Join Our Club!
- Join us in service! View and fill out a Membership Application (pdf) and email to Membership Director Jim Waggoner or contact him at (320) 224-8134 with any questions about joining our club.
- Jim Waggoner, Membership Director and President
St. Joseph Lions Club
PO Box 693
St. Joseph MN 56374-0693
Officers and Board of Directors (2024 - 2025)
- President: Lion Jim Waggoner
- Immediate Past President: Lion Keith Schleper
- 1st Vice President: Open
- 2nd Vice President: Lion Stephanie Hazen
- 3rd Vice President: Lion Margie Evens
- Secretary: Lion Clair Rogers
- Treasurer: Lion Jim Meyer
- Board of Directors (1 year):
Lion Ken Stommes
Lion Connie Loecken - Board of Directors (2 year):
Lion Joanne Bechtold
Lion Keith Schleper - Lion Tamer: Lion Stephanie Hazen
- Tail Twister: Lion Greg Reinhardt
- Membership Director: Lion Jim Waggoner (320) 224-8134 Membership Application
New officers for 2024-2025 were sworn in at our June 18 meeting: President and Membership Director Jim Waggoner, 2nd Vice President and Lion Tamer Stephanie Hazen, 3rd Vice President Margie Evens, Secretary Clair Rogers, Treasurer Jim Meyer, 1 Year Directors Ken Stommes and Connie Loecken, 2 Year Directors Joanne Bechtold and Keith Schleper, Tail Twister Greg Reinhardt.
Lions Keith Schleper, Ken Stommes, Jim Meyer, Clair Rogers, Jim Waggoner, Stephanie Hazen and Connie Loecken
Committees and Chairs
The following committees provide many opportunities to serve!
- Awards: Open (Jim Meyer, vice chair)
- Bingo at St. Joseph Apartments: Greg Kacures
- Brat Sales: Open (Joe Bechtold, vice chair)
- Building: Keith Schleper
- Christmas Party: Margie Evens
- Constitution and Bylaws: Jim Meyer
- Diabetes: Open
- Ditch Cleanup: Greg Kacures
- Eyeglass Recycling: Greg Kacures
- Finance: Joe Bechtold
- Fish Fry (Good Friday): Linda Rogers
- Food Service (St. John's): Ralph Meyer
- Food Shelf: Greg Kacures
- Health Service: Jim Kuebelbeck
- Historian: Open
- Membership: Jim Waggoner (320) 224-8134
- Newsletter: Clair Rogers
- Parade (July 4): Ken and Mary Stommes
- Peace Poster: Open
- Programs and Entertainment: Stephanie Hazen
- Photographer: Michelle Reinhardt
- Public Relations: Open
- Rock for Alzheimer's: Ken and Mary Stommes
- Scouting: Ken Stommes
- Scrapbook: Open
- Tail Twister: Greg Reinhardt
- Technology (Website): Sue Kuefler