Two New Lions Clubs of District 301-C
April 25,2012
Lions Clubs International has recently approved two Lions clubs in District 301-C Northern Philippines. The Vigan City Ciudad Fernandina Lions Club in Vigan City, Ilocos Sur and the Salcedo Lions Club in Salcedo, Ilocos Sur was both granted approval from the International Association last April 25, 2012. Both clubs are headed by known public servants & civic leaders in the Province & in their own communities, Geronimo Singson of Vigan Ciudad Fernadina & Provincial Board member Joselle Gironella of Salcedo LC. Both clubs were sponsored by the Candon City Lions Club.
Exhilarating Pugo Mission
April 29,2010
“Individually we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean”…
The Candon City Lions Club joins the multidisciplinary medical mission organized by the Baguio City Lions Club last April 29 2012. In spite of the steaming temperature, the lions were excited sharing their time helping the people of Pugo and its surrounding town. Working with many other clubs give a profound and powerful effect in any project endeavors. Besides, the mission was one opportunity again to be together in lifting up the level of passion & energy of every participant. As a result, the mission was
a very invigorating one. The days long medical mission yielded 249 patients were medically treated and 73 minor surgeries, including circumcisions was done.
School Supplies Toothbrushes & Toothpastes Distributed
March 26 2012
Lions 356-D South Korea District Governor Young-Sik Kim & 301-C Northern Philippines 1stVice Dist Governor Evelyn Pacquing distributed school supplies to some 400 elementary students of Santiago Central School in Ilocos Sur last March 26 2012. In addition to the joint medical mission, several toothpaste & toothbrushes was also handed out to children.
Two Clubs twinning is now Official!
April 3 2012
(Katerina Barcal, Manager Program Dev Service Activities LCI )
The Houston Midwest Lions Club of Texas USA (107393) and theCandon City Lions Club of the Philippines (77471) is now officiallypartners to fulfill the 3rd purpose of Lions Clubs International: “Creating & Fostering the spirit of understanding among people of the world” by establishing through a formal twinning relationship. Both clubs mutually pledged to cooperate with each other on a variety of projects, and learn from each other’s cultures and customs.....
The Baguio Magnolia Lions Club yesterday was the ever first to conduct induction of new members and fresh set of officers for the Lion year 2012-2013. For in behalf of DG W. Rosario, VDG E Pacquing installed the club’s new set of officers. Lion Emma R. de La Cruz is the new club President.
The Santiago Medical Mission
Candon City LC News Bureau
March 27, 2012
"It was indeed an invigorating feeling whenever we share our resources and help people in need!" This was the comment of most of the Northern Luzon Lions after concluding their medical missions yesterday in Santiago Ilocos Sur. The Lions districts, 356D of South Korea joined hands with its sister district 301C in a three-day tour medical mission. A whole day activity each was carried out in Dagupan, Baguio ,Santiago & SMPH in Candon. A vast number, around 1200+ people were seen and treated at the Santiago multidisciplinary medical mission. Six that needed cataract surgeries were ferried at St Martin de Pores Hospital in Candon for their operation. Operations were done by a team of Lion's ophthalmologist, Korean Dr Song Man Ho, Dr Arleen Galvan & Dr Ian Moll. Additional 78 more patients screened cataract cases have to be scheduled again for the next free medical mission. Some various school supplies, tooth brushes & tooth paste were also donated to the nearby school in Santiago. The Lions were so much energized with the above activities and ended their accomplishments with a wonderful bash of memorable fellowship in the evening. ..
The CCLC Sight & Hearing Van will be dispatched to the Joint Lions 356-D South Korea & 301-C Philippines Medical Mission.
CCLC News Bureau

The Candon City Lions Club Sight & Hearing Van will be dispatch to the Lions districts 356-D & 301-C joint medical mission on March 26 in Santiago Ilocos Sur Philippines. It is where volunteer Lion's ophthalmologist conducts “on-site” cataract screening & surgery. 15 Lions from 356-D South Korea will come & be joining the forthcoming activity. The van provides greatly needed health services in far-flung communities. It is equipped with an operating room complete with standard facilities for the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases. The van travels to as far as it can reach & is made available to any service organization in lined with“helping and serving people in need advocacies”. It is being managed & maintained by the Candon City Lions Club & partly supported by the Kansas City LC& the World Outreach Foundation Inc of Missouri USA. The facility has so far served the last five years is 51,999 patients and of which 1,455 are cataract surgeries. The van is a donation from LCIF.
