

Annual Breakfast Annual Charity Golf Tournament Blood Drives

Community Garden

Cuddle Bears Diabetes Awareness Earth Day Food Drive & Shred Days
Grad Party KidSight Eye Screening Lions Day Lions Low Vision Centers
Marty Carlin's Medical Equipment Memorial Day Parade MLK Book Drive New Year's Day Road Race
Pancake Breakfast Reading Action Plan STRIDES for JDRF Trunk or Treat

Veterans Stand Down




Brookfield Lions Club Annual Charity Golf Tournament


  • The Brookfield Lions Club will be holding their 41st Annual Charity Golf Tournament on Monday, August 26, 2024 at the The Golf Club at Oxford Greens in Oxford, CT.
  • The beneficiaries of this event are the Connecticut Lions Eye Research Foundation (supporting eye research projects at Yale-New Haven Hospital and the University of Connecticut Medical Center), Lions Low Vision Centers, diabetes awareness, and eye care, vision and health associations throughout the state our children's vision screening program which is conducted at area schools.
  • Our club also supports many organizations and groups in our local community, namely Regional Hospice, Ability Beyond, Senior Center, Youth Outreach, Drug Awareness, Community Garden and many others.


CLICK HERE to find out more and register for the 2024 event

Brookfield Lions Club 40th Annual Charity Golf Tournament - Friday, September 22, 2023

  • Our 40th Annual Charity Tournament supporting initiatives for the visually impaired and many other Brookfield Community organizations since 1966 was held on Friday, September 22, 2023.
  • The tournament was held again at the beautiful Fairview Farm Golf Course 300 Hill Road, Harwinton, CT.

2022 Brookfield Lions Club Annual Charity Golf Tournament

  • The Brookfield Lions Club held its 39th Annual Charity Golf Tournament on Friday, August 26 at Fairview Farms Golf Course in Harwinton, CT.
  • At our September 8th dinner meeting, Mark Lyon reported the golf tournament was a great success with 96 golfers participating at Fairview Farms Golf Course in Harwinton, CT.
  • Inclement weather did limit the event to nine holes, however, the Fairview Farms management gave all of the golfers a free voucher for a golf cart and nine holes of golf. Mark said the golfers were quite happy with that offer.
  • The event raised a significant amount of money for the club's charities; Mark Lyon mentioned that the preliminary estimate of funds raised by the event was $17,000.
  • Congratulations and many thanks to the 2022 Golf Committee members; Tom Sullivan, Dom Lombardo, Lisa Reiss, Jeff Tanz, Anthony Gracia, Mark Lyon, and Alan Peck.


New Year's Day Road Race

  • New Year's Day 2023 - Annual Run for Sight 
  • Sunday, January 1, 2023 rang in a New Year, and for the 36th consecutive year, Brookfield Lions served.
  • The Brookfield Lions Club Annual Run for Sight event hosted over 150 runners this year.
  • We had a beautiful sunny day with temperatures nearing 50 degrees to greet our runners and volunteers.
  • Prizes were awarded in many categories and they included gift certificates, sweatshirts, and, of course, those famous New Year's Day pies!
  • Many thanks to Amy Diezemann, Alan Peck, Mark Lyon, Jim Diezemann, and all our Lions volunteers who worked to make this a tremendous event for the runners and for our club.
  • Great coordination and support from our sponsors was definitely appreciated by the runners who came from CT, NY, and NJ.​


16th Annual Brookfield Lions Strides to Cure Diabetes 5‐Miler 

2023 STRIDES Road Race

  • The Brookfield Lions Club held its 16th Annual JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) STRIDES to Cure Diabetes 5 Miler Road Race on Sunday, June 4, 2023 at Cadigan Park on Candlewood Lake Rd, Brookfield, CT.

  • It was a brisk, sunny day for all the participants and volunteers. We had 72 registered runners for the event.

  • Many thanks to all the participants and to the Lions volunteers. Another great job by Amy Diezemann, Alan Peck and others to make sure we had another successful STRIDES event!

