Leo Club's Objective and Motto
In October 1967, the board of directors of Lions Clubs International adopted the Leo Club Program as an official program of the association. Open to males and females, the objective of the Leo Club Program was (and still is):"...to provide the youth of the world (with) an opportunity for development and contribution, individually and collectively, as responsible members of the local, national and international community."
The Leo club motto is:
Leadership - Leos develop skills as organizers, time managers and motivators of their peers.
Experience - Leos learn the importance of cooperation through community service.
Opportunity - Membership provides young people with a chance to excel, to develop positive character traits, and to receive recognition for their contributions to the community.
Contact Information

President Leo MD 301 Philippines
Email: skatzpacquing@gmail.com
An Open Letter to the Lions: “The Leo to Lion transition, THE LEO PERSPECTIVE”
By: Leo Sarah Kathleen U. Pacquing
When a man and wife decide to make a child, it’s a deliberate decision to start a family. When a man and wife start a family, it is a lifetime commitment to raise and nurture children accordingly.
Leos are part of the family—not saling “CAT-CATS”. The success of a Leo Club does not depend on the leaders of their club, but their parent club. Leo Clubs will reflect their Lions club by hook or by crook—my friends, that’s our reality. I would always compare the LION-LEO relationship to the structure and SOPs of having a family because basically, that’s what we are—A FAMILY.
I may not be in the position to state how to raise a family, but on my perspective as a child—as we all are, I believe I know the desires of a child. Children need attention and guidance. As a child, they need the support and push of parents to be able to glide with confidence and soar high with colors.
A child’s environment is crucial to their development stage. A high percentage of children from a broken family—most of the time grow up with a low self-esteem and become delinquents. The other half of the pie shows that these children either become the complete opposite of their parents or the like.
The Leo-to-Lion transition depends on how the Lions communicate and work with their Leos. At the time, Leos are called to become LIONS, the purpose to serve becomes off the essence because their perception of lions dominates the transition. Again, in the end, to transpire or not DEPENDS on the character of their LION LEADERS.
Lions, it’s time to ask yourselves—Have you been a good example to the Leos? Did you give them enough GOOD reasons to become the next LION leaders? If yes, KEEP IT UP! If not, IT’S NEVER TOO LATE.
Frankly, as the incumbent Multiple District President of 301 Philippines, it doesn’t feel quite as good and complete knowing that I don’t have an organized Leo District. We have the number of clubs to pursue a district but we need the time and support of the entire Lions District 301-C to make it possible. A minimum of 6 or more officially certified clubs is required to formally organize a LEO DISTRICT. Respectively, we have 7 namely, Baguio Host Leo Club, Baguio Everlasting Leo Club, Baguio Magnolia, Candon City Leo Club, La Union Cultural Ins Leo Club, La Union Gifted Learning Leo Club, Dagupan City Gilon-Gilon Leo Club.
We need to establish Leo Leadership in our District to be able to bring life and direction among all Leo Clubs in the District. Establish communication and relationship with the Leos where it will be easier for them to understand the stakes of becoming the next Lion Leaders. I strongly appeal to all the Lions of District 301 C to consider this young people as their heirs to leadership.
“Why do you need the Leos?
You need the Leos because they bring vibrance, youthful and positive energy to the Lions.
You need the Leos as a reminder to consistently act accordingly because you need to show them good examples…
You need the Leos because they, as part of the family, will complete the whole.
The Lions International President during the OSEAL Forum
November 24 2011
Leo MD 301 National President Sarah Kathleen U. Pacquing together with her parents, 1st Vice District Governor Evelyn Pacquing & PCC PDG DrModesto Pacquing posses for a photograph with Lions International President Dr Wing-Kun Tam during the South East Asian Lions Forum held in Manila last November 24-27 2011.