LCIF GRANT NO. 9233 26-G
Majority of the Filipino families can not afford health care services. Majority does not have health insurance , and do not have reliable transportation. Fulfilling the Lions mission to improve & uplift the health status of the underserved Filipinos in the community, the Sight and Hearing Mobile OR & Clinic provides greatly needed Health services to those in need who would otherwise have no health care at all..
1. To develop a Mobile Sight & Hearing van that will travel to any remote areas of the Philippines where such health facility is not available & whose access to established health centers pose a problem for the poor.
2. To provide a quality clinic & operating room complete with current standard facilities for the diagnosis and treatment of eye and ear diseases.
3. To Give an opportunity for Lions of different clubs and countries to work together to serve ,” We SERVE”, the needs of the poor
4. To work with local health workers for mutual educational process for the improvement in the diagnosis & treatment of eye & ear diseases.
History |
Lion Drs. Tony and Luz Racela founded the Medical Missions Foundation (MMF)in America in 1996, and now send mission trips around the world (4) times a year. Most of the members of Kansas City World Outreach Lions Club (KCWOLC) have gone to these & other medical missions or have a desire to promote medical missions. KCWOLC developed the concept for a pilot project involving Mobile SurgiCenters in 2004. KCWOLC partnering with District 301D2, LCIF granted in sponsoring the first Mobile Surgicenter in the Philippines last October 2004. In July 2005, KCWOLC in collaboration with its sister club, the Candon City Lions Club thru Dr Modesto Pacquing of CCLC applied for the 2nd van in their Mobile SurgiCenter pilot program in the Philippines. LCIF approved in sponsoring the 2nd van “THE SIGHT & HEARING VAN” last June 2006 . The project administrator in this venture is PDG Dr Bob Smith of District 26G. The Project Directors are Lion Dr Tony Racela of KCWOLC of Kansas Missouri USA, and serving as Co-Project Directors who are residents of the Philippines are :Lion Lydia Ragos KCWOLC of District 26-G, USA and Lion PDG Dr Modesto A. Pacquing of CCLC District 301-C Northern Philippines.
Services |
Screening Area:
A. Eye Section
1. Computerized Autorefractometer
2. Slit lamp
3. Indirect Opthalmoscopy
4. Keratometry
5. Biometry
6. Ischihara testing (color blindness test)
7. Glaucoma Screening (soon)
B. Ear Section
1. Audiogram
2. Computerized Tympanogram
3. Video Examination of the ears, nose and throat
4. Ear Treatment Unit
5. Hearing booth
Operating Room
Surgical Microscope
Anesthesia Machine
Standard Surgical Instruments for EENT and Basic major operations
Donations |
So we could sustain our mission to the poor, we appeal to the generosity of benevolent individuals to help us in the continuation of this endeavor.
For your donation, please channel it to:
1. World Outreach Lions Club, Inc. c/o Dr. Antonio Racela
2. KCWOLC c/o Mrs. Lydia Dy-Ragos
3. Candon City Lions Club
A/N 1496-204000-18 PNB Candon Branch
Candon City, Ilocos Sur, Philippines
"You who have received so much love, share it with others. Love others the way that God has loved you, with tenderness."
Requirements to Use the Mobile Van |
Van should not be use for "POLITICAL PURPOSES"
Please Click here to Download Form
Please request an application for use of the van from:
Dr. Modesto A. Pacquing with address at St. Martin de Porres Hospital, Candon, Ilocos Sur, Philippines 2710 and E-mail Address: mapacquing27@yahoo.com, Tel No. (063) 77-742-6464, Cellphone Number: 0917-5681313
Mrs. Lydia Ragos with address at Green Haven Parkhomes, 319 Santolan Rd. Unit #56, Quezon City 1112 and E-mail Address: ldragos417@yahoo.com, and Cell phone Number 0917-7958331.
Please review the list of services available in the van. If there are any specific questions please refer them to the contact numbers listed above.
Depending upon the availability of the van for the time you requested, the van will be reserved for your use upon receipt and review and approval of your application. You will then be notified as soon as possible after application is received.
Please review thoroughly the Financial responsibility of mission teams & General guidelines attached to the application form.
REPORTS and Obligation:
A) All medical mission groups shall furnish a written report of the results of the mission, including number of cases treated in the mobile van. A prepared form is available in the van for this purpose.
B) Foreign mission is requested to include estimated value of donated services, medicines, and other donations.
We are deeply grateful for your donation of time and services and for your willingness to serve the poor in the Philippines. The expense of providing a mobile facility and the infrastructure for surgical, post-op and pre-op care is substantial and visiting or sponsoring teams assume the following financial responsibility:
A. For Local Clubs Medical Missions:
To be responsible for the driver, gas and other costs necessary to run a motor vehicle. To be responsible in bringing or purchasing mission supplies needed for specific mission objectives. For other important inquiry, including available cataract surgery supplies, please contact the project directors stated in the General Guidelines
Voluntary donations for the maintenance of the van and equipment is appreciated
B. For Foreign Medical Missions:
To be responsible for bringing all necessary medicines, supplies, fluids, instruments desired , anesthesia gases, and other needs including among others oxygen and other gases for the specific objectives of the medical mission.
To be responsible for arranging and paying for the cost of transportation including any costs related to the operation of a motor vehicle to and from the airport to the mission site, including the driver of the van.
To be responsible for the entire professional and administrative conduct of the medical mission, including pre and post care of patients.
To make a contribution for the general maintenance of the surgical and clinical instruments and facilities of the van. Suggested minimum of donation $1,000.00.
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