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Devizes Lions Club (CIO) is a Registered Charity No.1185977

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 Lions on the Green 2025
will take place on Sunday 8th June 2025


Lions on the Green hosted by Devizes Lions Club (CIO) returns to the Large Green in Devizes on Sunday 08 June 2025. Last year we raised nearly £6,500 and the event was attended and enjoyed by hundreds of people.

Entry to the Green is free to all visitors and families arriving on foot but donations to to Devizes Lions Club *CIO) (Charity No: 1185977) will always be glady appreciated.

The event will open to the public at 10:00am and will close at 4:00pm.

Devizes Lions invite owners of historic vehicles over 30 years old, classic and historic cars, bikes, scooters, historic commercial and military vehicles along with owners of more modern Supercars to exhibit tlike Ferraris, McLarens, Bugattis and so on to purchase a spaces to display their much loved and cherished vehicles on Devizes Green for people to admire and enjoy.

There will be no Passenger Experience rides this year, but instead there will be a slightly tongue in cheek Concours d'Elegance.

We are inviting Stall Holders - crafts, clothings, cakes and bakes, toys etc (but no food stalls, ice cream or drink stands)  to apply for a pitch.

For those with other interests, this is a family day out, and in addition to the vehicles on show, there will be craft stalls selling artisan products, pop up charity shops, a beer tent, food and drink vendors and ice cream van, a skittles competition as well as activities for children such as fairground rides, face painting and an animal petting area.

Book a space for your vehicle here: Vehicle booking

Book your stall space here:  Stall booking

All net proceeds will go to Devizes Lions Club (CIO) charity fund, which supports needy families, children's clubs, the elderly in our community, our famous Sports Coaching weekend and many, many other groups and individuals who just need a helping hand.

And watch this page for further details.



To whet your appetite, 
this is what we did in previous years:

Lions on the Green 2024
Sunday 9th June 2024 from 10:00am to 4:00pm




A great big THANK YOU to everyone who attended and supported this year's Lions on the Green event whether as an exhibitor, stall-holder or simply enjoying the event.  Your generosity will enable Devizes Lions to continue to provide support to where it is needed in our community and beyond.
There were lots of lovely classic cars, stalls and things for the children to enjoy. The weather was kind, the turn-out was fantastic. We think it was a great success and we hope you did too!
Thanks again for your support.



Here's a link to a really great video that Terry Thring recorded at Lions on the Green on Sunday. It's on his YouTube channel and the link is below.

Many thanks for sharing it with us.

Lions on the Green June 9th 2024. A display of classic cars and various craft and food stalls.

Here is a selection of photos that Andy Thawthrop took on the day:



And here are some of the photos that Simon Folkard took:


Click on the MG to watch Simon's video:                            >>>>>>>>>> 

And here are some that Phil Masters took:

Many thanks for sharing them all with us.


Entry to the Green is free to all visitors and families arriving on foot but donations to Devizes Lions (Charity No.1185977) would be appreciated.

The event will open to the public at 10:00am and will close at 4:00pm.


Lions On The Green hosted by Devizes Lions Club (CIO) returns to the Large Green in Devizes on Sunday 09 June 2024. Last year we raised nearly £5,000 and the event was attended by hundreds of people despite the weather being less than ideal.

Devizes Lions invite owners of historic vehicles, classic and historic cars, bikes, historic commercial and military vehicles to come and display their much loved vehicles on Devizes Green for people to admire and enjoy. 

Some owners will be invited to offer visitors a ride as a passenger in their vehicle for a small donation to Devizes Lions.  Follow the link to Classic Rides for details.

For those with other interests, this is a family day out, and in addition to the vehicles on show, there will be craft stalls selling artisan products, pop up charity shops, a beer tent, food and drink vendors and ice cream van, as well as activities for children such as fairground rides and face painting.

All net proceeds will go to Devizes Lions' charity fund, which supports needy families, children's clubs, the elderly in our community, our famous Sports Coaching weekend and many, many other groups and individuals who just need a helping hand.

Book a space for your vehicle or stall through TicketSource by following these links:

Stalls Bookings  Please Note that we are already fully booked for food and drink as well as children's entertainment.

Vehicle Bookings

Booking Terms and Conditions: T&Cs

You can contact the organisers at

Please watch this page for further updates



The event will be held on:

The Large Green, Southbroom Road, Devizes SN10 3AG

Grid reference: SU 00860 61317

Click on the map below to access an interactive map:


You can contact the organisers at




May be an image of 8 people and text that says

Jan Holmes posted this on Facebook:

"My 88yr old Dad had a big surprise when he was gifted a ride in this car."

Download your copy of the Passenger Experience Information sheet

For a donation to Devizes Lions Club’s Charity Account of £10 per trip, you can go out in one of the classic cars displayed on the day, over a pre-determined route of  about 10 - 15 minutes with the owner driving you in his or her pride and joy.

From the passenger seat, you will experience the fun and involvement required to drive one of these cherished cars, ask the owner all about the vehicle, see how much it means to them and see the grins and waves from members of the public as you drive by.