Lions sponsor Medical Mission in Northern Luzon
Candon City Lions Club news Bureau
March 19, 2012
A joint medical mission to be sponsored by the Lions of district 356D South Korea & district 301C will be
held on three sites in Northern Luzon. March 24 in Dagupan city, March 25 in Baguio City & March 26 in Santiago, Ilocos Sur (15 kms north of Candon City). This is the first time the two sister districts conduct a bigger sized medical mission together. A welcome dinner is being arranged by 1st Vice District Governor Evelyn Pacquing on their coming to Candon on the 25th of March... A joint fellowship and dinner on March 26, in Santiago's cove beach resort is organized to celebrate this accomplishment of the Lions. The brother Koreans will still extend their stay up to March 27 to enjoy the stunning view of the beach resort.
Lions Clubs International has chosen at least 10 action pictures from previous Candon City Lions Club’s multidisciplinary medical mission & other project ventures. They are published through the organization’s photo stream Facebook site.
Please click the Link:
Mini Mission Held in Sta Maria
February 2012
CCLC News Bureau
A mini medical mission was held last February 23 in a depressed Barangay of Sta Maria Ilocos Sur. It was a multi disciplinary task intended for the poor constituents of the community. It was a joint project endeavor ship of the Candon City Lions Club & the Ilocos Sur Polytechnique State College. The clubs’ monthly event is supported partly by their sister club, the KCWOLC & the World Outreach Foundation, Inc of Missouri USA. The club’s latest data; patients seen and treated so far since 2007 is 51,999 of which 1,455 patients were cataract surgeries. A Big Multidisciplinary medical mission is scheduled on March 26, 2011 at Santiago Ilocos Sur.
Quote :
Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision.
The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives.
It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.
dr boots
The Club’s Baby
February 22, 2012
Tomorrow, February 23, the Lions Sight and Hearing Van will again go out for an outreach medical mission for the poor masses of Sta Maria, Ilocos Sur. The place was grimly classified as depressed by the Lions. It will be a whole day activity, however; the club is expecting a huge mass number of patients coming for the free medical consultation
Candon City Lions Club trooped to Region 2
February 11-13 2012
12 members of the Candon City Lions Club attended the 3rd 301-C cabinet & general assembly meeting in Toguegarao City about 500 kilometers away. The group was munificently housed by the Cagayan North Lions club President Loreto Valdepenas.
The said activity was the first in Cagayan Valley after many years of Lion's hibernation from the area. The fellowship in the evening was distinguished as the best festivity so far noted by all the Lions, who attended. The assembly ended with a visit to the neighboring City of Tabuk, Province of kalinga. Lion Provincial Governor Josel Baac treated all with a lavish lunch from the mountain top overlooking the grandeur of the place.
CCLC Monthly Diabetes Screening Sustained
January 28, 2012
The Candon City Lions Club continued their monthly diabetes screening project. This venture will go on as previously committed, the club board says. The club carried out this dedication lately at Barangay Darapidap of Candon City last January 28 2012. The activity was again a proud accomplishment as a lot of residents came for their blood sugar check up. Part of the mission is a lecture about diabetes, and of how it will be treated and as well prevented. A Breakfast to all who came was provided by the Lions.
Lions Free Cataract Operation

January 27, 2012
The Candon City Lions Club & the Baggao Lions Club of district 301-C jointly sponsored & conducted a whole day free cataract operation at St Martin de Porres Hospital in Candon City last January 27 2012. Indigent patients were ferried from as far as Baggao Cagayan, Vigan, & Narvacan Ilocos sur to Candon City for a free operation. A fixed Lions Sight center located at St Martin de Porres Hospital in Candon is accepting indigent referrals from other Lions districts as well. This continuous mission undertaking was supported partly by the Kansas City Lions Club, and the World Outreach Foundation ( WOF ). The Joint Lions endeavor ship is incessantly carried out by CCLC & other partnering clubs, volunteer surgeons, ophthalmologist & hospital establishments.
