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Devizes Lions
Chartered 1970 (District 105SC)

Devizes Lions Club (CIO) is a Registered Charity No.1185977


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Lions on the Green Sports Coaching Arts Coaching  

Please Support Devizes Lions
CLICK on the DONATE button and you will be taken to our Just Giving donation site where you can make a donation on line:


We are also able to accept
by TEXT message: 

To make a donation from your mobile, simply -

text  DEVIZESLIONS to 70450 to donate £2
text  DEVIZESLIONS to 70460 to donate £5
text  DEVIZESLIONS to 70470 to donate £10
text  DEVIZESLIONS to 70490 to donate £20

Texts will cost the donation amount plus one standard network rate message charge.

  or use this QR code
  from your mobile: 

Devizes Lions Club (CIO) is a Registered Charity No.1185977                           


For all the latest about Devizes Lions, Club News and Events, scroll down this page or click one of these links:


Stop Press

Lions News

Forthcoming Events

Recent Events

Message in a bottle


Recycling Spectacles

100 Years' Service

Other Club Projects



About Lions

About Devizes Lions

Our President




Public Benefit Statement 

Grant Making Policy

Privacy Policy 



Stop Press

The Spring Concert on Saturday 15 March 2025 in the Corn Exchange HAS BEEN CANCELLED.


Charity Golf Day at North Wilts Golf Club on Thursday 08 May 2025.

Follow this link for details of the event and how to enter: 2025 Golf Day


Our next Lions Bingo Night is on Tuesday 25 March 2025.

For details, follow this link:  Bingo!



Lion Chris Ellis is our President for the 2024-25 Lion's year and we look forward to an enjoyable and successful year under his leadership.  2024-25 President

Lion Fabricio Oliveira is Lions International President for Lions Year 2024-25


Visit our Calendar for a full list of our forthcoming events

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Would you like to be part of the action?

 To enable us to continue arranging fund raising events in the town and
deliver much needed support to the community,


Our Club Needs You!
If you would like to help us help others, don't delay, contact us now. 

WE NEED NEW PEOPLE WITH NEW IDEAS TO HELP US .....If you would like to find out about how you can help us, click here: 
About Lions

Who are Devizes Lions?


Lions News



In 2020 two members of Devizes Lions Club together amassed over 100 years of voluntary service to the local community.  

Click the logo to see their story:  

  Devizes Lions Club celebrated its 50th anniversary in the Lions' year 2020/21.

OUR PRESIDENT for 2024/25 is Lion Chris Ellis.  
Click here for details: Handover Celebration.


Lions' bookcases have been in place in the Condado Lounge since April and in Cafe Nero since November with a great range of books which people can take for a small donation.

In the first four months, it raised over £100 for Devizes Lions.
A big thank you to the team at Condado Lounge for allowing us to place our bookcase there and to all their customers who have purchased books from the bookshelf.
Read a book with a drink in Condado Lounge or with a cofee in Cafe Nero. What's nicer.....and you're donating to charity, too!
Thank you!  

There's more here: Bookcase 


Click here to find out more about it:
Message in a Bottle

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Forthcoming events       see more

Lions Monthly Bingo Nights

Our next Lions Bingo Night is on Tuesday 25 February 2025.

For details, follow this link:  Bingo!

Spring Concert Saturday 15 March 2025 in the Corn Exchange HAS BEEN CANCELLED 

Make a note of the date in your diary and follow this link for further details: Spring Concert.

Sports Coaching Weekend Saturday 05 and Sunday 06 April 2025 

Make a note of the date and find out more here: Sports Coaching 

Joint Charity Golf Day in association with Devizes Rotary Club Thursday 08 May at North Wilts Golf Club

Make a note of the date in your diary and follow this link for details of the event and how to enter:  2025 Golf Day

Sponsored Walk Sunday 11 May

Make a note of the date in your diary and wait for further details.

Follow this link to see what we did last year:  2024 Sponsored Walk

Lions on the Green 

Sunday 08 June 2025, 10:00 am - 4:00pm

Our annual classic vehicle and family fun day on Devizes Green.

Find out more by visiting our Lions on the Green web page.  

Visit our Calendar for a full list of our forthcoming events.

