
Brookfield Lions Club Officers and Board Members - 2024-2025

President Sue Slater with past club presidents at the 2023 Club Banquet

List of past Brookfield Lions Club Presidents

2024-2025 Club Officers and Board Members

Office Position



Amy Diezemann

Immediate Past President

Sue Slater

First Vice President

Open position

Second Vice President

Dori Cundari


Jim Diezemann


Robin Montgomery

Membership Chair

Sue Slater

Director (1 year)

Dom Lombardo

Director (1 year)

Marilyn Lombardo

Director (1 year)

Candy Smith

Director (2 years)

Kathy Hlavac

Director (2 years)

Christine Corsa

Director (2 years)

Louise Johnson

Lion Tamer

Marty O'Shea

Tail Twister

Alan Peck

LCIF Coordinator

Lyn Lyon
Club Service Coordinator

Lori Peck

Many thanks to our exiting Board Members. Thank you for all you have done for our club!

June 22, 2023

Installation of 2023-2024 Club Officers and Board Members

  • The Brookfield Lions Club installed Officers and Board Members for the 2023-2024 club year at year-end banquet on June 22, 2023. See our newly installed officers and board of directors in the table above.

Awards were given to the following Lions:

  • Exiting Board Members - certificates
    • Alan Smith
    • Alan Peck
    • Matt Gioglio
  • Rookie of the year - certificate
    • Marty O'Shea
  • Dedicated Lion Award - certificates
    • Louise Johnson
    • Candy Smith
    • Alan Smith
    • Amy Diezemann
    • Jim Diezemann
    • Cathy Nielsen
    • Klaus Nielsen
    • Pati Richards
    • Susan Dodd
    • Mark Kettunen
    • Robin Montgomery
    • Christine Corsa
    • JoEllen Reynolds
    • Jim Ondak
    • Dori Cundari
    • Dom Lombardo
    • Sally Markiewicz
    • Karl Noivadhan
    • Lori Peck
  • President's Appreciation Awards - certificates
    • Rich Groski
    • Lisa Reiss
    • Alan Smith
    • Jackie Kettunen
    • Marty Carlin
    • Karin Symington
    • Bob Symington
    • David Moissonnier
  • Lion of the Year Award - plaque
    • Jim Ondak
  • Knight of the Blind Award - CLERF (CT Lions Eye Research Foundation) - plaque
    • ​Klaus Nielsen
  • Melvin Jones Fellowship Award - plaque
    • Alan Peck
    • Jim Ondak


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