Click here to visit the St. Joseph Lions on Facebook!
Welcome New Members!
At our January 21st meeting, Lion Jim Waggoner led the induction of new members Jon Hazen and Adam Scepaniak. Member sponsors are Stephanie Hazen for Jon and Jim Waggoner for Adam. Jim Waggoner also presented Scott Bloch with an award from Lions Club International for his sponsorship of new members in 2024.
Lions Stephanie Hazen, Jon Hazen, Adam Scepaniak and Jim Waggoner
Lions Scott Bloch and Jim Waggoner
Welcome New Member and District Governor Visit Recap
District Governor Deb Bialke visited with us at Sal's on November 19th. Patty Wetterling also spoke. At this event we welcomed new member Rena Miller, awarded years of service and perfect attendance awards.
New member Rena Miller with sponsor Eli Stenman and President Jim Waggoner
Lions Donate $500 to Sheriff's Drone Program
Stearns County Sheriff Steve Soyka and Sergeant Keith Simon joined us for a presentation on the county’s drone program at our meeting on October 15. President Jim Waggoner, Lion Joe Bechtold, and Lion Stephanie Hazen presented a donation check for $500 to Sheriff Soyka for the Stearns County drone program.
Lion Joe Bechtold, Sheriff Soyka, Lion Stephanie Hazen and President Jim Waggoner
Welcome New Member Elijah Stenman!
New member Elijah Stenman was inducted into our club at the August 20th meeting. Welcome Elijah!
Pack + Troop 84 Scouts also came to our meeting to share their camping stories and to tell us about their Troop! They expressed a need for funds to help them purchase new tents and other troop needs. As always the Lions will do what they can to help.
New member Elijah Stenman and Lions Director Ken Stommes.
July 16 Meeting Recap
Speakers at our July 16 meeting were Kerri Schwegel and Nora Job from the Veteran Resource and Enrichment Center. Lion Stephanie Hazen was also sworn in as the 2nd Vice President.
Kerri Schwegel and Nora Job with Lions President Jim Waggoner
Lion Stephanie Hazen with Lions President Jim Waggoner and Lion Ken Stommes
Thanks to all who attended the 2024 4th of July Parade! Click here to view the parade winners and for more information about the parade.
2024 Parade Grand Marshal Harvey Pfannenstein and his wife Carol with parade chair Lion Ken Stommes
New Officers
New officers for 2024-2025 were sworn in at our June 18 meeting: President and Membership Director Jim Waggoner, 2nd Vice President and Lion Tamer Stephanie Hazen, 3rd Vice President Margie Evens, Secretary Clair Rogers, Treasurer Jim Meyer, 1 Year Directors Ken Stommes and Connie Loecken, 2 Year Directors Joanne Bechtold and Keith Schleper, Tail Twister Shawn Riesner.
Lions Keith Schleper, Ken Stommes, Jim Meyer, Clair Rogers, Jim Waggoner, Stephanie Hazen and Connie Loecken
JoeTown Blocks
The St. Joseph Lions Club sponsored a food stand at the new JoeTown Blocks festival that took place on Sunday, June 9, 2024. Thanks to all who purchased food and made donations to support our Lions endeavors!
Lions Len Walz, Scott Bloch and Mary and Ken Stommes cook up some great food.
Lions Jim Waggoner and Stephanie Hazen at JoeTown Blocks.
RSVP Volunteers Speak at May Meeting
Tana Quimby, AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP representative, and RSVP volunteer Kristen Peterson spoke at our May 21, 2024 meeting. The AmeriCorps organization connects volunteers age 55+ with local volunteer opportunities. Visit the RSVP web site to learn more.
Tana Quimby and Kristen Peterson with Lion Jim Waggoner
Joint Venture with Y2K Lions Club of St. Joseph!
Members of the St. Joseph Lions and the Y2K Lions clubs worked to move a wheelchair ramp from a location in St. Joseph to a deserving individual who lives in town as well. Workers were Becky Staneart, Lisa Gohman, Greg Reinhardt, Lenny Walz, Keith Schleper, and Ken and Mary Stommes.
Welcome New Members Michelle and Greg Reinhardt!
New members Michelle and Greg Reinhardt were inducted into our club at our April 16, 2024 meeting. Welcome Michelle and Greg!