The Brookfield Lions at the 2023 STRIDES event to benefit the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation

2022 STRIDES Road Race
  • The Brookfield Lions Club once again sponsored this event Sunday, June 5, 2022 at Cadigan Park, Candlewood Lake Road Brookfield, CT to promote diabetes awareness and research.
  • We had a beautiful day and a great group of enthusiastic runners who participated in this flat, fast and scenic 5‐mile run, generously supporting this charitable fundraising event.
  • A new women's record set for the event!
  • As always, a BIG THANK YOU to all our volunteers.


Memorial Day Parade

Memorial Day 2023

  • Once again the Brookfield Lions Club organized and hosted the Brookfield Memorial Day Parade on Sunday, May 28, 2023.
  • Many thanks once again to Lions Lori Peck, Sue Slater, and Robin Montgomery for organizing the Brookfield Memorial Day Parade.
  • We had fabulous weather and over thirty marching groups.
  • Our club was well represented with our float crew! Our float looked very patriotic.
  • Once again, our club did itself proud; the parade would not have been as successful without all of you.
  • The candy was a huge hit with both children and adults, so thank you for all of those that contributed!

The Brookfield Lions - Memorial Day 2023!

The Brookfield Lions Memorial Day Parade float

Memorial Day Parade marchers

More Brookfield Lions!

Memorial Day 2022

  • The Brookfield Lions Club organized the annual Memorial Day Parade in May 2022.
  • Many thanks to Lions Lori Peck, Sue Slater, and Robin Montgomery for organizing the Brookfield Memorial Day Parade.



  • The Charity Breakfast is a major fundraiser for the Brookfield Lions Club. 
  • Our Annual Charity Breakfast was held on Friday, November 18, 2022 at Michael's Tap Room 37 Stony Hill Rd Bethel, CT.
  • Our guest speaker, Chris George, Executive Director of IRIS (Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services), gave us a very entertaining talk about the tremendous work his organization is doing.
  • Once again this year, Lion Candy Smith organized a great event with over 130 people in attendance.
  • The Brookfield Lions Club thanks all of the sponsors who supported us through their ads in our breakfast brochure. Please support them for supporting us!
Bridgewater Village Store & Bistro Aldine Metal Products Corp.  PrintWorx Graphic Design & Printing
Dean Pushlar - Licensed Landscape Architect Wetmore's Premier Dealership Del Primo Ristorante & Bar
Bridgewater Chocolate Brookfield Bicycle Center Wild Birds Unlimited Nature Shop
Michael's Taproom at Stony Hill Brookfield Speech and Language (Dori Cundari) Emalyn Sweets

McCaffrey Professionals - Coldwell Banker (Linda McCaffrey)





  • In November 2023, Blood Drive team leader, Jackie Kettunen, proudly announced that Brookfield Lions Blood Drive team has achieved Premier Blood Partner for its work with the Red Cross through the years.
  • This is a wonderful honor for the club and for Jackie's team of volunteers including the Brookfield High School LEOs!
  • Jackie mentioned that the Brookfield Lions Blood Drives collected 251 pints of blood during the last year.
  • Jackie has announced the following dates for our 2024 blood drives: February 21, April 17, and June 12.
  • Our blood drives are held aCongregational Church of Brookfield, 160 Whisconier Rd., Brookfield, CT 06804.
  • Please join Jackie and her team in this effort!
  • Contact Jackie Kettunen:


  • When: Wednesday, August 7, 2024, 1:30 - 6:30 pm
  • Where: St. Paul's Church hall, 174 Whisconier Road, Brookfield, CT.
  • To volunteer, donate, or learn more: Please contact Jackie at

HIGHLIGHTS from 2023 & 2022:

