golf Day web page
On Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th April 2019 Devizes Lions held their popular Sports Coaching Weekend where children in school year groups 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 are invited to try one of 22 different sports that they might not otherwise have the opportunity to experience. Tuition was all provided by qualified coaches. We offered three new activities in 2019: Visit our Sports Coaching page for details Download your poster here Last year's event details - click here |
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The Swimathon at Devizes Leisure Centre on Saturday 2nd March went very well and raised at least £3677.00 which will benefit the many organisations that took part. The total mileage swum was nearly 50 miles! Many thanks to Cllr Judy Rose (Mayor Elect) (right) who started the event off with very loud whistle. A BIG WELL DONE to all of you that participated and very special thanks to all that sponsored them. |
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Can your Fund Raising Team swim for an hour? Devizes Lions annual Swimathon will take place on Saturday 02 March 2019 between 4pm and 10pm at Devizes Leisure Centre Pool. The Lions Club provide all the administration and forms for you to raise money for your own charity, organisation or group and claim any possible Gift Aid. Teams of 4 to 8 swimmers may enter, with only one swimmer in the water at any time. |
Download your own copy of the poster here: |
Marie Curie Great Daffodil Appeal.
Devizes Lions collected £470 at Morrison's on Thursday 28 February for the Marie Curie Great Daffodil Appeal. Here are two of us in our silly hats helping this wonderful cause.
Charity Concert
featuring the Ynysowen Male Voice Choir
Saturday 16th February 2019
Ynysowen Male Choir was formed in the wake of the Aberfan disaster as a way of saying thank you to the world for the support it had shown Aberfan in its darkest hour through song. This 30 strong choir has performed at various venues across the UK and abroad, from churches to village halls, concert halls to marquees they have sung for small crowds and thousands of people. The event is supported by performers from local schools. The event, promoted by Devizes Lions raised £2000 to support the Devizes Opportunity Centre who provide a world of opportunities for children with special needs and their families through high quality Early Years Education, therapeutic care and ongoing support.
Click here to download the poster: |
Saturday 1st to SANTA'S SLEIGH
A really BIG THANK YOU to everyone that supported us this year on our tour of the town with Santa on his sleigh. In the run-up to Christmas Devizes Lions' Santa's sleigh toured the town from 1st to 22 December with lights, music and Santa to entertain the children, hand out sweets and raise money for local charitable causes. Santa’s helpers are still counting but we can safely say that, after expenses, over £5000 was raised for the Lions Charity Account. Thank you all for your wonderful generosity.
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If you missed Santa, you can still donate on line here just by clicking the donate button: |
Saturday 24 November
Christmas Fair in the Corn Exchange
Devizes Lions Christmas Fair on Saturday 24th November raised over £9,000 after expenses that will be used to help local charitable good causes.
AN ENORMOUS THANK YOU to everyone who supported the event whether by donating items to sell or by coming along and buying them.
Download a copy of the poster here: Christmas Fair poster
Thursday 15 November Devizes Lions were out in the Brittox with their buckets and dressed as clowns on Thursday 15th November encouraging people to donate to the BBC Children in Need appeal.
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Lecture and Book Signing 13th November 2018
James Holland is a historian, writer, and broadcaster. The author of the bestselling Fortress Malta, Battle of Britain, and Dam Busters, he has also written nine works of historical fiction, five of which feature the heroic Jack Tanner, a soldier of the Second World War. He is writing a three-volume new history of the Second World War in the West and a book about the Defence of the Admin Box in Burma. Big Week is the knife-edged story of bomber against flak gun and fighter, but also, crucially, fighter against fighter, as the stakes rose higher and higher. Following the fortunes of pilots, aircrew and civilians from both sides, this is a blistering narrative of one of the most critical periods of the entire war, one that culminated in the largest air battle ever witnessed. It is also one that has been largely forgotten, but which has been brilliantly brought back to life by James Holland. It has just been published this August. During the third week of February 1944, the combined Allied air forces based in Britain and Italy launched their first-ever round-the-clock bomber offensive against Germany. The aim was to smash the main factories and production centres of the Luftwaffe and at the same time draw the German fighter force up into the air and into battle. Officially called Operation ARGUMENT, this monumental air assault was very quickly became known simply as Big Week.
In the six months up to its launch the bomber offensive was not turning out as planned by the Allies,. Raids by the US Eighth Air Force and the RAF deep into Germany were being decimated and falling far short of their intended purpose. With D-Day drawing ever-closer, that was a massive problem. The Allies needed clear skies to invade - the clock was ticking inexorably. Yet the Luftwaffe was also in crisis. Short of resources, of fuel, and on properly trained pilots, the strain on those still flying was immense, their losses severe. Despite the chaos of their leadership, they were achieving far more than should have been reasonably expected against the superior numbers of the Allied planes. James regularly appears on television and radio, and has written and presented the BAFTA shortlisted documentaries, Battle of Britain and Dam Busters for the BBC, as well as the Battle for Malta, Cold War, Hot Jets, and Normandy 44. Co-founder and Programme Director of the hugely successful Chalke Valley History Festival, he has his own collection at the Imperial War Museum, and is Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. He is also an avid cricketer, and plays for both Chalke Valley CC and the Authors CC. Last but not least he drives a left hand drive Citroen Legere (equivalent to the Slough built Light 15). |
Devizes Lions Donate £6000 to the GWH Brighter Futures Appeal
On Thursday 08 November 2018, the Lions Clubs of Devizes, Chippenham and Highworth presented cheques totalling £10,000 to the Brighter Futures appeal to contribute to the £2.9 million target which will be used towards the purchase of important clinical equipment within the new radiotherapy centre. Devizes Lion, Dr Michael Green, said that the Devizes Lions' contribution of £6,000 was the result of two very generous donations, of £5,000 from a member who had to travel for his cancer treatment, and £1,000, prompted by our President choosing the Appeal as his Project for the Year. Chippenham and Highworth Clubs each donated £2,000 to the Appeal; a Chippenham Lion has recently been travelling to Oxford for radiotherapy, reinforcing the importance of this Appeal to our Communities. This latest substantial donation is in addition to money already donated by other local Lions Clubs, Highworth, Lechlade, Marlborough and Swindon Lions Clubs, totalling £8600. Catherine Newman, Head of Brighter Futures, said, "We are absolutely delighted to receive this extremely generous donation from the Lions Clubs. This donation will take us that bit closer to achieving our appeal target and we are very grateful to the Lions for their on-going support." BACKGROUND NOTE: In partnership with the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (OUH), a new radiotherapy satellite centre is to be built at the Great Western Hospital (GWH) site in Swindon. Lions generously meet the needs of local communities and with each club knowing someone who has had to make the journey to Oxford to receive radiotherapy treatment they have chosen to support the Radiotherapy Appeal so that people in the future can be treated closer to home. |
Lion President Andy Sheppard and Lion Dr Michael Green present the £6,000 cheque to Lisa Utting, Donor Development Manager of the Brighter Futures Fundraising Team. Chippenham Lions' presentation Highworth Lions' presentation The group presentatiion |
Sponsored Walk 14th October 2018
The relentless rain did not deter about 75 intrepid walkers that completed our annual sponsored walk around Roundway Hill. They raised about £2,000 for 14 different organisations and charities.