Of her ride one pasenger said:

This was my ťhrill! I was taken out for a fast drive in this 66 Mustang on Sunday afternoon. There were quite a few classic car owners who were taking people out for a drive to raise funds for the Lions charity. In honour of Wilson Pickett and a song named after me, I had to choose the Mustang!

 Download your copy of the Passenger Experience Information sheet

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Lions on the Green 2023
Sunday 11th June 2023 from 10:00am to 4:00pm

This year's LIONS on the GREEN CLASSIC CARS and

Cheery Lions
Picture by Andy Fawthrop

A great big THANK YOU to everyone who attended and supported this year's Lions on the Green whether as an exhibitor, stall-holder or simply enjoying the event.  

Your generosity will enable Devizes Lions to continue to provide support to where it is needed in our community and beyond.

Chevrolet pickup
Picture by Sally Nosega

There were lots of lovely classic cars, stalls and things for the children to enjoy. 

The weather didn’t dampen our spirits and we hope it didn’t dampen yours. We hope you enjoyed the day and what's more Devizes Lions raised around £4,700, which will all be used to support our charitable work.

We think it was a great success and we hope you did too!


Here are some more of the great photos that Andy Fawthrop took:
Andy Fawthrop Facebook


Here are some of the fabulous photos that Simon Folkard took: SimonFolkardPhotography 


 Download your copy of the Passenger Experience Information sheet

For a donation to Devizes Lions Club’s Charity Account of £10 per trip, you can go out in one of the classic cars displayed on the day, over a pre-determined route of  about 10 - 15 minutes with the owner driving you in his or her pride and joy.

From the passenger seat, experience the fun and involvement required to drive one of these cherished cars, ask the owner all about the car and how much it means to them and see the grins and waves from members of the public as you drive by.

Of her ride last year, Sally Noseda said: 

This was my ťhrill! I was taken out for a fast drive in this 66 Mustang on Sunday afternoon. There were quite a few classic car owners who were taking people out for a drive to raise funds for the Lions charity. In honour of Wilson Pickett and a song named after me, I had to choose the Mustang!

 Download your copy of the Passenger Experience Information sheet

LIONS ON THE GREEN is not just for classic cars!
Why not bring along your treasured classic bikes, commercial or military vehicles and enjoy a day in Devizes. And by Classic we mean anything over 30 years old.

Sponsors:  Devizes Lions are really grateful to all the sponsors who have helped to make this event possible.  

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....and this is what we did in 2022:


Lions on the Green 2022
Sunday 12th June 2022 from 10:00am to 4:00pm

Entry to the Green is free to all visitors and families but donations to Devizes Lions (Charity No.1185977) would be appreciated.

This year's LIONS on the GREEN
RAISED £7,750!


A great big THANK YOU to everyone who attended and supported this year's Lions on the Green event whether as an exhibitor, stall-holder or simply enjoying the event.  Your generosity will enable Devizes Lions to continue to provide support to where it is needed in our community and beyond.
There were lots of lovely classic cars, stalls and things for the children to enjoy. The weather was kind, the turn-out was fantastic. We think it was a great success and we hope you did too!
Thanks again for your support.

Next year's Lions on the Green will be on Sunday 11 June 2023.

Make a note of the date in your diary.


Here are some fabulous photos that Simon Folkard took: SimonFolkardPhotography 


Thank you, Sally Noseda at 
for letting us use these nice photos you took:



Thanks also to Peter Daltrey for letting us use his great photos:


Here are some still aerial shots that Mark Devlin took for us from his drone (Control or Right click on an an image to view it full size.) and there's also a nice video he filmed here: Mark Devlin's LotG video            

Thanks, Mark, they're great.



For a donation to Devizes Lions Club’s Charity Account of £10 per person, you can go out in one of the classic cars displayed on the day, over a pre-determined route with the owner driving you in his or her pride and joy.

From the passenger seat, experience the fun and involvement required to drive one of these cherished cars, ask the owner all about the car and how much it means to them and see the grins and waves from members of the public as you drive by.

Of her ride, Sally Noseda said: 

This was my ťhrill! I was taken out for a fast drive in this 66 Mustang on Sunday afternoon. There were quite a few classic car owners who were taking people out for a drive to raise funds for the Lions charity. In honour of Wilson Pickett and a song named after me, I had to choose the Mustang!

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follow us on Facebook:    

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Our colleagues in Chippenham Lions will be holding their Cherished Vehicle and Family Fun Day on Sunday 10 July from 11am at the fields at Meadow Farm Nurseries, Langley Burrell, Chippenham, SN15 4LW.
To find out more click on the image on the right.......

Please support Devizes Lions
CLICK on the DONATE button and you will be taken to the
NowDonate site where you can make your donation on line:



Devizes Lions Club (CIO) is a Registered Charity No.1185977      

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.... and in its first year in 2021:

This is what we did in 2021:

Lions on the Green
Sunday 13th June 10:00am to 4:00pm

 Click on the poster to download a copy 
and watch this page for further updates.