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Recent Events   see more

Marie Curie collection at Morrisons on 01 March

Lions were delighted to help by donning silly hats and collecting for Marie Curie UK in Morrisons.  Details here: 2025 Marie Curie

Santa's Sleigh 02 - 21 December 2024

A Heartfelt Thank You from Devizes Lions.

We made a donation of £2,000 to YFC on 18 December 2024

For details, follow this link: YFC Donation

The Book Sale at St Mary's Church on Saturday 30 November 2024 raised £1200.

Thank you for your support.

For details, follow this link: Book Sale

WORLD DIABETES DAY - Thursday 14 November
Devizes Lions were in the Library on Thursday 14 November for World Diabetes Day which is celebrated all over the world every year on that day.

You can also find out more here: World Diabetes Day

Lions Remember Them 

Find out more here: 2024 Remembrance

Arts Coaching Day Saturday 02 November 2024 

Find out more here:  2024 Arts Coaching

The Ladies Fashion Show on Saturday 14 September 2024 raised £880!  Thank you.  2024 Fashion Show

Lions Presentation Evening 12 June 2024

Donations totalling nearly £9,000 wer made to about 30 local organisations and charities.

Follow this link for details: 2024 Presentation Evening

Lions on the Green Sunday 09 June 2024


A great big THANK YOU to everyone who attended and supported this year's Lions on the Green event whether as an exhibitor, stall-holder or simply enjoying the event.  Your generosity will enable Devizes Lions to continue to provide support to where it is needed in our community and beyond.

Find out more here 2024 Lions on the Green or visit our Lions on the Green web page.  

Sponsored Walk Sunday 12 May 2024

About 50 walkers took part in this year's Sponsored Walk and raised a magnificent £3,942 in total to benefit their individual causes.
A big THANK YOU to all the participants and volunteers that helped make it happen.

You can find details here: 2024 Sponsored Walk

And details of last year's walk here: 2023 Sponsored Walk

Charity Golf Day 09 May 2024 

The annual Charity Golf Day run by Devizes Lions and Devizes Rotary took place on Thursday May 9th at North Wilts Golf Club.

Thank you to all the teams that took part and all the volunteers that made it happen. This year's Golf Day has been the best ever, showing an amazing net profit of £3900 to benefit Canon’s House in Devizes. 

You can find details of the event here: 2024 Golf Day

Sports Coaching Weekend 06 and 07 April 2024

Find out more here: 2024 Sports Coaching and on our Sports Coaching page.  

and follow this link to see what we did last year:  2023 Sports Coaching

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Please Support Devizes Lions
CLICK on the DONATE button and you will be taken to our Just Giving donation site where you can make a donation on line:

Devizes Lions Club (CIO) is a Registered Charity No.1185977

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About Lions 


Lions are like-minded men and women in your town who are committed to helping its citizens live better lives, and to help make your town a better place for those who live and work here.

Because we are local, we can serve the unique needs of our communities and because we are global, we can address challenges that go beyond our borders, and because of our numbers we can help to influence positive change around the globe. When it comes to meeting challenges, our response is simple:  "We Serve." It's something that unites Lions around the world.  We help wherever, whenever and however we can.

With almost 1.5 million volunteers, Lions is the largest humanitarian organization in the world. Lions aid the blind and visually impaired, support youth initiatives to build strong character and end bullying, feed the hungry, address global epidemics like diabetes, come the aid of communities when disaster strikes, and are committed to filling other community needs throughout the world.  

Lion Fabricio Oliveira is Lions International President for 2024-25

Devizes Lions welcome Lion Fabricio Oliveira of Paraiba, Brazil, as the incoming International President for the 2024-25 Lions year and he has chosen “Make your Mark” as his presidential theme.


In his inaugural address he said:

“As Lions we live out our mission of service and empower future generations to join our unwavering commitment to kindness.  I am looking forward to hearing how each and every one of you is making your mark in your community."

With a remarkable background in business administration, including a Post-Graduate Degree in Business Administration (MBA) from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), and a Degree in Administration, International President Fabrício brings a wealth of experience and expertise to his new role.

"There are countless ways to make a difference in communities all around the world and I am proud to belong to an organization that reaches people in need everywhere," said Oliveira. "My hope for this year serving as Lions International President is to inspire many more service-minded volunteers to join our wonderful organization."