Congratulations to all that completed the walk and raised so much money, with a special thanks to the Mayor of Devizes, Councillor Andy Geddes who was there to encourage them and start them on their way.
The Mayor and some of the intrepid walkers ready for the "Off"
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The Chirton Pips Preschool team |
Walking for 6th Devizes Scouts were Theo Sharpe and Isabella Hughes with their leader Scott Coleman |
Refreshments provided for all |
Presentation Evening 6th June 2018
Lions support for the local community
Cheques for a total of £11250 were handed out by the Mayor, Councillor Andy Geddes, to thirty local groups at the Devizes Lions Club’s Presentation Evening. The amounts were part of the end-of-year package of grants marking Lion Robert Postlethwaite’s year as Club President. An additional £1500 was donated to Lions projects in the UK and overseas.
Recipients included these Devizes groups: Alzheimer's Support, the Budo Club, Devizes & District Link, PHAB, Devizes Army Cadet Force, Child Contact Centre, Devizes Hospital and Community Radio, Devizes Food Bank, Men's Shed, Monday Club, Nursteed Centre, Opendoors, Opportunity Centre, Over 50's Club, Samaritan's Purse/Operation Christmas Child and the Seniors Christmas Day event.
Wiltshire groups that operate in Devizes were also supported including: Age UK, Arts Together, Changing Tunes, Gateway Club, Home Start Kennet, Mid Wiltshire Relate, North Wilts Holiday Club, Potterne Girls Cricket Club, Swindon & District Samaritans, Tuesday Club Market Lavington, Victim Support Wiltshire, Wiltshire Mind, Wiltshire Portage Service and Youth Action Wiltshire.
During the evening representatives explained the work of the various organisations and charities that were being supported and how the Lions’ donations would be used, with frequent references to tackling loneliness or isolation, providing transport that might not otherwise be affordable or providing facilities, meals and entertainment.
The Lions’ grants were part of the amount raised at various fund-raising events throughout the year and used to support many local groups, families and individuals. Additionally, the Club has organised community activities such as sports coaching for over 600 children, the May Fair and the installation of Town Centre defibrillators.
Picture: Lions Presentation Evening - June 2018
Representatives of the thirty local groups that received grants at the Devizes Lions’ Presentation Evening. Seated centre are Club Vice President Lion Andy Sheppard alongside the Mayor of Devizes Andy Geddes and kneeling in the foreground is the Lions Welfare Chairman Nick Seager.
There was £2,000 up for grabs for the winner in the Lions Den and the finalists selected to make a bid were Devizes Amateur Swimming Club; Devizes Outdoor Celebratory Arts; KFR; Wiltshire Sight and Wiltshire Search and Rescue.
Finalists L-R: Karen Monk - Wiltshire Sight; Loz Samuels - DOCA; Sarah Wolf - WILSAR;
Miles Palmer -Amateur Swimming Club and Daniel Thompson - KFR
AND THE WINNER WAS KFR, receiving a cheque for £2,000, and none of the other finalists went away empty handed.
Cheque presentation by Lion Andy Sheppard to Daniel Thompson - KFR; with (judge) Mike Gaiger;
Tom Green - KFR and (judge) Rosemary Macdonald
The night was an unqualified success and all enjoyed it – both the Charity teams who were presenting and the judges that made up the Den.
Particular thanks go to our outside judges – Rosemary McDonald and Michael Gaiger – who thoroughly enjoyed the occasion and made it such a success.
Devizes Lions acknowledge the funding contribution by the Wiltshire Community Foundation. |
Here are a few more details of the event:
Lions' Den Be brave - there’s nothing to fear and everything to gain in Devizes Lions Club are inviting local deserving causes into their Den for the chance to win a share of £3,000. The substantial giveaway, which the Club is making with help from the Wiltshire Community Foundation, will be awarded to organisations or individuals involved in activities that benefit the local community. ‘The money could be used to get an idea off the ground, improve or develop an existing project,’ explained Lion Nick Seager. ‘But most importantly they have to demonstrate that what they’re going to do will be of value to people in and around the Devizes area.’ Potential candidates are invited to make their case for the funding via an application form available here: Lions' Den Application Form or by phoning 07970 46 22 55 to receive a form to complete. Email your interest by the 25th April and the closing date for applications is the 5th May. The top five applicants will then be asked to pitch their bids within eight minutes to a panel of judges on the evening of 30th May at Devizes Town Hall. The judging panel will include Rosemary Macdonald of the Wiltshire Community Foundation and Devizes businessman Michael Gaiger. The cause that is judged to be the most deserving will receive £2,000 with the balance of the money being allocated to the other finalists. Visit our Club Projects page to find out about previous Devizes Lions' Dens. |
To download an Application Form, click here:
For further information please contact Lion Tony Scorer: THE FIVE FINALISTS TO FACE THE LIONS are Devizes Amateur Swimming Club; Devizes Outdoor Celebratory Arts; KFR; Wiltshire Sight and Wiltshire Search and Rescue. On the 30th May all will face a fierce grilling from the Den panel to decide which is the most worthy charity. They all want the money to help their work in the local community. Devizes Lions were delighted with the response to their Lions Den initiative, which sought submissions from deserving causes serving the locality and 13 made a strong claim to the money. There will be only one winner, read the G&H on the 7th June to find who was successful. |
The joint Charity Golf Day with Devizes Rotary Club at North Wilts Golf Club raised over £2700 for Canon's House Children's Home.