  • Lion Jackie Kettunen, our Blood Drive leader, reports that our June 14, 2023 Blood Drive collected 53 pints of blood.
  • Jackie shared the following information about the past ten years of the Brookfield Lions' Blood Drives:
    • The Brookfield Lions have held 58 Blood Drives.
    • We have collected an average of 47 pints per drive.
    • In total, we have collected 2714 total pints.
    • 2,992 donors have attended our Blood Drives.
  • ​Amazing service by our members!
  • Many, many thanks to Lion Jackie and her team.
  • Our Blood Drive leader, Jackie Kettunen, reported the April 2023 Blood Drive had 52 donors resulting in 41 pints collected which can potentially help 123 people. Jackie thanks all the Lion volunteers and one of the Broofield LEOs who made cookies for our wonderful donors! Tremendous!
  • Lion Jackie Kettunen thanks everyone for helping make our February 2023 Blood Drive another success! The February drive made our goal resulting in 48 useable pints which can potentially save 144 lives. As usual, Jackie and team had a great staff and everything ran smoothly. A good number of donors have already signed up for the April 19, 2023 blood drive. Jackie thanks everyone for their help whether it was helping at the drive, donating blood, or making food for the drive. It was greatly appreciated by the donors and Red Cross!
  • The December 2022 drive exceeded our goal by 10 pints resulting in 53 useable pints which can, essentially, help 159 people. We also had one donor with a rare blood whose donation can help 20 babies! The team was also able to sign up 50 people for our upcoming drive February 22, 2023! Lion Jackie Kettunen thanks everyone for their help whether it was physically helping, donating or making food for the drive. It was greatly appreciated by the donors and Red Cross! Lion Jackie also mentioned that the Lions were given a large container of snacks by the Red Cross that will be delivered to the Brookfield Food Pantry.
  • The October 2022 Blood Drive exceeded our goal by six pints of blood. Jackie Kettunen has already filled 38 of 63 donor slots for the December 28th blood drive. Anyone donating at our December drive will receive a long sleeved tee shirt as a thank you.
  • The August 2022 Blood Drive collected an amazing 47 units matching the year's highest total from February 2022 blood drive. Well done to Jackie and her team. Thanks to Cathy Nielsen who headed up the August event for Jackie.
  • The June 2022 Blood Drive was originally extended to include a second blood drive from 10 am - 1:30 pm in addition to the normal 1:30-6:30 pm drive. Jackie Kettunen and her team originally had 69 donors signed up for the day but the goal was lowered to 20 and that goal was surpassed with 23 donors. There were two first time donors and, despite the unforeseen changes, the Red Cross called it a “tremendous effort,” with the ability to help 60 people. Well done, Jackie & Team!
  • The April 2022 blood drive collected 35 pints of blood which has the potential to help 105 people. 
  • Jackie Kettunen reported that the blood drive we sponsored on February 23 collected 47 units of blood surpassing the goal of 39 units. The blood collected at that drive alone will help 141 people in need.
  • Congratulations and thanks to Jackie and her team for a job well done!
  • Congratulations also to Brookfield Lions Lori Peck and Marty Carlin who were presented pins in 2022 recognizing they have donated two gallons of blood. Well done Lori and Marty!

Our April 2023 Blood Drive - Lion Volunteers



Community Garden 2024 - Reservations being accepted!

  • Lion Kathi Hlavac is now accepting Community Garden plot resevations for 2024.

CLICK HERE for the 2024 Brookfield Lions Club Community Garden Application and Rules document

Community Garden 2023 - all garden plots reserved!

  • Lion Kathi Hlavac has reported that the Community Garden has all 106 plots reserved for 2023. 
  • This year's annual garden clean-up was cancelled due to inclement weather, however, Lions Kathi Hlavac and Dori Cundari are working with the LEOs to have a scaled backed clean-up to make sure everything is ready for our community gardeners.

Garden Clean-up Day 2022

  • Lions Kathi Hlavac and Dori Cundari led a tremendous Community Garden Clean-up event on Saturday, April 30, 2022.
  • The event was led off by a presentation by two Master Gardeners discussing best strategies and do and don'ts for the community gardeners.
  • Lions Kathi, Dori, Robin Montgomery, Louise Johnson, Dan Melillo, Sue Slater, Jim Diezemann, Jeff Tanz, and Jim Ondak joined together with a good number of Community Gardeners to do a great job getting the garden ready for the upcoming growing season.
  • We did an incredible amount of weed paper placing, garden path mulching, tree trimming, bush pruning, raking, weed pulling, and brush hauling to get the garden's 106 plots in great shape.
  • View the PHOTO GALLERY page for more Community Garden 2022 photos

The Community Garden is supported and managed by volunteer members of the Brookfield Lions Club in conjunction with the Town of Brookfield. It is located on the Gurski property along Route 133 in Brookfield, approximately one-quarter mile south of Route 25 (Whisconier Road).

