

District 201 N3 Changeover – new District Governor – getting ready for lift-off!

Recently, the District Changeover meeting was held at Raymond Terrace Bowling Club when Peter Francis, District Governor 2023-24 handed over to Phillip Morley to be District Governor 2024-25.

At the Changeover event, Phillip Morley said: ‘A warm welcome to all and a sincere thank you for accepting your position on District Team 2024-25.  My theme for the year is “Friendship in Service”. I chose this theme as I feel that so much more can be achieved if we all Serve in a happy and friendly way. It helps our members, clubs, district and of course the public who see a friendly group of Lions serving the community. It is also a great way to attract new members. My logo is a rocket as I am a member of The Entrance Lions Club.  The Club installed in the 1970s a now famous rocket slippery dip in the Lions Park at Long Jetty. It also ties in with Lions Internationals membership drive of looking to the future with Mission 1.5.’

Phillip’s biography stated: He grew up from a young child involved in Lions as his father, Pat, had joined The Entrance Lions Club in 1959 (he was 4).  Pat was appointed District Governor in 1972-73. Lions in those days was very family orientated with many young families involved.  Phillip worked alongside the Lions at many projects and attended many functions.  His family hosted many Exchange Students. This involvement led him to become a Leo at the age of 16 and became a Leo of Honour.

Phillip was employed for many years in the Town Planning Department at Wyong Shire Council and retired in January 2023. Phillip’s other interests include travelling, local history, family history, church, gardening, collecting books, postcards and other local ephemera. Phillip was honoured to have been included in the book ‘Significant Men of the Central Coast’ published in 2009. For the future, Phillip said: ‘I have a great desire to see Youth Projects grow within our District and would like to see greater participation in Youth Exchange, Youth of the Year and, of course, more Leo Clubs formed. The youth are our future.’


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