Would you like to join us and Make your Mark, and change someone's life for the better?  Contact our membership team at:

Our Patron is Her Royal Highness Duchess of Edinburgh

Her Royal Highness
Duchess of Edinburgh 

became Patron of the Lions Clubs of the British Isles in 2004

You will have seen the news that Prince Edward has been granted the title of Duke of Edinburgh by the King and that the Countess of Wessex, Our Patron, has received the title of Duchess of Edinburgh.

PDG Lion Patrick Hamblin, our Patron Liasion Officer, has spoken to Our Patron's Office at Bagshot Park and confirmed that the The Duchess of Edinburgh will continue in exactly the same way previously as Patron of Lions Clubs MD105, but must be referred to as The Duchess of Edinburgh in the future.




A Brief History of Lions Clubs International

In 1917, Melvin Jones, a 38-year-old Chicago business leader, told members of his local business club they should reach beyond business issues and address the betterment of their communities and the world. Melvin Jones' group, the Business Circle of Chicago, agreed.

After contacting similar groups around the United States, an organizational meeting was held on June 7, 1917, in Chicago, Illinois, USA.

The new group took the name of one of the invited groups, the "Association of Lions Clubs," and a national convention was held in Dallas, Texas, USA in October of that year. A constitution, by-laws, objectives and a code of ethics were approved and they elected Dr. William P. Woods of Indiana as their first President. 

It was thanks to the support of Canadian Lions and the intervention of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, that the first Lions club in London was founded in 1950.
And the rest is history.

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About Devizes Lions


Devizes Lions are part of Lions International with almost 1.5 million men and women serving their communities all over the world.  

Devizes Lions are dedicated to helping the people of Devizes and those in the areas surrounding the town.

If your organisation or group is in need of help and you think we can assist, please visit our Contacts Page and get in touch now. 

If you would like to join us in changing someone's life for the better contact our membership team at:  

With the support of the local community Devizes Lions have raised many thousands of pounds to help support local people and various charities. Whether a group needing funds, a community action group or just someone seeking help, Devizes Lions try to make the problem smaller.

During a typical year Devizes Lions raise funds through a variety of events, sales, collections and concerts, which it distributes to worthwhile causes, including local individuals, families and groups that have approached us when in need of support.

In addition, we have enabled groups to raise their own funds through our popular Sponsored Walk and Swimathon, and provide local children with new sporting and artistic experiences over our Sports and Arts Coaching Weekends.

Naturally, while working together in our joint endeavours, we form close and long-lasting friendships with other members and their families.

To find out more, download these publications: 







Lions in your Community 

Step forward



Dora's Story

But it's not all hard work!
As well as fulfilling our charitable aims Devizes Lions Club is also a great social organisation where we enjoy fun and fellowship whilst supporting those that need our help.

Here are some Lions enjoying a planning meeting!



Now is the time to take this opportunity. 

Find out more about becoming a Devizes Lion by contacting us now:

  • phone us on 0345 833 6749 
  • e-mail us at Devizes Lions Club
  • follow us  on Facebook or Twitter    
  • visit our contact page for more options​

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Devizes Lions' President 2024/25

Devizes Lions' new President, Chris Ellis took over from former Lion President Debbie Wilson at a handover celebration on 30 June 2024 followed by a buffet lunch for members and guests.  This is the third time that Chris has held this office and we look forward to another enjoyable and successful year under his leadership. 

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Would you like to be part of the action? Click hereFind out more or Contact us.

 What has been said about Devizes Lions

"Chase LOVED seeing Santa last night again, thanks so much to the Lions Club for continuing such a wonderful tradition that I can share with my child, that I remember doing as a child myself! Keeping Xmas magical."  Cassie on our Facebook page.

"Big Thank You to Devizes Lions for organising the sponsored walk; we've managed to raise over £1400 (and still counting) for Victim Support"

"I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank the Devizes Lions again for their continued support for First Stages.  It means a great deal to us to know that our work is recognised, and we are very proud and grateful to have been among so many worthy recipients last week.  The support the Lions gives to the smaller local groups is so important.  Thank you!"   Carole Berry.

"The Monday Club would like to thank ... the Lions who have worked so hard to support us."  Jackie.