There are currently 106 plots of varying sizes and participation is limited to Brookfield residents age 16 or older. The non-refundable registration fee (either $25 or $35 based on plot size) covers costs for the maintenance and upkeep of the property, shed, pathways, and fencing as well as basic gardening supplies. Plots are assigned based on availability.

A wonderful aerial view of the Community Garden (Thank you, Lion Kathi Hlavac!)



  • Candy and Alan Smith from the Brookfield Lions are leading and coordinating Diabetes Awareness programs for our club and also for Connecticut Lions District 23a.
  • Here are several of the Diabetes awareness activities the Lions are involved with:

► Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) One Walk Event - Sunday, October 15, 2023

  • Lions Alan and Candy Smith have  registered a team for the JDRF One Walk on Sunday, October 15, 2023 in Norwalk and would love for you to be part of our team! 


  • There is no registration fee or minimum fundraising requirement, but we have big goals for our team this year and hope you’ll join us. Here’s why we're passionate about ending type 1 diabetes (T1D).

  • When you have T1D, your pancreas stops producing insulin—a hormone the body needs to get energy from food. This means a process your body does naturally and automatically becomes something that now requires daily attention and manual intervention. There is nothing you can do to prevent it. And, currently, there is no cure. But JDRF is funding the most promising, cutting-edge science to end T1D and that’s why Candy and I are passionate about supporting the JDRF One Walk with the biggest and best team we can have.

  • Register. Fundraise. Walk. Celebrate. It’s that easy (and that fun!) to sign up for our team. 


► Connecticut Lions Pathfinder Camp - July 31- August 4, 2023 and August 7-11, 2023

Lion Alan Smith at the 2023 Pathfinder Camp

► Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) Wish Ball at Mohegan Sun - Saturday, May 6, 2023

  • Candy and Alan Smith, Lions state representative for Diabetes and JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) attended the JDRF Wish Ball on Saturday, May 6th.
  • Candy and Alan reported that there were 500 attendees to this major fundraiser event and 15 Lion volunteers from across the 3 Lion Districts of CT.

Lions Candy and Alan Smith at the May 6th JDRF Wish Ball

► Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) One Walk Event - Saturday, October 22, 2022

  • The JDRF ONE WALK event hosted a 5K walk to raise money for Juvenile Diabetes research at Manhattanville College on October 22.
  • Lion Candy Smith said that over 500 people walked in the event which raised over $250,000.
  • Here's a picture of Lions Candy and Alan Smith at the JDRF One Walk Event:

► Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) Fundraiser - Saturday, May 21, 2022

  • JDRF held their ONE NIGHT IN CASABLANCA fundraiser to benefit TYPE 1 DIABETES.
  • The annual Promise Ball to raise funds for JDRF OF CT & Western MA was held on May 21 at the New England Air Museum in Windsor Locks.
  • The theme was AN EVENING IN CASABLANCA and over 425 guests attended. There were 18 Lions from all over CT who volunteered at the Gala to work as Ballroom Ushers.
  • The guests dined at food stations arranged under the wings of vintage aircraft.
  • The silent and live auctions raised over $1 Million for Type 1 Diabetes Research.
  • Candy, Alan Smith and Louise Johnson supported this event from our club.



  • Every April on Earth Day, Brookfield Lions volunteers clean up various locations throughout Brookfield, CT.

Earth Day 2023

  • Lion Karl Noivadhana organized another successful Earth Day event on Saturday, April 22, 2023.
  • Many thanks to all the Lions and LEOs who volunteered!
  • The LEOs did a great job at Brookfield High School while the Lions cleaned several areas around Brookfield including Cadigan Park and the Greenway.