Membership Director Jim Waggoner, Michelle and Greg Reinhardt and Past President Ken Stommes
Lion Jim Kuebelbeck Receives 60 Year Letter
President Keith Schleper presented Lion Jim Kuebelbeck with a Lions Club International 60 year membership letter at our April 2, 2024 meeting. Lion Jim is the only remaining charter member of the St. Joseph Lions Club. Congratulations Lion Jim! We appreciate your dedicated service to our club.
Lions Jim Kuebelbeck and Keith Schleper
Disc Golf $10,000 Donation
At our March meeting, a check for $10,000 was presented to the Disc Golf Club for improvements to the disc golf course at Millstream Park.
Lions Scott Bloch and Keith Schleper with Josh Rosinger, from Disc Golf Club
KidSight Presentation
District 5M8 KidSight Cochair Marty Breuer gave an interesting demonstration of the KidSight screening process at our February 6, 2024 meeting.
Lions President Keith Schleper with KidSight co-chair Marty Breuer
Lions Learn About Millstream Disc Golf Improvements
Several members of the St. Cloud Disc Golf Club visited our meeting on January 16, 2024 to speak about planned improvements to the disc golf course at Millstream Park in St. Joseph.
Ryan Nuckolls, Tim Mackay and Joel Rosinger, St. Cloud Disc Golf Club
Lions Holiday Party
JoAnn Dirkes and Margie Evens planned a festive holiday party on December 5, 2023. St. Joseph Lions members enjoyed a great meal as well as fun games and prizes.
Lions Party Co-Chairs JoAnn Dirkes and Margie Evens
Gail Rucks, Naomi, Joanne Bechtold, Connie Loecken and Mary Stommes pose with their decorated tree (AKA Scott Bloch)
Lions Support Eagle Scout Project
Local Troop 84 scout Nathan Lex attended our December 5, 2023 meeting and received a donation for $319 from our club. The money will help fund his Eagle Scout project.
Nathan Lex and President Keith Schleper
St. Joseph Lions Model Club Award
At a recent zone meeting, President Keith Schleper was presented a plaque for Model Club. The award honored our club for supporting the Lions Club International Foundation Campaign 100.
President Keith Schleper with Model Club Award.
Lions Donate $5,000 to the St. Joseph Food Shelf!
Lion Joe Bechtold recently presented a check for $5,000 to Julie Gravgaard, food shelf coordinator for the St. Joseph Food Shelf. Thank you to all community members who support Lions fundraising efforts that made this worthy donation possible!
Julie Gravgaard, food shelf coordinator, accepts a $5,000 check from Lion Joe Bechtold
Great Job, Lion Stephanie!
Lion Secretary Stephanie Hazen was awarded the District Governor's outstanding secretary pin at our November 21, 2023 meeting. Congratulations to Lion Stephanie! We appreciate all of your hard work.
President Keith Schleper and Secretary Stephanie Hazen
Rock for Alzheimers Donation
At our October 17, 2023 meeting a check for $1562.98 was presented to Rock for Alzheimers reps Jeny Meyer and Jenny Theis. Thanks to all of our Lions workers who made the event a success!
Workers Joe and Joanne Bechtold, Linda Rogers, Steph Hazen, and Ken Stommes look on as Mary Stommes presents a check to Rock for Alzheimers reps Jeny Meyer and Jenny Theis
5M8 District Governor Visit
On Ocober 11, 2023 District Governor Tracy Voigt attended a joint gathering of the St. Joseph and Y2K Lions.
Lion President Keith Schleper with District Governor Tracy Voigt
Adopt-a-Highway Cleanup and Cub Scout Visit
At our October 3, 2023 meeting Lions members cleaned the road ditches near the Millstream Park. We also enjoyed a visit from Cub Scout Troop 84. They shared a photo collage of their summer camp activities and thanked us for our contribution.
Adopt-a-Highway cleanup crew: Shawn Reisner, Jim Meyer, Clair Rogers, Scott Bloch, Connie Loecken, Greg Kacures, Mary Stommes, Jim Waggoner, Ken Stommes, Len Walz, Keith Schleper
Welcome New Members!
