These are the current club projects. Click on the link for more information:
Defibrillator at Pittville Park
In 2021 we funded and installed a Defib which is potentially a life saving device for the benefit of our local Cheltenham Community. This can be operated by Medical staff, or through instructions held in the machine, by Members of the Public to provide urgent assistance to anyone suffering a Cardiac arrest.Time is the key factor in this scenario in that the sooner help is provided the greater the chance of a favourable outcome.
We enlisted the Community Heartbeat Trust Charity, one of the leading providers of Defibs in the UK to assist us with the installation and maintenance of this resource.

We have welcomed and been encouraged by the enthusiastic support of the local businesses who have sponsored the installation and to Councillors and members of the Public.

The club owns a caravan in Burnham-on-Sea which is made available free of charge to the disadvantaged and those in need in Cheltenham who would not otherwise be able to have a holiday.
The caravan is fully fitted with facilities for disabled guests including a hoist and roll in shower.
This year, 22 weeks of holiday will be given to disabled adults and children with their parents and carers. Guests often include children from the local Acorns Hospice and the James Hopkins Trust.
This is the third caravan that the club has provided at Burnham. The current one cost £30,000 which was raised single handed by one of our members.
Eyeglass recycling

In just about any home, one can find a pair of eyeglasses that are no longer being used. That same pair of eyeglasses can change another person's life.
That's why Lions started the Recycle for Sight program. Everyone can help.
Throughout the year, we collect used eyeglasses and deliver them to regional Lions Eyeglass Recycling Centers (LERCs). LERC volunteers clean, sort by prescription strength and package the glasses. Recycled glasses are distributed to people in need in low and middle income communities where they will have the greatest impact.
The Lions Clubs were proud to introduce this project locally and thousands of bottles have been distributed free to the end users in this area. The idea is a simple but effective one. The bottle contains details of prescriptions, next of kin, doctor's address, any pets etc. and it is kept in the fridge at home. The pack contains two small stickers, one of which goes inside the main door of the home and the other on the outside of the fridge door. In the unfortunate event of the emergency services having to be called to your home they can quickly find essential information. This can speed up treatment, find a contact number and ensure pets are cared for in an emergency.
The bottles are free and may be obtained, for personal use or for carers, from most pharmacies, but contact Lions Club of Cheltenham for bulk supplies or further advice.
Message in a bottle could save your life !