(Registered children’s home)
North Wilts Golf Club
Wednesday 9th May 2018
Devizes Lions and Devizes Rotary are again holding a Joint Charity Golf Day on the 9th May 2018. This year it is in aid of Canon’s House Children’s Home.
We do hope that you will support this worthy cause by either entering a team or sponsoring the event.
The main competition will be a four ball stableford, off the yellow tees.
Both 1st and 11th tees will be used to start between approximately 11.50 and 1.30 with ten minute intervals.
There will be prizes for each member of the three best teams and others for nearest the pin (3rd) the longest drive (16th) and the straightest drive (10th).
Teams may be either men, ladies or mixed. Ladies play off Ladies’ Tees and use Ladies’ Card.
The highest handicap will be 28 for men, 36 for ladies, all playing off ¾ handicap (max. for men 21 and for ladies 27).
Prize-giving approximately 7.00pm
We will also be running a Par 3 Competition on the 13th hole, a Raffle and a £5 note competition.
The entrance fee is £57 per person (£228 per team) to include the Main Competition and a two course dinner. For members of North Wilts Golf Club the entrance fee is £35 per member.
If you are unable to enter a team, we hope that you will support us by sponsoring a hole or a prize. The cost of sponsoring a hole is a minimum of £100 and will be publicised on the hole sponsored. All sponsorship will be acknowledged at the prize-giving.
Click here to download an Entry Form
All day entertainment for all the family including:
Giant slide - Children’s Roundabout - Male Majorettes - Live Music - Punch & Judy - Hot Food & Refreshments - Displays - Competitions & Games and Many Stalls - Charity, Trade, Information, Bric-a-Brac etc
Stalls & Refreshments - Bouncy Castle for young children
And a mobile ‘Strange Old Things’ Museum with artefacts, crafts, dressing up boxes, history talks & free identification service for your curious objects.
Visit our May Fair page to find out more about this year's event or book a stall and our Club Projects page to find out about previous Devizes Lions May Fairs.
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24 teams of swimmers swam a total of 1539 lengths (nearly 40km) in Devizes Leisure Centre pool and through their own sponsorship raised over £5000. Devizes Lions encourage local youth groups to be financially independent by providing an opportunity to raise their own money. This year the Swimathon together with the Lions Sponsored Walk helped local groups raise well in excess of £12000 totally independent of grants and handouts. This year the organisations taking part have raised about £5,000 for their various causes. WELL DONE! |
Re-scheduled for 21st April 2018 |
Sports Coaching weekend
24th and 25th March 2018
Many thanks

She really did, as you can see from the photograph. Thank you again."
And an amusing tweet from Kristy:
" @Devizes_Lions, a big thank you for another amazing sports weekend. Table tennis was a hit!!!!
And from Devizes Bowmen:
"Devizes Bowmen introduced and coached over 80 young people in Archery, at the Devizes Lions Sports Coaching Weekend on the 24th - 25th March. Big thanks to the Lions for organising this each year and to all those members who gave up their time to organise and coach this community event.... looking good in the clubs Wadworth sponsored shirts."
A really BIG THANK YOU to everyone that has supported us this year on our tour of the town with Santa on his new sleigh. In the run-up to Christmas Devizes Lions' new Santa's sleigh toured the town from 4th to 22 December with lights, music and Santa to entertain the children, hand out sweets and raise money for local charitable causes. Santa’s helpers are still counting but after expenses, we can safely say that over £3000 was raised for the Lions Charity Account. Thank you all for your wonderful generosity.
Centenary Celebration gift to Devizes
With the support of Devizes Area Board and other local charities, Devizes Lions have purchased and installed Public Access Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) in strategic positions around our town. This fulfills Lion President Robert's aim to mark Lions Clubs International’s centenary year in 2017/18 with a project that would be a legacy to the town. The formal AED handover/presentation to the town took place on Tuesday 12th December, at 10am, outside the Post Office Sorting Office where where one of the defibrillators has been installed. Lion President Robert Postlethwaite hands over the AED's to the Mayor Cllr Nigel Carter pictured here with Brian Adcock who looks after the defibrillators as part of his duties. |
This is the first one and when installation is complete they will be at:
Devizes Lions Christmas Fair on Saturday 2nd December 2017 raised about £7,800 which will be used to help local charitable good causes.
Thanks to everyone who supported the event whether by donating items to sell or by coming along and buying them.
About £7,800 will be donated to local charitable good causes. YOU WILL FIND LATEST NEWS Santa will be arriving at the Corn Exchange on his sleigh at about 8:45am. Be there to give him a cheer!
For information about previous Christmas Fairs click here: Christmas Fairs |
Back to top
PASSCHENDAELE The lecture by Allan Mallinson raised nearly £400 for local charities and causes that are supported by Devizes Lions. Many thanks to all that attended. at Handel House, Devizes Books, Sidmouth Street, Devizes on October 5th at 7:30pm. |
Allan Mallinson served for thirty-five years in the army and began writing while still serving – first, a history of his regiment, and then the Matthew Hervey series of novels chronicling the life of a fictional officer in the cavalry before and after Waterloo. The first book in the series, A CLOSE RUN THING, was published in 1999, and the thirteenth, THE PASSAGE TO INDIA, will be published next year. He left the army in 2004 to write full time, including defence comment for The Daily Telegraph and then The Times. In 2014 his centenary history, 1914: FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT – Britain, the Army and the Coming of the First World War, was runner-up for the Westminster prize for military literature and won the Army Book of the Year award. Its sequel, TOO IMPORTANT FOR THE GENERALS – How Britain Nearly Lost the First World War, a reference to the remark by Georges Clemenceau, the French prime minister, that “war is too important to be left to the generals” was published last year and is now available in paperback. Allan Mallinson writes a monthly feature in The Times on the course of the First World War, and his talk will reflect on “Passchendaele” and the events of 1917, and why they proved such a turning point.
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OSKAR's gift to the Air Ambulance Lion Roger Stratton may not have got to John O Groats, but he and OSKAR handed over a cheque for £2438.00 that will help the Wiltshire Air Ambulance to continue to fly the injured and ill to hospital in minutes rather than get held up in traffic. |
Just three days in to the journey, OSKAR had to retire due to a major engine failure which happened on the A9 north of Aviemore on its way to the start in John O'Groats.