Surprised visits of fellow Lions
January 24, 2012
Lions Past Council Chairman and PDG Jong-Hwan Lee, of the district 356 South Korea made a surprised lone visit here in district 301C last two days ago. He said he is visiting friends around South-East Asia's nations. A plan that delegation from district 356-D to be headed by district Governor Kim of district 356-D will visit again 301-C sometimes March of this year is being arranged.
301-C Lions met the Governor & Chairman of the Chungcheongbuk.
Province of South Korea
Lions 301-C DG Westly Rosario and his delegation together with 356-D DG Kim Young Sik & their district officers made a courtesy call to the Chairman & Governor of Cheongbuk Province of Seoul South Korea last January 12, 2012. The parties had a pleasant discussion about the
Philippines & South Korea good relationship since the last world war. The Philippine delegation as well, visited the demilitarized zone (DMZ) border line that split up their two nations… South & North Korea.
District 356-D South Korea Visit
January 12-15 2012
Sister district 356-D South Korea Lions invited district 301C to visit South Korea last January 12-15 2012. The envoy headed by the district governor was treated grandiosely by fellow Korean Lions. The visit is an astonishing experience as the group has to adjust to their very very cold winter season.
Candon City Lions Club acted Sta Claus
December 25
The Candon City Lion members selected impoverished kids from Candon city and treated them very special at Greenwich restaurant. Besides giving them food & drinks, the kids were given with toys, clothes & some funds… to the delight of the children. The club also visited and distributed groceries to the families living at “Gawad Kalinga” two communities in Candon City. Such Christmas project was mingled with jolly games and a variety of other good things. It is the one time of the year the club gives and shares whatever it can give to the needy… this is true and spirit of Christmas.

301-C Campus Lions Charter Presentation & Induction
December 17, 2011
Though it was a modest, reserved & simple induction of the 2 newly chartered campus lion's club, the activity was a success. Besides the newly chartered and inducted members of the Ilocos Sur & Tesda Southern JFK charter members, the CCLC and the JFK Lion members were present during the ceremony. District Governor Westly Rosario, vice district governors Evelyn Pacquing & Edith Datuin graces the occasion. The rite was followed with the festive club’s Christmas celebration.
District 301-C Christmas Party
December 11, 2011
The members of the Candon City Lions Club attended the district Christmas party gathering last December 10,2011 held at BFAR ground in Dagupan City. It is a once a year gathering where Lions in the district enjoy merrily, exchanging kind wishes and measures of happiness with their fellow Lions.
Candon City Lions Club meets the newly LCI approved Campus Lions
November 29,2011
The CCLC met today the members of the two newly chartered campus Lion's clubs to talk to their forthcoming charter presentation before Christmas. The Ilocos Sur & the Tesda Healthcare campus Lions clubs were the two very recently chartered clubs in district 301-C. It was their first official meeting with their sponsoring club. Students as they are, they were ready charged, and inspired to begin their commitment to civic service.

Nearly 100 yrs old poor resident is an Eyeglass recipient
This nearly 100 years-old resident of Baggao Cagayan was trilled with her pair of new eyeglasses given by the Lions. Over 1300, poor recipients are beneficiaries of the joint Lions Clubs multidisciplinary medical mission held recently in Baggao Cagayan.
Candon City Lions Club members Attended the International OSEAL Forum
Twenty one members of the CCLC attended the recently held OSEAL forum in Manila. The International Lions forum is held in Manila in rotation with the other Asia nations every seven years. It was indeed a rare opportunity meeting again the Lions in the 15 member Orient South-East Asia nations. As accustomed, the South Korean & Japanese Lions dominated the Forum.
Congresswoman and now the Mayor joining Lions Medical Mission
November 12, 2011
Ex Cagayan Valley congresswoman & now the Mayor of Claveria Cagayan is the membership chairperson of the newly chartered Claveria Metro Lions Club. Dr Celia T. Layus pledged to be joining the medical team of going around northern Philippines treating the needy.
CCLC Bingo Fund Raising a Big Hit
The bingo fund raising project recently held by the Candon City Lions Club was a big hit. A colossal number of game enthusiasts had almost filled up the venue. Big & cool prizes were bestowed to lucky winners. The proceeds is intended to fund the ongoing club missions to the needy.
