We are lucky to live in such an age of rebirth of patronage, charity and philanthropy. Such positive principles as honesty, humanism, mercy and caring for people are again coming to the foreground of society and are becoming an integral part of human society.
Lions Club «Golden Pelican» is very proud of its friendships with Clubs from different countries, we are much obliged to all the Clubs which help us to build a brighter future for disabled children and orphans of our community.
For closer collaboration with Lions Clubs around the world we unite into twin Clubs.
The purpose of the twinning is to give Lions Clubs, separated by distance and cultures, an opportunity to learn about one another. Through correspondence we illustrate the first object of the association «To create and foster a spirit of understanding among the people of the world».
We, as far as possible, keep up the contact by mutual visits and keeping each other informed.
We unite our Clubs in friendship, good companionship and mutual understanding.
We are proud to serve as Lions in our society for a better future and to help those in need all over the world in the true sense of our motto WE SERVE!
Our twin Clubs:
Spanga Lions Club - Sweden
Lions Club Lahti/Laune - Finland
West Norwich Lions Club - England
Lions Club Neuilly - Dhuys - France
LC Anzola Emilia Laura Bassi – Bologna, Italy
LC Maintal – Germany
LC Beaverton – USA
LC White Bear Lake Lions Club – USA