In October 2023 the St. Joseph Lions club welcomed Gail Rucks back to the club. She is sponsored by Lion Stephanie Hazen. Tim Nelson also joined the club in October. In September we welcomed the following new members sponsored by Lion Scott Bloch: Tressa Schmidt, Jennifer Salzer, Shawn and Ann Reisner, Laurie Nyhammer, Karl Kosel, Sara Bye and Ryan Wensmann.
New member Tim Nelson introduces himself as Lions Jim Meyer and Karl Kosel look on.
Sponsor Stephanie Hazen pins renewed member Gail Rucks as inducting officer Ken Stommes looks on
Left to right: Sponsor Scott Bloch with new Lions Tressa Schmidt, Jennifer Salzer, Shawn and Ann Reisner, Laurie Nyhammer, Karl Kosel, Sara Bye and installing officer Ken Stommes.
Joe Bechtold installs new Lion Ryan Wensmann as sponsor Scott Bloch looks on.
Lions/Jaycees Community Breakfast
The St. Joseph Lions teamed up with the local Jaycees to cook up a delicious community breakfast on March 19, 2023. The breakfast was held at the St. Joseph American Legion. Thanks to all community members who attended to support community endeavors!
Lions Margie Evens and Stephanie Hazen
Lions Keith Schleper and Scott Bloch
St. Joseph Lions Support Local Cub Scouts
Elijah Stimmler, Pack 3084 Cub Scout Master, spoke at our March 7, 2023 membership meeting. He outlined the expenditures planned for the upcoming year and requested a donation from our club.
Lions Donations Total $1,450,840!
At our February 7, 2023 meeting, Lion Fran Court reported that the St. Joseph Lions Club has donated a total of $1,450,840 from the club's inception in 1964 through December 2022! Click here to view the contribution details. Thanks to all the Lions members and our great community for their support through the years as our club will celebrate its 60th anniversary next year.
Tyler Roepke from the St. Joseph Jaycees also spoke at the meeting about future joint fundraisers between the Jaycees and St. Joseph Lions.
We Support Can Do Canines!
District 5M8 Can Do Canines cochair Jean Eutenauer was presented a donation for $200 by our St. Joseph Lions President Keith Schleper at our December 6, 2022 meeting. Click here to find out more about Can Do Canines.
Jean Eutenauer and Keith Schleper
District Governor Visit
District Governor Vince Theil and his wife Trish visited a combined meeting of our St. Joseph Lions Club and the St. Joseph Y2K Lions Club at Sal's Bar and Grill on November 15, 2022. DG Vince accepted a donation of $200 to LCIF from our club. Y2K President Kathy Schmitt also presented a donation to the township park playground project at the event.
District Governor Vince Theil and St. Joseph Lions President Keith Schleper
Fall Ditch Cleanup
St. Joseph Lions members gathered before the regular Lions meeting on October 4, 2022 to clean the ditches near Millstream Park.
Lions Greg Kacures, Len Walz, Jim Meyer, Joe Bechtold, Linda Rogers, Mary and Ken Stommes
Lions Keith Schleper, Greg Kacures, Joe Bechtold, Ken and Mary Stommes, and Linda Rogers
Rock for Alzheimers Presentation
Jeny Meyer, Rock for Alzheimers event representative, visited our October 4, 2022 meeting.
Lions Mary Stommes, Connie Loecken, and Linda Rogers look on as Jeny Meyer accepts a donation from Lion Ken Stommes
Sign Repair Work Session
St. Joseph Lions club members gathered for a work session on July 26, 2022 to repair the no parking signs that got damaged in the rain on the 4th of July. Thanks to all who helped, the signs are now ready for next year's parade!
Lions Jim Meyer, Joe Bechtold, Ken Stommes, Joanne Bechtold, Connie Loecken, Linda Rogers, and Margie Evens.
Joyce Brenny Parade Grand Marshal
Joyce Brenny of Brenny Transportation in St. Joseph served as the Grand Marshal for the 4th of July parade this year. Read more about Joyce in the St. Joseph Newsleader.
Parade Preparation Crew Busy on July 3!
The St. Joseph Lions Club parade preparation crew was busy with parade setup on July 3.
Parade preparation crew: Lions Linda Rogers, Rick Schultz, Ken Stommes, Tami Schultz, Kyle Schlangen, Scott Bloch, Keith Schleper, and Joe Bechtold
New Officers Installed at June Meeting
Officers for 2022-2023 were installed at the June 21, 2022 meeting.