Baggao Mission statistical facts:
November 12,2011
Here are more or less the statistical figures of patients seen and treated during the recently conducted intensive medical mission in Baggao Cagayan by joint lion’s volunteers last November 12,2011. A total of 1328 patients was seen and treated during the whole day mission. 15 doctors of different specialty discipline, two dentist, two optometrist and over 60 supporting lions actively participated in the activity. The professional services of participants & medicines given if quantified to its minimum sum up to P680, 850. All services were given entirely free of charge to the underserved people of Baggao and neighboring town. Mission movement carried out by the Candon City Lions club is partly supported by the World Outreach Foundation, Inc of USA and its sister club the Kansas City world outreach Lions club of Missouri.
By: PDG Dr. M. Pacquing
Accomplished achievement of CCLC Lions in Cagayan is an astonishing Success
Baggao Cagayan
November 12,2011
PDG Dr . M. Pacquing
The Candon City Lions Club joint by other lion's clubs in Baggao, Cagayan North & Kalinga sacrificed their time traveling to one of the innermost & distant town of northern Philippines. This is the second time the group conducted intensive free medical services as it was grimly classified an underserved locale where many need somber medical assistance. The group traveled roughly 12 hours away in several jagged roads before reaching the place.
A Peculiar incident in parallel held Kalinga Medical Mission
Province of Kalinga November 12,2011
A parallel medical mission done by Kalinga Lions and group of doctors in Dao-angan, Balbalan, Kalinga did not materialize as their military escorts were allegedly ambushed before reaching the mission place. As Lions relate their shock & peculiar experience before their eyes as they witness the cross fires between the Philippine military and insurgents. Unverified report, accordingly two militaries died in the encounter. Despite the incident, The Lions bravely continued their medical mission instead in Linus, Pinukpuk, Kalinga.
Updates from the Nepal Mission of WOF
November 10, 2011
Candon City Lions Club
The week longed Nepal Medical and surgical mission conducted by the World OutreachFoundation ( CCLC mission benefactor ) in Pokhara town of Nepal ended successfully last Saturday November 7. It was a multidisciplinary medical mission; mostly surgical procedures were done by a group of American specialists from the different surgical discipline. They ended up their activity with a traditional Nepalese style of dinner fellowship. It was indeed a “perfect end to a perfect week” done by fellow Lions in Nepal part of the world.…by dr map
Multidisciplinary Medical Mission to Far Baggao Cagayan
November 10, 2011

The Candon City Lions Club will once again travel to one of the furthest municipality for a multi-disciplinary medical mission in Baggao Cagayan on November 12, 2011. The place is around 500 km away from Candon City, 50 km north east of Toguegarao & 51 km Northwest of Appari. It has 48 Barangays seating along the foot of the Sierra Madre Mountain in their east. This is the second time around the Candon City Lions Club conducts intensive free medical-surgical services for their poor people.
District 356 S. Korea Secretary Travels in Northern Philippines
November 8,2011
Candon City
By PCC Dr M. Pacquing
District Secretary Dong –Hyun, Na representing sister district 356 of South Korea Lions visited the Candon City Lions Club today. He was accompanied by Lion Hung Ju, SIN a Korean brother and member of the Baguio City Lions Club, Past dist Governor Elmer Datuin & 2nd VDG Edith Datuin. The group was welcomed & treated them lunch with exotic delicacies by 1st VDG Evelyn and PCC PDG Dr Boots Pacquing and other club officers of the Candon City Lions Club. As a matter of tradition, the group had exchanged gifts as a sign of their interminable brotherhood and friendship.
Sea Cucumber Livelihood Project
Ambucao-Apatot, Santiago, Ilocos Sur
Lions District Secretary Dong-Hyun, Na of district 356 of South Korea and his group accompanied by the members of the Candon City Lions Club officer's trip to Barangay Ambucao-Apatot in Santiago Ilocos sur to meet the fishermen in the area for a livelihood “Project Sea Cucumber." The project was envisioned to energize the common people to procure their market and increase their livelihood. The local folks were very much excited for this extra source of earnings.
Our Club & …WHO WE ARE
The Candon City Lions Club… is the biggest in terms of membership numbers in district 301-C Northern Philippines. The club has one hundred fifteen (115) Lion members strongly working each other to achieve its goal on community development and nation building. They are setting an example the importance of member’s cooperative effort & individual empowerment in serving others thus encouraging themselves a level of passion and energy to move unto their goal forward & as fast as they can.
