Welcome to the Willow Point Lions Club.
Make a difference in your community. Willow Point Lions are inspiring volunteers!
Being a Willow Point Lion means you care passionately about our community. Lions share a core belief - to serve their community.
Our focus is supporting the youth and elderly in Campbell River.
When caring volunteers join together and take action to make their community better, so much more can be accomplished! And it’s an incredible feeling for everyone involved.
We want to make a lasting impact and change lives for the better in Campbell River.
New members are always welcome – please join us for a meeting!
We meet at our “Lions Den” at 2165 South Island Highway on the first and third Wednesday of every month at 12:30 pm (we suggest calling ahead to confirm). Meetings last approximately 1 hour.
Willow Point Lions Club awards bursaries to local students
Our Club awards 3 bursaries annually to deserving students in Campbell River. We are very proud of our recipients’ accomplishments!

Community projects we are currently working on:
Free eye sight testing in schools is being proposed to the local school board.
Upgrading the audio-visual capabilities of the hall.
Upgrading hall security.
Previous Lions community projects and events:
We are proud of our involvement in the Campbell River community.
Willow Point Lions Club supports many diverse projects and fundraisers that all benefit our community. The following are just a sample of the events that we are involved with/have been a part of over the last few years.
November 2023: a group of our members were busy decorating a Christmas tree at The Annual Festival of Trees at The Museum at Campbell River. This is an event where the community comes together to create a magical winter wonderland for Campbell River and the funds raised benefit local children’s activities at the museum. Watch out for our tree in 2024!

July 2023: Willow Point Lions Club were in attendance at the Rotary Club event "Wings N Wheels", raising funds for "Teen Flight" Campbell River.

Lion Ken selling tickets by the photo booth and Lions Della and Lynn hard at work fundraising for teens
Fundraiser for Jonah
Annual Kidney Foundation Walk
Heart and Stroke Foundation
John Howard Society Kid Start Program
Cops For Cancer
Seniors’ Christmas Dinner: Each year we donate a Christmas dinner to Altrusa House Senior Center and usually serve it. Last year we were invited to sit down and join in!
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Walk Society of Canada
Annual Fireman Pancake Breakfast
Shoreline Arts Carving
Riptide Meat Draws (funding for the Lions Shawnigan Lake Campers)
Tour De Rock
Campbell River Food Bank