This is what Roger has to say:
"I am very sorry that we had to abandon the JOGLE without even getting to the start at John O Groats.
We were beaten by what appeared to be a serious engine failure, but now we believe was an electrical problem caused by the very heavy rain and spray encountered on the way north. Our journey ended on the A9 near Aviemore, with OSKAR being returned to Blair Atholl on a recovery truck.
We are sad this happened and would like to apologise to our wonderful sponsors, the many people who donated their hard earned money and who entered the competition. We are determined that the three charities we are supporting will benefit from our efforts, but we will need to discuss with you all how best to do so.
In the meantime, thanks for the amazing support we had. The advertising will be continuing to adorn OSKAR's body for some time to come.
Roger, Bill and, of course, OSKAR."
Roger (right) and co-driver Bill (left) assembling outside the Bear Hotel, Devizes with the supported Charities.
About to be waved off by Peter Healey, |
Flagged off by Peter Healey. |
And away they go up North to John O'Groats |
The Plan To celebrate the centenary of Lions, our current President Roger Stratton is planning a major charity drive, taking his Frogeye Sprite, OSKAR (OSK 800) to John O’Groats and on to Lands End (the JOGLE) in September, raising money for Wiltshire Air Ambulance and The Helen Straker Charity on the way. He is planning to leave from Devizes Market Place at 9:30am on September 5th where he will be flagged off by Peter Healey, the grandson of Donald Healey, the designer and man behind so many great British sports cars. Having driven up through England and Scotland, he will be leaving John O'Groats for Lands End on the 8th September, passing through Bristol on Tuesday 12th, where he will be greeted by Lions from the Bristol Brunel Lions Club and cross over Brunel's iconic Clifton Suspension Bridge at 12:00 noon accompanied by a convoy of classic cars, before continuing on his way to Lands End; then back to Devizes on the 15th. |
![]() For such a small car, this is a very long and difficult
trip. For the humans, there are few creature comforts. The hood will be stowed away as much as possible, there is no heater, and no seatbelts or airbags. Motoring in OSKAR takes you back to an earlier era! In OSKAR’s day, Motorways and Dual Carriageways were rare in the UK, so we shall be following a route avoiding them as far as possible. In 1959, the original Severn Bridge was still 7 years away from being completed! There is a map of our route lower down this page and we are really looking forward to meeting other classic cars along the way, and for help from other Lions Clubs, too. OSKAR will be joined by back up cars during the journey, in which there will be luggage for the humans, and spare cans of oil, petrol and some other parts that might be needed.
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Peter Healey, Volunteer Gardener at Dorothy House Hospice Care and Grandson of Donald Healey, co-founder of Austin-Healey says:
“I am delighted to be supporting Roger Stratton and Bill Ritson in their adventure, which in such a small and nearly 60 year old car is no small undertaking. The Healey Sprite was always a favourite of my grandfather, Donald Healey. It was designed as an affordable sports car, using many standard Austin mechanical components, but that could be easily upgraded for racing or rallying, as many were. Indeed , the final Sprites which raced at the Le Mans 24 Hour Race were recorded at 150 miles per hour, and consistently won their class. I am sure that despite the cars age, Roger and Bill will have a memorable journey, and hopefully free of any breakdowns.
I am also delighted that the trip will support a number of highly deserving charities, including Dorothy House Hospice Care in Winsley, where I enjoy being part of a volunteer team that look after their large gardens. Good luck to you both, and have fun.”
This is an old photo of Donald Healey in Monte Carlo at the launch of the Austin-Healey sprite in 1958. Donald is in the passenger seat with no hat sitting next to a member of the press driving and wearing a hat. |
Peter Healey in his own Austin-Healey 1971 Sprite Mark 4
CLICK on the DONATE button and you will be taken to the NowDonate site where you can make a donation: |
Sponsorship There is also the opportunity to sponsor the car. The price for logos on doors, bonnet and boot are £500 each and wheels £250 each. In addition to being placed on OSKAR, the logos will be displayed on a fold-away board that will be featured at any media stops on the way. Here are some of the sponsors that Oskar would like to thank for their support: Bath Motor Club
About OSKAR This is what Lion Roger Stratton says about his little green car: "I have been owned by OSKAR who is a green 1959 Austin-Healey Sprite Mk 1 registration number OSK 800, who has delusions of grandeur, since 1990. (Early Sprites are commonly known as Frogs or Frogeye Sprites due to their prominent frog-like headlamps.) He ('cos only something so macho could possibly be anything else!) is celebrating 25 years of residence here, having had to put up with surgery, both cosmetic and heart and lung, for the first 2 years of our relationship and I am celebrating my 70th birthday this year by celebrating ANOTHER anniversary. Lions Clubs International, whose motto is "We Serve", is 100 years old this year, having been founded in Chicago in the depths of WW1. So, OSKAR wants me to drive him from his home town of Devizes to the far north of the UK so that he can then complete a JOGLE to Lands End. I presume he wants me to bring him back to Devizes afterwards. He thinks that this will be a challenge at his age, but hasn't consulted with me as to how I feel about it. As well as raising money for a local cancer charity named after a wonderful woman called Helen Straker, funds will also be raised for Wiltshire Air Ambulance. OSKAR's target is £10,000, which he seems to think is easy, given his extreme good looks and oily residues in the garage. The dates set for this journey of some 2000 miles is the ten days between September 5th and 15th this year. OSKAR and I would appreciate your support, with flags, bunting, free food, accommodation and cheap petrol. The one thing we do want is advice on the best route, avoiding wherever possible, Motorways, dual carriageways and other heavily trafficked roads not best suited to the size and demeanour of my small green friend." You can contact OSKAR by e-mail here: OSKAR |
BBC Children in need collection Devizes Lions were out with their buckets and dressed as clowns on Thursday 16th November, to encourage people to donate to the BBC Children in Need appeal and raised just over £500. Many thanks to everone who supported us. Click here to see more about last year's collection: CHILDREN IN NEED 2016 |
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Sponsored Walk 2017
Happy recipients at the presentation evening
Over 100 walkers were at the ready when Mayor Nigel Carter announced the start of the 2017 Lions Sponsored Walk. It was 10 mile challenge ahead and all walkers managed the full distance and with the exception of a few blisters finished back at Devizes Wharf in good spirits within three hours. The Mayor Giving the start Announcment In excess of £7000 was raised for a range of local charities. These included Scouts, Cub Scouts, Guides and Brownies, Budo Club and the Cricket Club. One new group participating this year and very well represented, was Julia’s House Children Hospice. Participants will be invited to a Presentation Evening on 21 November to receive cheques for the sponsorship money they have raised. Well done to everyone that took part! Thank you. |
![]() Climbing Roundway Hill Jack, Toby, Ben, Danny, Jay & Olivia with leader Click here to see the results of last year's walk: Sponsored Walk 2016
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(Registered Charity No: 1011774)
Held at North Wilts Golf Club on Wednesday 10th May 2017
The Devizes Lions and Rotary Clubs’ annual joint charity golf day has again benefited a local charity. Twenty-one teams of four raised a total of around £3000 that will go to the Devizes Opportunity Centre which helps children with special needs and their families. In a tight competition in brilliant spring weather on North Wilts Golf Club’s downland course, the “Straker Slicers” team won by the narrowest of margins.
