Community Service Projects:
We welcome men and women who are interested in giving back to their community. Below are some of the upcoming Aberdeen Lions community projects.
Donations to Hurricane Relief Efforts
The Aberdeen Lions Club made donations to the Hurricane Relief Efforts.

Donations to the Harford Co Humane Society
At the March 26th, 2024, Lions Pancake Supper, attendees were asked to bring in pet food and goods and/or cash donations to the Humane Society of Harford County. The public overwhelming responded with donations of food, office supplies, beds, bowls, treats, toys, soap, paper towels, and monetary donations.
Lions and Friends Donate to Empty Stocking Fund
This is the fourth year that the Aberdeen Lions Club collected toys for the Empty Stocking Fund. Thank you to those who contributed to make this a successful project. We collected over 265 toys, which included 4 bicycles to be distributed to children in Harford County. Think of the smiles the children will have when they receive a toy for Christmas. Hopefully these pictures will make you smile also. Merry Christmas.
On October 6th, 2018, the Aberdeen Lions Club did a road clean up on Maxa Road. A big thank you to Lions LuAnn Miller, James Moats, Kersey Jones,
Bijoy Mahanti, Lambert Rickey, Rafael Mack, Marilyn Craig and Jack Dempsey.
Lions 2018 Scholarship Program
The Aberdeen Lions Club, in conjunction with its Foundation (Aberdeen Lions Charities, Inc) has awarded three scholarships this year.
2018 Scholarship Winners Tori Siler and Henry Byers. Not pictured Isabelle Norwicki-Butschky. Shown above with their families.
The 2019 application will be announced during January 2019.
Lions Give to Local Citizens for a Merry Christmas
On December 22, 2018, members of the Aberdeen Lions Club gathered together to provide boxes of food to 94 needy senior citizens and 2 needy families. Lions first picked up the food boxes at the Shop-Rite grocery store. Then Lions distributed the boxes of food to folks at a local senior citizen living manor and made deliveries to the families. Thanks goes to Lion Terry Klein and her committee who organized this event. This comunity project is funded with monies from the many Lions fundraisers.
Lions Collected Items for Arrow Ministries
At the Spaghetti Supper on October 22, 2017, Lions collected items and $$ from the public for the Arrow Crossroads Community at Fair Meadows. This facility is designed to prepare girls, ages 13-21, for successful independent living after foster care. This is accomplished at The Arrow LifeHouse (dorm living for 12 girls) and three cottage homes (apartment-style living for two girls in each cottage) through individualized life skills assessment and training, therapeutic services, and multidisciplinary treatment planning.
On December 17th, 2017 Lions Cheryl and Lambert Rickey dropped off a car load of donations and presented a $300 check to Teresa, the weekend resident supervisor at Arrow Ministries, which she will pass along to Melody Baker. The girls were very appreciative!!!
School Supplies
August 16, 2017, The Aberdeen Lions Club donated school supplies to the Aberdeen Police Department's P.A.C.K. Campaign! "WE SERVE"
Lions helping Community
On Saturday, July 22nd, 2017, members of the Aberdeen Lions Club parked over 600 cars for the Aberdeen Swim Team as they hosted the Championships. Thank you to Lions Kersey Jones, Mark Schlottman, Lambert Rickey, Chuck Jacobs, LuAnne Miller, Richard Felts (husband of Lion Patti Felts) and Karin Hancock. Here are a few pictures:
Members of the Aberdeen Lions Club helped park cars for the Aberdeen Swim Team during the summer of 2017. A big thank you to Lions Kersey Jones; Mark Schlottman; Lambert Rickey; Bijoy Mahanti; Richard Felts; and Karin Hancock.
Lions to Present Check for 2017 Earth Day
Due to bad weather in April, the Aberdeen Lions Club did not work the Earth Day function. Looking forward to April 2018.
Radio Reading Network
The Aberdeen Lions contributed $250 to the Radio Reading Network of Maryland. The Radio Reading Network is located on the campus of the Maryland School for the Blind in Baltimore. Volunteers broadcast six major newspapers, various County papers and six major magazines 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For more info, go to
Lions Supporting Aberdeen Food Banks
Since September 2013, the Aberdeen Lions has been collecting and donating canned goods at each dinner meeting. The Aberdeen club will be donating the food to five food banks within the city of Aberdeen. Lion Sandy delivering items to the Welcome One Emergency Center. Donations made to VA.
Lions Reading Action Program
In support of Lions Clubs International's (LCI) Reading Action Program, the Aberdeen Lions paid for and donated subscriptions to Reader's Digest magazine, large print version. Two subscriptions were donated to the Aberdeen Senior Center and two subscriptions were donated to the VA Medical Center at Perry Point, MD. The LCI Reading Action Program seeks to increase reading and literacy rates, calling for every Lions club around the world to organize service projects and activities that underscore the importance of reading.
Lions Sight and Hearing Support Program
Ever since Helen Keller charged the Lions to be "Knights of the Blind in 1926," one of Lions Clubs International primary missions is to support sight and hearing impaired people. The Aberdeen Lions fulfill this mission by providing eye exams and eyeglasses and hearing aids for those who can not afford these services. In the Lions Year of Jul 16 to Jun 17, the Aberdeen Lions provided 32 needy people with eyeglasses and three needy people with hearing aids. The Aberdeen Lions Club has expended over $5,000 in providing these free eye exams, eyeglasses, and hearing aids. The Club has been able to do this through the public's support of the various Lions fundraisers....andthe efforts of Sight and Hearing Chairman Lion Bill A. Thanks.
Harford County Sight Projects 2012-2013
Harford County Lions feel they don't have to go around the world when help can be given right here in the county. The ten Harford County Lions Club answer the need to blind and visually impaired children in the county. The parents of Hoven, a one-year old blind boy, sought to obtain a Braille machine so that they could learn Braille as their son begins his learning process. The Aberdeen Lions provided the financial support for the Braille writer. This was made possible through coordination with Churchville Lion Fred, Beverly Benke, and the Aberdeen Lions. At a recent Aberdeen Lions meeting, Lion Fred presented Beverly Benke with a Certificate of Appreciation for her almost 20 years of teaching in Harford County. Ms Benke is the Teacher of the Blind and Visually Impaired, working out of the Church Creek Elementary School in Abingdon. She has coordinated with Lion Fred for many years, identifying students who have sight needs.
Eyeglass Sorting at the Maryland School
for the Blind
Aberdeen Lions and their children/grandchildren particpated in the semi-annual sorting of used eyeglasses and hearing aids, sponsored by District 22-A Lions Association for Sight and Hearing (LASH). Clubs within District 22-A (central Maryland) brought and sorted pairs of glasses which were packaged for shipment to recycling centers for third world use. The behind-the-ear hearing aids are brought to Towson University Hearing Clinic where they are reconditioned and reused for individuals who need assistance. In-the-ear hearing aids are used for training purposes or have parts recycled.
Habitat for Humanity
September 24, 2011
Aberdeen Lions participated in the first Lions Region III Habitat for Humanity project, led by Aberdeen Lion Mark Schlottman. Seven Aberdeen Lions performed a variety of "punch list" duties in getting the house ready for dedication: Skip Hoffman, Dawn Moody, Louise Costello, Tom Baine, Linda Slutzky, Dick Slutzky, and Mark Schlottman. A special thanks goes to the Aberdeen Lioness Lions who provided a delicious lunch of turkey sandwiches, fruit, candy and drinks for the workers.