"The cheque given to us will help keep our club afloat and enable us to give our members some little pleasures." - Devizes PHAB. 

"It's all great news people! More then 500 kids took a part in sport weekend this year - I know, because I asked... I can see so many advantages, not only fun some of them will continue, for some of them it was perhaps the only opportunity to try some sports, more sport - better health! More 'inspired' kids - more 'sporty' adults in the future! All voluntary job by Lions Club, how amazing!" Asia K.

And recently posted on Facebook:

"My daughter has come back from a canoeing session, with Don Jones 's autograph!

Seriously, a huge thank you and well done to Devizes Lions for organising their sports weekend again. My girls have respectively canoed and played badminton. It's a fantastic opportunity for our youngsters to try their hand at something new, or at something that their parents might not otherwise be able to afford for them to do."  
Sue Ross

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Over 100 Years Serving the Community

Two members of DEVIZES LIONS Club together amassed over 100 years of voluntary service to the local community.  This milestone has been reached during the Lions' year 2020/21 in which the Club marked the 50th anniversary of its founding.

Soon after the Club formed in 1970 David Bousfield joined, and John Hurley did so a few months later.  Over the years they have helped to organise many Lions’ events, including assisting individuals and groups in need of practical or financial help as well as organising large scale events such as Gymkhanas and the May and Christmas Fayres.   


David was President of the Club in 1984 and again in 2014.  Like many of the Lions, David is well known in other fields.  He is a solicitor with Wansbroughs in Devizes and has lived in Potterne for many years, he is a former trustee of the Wiltshire Community Foundation and governor of Devizes School.  A keen sportsman, he was previously a county hockey player and remains a keen golfer.  

John & Beryl Hurley

John joined Devizes Lions in 1971 and was President of the Club in 1977.  He was Engineer & Surveyor to the former Devizes Rural District Council and then Kennet District Council. With his late wife Beryl he was active in the establishment of the Wharf Theatre and they were also leading figures in the Wiltshire family history scene, transcribing and publishing many records and giving talks over much of the country.

Sadly, John passed to higher service on the 12th July at the age of 97.
John had been a Devizes member for a remarkable 53 years since joining in 1971, so almost a Charter member, and was President in 1977/78.  What service!  He will be sadly missed.

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Message in a Bottle

Lions Clubs throughout the country supply Message in a Bottle containers to people who have health and medical needs. The bottle is simply placed in your fridge and contains all the important information that might be needed in an emergency.

Devizes Lions have placed supplies of bottles in all local doctors' surgeries for you to take home and use. If you can't see them on display then ask the receptionist. In the unlikely event they have run out, please let us know at so we can replenish the stocks.

You will know there is a bottle in the fridge by the two labels, one is fixed on the inside of the front door or the main entrance and the other is on the door of the fridge.

Remember - Always Check the fridge!

 Click the picture to dowload a copy.

We have a couple of short videos about it: 
Click the pictures below to watch them:

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World Sight Day 10 October 2024

World Sight Day, on 10 October 2024 will highlight the critical importance of prioritising child eye health.

“We all know that in children an uncorrected vision impairment can severely impact their education. Research tells us that children with access to and being prescribed spectacles can reduce failing rates by 44%. It is knowledge like this that has led us to make World Sight Day 2024 one for children around the world,” said Peter Holland, IAPB (International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness) CEO. 

We need to raise awareness of the 450 million children globally who have a sight condition that needs treatment. 

Schools and organisations are encouraged to participate in the Global Challenge by screening the vision of children; carers and parents on behalf of their children are invited to make a #LoveYourEyes pledge; teachers are asked to access World Sight Day resources that inspire children to take care of their eyes now, and long into the future.  

Encouraging parents to have children’s eyesight tested can help those with reading problems to improve their learning – a benefit for the rest of their lives socially and financially. 

“IAPB has proven that when we work together, we create noise and an enthusiasm that is hard to ignore. Therefore, I am calling on everyone to work to ensure that children around the world have access to clear, healthy vision. We invite you to take ownership of the Love Your Eyes campaign, use our resources to be bold, have fun and create moments that cannot be overlooked,” encouraged Caroline Casey, President of IAPB. 

After the World Sight Day 2023 success of Love Your Eyes at Work, IAPB together with the International Labour Organization will continue campaigning on the importance of prioritising eye care in the workplace.   