It was a record breaking Sports Coaching Weekend for the Devizes Lions when well over 500 children aged from 8 to 13 from twenty two local schools applied to try out a sport that they might not otherwise experience. Nineteen sports with qualified coaches were on offer.
We are enormously grateful to the Devizes Area Board for its financial support this year that has helped us keep the cost of participation at an affordable level. After 29 years of the event, many parents and some of the coaches recall enjoying the experience when they were youngsters.
For the first time the Urchfont Clay Pigeon Club was making its sport available. It attracted massive interest, and over a quarter of the children applied for it. In the event, and forty of the youngsters were lucky enough to try it out. Another sport that is always always over-subscribed is the mountain biking where children learn skills on the first day and then put them to use on the mud and dirt of the tracks outside the town.
Not surprisingly there have been many messages of appreciation from parents and children. Viv Kyte of Devizes, whose daughter Louise took part, said "Thank you for a wonderful sporting weekend. My daughter loved the Adventurous Activities and would love to do it again! A lot of organisation involved and hard work for all concerned but very much appreciated by parents and children alike. It was great to see children who had never met before working as a team."
As usual, there is every sign that some of the children will take up their new sports. Lion Jerry King, one of the organisers said "The event is one of the most complicated and time-consuming that we organise. However, like the coaches who come back year after year, we find that it is also one of the most rewarding."
For more details about this annual event visit our Sports Coaching page. Former Sports Coaching participant, Polly Maton from Devizes was selected to represent Great Britain at the Rio Paralympics and competed in the 100 metres and Long Jump. For more details, see Games success Devizes.
Here are a few of the nice comments we have received following this year's event:
"Thank you for a wonderful sporting weekend. My daughter loved the Adventurous Activities and would love to do it again! A lot of organisation involved and hard work for all concerned but very much appreciated by parents and children alike. It was great to see children who had never met before working as a team. Thanks again." " (VK)
"A huge thank you to all of you for organising the Lions Club Sporting Weekend. My daughter Amelia had a great time trying out archery for the first time. We might have a budding Robina Hood on our hands 😀
" (D A-R)
"I would like to say a huge thank you to the Lions Club (and all the coaches) for yet another fab sports weekend. Such a great opportunity and experience for the children of Devizes. 🏸
" (AH)
"We had horse riding this weekend, my daughter loved it! Thanks to the Lions club!" (SH)
Devizes Lions’ Spring Concert was held in the Corn Exchange on 18 March 2017 to help us raise money for Wiltshire’s vital Safe Drive Stay Alive Roadshow.
This year The Invitation Theatre Company presented Gilbert and Sullivan’s Pirates of Penzance in concert and provided a very entertaining evening of hilarity and fun.
If you didn't come you missed a brilliant evening, first we were entertained by the "Leos President" Annabelle Bigland, singing popular songs, then the "Amazing TITCO" literally ran up on the stage, narrated by Sue Davies from "BBC Radio Wiltshire", and stole the show.
You will be pleased to learn that we were able to present a cheque in the sum of £3000 to Ian Hopkins, the organiser of the "Safe Drive Stay Alive" roadshows: a brilliant effort by the team that helped to make it such a success, and a very special thank you to Lion John Nichols, who ran around in never decreasing circles to organise the event.
Here's a video clip from when this was being performed in 2015:
A message from the organisers
This year's event was kindly sponsored by Cross Manufacturing
Devizes Lions in their familiar and friendly clown suits were out collecting in the Brittox on Thursday 17 November 2016 when, despite some appalling weather, they collected nearly £400 for the 2016 BBC Children in Need appeal.
Thank you all.
THANK YOU for your generosity |
Lions Club members (L-R) Mike Fitzpatrick, John Nichols, Wyndham Mortimer and Jerry King on duty in The Brittox last year. |

presented by the Mayor of Devizes, Councillor Jane Burton.
Lion Tom Fussell's surprise honour. Former Devizes Lion Tom Fussell was unaware that Lion Don Jones’s final duty as President would be to present him with the prestigious international Melvin Jones Fellowship
Tom Fussell of the well known local motor family received a surprise when he attended the annual Handover meeting of Devizes Lions. He had retired from the Club last year having been a member for nearly thirty years and the President in 1996-1997. His former colleagues wished to recognise his service to the community and nominated him for a Melvin Jones Fellowship.
The fellowship, which was created in 1973, takes its name from the founder of Lions Clubs International. To quote from the American-based guidance:
“It is an honor - not an award. The fellowship was established as the highest form of recognition to acknowledge an individual’s dedication to humanitarian service.”
Tom was unaware of the presentation that awaited him. The outgoing President, Don Jones, made it the last duty of his year in office, commenting that it was a pleasure to be able to pay special tribute to this popular member after so many years of helping the local community.
Walkers raised over £7000 to help many good causes.
Over twenty groups and individuals received amounts totalling over £7000 that they had raised by taking part in the Devizes Lions’ Sponsored Walk in October. The evening was hosted by Club President Roger Stratton, and the cheques were presented by Councillor Nigel Carter, the Deputy Mayor of Devizes. The recipients’ representatives explained how the money would be used, in some cases to obtain equipment, to fund trips, or to support local organisations or medical charities. Councillor Carter congratulated the Lions and the walkers on their efforts to help others; they were all part of the much wider fund raising efforts that go on in an extraordinary community.