Post Mission Euphoria
November 1, 2011
PDG Dr Modesto A. Pacquing
THE WE SERVE COMMITMENT...Serving others makes us feel good about ourselves because in our hearts, we know it’s the right thing to do. There is a saying that, “Service is the rent we pay for being. It is the purpose of life, & not only something we do in our spare time." Let us build a service culture in our own style of making. When we focus on helping & serving others, good things happen. Though, our stay in the lions will be fleeting, what we do for others are lasting. Let us carry on serving with a smile in our hearts & create an organization of which we’ll all be proud of.
Parallel Mission by Sister Club from Kansas Missouri
October 30, 2011
The World Outreach Medical Mission foundation, Inc from Kansas Missouri USA, the benefactor of most of the Candon City Lions Club local multidisciplinary medical mission is presently also on a big medical mission in Katmandu Nepal ( specially Pokhara & Mustang towns). Their journey of more than10000 miles away from their homes giving help & services to any place around the planet is indeed amazing. They are joined by other volunteer missionaries from other parts of the US.
Mission Figures
3:00PM October 30, 2011
Sort of energizing those who sweated a lot in sharing their time and energy in outreach mission activities of the Candon City Lions Club, here are the complete figures as counted for the information of everyone. The total number of patients served during the yesterdays mission in Agoo La Unuion is 1,041. Bulk of patients seen is mostly medical, pediatric, minor surgeries and eye consultation. It was only a one-day activity. However, the turn out of the expected number of beneficiary patients comes out astonishingly successful. The Total number of patients seen and treated all through outreach missions since 2007 by the Candon City Lions Club team of Doctor's nurses and supporting staff is 49,290 patients. The Club would like to thank Dr Arlyn Galvan & Dr Annie de Guzman, Dr Leo Francis Pacquing and the entire team of the Lions support group for their well-filled energy and share of support in yesterdays undertaking.
Recently held medical mission a success
October 30, 2011
The Lions once again have shown their deep love and care for those in need in Agoo and neighboring towns during the conducted medical mission recently held. Local Lions Clubs, theKansas City WO Lions Club & the World Outreach Foundation in the US joint hands in sharing resources in making this activity a success. “It was indeed a remarkable milestone to be emulated," said Lions Past District Governor Dr Modesto Pacquing, who coordinated the said activity. The local government of Agoo presented a Resolution of Appreciation to the local sponsoring club presidents Erlindo Pocsidio & Ruby Rose Pe for their club’s support and help to their people. Lions 1st Vice Governor Evelyn Pacquing, 2nd VDG Atty Edith Datuin and Past district Governors Congressman Bernardo Vergara, Engr Camilo Tabora and Atty Elmer Datuin were present to witness the acknowledgment.
Mission Agoo
Agoo, La Union will be the site of the next one day joint multidisciplinary medical missions this coming Saturday, October 29, 2011. The Agoo Lions has pre screened prioritized beneficiaries of the said activity. Volunteers will also share out a number of relief goods to those affected by the onslaught of the recent typhoons that hit the area.
Assistance to the people of the Sierra Madre
Lion Volunteers will trek once again to the foot of the Sierra Madre mountain in Baggao, Cagayan on November 12, 2011. A joint multidisciplinary medical mission of Lion volunteers will conduct intensive free medical services to the people of Baggao. Lions from Candon will travel a 12 hours drive to the said place. They will be joined by the other clubs in Cagayan. A parallel mission in Illigan, Isabela is also considered.
Missions to needy will continue
"Outreach missions will go on as long as we can." This message was pledged by no less than the benefactors from the US Missouri based sister club Kansas City World Outreach Lions Club and the World Outreach Mission, Incorporated and the Candon City Lions Club of District 301-C, Philippines. Mission to far-flung areas was postponed repeatedly for the last three months due to the non-stop rains and floods rendering the surgical mobile van not able to reach the places where it supposed to go. 15 medical missions were lined up for the next 12 months prioritizing to go in under served devastated areas brought by the recent typhoons. Their fixed clinic at St, Martin de Porres Hospital in Candon City, Ilocos Sur, however, accepts indigents' referrals from Lions anytime.