CLICK HERE to see the Earth Day Flyer

Earth Day 2022

  • In 2022, we cleaned at Cadigan Park, Brookfield High School and the Still River Greenway area.
  • Many thanks to our Earth Day leader, Karl Noivadhana, and all of the volunteers who made this a successful event!




  • Low Vision, as defined by The Vision Council, is a term used to refer to a visual impairment that is not correctable through surgery, pharmaceuticals, glasses or contact lenses. It is often characterized by partial sight, such as blurred vision, blind spots, or tunnel vision. Low vision can impact people of all ages, but is primarily associated with older adults.
  • There are thirteen Lions Low Vision Centers Fairfield, New Haven, Litchfield, and Hartford counties of Connecticut where persons with low vision can receive help.
  • Information on these centers can be found the following website:
  • The Brookfield Lions Club is very proud to have two of our club members who are serving or recently served on the Low Vision Board of Directors for Lions District 23A:
    • Rich Groski - Treasurer, Fairfield & New Haven County Officer
    • Klaus Nielsen - Fairfield County Trustee (recently retired)



Brookfield Lions Club Community Shred Day & Non-perishable Food Drive - Saturday, April 20, 2024

  • The Brookfield Lions and Brookfield High LEOs are holding a Community Shred Day and a non-perishable Food Drive from 9 am until 12 noon on Saturday, April 20th at the Brookfield Town Hall, 100 Pocono Road, Brookfield, CT.
  • Shred Day is $10 per standard box and the Lions amnd LEOs will unload your car for you. A separate area will be set up for the Food Drive; any non-perishable food items will be greatly appreciated by the Brookfield Food Pantry.
  • It's a great opportunity to do some spring cleaning and to help out the Food Pantry. Thank you!

CLICK HERE to see the April 20th Shred Day/Food Drive flyer

Brookfield Lions Club Food Drive - Saturday, October 14, 2023

  • The Brookfield Lions held a Food Drive from 10 am until 2 pm on Saturday, October 14th at the New Brookfield Market and Deli at 277 Whisconier Rd Brookfield, CT.
  • Both Lions and LEOs worked together to make the event a big success!

The AMAZING Brookfield High School LEOs!!!

Shred Day 2023

  • The Brookfield Lions held another very successful Shred Day and Food Drive on Saturday, May 20, 2023.
  • The Brookfield LEOs did a tremendous job with their volunteering on a day when the Lions were stretched thin by multiple events.
  • Lions and LEOs collaborating is a wonderful thing!
  • Thank you Brookfield LEOs and Lions!
  • Several times a year, the Brookfield Lions hold events which feature a Shred Day where the community can bring in materials to be shreded for $10 per banker's box and also drop off nonperishable food items and household supplies to help stock the Brookfield Pantry.
  • CLICK HERE for link to the Brookfield Pantry web page




2024-2025 School Year

So far this school year, the Brookfield Lions Club KidSight team has screened 4,333 students and referred 1,236 students for full eye care examinations.