Recipients attending the Presentation Evening were: 1st Devizes Brownies, 4th Devizes Guides, Alzheimer’s Support, Amnesty International, BHF Julie Bridewell Gift of Hope Fund, Bloodwise, CLIC Sargent, Devizes School Harmony Choir, Dorothy House, Fragile X Society, Kennet & Avon Canal Trust, Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, ORH Heads Up, Victim Support Wiltshire, Devizes Clubs: Budo, Cricket, Blind & Partially Sighted and of course the Lions. Others that received money raised by walkers were the 3rd Devizes Scouts and Cubs, Devizes Rugby Wolf Pack, Gateway Club, Phoenix Explorers and Youth Action Wiltshire.
The Deputy Town Mayor flanked by Lions Club President Roger Stratton and event organiser Lion Chris Gillings with the recipients of funds raised on the Devizes Lions Sponsored Walk.
Among the groups that had walked in the Devizes Lions’ Sponsored Walk were Lucie and Chloe Green from the 1st Devizes Brownies who were raising funds to be able to go on a memorable visit by the Brownies to Paris next year. Deputy Mayor Nigel Carter heard more about the pack’s plans from the girls and from Brown Owl Pam Ridley.
The Mayor, Counseller Jane Burton sends the walkers on their way Through Roundway, en route to the Downs
For details of previous years' Sponsored Walks, click on this link: Club Projects |
Sunday 9th October dawned clear and bright for this year's Sponsored Walk, which brought out about 200 walkers, many with dogs, who were raising funds for their own favourite causes. The Town Mayor set them off on a route of about ten miles onto Roundway Down via Quaker’s Walk and back. Sponsorship should raise about £6000 for 24 recipient organizations, and they will receive their cheques from the Mayor at a Presentation Evening on 29th November. Lion Chris Gillings, the event organizer, said that he was especially pleased that there were twice as many walkers as last year, and the large sums raised made this annual event all the more rewarding.
Walkers with their companions ![]() 4-legged helpers: downhill, homeward bound
The walkers raised over £7000 to help many good causes.
Over twenty groups and individuals received amounts totalling over £7000 that they had raised by taking part in the Devizes Lions’ Sponsored Walk in October. The evening was hosted by Club President Roger Stratton, and the cheques were presented by Councillor Nigel Carter, the Deputy Mayor of Devizes. The recipients’ representatives explained how the money would be used, in some cases to obtain equipment, to fund trips, or to support local organisations or medical charities. Councillor Carter congratulated the Lions and the walkers on their efforts to help others; they were all part of the much wider fund raising efforts that go on in an extraordinary community.
Recipients attending the Presentation Evening were: 1st Devizes Brownies, 4th Devizes Guides, Alzheimer’s Support, Amnesty International, BHF Julie Bridewell Gift of Hope Fund, Bloodwise, CLIC Sargent, Devizes School Harmony Choir, Dorothy House, Fragile X Society, Kennet & Avon Canal Trust, Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, ORH Heads Up, Victim Support Wiltshire, Devizes Clubs: Budo, Cricket, Blind & Partially Sighted and of course the Lions. Others that received money raised by walkers were the 3rd Devizes Scouts and Cubs, Devizes Rugby Wolf Pack, Gateway Club, Phoenix Explorers and Youth Action Wiltshire.
The Deputy Town Mayor flanked by Lions Club President Roger Stratton and event organiser Lion Chris Gillings with the recipients of funds raised on the Devizes Lions Sponsored Walk.
Among the groups that had walked in the Devizes Lions’ Sponsored Walk were Lucie and Chloe Green from the 1st Devizes Brownies who were raising funds to be able to go on a memorable visit by the Brownies to Paris next year. Deputy Mayor Nigel Carter heard more about the pack’s plans from the girls and from Brown Owl Pam Ridley.
Despite the atrocious weather conditions, the North Wilts Golf Club remained open for the Devizes Lions and Rotary Clubs' Joint Charity Golf day on the 11th May 2016 in aid of Alheimer's Support. The day raised £4,000 for the charity, which runs the Sidmouth Street day club. Charity CEO Babs Harris said: “The day was held in the worst weather imaginable and we were delighted and amazed when they turned up with not one, but two cheques for £2,000 each. The money will go to supporting our day club in Devizes which provides an invaluable service for people living with dementia in the town and surrounding villages. We are so grateful for this support.” Members of both fundraising organisations visited the day club to hand over the cheques. |
Lions President Don Jones and event co-organiser Eddie Gilmore hand over the Lions’ share of the money raised to Babs Harris, Chief Executive of Alzheimer’s Support. |
Following the success of last year's event and with sponsorship from the Grist Group, the 2016 Spring Concert was held in the Corn Exchange on Saturday 23 April 2016 again featuring the DS Big Band and The Invitation Theatre Company. With over 250 tickets sold, the concert was a huge success, raising £3,000 which Devizes Lions were delighted to present to Julia's House. For more details and interviews with Lion John Nichols who organised the event and Alison Radevsky, the chairman of Devizes Friends of Julia's House, please visit Spring Concert Article.
Picture shows Lion President Don Jones with Alison Radevsky from Julia's House
and the Mayor of Devizes Roger Giraud-Saunders.
Proceeds will support |
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Following the success of last year's event, the 2016 Devizes Lions May Day Fair followed the same format as last year.
On Bank Holiday Monday, May 2nd 2016, families flocked to the Market Place to enjoy all the fun of the Devizes Lions' May Fair.
The main attraction again was the ferris wheel, but Lions' human fruit machine is always a winner! But only If you get three balls the same colour, of course.
Here (L-R) Lions Doug Simpson, Robert Pothleswaite, Chris Gillings and Graham Poyser are caught in action.
The afternoon rain failed to deter people from supporting the Fayre which raised nearly £2000 for good causes.
For more details and pictures, click on this link to the Gazette and Herald Article.
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On Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th March 2016 Devizes Lions held their ever popular and very successful Sports Coaching Weekend. This year, nearly 500 children who attend schools in Devizes and neighbouring villages and who are in school year groups 4,5,6,7 and 8, tried sports that they might not otherwise have had the opportunity to experience. Qualified coaches from eighteen sports taught new skills ranging from horse riding to table tennis and from canoeing to fencing. For more details about this annual event visit our Sports Coaching page.
