:Our Club Serves Our Community
Supporting the Mexican Heritage Festival with art for the kids
President Lou LaManna enjoys the kids as they color pictures of lions.
Serving donuts, coffee, burgers, and tacos at Soccerfest
Vyara Bakken, 5, and Finley Wolfe, 3, select their donuts during Soccerfest.
Treasurer Kelly Moretti prepares the burgers for lunch.
Lions James Bartlett and Maria López Godoy wrap burgers.
Club President Lou LaManna, left, welcomes volunteers Dave and Maria Olson from Sunrise Rotary Club.
Free Pancake Breakfast at the Truckee Pro Rodeo
Melanie Swietanski serves pancakes to volunteers and contestants.
Myrna Alcorn and Ann Sutherland cook.
Truckee Sunrise Rotary Bingo
Attendees enjoy the Western theme at Sunrise Rotary Bingo.
Kelly Moretti tends bar.
National Night Out
Lions Dick Schulze, Kelly Moretti, and Lou LaManna serve hot dogs at National Night Out, which promotes better police-community relationships.
Capt. Mugz, the Truckee Police Department's mascot, mugs for the camera.
Latitude 39 Benefit Concert
Singer Mark Mackay serenades the crowd.
Maria López Godoy and James Bartlett serve drinks.
Lion Edie Parrish runs one of the bars at the venue.
10th Annual St. Patrick's Day Dinner Fundraiser
Chef Kevin Moretti prepares the glazed carrots for the feast.
The crowd enjoys listening to the list of the many raffle winners.
Treasurer Kelly Moretti welcomes the crowd to the annual dinner.
Our free Community Health Fair
Thank you to all our wonderful Community Partners:
Lions in Sight of California and Nevada
Global Initiative for Health & Wellness
Peninsula Special Interest Lions Club
Read Between the Lions
Reno Host Lions Club
Orvis Student Nurses' Association, UNR
Tahoe Forest Health System and Tahoe Forest Pharmacy
Placer County Oral Health Program and Nevada County Public Health
Truckee California Highway Patrol and Truckee Police Department
Raley's O-N-E
Washoe County Lions Sight Conservation Committee
Orvis Student Nurses' Association from the University of Nevada, Reno, did a wonderful job helping at the free health screenings.
Free dental screenings were provided.
Truckee CHP Officer Carlos Perez installs a freechild safety car seat. The Truckee CHP teamed up with Truckee PD to provide free inspections and give away new seats to families who needed them.