Pictured left to right: Clair Rogers (2-Year Director), Mary Stommes (Tail Twister), Joanne Bechtold (Lion Tamer), Doug Carlson (1-Year Director), Donna Hoskins (Membership Director), Tami Schultz (2nd Vice President), Greg Kacures (1st Vice President), Stephanie Hazen (Secretary), Keith Schleper (President), Margie Evens (3rd Vice President), Jim Meyer (Treasurer), Ken Stommes (2-Year Director)
St. Joseph Lions Donate $5,000 to St. Cloud StandDown!
At our May 17, 2022 meeting, Lions President Rick Schultz presented Bob Behrens from St. Cloud StandDown a check for $5,000 to support area veterans. Visit to learn more about this worthy organization.
Bob Behrens and Lions President Rick Schultz
Spring Ditch Cleanup
Members of the St. Joseph Lions Club gathered to clean ditches along Co. Rd. 75 in St. Joseph on May 3, 2022.
Pictured left to right: Joanne Bechtold, Ralph Meyer, Linda Rogers, Rick Schultz, Clair Rogers, Jim Meyer, Joe Bechtold, Greg Kuceres, Tam Schultz, Ken and Mary Stommes, Connie Loecken
More LUV Blankets!
The St. Joseph Lions and Y2K Lions completed more LUV blankets on April 26, 2022.
Pictured left to right: Margaret Molus, Jim Meyer, Tammy Schultz, Stephanie Hazen, Carol Nelson, Joanne Bechtold, Connie Loecken, Delrose Fischer, Bernie Heurung, Donna Hoskins, and Kay Lemke (photo by Lion Fran Court)
More Awards!
Additional Lions awards were presented at our April 5 and 19, 2022 meetings. Melvin Jones Fellowships were awarded to Lions Rick Schultz, Tamara Schultz, Joanne Bechtold, Joe Bechtold and James Kuebelbeck. Lions Connie Loecken and Leonard Walz were presented with Dream Catcher Awards. Congratulations to all of the honorees!
Lions Joanne Bechtold, Jim Kuebelbeck. Joe Bechtold, and Rick Schultz.
New Club Project: LUV Blanket Making
On March 29, 2022, members of the St. Joseph Lions Club joined forces with the Jaycees, Y2K Lions and other local volunteers to make fleece tie blankets. The colorful LUV blankets were donated to CentraCare Coborn Cancer Center and the St. Cloud Hospital to provide warmth and comfort to patients.
Pictured left to right: Jaycee Melissa Blenkush, Lion Rick Schultz, Jaycee Tina Hazen holding infant Helena, PDG Jim Meyer, Lions Ken Stommes, Stephanie Hazen, Mary Stommes, Keith Schleper, Tamara Schultz, Margie Evens, Joanne Bechtold, CSB student Audrey Beyer, 5M8 newsletter editor Lori Steineman and granddaughter Jaden Steineman.
District Governor Visit and Awards Night
District 5M8 Governor Terri Bailey visited our club on March 15, 2022 to present awards to St. Joseph Lions members. The Progressive Hearing Fellowship certificate was presented to Lions Fran Court, Ralph Meyer and Scott Bloch. Lions Margie Evens and Stephanie Hazen received the Helen Keller award. Dream Catcher certificates were presented to Lions Ken and Mary Stommes and Keith Schleper while the Leader Dog award went to Lion Jim Meyer. Congratulations to all of the honorees for their service to our club and community!
Tailtwister's Kettle; Who Will Be Fined Next?
St. Joseph Lions Tailtwister Keith Schleper displays the fur-lined kettle that has been used by the club to collect Tailtwister fines since the club was chartered.
Lions Tailtwister Keith Schleper
Two New Lions Members
Clair and Linda Rogers recently joined our club. Welcome, Clair and Linda!
Membership Chair Donna Hoskins presents club pins and name tags to Linda and Clair Rogers
St. Joseph Lions Donate to Alzheimer's Association
Lion Joe Bechtold presents a check for $1,550 to Jenny Meyer from Lions brat sale proceeds (photo below). The money will benefit the Alzheimer's Association. Bottom photo below: Lion President Rick Schulz presents a check for $3,079.39 to Jenny Theis and Jenny Meyer from the Rock for Alzheimer's benefit held on September 12, 2021. More information on the fundraiser can be found at
Jenny Meyer and Lion Joe Bechtold
May Brat Sale
The St. Joseph Lions Brat Sale took place on May 14 and 15, 2021.
