- Our club provides leadership and funding to organizations in Brookfield and around the state of CT.
- Please read through this committee list and consider volunteering your time and talents in support of one or more of our activities.
- For further information, please contact a member of the board or your sponsor.
- We encourage everyone to reach their full potential as a Brookfield Lion through creativity, leadership, camaraderie, philanthropy, and community service in the spirit of our motto, "We Serve".
Adult and Pediatric Screening Program |
R, Monthgomery
J. Reynolds
J. Ondak
C. Corsa
J. Rocky
- Eye screenings at area schools and Lions Club events..
- Small amount of "on the job" training necessary for equipment.
- Volunteers assist with working with the computer, the eye screening camera and the distribution of the completed reports.
- Year round, but concentrated during the school calendar year.
Lions Low Vision Center |
R.Groski |
- Reading devices, training and assistance for the visually impaired
Fidelco, Guiding Eyes |
Open |
- Training of guide dogs for visually impaired and autistic individuals
Eyeglass Collection |
M. Kettunen
- Eyeglass collection and distribution to those in need
CRIS Radio |
Open |
- Statewide radio broadcasts of audio readings for the visually impaired
K. Nielsen |
- CT Lions Eye Research Foundation for vision research projects
Food Drive |
A. Diezemann
- Collection of food at various locations.
- All proceeds donated to the Brookfield Food Pantry.
- Volunteers promote, accept donations and help deliver to the Food Pantry.
Lions Community Garden |
K. Hlavac |
- Oversee the assignment of garden plots.
- Coordinate the spring and fall clean up dates.
- Oversee the day to day issues occurring at the Community Garden.
- Volunteers work with committee and garden plot owners on an as needed basis.
- February through November.
Memorial Day Parade |
R. Montgomery
S. Slater
L. Peck
- Contact organizations that will participate in the annual parade.
- Coordinate the line-up of the participants.
- Coordinate the volunteers to assist with traffic control and line-up of organizations and participants.
- Volunteers help from April through May.
Senior Picnic and Brooks Quarry |
D. Moissonnier |
- Coordinate the purchasing of food and drinks for the residents.
- Coordinate the volunteers to assist setting up and serving the food.
- Volunteers help with purchasing, setting up, serving and clean up on event day.
- July and early Fall.
Baked Potato Festival |
R.Pitcher |
- Coordinate picking up the potatoes, cleaning and wrapping all potatoes in aluminum foil.
- Cook and serve at the event.
- Volunteers prepare, cook, and distribute the potatoes at the first Town outdoor concert. Mid-June.
Graduation Party |
L. Peck |
- Clean up of the All Night party after High School graduation.
- 3 to 4 hours starting at 5:00 a.m. following the day after graduation.
- Mid-June.
Youth Outreach |
R.Montgomery |
- Peace Poster Contest -- order packets from Lions Club International.
- Distribute to area schools for 11 to 13 year olds to participate in the art project.
- Pick up completed posters and bring to Board of Directors meeting and/or general club meeting for voting.
- Fall.
Brookfield High School Leo Club |
D. Cundari
M. Henderson
- Work with high school students on club projects and assist them with fundraisers and community service projects.
- Volunteers work with the students to prepare for and coordinate fundraising events and attend Leos meetings.
- School year activity.
Blood Drives |
J. Kettunen
- Coordinates Lions Club sponsored blood drives with the American Red Cross, recruits volunteers for check-in, snack and beverage supplies, etc.
- Our remaining Blood Drives for 2022 will be held on Wednesday, October 5 and Wednesday, December 28. Both drives will be held at Congregational Church of Brookfield 160 Whisconier Rd, Brookfield, CT
Pediatric Cancer/Cuddles |
C. Smith
C. Corsa
- Cuddles teddy bears are purchased and assembled and packaged for delivery to the Pediatric Cancer Unit at Children's Hospital in Hartford.
Vets Standown |
R. Montgomery |
- Volunteers from the Club assist with Vets Standown.