In the United Kingdom there are well over 2 million people with sight loss, 80% of whom are over the age of retirement. It is estimated that over 50% of Lions Clubs members in the British Isles may have some level of sight loss which affects their way of life. Clubs should ensure that they are able to provide equal support to individual members with sight loss eg information in an accessible format and a volunteer driver/or guide to help them to meetings and activities. Increasing font size in documents is a simple way of helping people with visual impairment.

The Lions International In👁Sight Programme embraces the Lions Eye Health Programme and has four key components:

  • Eye Health and Care – nutrition, take up of regular eye tests, advice to stop smoking, and reduce computer eye strain
  • Service and Support -Talking newspapers, low vision exhibitions, and healthy vision campaigns
  • Partnership – local-led alliances with sight-related organisations, and national organisations eg Lions Sight Savers Trust and Blind Veterans. Devizes Lions support Wiltshire Sight.
  • Lions Clubs’ take action to prevent/reduce sight loss, and accessibility to screening and treatment in our communities.

Recycle used spectacles, for use in Third World

Contact Lions National Headquarters on 0121 441 4544 for a leaflet/poster


Eye tests are often how diabetes, glaucoma, cataract, and other treatable problems are found, before the person tested knows they have a problem

Most causes of impaired vision, and blindness, are preventable or curable.

This includes the common and devastating causes of blindness in Third world countries, including cataract and glaucoma, as well as trachoma and river blindness (onchocerciasis). 

Lions International promotes action to prevent and reduce impaired vision and blindness throughout the world

Recycling Spectacles 

Lions Clubs throughout the country collect used spectacles.  They are sent to Lions Headquarters in Birmingham or to Chichester Lions Club where about one million pairs a year are processed by club members and other volunteers. They use their considerable experience built up over 35 years, to select the items that are suitable for recycling and to sort them in preparation for onward transmission to the Ukraine and Medico France in Le Havre. Medico France has the necessary equipment to clean and grade the spectacles ready for use in eye camps in Africa, India and Eastern Europe.

If you have any, you can drop them off in SpecSavers or Haines and Smith.

Visit to find out more. This public website explains what, where and why to donate spectacles. The 'where' contains a map showing drop-off points for spectacle donations.

Here is Devizes Lions' Welfare chair adding a couple of boxes of used spectacles that have been collected in town, to a pile that is being sent for recycling.

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Forthcoming Events
Watch this space for details of our Forthcoming Events


The Spring Concert Saturday 15 March 2025 in Devizes Corn Exchange HAS BEEN CANCELLED

 About The Lost Trades Duo

The Lost Trades are a Folk/Americana group, based in the West Country, with a cool Laurel Canyon vibe. With a sound that is reminiscent of the California folk scene of the late 60s/early 70s, their harmonies have been described as "flawless", "spine tingling" and "magical".

After a global pandemic cut short their first tour after just a single sold out gig, the band retreated to their songwriting rooms to work on their debut album, "The Bird, The Book & The Barrel". The album was released in June 2021 and was well received, spending 8 months in the Official UK Folk Albums Chart. The follow up, "Petrichor" was released in March 2023, and immediately followed suit, entering the chart at No.31.
A live performance involves easy interchanging of instruments, including guitar, ukulele, bass and percussion at different points. There's always a fun intimacy to the show, with the group engaging in comfortable repartee with each other and the audience like a group of old friends.

 About KV Brass

Based in the heart of Wiltshire, they can be found entertaining crowds throughout the year at numerous different venues from festivals to fetes, concerts to private parties and of course Christmas events.

Featuring trumpets, trombones, horns, tuba and percussion, the band are totally acoustic and yet able to blow the roof off most venues.
They offer a different take on the traditional Brass Band sound with an exciting repertoire showcasing up-to-date arrangements of classic Jazz, Swing, Latin, Pop and Easy Listening tunes. 

About Fantasy Radio

FANTASY Radio is the community radio station for Devizes and Mid-Wiltshire, and it will celebrate its 30th Birthday in June 2025!

Fantasy Radio can be listened on 97FM in Devizes and Mid-Wiltshire, online at and via Radioplayer and other apps like TuneIn.