Six local organisations entered the Lions’ Den at Devizes Town Hall on 10 February 2016 to make their bid for a share of the £4,000 made available jointly by Devizes Lions and Wiltshire Community Foundation. The six finalists presented their cases in front of a panel of five judges: local business man Michael Gaiger, Rosemary Macdonald, Chief Executive of Wiltshire Community Foundation, joined Lion President Don Jones, Lions Michael Green and Tony Scorer.
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And the winner was ........
Market Lavington and Easterton United Football Club for portable flood lights enabling them to offer training all year round at their Elisha Field facility in Market Lavington and saving on winter sports hall hire costs.
Lions Den 2016 - Winner. Lions Club President Don Jones congratulates Emma Cheethem of Market Lavington and Easterton Football Club on winning the Devizes Lions Den 2016
And the other finalists were ....
Wiltshire Sight for new laptops and phones with special software to help advisers working with clients.
Worton & Marston Village Hall to kick start their project to provide refurbished toilets with disabled access following their successful improvement to the main hall.
The Noise, a community project based at St James Church Devizes that needs to widen its appeal and hire equipment to help in a practical way those in the town struggling to maintain the environment around their houses. They want to expand their volunteer base and cover more parishes.
Devizes Talking Newspaper to enable them to move away from tape cassettes to USB memory sticks for the Devizes Talking Newspaper and enhance their offering to include an audio local magazine.
Potterne Cricket Club to expand its programme for girls, women and the disabled through club-based qualified coaches.
“There were six excellent presentations, all supported by pictures or demonstrations of equipment used or desired, given by the presenting teams,“ said Lion Tony Scorer.
“The Judges were unanimous in deciding that the Market Lavington Football Club would receive the top prize of £2,200 to fund the purchase of the four floodlights needed."
“They showed that the project would reduce their running costs; be quickly implemented and benefit a large group of people.”
Having chosen the winners the judges spent some time in deciding how to divide the remainder of the award money between the remaining finalists.
“We would have loved to have had a lot more to give away to these deserving causes,” added Tony Scorer. ”The Lions hope that the experience of entering the Den will stand the organisers well as they continue their efforts to help our local community.”
The Peace Garden is now open |
On the bright sunny morning of 02 April 2016, a new Peace Garden was opened at Drews Pond to provide a quiet corner, shaded in summer and remote from any traffic. The Club’s involvement began when Lion Geoff Taylor, President for 2013-2014, selected the scheme as the year's principal local beneficiary and he was a strong supporter from then on. Sadly, he died last year and so did not see its completion.

Our late Lion Past President Geoff Taylor and his wife Rosemary in 2013
It has been one of the most successful Decembers ever for Devizes Lions. It started with the Christmas Fair in the Corn Exchange when, after a month’s preparation, the Club sold a multitude of items donated by the people of Devizes and around. Thereafter Lions were out and about on most evenings and on some days escorting Santa around the residential streets of Devizes so that he could meet the children and hand out some sweets.
Naturally the Lions had their collecting buckets to hand, and public did not disappoint with their generosity. The Lions were also pleased to be assisted with daytime collections by members of the Leo Club, Lions' junior equivalent which is based in Devizes School.
By the time that collecting ceased before Christmas and the various expenses had been taken into account, the Club will have cleared over £11000 from the two events. Most will be used during 2016 on worthwhile causes in the Devizes area, perhaps for individuals, families or groups in need of help. A smaller portion will go further afield for emergencies and disasters, either in the UK or oversas via the Lions International network which ensure it goes where needed most.
Your support is greatly appreciated and will help us to support those in need.
The Lions' Carol Float toured the town and made collections in the Brittox and at Morrisons in the run-up to Christmas.
It is always a delight to see the smiles on the children's faces
This is what one of the parents posted on our Facebook page:
"Chase LOVED seeing Santa last night again, thanks so much to the Lions Club for continuing such a wonderful tradition that I can share with my child, that I remember doing as a child myself! Keeping Xmas magical."
A big Thank You to all who supported us at the Devizes Lions' annual Christmas Fair held in the Corn Exchange on Saturday 5th December either by donating items or buying what was was on offer. After paying our associated expenses, our Christmas Fair will have brought in over £6500 to add to the funds that we will use to support those in need and other worthy causes.
Here are some pictures taken in the Corn Exchange just before the crowds arrived.
On Sunday 15 November 2015, Lions Club members were on duty at the annual Charity Clay Shoot hosted by the Urchfont Gun Club at their site near Urchfont. The day raised a welcome addition of over £200 towards our Club’s charity funds.
The Devizes Lions in their clown suits caught the eyes (and the smiles) of passers-by to donate towards Children in Need on Thursday 12 November - Market day. This year they were well pleased to raise over £600, a significant increase on last year. The clown suits will become a familiar sight around Devizes during December evenings as the Club members accompany Santa on his annual tour of much of the town.
Lions Club members (L-R) Mike Fitzpatrick, John Nichols, Wyndham Mortimer and Jerry King
on duty in The Brittox, Devizes
Devizes has again provided an opportunity for local people to raise funds for their own charities. On a misty October Sunday morning over 100 walkers of all ages, with many dogs for company were sent on their way from Devizes Wharf by the Town Mayor. The groups included some Devizes Leos who were raising funds for their own Club. The route of about ten miles was onto the open Roundway Down and provided splendid views of the autumn countryside.
The walk has taken place for over 25 years and is always popular. This year the walkers will raise over £4000, and late sponsorship may add significantly to that amount. The recipient organisations will receive their cheques from the Mayor at a Presentation Evening in November.
Devizes Town Mayor with the Mayoress and event organiser Lion John Sutton
set the walkers on their way.
Refreshment stop for Devizes Lions Eddie Gilmore, John Twentyman,
Chris Ellis and Mike Fitzpatrick.

Cheques for a total of £6500 were handed out to twenty-four local groups by the Mayor, Councillor Roger Giraud-Saunders, at the Devizes Lions Club’s Presentation Evening held in the Town Hall on 10 June. The amount was part of the sum raised by the Club at a variety of sales, collections, concerts and sponsored activities during Lion David Bousfield’s year as Club President. Grants by the Club throughout the year to worthwhile causes, needy families and individuals are decided after scrutiny of requests and recommendations by the Welfare Committee.