Lions Nate Molitor and Ralph Meyer man the grill.
Spring Ditch Cleanup
A group of St. Joseph Lions completed the annual spring ditch cleanup along County Road 75 prior to the May 4 meeting. Thanks to the crew for your service in beautifying our community!
Lions highway cleanup crew: (back) Len Walz, Connie Loecken, Joe Bechtold, Jim Meyer, Margie Evens, Jim Waggoner (front) Nate Molitor, Greg Kacures, Keith Schleper, Scott Bloch.
Millstream Park Grill Canopy Project
Building committee chair Lion Keith Schleper and his Lions crew built and installed a grill canopy this summer. It is a great addition to Millstream Park!
Lions Nate Molitor, Doug Carlson, Scott Bloch, Keith Schleper, Fran Court, and Ken Stommes
Lions Practicing Social Distancing
Membership Director Nathan Molitor and Past President Mary Stommes
A "socially distanced" ditch cleanup took place on May 5, 2020.
Lions Doug Carlson and Rick Schultz (front); Lions Len Walz and Jim Waggoner (back)
2019 Christmas Party
Lions members enjoyed a festive Christmas party on December 17. Thanks to Margie Evens and Joann Dirkes for planning a great party!
Lions Donna Hoskins, Jim Meyer (with reindeer antlers!) and Gail Rucks
Lions Peace Poster Contest
Congratulations to the 2019 St Joseph Lions Peace Poster Contest winners! Addison Schirmers' poster was selected as the first place winner, Angielina Phothirath won second place and Georgia Habedank created the third place entry.
Pictured left to right: Georgia Habedank (3rd), Angielina Phothirath (2nd), Addison Schirmers (1st), Lions Secretary Donna Hoskins.
St. Joseph Lions Fund Christmas Lights
Our club donated $7,000 to the St. Joseph Fire Department to use toward the purchase of new Christmas lights to beautify the holiday season.
Lions Laurie Anderson, Donna Hoskins, Mary and Ken Stommes with Fireman Keith Louwagie
Our New Lions Building at Millstream Park
The St. Joseph Lions Club held an open house at the new Millstream Park Shelter on November 27, 2017. The club contributed $40,000 toward the construction of the new building.
Mayor and Lion Rick Schultz, Lion President Joe Bechtold and Coucilman (Lion Mascot) Matt Killam raise the flag at the new Millstream Park shelter open house.
Mayor and Lion Rick Schultz, Lion President Joe Bechtold, Councilman Dale Wick and Lion Mascot Matt Killam at the new Millstream Park shelter open house.
May Ditch Cleanup Beautifies Highway 75 Near Millstream Park
Lions Scott Bloch, Ken and Mary Stommes,
Sue Kuefler, Joe Bechtold, Matt Killam and Len Walz
Members of the St. Joseph Lions cleaned ditches along Highway 75 before the May 3 dinner and meeting.
St. Joe Lions Enjoy an Evening with the Rox
Our Club Celebrates 50th Anniversary!
The St. Joseph Lions Club celebrated its 50th anniversary with a dinner and program on May 2, 2014 at the El Paso Club in St. Joseph. Lion Jim Kuebelbeck was honored as a charter member of our club.
Lion Jim Kuebelbeck, charter member, pictured with his wife Carol
and International Director Mike Molenda
Past District Governor Lion Jim Meyer emceed the event. St. Joseph Mayor Lion Rick Schultz issued a congratulatory proclamation on behalf of the city of St. Joseph. Following a delicious chicken dinner, District Governor Donna Landwehr gave an address and International Director Mike Molenda was guest speaker. Lion Fran Court conducted the awards presentation and Lion Jim Kuebelbeck was recognized as a charter member of our club.
Club History
The St. Joseph Lions Club was sponsored by the Albany Lions Club on February 25, 1964. Since then, the club has a proud history of serving local, regional and international needs with club contributions exceeding $1.3 million!
We meet at 7 pm on the first and third Tuesday of each month at the Lions Millstream Park Shelter. Click Calendar in the left sidebar for a schedule of the upcoming meetings and other events.
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.