Diabetes Awareness |
(District & Club)
C. Smith
A. Smith
Road Races |
A. Diezemann
A. Peck
- New Years Day Run (January 1)
- Strides for a Cure (co-sponsored by JDRF -- end of June)
Shred Day |
A. Diezemann
- On-location shredding service for personal documents.
- Coordinate date with Town Hall usage of property.
- Advertise the date and compile volunteers to work on day of event.
- Volunteers work with customers to accept payment, assist with transporting the items to the shredded to the truck, assist with the disposal of boxes and bags from the shredded items.
- Help sell club supply of raffle tickets.
- Next Shred Day: May 21, 2022
Summer Raffle |
D. Moissonnier |
- Three cash prizes.
- Coordinate with the State of Connecticut for compliance with laws of disclosure.
- Prepare and print raffle tickets.
- Distribute to the entire membership to sell.
- Coordinate the drawing of the tickets at time and place disclosed on the raffle ticket.
- Notify and distribute the winnings.
- Spring to July drawing date.
Golf Tournament |
D. Lombardo
M. Lyon
- Our largest fundraiser, supported by local businesses and members of the community; golfer prizes and raffle gifts. Coordinate committees.
- Compile and confirm donors and sponsors of the event.
- Work with committee to communicate the event to the club and beyond.
- Volunteers must assist with the procurement of sponsors for tees, freens, raffle prizes and ad book.
- Communicate event to obtain golf foursomes.
- Coordinate the raffle prizes prior to the outing.
- Outing day assistance with registration, work with venue for the food and beverage distribution, display the raffle prizes, sell raffle tickets and work on the course as needed.
- Our 2022 Golf Tournament will be held on Friday, August 26 at The Fairview Farm Golf Course, 300 Hill Road, Harwinton, CT 06791.
Fall Charity Breakfast |
C. Smith |
- A breakfast event featuring respected, knowledgeable speakers on vision and/or autism topics.
- Coordinate the date and venue for the Friday prior to Thanksgiving.
- Volunteers assist with mailings for sponsorship of event for the ad book and/or purchasing of a table.
- Coordinate with the venue for the table layout and number of attendees.
- Assist with the ad book/brochure.
- Determine the speaker and assist with obtaining the speaker and working the table decor with the topic for the event.
- Our next Annual Charity Breakfast is scheduled on Friday, November 18, 2022 at Michael's Tap Room, 37 Stony Hill Rd. Bethel, CT.
Pancake Breakfast |
K. Noivadhana
J. Tanz
- One of our largest fundraisers, supported by local businesses and members of the community.
- Coordinate the Sunday date and venue.
- Compile and record payments of sponsors for placemat ads. Communicate the event to the club and beyond.
- Volunteers needed for advertising, set up, clean up, greeting guests, taking payments, cooking, serving and anything else that must be done to ensure a successful event.
- March/April timeframe.
Sunshine Report |
R. Montgomery |
- Distribution of news and information of club members' joys and concerns, such as health issues, hospitalizations, deaths in the family, births, marriages.
- Year round.
Website |
Alan Peck
Communications Committee
- Maintain timely information regarding the Brookfield Lions Club events and disseminate information regarding Lions Club International and Connecticut Multiple Districts.
Publicity |
Open |
- Photography & publication of Lions activities on local news sites
Dinner Liason |
C. Smith |
- Arrange dinner logistics for club meetings
Speaker Coordinator |
L. Reiss |
- Arrange speaker for club meetings
Holiday Party |
B. Moissonnier |
- Organize themed social event for members and spouses
Newsletter |
A. Diezemann
L. Johnson
- Gather information, write and distribute monthly newsletter to all members.
FUN Raising |
J. Eagan,
S. Slater
- Organize fun events for Club members such as duck pin bowling, etc.
Communications |
A. Peck |
- To improve how we communicate what is going on in the club to all our members in a timely way.
- Help club members see how, when, and where they can participate.
- Help inform the Brookfield community and the Lions community of the service work we are doing.
Lions Clubs International News |
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