Local people enjoy the output of the station, which includes music from across the decades as well as local interviews, news and opinion, and even documentaries on a variety of subjects relating to the station’s home, Devizes. In addition, Fantasy Radio supports local events alongside the Town Council and other groups such as Devizes Lions Club (CIO).  

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 Lions Bingo Nights - starting 7:30pm on the last Tuesday of the month at the Conservative Club

Come along with your friends and enjoy our monthly BINGO NIGHTS at the Conservative Club, 30 Long Street, Devizes, on the last Tuesday of each month.

Doors open 7.30 pm. Eyes down 8 pm prompt.
Entry Fee £8.00 per adult (over 18s only, sorry!) which includes 4 strips of 6 games.

Net proceeds to Devizes Lions Club (CIO) Registered Charity No. 1185977.


Charity Golf Day at North Wilts Golf Club on Thursday 08 May 2025

 Here are the details:

Download your application form here:

2025 Golf Day Entry Form 

Forms to be returned to: by 1st May please.

And to whet your appetite, here are details of last year's Charity Golf Day:  2024 Golf Day


Sports Coaching Weekend

Saturday 05 and Sunday 06 April 2025 


Our next Sports Coaching Weekend will be on

05 and 06 April 2025 

Make a note of the date and find out more here: Sports Coaching  



Our next Lions on the Green
will take place on Sunday 8th June 2025


 Head over to our Lions on the Green page for more details.

Or visit our Calendar for a full list of our forthcoming events.

Recent Events

Marie Curie Great Daffodil Appeal

collection at Morrisons on Saturday 01 March 2025

Lions were delighted to help by donning silly hats and collecting for Marie Curie UK  in Morrisons on Saturday 01 March.

Santa's sleigh 02 - 21 December 2024 

🎠 A Heartfelt Thank You from Devizes Lions 🎠
To all of Santa’s amazing helpers who braved the chill, waved, smiled, and spread cheer on the Santa Float—thank you for your incredible support. Your dedication helps us make the season brighter for everyone in our community. 🌟
To the wonderful people of Devizes who gave so generously—you are the magic makers. Your kindness ensures we can continue supporting local causes and making a difference where it’s needed most. 💛
And to the parents and guardians keeping the magic alive for little ones, thank you for sharing those special moments and filling the air with wonder and joy. 🎅 ✨
Together, we’re making the season unforgettable. From all of us at Devizes Lions, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a magical New Year! 


Here are some of last year's pictures:



_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

During November, Devizes Lions had been very busy helping Santa get his sleigh ready for his tour of the town in December with his merry band of helpers, clowns and elves, bringing lights, music and a cheery wave to the children.

If you need to contact the organisers, please e-mail


Donation to YFC on 18 December 2024

On 18 December, our President Chris Ellis was delighted to present a cheque for £2,000 to Steve Dewar of Wiltshire Youth for Christ on behalf of Devizes Lions Club which will be used to fund the purchase of equipment for their 2nd Pop up Van.
Wiltshire YFC is a small charity supporting teenagers and communities in the local area since 2011 providing secondary school student "Mentoring" support and detached youth work engagements in Devizes and across Wiltshire.
You can find out more about the work of Wiltshire YFC on their Facebook page.
#DevizesLions #YouthSupport #CommunityCharity #PopUpVan #MentoringProgram #LocalImpact #WiltshireCommunity #TeenEngagement

 9:30am to 1:30pm on Saturday 30 November raised £1200.

Thank you for your support.


World Diabetes Day 2024 - Thursday 14 November in Devizes Library


Devizes Lions will be in the Library on Thursday 14 November for World Diabetes Day which is celebrated all over the world every year on that day

Lions and Diabetes UK Leaflets and Posters will be available at the manned Devizes Lions stand.

Last year was particularly special, because it also marked 100 years since scientists Frederick Banting and John Macleod were awarded the 1923 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in recognition of the discovery of insulin.

Click the image to download the poster

 in 1921, Dr. Frederick Banting, a Canadian surgeon and Charles Best, a medical student, under the directorship of John Macleod successfully isolated the hormone insulin for the first time at the University of Toronto. 

With the help of James Collip, insulin was purified, making it available for the successful treatment of diabetes. 

Banting and Macleod earned a Nobel Prize for their work in 1923.

Banting split half of his prize money with Charles Best and Macleod split his half with James Collip.

