“Where there is a need, there is a Lion”
Events of the past month
December 3 Noon Lion Ken Tomes spoke about details of making a charitable contribution. Ken is a retired CPS with extensive experience in this field.
December 17 Noon The Stillwater High school Vagabonds gave delightful vocal, seasonal concert. We hosted many guests and had a wonderful buffet lunch.
Coming Events
January 7 Noon Jim Kroening, CEO of Family Means, is bringing our speaker. Deb Murphy is President, of Standing Cedars Community Land Conservancy and will discuss the mission and work of the organization. Standing Cedars Community Land Conservancy is a nonprofit organization led by diverse groups of St. Croix Valley residents. They are rooted in the community, and committed to protecting land for the people, as well as the environment of the Lower St. Croix River Valley. They have protected more than 1,500 acres, including some of the highest quality natural areas along the St. Croix River. Standing Cedars uses various tools to protect land. Some is purchased outright while other properties are protected through conservation easements. Easements allow landowners to maintain ownership of their land but permanently limits current and future development. Jim Kroening is a member of the Board of Standing Cedars
January 21 6PM Winter Social evening meeting at Water Street Inn
The Board has had conversations that clarify our history and relationship with the St. Croix Valley Foundation. We look forward to expanding this relationship and amending our Fund Agreement.
The Board authorized our club to provide breakfast for the annual meeting of the Stillwater Human Rights Commission to enable young people to attend.
The following list is an initial program assignment list for 2025. Rotating program assignment helps to make our club meetings more interesting. Topics can include speakers, discussion topics, life stories, videos, tours, or anything you feel would be informative and educational. You may trade your assigned date or decline to take the assignment if you do not wish to take the assignment.