Click on the image above to view and download an A4 copy of the flyer.

At our firsLions on the Green in 2021, hundreds of people enjoyed the sunshine and came along to see a huge display of about 100 classic cars along with entertainment, food, artizan and charity stalls, all on the Large Green by Devizes School entrance. 

We are now planning this years’ event and are moving up a gear by building on the strengths of the last one so you can enjoy an even better Lions on the Green in 2022, enjoying our classic cars whilst raising much-needed money for carefully vetted local charities and good causes.

This year we will have space for even more classic cars, artisan stalls children’s activities and food offerings to make this a really great family friendly event.

And here is a copy of the e-mail that Lion Roger sent to previous exhibitors:

Hello everyone,
Following last June’s successful first Lions on the Green, we are moving up a gear to enjoy another one,  building on the strengths of the last one, and above all, enjoying our classic cars whilst raising much-needed money for carefully vetted local charities and good causes.

You all took part last year, and with the same pricing structure we hope to see you again on June 12th 2022.  We are also intending to increase the number of artisan stalls, children’s activities and food offerings to make this a family friendly event.

We also want to show off more beauties, so, if amongst your classic car friends you have contacts who would be interested, ask them to contact me by email at or via The Devizes Lions website.

Last time, we had over 100 cars, and we would like to increase that number to fill the space on Devizes Green with lots of lovely classic and historic cars and other vehicles. We hope to have a lot more owners happy to take part in the Passenger Experience enabling you and your colleagues to show members of the public what it is like to ride in a car from an earlier era. The more people who are aware of our heritage, the more likely it is that our hobby will survive into the future.

To express an interest and, for the car clubs, give an indication of the numbers you expect to attract, please contact me by the methods shown above. I’ll then send you an Application Form and the pricing structure.

Lion Roger



On June 13th 2021, Devizes Lions held a brand new fund raising event: Lions on the Green.

This was for all the family as well as anyone with an interest in Classic Cars.  On the day there were about 100 classic cars to admire as well as about 40 craft, artisan and charity stalls.  And the weather was fantastic! 

And it raised in excess of £4,760!  A magnificent result that will all be used to support worthwhile causes primarily in and around Devizes. Thank you all for your support.

Here is a message from our Presdident, Lion Jerry King:

Thanks from the Lions for the comments and pictures posted on Facebook. You have it spot on. It was fantastic to create an event that would let local people get out for a change and enjoy something new. Thanks go to the Lions members and friends that made it happen (and especially Lion Roger Stratton who dreamed the whole thing up in the depths of lockdown!), to TV and film stars Clive Mantle and his wife Carla Mendoca who opened the show, to our sponsors who made much possible, to the car owners and stallholders, and especially the visitors who uninvited gave to Lions funds so we can continue our charitable work locally. Thank you one and all. Jerry King, Devizes Lions Club President 2020-2021.

Here are just a few of the pictures we took during the event:

Our thanks to Clive Mantle and his wife Carla Mendoca both stars of TV and film who came and opened the event.





Clive Mantle 

and his wife 
Carla Mendoca 



And this is some of the feedback we've received:

"I just wanted to thank you and the team for such a fantastic event yesterday. I thoroughly enjoyed it, met so many lovely people and also raised £100 for Springboard Nursery in Chippenham (Nursery for children with additional needs). 

From the very beginning it welcoming and organised, the plots were great and very well thought out and again the marshals couldn't have been more helpful on exiting. We certainly needed something like this and what a great start to enjoying our community now the restrictions are lessening.  

Please can you pass on my thanks, looking forward to next year 🙂

Anna (Little Feather Art)"

"Just a very quick thank you for allowing the Museum space on the Green.  It was a fantastic day, helped by the weather, and we were able to see a lot of ‘real’ people again.

The amount of time that all of you must have put into organising and running the even must have been phenomenal.  Thank you so much for doing it.  

Doug Roseaman (Wiltshire Museum)"

"Well done Roger for all your organising- it was a great day all round and people really needed this to bring a little normality back into their  lives.  The powers that be certainly brought us the best weather and I hope all the Lions could get back on track with their fund raising.
A good day out 
Love Su x"

"Hello Roger

Great to put a face to a name today.

What a marvellous job you and your team did, especially considering, as you said, you haven't organised a car show previously.
Please pass on our thanks, on behalf of my "Wiltshire Jaguar owners", to everyone one involved for a most enjoyable day out.

Roll on next year.

Don Westcott  Chairman Wiltshire Region JEC"

Thank you.


This event was made possible by the generous support of Grist Environmental  

Sponsors:  Devizes Lions are really grateful to all the sponsors who have helped to make this event possible.  Click on their logos to find out more about them.




You can contact us at:



Please support Devizes Lions
CLICK on the DONATE button and you will be taken to our
JustGiving page where you can make your donation on line:

Donate Now





Devizes Lions Club (CIO) is a Registered Charity No.1185977      

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