Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Wetland Golf Course Club House
With a menu of salad, spaghetti and meat sauce, bread & butter, and ice cream, Lions served the Aberdeen community. Meals included both carryouts and inside dining.
Congratulations goes to Spaghetti Supper Chairman Lambert and his committee for a super job.
Lions also collected from the public donated items for the Arrow Ministries Crossroads.
There were 289 dinners served and 18 lions who worked the dinner.
Thank you everyone for your support. Enjoy these pictures.

June 7, 2024

Pancake Supper
March 26, 2024

Humane Society Donations
Designer Purse Bingo
June 9th, 2023

BINGO 2019

Those who contributed their time, donations and participation all played a major part in making this event happen.

Aberdeen Lions Club Green Turtle Funds for Friends Fundraiser
On Wednesday, August 28, 2019, the Aberdeen Lions Club will be holding their annual Funds For Friends Fundraiser at the Greene Turtle in Aberdeen. The Greene Turtle will donate 20% of the subtotal sale to the Aberdeen Lions Club from open to close that day. This includes: Eat-in meals, Takeout meals, Gift Card purchases and alcohol.
The flyer can be printed and presented to the waiter/waitress prior to ordering or displayed on your phone.
Pancake Supper

Community Notice
After many years of selling Christmas trees as our primary fund-raiser, the Aberdeen Lions Club has decided to discontinue our tree sale. This decision was based on tree prices and availability, the age of our membership and the physicality of staffing the tree lot. The Aberdeen Lions would like to thank the Aberdeen Community and our loyal customers for all their support over the years. Please continue to support our Club in community service and the many fund-raisers we continue to offer for the benefit of our community. 100% of the proceeds are reinvested back into the local community.
Aberdeen Lions Club

Aberdeen Lions were once again successful with their annual Christmas Fruit and Cheesecake Fundraiser. Lions sold oranges, grapefruit, apples, pears, and cheesecakes. Patrons picked up their fruit on Dec 5th and on Dec 6th at the St. Paul Lutheran Church. Thanks goes to Chairwoman Carol who led this fundraiser effort.

Again a big thank you to the Aberdeen High School LEO Club for their help in the fruit unloading.

Please deposit your empty aluminum cans (and anything aluminum) in the Lions can trailer located at the Railroad Food Park located
on W. Bel Air Avenue at the foot of Mt. Royal Avenue and
adjacent to the B&O Railroad Station.
We thank the public who are supporting this fundraiser. As of August 2017, over $28,000 has been raised from this recycling project since it began in Sept 2002.
Lions Cooking at 2018 Earth Day
Aberdeen Lions grilled hot dogs and sold sodas at the annual Aberdeen Earth Day in Festival Park. It was a very successful fundraiser. The following Lions came out and served: Kersey,
Edgar, Chuck, Lambert, Senora, Rowe, Herman, Mike, Kathleen, Dave, Lynn, Linda B, Terri, Mark, Jack (and Linda) and Leo-in-training, Katy Gaeth.
Former Lions Linda Heckner and Karen Mitchell also helped out.
A special thanks goes to Lion Kersey for working both shifts . A big Lion thank you to Lion Russ Carmosino for donating the hot dogs and
the rolls and the ice! And last but not least, a big thank you to Mike and his band, No Pro Bono, for announcing the Lions Hot Dog Sale to the crowd...often!!
2014 Super Bowl Party Raffle
Winner: Joe VanSeeters
Lions Chuck (left) and Lion Sandy (right) delivered
the Super Bowl goodies to Cindy VanSeeters (center).
Thanks to Lion Russ Carmosino (Golden Corral), Charlie Callaghan (Pizza Hut),
and Chuck Jacobs (Harford Bank) for their donations.
The proceeds benefited the Lions Club Scholarships for High School Seniors.
Aberdeen Lions 2017 Christmas Trees Sales
The Aberdeen Lions Club is again conducting a successful Christmas Tree Sales fundraiser. The trees were delivered on Saturday, November 18, 2017 at Wal-Mart on Route 40 in Aberdeen.
Sales began that day with the noon shift.
Team captains were assigned each week to ensure the roster is staffed for the needed hours each week. Members from the Club along with their family and friends, members from the
Aberdeen High School Leo Club and the Havre de Grace High School Swim Team unload the 700 trees in record time!
Below are photos from the unloading of the trees and tree sales.
Lions 2018 Christmas Nuts Sales
Chairperson Herman reports that the Aberdeen Lions are selling cand of gourmet nuts (no peanuts). Price was $20 per can. Thanks to all those who supported this delicious fundraiser.
Hot Dog Sales
Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce Yard Sale
At the request of the Chamber, the Aberdeen Lions grilled hot dogs and sold sodas at the Chamber of Commerce yard sale. Yes, there was a demand for hot dogs at 7:30 in the morning! Thanks to these Lions that came out to help: Kersey Jones (Thanks Kersey for hauling everything out of the truck and
setting up the tables, etc!), Bijoy & Carol Mahanti, Angela & Melvin Johnson, Ed Collins, Maria Fothergill, Melody Bennett, and Lynn Jastrab.
Lions Aluminum Cans Recycling
(10 years old!)
At the September Lions dinner meeting, Lions celebrated the 10th Anniversary of the Lions Aluminum Cans Recycling program. Lion Mark presented a program highlighting several facts of this fundraiser. In the last 10 years, 26,013 lbs (or over 13 tons) of aluminum were collected. Lion Mark estimated that the public helped us collect 416,000 cans. Additionally, 783 lbs or vinyl siding, 210 lbs of copper and 2538 lbs of steel were recycled. To honor the event, the tables' centerpeices were an aluminum can design. Lion Mark even displayed (with white gloves!) the first original receipt of monies gained from the can collection recycling program. Afterwards, Past President Lambert presented Lion Mark with a Certificate of Appreciation. To date, the recycling program has yielded over $22,000 in gross profits.
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