  • On October 15, 17, and 18, 2024, Robin Montgomery, JoEllen Reynolds, Christine Corsa, and Jim Ondak screened 572 students at Blackham School, Bridgeport, CT; 142 students were referred for full eye care examinations.
  • On October 22-23, 2024, JoEllen Reynolds, Christine Corsa, Robin Montgomery, and Jim Ondak screened 411 students at Luis Munoz Marin School in Bridgeport, CT; 120 students were referred for full eye care examinations.
  • On October 29-31, 2024, JoEllen Reynolds, Robin Montgomery, Jim Ondak, Marty O'Shea, Karl Noivadhana, and Candy and Alan Smith screened 513 students at Geraldine Johnson School in Bridgeport, CT; 171 students were referred for full eye care examinations.
  • On November 6, 2024, JoEllen Reynolds and Robin Montgomery screened 91 students at St. Augustine Academy in Bridgeport, CT; 22 students were referred for full eye care examinations.
  • On November 7-8, 2024, JoEllen Reynolds, Pati Richards, Christine Corsa, and Marty O'Shea screened 376 students at Columbus School in Bridgeport, CT; 106 students were referred for full eye care examinations.
  • On November 12 and 14, 2024, Christine Corsa and Jim Ondak screened 267 students at Interdistrict Discovery Magnet School in Bridgeport, CT; 62 students were referred for full eye care examinations.
  • On December 2-3, 2024, JoEllen Reynolds, Mark Kettunen, Jim Ondak, and Robin Montgomery screened 300 students at James Curiale School in Bridgeport, CT; 91 students were referred for full eye care examinations.
  • On December 10, 2024, Jim Ondak and Robin Montgomery screened 174 students at P.L. Dunbar School in Bridgeport, CT; 51 students were referred for full eye care examinations.
  • On December 6 and 13, Christine Corsa and Pati Richards screened 325 students at Achievement First Academy Elementary School in Bridgeport, CT; 92 students were referred for full eye care examinations.
  • On January 7, 2025, JoEllen Reynolds and Marty O'Shea screened 114 students at St. Ann Academy in Bridgeport, CT; 31 students were referred for full eye care examinations.
  • On January 7 and 9, 2025, Robin Montgomery and Jim Ondak screened 320 students at Madison School in Bridgeport, CT; 77 students were referred for full eye care examinations.
  • On January 10, 2025, JoEllen Reynolds and Marty O'Shea screened 134 students at Hall School in Bridgeport, CT; 33 students were referred for full eye care examinations.
  • On January 14-15, 2025, Mark Kettunen, Jim Ondak, JoEllen Reynolds and Robin Montgomery screened 321 students at Barnum School in Bridgeport, CT; 112 students were referred for full eye care examinations.
  • On January 16, 2025, Mark Kettunen and Jim Ondak screened 191 students at Wilbur Cross School in Bridgeport, CT; 64 students were referred for full eye care examinations.
  • On January 17, 2025, Susan Dodd and Jim Ondak screened 67 students at Classical Studies Magnet Academy Annex in Bridgeport, CT; 10 students were referred for full eye care examinations.
  • On January 21, 2025, Mark Kettunen and Marty O'Shea screened 157 students at Edison School in Bridgeport, CT; 52 students were referred for full eye care examinations.

2023-2024 School Year

  • We have completed our eye screening for the 2023-2024 school year. We will be reporting all of Brookfield Lions Club KidSight service here.
  • As of June 12, 2024, we have screened 9,967 students and referred 2,560 students for complete eye examinations.
  • Many thanks to our amazing KidSight screeners and to all our members for their encouragement and support throughout the year!

2022-2023 School Year

  • As a result of all the hard work by the Connecticut Lions Multi-District, consisting of Districts 23-A, 23-B, and 23-C in CT, the state of CT ranked within the top ten states in the country despite our relatively small population.
  • Our district, District 23-A, was named a Top 10 District for KidSight in the United States. 
  • Based on reports from the KidSight USA database, Brookfield Lions Club was the leading KidSight club in District 23-A and in the entire state of CT.
  • As of Friday, June 16, 2023, the Brookfield Lions KidSight team has screened 7,864 children with 1,846 students being referred for a full eye exam with an eye care professional. We have screened in multiple schools districts in Connecticut including schools in Bethel, Bridgeport,  Bridgewater, Brookfield, Easton, Redding, Roxbury, and Washington.
  • Many thanks to Lion Robin Montgomery who is working with school nurses to schedule all the schools and Lion JoEllen Reynolds who has the monumental task of preparing our screening equipment including our SPOT screening devices, printers, forms, and is also reporting our results to KidSight. THANK YOU!
  • If you would like to learn more about the program and look into training and joining the Brookfield KidSight team, please contact one of the following Lions:
  • Robin Montgomery:
  • JoEllen Reynolds:
  • Jim Ondak:

KidSight at New Beginnings Family Academy -

Nurse Kenesha Willis with Lion JoEllen Reynolds


Cuddle Bears

  • November 2023 news! The Cuddle Bear project leaders, Lions Candy Smith and Christine Corsa, have told us the team has expanded their Cuddle Bear distribution to Danbury Pediatrics at Danbury Hospital and also to Ronald McDonald House in New Haven! Bringing smiles to many children!
  • Cuddle Bear project leaders Lion Christine Corsa and Lion Candy Smith announced that 100 new Cuddle Bears were just delivered to Yale New Haven Hospital.
  • Cuddles teddy bears are purchased and assembled and packaged for delivery to the Pediatric Cancer Unit at Children's Hospital in Hartford.
  • Many thanks to Cathy Nielsen and Amy Diezemann for all their contributions and their past leadership of this wonderful program.
  • Candy Smith and Christine Corsa just assumed leadership of the program in late April 2023 and plans are underway to continue delivering the cuddle bears to Children's Hospital and where they are most needed.
  • Christine has reported that she has ordered a new batch of 100 Cuddle Bears! Stay tuned for the next get together to prepare the bears!
  • If you're interested in helping out, please contact:

Cuddle Bears at Danbury Pediatrics and at Ronald McDonald House in New Haven with Lion Christine

Lions Christine Corsa and Candy Smith delivering 100 brand new Cuddle Bears!

Lions Karin & Bob Symington, Cathy Nielsen, Amy Diezemann, and Anne McVey with the Cuddle Bears!


Lions Day Event

Triple Header of Service and Fun - Saturday, May 21, 2022

  • On Saturday, May 21, our club partnered with Brookfield Parks and Recreation to present our first LIONS DAY event including:
    • Our Shred Day/Non-perishable Food Drive event from 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
    • Food Truck Rally from 12:00 - 4:00 pm
    • Live Music on the Bandstand in the afternoon from 12:00 - 4:00 pm
  • There was a steady flow of traffic during the day. It was a wonderful day of service by our Lions club and fun for everyone.
  • This is an event we plan to hold in upcoming years and we hope it becomes a special day and event for the Brookfield and surrounding communities.
  • A BIG THANK YOU to all our Brookfield Lions volunteers!


MLK Book Drive

  • Lion Mark Lyon told us that the Brookfield Library is buying 17 books and will be awaiting a check from the Lions Club.
  • The Library is planning a display of the books noting they have been contributed by the Brookfield Lions Club.
  • The Abbott Tech LEOs are making book plates to insert into the books. The WMS library has requested 3 books.
  • Thanks to Lion Lyn Lyon for all of her efforts.
  • JoEllen Reynolds will provide some brochures to Debbie Brooks to include in the book display.

Lyn Lyon presenting the MLK Book Drive check:


Pancake Breakfast - 2023

  • Our 2023 Pancake Breakfast was a ANOTHER GREAT SUCCESS!
  • Our 4th Annual Pancake Breakfast took place on Sunday, April 2, 2023 in the Brookfield High School cafeteria from 8:30 am until 12:30 pm.
  • Many thanks to Lion Karl Noivadhana and his tremendous team for another wonderful event.
  • The breakfast had a very good turnout and once again Karl and Jeff Tanz led the way to securing enough sponsor ads to fill the placemat used on the tables.
  • Many thanks also to the LEOs from Brookfield High School who did a wonderful job clearing tables and may have had something to do with the appearance of the Easter Bunny!
  • Klaus Nielsen and Anne McVey did a great job performing eye screenings on 6 children to the delight of the children and parents.
  • Thanks to all of the volunteers whose efforts brought smiles to the faces of the attendees.
  • Check out our PHOTO GALLERY page for photos from the Pancake Breakfast.

Here are some more photos of all our wonderful Lion and LEO volunteers!





Brookfield High School Grad Party

  • Each year, our club supports the efforts of the Brookfield High School Grad Party, which provides the graduates one last safe night together having fun.
  • The Grad Party throws the graduates an all night party at the high school, which is transformed and decorated to portray the theme for that party.
  • At the party, the seniors get to be together having fun in a safe environment. They get to play a variety of games, dance, eat and win prizes. 
  • The Brookfield Lions Club donates both money and prizes for the seniors. Our prizes are usually things like dorm size refrigerators, microwaves, fans, printers and other small appliances. Then, at the early hour of 5 am, members go to the high school to assist in the cleanup.