Banting's Birthday is 14 November when World Diabetes Day is celebrated the world over. 

Come along to the Library on 14 November and find out more about diabetes.

Lions Remember Them 

On Sunday 10 November, a number of Lions manned the road closures for the Remembrance Day parade and President Chris Ellis represented Devizes Lions alongside Victoria Warren, President of Devizes Rotary at the Remembrance Day service laying a wreath in memory of all of those who sacrificed themselves for us.

On Thursday 07 November Devizes Lions were pleased to help the Royal British Legion's Poppy Appeal again this year by manning their stall in Morrisons.

We have been told that very nearly £400 was raised that day. That's a splendid result indeed and a big thank you to all who donated from the Devizes branch of the Royal British Legion and from Devizes Lions.
People are so generous. Thank you for supporting the appeal.

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Arts Coaching Day - Saturday 02 November 2024

On Saturday 02 November 2024 Devizes Lions held an Arts Coaching Day where 175 local primary school children in year groups 4, 5, 6 (ages 8 to 11) tried one of several artistic activities that they might not otherwise have the opportunity to experience. 

Head over to our Arts Coaching Day page for more information.

We believe the arts should be accessible to everyone. We would like to offer our local primary school children the chance to try something new. This is the opportunity for children to have fun, doing something different.

You never know, you might find your new favourite hobby!

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The Dad "N" Daughter Line Dancing Group raised over £1500 for Devizes Lions.
The line dancing group 'Dad 'N' Daughter Line Dance' nominated Devizes Lions as their charity this year, and over the last 8 months raised a whopping £1560 through generous donations and charity events, and on 01 October they presented the cheque to Lion President Chris Ellis and Past President Debbie Wilson.
We are so massively grateful to everyone who gave so generously and to Brian and Cassie (the dad and daughter) for choosing us as their nominated charity.




Ladies Fashion Show - 7:30pm on Saturday 14 September at the Conservative Club

Devizes Lions Club brings you an exciting evening of fashion and fun hosted by Colours Fundraising Fashion Shows, at Devizes Conservative Club on Saturday 14 September.

As you can see, everyone really enjoyed themselves and what's more it raised £880 for Devizes Lions' charity funds.

Thanks to all of you that came along to support the event, to the volunteers that helped on the night, to those that donated raffle prizes, to the Conservative Club and of course, to Colours Fundraising Fashion Shows that made it all happen.


Pre-event details:

Doors open at 7pm and the show starts 7.30pm.


As well as a live CATWALK SHOW, there will be ample time to try on and buy this season's High Street & Branded fashions at the Pop up Shop.


There will also be a raffle with FABULOUS prizes to be won.

Tickets are £8 and must be purchased in advance from Devizes Books or TicketSource using this link:
(Please note that there will be a small charge to buy tickets using TicketSource.)

For more information please contact:

Our last Fashion Show was a great success - Take a look before you book:

 .... Fashion show 2023  

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Lions Bookcase

The Lions' bookcase has been in place in the Condado Lounge since April with a great range of books which people can take for a small donation. In the first four months, it has raised over £100 for Devizes Lions' charity.

In November we placed a second bookcase in Cafe Nero.

A big thank you to the team at Condado Lounge for allowing us to place our bookcase there and to all their customers who have purchased books from the bookshelf.
Read a book with a drink in Condado Lounge or a coffee in Cafe Nero. What's nicer.....and you're donating to charity, too!
Thank you!


Lions Presentation Evening 12 June 2024

It has become a tradition for Devizes Lions to hold a Presentation Evening as one of the last events of the Lions’ year.

This year is no exception and on Wednesday 12 June a number of selected local groups were invited to the Town Hall where the Mayor, Cllr Ian Hopkins presented donations totalling nearly £9,000 on behalf of Lion President Debbie Wilson and all Devizes Lions to more than 30 local charities and organizations to help them continue their vital work in the community.  Each organisation was then given the opportunity to share a brief description of the work it does with those present.

Devizes Lions offer their sincere thanks to all those organisations for all the work they do in the community.

Here is a group photo of the recipients with the Mayor seated in the front centre and Lion President Debbie Wilson standing at the far right.