The 13th May was a glorious spring day with ideal conditions at North Wilts Golf Course for the joint Lions and Rotary Clubs of Devizes Charity Golf Day that raised over £1500 that was donated to Wiltshire Air Ambulance. We thank everybody who supported this worthy cause by either entering a team or sponsoring the event.


On Bank Holiday Monday, May 5th 2015, families flocked to the Market Place to soak up the sun and enjoy the Devizes Lions' May Day Fair.
The May Fayre in full swing in Devizes Market Place
The theme for the event was country and western and the soundtrack to the day was provided by Devizes-based band Bear Faced Country.
Among the attractions were traditional rides including a ferris wheel, pirate ships and swing carousel as well as the more unusual seven-seater bike which saw groups using all their pedal power to make their way around the market place.
Entertainment was provided by Wacky the Wonderful Wizard of Fun, a Punch and Judy Show, hook a duck and a fair ground organ.
Sheila Garden of Devizes said:
“It’s been a great day, we’ve spent hours here. There’s so much going on and plenty to occupy the grandkids, what more could you ask for.”
Visitors could also wonder around the display of vintage cars and motorbikes and take a trip up and down the market place on a miniature steam train.
Among the stall holders were the Scouts and Guides and there was plenty of opportunity to donate to the good causes that the Lions support with an array of stalls, a plant sale and face painting.
There was even a chance to get up close and personal to some exotic birds at the Birdline UK Parrot Rescue tent.
Matt Bridge from Seend said:
“We’ve never been before but the whole family has had a great day so we’ll definitely be coming back next year, its far better than we imagined.”
Last year good weather helped the even raise more than £2,000 for good causes and organisers are hoping for the same this year.
For 2015, the main attractionwas a Ferris Wheel and Swings for young children
Swinging cool dude
Looking up
and looking down
and experience all the thrill of the ride by clicking here:
Three handsome Dudes
Seven seater pedal power in action!
Some other interesting vehicles
Tops down on a lovely day
At a recent Lions' business meeting, four new members were badged by Lion Steve Petty, Chairman of 105W Zone 3H, who was visiting. The event marks a positive step in the continuing development of the Leo Club.
The four new Devizes Leos: Sam Beale, Charlie Owen, Megan Clarke and Ceri Hodges
with Zone Chairman Steve Petty and Lions Club President David Bousfield.
During the day, Lions also collected for the Lions' appeal for funds to help with relief in Nepal following the April Earthquake Disaster. Nepal Earthquake Poster.pdf
Local Lions helping distribute aid in Nepal
The SPRING SERENADE concert held at the Corn Exchange, Devizes on April 25, was a sell out! It featured the DS Big Band playing a Glen Miller Tribute and The Invitation Theatre Company singing a selection of songs from their repertoire. Both were very well received by the audience which filled the Corn Exchange. A cheque for £4,000 was presented to Devizes Opportunity Centre by the Club President David Bousfield. Please see our Spring Serenade web page for more details.
At the Devizes Lions' Swimathon held on 07 March 2015 at Devizes Leisure Centre, 24 swimming teams raised nearly £7,000 for their local clubs and organisations. A great result and congratulations to all that took part.
On 6th March Devizes Lions helped Marie Curie Cancer Care with its Great Daffodil Appeal by collecting money at Morrison's supermarket, raising £480 for the Charity. Devizes Lions and Marie Curie thank all who contributed on the day.
Our successful and ever popular SPORTS COACHING WEEKEND for local school children in Year Groups 4 to 8 was held on 21 and 22 March 2015. About 480 children took part. Please see our Sports Coaching web page for more details.
Nearly 500 children who attend schools in Devizes and neighbouring villages and who are in school year groups 4,5,6,7 and 8, tried sports that they might not otherwise have experienced when the Devizes Lions arranged their twenty-seventh annual Sports Coaching Weekend. Qualified coaches from eighteen sports taught new skills ranging from horse riding to table tennis and from canoeing to fencing.
Many of those involved were already well familiar with the format: some children were returning to try something new, and some parents and instructors had tried their own sports first with the Lions. One such coach was Hamish Devon of Hillier Road, Devizes who is also Chairman of Devizes Badminton Club. He first participated when he was a 10 year old at Rowde School and now teaches at Wansdyke School.
Archery is always popular, and the local club, Devizes Bowmen, has for years provided strong support to the Lions' weekend.
Some of the children who tried their hands at archery, pictured with the Lions Club President David Bousfield,
Devizes Bowman Steve Davies and, in the foreground, Joe Gurr who provided some of the instruction.
This time advice was also provided by one of their junior members, Joe Gurr of Devizes as he approached his twelfth birthday. Only two years ago Joe was one of the children trying out archery for the first time, and since then he has made rapid progress. He has won a number of local competitions, become classified as a Bowman by Archery GB, is a member of the Junior County Team and holds two county and a regional record.
Please see our Sports Coaching web page for more details.
Taking place each October, the sponsored walk is both great fun and a good fundraiser for local charities and organisations. The Lions organise and marshal the event, which begins and finishes at Devizes wharf, following a route across Roundway Down.
The Mayor, Sarah Bridewell cuts the tape to start the 2014 Walk
and off they go!
Recipients at the Devizes Lions Presentation Evening with the Town Mayor and Lions Don Jones and Tom Fussell who hosted the event
The Lions annual CHRISTMAS FAIR held at the Corn Exchange on Saturday 06 December 2014 took nearly £9,500 on the day. That is a truly excellent result. It was a really great day and our sincere thanks go to everyone that supported us whether by donating goods or by buying them.
We collect and sell toys, bikes, games, books, jigsaws, tools, small items of furniture, records, CDs, kitchen utensils, sports goods, gardening items, bric-a brac, unwanted gifts etc, in advance, that we will be selling to raise funds for local organisations and charities. Santa will be there in his grotto to meet the children.
This is a view of the Corn Exchange before the doors open
And here it is in full swing
The mayor, Pete Smith prepares to start the 2014 Swimarathon
The 2014 Victorian themed May Fayre in full swing in Devizes Market Place
Lion President Geoff Taylor hands over the cheque to Alzheimer's Support,
the winner of the 2014 Lions' Den