Gifts for Brookfield High School Graduates - Thank you Lion Lori!

(Note: The Dog was not included; it was hired as security to guard the gifts) :-)



  • For a number of years now, Lion Marty Carlin has been accepting donations of all kinds of medical equipment and aids including items such as invalid beds, transport chairs, wheel chairs, walkers, crutches, canes, rollators, porto-pottys and more.
  • Marty stores these items and then gives them to people in need.
  • We're working with Marty to get more information about this amazing and wonderful work he has been doing for many years.
  • CLICK HERE to see the January 24, 2024 Danbury Newstime article about Marty and his work.

Some of the medical equipment that Marty Carlin stores and gives away


Reading Action Plan (RAP) 

  • Lions everywhere are changing the lives of children who have little or no access to schools, libraries, educational materials and the Internet. 
  • Through the Lions Reading Action Program Campaign, our club is focused on bringing literacy and hope for a brighter, more fulfilling future to millions of children. 
  • The Brookfield Lions team has developed a strategy for distributing books to new parents locally.  In addition, we are working closely with the Brookfield Library to continue children's exposure to books and reading.  Helping parents and grandparents to identify and utlize resources that are available is an important step in preparing their children and grandchildren for school and learning.  
  • Reading readiness is an expectation in our educational environment.  Books will be available, free for the taking, at Brookfield's local food pantry.  All gently used children's books can be donated and are greatly appreciated.  

Please contact Lions Dorian Cundari or JoEllen Reynolds for more information on how you can help with this worthwhile program.

For information on the early learning resources available at the Brookfield Library and to learn about a gift to new Brookfield parents from the Brookfield Lions Club, click here.


Trunk or Treat

Trunk or Treat 2023

  • Lions Lisa Reiss, Louise Johnson, and Linda McCaffrey had another successful event at the 2023 Trunk or Treat which was held on Saturday, October 28th at the Brookfield Fire House.
  • Many thanks to Lions Lisa, Louise, Linda, and Linda's husband Kevin for bringing a lot of smiles to the children who attended.


Trunk or Treat 2022

  • This is one of our newer events and the 2022 event was a big success! Many Thanks to Lion Lisa Reiss for coordinating this wonderful event for our club.
  • Lions Lisa, Linda McCaffrey, Karen Brown, and Greg Tarone had a perfect day on Saturday, October 22 including some absolutely beautiful fall weather.
  • Lisa hopes this will be become one the annual community events the Brookfield Lions will be part of in future years.
  • Quoting Lion Lisa, "Serving - and having fun while you do - can’t think of anything that beats that!" 


Veterans Stand Down

  • Veterans Stand Down is a one-day event that offers Veterans assistance in applying for benefits and entitlements.
  • This year's Stand Down will be held on September 22, 2023, at five regional sites:
    • Bridgeport: University of Bridgeport Wheeler Recreation Center, 400 University Ave.

    • Bristol: St. Gregory CCD Center, 1043 Stafford Ave.

    • Danbury: Danbury War Memorial, 1 Memorial Drive

    • Norwich: Easter Seals Veterans Rally Point, 24 Stott Ave

    • Rocky Hill: CTDVA Campus, 287 West Street

  • Lion Robin Montgomery has led the Brookfield Lions participation in past Veterans Stand Down events, which support local Veterans who are most in need of medical screening, essential hygiene products and clothing, and more. Items requested which are most in need are travel sized personal items (toothbrush, toothpaste, nail clippers, deodorant, etc).  Gift cards to local supermarkets are also very helpful.

  • If you are interested in participating in this important service to our veterans, please contact Lion Robin at
  • You can learn more at the follwoing website:

2022 Veterans Stand Down at Danbury's War Memorial



Mark and Lyn Lyon did it!

  • Congratulations to Mark and Lyn Lyon for their successful campaign to have Mark become the newly elected 3rd International Vice President of the Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF).
  • Click on the link immediately below to see all the great pictures taken by PCC Frank Rowe and Lion Don Grise. Enjoy!
  • See more great photos and videos on our Brookfield Lions Club Facebook page:
Lions Clubs International News
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