These are the groups that we made donations to this Year:

 Age UK - Wiltshire

Alzheimer's Support

Arts Together

Bob Cook games

Carer Support Wiltshire

Changing Tunes

CUDS (Clean Up Devizes)

Devizes & District PHAB 

Devizes Air Training Corps [2397 (Devizes) Squadron]

Devizes Army Cadet Force

Devizes Men's Shed/Devizes Men's Club

Devizes MS Support Group

Devizes Opendoors

Dorothy House Hospice Care

Friends of Erlestoke Prison

GUIDES.  First Devizes Brownies and Guides

Home-Start North Wiltshire

Julia’s House

Lions - Measles initiative

Lions Sight Savers


Monday Club

Nursteed Community  Centre (Devizes & District Association for the Disabled)

Plot 35 Devizes


Spurgeons Together for families/ St Johns

The Tuesday Club [was the The Old School Day Centre]  

Waiblingen Way Residents' Association

West Lavington Youth Club

Wiltshire Citizens Advice Bureau

Wiltshire Mind

Wiltshire Portage Service

Wiltshire Search and Rescue

Youth Action Wiltshire

Youth Adventure Trust




 Lions on the Green - Sunday 09 June 2024


A great big THANK YOU to everyone who attended and supported this year's Lions on the Green event whether as an exhibitor, stall-holder or simply enjoying the event.  Your generosity will enable Devizes Lions to continue to provide support to where it is needed in our community and beyond.

To find out more head over to our Lions on the Green webpage.


Sponsored Walk Sunday 12 May 2024

About 50 walkers took part in this year's Sponsored Walk, following a circular route from the Guide Hall on Coate Road, to Stert and back through our lovely Wiltshire countryside.
The weather was sunny and hot - maybe a little too hot - but it was enjoyed by all the participants whilst raising money for their particular causes.

They raised a magnificent £3,942 in total to benefit their individual causes.

A big THANK YOU to all the participants and volunteers that helped make it happen!

Here are some pictures taken on the day:


Click on the poster image to download a copy


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Come and join us to raise money for your favourite cause, club or charity on our sponsored walk around our beautiful Wiltshire countryside.

Starting from the Guide Hut, Coate Road Devizes SN10 3LU at 9:30am with registration from 9:00am.

The route is approximately 8 miles long and we will do all the organising - all you need to do is get your sponsors. 

For further details and to get your sponsor forms please e-mail: 



Charity Golf Day at North Wilts Golf Club on Thursday 09 May 2024

The annual Charity Golf Day run by Devizes Lions and Devizes Rotary took place on Thursday May 9th at North Wilts Golf Club.

The sun shone brightly on the teams taking part in this year's Charity Golf Day.
Thank you to all the teams that took part and all the volunteers that made it happen. This year's Golf Day has been the best ever, showing an amazing net profit of £3900 to benefit Canon’s House in Devizes.
Here is a selection of photos taken on the day.


Devizes Lions and Devizes Rotary are pleased to be running their Joint Charity Golf Day again this year on Thursday May 9th at North Wilts Golf Club.   All monies raised will be donated to Canons House in Devizes.   They offer short break care to children and young people with profound learning difficulties and complex health and care needs. 

Last year the weather was kind, there were lots of teams participating and the event raised £3500 for the Devizes Lions' and Devizes Rotary's Charities.  

Full details of the event and how to apply can be found on the Application Form which can be downloaded here: 2024 Golf Day Application Form.

If you have any queries, please e-mail:

Our next Charity Golf Day will be on Thursday 08 May 2025. 

Watch this space for further updates.

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 Sports Coaching Weekend 2024

Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th April 2024

Head over to our Sports Coaching page for further details.

Our next Sports Coaching Weekend will be on 05 and 06 April 2025.  Make a note of those dates and watch our Sports Coaching page for further details.

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Please Support Devizes Lions
CLICK on the DONATE button and you will be taken to our Just Giving donation site where you can make a donation on line:


Devizes Lions are dedicated to helping the people of Devizes and those in the areas surrounding the town.

If your organisation or group is in need of help and you think we can assist, please visit our Contacts Page and get in touch now. 

Devizes Lions are part of Lions International which is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs, in more than 200 countries and geographical areas, all serving their communities throughout the world. 


Devizes Lions Club (CIO) is a Registered Charity No.1185977


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